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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Measuring the Effects of Performance Funding on Associate Degree Completion by Students of Color at Two-Year Public Institutions of Higher Education

Vasquez-Brooks, Marie E. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Predictive maintenance using the classification of time series

Siddik, Md Abu Bakar January 2024 (has links)
In today's industrial landscape, the pursuit of operational excellence has driven organizations to seek innovative approaches to ensure the uninterrupted functionality of machinery and equipment. Predictive maintenance (PM) provides a pivotal strategy to achieve this goal by detecting faults earlier and predicting maintenance before the system enters a critical state. This thesis proposed a fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) method for predictive maintenance using particle filter resampling and a particle tracking technique. To develop this FDD method, particle filter and hidden Markov model efficiency in the forecasting system state variables are studied on a hydraulic wind power transfer system with different noise levels and system faults. Furthermore, a particle tracker is developed to analyze the particle filter's resampling process and study the particle selection process. After that, the proposed FDD method was developed and validated through three simulation tests employing system degradation models. Furthermore, the system's remaining useful life (RUL) is estimated for those simulation tests.

Persoonlikheid, selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid as voorspellers van toesighouersukses / Personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skill as predictors of supervisor success

Hanekom, Anton Nel 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie verhandeling fokus op persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardighede. as voorspellers van toesighouersukses. Persoonlikheid en selfaktualisering word vanuit die dimensionele en humanistiese persoonlikheidsteoriee en toesighouersvaardighede vanuit die bestuurpsigologie beskryf. 'n Psigometriese toetsbattery is saamgestel uit drie instrumente wat onderskeidelik persoonlikheid (16 PF Vraelys), selfaktualisering (Persoonlike Orientasie-inventaris) en toesighouersvaardigheid (Posmandjie) evalueer. Vir die doel van hierdie navorsing, is toesighouersukses (volgens prestasiebeoordeling), die afhanklike veranderlike terwyl persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid die onafhanklike veranderlikes is. Die psigometriese toetsbattery is gebruik om te bepaal of daar 'n verband bestaan tussen: a) persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid onderling b) persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid. en prestasie c) persoonlikheid, selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid gesamentlik, en prestasie deur die formulering van statistiese kombinasies. Die resultate is weergegee en die nulhipoteses aanvaar of verwerp waarna die resultate bespreek is. Hierna is die gevolgtrekking geformuleer dat die gekombineerde statistiese kombinasies of gedeeltes van die drie psigometriese instrumente saam gebruik kan word om toesighouersukses te voorspel. / This dissertation focuses on personality. self-actualisation and supervisory skills as predictors of supervisor success. The dimensional and humanistic personality theories were used to describe personality and self-actualisation while supervisory skills were explained in the context of management psychology. A psychometric battery was compiled consisting of three instruments to evaluate personality (16 PF Questionnaire). self-actualisation (Personality Orientation Questionnaire). and supervisory skills (In-basket Exercise) respectively. In this research supervisory success is the dependent variable. and personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills the independent variables. The psychometric battery were used to determines if any correlation exists between: a) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills b) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills. and performance. c) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills combined and performance through the formulation of statistical combinations. The results were provided. interpreted and discussed. The conclusion was reached that the statictical combination or parts of the three psychometric instruments combined could be used to predict supervisory success. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)

Effekterna av brandväggsregler för FreeBSD PF & IPtables / The impact of firewall rule sets for FreeBSD PF & IPtables

Polnäs, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
Paketfiltrering är en av nyckelfunktionerna i de flesta av dagens brandväggar, vilket gör paketfiltrering till en viktig del av det dagliga arbetet för många systemadministratörer. Sedan uppkomsten av paketfiltrering har nätverkskomplexiteten ökat drastiskt, Många av dagens tjänster har behov av olika protokoll för att kommunicera. I kombination med detta måste brandväggen bearbeta en större mängd data än tidigare för att tillgodose dagens nätverkstopologier.Denna studie syftar till att undersöka om det finns någon skillnad i prestanda mellan två moderna iterationer av de populära UNIX-brandväggarna IPtables och FreeBSD PF. Detta sker genom att de två brandväggarna utsätts för olika antal regler, samtidigt som de genomströmmas av olika stora paketflöden.De båda brandväggarna kommer att jämföras baserat på tre attribut, CPU, genomströmning och latens. tre olika bandbredder testas. 100, 500 och 1000Mbit/s. Testet omfattar längre tester som upprepas flera gånger för att öka studiens giltighet. Testerna som utförs görs på ursprungliga operativsystemet för varje brandvägg. Linux Ubuntu 16 för IPtables och FreeBSD 11 för FreeBSD PF.Studien kom fram till att brandväggarnas prestanda är likvärdiga i genomströmning och latens vid lägre regelmängder. Vid högre regelmängder skiljer sig prestandan och PF är bättre anpassad för stora regeluppsättningar. IPtables anses vara den bättre brandväggen för låga regeluppsättningar på grund av dess låga CPU-användning. / Packetfiltering is one of the key features in most of today’s firewalls. With many packetfilters being used daily in a system administrator’s work. Over the years since founding of the packetfilter technology the complexity of the network has increased drastically, where many of today’s services relies on different protocols to communicate, combined with a much larger amount of data that the firewall must process to satisfy todays network topologies.This study aims to explore if there is any difference in performance between two modern iterations of popular UNIX firewalls, IPtables and FreeBSD PF. By submitting them to different number of rulesets while at the same testing them under a series of different packet flows through the firewall.Both firewalls will be compared based on three attributes, CPU, throughput and latency, and three different bandwidths will be tested. 100, 500 and 1000Mbits/s. The test include longer tests that is repeated multiple times to increase the validity of the study. The tests were performed on the native operating system of each firewall. Linux Ubuntu 16 for IPtables and FreeBSD 11 for FreeBSD PF.The study concluded that the performance of the firewalls is equal in throughput and latency at lower volumes. At higher amounts of rulesets, performance is different between the firewalls and PF is considered better for large rules, while IPtables are considered to be a better firewall for low rulesets due to its low CPU usage.

Persoonlikheid, selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid as voorspellers van toesighouersukses / Personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skill as predictors of supervisor success

Hanekom, Anton Nel 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie verhandeling fokus op persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardighede. as voorspellers van toesighouersukses. Persoonlikheid en selfaktualisering word vanuit die dimensionele en humanistiese persoonlikheidsteoriee en toesighouersvaardighede vanuit die bestuurpsigologie beskryf. 'n Psigometriese toetsbattery is saamgestel uit drie instrumente wat onderskeidelik persoonlikheid (16 PF Vraelys), selfaktualisering (Persoonlike Orientasie-inventaris) en toesighouersvaardigheid (Posmandjie) evalueer. Vir die doel van hierdie navorsing, is toesighouersukses (volgens prestasiebeoordeling), die afhanklike veranderlike terwyl persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid die onafhanklike veranderlikes is. Die psigometriese toetsbattery is gebruik om te bepaal of daar 'n verband bestaan tussen: a) persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid onderling b) persoonlikheid. selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid. en prestasie c) persoonlikheid, selfaktualisering en toesighouersvaardigheid gesamentlik, en prestasie deur die formulering van statistiese kombinasies. Die resultate is weergegee en die nulhipoteses aanvaar of verwerp waarna die resultate bespreek is. Hierna is die gevolgtrekking geformuleer dat die gekombineerde statistiese kombinasies of gedeeltes van die drie psigometriese instrumente saam gebruik kan word om toesighouersukses te voorspel. / This dissertation focuses on personality. self-actualisation and supervisory skills as predictors of supervisor success. The dimensional and humanistic personality theories were used to describe personality and self-actualisation while supervisory skills were explained in the context of management psychology. A psychometric battery was compiled consisting of three instruments to evaluate personality (16 PF Questionnaire). self-actualisation (Personality Orientation Questionnaire). and supervisory skills (In-basket Exercise) respectively. In this research supervisory success is the dependent variable. and personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills the independent variables. The psychometric battery were used to determines if any correlation exists between: a) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills b) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills. and performance. c) personality, self-actualisation and supervisory skills combined and performance through the formulation of statistical combinations. The results were provided. interpreted and discussed. The conclusion was reached that the statictical combination or parts of the three psychometric instruments combined could be used to predict supervisory success. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M. Com. (Bedryfsielkunde)

16-PF as meetinstrument vir dir keuring van opvoedkundige sielkundiges / The 16-PF as tool for the selection of educational psychologists

Lessing, A. C. (Anna Christina), 1947- 11 1900 (has links)
Summary in English / Research was conducted to determine whether the 16-PF can be used as an objective measurement for the selection of prospective educational psychologists. A wellgrounded literature study was performed about the task of the educational psychologist and skills and personality features which make the task of the educational psychologist easier. The task of the educational psychologist is not of an individual nature, directed at individual problems any more, but covers a wide field which demands that the educational psychologist comes forward with new initiatives. The traditional task of diagnosing, assisting, administrating and conducting research must be extended to one which also emphasizes proactive programmes, mental health, prevention of problems and human development. The nature of the task makes high demands on the educational psychologist and requires the mastering of a variety of skills. A large variety of factors have been found in literature which could make the task of the educational psychologist easier. These factors can be grouped together as cognitive factors, factors which contribute to the creation of an educational climate and accompanying interpersonal relations and rapport, factors which indicate the use of an external reference framework, and factors which indicate mental health. These identified factors were related to the factor patterns of the 16-PF and were derived to personality factors. These latter factors which were thus obtained, were used to compile a personality profile for educational psychologists. The following personality profile for educational psychologists was derived from the literature study: outgoing (affectothymia; A+), high intelligence (B+), higher ego strength (C+), higher superego strength (G+), socially venturesome (H+), shrewdness (N+) and self-assuredness (0-). According to literature, withdrawal (A-) and dominance (E+) are regarded as negative features of the educational psychologist. The personality profile was assessed by experts with the use of the Delphi technique. From the results of the Delphi investigation it appears that the experts support the suggested personality profile. The personality features are regarded as extremely important, and comment on the personality profile was positive. The findings of the research contribute to the solution of the problem around the selection of educational psychologists since an objective assessment of the prospective student's abilities can be obtained by means of the 16-PF. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Solutions de polymères sous écoulement : liens entre propriétés microscopiques et manifestations macroscopiques / Polymer solution flows : links between microscopic properties and macroscopic behaviors

Ingremeau, François 21 October 2013 (has links)
Ce manuscrit présente les résultats d'expériences illustrant différentes manifestations de la présence de polymères dans un écoulement. Pour chacune d'elles, nous étudions l'interaction entre la structure microscopique et l'écoulement.Lorsqu'une goutte se détache d'un capillaire, la colonne de liquide liant la goutte au capillaire doit se rompre. Pour les liquides simples, l'amincissement suit des lois universelles bien établies. La dynamique de détachement d'une goutte de fluide complexe est très différente. Pour les solutions de polymères, après une phase de décroissance rapide du diamètre de cette colonne, il se forme un long filament cylindrique entre la goutte et le capillaire. Afin de mieux comprendre comment les polymères présents en solution donnent naissance à ce filament, nous avons observé leurs conformations au cours du détachement. Ces observations confirment que l'étirement des polymères est à l'origine du ralentissement du processus de détachement. Cependant, lors de l'amincissement du filament, la distribution des longueurs reste inchangée. Ce résultat inattendu, nous a amené à mettre en place une nouvelle méthode pour estimer la viscosité élongationnelle.D'autres expériences sont présentées, l'une porte sur un effet de déplétion qui apparait lors de l'écoulement confiné d'une solution de polymères, alors que l'autre porte sur l'écoulement instable d'une solution concentrée de polymères dans une conduite rectiligne. / This work considers the interaction between a flow field and the microscopic degrees of a freedom of a polymer solution. Different flow configurations were considered.Droplet pinch off, which occurs when a drop of liquid detaches from a capillary, can be strongly modified in the presence of polymers giving rise to long and slender filaments that thin slowly in time. We here study experimentaly the dynamics of necking and the conformations of polymers during the thinning of the neck. Our results show that the slow down of the thinning dynamics is the result of polymer stretching. Moreover, during the filament thinning, the polymer length distribution remains the same. This result is unexpected and led us to introduce a new method to estimate the extensionnal viscosity which represents the polymer solution resistance to stretching.In a second flow configuration, we have observed that depletion of polymer molecules near a surface occurs when a bead approaches a plate in a polymer solution.

16-PF as meetinstrument vir dir keuring van opvoedkundige sielkundiges / The 16-PF as tool for the selection of educational psychologists

Lessing, A. C. (Anna Christina), 1947- 11 1900 (has links)
Summary in English / Research was conducted to determine whether the 16-PF can be used as an objective measurement for the selection of prospective educational psychologists. A wellgrounded literature study was performed about the task of the educational psychologist and skills and personality features which make the task of the educational psychologist easier. The task of the educational psychologist is not of an individual nature, directed at individual problems any more, but covers a wide field which demands that the educational psychologist comes forward with new initiatives. The traditional task of diagnosing, assisting, administrating and conducting research must be extended to one which also emphasizes proactive programmes, mental health, prevention of problems and human development. The nature of the task makes high demands on the educational psychologist and requires the mastering of a variety of skills. A large variety of factors have been found in literature which could make the task of the educational psychologist easier. These factors can be grouped together as cognitive factors, factors which contribute to the creation of an educational climate and accompanying interpersonal relations and rapport, factors which indicate the use of an external reference framework, and factors which indicate mental health. These identified factors were related to the factor patterns of the 16-PF and were derived to personality factors. These latter factors which were thus obtained, were used to compile a personality profile for educational psychologists. The following personality profile for educational psychologists was derived from the literature study: outgoing (affectothymia; A+), high intelligence (B+), higher ego strength (C+), higher superego strength (G+), socially venturesome (H+), shrewdness (N+) and self-assuredness (0-). According to literature, withdrawal (A-) and dominance (E+) are regarded as negative features of the educational psychologist. The personality profile was assessed by experts with the use of the Delphi technique. From the results of the Delphi investigation it appears that the experts support the suggested personality profile. The personality features are regarded as extremely important, and comment on the personality profile was positive. The findings of the research contribute to the solution of the problem around the selection of educational psychologists since an objective assessment of the prospective student's abilities can be obtained by means of the 16-PF. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Sielkundige Opvoedkunde)

Systematische Reform des chinesischen AGB-Rechts und seine Anwendung auf Arbeitsverträge

Zhao, Jin 24 February 2021 (has links)
Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit der Frage auseinander, ob die deutsche Erfahrung in AGB-Kontrolle von Arbeitsverträgen ins chinesische Recht übernommen werden kann. Die Übernahme setzt zunächst voraus, dass das chinesische AGB-Recht nach dem deutschen AGB-Recht systematisch reformiert wird. Aufgrund dessen umfasst diese Arbeit zwei Gegenstände. Zum einen ist der Reform des chinesischen AGB-Recht (Teil I und Teil II), zum anderen ist die Anwendung des reformierten chinesischen AGB-Recht auf Arbeitsverträge (Teil III und Teil IV). In dieser Arbeit werden die Defizite chinesischen AGB-Recht identifiziert und die Lösungsvorschläge erarbeitet. Im Teil III und Teil IV befasst sich diese Arbeit damit, ob die reformierte chinesische AGB-Kontrolle einheitliche und taugliche Lösungsansätze den arbeitsrechtlichen Rechtsfragen anbieten kann. Die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen: Es ist der chinesischen AGB-Kontrolle notwendig, folgende Regelung vom deutschen Recht zu übertragen. Dazu gehören Verbot überraschender Klauseln, Prüfungsmaßstäbe für Angemessenheitskontrolle, Transparenzkontrolle, Verbot geltungserhaltender Reduktion und Berücksichtigung der arbeitsrechtlichen Besonderheiten. Für eine sinnvolle Rechtsrezeption ist die Übernahme der einschlägigen Normen nur der erste Schritt. Erforderlich ist es auch, die Konkretisierung der Begriffe und die Methodik der Rechtsanwendung zu übernehmen. Ein Ausgleich der Interessen (von Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmern) kann mit Hilfe der reformierten AGB-Kontrolle erfolgen. / This dissertation examines the possibility of the Chinese legal system adopting German legal practice in controlling the standard terms in employment contracts. German GTB law can serve as a sample for the systematic reform of the Chinese GTB (General Terms of Business). Part I and Part II of the dissertation focus on the reform of the Chinese GTB Law, including the defect of Chinese GTB Law and the possible solutions via the transplantation of the provisions and doctrines in German GTB Law. Part III and Part IV discuss whether the reformed Chinese GTB Law can provide more convincible and harmonized solutions for the problems than the unsatisfied solutions in the current jurisprudence and studies. Based on a dogmatic and functional method, this dissertation finds, firstly, that it is necessary for the Chinese GTB Law to transfer the following provisions from the German GTB Law: prohibition of surprising clauses, criterion for the test of reasonableness of contents, test of transparency and prohibition of reducing an unfair term to its legally permitted core. Secondly, the adoption of the provisions is only the first step to reach meaningful legal transplantation. It is also vital to adopt the concretization of relevant concepts and the methodology of law application. The third finding is that the reformed GTB Chinese Law can help achieve a balanced interest between employer and employees.

Aggregating Form Accuracy and Percept Frequency to Optimize Rorschach Perceptual Accuracy

Horn, Sandra L. January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

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