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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh implementace a síťové bezpečnosti protokolu IPv6 v organizaci / Implementation and Security of IPv6 Protocol in the Company

Hensl, Jaroslav January 2019 (has links)
This Master's thesis is focused on the IPv6 protocol implementation in a business environment. The thesis theoretically describes parts of the protocol which are then used in a real environment with respect to maximal compatibility and security. The thesis deals with hardware components, router configuration on FreeBSD OS, and switch configuration with RouterOS. The thesis also proposes how to monitor the network.

Vysokorychlostní filtrace síťového provozu / High-Speed Filtration of Network Traffic

Churý, Jan January 2017 (has links)
For high-speed (e.g. more than 1 Gbit/s) filtration of network traffic there are available many of proprietary hardware solutions nowadays. But there are also a couple of free licensed projects that are specialized in high-speed packet processing on common hardware. The goal of thesis is to find such projects, verify that there are filtering tools based on these projects, try to filter 10Gbit/s network traffic by these tools and test them against various filtration settings. Implementation of packet filter that could be used for filtration of network traffic up to 10Gbit/s speed should be the output of this thesis.

An analysis of the reliability and validity of the Shona novel as a historical document

Mapara, Jacob 30 November 2007 (has links)
A lot of research on the Shona novel has focussed on the influence of orature and the Bible. It has also focused on the influence that the Southern Rhodesia Literature Bureau had on its development. This research has endeavoured to highlight the reliability and validity of the Shona novel as a historical document. The dependability of the novel as an alternative site from which history can be deciphered is corroborated by historical documents. The history that comes out in the Shona novels that have been studied covers the pre-colonial period right up to the post-independence period. Among the issues that come up in the research that relate to history are the Rozvi state under Chirisamhuru, the economic activities in pre-colonial Shona society that include raids for cattle and women as well as hunting and external trade. The Shona novel has also proved historically reliable in as far as it relates to the navigability of the Save River. It has highlighted the living conditions and the wages that Blacks got in colonial Rhodesia and exposed the land imbalances that came into existence because of the Land Apportionment Act of 1930, which left Blacks living on the periphery and in overcrowded, hot and dry reserves that were hardly fertile. The Rhodesian authorities, as the novels have exposed, denied most Blacks access to education. When schools were provided, they were poorly staffed and those on farms functioned more as labour pools than schools. The novel has also proved its dependability when it highlights the early days of the nationalist movement and the unilateral declaration of independence of 1965. It has also brought to the fore the birth of the armed struggle and the Rhodesian responses to it. The Rhodesians responded politically and militarily. Politically, it was through the Internal Settlement Agreement of March 1978. Militarily they moved people into 'protected villages' in an effort to deny guerrillas access to food and clothing. The novel also highlights the post-independence period especially political intolerance. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Die Haftungsbelastung des Arbeitnehmers bei Schädigung Dritter

Schelp, Ira 26 November 2004 (has links)
Die vorgelegte Arbeit behandelt die Haftungsbelastung des Arbeitnehmers, wenn dieser im Rahmen seiner Arbeitstätigkeit einen Dritten schädigt. Es handelt sich um eine rechtsvergleichende Betrachtung, die sich die Erstellung eines europäischen Regelungsentwurfes zum Ziel gemacht hat. Rechtsvergleichend konnte festgestellt werden, dass im europäischen Rechtsraum teils gravierende Unterschiede bei der Haftungsinanspruchnahme des Arbeitnehmers zu verzeichnen sind. Diese Unterschiede beruhen auf divergierenden Wertungen der Frage ob eine Haftungsaufteilung zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer geboten ist. Von den untersuchten Argumenten für und wider einer Haftungsentlastung des Arbeitnehmers haben sich die Fürsorgepflicht des Arbeitgebers und das Betriebsrisiko als tragende Argumente für eine Haftungsverlagerung erwiesen. Es wird daher die Haftung des Arbeitnehmers nur für vorsätzliches Verhalten vorgeschlagen. Im übrigen wird das Haftungsrisiko dem Arbeitgeber zugewiesen. Für den europäischen Rechtsraum wird eine Versicherungspflicht empfohlen. Die Pflichtversicherung tritt hierbei für den entstehenden Schaden ein. Nur im Falle der Vorsatzhandlung durch den Arbeitnehmer kann diesem gegenüber Regress genommen werden. Die Versicherung wird nach diesem Modell durch den Arbeitgeber abgeschlossen. Eine Mindestversicherungssumme soll festgelegt werden. Im Einzelfall wird bei hinreichend nachgewiesener Liquidität eine Befreiung von der Versicherungspflicht ermöglicht. Die Beitragsgestaltung richtet sich nach der Gefahrgeneigtheit der im Betrieb durchgeführten Arbeiten sowie nach der Häufigkeit von Haftungsfällen, so dass das individuelle Schadensrisiko des Unternehmens berücksichtigt wird. Eine zuverlässige Kontrolle des Versicherungsabschlusses soll von staatlicher Seite aus gewährleistet werden. Eine Vereinheitlichung dieser Haftungsfrage im europäischen Rechtsraum sollte nur im Rahmen eines europäischen Zivilrechtsbuches erfolgen. Es wurden die bestehenden Harmonisierungsmöglichkeiten untersucht. Eine Privatrechtsvereinheitlichung kann nach Autorenauffassung am besten über den Weg eines Modellgesetzes umgesetzt werden. / The present dissertation deals with the liability an employee bears in case he injures a third person in course of employment. It’s a comparative study which aims to draft an outline for a unified European rule. There were apparent differences between the compared European laws regarding the topic of vicarious liability. The variations in how liability is shared between employee and employer are created by dissimilar morals and values. Of the studied arguments for or against the principle of vicarious liability have two persuaded in favour of a shared liability between the parties of employment. The first is the employers obligation to care for the welfare of his employees and the second the inherent risk of the business itself which puts an obligation on the employer to share the liability for damage done to third parties in course of employment. In detail this study suggests to keep the employee liable for intended acts only. Apart the liability is to be carried by the employer. The concept proposes further a compulsory insurance which is to be paid for by the employer. The insurance however is obliged to step in for all the damage done in course of the employment by the employee. Only in case of intention there is the right of the insurance to take regress at the employee. Part of the concept is a minimum sum to be insured. State enterprises and comparable solvent companies shall have the opportunity to apply for an exception of the requirement to insure. Insurance rate should connect to the individual risk of the business, considering the risk-level in course of the operation of the particular business and the quantity of actual damages done. A reliable control by officials is necessary to ensure that the employer cared for the insurance. A unification of the matter should only take place in a European context of a unified civil law. A study of the existing possibilities to harmonise private law in Europe led to the conclusion that the subject of vicarious liability within a new European civil code should be drawn in the shape of a model law.

Flashmob-Aktionen im Arbeitskampf

Agbalaka, Lino 30 May 2016 (has links)
Flashmob-Aktionen im Arbeitskampf berühren den weiten Schutzbereich des Rechts am eingerichteten und ausgeübten Gewerbebetrieb. Diese Dissertation stellt Gesichtspunkte zur rechtlichen Bewertung des Einsatzes atypischer Arbeitskampfmittel vor, die den Gewerbeschutz komplettieren sollen. Ein Eingriff in das Recht am Gewerbebetrieb wird angenommen, wenn das beeinträchtigende Verhalten betriebsbezogen ist, eine erheblichen Schadensgefahr beinhaltet und keine bloße Bagatell-Beeinträchtigung ist. Die Rechtfertigung des Eingriffs erfordert eine Interessenabwägung. Als Rahmen der Abwägung empfiehlt die Arbeit folgende Punkte: 1. Welchen Bereich der gewerblichen Tätigkeit betrifft die Arbeitskampfaktion? 2. Handelt es sich um eine plötzliche, nicht-existenzielle Beeinträchtigung des Betriebsablaufes? 3. Welche Qualität und Quantität weist die Beeinträchtigung auf? 4. Welche finanziellen Nachteile sind infolge der Arbeitskampfaktion nachweisbar? Flashmob-Aktionen im Arbeitskampf sind das koordinierte, von Außen unvorhersehbare Tun einer Personenmehrzahl zur Verfolgung tariflicher Zwecke im räumlichen Umfeld eines Betriebes. Das BAG beurteilte Flashmob-Aktionen in seinem Urteil aus dem Jahr 2009 nicht als generell rechtswidrig. Diese Sichtweise bestätigte das BVerfG im Jahr 2014 auf eine Urteilsverfassungsbeschwerde hin. Die Bearbeitung stellt die zentralen Entscheidungsgesichtspunkte des BAG dar und prüft ihre Validität bei der Einordnung und Bewertung atypischer Arbeitskampfmittel. Zu ihnen zählen die Ausformung des Schutzbereichs der Koalitionsfreiheit, die Freiheit der Kampfmittelwahl, der Verhältnismäßigkeitsgrundsatz und die Parität. Die Dissertation erörtert ferner die Historie und Motivation der Nutzung atypischer Arbeitskampfmittel und setzt diese mit Konzepten des Organizings in Beziehung. Weiterhin stellt die Arbeit die jüngere Rechtsprechung nationaler sowie europäischer Gerichte zu atypischen Kampfmitteln dar. / Atypical industrial action like flashmobs challenge business-owners'' long-established „Recht am eingerichteten und ausgeübten Gewerbebetrieb“ - a case-law based institute in German tort law that protects against interferences with individual and coporate economic activity. The book aims at refining the means to evaluate impairments of the „Recht am eingerichteten und ausgeübten Gewerbebetrieb“ in such cases. Up until now, interferences only qualified as such, if they were sufficiently related to the economic activity of the business, posed a relevant financial threat to it and did not qualify as bagatelles - as is usually the case during strikes. The further qualification of the interference as a breach requires a balancing of the opposing legal and factual positions. The following questions are designed to adjust the balancing-process across different scenarios of atypical industrial action: 1. Which part of business-activity is being affected by the industrial action? 2. Does the interference imply a sudden, non-existential impairment of the business procedures? 3. Of what quality and quantity is the impairment? 4. To which extent does the industrial action cause measurable financial damage for the business? A flashmob in the context of industrial action is a coordinated, externally unpredictable act of a multitude of people inside or around a business to the end of a trade agreement. In 2009 the Federal Labour Court of Germany ruled that this type of industrial action was not generally illegitimate, a view that the Federal Constitutional Court upheld in 2014. This book recounts central aspects of the former ruling and tests their validatity. Among them are the scope of the freedom of association, the free choice of means, the principle of proportionality and that of parity. The book further portrays history and motivation behind atypical industrial action and depicts recent corresponding German and European judicature.


MERCEDES MARCILESE 04 July 2007 (has links)
[pt] Este estudo diz respeito à aquisição dos complementos pronominais acusativos de terceira pessoa no Português Brasileiro (PB) e no Espanhol Rio- Platense (ER). A dissertação fundamenta-se numa proposta teórica que visa a uma articulação entre teoria lingüística e teorias de processamento no tratamento da Aquisição da Linguagem. A hipótese de trabalho que orientou esta pesquisa é a de que a informação advinda da interface fônica da língua com sistemas de desempenho é processada de forma diferenciada entre as línguas em função das distinções entre os sistemas pronominais. Considera-se que, uma vez que a criança represente complementos pronominais no léxico como um feixe de traços, não haverá distinção entre línguas no que concerne à interpretação semântica e identificação do referente. São relatados dois experimentos. O primeiro faz uso da técnica de escuta preferencial com o objetivo de verificar a sensibilidade de crianças de 12-22 meses adquirindo ER à forma fônica dos clíticos acusativos. O segundo é um estudo contrastivo entre PB e ER que faz uso da técnica de identificação de objetos, com vistas a verificar se crianças de 2 e de 4 anos distinguem o sistema pronominal de sua língua e interpretam informação relativa a gênero/número na identificação do referente de complementos pronominais. Os resultados sugerem que crianças de 18 meses são sensíveis à forma dos clíticos no ER e que crianças de 2 anos são capazes de distinguir os complementos da sua própria língua, ainda que o processamento da referência pronominal apresente dificuldade mesmo aos 4 anos de idade. / [en] This study is about the acquisition of accusative pronominal complements of third person in Brazilian Portuguese (BP) and Rio-Platense Spanish (RS). The dissertation is based in a theoretical proposal that aims for articulation between linguistic theory and processing theory in the study of Language Acquisition. The working hypothesis in this research is that the information coming from the phonic interface between language and performance systems is processed differently in each language, depending on their respective pronominal systems. We also assume that, once a children represents pronominal complements in his lexic as a set of phifeatures, there is no distinction between the two languages regarding semantinc interpretation and identification of the referent. We relate two experiments.The first one uses the headturn preference procedure, aiming to verify the sensibility of 12-22 months old children acquiring RS to the phonic form of accusative clitics. The second is a contrastive study of BP and RS, using the technique of object identification from stimulus sentences, aiming to measure the ability of 2-4 years old children to distinguish the pronominal system of their language and iterpret information relating gender and number in the identification of the referent of pronominal complements.The results suggest that children around 18 months are sensitive to the form of clitics in RS, and 2 years old children are able to distinguish the complements of their own language, although processing the pronominal reference presents difficulties even at age 4. The results are consistent with the hipotesis of this dissertation.

Non-governmental organisations' role in conflict transformation : the case of Zimbabwe since the inception of the Government of National Unity, 2009-2012.

Kuzhanga, Terry Tafadzwa. 30 October 2014 (has links)
Zimbabwe as a country has successively been faced with a number of challenges that others argue to be a result of either poor governance or colonial imbalances. However, despite the contestation with regards to the cause of the crisis situation, several armed struggles continued to wreck the economy. This continuous collapse of the economy resulted in the ruling government slowly becoming unpopular to the people, thus it paved way to the formation of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC); an opposition political party to the dominant Zimbabwe African National Union –Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF). The formation of the opposition party then triggered tensions, which later saw the March 2008 elections’ tension calling for a power-sharing agreement. Therefore, it is against this background that the research critically examines the role played by Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in conflict transformation since the formation of the unity government. In addition, the study is also conducted against the background of scholarly interest to understand the relationship between CSOs and the Zimbabwean government, during the period that marked the introduction of the inclusive government 2009-2012. The study will also look at the key competencies of CSOs, which are complimentary to the process of conflict transformation and further outline the need for active participation from CSOs and other stakeholders to the process. In addition, it is worth noting that while CSOs make numerous attempts to vigorously participate in conflict transformation, factors such as restrictive government policies, lack of funding and government interference continually undermines their contribution. Autonomous and sustainable operations of CSOs in such limiting environments is virtually impossible hence, there is need for drastic measures to be employed in order to address this contradiction. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.

An analysis of the reliability and validity of the Shona novel as a historical document

Mapara, Jacob 30 November 2007 (has links)
A lot of research on the Shona novel has focussed on the influence of orature and the Bible. It has also focused on the influence that the Southern Rhodesia Literature Bureau had on its development. This research has endeavoured to highlight the reliability and validity of the Shona novel as a historical document. The dependability of the novel as an alternative site from which history can be deciphered is corroborated by historical documents. The history that comes out in the Shona novels that have been studied covers the pre-colonial period right up to the post-independence period. Among the issues that come up in the research that relate to history are the Rozvi state under Chirisamhuru, the economic activities in pre-colonial Shona society that include raids for cattle and women as well as hunting and external trade. The Shona novel has also proved historically reliable in as far as it relates to the navigability of the Save River. It has highlighted the living conditions and the wages that Blacks got in colonial Rhodesia and exposed the land imbalances that came into existence because of the Land Apportionment Act of 1930, which left Blacks living on the periphery and in overcrowded, hot and dry reserves that were hardly fertile. The Rhodesian authorities, as the novels have exposed, denied most Blacks access to education. When schools were provided, they were poorly staffed and those on farms functioned more as labour pools than schools. The novel has also proved its dependability when it highlights the early days of the nationalist movement and the unilateral declaration of independence of 1965. It has also brought to the fore the birth of the armed struggle and the Rhodesian responses to it. The Rhodesians responded politically and militarily. Politically, it was through the Internal Settlement Agreement of March 1978. Militarily they moved people into 'protected villages' in an effort to deny guerrillas access to food and clothing. The novel also highlights the post-independence period especially political intolerance. / African Languages / D.Litt. et Phil. (African Languages)

Formação por competencias : do prescrito ao real / Formation for abilities : of the prescribed to the real

Pires, Joelma Lucia Vieira 15 February 2008 (has links)
Orientador: Aparecida Neri de Souza / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-10T22:36:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pires_JoelmaLuciaVieira_D.pdf: 1196138 bytes, checksum: 1e236eea0a052b4ba0693f9d34cf3a41 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008 / Resumo: Este trabalho refere-se à análise do processo de implementação da orientação por competências em escolas públicas, na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, na primeira metade dos anos 2000, com o objetivo de compreender as mudanças introduzidas no sistema educacional, no curso dos dois últimos decênios. A hipótese principal que orientou a pesquisa é de que há um movimento de racionalização que contamina todas as esferas da vida social, transformando o processo educacional em meio para responder aos imperativos do mercado de trabalho. Para tanto, foram pesquisadas duas escolas públicas que oferecem o Ensino Fundamental, a primeira vinculada a uma universidade pública e estadual (Escola A) e a segunda integrante da rede de escolas estaduais, subordinada à Secretaria Estadual de Educação, e que mantém parceria com empresa privada (Escola B). O estudo das escolas, realizado entre 2003 e 2006, indagou os professores, coordenadores, mediante entrevistas semi-estruturadas, como estavam colocando em prática a orientação do ensino por competências; quais eram, na ótica desses trabalhadores, as inovações, as mudanças nas ações educativas, sejam elas curriculares, na organização do trabalho escolar; e, na orientação por competências, como se estabelecem consentimentos ou resistências ao processo. A pesquisa também investigou a percepção dos pais dos estudantes sobre os reflexos da orientação por competências sobre o processo educativo. O estudo foi complementado não só com a análise de documentos produzidos pelas escolas, pelo poder público, em especial o Ministério da Educação, pelos organismos internacionais ou empresariais, mas também com as observações no campo das atividades de trabalho dos professores, funcionários, coordenadores e diretores. A pesquisa encontrou na Escola A coletivos de trabalhadores altamente qualificados, com contratos de trabalho estáveis (embora pela Consolidação das Leis do Trabalho) e jornadas semanais de trabalho em tempo integral; com condições de trabalho favoráveis não só pela proximidade acadêmica com Faculdade de Educação, mas pela disponibilidade de recursos didáticos e pedagógicos e pela presença de estudantes originários de diferentes grupos sociais. Essas condições e relações de trabalho não foram suficientes para construir espaços de resistência ao movimento de orientação por competências. Quando foram encontradas eram difusas e individualizadas. De modo geral, o coletivo de trabalhadores se apropriou da orientação por competências e buscam implementar as mudanças, considerando o trabalho docente como um espaço de autonomia relativa. Por outro lado, na Escola B, a pesquisa encontrou coletivo de trabalhadores com menor qualificação, com contratos de trabalho, na sua maioria, temporários (embora Estatutários), com alta rotatividade de professores e diretores; uma diversidade de jornadas de trabalho (organizadas por hora-aula); e com condições de trabalho desfavoráveis se comparadas com a Escola A. Essas condições e relações de trabalho informam as dificuldades desse coletivo de trabalhadores de construírem propostas educacionais que tenham continuidade, que se enraízem e que produzam ações educativas duradouras (como na Escola A). O ensino por competências é implementado por meio de projetos de trabalho, limitando a formação dos estudantes à sua realidade. Ambos os coletivos compreendem o trabalho docente como espaço de autonomia relativa, como portador de possibilidades de transformação cultural e social de estudantes. No entanto, na Escola B, a proximidade com a empresa coloca finalidades contraditórias para a educação escolar, legitimando os imperativos do mercado de trabalho. Na Escola A, a proximidade com a universidade não se constituiu em ruptura com o processo de legitimação vivenciado pela Escola B, concretizado na preocupação com o vestibular / Abstract: This current research is an analysis of the process of implementing competence orientation in state (public) schools situated in São Paulo metropolitan area. The analysis took place in the first half of the 2000¿s and aimed at understanding the changes inserted in the educational system throughout the last two decades. The hypothesis for the research is that there is a rationalization movement which contaminates all aspects of social life, transforming the on-going educational process in order to correspond to job market needs. To fulfill the research, the investigation was carried out in two state schools which have primary and secondary education: the first one is a school which is related to a state, public university (school A); the second one, a school which is part of a network of state schools- supervised by the State Bureau of Education, which has partnership with a private enterprise (school B). The study in the schools was implemented from 2003 to 2006, and used semistructured questionnaires applied to teachers and coordinators as data resource. The informants were asked how they were implementing the competence orientations and which were, according to their point-of ¿view, the innovations and changes in the educational actions (in different aspects such as curriculum and school work organization), as well as how resistance or consent to the process happened. The research also investigated the parents¿ understanding about the competenceorientation outcomes on the educational process. The study was complemented not only with the analysis of documents produced by the schools, by the state educational offices, mainly by the Federal Department of Education, by business and international associations, but also with field observations of school staff (teachers, coordinators, servants, directors) at work. The research in school A found highly-qualified professionals, hired under stable job contracts (Work Regulation Laws, in Portuguese called ¿CLT¿) and full-time week periods of work with positive conditions, not only because of the close relationship with the School of Education in the university, but also because of the availability of pedagogical resources, and the presence of students from different social groups. These conditions and work relationships were not sufficient to create spaces of resistance to the competence-orientation movement; where they were found, they were scattered, isolated and individualized. In general terms, most workers accepted the orientations in a positive way and worked towards the implementation of the changes, considering the teachers¿ work as a space of relative autonomy. However, in school B, the research found groups of less-qualified professionals, hired under temporary job contracts (although being regulated by statute) with high turnover of teachers and directors and several different week time periods of work (organized by hour-class); and unfavorable work conditions, compared to school A. These conditions and work relationships reported the difficulties of school staff to build and implement educational actions, ones which could last, root and produce long-term educational actions (like the ones in school A). The teaching of competencies is implemented through work projects, framing the students¿ education to their own reality. In both contexts, school staff sees their work as a space with relative autonomy, as well as a space of possibilities towards students¿ cultural and social change. However, in school B, the close relationship with the enterprise sets learning goals with are contradictory with school education, favoring job market orientations and needs. In school A, the close relationship with the university does not mean there is a process of breaking up with the process of educating towards job market needs (what is explicit in school B); this fact is revealed in the orientation towards university preparatory exams (in Portuguese, called ¿vestibular¿) / Doutorado / Educação, Sociedade, Politica e Cultura / Doutor em Educação

Kvalitativní analýza laického popisu osobnosti podle morfologie tváře / Qualitative analysis of laic personality description on the basis of facial morphology

Souhrada, Jan January 2015 (has links)
This study examines spontanneous, laic personality ratings of face in comparison to following questionnaires: 16 PF, EPQ-R, NEO-PI-R. We've focused on how people spontaneously rate personality from face in relation to traits which are examined by said questionnaires. We tried to discover which traits are part of questionnaires but not included qualiative ratings and vice versa which traits can be found in laic descriptions but not in questionnaires. We used data from previous studies which provided us with two independent data, self-reports and ratings of facial photographs. Ratings were sorted out and compared to questionnaires. Most of the traits from qualiative data were also included in NEO-PI-R, specifically 90,4% of traits from self-reports and 82,90% of peer reports. 16 PF covered 88% and 77,81% of traits, EPQ-R 86% and 75,94% respectively. The least covered factor overall was Self-Reliance (16 PF) which included only 0,4% of all traits from self-reports. We have not found any factor which would be completely neglected in qualiatitve descriptions. Atractivity and physical traits were one of the main traits among those left unclassified. As with atractivity itself there was wide range of traits that we are unsure of how much personality relevant they actually are. Among unclassified traits...

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