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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1H NMR-based Metabolomics for Elucidating the Mode of Action of Ccontaminants in the Earthworm Eisenia Fetida after Sub-lethal Exposure

Lankadurai, Brian 08 August 2013 (has links)
There is a growing need to develop rapid and cost-effective ecotoxicological tools for risk assessment because traditional methods examine endpoints such as mortality, which do not provide any insight into the mode of action (MOA) of the chemical. Research presented within this thesis illustrates the potential of 1H NMR-based metabolomics as a rapid and routine ecotoxicological tool that can elucidate a chemical’s MOA and also aid in the identification of metabolites of exposure. Metabolomics involves measuring the fluctuations in the endogenous metabolites of an organism within a cell, tissue, bio-fluid or whole organism in response to an external stressor. We focused on the model polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) phenanthrene, and the perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), due to their recalcitrant nature and widespread prevalence in soil environments. 1H NMR-based metabolomics analysis of the exposure of Eisenia fetida earthworms to sub-lethal phenanthrene exposure via filter paper contact tests revealed a concentration-dependent two-phased MOA: a linear correlation between the metabolic response and exposure concentration at low concentrations followed by a plateau in the responses at high concentrations. Alanine, glutamate, maltose, cholesterol and phosphatidylcholine emerged as potential indicators of phenanthrene exposure. An increased energy demand and an interruption in the conversion of succinate to fumarate in the Krebs cycle were observed due to phenanthrene exposure. Sub-lethal PFOA and PFOS exposure to E. fetida via contact tests for two days revealed heightened responses with higher PFOA and PFOS concentrations. Leucine, arginine, glutamate, maltose, and ATP were identified as potential indicators of PFOA or PFOS exposure. E. fetida responses were then investigated after exposure for two, seven and fourteen days to an artificial soil that was spiked with sub-lethal PFOS concentrations. An exposure time-dependent operation of two separate MOAs were identified. Both the contact tests and artificial soil exposure studies identified an elevation in fatty acid oxidation, a disruption in energy metabolism and biological membrane structure, and also an interruption of ATP synthesis following PFOA and PFOS exposure. This thesis illustrates the promise of NMR-based metabolomics as a routine tool for ecotoxicological assessment of contaminated sites.

Fate of perfluoroalkyl acids in the aquatic environment with a focus on mass balance studies

Filipovic, Marko January 2015 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are man-made chemicals. Their unique properties make them beneficial for a wide range of industrial and consumer product applications, such as in aqueous film forming foam (AFFF), durable water repellent clothing, hydraulic oils and food packaging materials. Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs), a class of PFASs, are highly persistent in the environment, and long chain PFAAs are bioaccumulative and toxic. International regulation and voluntary actions by the industry have been implemented and led to a recent reduction of primary emissions of PFAAs to the environment. However, point sources such as AFFF training sites as well as diffuse sources continue to contaminate water bodies, soil and biota. Reducing environmental pollution with PFAAs has therefore become a regulatory priority. Designing successful measures to reduce the PFAA contamination requires an understanding of the sources, transport and fate of PFAAs in the environment. Four scientific publications are included in this PhD thesis, which aimed at increasing the holistic understanding of the fate of PFAAs in aquatic systems. This was achieved by chemical trace analysis combined with mass balance modeling. The following topics were covered: Dispersion and fate of PFAAs from an AFFF-impacted site (Paper I), recirculation of PFAAs in the aquatic environment with focus on waste water treatment plants (WWTPs, Paper II), mass balance of PFAAs in the Baltic Sea (Paper III) and transport and fate of PFAAs in two pristine boreal stream catchments (Paper IV). Results from Paper I showed that AFFF-impacted sites at a former military airfield, which was abandoned for more than 30 years, continue to be point sources of PFAAs to recipients. The sum of PFAAs in the ground water and surface waters ranged from 740 to 51000 ng L-1 and &lt;0.5 to 79 ng L-1, respectively. PFOS in muscle tissue of European perch from a nearby lake ranged from 77 to 370 ng g-1 wet weight, representing among the highest values reported worldwide for fish muscle. In Paper II the relative importance of environmental recirculation of PFAAs versus new releases from the technosphere was investigated for PFAAs in WWTP influents. It was shown that tap water can be an important source of PFAAs to WWTPs in areas with elevated environmental levels. This needs to be taken into account when calculating emissions via WWTP effluents. PFAA mass balances over the WWTPs suggested that PFHxA and PFOA were formed from precursor compounds within the plants. Assembled PFAA mass balances for the Baltic Sea (Paper III) showed that river inflow and atmospheric deposition were the dominant input pathways, while wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents discharging directly into the Baltic Sea made a minor contribution. The inputs of PFAAs were estimated to be higher than the outputs, suggesting a current increase of the PFAA inventory in the Baltic Sea. Also the mass balance study of PFAAs in two remote stream catchments presented in Paper IV revealed that inputs dominated over outputs for both catchments, indicating that a considerable portion of the PFAAs deposited from the atmosphere is retained in soil or in deep ground water and may be released to surface and marine water environments in the future / Perfluoralkilne tvari (PFASs) su umjetne kemikalije. Zbog svojih jedinstvenih svojstava široko su primjenjive u industriji i izradi proizvoda krajnje potrošnje kao što su pjena za gašenje požara (AFFF), vodootporna odjeća, hidraulična ulja i pakiranja za hranu. Perfluoralkilna kiselina (PFAAs) iz skupine perfluoralkilnih tvari iznimno je dugotrajna u okolišu, a dugolančane PFAAs su bioakumulativne i otrovne. Poduzeta međunarodna regulativa i dobrovoljne akcije vodile su nedavno smanjenoj primarnoj emisiji PFAAs u okoliš. Unatoč tome, primarni izvori, kao što su mjesta na kojima se provode treninzi za gašenje požara i difuzni izvori i dalje zagađuju vode, tlo i biotu. Zbog toga, smanjenje onečišćenja okoliša izazvanog PFAAs predstavlja regulatorni prioritet. Stvaranje uspješnih mjera kojima bi se smanjilo onečišćenje izazvano PFAAs zahtjeva razumijevanje izvora, prijenosa i sudbine tih tvari u okolišu. U ovaj doktorat uključena su četiri znanstvena članka kojima je cilj povećati sveukupno razumijevanje sudbine PFAAs u vodenim sustavima. To je postignuto kemijskom analizom elemenata u tragovima u kombinaciji s modeliranjem masene ravnoteže. Obrađene su sljedeće teme: Širenje i sudbina PFAAs na područjima zahvaćenim AFFF (Članak I), ponovna cirkulacija PFAAs u vodenom okolišu s naglaskom na postrojenja za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda (Članak II), masena ravnoteža PFAAs u Baltičkom moru (Članak III) te prijenos i sudbina PFAAs u dva udaljena sjeverna vodena toka (Članak IV).   Rezultati iz Članka I pokazali su da su područja zahvaćena AFFF na bivšem vojnom aerodromu napuštenom prije 30 godina i dalje je glavni izvor PFAA zagadenja okolisa. Zbroj PFAAs u podzemnim i površinskim vodama kreće se u rasponu od 740 do 51000 ng L-1 i &lt;0.5 do 79 ng L-1. PFOS u mišićnom tkivu grgeča iz obližnjeg jezera kreće se od 77 do 370 ng g-1 mokre težine, predstavljajući jednu od najviših vrijednosti u svijetu za riblje mišiće. Članak II istražuje relativnu važnost ponovne cirkulacije PFAAs imajući na umu novu emisiju PFAAs iz tehnosfere u postrojenjima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda. Cirkulacija/kruženje u okolišu može se pojaviti kada PFAAs iz sustava pitke voda (rijeka, bunara i jezera) odlaze u otpadne vode. Prikazano je kako voda iz slavine može biti važan izvor PFAAs sustavima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda u područjima s povišenim razinama zaštite okoliša. To se treba uzeti u obzir pri računanju emisije putem strojeva koji se koriste za pročišćenje otpadnih voda. Masena ravnoteža PFAA u postrojenjima za pročišćavanje otpadnih voda upućuje na to da su PFHxA i PFOA stvoreni kao prethodni spojevi unutar postrojenja. Prikupljene masene ravnoteže PFAA za Baltičko more (Članak III) pokazale su da su pritoke rijeka i atmosfersko taloženje dominantni ulazni putovi, dok postrojenja za pročišćenje otpadnih voda pridonose tek u manjoj mjeri. Ulaz PFAAs je procijenjen višim od izlaza, što objašnjava trenutno povećanje sadržaja PFAA u Baltičkom moru. Masena ravnoteža PFAAs u dva udaljena riječna toka predstavljena u Članku IV otkriva da ulaz dominira nad izlazom za oba riječna toka, što upućuje na značajan udio PFAAs koji je iz atmosfere zadržan u tlu ili podzemnim vodama te može biti ispušten u područja površinskih voda i mora. / Perfluorerade alkylsyror (PFAA) är kemikalier som är producerade av människan. Deras unika egenskaper gör att de kan användas i många olika industriella applikationer. PFAAs används i brandsläckningsskum, vattenavvisande kläder, hydrauliska oljor och matförpackningar. PFAAs har visat sig vara persistenta i miljön, och långkedjiga PFAA-homologer har visat sig vara bioackumulerbara samt ha en toxisk verkan. Reglering på internationell nivå tillsammans med initiativ från industrin har lett till minskning av direkta utsläpp. Punktkällor som brandövningsplatser samt andra diffusa källor fortsätter att förorena omgivande vattendrag, jordlager och fauna. Den utbredda föroreningen av PFAAs har därför blivit prioriterad för reglering. För att förstå utsläppen av PFAAs i miljön, hur de transporteras samt deras öde i miljön, är det viktigt att utföra studier som belyser dessa områden.   Denna doktorsavhandling inkluderar fyra vetenskapliga publikationer. Syftet med de underliggande studierna var att öka den holistiska förståelsen av PFAAs rörelse i akvatiska system. Studierna gjordes genom att kombinera kemiska analysmetoder med modellering. Följande  studier genomfördes; Transport och spridning av PFAAs från en brandövningsplats (Paper I), recyklering av PFAAs i den akvatiska miljön med fokus på vattenreningsverk (Paper II), massbalans av PFAAs i Östersjön (Paper III), transport och öde av PFAAs i två pristina vattendrag (Paper IV).   Resultat från (Paper I) visade att brandövningsplatser vid en flygplats som inte har varit i bruk i mer än 30 år, fortfarande är punktkällor av PFAAs till omgivande vattendrag. Summan av PFAAs koncentrationer i grundvattnet och ytvattnet sträckte sig från 740 till 51000 ng L-1 och &lt;0.5 till 79 ng L-1 i respektive vattendrag. Koncentrationen av PFOS i muskelvävnad från  aborre i en av sjöarna var 77 till 370 ng g-1 våtvikt. Dessa värden representerar några av de högsta uppmätta koncentrationerna i världen. I Paper II testades betydelsen av PFAAs från recirkulering i miljön i jämförelse med nya utsläpp från teknosfären. Recirkulering av PFAAs i miljön kan förekomma då PFAAs i inkommande vatten till reningsverk kommer från dricksvatten. Denna studie visar att dricksvatten kan vara en påtaglig källa av PFAAs till vattenreningsverk i områden med förhöjda halter av PFAAs i miljön. Detta måste tas hänsyn till när man beräknar emissioner med utgående vatten från vattenreningsverk. Massbalanser av PFAAs i reningsverken visar att PFHxA och PFOA bildades av prekursorämnen i vattenreningsverken. I Paper III beräknades massbalanserna av PFAAs i Östersjön, beräkningarna visar att floder och atmosfärisk nedebörd var de viktigaste källorna medan utsläppen från vattenreningsverk var markant lägre. Importen av PFAAs estimerades vara högre än exporten, varför vi tror att PFAAs mängden I Östersjön kommer att öka över tid. Vidare gjordes en mass balans av PFAAs i två avlägsna avrinningsområden (Paper IV). Resultaten visar att importen av PFAAs dominerar över exporten från båda avrinningsområdena. Detta indikerar att en stor del av PFAAs som kommer ner via nederbörd kommer att ansamlas i jorden eller i grundvattnet. Dessa PFAAs kan vid senare tillfälle komma att släppas ut till floder som rinner ut i marina vatten. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript.</p><p> </p>

Study on Distribution and Behavior of PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfonate) and PFOA (Perfluorooctanoate) in Water Environment / 水環境におけるPFOS(ペルフルオロオクタンスルホン酸)およびPFOA(ペルフルオロオクタン酸)の分布と挙動に関する研究 / ミズ カンキョウ ニ オケル PFOS ( ペルフルオロオクタン スルホンサン ) オヨビ PFOA ( ペルフルオロオクタンサン ) ノ ブンプ ト キョドウ ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

Lien, Nguyen Pham Hong 25 September 2007 (has links)
学位授与大学:京都大学 ; 取得学位: 博士(工学) ; 学位授与年月日: 2007-09-25 ; 学位の種類: 新制・課程博士 ; 学位記番号: 工博第2850号 ; 請求記号: 新制/工/1419 ; 整理番号: 25535 / Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第13379号 / 工博第2850号 / 新制||工||1419(附属図書館) / 25535 / UT51-2007-Q780 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 宏明, 教授 藤井 滋穂, 教授 伊藤 禎彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

Metabolomic study of the effects of perfluorinated compounds on the fatty acid metabolism during the development of Gallus gallus domesticus

Wigh, Viktoria January 2017 (has links)
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) are two commonly found contaminants associated with various manufacturing products, such as firefighting foam, non-stick coatings, electronics and water repellants. These compounds are persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic and may therefore pose a serious health risk to living organisms. Earlier studies have shown that PFOS and PFOA affected the fatty acid β-oxidation, i.e. the energy metabolism in liver. This study evaluates the effects of PFOS and PFOA on fatty acid metabolism in domestic chicken liver cells.  Liver tissues were obtained from chicken embryos treated in ovo with PFOS or with PFOA at low (0.1 µg/g) and high (1.0 and 1.6 µg/g) concentration levels. The fatty acids were extracted and derivatized into fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). The analysis was conducted by gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry. Results showed that a lower concentration of PFOS and a lower percentage of DMSO significantly affected the concentrations of fatty acids in livers of chicken embryos. PFOA-treated samples also showed some significant elevated fatty acid concentrations. Almost all fatty acid concentrations of treated liver samples exceeded the concentrations of the untreated samples.

Study on Contamination of Perfluorinated Compounds (PFCs) in Water Environment and Industrial Wastewater in Thailand / タイにおける水環境および工業廃水のペルフルオロ化合物(PFCs)汚染に関する研究 / タイ ニ オケル ミズ カンキョウ オヨビ コウギョウ ハイスイ ノ ペルフルオロ カゴウブツ ( PFCs ) オセン ニ カンスル ケンキュウ

Kunacheva, Chinagarn 24 September 2009 (has links)
PFCs are used in a wide variety of industrial and commercial applications for more than 50 years. Among variation of PFCs, Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) (CF3(CF2)7SO3-) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) (CF3(CF2)6COO-) are the most dominant PFCs. In May 2009, PFOS, its salts and perfluorooctane sulfonyl fluoride (PFOSF) are designated as new Persistent Organic Compounds (POPs) which are resistant, bio-accumulating, and having potential of causing adverse effects to humans and environment (IISD, 2009). However, products containing PFCs are still being manufactured and used, which could be the main reason why they are still observed in the environment and biota (Berger et al., 2004; Saito et al., 2003; Sinclair et al., 2004). The study is focused on the PFCs contamination in water and industrial wastewater around the Central and Eastern Thailand, where is one of the major industrialized areas in the country. The samplings were conducted in major rivers, Chao Phraya, Bangpakong and Tachin River. PFCs were contaminated in all rivers. The average total PFCs were 15.10 ng/L, 18.29 ng/L and 7.40 ng/L in Chao Phraya, Bangpakong and Tachin River, respectively. PFOS and PFOA were the predominant PFCs in all samples. The total of 118.6 g/d PFOS and 323.6 g/d PFOA were released from the three rivers to the Gulf of Thailand. The survey was also conducted in small rivers, reservoirs, and coastal water around Eastern Thailand, where many industrial zones (IZ) are located. The geometric mean (GM) concentration of each PFC was ranged from 2.3 to 107.7 ng/L in small rivers, 2.2 to 212.2 ng/L in reservoirs, and 0.8 to 41.1 ng/L in coastal water samples. The higher PFCs contaminations were detected in the surface water around the industrial zones, where might be the sources of these compounds. Field surveys were also conducted in ten industrial zones (IZ1 – IZ10) to identify the occurrences of PFCs from in industries. The recovery rates of PFCs in the samples indicated that the matrix interference or enhancement was an important problem in PFCs analysis. The elevated concentrations were detected in electronics, textile, chemicals and glass making industries. Total PFCs concentrations in the influent of WWTP were ranged from 39.6 to 3, 344.1 ng/L. Ten industrial zones released 188.41 g/d of PFCs. All of the treatment processes inside industrial zones were biological processes, which were reported that they were not effective to remove PFCs. The influence of industrial discharges was affected not only the rivers and reservoirs but also in the coastal water. The PFCs in rivers and reservoirs were discharged to the Gulf of Thailand, which is the important food source for Thai people and exports. Due to the problems in industrial wastewater analysis, several optimizing options were applied in PFCs analytical method especially in Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) procedure. The combination of PresepC-Agri and Oasis®HLB was the better option for analyzing PFCs in water samples. The optimum flow rate for loading the samples was 5 mL/min. Methanol (2 mL) plus Acetronitrile (2 mL) was the effective way to elute PFCs from the cartridges. The specific solvent percentages to elute each PFCs were identified for both water and industrial wastewater samples. The matrix removal methods by using Envi-Carb and Ultrafilter were effective for different types of industrial wastewater samples. PFCs were detected in surface waters, which are the sources of tap and drinking water for the people in Central and Eastern Thailand. The surveys were conducted in Bangkok city. Samples were collected from water treatment plants (WTPs), tap water, and drinking water. PFCs were detected in all tap water and drinking water samples. PFOS and PFOA concentrations in raw water of WTP were found 4.29 ng/L and 16.54 ng/L, respectively. The average PFOS and PFOA concentrations in tap water were detected 0.17 and 3.58 ng/L, respectively. The tap water results also showed that PFOS and PFOA concentrations were not similarly detected in all area in the city. PFOA were detected higher in the western area, while PFOS concentration was quite similar in all areas. Overall, it can be concluded that the current treatment processes were not completely remove PFCs. Nevertheless, PFCs in particulate phase were effectively removed by the primary sedimentation and rapid sand filtration. Elevated PFCs were found in the industrial zones (IZ2 and IZ5). To understand the distribution and fate of PFCs during industrial wastewater process, PFCs mass flows were studied. Higher PFCs in adsorbed phase were detected only in activated sludge and some influent samples. In IZ2, PFOA loading in the dissolved phase increased after activated sludge process by 5%. There was no degradation of PFOA inside the polishing pond. The highest loading to the treatment plant was PFOS with the loading of 2, 382 mg/d and 1, 529 mg/d in dissolved and adsorbed phase, respectively. Unlike PFCAs that showed no removal in the treatment process, PFOS were decreased during the treatment processes with 36% in the activated sludge process and 36% in the polishing pond. The predominant in this IZ5 was PFOS. The increasing of PFOS was also found in this treatment plant dissimilar to IZ2. PFOS was increasing by 45% in dissolved phase and 47% in adsorbed phase. All of PFCs in this industrial zone were detected higher in the effluent, indicated that PFCs’ precursors should be the major effects of this contamination. / Kyoto University (京都大学) / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(工学) / 甲第14930号 / 工博第3157号 / 新制||工||1473(附属図書館) / 27368 / UT51-2009-M844 / 京都大学大学院工学研究科都市環境工学専攻 / (主査)教授 田中 宏明, 教授 清水 芳久, 教授 藤井 滋穂 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当

From emission sources to human tissues: modelling the exposure to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances

Gomis, Melissa Ines January 2017 (has links)
Produced since the 1950’s, per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFASs) substances are persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic compounds that are ubiquitous in the environment. Being proteinophilic with a tendency to partition to protein-rich tissues, PFASs have been found in human serum worldwide and in wildlife with a predominance of long-chain perfluoroalkyl carboxilic acids (C7-C14 PFCAs) and perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (C6-C9 PFSAs). Due to rising concern regarding their hazardous properties, several regulatory actions and voluntary industrial phase-outs have been conducted since early 2000s, shifting the production towards other fluorinated alternatives. This thesis explores the human exposure to long-chain PFASs and their alternatives using different modelling methods and aims to 1) link comprehensively the past and current industrial production with the human body burden and 2) assess the potential hazardous properties of legacy PFASs replacements, on which information is very limited. In Paper I, the historical daily intakes in Australia and USA were reconstructed from cross-sectional biomonitoring data of perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) andperfluorohexanesulfonic acid (PFHxS). The results indicate that humans experienced similar exposure levels and trends to PFOS and PFOA in both regions, suggesting a common historical exposure possibly dominated by consumer products. The model could not be fitted to PFHxS concentration in serum. In Paper II, the relative contribution of indirect (i.e. subsequent metabolism of precursors into legacy PFASs) versus direct exposure was evaluated on occupationally exposed ski wax technicians. The indirect exposure contributed by up to 45% to the total body burden of PFOA. In Paper III, the physicochemical properties, the persistence and the long-range transport of fluorinated alternatives were predicted using different in silico tools. Findings suggest that fluorinated alternatives are likely similar to their predecessors, in terms of physicochemical properties and environmental fate. Finally, Paper IV compares the toxic potency of PFOS, PFOA and their alternatives as a function of external and internal dose. While alternatives are less potent than their predecessors when considering the administered dose, they become similarly potent when the assessment is based on levels in the target tissue. This thesis demonstrates that pharmacokinetic models are effective tools to comprehensively reconnect the body burden to the exposure of phased-out chemicals. More importantly, the studies on fluorinated alternatives raise the necessity to provide more information and data on the potential hazard of these novel and emerging products. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Adsorption of Perfluoroalkyl Substances from Groundwater Using Pilot and Lab Scale Columns

January 2020 (has links)
abstract: Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that are detected ubiquitously in the aquatic environment, biota, and humans. Human exposure and adverse health of PFAS through consuming impacted drinking water is getting regulatory attention. Adsorption using granular activated carbon (GAC) and ion exchange resin (IX) has proved to be efficient in removing PFAS from water. There is a need to study the effectiveness of commercially available sorbents in PFAS removal at the pilot-scale with real PFAS contaminated water, which would aid in efficient full-scale plant design. Additionally, there is also a need to have validated bench-scale testing techniques to aid municipalities and researchers in selecting or comparing adsorbents to remove PFAS. Rapid Small-Scale Column Tests (RSSCTs) are bench-scale testing to assess media performance and operational life to remove trace organics but have not been validated for PFAS. Different design considerations exist for RSSCTs, which rely upon either proportional diffusivity (PD) or constant diffusivity (CD) dimensionless scaling relationships. This thesis aims to validate the use of RSSCTs to simulate PFAS breakthrough in pilot columns. First, a pilot-scale study using two GACs and an IX was conducted for five months at a wellsite in central Arizona. PFAS adsorption capacity was greatest for a commercial IX, and then two GAC sources exhibited similar performance. Second, RSSCTs scaled using PD or CD relationships, simulated the pilot columns, were designed and performed. For IX and the two types of GAC, the CD–RSSCTs simulated the PFAS breakthrough concentration, shape, and order of C8 to C4 compounds observed pilot columns better than the PD-RSSCTs. Finally, PFAS breakthrough and adsorption capacities for PD- and CD-RSSCTs were performed on multiple groundwaters (GWs) from across Arizona to assess the treatability of PFAS chain length and functional head-group moieties. PFAS breakthrough in GAC and IX was dictated by chain length (C4>C6>C8) and functional group (PFCAs>PFSAs) of the compound. Shorter-chain PFAS broke through earlier than the longer chain, and removal trends were related to the hydrophobicity of PFAS. Overall, single-use IX performed superior to any of the evaluated GACs across a range of water chemistries in Arizona GWs. / Dissertation/Thesis / Masters Thesis Chemical Engineering 2020

MIFO-baserade bedömningar av risken för förorening och spridning av PFAS vid brandstationer / Risk assessments of pollution and spread of PFAS at fire stations based on MIFO

Hollsten, Josefin January 2022 (has links)
A relatively unexplored source of pollution is fire stations and their usage of aqueous film forming foam (AFFF) containing per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS). It is well documented that these were used at fire drill sites that contaminated surrounding surface water, sediments and groundwater. The aim of this study was to assess whether fire stations could be a source of pollution and spread of PFAS and if the industry should be given priority for further investigations. Four fire stations were selected for the assessment, which were carried out by using part one of the Method of Surveying Contaminated Sites (Acronym in Swedish: MIFO). This included studies of maps, archives and field visits where fire fighters were interviewed to gather information about activities that had taken place historically on the specific sites. All of the fire stations were classified as level 2, meaning they pose a high risk for the enviroment and human health accordning to MIFO. In conjunction to the assessment, existing testing results of PFAS in soil and water from other fire stations in Sweden are submitted in purpose of showing the general situation of pollution linked with the results of this evaluation. The conclusion of this study was that various activities at fire stations possibly have polluted ground -and surface waters and that the industry should be given priority for further investigations.

Perfluoroalkyl substances in the groundwater of Stockholm, the role of subsurface reactions.

Lövgren, Eleonore January 2012 (has links)
Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFASs) are toxic pollutants ubiquitously found in the ecosystem. Recent investigations have focused on describing their environmental behavior and spreading. This includes transportation by water, where groundwater can continue to spread the contaminants a long time after the use has ended. This thesis surveys the existing literature on the reactions in soil that decides the presence and composition of PFASs in groundwater. A chemical groundwater investigation was recently done by Stockholm’s Environmental and Health Administration. The thesis presents a quantitative analysis of the PFASs’ content in Stockholm’s groundwater to verify if it conforms to the literature. A statistical analysis of the ratio between perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) and perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) is included to test if the PFAS composition in groundwater is influenced by soil reactions. The literature states that due to the high water solubility, low volatility and moderate adsorption, PFASs are likely to be encountered in groundwater. The adsorption depends on both PFASs’ and soil’s properties. The quantitative analysis confirms the influence of the PFASs’ properties in Stockholm’s groundwater, where both more short-chained PFASs and carboxylates are present. However, the analysis could not confirm the influence of the soil properties in adsorption at normal environmental conditions. The statistical analysis shows that the ratio of PFOS to PFOA is increased in groundwater in comparison to stormwater (p &lt; 0.15). The increase cannot be explained by the hypothesis that the adsorption of PFAS governs this behavior, since PFOS is a sulfonate and longer than PFOA. An explanation is found in the degradation of precursors, which seems to contribute to PFOS concentrations in groundwater. This shows the important contribution of degradation of precursors to PFOS concentrations and motivates further investigations on the matter.

Development of a Risk-Based Assessment Tool for PFAS Contaminated Sites

Olds, Zachary M. 22 June 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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