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Élimination des polluants par plasmas froids et association à la catalyse : acétaldéhyde et phénol / Removal of pollutants by cold plasmas and association to catalysis : acetaldehyde and phenolKoeta, Ouya 21 July 2015 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail était d'une part d'étudier la dégradation du phénol en milieu aqueux par un plasma GlidArc d'air humide et d'autre part d'étudier la conversion de l'acétaldéhyde dans des gaz atmosphériques par un plasma DBD généré par une haute tension impulsionnelle. Les résultats de l'étude paramétrique de la dégradation du phénol ont montré une augmentation de l'efficacité en fonction de la concentration initiale et du débit d'air humide. L'augmentation du gap entre les électrodes à occasionné celle de la concentration des ions nitrates. La majeur parie des nombreux produits de réactions est constituée d'acides carboxyliques mais aussi d'hydroquinone, de para-nitrophénol et de para-nitrosophénol. Cette identification a permis de dresser un schéma réactionnel de la dégradation du phénol. La conversion de l'acétaldéhyde a été effectuée dans des conditions de température allant de l'ambiante jusqu'à 300°C et dans deux types de mélanges: CH3CHO/N2 et CH3CHO/N2/O2 (jusqu'à 10% O2). Les résultats ont montré que le coût énergétique baisse en présence d'oxygène dans le mélange et également lorsque la température augmente. Les principaux sous-produits identifiés dans CH3CHO/N2 sont CO, H2, CH4, HCN, C2H6, CH3CN tandis que dans les mélanges oxygénés, CO2 et CO, CH2O, CH3OH sont les sous-produits les plus importants. L'étude cinétique menée à la suite de cette analyse grâce à un modèle 0D simplifié a permis de mettre en évidence le rôle primordial de la dissociation par quenching des états métastables d'azote et de l'oxydation notamment par O et OH dans la conversion de l'acétaldéhyde. La modélisation a aussi permis de comprendre les processus de formation des sous-produits majoritaires. Des catalyseurs à base de MnO2 ont été placés en aval de la zone de décharge pour décomposer l'ozone qui se forme abondamment dans les mélanges oxygénés surtout à basse température. L'oxygène atomique produit lors de cette décomposition oxyde l'acétaldéhyde résiduel et ses sous-produits. Le coût énergétique a ainsi été diminué et les concentrations des sous-produits comme CH2O et CH3OH ont été réduites. / This work aimed to study the degradation of aqueous phenol by humid air GlidArc plasma and to study the removal of acetaldehyde in atmospheric gas by pulsed DBD plasma. The parametric study of phenol degradation showed an increase in efficiency as a function of the initial concentration and humid air flow. The increase of the inter-electrodes gap has increased nitrate ions concentration. The numerous reaction products formed consist mostly of carboxylic acids. Other byproducts identified are hydroquinone, para-nitrophenol and para-nitrosophenol. By-products identification enabled drawing a reaction scheme of phenol degradation. The acetaldehyde removal has been achieved in temperature conditions ranging from ambient to 300°C and in two types of mixtures: CH3CHO/N2 and CH3CHO/N2/O2 (up to 10 % O2). The results showed that the energy cost decreases in the presence of oxygen in the mixture as well as when the temperature increases. In CH3CHO/N2, the main by-products are CO, H2, CH4, HCN, C2H6, CH3CN whereas in oxygenated mixtures, CO2 and CO, CH2O, CH3OH are the most important by-products. The kinetic study following this analysis, by using a simplified 0D model has highlighted the key role of the quenching of nitrogen metastables states and that of the oxidation of acetaldehyde, caused in particular by O and OH. The modeling also helped understanding the formation processes of major by-products. A MnO2 based catalyst was placed downstream of plasma zone in order to decompose ozone that is abundantly formed in oxygenated mixtures especially at low temperature. The atomic oxygen produced during this decomposition is used to oxidize the residual acetaldehyde and its by-products. The energy cost was thus decreased and the concentrations of certain by-products such as CH2O and CH3OH have been reduced as well.
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Mise au point d'un réacteur photocatalytique pour la dépollution de l'eau / Development of a photocatalytic reactor for wastewater treatmentZekri, Mohamed el Mehdi 25 September 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de cette étude est de mettre au point une méthodologie de travail dédiée à la conception d’un réacteur photocatalytique pour la purification des eaux. Notre ambition étant de passer de la photocatalyse comme processus chimique à la photocatalyse comme procédé de dépollution. Pour cela il nous a paru nécessaire de répondre à deux questions, à savoir : - Dans un tel système, quels seront les phénomènes physico-chimiques majeurs mis en jeux ? -Y-a-t’il un moyen de prédire les performances de notre système ?Tout d’abord, nous avons essayé de travailler sur des photocatalyseurs en suspension, donc non immobilisés sur un support. Le but est d’éviter une étape de filtration couteuse et techniquement difficile. Ainsi différents types de dioxyde de titane ont été déposés sur des supports de différentes géométries.Le premier média obtenu était du dioxyde de titane commercial (P25 de Evonik et UV100 de Sachtleben) déposé sur des billes en verre de diamètre 2 et 4 mm, introduit dans un réacteur annulaire siège de la réaction de dégradation photocatalytique et éclairé par une seule source de lumière UV. La photoactivité de ce média a été testée sur du phénol, le polluant primaire modèle choisi dans cette étude. L’hydroquinone et la benzoquinone, deux de ses principaux intermédiaires de dégradation ont également été analysés. L’efficacité du dépôt a ainsi été calculée sur les différentes configurations obtenues. Les résultats ont été satisfaisants sans arriver à avoir un niveau de photoactivité comparable à celui du TiO2 en mode suspension. Nous avons donc cherché à améliorer les performances de notre système réactionnel en travaillant sur un support ayant une autre géométrie. Notre choix s’est porté sur des mousses en alumine épousant parfaitement le vide réactionnel. Le même protocole expérimental a été appliqué à ces dernières. Les résultats de photodégradation ont montrés une durabilité meilleure que celle obtenue sur les billes en verre, mais aussi une photoperformance dépassant celle réalisée sur du dioxyde de titane en mode suspension.Afin de mieux comprendre les différences de photoactivité entre les supports, nous avons tenté de simuler, par la méthode Monte Carlo, la propagation de la lumière à travers les photocatalyseurs, qu’ils soient en mode suspension ou déposés. Les résultats ont montrés que le dioxyde de titane en suspension avait le meilleur taux d’absorption de la lumière comparé au TiO2 fixé sur les supports. Néanmoins l’absorption se fait sur un volume très petit du réacteur et la meilleure répartition de l’énergie lumineuse se trouve dans les mousses en alumine.Les données issues de ces simulations notamment, la LVRPA pour « Local Volumetric Rate of Photon Absorption » nous ont permis d’entamer la dernière étape de notre travail à savoir la construction d’un modèle prédictif des performances photocatalytiques du système réactionnel. Nous avons pour cela introduit un terme qui traduit la probabilité qu’un photon absorbé par le photocatalyseur donne un radical hydroxyle. Les résultats obtenus par notre environnement mathématique ont montrés de bonnes corrélations avec les expériences et ont permis de tirer certaines conclusions quand à l’amélioration de notre système photocatalytique. / The objective of this work is to develop a methodology dedicated to the design of a photocatalytic reactor for water purification. The principle is to go from photocatalysis as chemical process to photocatalysis as remediation method.Iit necessary for that to respond to two questions: - In such a system, what are the major physico-chemical phenomena? - Is there a way to predict the performance of our system?First of all, we tried to work on suspended photocatalysts to avoid a costly filtration step and technical difficulties. Thus, different types of titanium dioxide were deposited on substrates of different geometries.The first obtained medium was commercial titanium dioxide (P25 from Evonik and UV100 from Sachtleben) deposited on glass beads of 2 and 4 mm, inserted into an annular reactor illuminated by a single UV light source. The photoactivity of this media has been tested on phenol, the primary pollutant model chosen in this study. Hydroquinone and benzoquinone, two of its main degradation intermediates were also analyzed. The deposition efficiency has been estimated on different configurations. The results were satisfactory but did not reach a level comparable to that of photoactivity of TiO2 in suspend mode. Thus, we sought to improve the performance of our reaction system working on a support having a different geometry. Our choice fell on alumina foams perfectly matching the vacuum in the reactor. The same experimental protocol was applied to the foam. The results have shown photodegradation durability better than that obtained on glass beads and also the photoperformance exceeding that of titanium dioxide in suspend mode.To understand better the photoactivity of our media, we simulated by the Monte Carlo method the propagation of the light through the different photocatalysts (suspend mode or deposited). The results showed that the titanium dioxide suspension had the best absorption of light compared to TiO2 fixed on media. Nevertheless, absorption was located on a very small volume of the reactor and a better distribution of the light energy occurs in the alumina foams.The data obtained from these simulations, including the LVRPA "Local Volumetric Rate of Photon Absorption", allowed us to achieve the final step of our work, which is the construction of a predictive model of photocatalytic performance of the reaction system. Thus, we have introduced a term that reflects the probability that a photon absorbed by the photocatalyst gives a hydroxyl radical. The results obtained by our mathematical environment have shown a good correlation with experiments and helped us to draw some conclusions for the improving of our photocatalytic system.
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Tratamento de fenol em reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo (RAHLF) sob condições mesofílicas / Phenol degradation in horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor under mesophilic conditionsBolaños Rojas, Maria Lyda 20 April 2001 (has links)
Um reator anaeróbio horizontal de leito fixo foi operado a escala de laboratório, visando verificar sua capacidade de degradação de fenol. O RAHLF foi construído em vidro de borosilicato com 100 cm de comprimento e 5,04 cm de diâmetro, preenchido com lodo anaeróbio imobilizado em matrizes de espuma de poliuretano. Prévio à realização do experimento o reator foi operado com substrato sintético, contendo como fontes de carbono glicose, ácido acético e ácido fórmico, atingida a estabilização da matéria orgânica para uma carga orgânica de 1028 mg/L, correspondente a uma remoção de DQO de 98%, foi iniciada a adição de fenol começando com uma concentração de 50 mg/L como única fonte de carbono. A concentração de fenol adicionada variou de 50 a 1200 mg/L e sua degradação foi avaliada através de determinação cromatográfica, utilizando cromatografia gasosa e parâmetros físico-químicos como pH, ácidos voláteis, alcalinidade e DQO. O RAHLF foi operado com um tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 12,3 horas. Com 50 mg/L, após 33 dias o reator atingiu uma remoção de fenol de 97%. Com 100 mg/L e depois de 148 dias de operação não foi detectado fenol no efluente do reator. Com 300 mg/L e após 58 dias de operação o reator apresentou 99% de remoção e uma concentração no efluente de 0,85 mg/L. Com 600 mg/L, 900 mg/L e 1200 mh/L, após 47, 29 e 7 dias de operação o reator alcançou remoções de 99%. Em todas as concentrações foi observado o predomínio de Methanosaeta, Methanobacterium e cocosmetanogênicos. Em relação à bactéria oxidadora de fenol foi observado o predomínio de coco-bacilos. As altas remoções de fenol observadas neste trabalho são devidas provavelmente à utilização de células imobilizadas. / A bench-scale horizontal-flow anaerobic immobilized biomass (HAIB) reactor was assayed aiming to verify its potential use for phenol degradation. The HAIB reactor consisted of a bore-silicate tube (100 cm long; 5.04 cm diameter) filled with polyurethane foam matrices containing immobilized anaerobic sludge. Before being subjected to phenol, the reactor was fed with synthetic substrate at the influent chemical oxygen demand (COD) of 1,028 mg/L achieving 98% of COD removal efficiency. Thereafter, phenol as the sole carbon source was added under step-increasing concentrations from 50 to 1,200 mg/L. Phenol degradation was evaluated by gas chromatographic analysis of influent and effiuent samples. Process monitoring included determinations of pH, volatile acids, alkalinity and COD. The HAIB reactor was operated at a constant hydraulic detention time (HDT) of 12,3 hours. After 33 days with 50 mg/L of phenol in the influent, the reactor achieved 97% of phenol removal efficiency. Successful phenol degradation (efficiency removal of 99%) occurred for influem concentrations of 100, 300, 600, 900 and 1,200 mg/L after 148, 58, 47, 29 and 7 days, respectively. The predominance of Methanosaeta, Methanobacterium and methanogenic cocci could be observed in all the operating conditions, besides the presence of phenol-oxidizing microorganisms as irregular rods. The results indicate that phenol degradation at very high rates can be accomplished in HAIB reactors containing acclimatized biomass.
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Efeitos do meio de cultivo sobre a sobrevivência, reprodução e sensibilidade de Ceriodaphnia dubia / Effects of culture water on survival, reproduction and sensitivity of Ceriodaphnia dubiaMendes, Sandra Valéria Buratini 08 April 2002 (has links)
A espécie Ceriodaphnia dubia tem sido amplamente utilizada em testes de toxicidade crônica. Como a água constitui um fator essencial à sua manutenção, procurou-se avaliar a influência de três tipos de meio no cultivo e na resposta toxicológica deste microcrustáceo a três substâncias de referência. Foram acompanhadas, durante 13 a 18 gerações, a sobrevivência e a reprodução dos organismos em água natural (Reservatório de Ribeirão do Piraí, município de Salto, São Paulo, Brasil) e em dois meios reconstituídos (um simples - água mole reconstituída acrescida de selênio - e um complexo, denominado MS), avaliando-se, a cada 4 ou 5 gerações, as condições e a sensibilidade de cada cultura em testes com cloreto de sódio, dicromato de potássio e fenol. Os resultados evidenciaram um desempenho similar nos meios reconstituídos (em que padrões mínimos para sobrevivência e fecundidade nem sempre foram atendidos) e diferenciado do obtido em água natural - a mais eficiente para manutenção das culturas, onde tais padrões foram, geralmente, superados. Constatou-se a similaridade entre organismos provenientes da água natural e do meio OMS. Observou-se, também que a variabilidade dos resultados do teste ecotoxicológico difere conforme a água de diluição e a substância química utilizada, permitindo reconhecer o NaCI como substância de referência mais apropriada à avaliação da precisão deste método de ensaio, cujo coeficiente de variação máximo aceitável poderia ser estabelecido em 35%. / The species Ceriodaphnia dubia has been widely used in chronic toxicity tests. As water represents as essential factor to its maintenance, as evaluation was made of the influence of three different media in the culture and toxicological response of this microcrustacean to three reference toxicants. Survival and reproduction of this organism, reared in natural water (from Ribeirão do Piraí Reservoir), São Paulo State, Brazil) and in two reconstituted media (a simple one - reconstituted soft water, supplemented with selenium - and a complex one, called MS), were accompanied during 13 to 18 generations; at each 4 or 5 generations such cultures were evaluated in relation to health and sensitivity in toxicity tests with sodium chloride, potassium dichromate and phenol. The results indicated a similar performance in the reconstituted media (where the minimum patterns for survival and fecundity were not always reached) and differentiated from that obtained in natural water - the most suitable culture medium, where such patterns were, usually, exceeded. It was found a comparable sensitivity between natural water and MS cultures. It was also verified that the variability of the results among ecotoxicological test differs according to dilution water and chemical substance, allowing to recognize NaCl as the most suitable reference toxicant to measure the precision of this test method, whose maximum coefficient of variation could be established in 35%.
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Estresse oxidativo e bioluminescência nos fungos Gerronema viridilucens e Mycena lucentipes / Oxidative stress and bioluminescence in the fungi Gerronema viridilucens and Mycena lucentipesBazito, Olivia Domingues 23 May 2012 (has links)
Espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs) são produzidas normalmente durante o metabolismo de organismos aeróbios. Fungos degradadores de lignina geram estas espécies também no processo de degradação da lignina. As espécies de fungos bioluminescentes Gerronema viridilucens e Mycena lucentipes foram utilizadas para se estabelecer possível dependência entre intensidade de bioluminescência, viabilidade celular e atividades das enzimas de defesa antioxidante e ligninolíticas nos micélios e corpos de frutificação. Verificou-se o efeito de espécies causadoras de estresse químico (metais e fenóis) na emissão de luz, viabilidade celular, defesas antioxidantes e enzimas de respiração celular no fungo bioluminescente G. viridilucens, com o objetivo de conectar a inibição da bioluminescência com danos oxidativos ao organismo. Constatou-se que diferentes espécies de fungos bioluminescentes podem apresentar características diferentes quanto à emissão de luz e proteção antioxidante. Diferenças na intensidade e variação temporal da emissão de luz de diferentes espécies foram observadas nos corpos de frutificação e também no micélio. Isto foi revelado pela irregularidade do perfil de luz reprodutível para a espécie M. lucentipes, ao contrário do observado para G. viridilucens. A viabilidade celular de ambas as espécies varia com o tempo, sendo que no caso de G. viridilucens seu perfil é similar ao da bioluminescência. Os ensaios enzimáticos indicam maior atividade no micélio dos fungos do que nos corpos de frutificação, provavelmente pela função específica reprodutora do corpo de frutificação, enquanto a atividade metabólica do fungo está concentrada no micélio. As enzimas ligninolíticas também apresentam atividade baixa nas culturas estudadas, provavelmente por serem enzimas de degradação extracelulares. O fato de ambas viabilidade celular e bioluminescência do micélio serem reduzidas na presença dos metais (cobre e cádmio) e fenóis (fenol e 2,4,6-triclorofenol) testados atesta a interrelação entre atividade luminogênica e injúria oxidativa aos fungos. Os metais parecem afetar mais negativamente as defesas antioxidantes dos fungos do que os fenóis, os quais possivelmente são eliminados pela atividade da glutationa S-transferase (GST), sem também afetar as demais defesas antioxidantes. No conjunto, estes resultados possibilitam estabelecer uma relação metabólica entre abatimento da bioluminescência e as defesas antioxidantes do organismo. No caso dos metais, os sistemas de defesa antioxidante envolvendo a glutationa são bastante importantes, tanto para eliminar peróxidos produzidos na presença de cobre, como na quelação de cádmio pela glutationa. Sob condições normais, a bioluminescência, defesas antioxidantes e respiração celular do organismo estariam funcionando e o NAD(P)H seria mobilizado por todos estes sistemas. Quando o fungo é submetido ao estresse químico, o fluxo de NAD(P)H seria desviado da bioluminescência para sustentar prioritariamente as defesas antioxidantes e a respiração celular, essenciais para a proteção, manutenção e reprodução do organismo / Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) are normally produced during the metabolism of aerobic organisms. Ligninolitic fungi also produce these oxidizing species also during the lignin degradation process. The bioluminescent species Gerronema viridilucens and Mycena lucentipes were studied aiming to establish a correlation between the temporal profiles of bioluminescence, cellular viability and antioxidant defense enzymes and ligninolitic enzymes in mycelium and fruiting bodies. Chemical toxicants such as metals and phenols were here found to affect light emission, cellular viability, antioxidant defenses and cellular respiration enzymes when administered to G. viridilucens, thereby attesting a metabolic connection between bioluminescence inhibition and fungal oxidative damage. Different species of fungi exhibit different characteristics linked to light emission and antioxidant defenses. Differences in light emission displayed by different species do not resume to fruiting bodies, but the light profile and intensity can also vary in the mycelia. This may explain the irreproducibility of the light profile from M. lucentipes, differently to that observed with G. viridilucens. The cellular viability of both species varies with time, G. viridilucens profile being similar to the time course of bioluminescence. The enzymatic data pointed to higher activities in mycelium than in fruiting bodies, probably due to a main reproductive function of the latter, whereas the metabolic activities are prevalent in the mycelium. Ligninolytic enzymes exhibit low activities in the extracts of fungus samples, probably because they are extracellular degradation enzymes. The inhibition effect of phenols and metals (copper and cadmium) on mycelium viability reinforces the notion that cellular oxidative damage hampers bioluminescence emission. Redox active (copper) and heavy metals (cadmium) were found to display higher impact on antioxidant defenses than phenols (phenol and 2,4,6-trichlorophenol), which are expected to be promptly metabolized and excluded by principally glutathione S-transferase (GST). Notably, a metabolic correlation between bioluminescence inhibition and antioxidant defenses was unveiled by the present work. Regarding the metals, glutathione was found to be a crucial antioxidant, both to eliminate peroxides when in the presence of copper, and to act as a cadmium chelating agent. Under normal conditions, the bioluminescence system, the antioxidant defenses and the cellular respiration sets cooperate through the common demand of reducing power of NAD(P)H. Under chemical stress, the NAD(P)H flux would be deviated from bioluminescence, to principally sustain the antioxidant defenses and cellular respiration, essential for the protection, maintenance and reproduction of the organism.
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Modificação e imobilização de TiO2 visando a degradação de compostos orgânicos poluentes via o processo de fotocatálise heterogênea / Modification and immobilization of TiO2 aiming the degradation of organic pollutant compounds by heterogeneous photocatalysis processSilva, Lisiane Perez 30 March 2007 (has links)
Neste trabalho buscou-se estratégias que pudessem promover um aumento na aplicabilidade do processo de fotocatálise heterogênea, a fim de viabilizar seu emprego como processo alternativo para o tratamento de efluente em larga escala. Neste sentido, avaliou-se o emprego do fotocatalisador TiO2 sob a forma imobilizada e também modificado com a incorporação de materiais adsorventes. O processo de fotocatálise heterogênea, empregando tanto o fotocatalisador imobilizado em suporte de vidro quanto os sintetizados e modificados com diferentes materiais adsorventes, apresentou grande eficiência para degradação de fenol, utilizado como composto poluente modelo. As porcentagens de degradação obtidas, para soluções contendo concentração inicial igual a 250 mg L-1 de fenol, foram superiores a 80% ao final de 120 minutos de tratamento. A utilização de TiO2 sob a forma imobilizada proporcionou redução do teor de carbono orgânico dissolvido de até 59%, em 120 minutos. Quando este resultado é comparado ao obtido quando o fotocatalisador é empregado sob a forma de suspensão demonstra ser promissor, uma vez que se eliminou a etapa requerida de pós-tratamento para recuperação do fotocatalisador. Porém, a imobilização do TiO2 acarretou em um decréscimo na atividade fotocatalítica quando comparado ao material em suspensão, devido a diversos fatores, entre eles, a redução da área superficial ativa do fotocatalisador e a limitações nos processos de transferência de massa. A síntese de TiO2 incorporado a substratos porosos, foi utilizada como alternativa para tentar compensar essa redução de área superficial ativa do fotocatalisador. Nesta abordagem utilizou-se diversos materiais como substratos porosos para síntese de TiO2: óxido de alumínio, óxido de zircônio, sílica-gel, sílica mesoporosa ordenada (SMO) e carvão ativado. Dentre eles, os materiais mistos de TiO2/SMO e TiO2/carvão ativado, proporcionaram os melhores resultados frente à mineralização de fenol. A incorporação de TiO2 a materiais adsorventes, além de promover um aumento nas porcentagens de fotoxidação de fenol, demonstrou potencialidade para contornar parte das inerentes limitações causadas pelo processo de imobilização do fotocatalisador. / The main goal of this work was to find alternatives capable to promote an improvement in terms of applicability of the heterogeneous photocatalysis process, in order to make it feasible in large scale. The use of the photocatalyst TiO2 immobilized and also modificated with adsorbent materials was evaluated. The heterogeneous photocatalysis process, either using photocatalyst immobilized in glass or photocatalyst synthesized and modified with different adsorbent materials, showed good efficiency to degrade phenol, which was used as pollutant compound. The degradation percentages for solutions with initial concentration of 250 mg L-1 of phenol were above 80% after 120 minutes of treatment. The use of TiO2 under the immobilized form provided a reduction of total organic carbon levels up to 59% in 120 minutes. It is a promissory result, since it eliminated post treatment steps to recover the photocatalyst, when it is used under suspended form. However, the immobilization of TiO2 caused a decrease in photocatalyst activity compared to the suspension process. The synthesis of TiO2 with incorporation of supports to its surface was evaluated as an alternative to compensate the reduction of active surface area. In order to reach this goal, many materials were used as a porous support for synthesis of TiO2, such as: aluminum oxide, zirconium oxide, silica-gel, ordered mesoporous silica and activated carbon. Amongst them, the synthesized materials constituted of TiO2/SMO and TiO2/ activated carbon showed the best results for phenol mineralization. The incorporation of adsorbent materials to the TiO2 composition, besides to promote a raising in the phenol photoxidation, demonstrated to be a viable strategy to compensate the limitations caused by the photocatalyst immobilization process.
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Nanoparticules à base d’oxyde de titane pour la photocatalyse / Titanium based oxides nanoparticles for photocatalysisJimenez Romero, Alex Manuel 05 March 2013 (has links)
Des nanoparticules à base d’oxyde de titane ont été synthétisées par pyrolyse laser en vue de leur application dans le domaine de la photocatalyse. Le travail montre la souplesse de la méthode pour la synthèse de TiO2 et M-TiO2 (M= Pd, Fe, Cu, Si, N) à partir de tetraisopropoxyde de titane. Des sels organiques des métaux, de SiH4 et d’NH3 ont été utilisés pour introduire des atomes de Fe, Cu, Pd, Si et N dans des nanoparticules de TiO2. Les nanoparticules ont été analysées par microscopie électronique de transmission (MET), diffraction de rayons X (DRX), surface spécifique (SBET), spectroscopie des photoélectrons X (XPS), spectrométrie d’émission à torche plasma (ICP/OES). Leurs propriétés optiques ont été évaluées par spectroscopie de réflexion diffuse (DRS). L’activité photocatalytique des nanoparticules synthétisées a été évaluée dans la dégradation du bleu de méthylène, de l’acide formique et du phénol, sous d’irradiation UV et/ou UV-Visible. Les résultats ont été comparés à ceux obtenus dans les mêmes conditions avec le produit commercial Degussa P25 de chez Evonik.Les analyses montrent que les échantillons sont composés de nanoparticules sphériques avec une distribution de taille comprise entre 5 et 20 nm, la phase cristallographique majoritaire est le TiO2 anatase. Les surfaces développées en analyse BET sont importantes, autour de 80 m2/g (170 pour N-TiO2), comparées au produit commercial Degussa P25. Les analyses chimiques montrent que les atomes de Fe, Cu, Pd, Si et N sont efficacement introduits dans les nanoparticules de TiO2 avec des rendements MPoudre/MPrécurseur au moins égaux à 48%.Les échantillons de TiO2, Pd-TiO2 et Cu-TiO2 montrent une meilleure activité que TiO2 Degussa P25 vis-à-vis de la décomposition d’acide formique sous irradiation UV-Vis tandis que Fe-TiO2, Si-TiO2 et N-TiO2 sont moins actifs. L’effet de la concentration et de l’état d’oxydation du Pd dans le TiO2 a alors été étudié plus spécifiquement. L’addition de Pd sous la forme PdO diminue l’activité vis-à-vis de la décomposition de l’acide formique et du bleu de méthylène. Par contre l’addition de Pd sous la forme métallique améliore l’activité vis-à-vis de la dégradation du bleu de méthylène, d’acide formique et du phénol. Cette activité est toujours aussi importante après quatre cycles de photocatalyse.Nous avons également évalué l’activité des oxynitrures de titane et de N-TiO2 vis-à-vis de la dégradation de l’acide formique et de la décoloration du bleu de méthylène sous irradiation visible. Les oxynitrures présentent des activités faibles, qui semblent être améliorées par l’addition de palladium. L’échantillon N-TiO2 montre quant à lui des excellentes propriétés photocatalytiques vis-à-vis de la dégradation de l’acide formique sous irradiation visible tout en gardant une très bonne efficacité sous l’UV. / Titanium based oxides nanoparticles were synthesized by laser pyrolysis and were tested as possible as photocatalysts. Using the laser pyrolysis method, this work shows that TiO2 and M-TiO2 (M = Pd, Fe, Cu, Si, N) can be easily synthesized in one step from titanium tetra isopropoxideprecursor mixed with organic salts of metals, SiH4 or NH3 to introduce atoms of Fe, Cu, Pd, Si and N in TiO2 nanoparticles. Nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller specific surface (SBET), X-photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and inductively coupled plasma spectroscopy (ICP/EOS). Their optical properties were measured by diffuse reflection spectroscopy (DRX). Photocatalytic activity of nanoparticles was evaluated using the degradation of methylene blue, formic acid and phenol tests under UV (360 nm) and/or UV-Visible(290-780nm) or pure visible radiation (455 nm). Results were compared to those of TiO2 Degussa P25 (from Evonik) obtained under same conditions.The nanoparticles are of spherical shape with a size distribution from 5 to 10 nanometers, there are mostly in anatase crystallographic phase. The specific surfaces area is always around 80 m2/g (170 m2/g for N-TiO2), indicating smaller size than TiO2 Degussa P25. Chemical analysis indicate that Fe, Cu, Pd, Si and N atoms are efficiently introduced into TiO2 powders. The mass ration MPowder/MPrecursor yield is always higher than 48%.Using the formic acid degradation test, TiO2, Pd-TiO2 and Cu-TiO2 were more active than TiO2 Degussa P25 test under UV-Vis radiation while Fe-TiO2, Si-TiO2 and N-TiO2 were less actives. Therefore, the influence of Pd amount/oxidation state upon the photocatalytic properties of Pd-TiO2 nanoparticles was studied in more details. Pd-TiO2 activity to degrade methylene blue, formic acid and phenol was improved in presence of metallic palladium. This activity is still important after 4 tests cycles.The activity of Titanium Oxynitride (exhibiting large shift of the optical gap towards the visible region) and N-doped TiO2 nanoparticles was also studied in formic acid and methylene blue degradation test under visible radiation. Oxynitrides exhibit low activity, which appears to be improved by the addition of palladium. This low activity could be related to the presence of an amorphous phase in the sample. N-TiO2 samples were active in formic acid degradation under visible radiation while keeping a very good efficiency in the UV.
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Hydroarylation régiosélective d’indoles pour l’accès aux motifs 3 - arylindolines : études et applications d’une nouvelle réactivité de l’indole / Highly regioselective hydroarylation of indoles for a new entry to 3-arylindolines : study and applications of a new reactivity of the indole nucleiBeaud, Rodolphe 03 November 2014 (has links)
Le diazonamide A, molécule naturelle extraite d’une ascidie marine, présente une activité antitumorale très importante (IC₅₀ < 5 nM) selon un mode d’action tout à fait original. Des études ont en effet prouvé que cette molécule inhibait une enzyme, l’Ornithine-d-aminotransferase, intervenant dans la réplication cellulaire des cellules cancéreuses faisant d’elle un poison du fuseau mitotique très sélectif. Cette molécule présente en son sein un cœur benzofuroindoline qui serait issu, d’un point de vue biogénétique, d’un couplage oxydant entre un noyau indole et un noyau phénol. Afin de développer une méthode générale de synthèse d’analogues simplifiés du diazonamide A, nous avons mis au point une voie d’accès efficace et simple au noyau benzofuroindoline. Ce projet nous a permis de mettre en place une stratégie en 3 étapes à partir d’indoles acétylés et de phénols qui permettent l’obtention de benzofuroindolines. La première étape est une réaction d’hydroarylation sur la double liaison C₂-C₃ de l’indole médiée par le trichlorure de fer. Cette première étape met en avant une réactivité tout à fait inhabituelle du noyau indole en rendant la position 3 de cet hétérocycle, électrophile. Grâce à cette stratégie, nous avons pu obtenir une librairie importante de benzofuroindolines dont certaines présentent une activité biologique encourageante. La seconde partie de ces travaux de thèse ont porté sur une étude plus approfondie de la réaction d’hydroarylation de l’indole. Une étude intensive du champ d’application de cette réaction ont permis de mettre en avant une haute tolérance de groupements fonctionnels. De plus l’étude des nucléophiles aromatiques tels que des polyaromatiques ou des hétérocycles ont permis d’obtenir un grand nombre de 3-arylindolines avec une diversité structurale très importante. Ces travaux ayant porté sur l’umpolung de l’indole, des études mécanistiques ont finalement été menées afin d’expliquer cette réactivité. Des études de marquage isotopique, d’infra-rouge in-situ ainsi que l’établissement d’une relation de Hammett ont permis de proposer un mécanisme réactionnel plausible. / The benzofuroindoline core is a unique motif found in the natural products diazonamide A bipleiophylline and azonazine. From a biosynthetic point of view, we can assume that the benzofuroindoline skeleton arises from the oxidative coupling of an indole and a phenol.The benzofuroindoline motif represents an opportunity for the discovery of new antitumor agents. Diazonamide A is a very potent anticancer agent that has received considerable attention owing to its high antitumor activity (IC₅₀ < 5nm) and its unique mode of action the inhibition of a newly discovered role for the ornithine-δ-aminotransferase. It is suggested that this natural product may have clinical utility for cancer therapy because it is as active in vitro as widely used antimitotic drugs such as taxanes and vinca alkaloids, but does not have their toxicity in normal dividing tissue. Owing to the high potential of diazonamide A and its scarce availability, it is highly desirable to identify simplified benzofuroindoline analogues as promising as the natural product, but more synthetically accessible.We report herein the C3-regioselective hydroarylation of N-acetyl indoles with phenols mediated by FeCl ₃ featuring a rare example of the electrophilic reactivity of the indole core in a Friedel–Crafts reaction. The indole Umpolung, followed by an oxidation step, allows us direct access to the tetracyclic benzofuroindoline motif found in the natural product diazonamide A.Moreover, this activation of N-acetylindoles with iron(III) chloride allows the C-H addition of other aromatic substrates than phenols to the C ₃ =C₂ double bond of the indole nucleus generating a quaternary center at C ₃ and leading regioselectively to 3-arylated indolines. Optimization, scope, practicability (gram scale, air atmosphere, room temperature) and mechanistic insights of this process are presented in this study.
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Remoção de fenol em reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado sob condições desnitrificantes / Phenol removal an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor under denitrifying conditions.Omena, Sylvia Paes Farias de 29 April 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral a caracterização de um sistema de tratamento biológico de remoção de fenol em reator anaeróbio de leito fluidificado utilizando o nitrato como aceptor final de elétrons. O reator foi construído em acrílico transparente, com dimensões equivalentes a 190 cm de altura e 5,3 cm de diâmetro interno, totalizando um volume de 4192 cm³, dos quais cerca de 44% (1831 cm³) foram ocupados pelo meio suporte, na situação de leito fixo. Para imobilização da biomassa foram utilizadas partículas de poliestireno, que foram previamente ativadas através de ataque ácido, com o intuito de aumentar a rugosidade e a porosidade da superfície do material, facilitando a aderência da biomassa ao meio suporte. O reator foi inoculado com lodo proveniente de reator UASB, responsável pelo tratamento de despejos de suinocultura. A realização do experimento foi dividida em cinco fases, que foram alteradas de acordo com o desempenho e a estabilidade do sistema diante do aumento das concentrações de fenol e nitrato. As concentrações médias de fenol afluente estudadas foram de 52, 107, 201, 335 e 518 mg/L, de maneira que não foi detectada presença de fenol no efluente para concentrações de até 335 mg/L. A eficiência de remoção reduziu-se para aproximadamente 70%, quando foi operado com concentrações de fenol afluente superiores a 500 mg/L. A relação entre carbono (proveniente exclusivamente do fenol) e N - \'NO IND. 3\' foi aproximadamente 1, portanto, as concentrações médias afluentes de N - \'NO IND. 3\' testadas foram equivalentes a 45, 79, 157, 260 e 362 mg/L, cujas eficiências de remoção de nitrogênio foram de 94%, 89%, 86%, 79% e 51%, respectivamente. O pH efluente variou entre 7,64 e 8,35, estando de acordo com sistemas que realizam o processo de desnitrificação. Em geral, cerca de 3,8 g DQO foi consumido por grama de N - \'NO IND. 3\' removido. Não foi observado acúmulo de nitrito no sistema, considerando que o valor médio da concentração efluente foi de 1,5 mg/L de N - \'NO IND. 2\' para todo período de operação. O experimento teve duração de 162 dias, nos quais o sistema mostrou resultados satisfatórios para redução de carbono e nitrogênio, mesmo quando operado com elevadas concentrações de fenol e nitrato. / This work aimed the general characterization of a phenol removal biological treatment system in an anaerobic fluidized bed reactor using nitrate as the final electron acceptor. The reactor was built in transparent acrylic, with equivalent dimensions of 190 cm height and 5.3 cm intern diameter, resulting in 4,192 cm³ volume, which 44% were occupied by the support medium in a fix bed situation. Polystyrene particles were used to immobilize biomass, these particles were previously activated through acid attack, in order to increase materials roughness and superficial porosity, facilitating biomass adherence to the support medium. The reactor was inoculated with sludge from UASB reactor, responsible for swine culture effluent treatment. The experiment was divided in five phases, which were modified according to system performance and stability under the increase of phenol and nitrate concentrations. The mean phenol affluent concentrations studied were: 52, 107, 201, 335 and 518 mg/L, so that no phenol was detected in effluent in concentrations bellow 335 mg/L. The removal efficiency decreased to about 70% for affluent phenol concentrations over 500 mg/L. Carbon (exclusively from phenol) and N -\'NO IND. 3\' ratio was nearly 1, therefore the N \'NO IND. 3\' mean affluent concentrations tested were equivalent to 45, 79, 157, 260 e 362 mg/L, whose nitrogen removal efficiency were 94%, 89%, 86%, 79% e 51%, respectively. Effluent pH varied between 7.64 and 8.35, in agreement with denitrification process systems. In general, around 3.8 g DQO were consumed per gram of removed N \'NO IND. 3\'. No nitrite accumulation was observed in the system, considering that the mean effluent concentration was 1.5 mg/L de N - \'NO IND. 2\' to all operation period. Experiment lasted 162 days, during this time the system showed satisfactory results for carbon and nitrogen reduction, even when operated with high phenol and nitrate concentrations.
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Nouveaux iodanes chiraux pour des réactions d’oxygénation asymétriques / New Chiral Iodanes for Asymmetric Oxygenation ReactionsCoffinier, Romain 18 December 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux concernent le développement de nouveaux iodanes chiraux et leur application à des réactions d’oxygénation asymétriques. Ces réactifs à base d’iode hypervalent constituent une alternative intéressante aux réactifs à base de métaux lourds en termes de réactivité et de toxicité. La première partie de ce travail a été consacrée à la synthèse de nouvelles structures originales C 2 -symétriques énantiopures de type S alen. Un criblage de conditions oxydantes a ensuite montré que seul le 3,3-diméthyldioxirane (DMDO) permet une oxydation propre et sélective de ces iodoarènes en iodanes-λ5 correspondants, composés isolables par simple filtration et dont la nature a pu être déterminée sans ambiguïté par analyse spectroscopique RMN 13C. Dans un second temps, ces nouveaux iodanes-λ5 chiraux ont été appliqués à des réactions d’oxygénation asymétriques, et plus particulièrement à la désaromatisation hydroxylante (réaction HPD) de 2-alkylphénols tels que le carvacrol et le thymol. Les meilleurs excès énantiomériques (ee) sont obtenus lorsque la réaction HPD est réalisée à température ambiante dans un mélange 85:15 de dichlorométhane/ trifluoroéthanol. Le carvacrol est ainsi converti en son cyclodimère [4+2] d’ortho -quinol naturel, le biscarvacrol, avec 55% de ee, et le thymol en bisthymol avec 68% de ee. / This work focuses on the development of new chiral iodanes and their application to asymmetric oxygenation reactions. These hypervalent iodine-based reagents represent an interesting alternative to heavy metal-based reagents in terms of reactivity and toxicity. The first part of this work consisted in the synthesis of new enantiopure C 2 -symmetrical Salen-type structures. A screening of oxidizing conditions then showed that only 3,3-dimethyldioxirane (DMDO) is able to mediate a clean and selective oxidation of these iodoarenes into to the corresponding λ5-iodanes, which were isolated by simple filtration and further characterized by 13C NMR spectroscopic analysis. In a second part, these new chiral λ5-iodanes were applied to asymmetric oxygenation reactions, in particular the Hydroxylative Phenol Dearomatization reaction (HPD reaction) of 2-alkylphenols such as carvacrol and thymol. Best enantiomeric excesses (ee) where obtained when the HPD reaction was performed in a 85:15 mixture of dichloromethane/ trifluoroethanol. Carvacrol was converted into its natural ortho -quinol-based [4+2] cyclodimer biscarvacrol with ee up to 55%, and thymol into bisthymol with ee up to 68%.
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