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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nucleation, milk and membranes as modifications to enhance biological phosphorus removal in activated sludge

Van Lierde, Patrick G. January 2015 (has links)
Enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) was researched from the performance of a modified University of Cape Town (UCT), anaerobic-anoxic/nitrifying-aerobic process. The work focussed on high P influent where milk was compared to carbohydrates as exogenous added carbon and typical settled sewage. The results confirmed that at equal COD load in the influent (minimum COD:P (250:5) ratio for EBPR), milk always provided sufficient soluble substrate than the carbohydrate mix, but also improved the EBPR performance. The laboratory scale treated 10L/day where 2 parallel treatment trains for milk and an equivalent carbohydrate mix as supplement to compare and study the P sequestration from hypothesised P ligands in milk and easily assimilable carbon (AOM) after fermentation for biological P uptake. The aerobic bioreactors used submerged flat sheet membranes (AeMBR) to improve the effluent quality and reduce the suspended solid residues. The results suggested extra benefits from adding calcium chloride (CaCl2) (200 ml at 250 mM/day or 200 mg/L treated) to form P complexes both in the anaerobic and aerobic zones (100 ml CaCl2 250mM/zone/day). To complete P removal a calcium phosphate (CaPO4) further treatment stage (post membrane final effluent (F.E.)) was added for nucleation. The combination of, A2O-N, exogenous carbon and calcium addition improved the performance of the EBPR, and enabled the laboratory units to achieve less than the 1 mg/L P required by the EU Directive. The process was tested at higher than normal P loads (maximum 100 mg/L) (domestic wastewater influent 15 mg/L). Experiments with influent P load ≤ 50mg/L, with 1% milk as AOM were compared to the carbohydrate mix and could remove soluble P to less than 1mg/L above 97% and less than 2 mg/L more than 99% of the in the time respectively. With an influent P load of 60mg/L (maximum 100 mg/L), the soluble P in the F.E. with milk was below 5 mg/L and below 8 mg/L with carbohydrates mix. The results showed that most of the phosphorus was retained by the sludge during the anoxic-aerobic phases. The remaining phosphate in the F.E. was able to pass through AeMBR pore size (0.4 μm) and needed to be chelated by the nucleation process. The results indicated this A2O-N modifications achieved stable nutrient removal and also offered the potential for more sustainable phosphorus recovery. The EBPR without AOM was 25% less efficient compared to milk and never achieved the E.U standard of 1mg/L in final effluent. The flat sheet membrane always achieved a NTU final effluent below 1 and the TOC always greater than 90% removal or less than the EU 125 standard regardless of the feeding COD/P ratio.

Lengvai biologiškai skaidomų organinių teršalų koncentracijos Palangos ir Visagino miestų nuotekose tyrimai / Investigation Of Concentration Of Readily Biodegradable Organic Matter In Wastewater Of Palanga And Visaginas

Baltrūnienė, Rima 18 July 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe yra aprašomi lengvai biologiškai skaidomų organinių teršalų koncentracijos Palangos miesto nuotekose atskirais metų laikotarpiais bei Visagino miesto nuotekose tyrimai. Tyrimams nuotekos buvo imamos prieš biologinį valymą, o veiklusis dumblas – iš veikliojo dumblo reaktoriaus pabaigos. Tyrimai atlikti VGTU Vandentvarkos katedros ir UAB „Palangos vandenys“ laboratorijose. Siekiant įvertinti teršalų bei technologinių parametrų kitimą bei jų įtaką nuotekų išvalymo rodikliams, buvo surinkti ir statistiškai apdoroti Palangos ir Visagino nuotekų tyrimų rodikliai. Analizuota nuotekų parametrų priklausomybė, teršalų koncentracijų kaita, nuotekų valymo efektyvumas ir jų įtaka biologiniam fosforo šalinimui. Ištirtos lengvai biologiškai skaidomų organinių teršalų koncentracijos. Gauti rezultatai palyginti su anksčiau VGTU Vandentvarkos katedroje atliktų magistrantų nuotekų tyrimų rezultatais. / It is the investigations for determination of concentration of easily biodegradable organic matter in wastewater of Palanga and Visaginas towns. Wastewater for investigations have been taken before biological treatment, and active sludge - from the end of active sludge reactor. The investigations were carried out at Water Management Department of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University and UAB "Palangos vandenys" laboratories. The indicators of investigations of Palanga and Visaginas wastewater were collected and statistically processed in order to evaluate alteration of technological parameters and their influence to indicators of wastewater cleaning. It was analysed the relationship between various parameters in order to find out their influence for the efficiency of biological phosphorus removal. It was studied easily biodegradable organic pollutant concentrations too. The results are compared with previously results of investigations, made by postgraduates of Water Management Department of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University.

Sistema cíclico de lodo ativado empregado para remoção biológica de nutrientes de esgoto sanitário. / Cyclic activated sludge system used for biological nutrient removal from sewage.

Martins Neto, Henrique 25 September 2014 (has links)
Tendo em vista a crescente problemática quanto à eutrofização de corpos dágua em países em desenvolvimento, devido ao lançamento de esgoto mesmo que tratado em nível secundário, o processo de lodo ativado vem sendo estudo e aprimorado para efetuar a remoção conjunta de matéria orgânica, nitrogênio e o fósforo, nutrientes limitantes para ocorrência da eutrofização. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir com informações quanto à remoção biológica de nutrientes de esgoto sanitário através de estudo em escala piloto em um sistema cíclico de lodo ativado. Este sistema, operado em regime de bateladas sequenciais, difere da configuração habitual, pois possui três compartimentos internos, zonas 1, 2 e 3 que apresentam condições anaeróbias/anóxicas, anóxicas e aeróbias respectivamente, além do retorno de lodo da zona 3 para zona 1 durante o período de reação, sob vazão de 20% da vazão afluente a unidade. Cada batelada possui duração de 4 horas, distribuídas em 4 etapas de 1h cada, sendo elas o enchimento com aeração, reação, sedimentação e descarga. Com essas características o sistema cíclico de lodo ativado do presente estudo, demonstrou no tratamento de esgoto sanitário, elevada eficiência na remoção de matéria orgânica, sempre acima de 90%, além da boa eficiência de remoção nitrogênio através do processo de nitrificação e desnitrificação, cuja concentração média de amônia e nitrato no efluente final foram respectivamente de 2,8 e 11,4 mgN.L-1 para idade de lodo de 25 dias e quando operado com 12 dias de idade, o efluente apresentou concentração de 6,6 e 12,4 mgN.L-1. Também foram determinadas via respirometria as taxas máximas de crescimento (n,max) para bactérias nitrificantes e nitratantes, os valores obtidos foram respectivos, de 0,45 d-1 e 0,37 d-1 para idade de lodo de 12 dias, resultados próximos a literatura. A remoção biológica de fósforo foi obtida com melhor resultado na segunda etapa, superando 95% de eficiência, produzindo efluente final com teor de fósforo total inferior a 0,5 mgP.L-1. / Given the growing problem regarding the eutrophication of water bodies in developing countries, due to discharge of sewage treated even at the secondary level, the activated sludge process has been enhanced to study and perform the joint removal of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus, the limiting nutrient for the occurrence of eutrophication. In this context, this work aims to contribute information for biological nutrient removal from wastewater by pilot scale study in a cyclic activated sludge system. This system operated in sequential batch system differs from typical configuration because it has three internal compartments, zones 1, 2 and 3 show that anaerobic / anoxic, aerobic and anoxic respectively, beyond the conditions of return sludge from zone 3 to zone 1 during the reaction, flow rate under 20% of the influent flow unit. Each batch has a duration of 4 hours, distributed into 4 stages each 1H, they aeration and filling, reaction, settling and discharge. With these characteristics the cyclic activated sludge system of the present study showed for the treatment of sewage, high efficiency in the removal of organic matter, always above 90%, besides the good efficiency of nitrogen removal by nitrification and denitrification, which average concentration of ammonia and nitrate in the final effluent were respectively 2.8 and 11.4 mgN.L-1 for sludge age of 25 days, when operated at 12 days of age, the effluent showed a concentration of 6.6 to 12 4 mgN.L-1. Were also determined via respirometry maximum growth rates (n, max) for nitrifying bacteria and nitratantes, the respective value obtained were, 0.45 d-1 and 0.37 d-1 for sludge age of 12 days, results Nearby literature. Biological phosphorus removal was obtained with better results in the second stage, surpassing 95% efficiency, producing the final content of the effluent below 0.5 mgP.L-1 total phosphorus.

Produção de estruvita a partir de esgoto doméstico. / Production of struvite from domestic wastewater.

Sánchez Ledesma, Lina Marcela 09 October 2014 (has links)
A escassez das fontes de fósforo e o alto consumo de energia associado à produção de fertilizantes nitrogenados serão problemas que deverão ser enfrentados no futuro. A recuperação de nutrientes das águas residuárias na forma de estruvita tem sido considerada como uma alternativa para atenuar estes problemas. Na América Latina, a produção de estruvita a partir de esgoto ainda não é uma tecnologia bem conhecida e, portanto, a finalidade deste trabalho é contribuir com uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos envolvidos. Para isso, a pesquisa foi dividida em três etapas: 1) produção de estruvita a partir de efluente de reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente com manto de lodo (RAFA); 2) produção de estruvita a partir de sobrenadante de digestor anaeróbio de lodo de um processo com remoção biológica de fósforo (DALRBF) e 3) influência do cálcio na estruvita produzida na etapa 2. Nas três etapas, ajustaram-se as concentrações de magnésio, a fim de obter razões fósforo:magnésio (P:Mg) pré-estabelecidas, e o pH entre 8,00 e 10,50. Os resultados da primeira etapa mostraram que não foi possível produzir estruvita no efluente do RAFA nas condições testadas. No entanto, foram observadas remoções de fósforo e de nitrogênio, devido à formação de fosfatos de cálcio e de magnésio amorfos. Os resultados da segunda etapa comprovaram a viabilidade de produção de estruvita de sobrenadante de DALRBF e mostraram que os consumos molares dos íons fosfato (PO43-), amônio (NH4+) e magnésio (Mg2+) ou as remoções destes (%) não devem ser os únicos parâmetros para avaliar a formação de estruvita, pois outros compostos cristalizam ou precipitam e reduzem a qualidade do mineral. Para um meio com condições semelhantes às testadas nesta etapa, uma razão P:Mg 1:2 e um pH igual a 9,50 asseguram a máxima recuperação de nutrientes como estruvita com concentração mínima de impurezas, facilitando seu posterior uso como fertilizante. Os resultados da terceira etapa mostraram que uma fase amorfa de fosfato de cálcio ou de magnésio se forma na superfície da estruvita. / The shortage of the phosphorus sources and high-energy consumption associated to the nitrogen fertilizers production will be problems in the future. The nutrient recovery from wastewater as struvite has been considered as an alternative to alleviate these problems. In Latin America, production of struvite from wastewater is not yet a wellknown technology and therefore the purpose of this work is to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomena involved. This research work was performed in three phases: 1) production of struvite from upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor effluent; 2) production of struvite from anaerobic digester supernatant of enhanced biological phosphorus removal process (ADS-EBPR) and 3) influence of calcium in the struvite produced in the phase 2. In three phases, the magnesium concentrations were adjusted to obtain the preset phosphorus:magnesium (P:Mg) ratios and the pH was adjusted between 8,00 and 10,50. The results of the first phase showed that it is not possible to produce struvite in the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor effluent in the tested conditions. However, removal of nitrogen and phosphorus was observed because amorphous calcium and magnesium phosphates were produced. The results of the second phase showed that it is possible to produce struvite in the ADS-EBPR and the molar consumptions of phosphate (PO43-), ammonia (NH4+) and magnesium (Mg2+) or removals (%) should not be the only parameters to evaluate the struvite formation, because other compounds crystallize or precipitate and reduce the quality of the mineral. In the similar conditions tested in this phase, a P:Mg ratio 1:2 and pH 9,50 assure maximum nutrients recovery as struvite with minimum impurities concentration, facilitating its subsequent use as fertilizer. The results of the third phase showed that amorphous calcium or magnesium phosphates were produced on the struvite surface.

Sistema cíclico de lodo ativado empregado para remoção biológica de nutrientes de esgoto sanitário. / Cyclic activated sludge system used for biological nutrient removal from sewage.

Henrique Martins Neto 25 September 2014 (has links)
Tendo em vista a crescente problemática quanto à eutrofização de corpos dágua em países em desenvolvimento, devido ao lançamento de esgoto mesmo que tratado em nível secundário, o processo de lodo ativado vem sendo estudo e aprimorado para efetuar a remoção conjunta de matéria orgânica, nitrogênio e o fósforo, nutrientes limitantes para ocorrência da eutrofização. Neste contexto, o presente trabalho pretende contribuir com informações quanto à remoção biológica de nutrientes de esgoto sanitário através de estudo em escala piloto em um sistema cíclico de lodo ativado. Este sistema, operado em regime de bateladas sequenciais, difere da configuração habitual, pois possui três compartimentos internos, zonas 1, 2 e 3 que apresentam condições anaeróbias/anóxicas, anóxicas e aeróbias respectivamente, além do retorno de lodo da zona 3 para zona 1 durante o período de reação, sob vazão de 20% da vazão afluente a unidade. Cada batelada possui duração de 4 horas, distribuídas em 4 etapas de 1h cada, sendo elas o enchimento com aeração, reação, sedimentação e descarga. Com essas características o sistema cíclico de lodo ativado do presente estudo, demonstrou no tratamento de esgoto sanitário, elevada eficiência na remoção de matéria orgânica, sempre acima de 90%, além da boa eficiência de remoção nitrogênio através do processo de nitrificação e desnitrificação, cuja concentração média de amônia e nitrato no efluente final foram respectivamente de 2,8 e 11,4 mgN.L-1 para idade de lodo de 25 dias e quando operado com 12 dias de idade, o efluente apresentou concentração de 6,6 e 12,4 mgN.L-1. Também foram determinadas via respirometria as taxas máximas de crescimento (n,max) para bactérias nitrificantes e nitratantes, os valores obtidos foram respectivos, de 0,45 d-1 e 0,37 d-1 para idade de lodo de 12 dias, resultados próximos a literatura. A remoção biológica de fósforo foi obtida com melhor resultado na segunda etapa, superando 95% de eficiência, produzindo efluente final com teor de fósforo total inferior a 0,5 mgP.L-1. / Given the growing problem regarding the eutrophication of water bodies in developing countries, due to discharge of sewage treated even at the secondary level, the activated sludge process has been enhanced to study and perform the joint removal of organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus, the limiting nutrient for the occurrence of eutrophication. In this context, this work aims to contribute information for biological nutrient removal from wastewater by pilot scale study in a cyclic activated sludge system. This system operated in sequential batch system differs from typical configuration because it has three internal compartments, zones 1, 2 and 3 show that anaerobic / anoxic, aerobic and anoxic respectively, beyond the conditions of return sludge from zone 3 to zone 1 during the reaction, flow rate under 20% of the influent flow unit. Each batch has a duration of 4 hours, distributed into 4 stages each 1H, they aeration and filling, reaction, settling and discharge. With these characteristics the cyclic activated sludge system of the present study showed for the treatment of sewage, high efficiency in the removal of organic matter, always above 90%, besides the good efficiency of nitrogen removal by nitrification and denitrification, which average concentration of ammonia and nitrate in the final effluent were respectively 2.8 and 11.4 mgN.L-1 for sludge age of 25 days, when operated at 12 days of age, the effluent showed a concentration of 6.6 to 12 4 mgN.L-1. Were also determined via respirometry maximum growth rates (n, max) for nitrifying bacteria and nitratantes, the respective value obtained were, 0.45 d-1 and 0.37 d-1 for sludge age of 12 days, results Nearby literature. Biological phosphorus removal was obtained with better results in the second stage, surpassing 95% efficiency, producing the final content of the effluent below 0.5 mgP.L-1 total phosphorus.

Produção de estruvita a partir de esgoto doméstico. / Production of struvite from domestic wastewater.

Lina Marcela Sánchez Ledesma 09 October 2014 (has links)
A escassez das fontes de fósforo e o alto consumo de energia associado à produção de fertilizantes nitrogenados serão problemas que deverão ser enfrentados no futuro. A recuperação de nutrientes das águas residuárias na forma de estruvita tem sido considerada como uma alternativa para atenuar estes problemas. Na América Latina, a produção de estruvita a partir de esgoto ainda não é uma tecnologia bem conhecida e, portanto, a finalidade deste trabalho é contribuir com uma melhor compreensão dos fenômenos envolvidos. Para isso, a pesquisa foi dividida em três etapas: 1) produção de estruvita a partir de efluente de reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente com manto de lodo (RAFA); 2) produção de estruvita a partir de sobrenadante de digestor anaeróbio de lodo de um processo com remoção biológica de fósforo (DALRBF) e 3) influência do cálcio na estruvita produzida na etapa 2. Nas três etapas, ajustaram-se as concentrações de magnésio, a fim de obter razões fósforo:magnésio (P:Mg) pré-estabelecidas, e o pH entre 8,00 e 10,50. Os resultados da primeira etapa mostraram que não foi possível produzir estruvita no efluente do RAFA nas condições testadas. No entanto, foram observadas remoções de fósforo e de nitrogênio, devido à formação de fosfatos de cálcio e de magnésio amorfos. Os resultados da segunda etapa comprovaram a viabilidade de produção de estruvita de sobrenadante de DALRBF e mostraram que os consumos molares dos íons fosfato (PO43-), amônio (NH4+) e magnésio (Mg2+) ou as remoções destes (%) não devem ser os únicos parâmetros para avaliar a formação de estruvita, pois outros compostos cristalizam ou precipitam e reduzem a qualidade do mineral. Para um meio com condições semelhantes às testadas nesta etapa, uma razão P:Mg 1:2 e um pH igual a 9,50 asseguram a máxima recuperação de nutrientes como estruvita com concentração mínima de impurezas, facilitando seu posterior uso como fertilizante. Os resultados da terceira etapa mostraram que uma fase amorfa de fosfato de cálcio ou de magnésio se forma na superfície da estruvita. / The shortage of the phosphorus sources and high-energy consumption associated to the nitrogen fertilizers production will be problems in the future. The nutrient recovery from wastewater as struvite has been considered as an alternative to alleviate these problems. In Latin America, production of struvite from wastewater is not yet a wellknown technology and therefore the purpose of this work is to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomena involved. This research work was performed in three phases: 1) production of struvite from upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor effluent; 2) production of struvite from anaerobic digester supernatant of enhanced biological phosphorus removal process (ADS-EBPR) and 3) influence of calcium in the struvite produced in the phase 2. In three phases, the magnesium concentrations were adjusted to obtain the preset phosphorus:magnesium (P:Mg) ratios and the pH was adjusted between 8,00 and 10,50. The results of the first phase showed that it is not possible to produce struvite in the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor effluent in the tested conditions. However, removal of nitrogen and phosphorus was observed because amorphous calcium and magnesium phosphates were produced. The results of the second phase showed that it is possible to produce struvite in the ADS-EBPR and the molar consumptions of phosphate (PO43-), ammonia (NH4+) and magnesium (Mg2+) or removals (%) should not be the only parameters to evaluate the struvite formation, because other compounds crystallize or precipitate and reduce the quality of the mineral. In the similar conditions tested in this phase, a P:Mg ratio 1:2 and pH 9,50 assure maximum nutrients recovery as struvite with minimum impurities concentration, facilitating its subsequent use as fertilizer. The results of the third phase showed that amorphous calcium or magnesium phosphates were produced on the struvite surface.

Identifying factors that correlate with Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal upsets at Lundåkraverket / Undersökning av faktorer som påverkar biologisk fosforavskiljning vid Lundåkraverket

Niranjan, Rounak January 2021 (has links)
The Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal (EBPR) process is characterized as the most sustainable process to remove phosphorus from wastewater albeit with high variability in performance efficiency. Thus, unpredictable upsets in the EBPR system is the norm across several wastewater treatment plants throughout Sweden, forcing the hand of the operators to dose higher volume of chemicals to reach the effluent requirements. As future effluent requirements are getting stricter and since higher chemical usage is environmentally and economically unsustainable, this investigation was setup to evaluate which environmental, operational and/or wastewater characteristics correlate with EBPR upsets at full-scale wastewater treatment plant (WWTP), more specifically at Lundåkra WWTP operated by Nordvästra Skånes Vatten och Avlopp (NSVA). The data used in the investigation was collected between 1St January 2018 and 31St December 2020 for a vast number of parameters known to play a key role in biological phosphorus removal. Online sensors as well as external and internal analysis contributed to the data which included parameters such as ‘Total flow at the plant’, ‘pH of the incoming water’, ‘Temperature in aeration basins’, ‘Dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in aeration basins’, ‘Nitrate in aeration basins’, ‘Sludge content in aeration basins’, etc. Other relevant parameters such as ‘Hydraulic retention time (HRT) in the treatment units’, ‘Sludge retention time (SRT) in aeration basin’, ‘Organic loading rate (OLR)’, etc. were calculated. Before the start of this investigation, the two possible explanations were presumed and they can be classified as: (i) upsets as a result of unsuitable environmental conditions and/or error in the operational strategy at the plant and (ii) upsets as a result of toxicity from higher concentration of metals in the influent specifically. Traditional statistical methods such as the t-distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), Spearman Rank Correlation and Principal Component Analysis were used for the purpose of this study to test the first presumed explanation. The t-SNE plot showed that the upsets did not cluster into one large group but instead clamped up into smaller groups scattered across the length of the scale in both dimensions. This points towards the multivariate dependency of the EBPR process and exhibits that upsets might occur even with an operational strategy that produces good results otherwise. This, in turn, eludes to the fact that a non-included parameter such as the ‘daily metal concentrations in the influent’ could be responsible for some or all of the upsets. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) plot, although noisy, offered an improvement strategy built around the key variables namely ‘nitrate in aeration basin 1 & 2’, ‘sludge content in aeration basin’, ‘SRT in aeration basin’, ‘O2 in aeration basin 1 & 2’ and ‘pH of incoming water’. Therefore, it is recommended that an improvement strategy be devised around them. Multiple causal factors increase the complexity of the analysis by decreasing the correlation coefficients, however, incorporation of the scatterplots presents a clearer picture. The parameters ‘nitrate in aeration basin 1 & 2’ and ‘sludge content in aeration basin’ showed the strongest correlation with phosphate values at the end of biological treatment at -0.32 and 0.42 respectively. The results also open the door to future research and provide direction for further investigations. / Den förbättrade biologiska fosforborttagningsprocessen karakteriseras som den mest hållbara processen för att avlägsna fosfor från avloppsvatten om än med stor variation i prestandaeffektivitet. Således är oförutsägbara störningar i systemet för förbättrad biologisk fosforavskiljning (EBPR) normen bland flera avloppsreningsverk i hela Sverige, vilket tvingar operatörerna att dosera högre volymer kemikalier för att nå avloppskraven. Eftersom framtida avloppskrav blir allt strängare och eftersom högre kemikalieanvändning är miljömässigt och ekonomiskt ohållbar, gjordes denna undersökning för att utvärdera vilka miljö-, drifts- och/eller avloppsvattenegenskaper som korrelerar med EBPR- störningar vid fullskaligt avloppsreningsverk. Närmare bestämt vid Lundåkra reningsverk som drivs av Nordvästra Skånes Vatten och Avlopp. Datan som användes i undersökningen samlades in mellan 1:a januari 2018 och 31:a december 2020 för ett fast antal parametrar som är kända att spela en nyckelroll vid borttagning av biologiskt P. Onlinesensorer samt externa och interna analyser bidrog till datan vilken inkluderade parametrar som 'Totalt flöde vid anläggningen', 'pH för det inkommande vattnet', 'Temperatur i luftningsbassänger', nivåer av upplöst syre (DO) i luftningsbassänger ',' Nitrat i luftningsbassänger ',' Slamhalt i luftningsbassänger ', etc. Andra relevanta parametrar som 'Hydraulisk retentionstid (HRT) i behandlingsenheterna ',' Slamretentionstid (SRT) i luftningsbassäng ',' Organisk belastningshastighet (OLR) ', etc. beräknades. Innan denna undersökning påbjörades antogs de två möjliga förklaringarna och de kan klassificeras som: (i) störningar till följd av olämpliga miljöförhållanden och/eller fel i driftstrategin vid anläggningen och (ii) störningar till följd av toxicitet från högre koncentration av metaller i inflödet specifikt. Traditionella statistiska metoder såsom t- Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), Spearman Rank Correlation och Principal Component Analysis användes i denna studie för att testa den första förmodade förklaringen. t-SNE- diagrammet visade att störningarna inte samlades i en stor grupp utan istället klämdes ihop i mindre grupper utspridda över skalans längd i båda dimensionerna. Detta pekar mot EBPR-processens multivariata beroende och visar att störningar kan uppstå även med en operativ strategi som annars ger bra resultat. Detta i sin tur undviker det faktum att en icke-inkluderad parameter som "dagliga metallkoncentrationer i inflödet" kan vara orsaken för några eller alla störningar. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)-diagrammet, trots att det var bullrigt, möjliggjorde en förbättringsstrategi byggd kring nyckelvariablerna, nämligen 'nitrat i luftningsbassäng 1 & 2', 'slamhalt i luftningsbassäng', 'SRT i luftningsbassäng', 'O2 i luftningsbassäng 1 & 2' och 'pH av inkommande vatten'. Därför rekommenderas att en förbättringsstrategi utarbetas kring dem. Flera kausala faktorer ökar komplexiteten i analysen genom att minska korrelationskoefficienterna, men spridningsdiagrammen ger en tydligare bild. Parametrarna ‘nitrat i luftningsbassäng 1 & 2’ och ‘slamhalt i luftningsbassäng’ visade starkast samband med fosfatvärden vid slutet av biologisk behandling vid -0,32 respektive 0,42. Resultaten lämnar dörren öppen för framtida forskning och kan vägleda vidare undersökningar.

Biological nutrient removal in SBR technology: from floccular to granular sludge

Coma Bech, Marta 11 May 2011 (has links)
Biological nutrient removal has been studied and applied for decades in order to remove nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater. However, more anthropogenic uses and the continued demand for water have forced the facilities to operate at their maximum capacity. Therefore, the goal of this thesis is to obtain more compact systems for nutrient removal from domestic wastewater. In this sense, optimization and long-term stabilization of high volume exchange ratios reactors, treating higher volumes of wastewater, have been investigated. With the same target, aerobic granular sludge was proposed as a reliable alternative to reduce space and increase loading rates in treatment plants. However, the low organic loading rate from low-strength influents (less than 1 Kg COD•m-3d-1) results in slower granular formation and a longer time to reach a steady state. Because of that, different methodologies and operational conditions were investigated in order to enhance granulation and nutrient removal from domestic wastewater. / L’estudi de l’eliminació biològica de nutrients s’ha dut a terme durant dècades. Tot i això, la influencia de l’home i l’augment de la demanda d’aigua han forçat a les instal•lacions a treballar a la seva capacitat màxima. Així, l’objectiu de la tesi és obtenir sistemes més compactes per a l’eliminació de nutrients de les aigües residuals. En aquest sentit, s’ha investigat l’optimització i estabilització de reactors amb alts volums d’intercanvi, tractant més aigua. Amb el mateix objectiu, el fang granular aeròbic va ser proposat com una alternativa fiable per tal de reduir l’espai i incrementar les càrregues de les depuradores. Tot i això, la granulació amb influents de baixa càrrega (menors a 1 Kg dQO•m-3d-1) resulta més lenta i més dificultosa alhora d’obtenir l’estat estacionari. Per aquesta raó es van investigar diferents metodologies i condicions d’operació per tal de millorar la granularció i l’eliminació de nutrients de les aigües urbanes.

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