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Biogratings: Diffractive Transducers for Biosensing in Photonic PlatformsJuste Dolz, Augusto Miguel 15 June 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] El desarrollo científico y tecnológico de las últimas décadas ha dado lugar a sistemas sensores capaces de obtener, procesar y transmitir información sobre multitud de aspectos físicos y químicos, y utilizarla para mejorar aspectos clave de multitud de áreas de nuestra sociedad. Los sensores químicos son dispositivos compactos y miniaturizados capaces de ofrecer soluciones alternativas a las técnicas de análisis instrumental convencionales. En especial, los biosensores han adquirido gran relevancia por los avances que han supuesto para sectores estratégicos como el diagnóstico clínico, la industria alimentaria y el medio ambiente.
Los biosensores ópticos se basan en interacciones entre la luz y la materia para transducir eventos de bioreconocimiento y presentan prestaciones importantes como la estabilidad, inmunidad a estímulos externos y versatilidad en el desarrollo de aproximaciones sin marcaje (label-free). Este último aspecto suele aprovechar fenómenos nanoscópicos y su desarrollo se encuentra muy ligado al progreso de la nanociencia y nanotecnología.
Un aspecto clave en el biosensado sin marcaje consiste en descubrir y desarrollar nuevas estrategias de transducción. En este sentido, aunque se encuentren aun en una etapa temprana de desarrollo, los biosensores difractivos presentan un gran potencial en términos de simplicidad, miniaturización, y capacidad para minimizar señales no deseadas fruto de interacciones no específicas, entre otros aspectos. / [CA] El desenvolupament científic i tecnològic de les últimes dècades ha donat lloc a sistemes sensors capaços d'obtindre, processar i transmetre informació sobre multitud d'aspectes físics i químics, i utilizar-la per a millorar aspectes clau de multitud d'arees de la nostra societat. Els sensors químics són dispositius compactes i miniaturitzats capaços d'oferir solucions alternatives a les tècniques d'analisi instrumental convencionals. Especialment, els biosensors han adquirit gran rellevància pels avanços que han suposat per als sectors estratègics com el diagnòstic clínic, la industria alimentària i el medi ambient.
Els biosensors òptics es basen en interaccions entre la llum i la matèria per a transduir esdeveniments de bioreconèixement i presenten prestacions importants com estabilitat, immunitat a estímuls externs i versatilitat en el desenvolupament d'aproximacions sense marcatge (label-free). Aquest últim aspecte sol aprofitat fenòmens nanoscòpics i el seu desenvolupament es troba molt lligat al progrés de la nanociència i nanotecnologia.
Un aspecte clau en el biosensat sense marcatge consisteix a descobrir i desenvolupar noves estratègies de transducció. En aquest sentit, encara que es troben fins i tot en una etapa primerenca de desenvolupament, els biosensors difractius presenten un gran potencial en termes de simplicitat, miniaturització, i capacitat per a minimitzar senyals no desitjats fruit d'interaccions no específiques, entre altres aspectes. / [EN] The scientific and technological progress in recent decades has given rise to sensor systems capable of obtaining, processing, and transmitting information on a multitude of physical and chemical aspects and using it to improve key aspects of many areas of our society. Chemical sensors are compact, miniaturized devices capable of offering alternative solutions to conventional instrumental analysis techniques. In particular, biosensors have become highly relevant due to the progress they have brought to strategic sectors such as clinical diagnostics, the food industry, and the environment.
Optical biosensors rely on interactions between light and matter to transduce biosensing events and provide important features such as stability, immunity to external stimuli, and versatility in the development of label-free approaches. This last aspect usually exploits nanoscopic phenomena and its development in closely linked to the progress in nanoscience and nanotechnology.
A key aspect of label-free biosensing is the discovery and development of new transduction strategies. In this regard, although they are at an early stage of development, diffractive biosensors offer great potential in terms of simplicity, miniaturization, and the ability to minimize unwanted signals from non-specific interactions, among other aspects. / This work was financially supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/Agencia Estatal de Investigación (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) co-funded by the European Union “ERDF A way of making Europe” (PID2019-110713RB-I00, TED2021-132584B-C21, PID2019-110877GB-I00), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (TEC2016-80385-P), Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO/2019/048 PROMETEO/2020/094, PROMETEO/2021/015, IDIFEDER/2021/046). A.J.D. ackowledges the FPI-UPV 2017 grant program. The authors acknowledge Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona CNM-CSIC for the support in the fabrication of the measured chip samples on the Multiproject CNM-VLC silicon nitride technology platform. / Juste Dolz, AM. (2023). Biogratings: Diffractive Transducers for Biosensing in Photonic Platforms [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/194251 / Compendio
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Multipurpose Programmable Integrated Photonics: Principles and ApplicationsLópez Hernández, Aitor 06 September 2023 (has links)
[ES] En los últimos años, la fotónica integrada programable ha evolucionado desde considerarse un paradigma nuevo y prometedor para implementar la fotónica a una escala más amplia hacia convertirse una realidad sólida y revolucionaria, capturando la atención de numerosos grupos de investigación e industrias. Basada en el mismo fundamento teórico que las matrices de puertas lógicas programables en campo (o FPGAs, en inglés), esta tecnología se sustenta en la disposición bidimensional de bloques unitarios de lógica programable (en inglés: PUCs) que -mediante una programación adecuada de sus actuadores de fase- pueden implementar una gran variedad de funcionalidades que pueden ser elaboradas para operaciones básicas o más complejas en muchos campos de aplicación como la inteligencia artificial, el aprendizaje profundo, los sistemas de información cuántica, las telecomunicaciones 5/6-G, en redes de conmutación, formando interconexiones en centros de datos, en la aceleración de hardware o en sistemas de detección, entre otros.
En este trabajo, nos dedicaremos a explorar varias aplicaciones software de estos procesadores en diferentes diseños de chips. Exploraremos diferentes enfoques de vanguardia basados en la optimización computacional y la teoría de grafos para controlar y configurar con precisión estos dispositivos. Uno de estos enfoques, la autoconfiguración, consiste en la síntesis automática de circuitos ópticos -incluso en presencia de efectos parasitarios como distribuciones de pérdidas no uniformes a lo largo del diseño hardware, o bajo interferencias ópticas y eléctricas- sin conocimiento previo sobre el estado del dispositivo. Hay ocasiones, sin embargo, en las que el acceso a esta información puede ser útil. Las herramientas de autocalibración y autocaracterización nos permiten realizar una comprobación rápida del estado de nuestro procesador fotónico, lo que nos permite extraer información útil como la corriente eléctrica que suministrar a cada actuador de fase para cambiar el estado de su PUC correspondiente, o las pérdidas de inserción de cada unidad programable y de las interconexiones ópticas que rodean a la estructura. Estos mecanismos no solo nos permiten identificar rápidamente cualquier PUC o región del chip defectuosa en nuestro diseño, sino que también revelan otra alternativa para programar circuitos fotónicos en nuestro diseño a partir de valores de corriente predefinidos.
Estas estrategias constituyen un paso significativo para aprovechar todo el potencial de estos dispositivos. Proporcionan soluciones para manejar cientos de variables y gestionar simultáneamente múltiples acciones de configuración, una de las principales limitaciones que impiden que esta tecnología se extienda y se convierta en disruptiva en los próximos años. / [CA] En els darrers anys, la fotònica integrada programable ha evolucionat des de considerarse un paradigma nou i prometedor per implementar la fotònica a una escala més ampla cap a convertir-se en una realitat sòlida i revolucionària, capturant l'atenció de nombrosos grups d'investigaciò i indústries. Basada en el mateix fonament teòric que les matrius de portes lògiques programable en camp (o FPGAs, en anglès), aquesta tecnología es sustenta en la disposición bidimensional de blocs units lògics programables (en anglès: PUCs) que -mitjançant una programación adequada dels seus actuadors de fase- poden implementar una gran varietat de funcionalitats que poden ser elaborades per a operacions bàsiques o més complexes en molts camps d'aplicació com la intel·ligència artificial, l'aprenentatge profund, els sistemes d'informació quàntica, les telecomunicacions 5/6-G, en xarxes de comutació, formant interconnexions en centres de dades, en l'acceleració de hardware o en sistemes de detecció, entre d'altres.
En aquest treball, ens dedicarem a explorar diverses capatitats de programari d'aquests processadors en diferents dissenys de xips. Explorem diferents enfocaments de vanguardia basats en l'optimització computacional i la teoría de grafs per controlar i configurar amb precisió aquests dispositius. Un d'aquests enfocaments, l'autoconfiguració, tracta de la síntesi automática de circuits òptics -fins i tot en presencia d'efectes parasitaris com ara pèrdues no uniformes o crosstalk òptic i elèctric- sense cap coneixement previ sobre l'estat del dispositiu. Tanmateix, hi ha ocasions en les quals l'accés a aquesta información pot ser útil. Les eines d'autocalibració i autocaracterització ens permeten realizar una comprovació ràpida de l'estat del nostre procesador fotònic, el que ens permet obtener informació útil com la corrent eléctrica necessària per alimentar cada actuador de fase per canviar l'estat del seu PUC corresponent o la pèrdua d'inserció de cada unitat programable i de les interconnexions òptiques que envolten l'estructura. Aquests mecanisms no només ens permeten identificar ràpidament qualsevol PUC o área del xip defectuosa en el nostre disseny , sinó que també ens mostren una altra alternativa per programar circuits fotònics en el nostre disseny a partir de valors de corrent predefinits.
Aquestes estratègies constitueixen un pas gegant per a aprofitar tot el potencial d'aquests dispositius. Proporcionen solucions per a gestionar centenars de variables i alhora administrar múltiples accions de configuració, una de les principals limitacions que impideixen que aquesta tecnología esdevingui disruptiva en els pròxims anys. / [EN] In recent years, programmable integrated photonics (PIP) has evolved from a promising, new paradigm to deploy photonics to a larger scale to a solid, revolutionary reality, bringing up the attention of numerous research and industry players. Based on the same theoretical foundations than field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), this technology relies on common, two-dimensional integrated optical hardware configurations based on the interconnection of programmable unit cells (PUCs), which -by suitable programming of their phase actuators- can implement a variety of functionalities that can be elaborated for basic or more complex operation in many application fields, such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, quantum information systems, 5/6-G telecommunications, switching, data center interconnections, hardware acceleration and sensing, amongst others.
In this work, we will dedicate ourselves to explore several software capabilities of these processors under different chip designs. We explore different cutting-edge approaches based on computational optimization and graph theory to precisely control and configure these devices. One of these, self-configuration, deals with the automated synthesis of optical circuit configurations -even in presence of parasitic effects such as nonuniform losses, optical and electrical crosstalk- without any need for prior knowledge about hardware state. There are occasions, though, in which accessing to this information may be of use. Self-calibration and self-characterization tools allow us to perform a quick check to our photonic processor's status, allowing us to retrieve useful pieces of information such as the electrical current needed to supply to each phase actuator to change its corresponding PUC state arbitrarily or the insertion loss of every unit cell and optical interconnection surrounding the structure. These mechanisms not only allow us to quickly identify any malfunctioning PUCs or chip areas in our design, but also reveal another alternative to program photonic circuits in our design from current pre-sets.
These strategies constitute a gigantic step to unleash all the potential of these devices. They provide solutions to handle with hundreds of variables and simultaneously manage multiple configuration actions, one of the main limitations that prevent this technology to scale up and become disruptive in the years to come. / López Hernández, A. (2023). Multipurpose Programmable Integrated Photonics: Principles and Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/196867
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Optical frequency references in acetylene-filled hollow-core optical fiber and photonic microcellsWang, Chenchen January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Physics / Kristan L. Corwin / Optical frequency references have been widely used in applications such as navigation, remote sensing, and telecommunication industry. For stable frequency references in the near-infrared (NIR), lasers can be locked to narrow absorption features in gases such as acetylene. Currently, most Near NIR references are realized in free space setups. In this thesis, a low-loss hollow-core optical fiber with a diameter of sub millimeters is integrated into the reference setup to provide long interaction lengths between the filling gas and the laser field, also facilitate the optical interaction with low power levels. To make portable NIR reference, gas can be sealed inside the hollow-core fiber, by creating a photonic microcell. This work has demonstrated all-fiber optical frequency references in the Near IR by fabricating and integrating gas sealed photonic microcells in the reference setup. Also, a thoughtful study regarding the lineshape of the fiber-based reference has been accomplished. According the proper modeling of a shift due to lineshape, a correction was applied to our previous absolute frequency measurement of an NIR optical frequency reference. Furthermore, effects of the hollow-core fibers, including mode-dependence frequency shift related to surface modes are explored. In addition, angle splicing techniques, which will improve the performance of the fiber-based frequency reference have been created. Low transmission and return loss angle splices of photonic bandgap fiber, single mode PCF, and large core kagome to SMF-28 are developed and those fibers are demonstrated to be promising for photonic microcell based optical frequency references. Finally, a potentially portable optical metrology system is demonstrated by stabilizing a fiber-laser based frequency comb to an acetylene-filled optical fiber frequency reference. Further work is necessary to fabricate an all-fiber portable optical metrology system with high optical transmission and low molecular contamination.
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Polymer materials, processes, and structures for optical turning in 3D glass photonic interposersVis, William A. 27 May 2016 (has links)
Increasing bandwidth demands for cloud computing and autonomous applications push the need for system scaling instead of transistor scaling as predicted by Moore’s Law. Optoelectronic interconnections have the potential to enable system scaling at higher bandwidth, power efficiency, and lower cost than copper wiring. The objective of this research is to demonstrate polymer-based optical waveguides with integrated optical turning structures in ultra-thin glass interposers, for fiber-to-chip or chip-to-chip optical interconnections. The fundamental material and process challenges associated with achieving this objective are encompassed in: (1) polymer-glass interfaces and adhesion, (2) lithographically-defined polymer waveguides, and (3) integrated turning structures by inclined lithography. Process guidelines for substrate preparation, adhesion enhancement, and lithographic precision of siloxane-based polymer waveguides in glass were established by fundamentally breaking down and optimizing each process step. In addition, a new process was demonstrated to achieve, for the first time, waveguides with integrated turning structures with self-alignment and symmetry in a single exposure. The new process was enabled by fabricating pre-existing, direct-coated, metallic masks before the inclined exposure step. The demonstrated structures were imaged by polished cross-sectioning and Scanning Electronic Microscopy (SEM).
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Fabrication of Radially Symmetric Graded Porous Silicon using a Novel Cell DesignZhao, Mingrui, Keswani, Manish 22 April 2016 (has links)
A contactless method using a novel design of the experimental cell for formation of porous silicon with morphological gradient is reported. Fabricated porous silicon layers show a large distribution in porosity, pore size and depth along the radius of the samples. Symmetrical arrangements of morphology gradient were successfully formulated radially on porous films and the formation was attributed to decreasing current density radially inward on the silicon surface exposed to Triton (R) X-100 containing HF based etchant solution. Increasing the surfactant concentration increases the pore depth gradient but has a reverse effect on the pore size distribution. Interestingly, when dimethyl sulfoxide was used instead of Triton (R) X-100 in the etchant solution, no such morphological gradients were observed and a homogeneous porous film was formed.
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Diatoms in Photonics and Plasmonics: Characteristics and ApplicationsAlvarez, Christine January 2016 (has links)
We have investigated some of the many photonic and plasmonic properties of the diatom Coscinodiscus wailesii. We start by showing that when diatom frustules are converted to high-index magnesium silicide while maintaining their structure, they exhibit a broad (1μm - 2μm) photonic bandgap that varies in wavelength according to the position and angle of the incident light on the frustule. We then demonstrate the use of the micro and nanostructured silica diatom frustule as a low-cost, easily prepared substrate for surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy by coating the frustule in 25 nm of silver and a monolayer of thiophenol. Some potential applications of diatoms to water quality measurements are suggested, and steps are taken to image a diatom frustule and chloroplasts simultaneously in vivo using rhodamine 19 dye and fluorescence microscopy. We propose future experiments that could ascertain whether there is any biological effect of the light filtering properties of the diatom frustule, and put forth some suggestions as to how to influence the morphology and photonic properties of the frustule via chemical contaminants in the diatom seawater growth medium.
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / This paper presents the future of optical networking via photonic switches as a potential replacement for the existing electronic cross-connects. Although optical amplifiers are now mainstream and wave division multiplexing (WDM) systems are a commercial reality, the industry’s long-term vision is one of the all-optical network. This will require optical switching equipment such as all-optical or “photonic” cross-connect switches that will provide packet switching at an optical layer. Currently, as voice calls or data traffic are routed throughout Range and commercial networks, the information can travel through many fiber-optic segments which are linked together using electronic cross-connects. However, this electronic portion of the network is the bottleneck that is preventing the ideal network from achieving optimal speeds. Information is converted from light into an electronic signal, routed to the next circuit pathway, then converted back into light as it travels to the next network destination. In an all-optical network, the electronics are removed from the equation, eliminating the need to convert the signals and thereby significantly improving network performance and throughput. Removing the electronics improves network reliability and restoration speeds in the event of an outage, provides greater flexibility in network provisioning, and provides a smooth transition when migrating to future optical transmission technologies. Despite the fact that photonic switching remains uncommercialized, it now seems apparent that the core switches in both the public networks and DoD Range networks of the early 21st century will probably carry ATM cells over a photonic switching fabric.
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Novel coherent supercontinuum light sources based on all-normal dispersion fibersHeidt, Alexander Matthias 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The concept of broadband coherent supercontinuum (SC) generation in all-normal dispersion
(ANDi) fibers in the near-infrared, visible and ultraviolet (UV) spectral regions
is introduced and investigated in detail. In numerical studies, explicit design criteria are
established for ANDi photonic crystal fiber (PCF) designs that allow the generation of
flat and smooth ultrabroad spectral profiles without significant fine structure and with
excellent stability and coherence properties. The key benefit of SC generation in ANDi
fibers is the conservation of a single ultrashort pulse in the time domain with smooth and
recompressible phase distribution. In the numerical investigation of the SC generation
dynamics self-phase modulation and optical wave breaking are identified as the dominant
nonlinear effects responsible for the nonlinear spectral broadening. It is further demonstrated
that coherence properties, spectral bandwidth and temporal compressibility are
independent of input pulse duration for constant peak power. The numerical predictions
are in excellent agreement with experimental results obtained in two realizations of ANDi
PCF optimized for the near-infrared and visible spectral region. In these experiments,
the broadest SC spectrum generated in the normal dispersion regime of an optical fiber
to date is achieved. The exceptional temporal properties of the generated SC pulses are
verified experimentally and their applicability for the time-resolved study of molecular
dynamics in ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy is demonstrated. In an additional
nonlinear pulse compression experiment, the SC pulses obtained in a short piece of
ANDi PCF could be temporally recompressed to sub-two cycle durations by linear chirp
compensation. Numerical simulations show that even shorter pulse durations with excellent
quality can be achieved by full phase compensation. The concept is further extended
into the UV spectral regime by considering tapered optical fibers with submicron waist
diameter. It is shown that coherent SC spectra with considerable spectral power densities
in the usually hard to reach wavelength region below 300 nm can be generated using
these freestanding photonic nanowires. Although technological difficulties currently prevent
the fabrication of adequate nanofibers, the concept could be experimentally verified
by coherent visible octave-spanning SC generation in tapered suspended core fibers with
ANDi profile. The work contained in this thesis therefore makes important contributions
to the availability and applicability of fiber-based broadband coherent SC sources with
numerous high-impact applications in fundamental science and modern technology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konsep van breëband koherente superkontinuum (SK) in alles-normaal dispersiewe
(ANDi) vesels in die naby-infrarooi, sigbare en ultraviolet (UV) spektrale gebiede word
voorgestel en in detail ondersoek. In numeriese studies word eksplisiete ontwerpskriteria
vasgestel vir ANDi fotoniese kristal vesel (FKV) ontwerpe wat dit moontlik maak om plat
en gladde ultra-breë spektrale profiele te genereer sonder noemenswaardige fynstruktuur
en met uitstekende stabiliteit en koherensie eienskappe. Die sleutel voordeel van SK
genering in ANDi vesels is die behoud van ’n enkele ultrakort puls in tyd met ’n gladde
en saamdrukbare fase distribusie. In die numeriese ondersoek van die SK generering is die
dinamika van fase selfmodulering geïdentifiseer as die dominante nie-lineêre effek wat verantwoordelik
is vir die nie-lineêre spektrale verbreding. Daar word voorts aangetoon dat
die koherensie eienskappe, spektrale bandwydte en saamdrukbaarheid in tyd onafhanklik
is van die inset pulsduur vir konstante drywing. Die numeriese voorspellings stem uitstekend
ooreen met die eksperimentele resultate wat verkry is met twee ANDi FKVÕs
wat optimeer is vir die naby-infrarooi en sigbare spektrale gebied. In hierdie eksperimente
is die breedste SK spektrum gegenereer wat tot hede in die normaal dispersiewe regime
met ’n optiese vesel behaal is. Die besondere eienskappe van die genereerde SK pulse is
eksperimenteel bevestig en die toepasbaarheid vir tyd opgelosde studie van molekulêre
dinamika is gedemonstreer. In ’n addisionele nie-lineêre puls kompressie eksperiment is
SK pulse verkry in ’n kort stuk ANDi FKV wat in tyd saamgedruk kon word tot sub-twee
siklus tydsduur deur liniêre tjirp kompensering. Numeriese simulasies toon aan dat selfs
korter pulse met uitstekende kwaliteit behaalbaar is met volledige fase kompensasie. Die
konsep is verder uitgebrei na die UV spektrale gebied deur ’n koniese vesel te beskou met
sub-mikron diameter. Daar is aangetoon dat koherente SK spektra met noemenswaardige
spektrale drywing in die golflengte gebied onder 300 nm, wat gewoonlik as moeilik toeganklik
beskou word, bereik kan word deur hierdie vrystaande fotoniese nano-vesels aan
te wend. Alhoewel tegnologiese probleme die vervaardiging van voldoende nano-vesels
verhinder, kon die konsep eksperimenteel bewys word deur koherente sigbare oktaafspannende
SK te genereer in koniese gesuspendeerde kern vesels met ’n ANDi profiel
aan te wend. Die werk wat in die tesis vervat is, maak dus belangrike bydraes tot die
beskikbaarheid en toepasbaarheid van vesel gebaseerde breëband koherente SK bronne
met verskeie hoë impak toepassings in fundamentele wetenskap en moderne tegnologie.
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Photonic crystal interfaces : a design-driven approachAyre, Melanie January 2006 (has links)
Photonic Crystal structures have been heralded as a disruptive technology for the miniaturization of opto-electronic devices, offering as they do the possibility of guiding and manipulating light in sub-micron scale waveguides. Applications of photonic crystal guiding - the ability to send light around sharp bends or compactly split signals into two or more channels have attracted a great deal of attention. Other effects of this waveguiding mechanism have become apparent, and attracted much interest - the novel dispersion surfaces of photonic crystal structures allow the possibility of “slow light” in a dielectric medium, which as well as the possibility of compact optical delay lines may allow enhanced light-matter interaction, and hence miniaturisation of active optical devices. I also consider a third, more traditional type of photonic crystal, in the form of a grating for surface coupling. In this thesis, I address many of the aspects of passive photonic crystals, from the underlying theory through applied device modelling, fabrication concerns and experimental results and analysis. Further, for the devices studied, I consider both the relative merits of the photonic crystal approach and of my work compared to that of others in the field. Thus, the complete spectrum of photonic crystal devices is covered. With regard to specific results, the highlights of the work contained in this thesis are as follows: Realisation of surface grating couplers in a novel material system demonstrating some of the highest reported fibre coupling efficiencies. Development of a short “injecting” taper for coupling into photonic crystal devices. Optimisation and experimental validation of photonic crystal routing elements (Y-splitter and bend). Exploration of interfaces and coupling for “slow light” photonic crystals.
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