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Development of an all-fibre source of heralded single photonsMcMillan, Alex January 2012 (has links)
The preparation of single photons in a pure quantum state is a subject of great interest in physics, enabling the control of light at an unprecedented level. The ease with which certain degrees of freedom of photon states, such as polarisation, can be manipulated, along with the inherent resilience of photons to decoherence, makes them well suited for use as qubits. Recent rapid developments in the transmission and processing of quantum information, as well as the likely technological impact of potential real-world applications such as quantum cryptography and quantum computation, mean that the demand for high performance single photon sources is likely to increase in the near future. One approach to producing single photon states, which are known to be in a well-defined spatio-temporal mode without destructively measuring them, is to take advantage of nonlinear optics. Nonlinear processes can be used to realise frequency conversion by generating a single, correlated pair of photons from an intense pump laser source. The detection of one of the photons from a pair can then be used to indicate the presence of the other photon in the pair, a procedure known as heralding. This thesis describes the development of a source of heralded single photons at 1550 nm, generated directly in the core of a photonic crystal fibre (PCF). By taking advantage of low loss fibre components for the required spectral filtering of the generated photon state, a heralding fidelity of 52% was achieved. The source was designed to be used with a picosecond pulsed fibre laser, making it relatively low cost and maintenance free. With 148 mW of average pump power a heralded output photon rate of 6.4 × 104 s-1 was observed, demonstrating the brightness of the source. The purity of the generated single photons was established by measuring non-classical interference, with a visibility of 70%, between the photons output from this source and a source based on a PPLN waveguide. The fabrication of a series of birefringent PCFs for the generation of spectrally pure state photons at 1550 nm is also discussed. These PCFs will be useful for incorporation in the next generation of high performance, fibre-based photon sources.
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Active multiplexing of spectrally engineered heralded single photons in an integrated fibre architectureFrancis-Jones, Robert J. A. January 2016 (has links)
In recent years, there has been rapid development in processing of quantum information using quantum states of light. The focus is now turning towards developing real-world implementations of technologies such as all-optical quantum computing and cryptography. The ability to consistently create and control the required single photon states of light is crucial for successful operation. Therefore, high performance single photon sources are very much in demand. The most common approach of generating the required nonclassical states of light is through spontaneous photon pair generation in a nonlinear medium. One photon in the pair is detected to "herald" the presence of the remaining single photon. For many applications the photons are required to be in pure indistinguishable states. However, photon pairs generated in this manner typically suffer from spectral correlations, which can lead to the production of mixed, distinguishable states. Additionally, these sources are probabilistic in nature, which fundamentally limits the number of photons that can be delivered simultaneously by independent sources and hence the scalability of these future technologies. One route to deterministic operation is by actively multiplexing several independent sources together to increase the probability of delivering a single photon from the system. This thesis presents the development and analysis of a multiplexing scheme of heralded single photons in high-purity indistinguishable states within an integrated optical fibre system. The spectral correlations present between the two photons in the pair were minimised by spectrally engineering each photonic crystal fibre source. A novel, in-fibre, broadband filtering scheme was implemented using photonic bandgap fibres. In total, two sources were multiplexed using a fast optical switch, yielding an 86% increase in the heralded count rate from the system.
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Iridescence and circular dichroism in cellulose nanocrystal thin filmsHewson, Daniel James January 2017 (has links)
Only in recent times has the true potential of cellulose as a high-end functional and sustainable material been realised. As the world’s most abundant resource cellulose has been utilised by man throughout history for timber, paper and yarns. It is found in every plant as a hierarchical material and can be extracted and converted into fibres which are of great use, especially in the form of nanofibrous materials. This thesis has focused on the utilisation and ability of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) to generate structural colour in fabricated thin films. This has been achieved in two ways: Firstly, the natural morphology of CNCs and their ability to form a suspension have been applied to a layer-by-layer (LbL) regime to produce tunable Bragg reflecting thin films. Secondly, a novel technique combining profilometry and spectroscopy has been developed to estimate the distribution of CNCs within EISA thin films and correlate this with the optical properties of the film. This thesis reports the successful fabrication of synthetic CNC LbL Bragg reflecting thin films. The film was compiled using an additive layer-by-layer technique which allowed the construction of a multi-layered thin film and control over individual layer thicknesses and refractive index. Also reported is the discovered reflection of both left and right handed circularly polarised light (CPL) from CNC EISA thin films. These reflections were found to correlate with CNC distribution within the thin films. The distribution of CNCs was estimated using a novel technique which combined spectroscopically measured film absorbance as a function of the volume of the film area under investigation. The specific volumes were calculated using profilometry measurements and the beam spot size used in the spectroscopy measurements.
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Graphene-Boron Nitride Heterostructure Based Optoelectronic Devices for On-Chip Optical InterconnectsGao, Yuanda January 2016 (has links)
Graphene has emerged as an appealing material for a variety of optoelectronic applications due to its unique electrical and optical characteristics. In this thesis, I will present recent advances in integrating graphene and graphene-boron nitride (BN) heterostructures with confined optical architectures, e.g. planar photonic crystal (PPC) nanocavities and silicon channel waveguides, to make this otherwise weakly absorbing material optically opaque. Based on these integrations, I will further demonstrate the resulting chip-integrated optoelectronic devices for optical interconnects.
After transferring a layer of graphene onto PPC nanocavities, spectral selectivity at the resonance frequency and orders-of-magnitude enhancement of optical coupling with graphene have been observed in infrared spectrum. By applying electrostatic potential to graphene, electro-optic modulation of the cavity reflection is possible with contrast in excess of 10 dB. And furthermore, a novel and complex modulator device structure based on the cavity-coupled and BN-encapsulated dual-layer graphene capacitor is demonstrated to operate at a speed of 1.2 GHz.
On the other hand, an enhanced broad-spectrum light-graphene interaction coupled with silicon channel waveguides is also demonstrated with ∼0.1 dB/μm transmission attenuation due to graphene absorption. A waveguide-integrated graphene photodetector is fabricated and shown 0.1 A/W photoresponsivity and 20 GHz operation speed. An improved version of a similar photodetector using graphene-BN heterostructure exhibits 0.36 A/W photoresponsivity and 42 GHz response speed.
The integration of graphene and graphene-BN heterostructures with nanophotonic architectures promises a new generation of compact, energy-efficient, high-speed optoelectronic device concepts for on-chip optical communications that are not yet feasible or very difficult to realize using traditional bulk semiconductors.
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Détecteur en silicium sur cristal photonique par absorption non linéaire à deux photons / Silicon photonic crystal telecom detector using two-photon absorptionHaret, Laurent-Daniel 19 December 2012 (has links)
L'optique non linéaire sur silicium a pris son essor en raison des nombreuses perspectives d'applications à l'optoélectronique en circuit intégré. Pour observer des effets non-linéaires sans travailler à des puissances trop élevées, il faut utiliser des résonateurs à très haut facteur de confinement optiques (Q/V). Les microcavités à cristal photonique bidimensionnel sont une technologie mature et planaire pour réaliser de tels résonateurs sur silicium. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons travaillé sur une application des microcavités à cristal photonique à la détection télécom. Le silicium est en effet transparent dans cette plage de longueurs d'onde, sauf si on atteint des densités de puissance élevées, auquel cas l'absorption à deux photons intervient. Le principe du détecteur repose sur l'exaltation de absorption à deux photons grâce à la microcavité en cristal photonique. La collection des porteurs ainsi générés est assurée par une jonction latérale métal-semiconducteur-métal (MSM). Nous avons d'abord étudié numériquement la viabilité du concept du détecteur sous deux aspects : collection des porteurs libres à travers le cristal photonique et influence des métallisations sur le facteur de qualité. Les modèles standards pour le courant d'obscurité et le photocourant dans les photodétecteurs MSM ont été étendus pour tenir compte du cristal photonique. La fabrication d'une jonction MSM dans le cristal photonique a fait l’objet d’un travail approfondi en salle blanche de l’IEF. La mesure du courant circulant dans le dispositif a permis de mettre en évidence un photocourant résonnant. On retiendra que la réponse peut alors atteindre 90 mA/W et que la bande-passante est supérieure au GHz. Outre la démonstration du détecteur en elle-même, des résultats originaux ont été obtenus. Nous avons montré qu'il est possible de contrôler les densités de porteurs dans les microcavités à cristal photonique en jouant sur la polarisation externe. Enfin, le détecteur est un moyen de mesurer certaines grandeurs essentielles de la physique des microcavités sur silicium, comme l’absorption linéaire résiduelle ou la résistance thermique de la cavité. / Silicon non linear optics is of considerable interest to the scientific community because of its applications to integrated optoelectronics. In order to observe non linear phenomena at a reasonable power, one has to work with very high confinement factor (Q/V) optical resonators. As they are now a fully mastered planar technology, two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities are an efficient way of actually obtaining such resonators in silicon. In this thesis, an application of photonic crystal microcavities to telecom wavelength detection is demonstrated. Bulk silicon is transparent at these wavelengths, except when working at very high power density. Only then, two-photon absorption (TPA) becomes significant. In our detector, TPA is enhanced in the microcavity. A metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) junction then ensures very fast carrier collection. We studied the physics of the detector and focused on two aspects: collection of carrier in a photonic crystal, and impact of the metal on the optical quality factor. Standard models for dark current and photocurrent in MSM junctions were adapted to the photonic crystal case study. Fabrication of the photonic crystal junction was carefully undertaken and optimized in the clean room of the IEF laboratory. The current circulating in the fabricated device resonates as the same wavelength as the optical cavity. Response can be as high as 90 mA/W, and the optical-electrical bandwidth is larger than 1 GHz. In addition to the demonstration of the detector, some original results were obtained. It is possible to control the carrier concentration in photonic crystal microcavities by tuning the external polarisation of the MSM junction. Finally, the detector allows one to measure important parameters of the physics of the cavity, such as the residual linear absorption coefficient, and the thermal resistance.
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Étude d'un système d'éclairage surfacique à géométrie planaire / Study of a planar lighting deviceWen, Yida 23 September 2015 (has links)
La réalisation d’un système holographique 3D embarqué dans un véhicule nécessite le développement d’une structure d’éclairage surfacique à géométrie planaire pour générer un faisceau cohérent, directionnel et uniforme. Ce type de système a été jusque là réalisé à base de composants optiques classiques comme des lentilles et des miroirs. L’objectif de cette thèse est de proposer une solution plus compacte grâce à l’utilisation des (nano-) technologies d’intégration pour réaliser une émission cohérente, directionnelle et uniforme sur une grande surface à 633 nm en remplaçant les composants optiques volumineux par un circuit intégré photonique.Nous présentons d’abord de manière générale les applications des composants optiques et photoniques dans le domaine automobile, puis la structure planaire intégrée que nous visons pour l’éclairage du système holographique. Nous montrons ensuite l’intérêt du développement de circuits photoniques à base de guides de nitrure de silicium pour le fonctionnement dans le domaine du visible, comme requis pour la présente application. Les travaux réalisés sur les guides d’onde en Si₃N₄ pour la propagation de la lumière à 633 nm sont alors détaillés. Dans un premier temps, nous introduisons les méthodes théoriques pour analyser les modes guidés et montrons les résultats de calcul des indices des modes 1D et 2D pour dimensionner un guide rectangulaire monomode. Enfin, nous détaillons l’étude théorique et de simulation pour définir certains composants intégrés du circuit visé, comme le diviseur 1 × N de faisceau et les guides d’onde courbes. Nous présentons alors les travaux de fabrication des guides d’ondes Si₃N₄ encapsulés dans la silice, précédemment conçus, et qui présentent une dimension autour de 250 nm × 300 nm. Nous montrons les principales étapes de fabrication en salle blanche, comprenant le dépôt des diélectriques à l’aide de la PECVD, la lithographie assistée par faisceau d’électron (EBL) et la gravure ionique réactive (RIE). Les résultats de fabrication sont évalués et analysés afin d’optimiser le procédé de fabrication. Finalement, nous présentons le banc de caractérisation des guides d’onde et les résultats des pertes optiques mesurées. Le dernier chapitre est dédié à l’étude du couplage d’un mode photonique guidé à un mode plasmonique dans un système de guides d’onde, qui consiste en une chaine de nanoparticules métalliques en Au ou en Ag déposée sur le guide d’onde rectangulaire Si₃N₄. L’état de l’art et l’étude théorique sont d’abord présentés, puis nous montrons les résultats de simulation numérique de l’efficacité de couplage en fonction des tailles des nanoparticules et de la longueur d’onde dans ce système de guides d’onde couplés. / An auto-embedded 3D holographic system requires the development of a surface lighting integrateddevice to generate a coherent, directional and uniform lighting beam. Up to now, the realization of this type ofsystem is based on the conventional optical components such as lenses and mirrors. The objective of this thesis isto propose an ultra-compact solution by using the nanotechnologies, in order to realize coherent, directional and uniform light emitting at 633 nm on a large surface in replacing the bulky optical components by a photonic integrated circuit (PIC). In the beginning of the thesis, we present the automotive applications of optics and photonics, and then introduce to the integrated planar structure, which is expected to illuminate the holographic system. We present then our interest of developing silicon nitride waveguides-based PICs, which can be operated in the visible range, as required for the mentioned application. The realized research work on the Si₃N₄ waveguides for the light propagation at 633 nm are then detailed. At first, we introduce the theoretical methods for the analysis of the guided modes and present the calculated indexes of the 1D and 2D modes, which are used to design the single-mode rectangular waveguide. At last, we present exhaustively our theoretical study and simulation work to define some targeted PICs, as the 1 × N beam splitter and the bent waveguides. Then weintroduce the fabrication of the predetermined SiO₂ cladded Si₃N₄ waveguide samples, which have a cross-section size about 250 nm × 300 nm. We present main processes of the fabrication in cleanroom, including the deposition of the dielectric layers by using PECVD, the electron beam lithography (EBL) and the reactive ionicetching (RIE). The fabrication of waveguides has been evaluated and analyzed, in order to optimize the fabrication process. Finally, we present the waveguide’s characterization set-up and the measurement results ofthe optical losses. The last chapter of the thesis is dedicated to the study of the coupling effect from a guidedphotonic mode to a plasmonic mode supported by a guiding structure, which consists of a metallic nanoparticle(Au or Ag) chain deposited on top of the Si₃N₄ rectangular waveguide. The state of the art and the theoretical study are firstly introduced. Then we present the numerical simulation results of the coupling efficiency as a function of nanoparticle’s sizes and operation wavelength in this photonic-plasmonic coupled waveguide system.
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Intégration et modélisation RF des interconnexions 3D pour l’interposeur photonique / Integration and RF modeling of 3D interconnects for photonic interposerMorot, Kevin 08 March 2018 (has links)
L'essor des réseaux de télécommunications à l'échelle mondiale génère un besoin croissant en termes de bande passante et de gestion de l'information. Le traitement de ces données requiert le développement de systèmes complexes, qui associent des fonctionnalités hétérogènes telles que des calculateurs numériques, des fonctions analogiques et des mémoires de stockage. L'approche originale retenue repose sur un degré d'innovation sans précédent dans le domaine de la microélectronique puisqu'elle mêle à la fois des technologies d'intégration 3D et le développement d'une filière photonique sur silicium. Des signaux très rapides (25, 40 ou 60 Gb/s) doivent donc être acheminés à travers les interconnexions 3D que sont le TSV (via traversant le silicium), les µ-bumps (connexions de cuivre entre les puces), les lignes de RDL (redistribution en face arrière) et les bumps qui assurent la communication vers l'extérieur. Il est nécessaire de développer de nouvelles technologies pour interconnecter les circuits à ces vitesses et de les modéliser finement jusqu'à de très hautes fréquences (>50 GHz), au moyen de techniques de caractérisation à développer, pour optimiser leur mode de réalisation. Ce travail de thèse se déroulera dans le cadre d'une collaboration tripartite et sera décomposé en quatre grandes étapes. 1. Spécifications des briques technologiques et de structures de test dédiées à l'évaluation de leurs performances dans le contexte de l'interposer photonique 2. Intégration des circuits de test, composés d'un empilement de puces logiques sur un interposer photonique, et adaptés au domaine fréquentiel visé avec les interconnexions 3D 3. Développement et mise en oeuvre des techniques de caractérisation à très haute fréquence des interconnexions 3D menant à l'extraction des modèles 4. Optimisation des lignes de transmission et des choix technologiques pour un routage efficace dans les architectures photoniques 3D / The worldwide growth of telecommunication networks drives an increasing need in terms of bandwidth and computing management. Data processing requires the development of complex system, which combines both heterogeneous functionalities such as numeric calculator, analog functions and memory storage. The original chosen approach is highly innovative in the field of microelectronics as it combines both 3D technologies and process integration for photonic on silicon. High speed signals (25, 40 or 60 Gb/s) are transmitted within the photonic interposer through 3D interconnects that are TSV (Trough-Silicon-Via), µ-bumps (copper connection in-between dies), RDL (Redistribution Line) and bumps (copper connection to the bottom access). Thereby, it is necessary to develop new technologies and new assemblies to interconnect and route efficiently those high speed circuits. Another challenge is to model them precisely for very high frequencies (>50 GHz), exploiting and developing the best characterization solutions in order to optimize the way to implement them. This PhD work will be performed in the frame of a tripartite collaboration and can be divided into four parts: 1. Specification of the key interconnects building-blocks and their associated test structures required to evaluate their performance in the context of a photonic interposer 2. Integration of the RF test circuits in the context of the stack of high speed logic dies over a photonic interposer using the developed 3D interconnects 3. Characterization of the test structures at very high frequency using dedicated characterization technics and extraction of equivalent models. Comparison with electromagnetic simulation 4. Validation of the technological and integration choices. Optimization of the transmission lines for efficient routing applied to 3D photonic structures
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Investigação de técnicas fotônicas de chaveamento aplicadas em arquiteturas paralelas. / Research about photonic techniques in parallel architectures.Martins, João Eduardo Machado Perea 20 March 1998 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre redes ópticas de interconexão aplicadas em arquiteturas paralelas, onde são propostos, simulados e analisados alguns modelos de redes. Essa é uma importante pesquisa, pois, as redes de interconexão influenciam diretamente o custo e desempenho das arquiteturas paralelas de computadores. O primeiro modelo de rede óptica proposto é chamado de SCF (Sistema Circular com Filas). Esse e um sistema sem colisões, onde há um canal exclusivo para controle de comunicação e cada nó possui um canal exclusivo para recepção de dados. Esse sistema tem um desempenho com alta taxa de vazão, alto nível de utilização e pequenas filas. Para a simulação da rede SCF foi desenvolvido um simulador dedicado, cuja adaptação para a simulação de outros modelos de redes, propostos nesse trabalho, foi facilmente realizada. Neste trabalho também foram propostos, simulados e analisados três modelos diferentes de chaves ópticas de distribuição para arquitetura paralela do tipo Dataflow. Os resultados dessas simulações mostram que componentes ópticos relativamente simples podem ser utilizados no desenvolvimento de sistemas de alto desempenho. / This work presents a study about optical interconnection network applied to parallel computer architectures, where is proposed, simulated and analyzed some models of optical interconnection networks. It is an important research because the interconnection networks influence directly the cost and performance of parallel computer architectures. The first optical interconnection network model proposed in this work is called SCF (Sistema Circular com Filas). It is a system without collisions, where there is a dedicated channel for communication control and each node has a fixed channel for data reception. The system has a performance with high throughput, high utilization leve1 and small queue size. For the SCF simulation was developed a dedicated simulator, whose adjust to simulate others optical interconnection network, proposed in this work, was easily performed. In this work also were proposed, simulated and analyzed three different models of optical distributing network for Dataflow computer architecture, whose results shows that single optical devises can ensure the development of high performance systems.
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Produção e caracterização de guias de onda dopados com terras-raras contendo nanopartículas semicondutoras. / Production and characterization of rare earth doped waveguides containing nanoparticles.Diego Silvério da Silva 27 August 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a produção e caracterização de filmes finos do tipo GeO2-Bi2O3 (BGO) produzidos por sputtering-RF com e sem nanopartículas (NPs) semicondutoras, dopados e codopados com íons de Er3+ ou Er3+/Yb3+ para a produção de amplificadores ópticos. A produção de guias de onda do tipo pedestal baseados nos filmes BGO foi realizada a partir de litografia óptica seguida por processo de corrosão por plasma e deposição física a vapor. A incorporação dos íons de terras-raras (TRs) foi verificada a partir dos espectros de emissão. Análises de espectroscopia e microscopia foram indispensáveis para otimizar os parâmetros dos processos para a construção dos guias de onda. Foi observado aumento significativo da luminescência do Er3+ (região do visível e do infravermelho), em filmes finos codopados com Er3+/Yb3+ na presença de nanopartículas de Si. As perdas por propagação mínimas observadas foram de ~1,75 dB/cm para os guias pedestal em 1068 nm. Para os guias dopados com Er3+ foi observado aumento significativo do ganho na presença de NPs de silício (1,8 dB/cm). O ganho óptico nos guias de onda amplificadores codopados com Er3+/Yb3+ e dopados com Er3+ com e sem NPs de silício também foi medido. Ganho de ~8dB/cm em 1542 nm, sob excitação em 980 nm, foi observado para os guias pedestal codopados com Er3+/Yb3+ (Er = 4,64.1019 átomos/cm3, Yb = 3,60.1020 átomos/cm3) com largura de 80 µm; para os guias codopados com concentração superior de Er3+/Yb3+ (Er = 1,34.1021 átomos/cm3, Yb = 3,90.1021 átomos/cm3) e com NPs de Si, foi observado aumento do ganho óptico de 50% para guia com largura de 100 µm. Os resultados apresentados demonstram que guias de onda baseados em germanatos, com ou sem NPs semicondutoras, são promissores para aplicações em dispositivos fotônicos. / This work aims to study the production and characterization of GeO2-Bi2O3 (BGO) thin films produced by RF-sputtering with and without semiconductor nanoparticles (NPs),doped and codoped with Er3+ or Er3+/Yb3+ ions for the production of optical amplifiers. The pedestal type waveguide production based on BGO thin film was done trough optical lithography followed by reactive ion etching and physical vapor deposition processes. The incorporation of the rare-earth ions was verified from the emission spectra. Spectroscopy and microscopy analysis were indispensable to optimize the processes parameters for the waveguide fabrication. It was observed minimum propagation losses of ~1,75 dB/cm, at 1068 nm for the pedestal type waveguides. Optical gain was also measured in the Er3+/Yb3+ codoped waveguides with and without Si nanoparticles. Optical gain of 8 dB/cm, at 1542 nm, under 980nm pumping were obtained for 80 µm width Er3+/Yb3+ codoped waveguides (Er = 4,64.1019 atoms/cm3, Yb = 3,60.1020 atoms/cm3). For waveguides doped with higher concentration of Er3+/Yb3+ (Er = 1,34.1021 átomos/cm3, Yb = 3,90.1021 átomos/cm3) and containing silicon nanoparticles, it was observed 50% enhancement of the optical gain for 100 µm width waveguides. For the Er3+ doped waveguides, it was observed significant gain enhancement in the presence of silicon nanoparticles (1.8 dB/cm). The present results demonstrate that germanate waveguides, with or without semiconductor NPs are promising for applications in photonic devices.
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Micro-nano-structuration de surface par renforcement local du flux électromagnétique / Micro-nano-structuring of the surface by a local amplification of the electromagnetic fieldShavdina, Olga 20 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse présente les résultats théoriques et expérimentaux de l’interaction entre une onde plane et une monocouche de particules sub-microniques sphériques/non sphériques transparentes au champ optique. Un renforcement local du champ optique sous la particule peut être observé, menant à la formation d’une concentration d’énergie appelée «nanojet photonique». Une étude théorique de la répartition du champ électromagnétique sous les microparticules et le choix des conditions optimales, nous a permis d’exploiter ce nanojet comme un outil de micro-nano-structuration. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, une structuration périodique 2D d’un matériau photosensible à base de TiO2 déposé sur divers substrats a été effectuée par la technique de photolithographie colloïdale. En utilisant ce matériau, cette approche permet en une seule étape de conduire à une couche fonctionnelle, stable mécaniquement et chimiquement. Enfin, cette thèse présente quelques pistes d’exploitation et de perspectives de l’utilisation du phénomène de concentration d’une onde incidente par les microparticules. Plus précisément, cette microstructuration peut être utilisée pour des fonctions de piégeage optique, pour de la croissance localisée de matériaux fonctionnels ou encore pour augmenter l’activité de photocatalyse de couches actives / This PhD thesis presents the theoretical and experimental results of the interaction between a plane wave and a monolayer of spherical / non-spherical submicron particles that are transparent to the optical field. Local amplification of the optical field under the particle can be observed. This amplification of electromagnetic field is called "photonic nanojet". A theoretical study of nanojet under the microparticles and the choice of optimal conditions, allowed us to exploit this nanojet as a micro-nano-structuring tool. A 2D periodic structuring of a TiO2-based photosensitive material deposited on various substrates was carried out by the colloidal photolithography technique. By using this TiO2-based photosensitive material, this approach makes possible in a single step to produce a functional layer. Finally, this thesis presents some opportunities to exploit the phenomenon of concentration of an incident wave by the microparticles. More precisely, this microstructuration can be used for optical trapping functions, for the localized growth of functional materials or for increasing the photocatalytic activity of active layers
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