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Measuring dimensions of goods modules with 2D laser scanners on a conveyor belt / Dimensionsmätning av godsmoduler på ett transportband med 2D-laserskannrarStrandberg, Filip, Freij, Johan January 2017 (has links)
A company wants to measure and verify the size of goods modules, transported on a conveyor belt, with the help of two 2D laser scanners (LMS100). The resulting measurements will be written to a database whereafter the modules will be moved by an automatic lifting device to a storage. The dimensions and possible any protrusions need to be known to avoid collision. The goal with this project is to write three modular libraries. One library for communicating with the LMS100 scanner, one library for calculating the dimensions of the goods modules and one library for handling the database. A graphical user interface (GUI) was also created which was implemented with an existing graphical library, Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL). A Raspberry Pi 3 has been used as a hardware platform which communicates with two LMS100 via ethernet. All code is written in the programming language C. LMS100 communicates with so called telegrams and the library implements these with TCP sockets. The structure of these can be found in the manufacturer’s datasheet. The calculating library uses trigonometric functions with measurement values from the scanners. The database library uses sqlite3 for a serverless database. The testing of these libraries was first done on a small scale with only one scanner and a small box placed a few decimeters in front of the scanner, to verify the functionality of the libraries. The company later provided a larger test rig with a remote controlled platform, which drove between the scanners. When measuring objects with this test rig, the system showed an adequate ability to verify the size of the goods module. An inherent measurement error of a few millimeters of the scanners is shown, but this doesn’t affect the functionality in the final product which will measure considerably larger objects. Some functions are prepared for future development but aren’t yet ready for use. The protrusions of the goods modules aren’t yet discovered by the system. The calculating library is prepared to be able to detect these, but the evaluation of them aren’t ready. If the goods module is at an angle, the system measurements will be faulty. For every scanned segment the coordinates are saved and in future development it will be able to detect the angle. / Ett företag vill med hjälp av två stycken 2D-laserskannrar (LMS100) mäta och verifiera storleken på godsmoduler som transporteras på ett transportband. Mätresultatet ska skrivas till en databas varefter modulerna med en automatiskt styrd avlastare förflyttar dem till ett lager. Dimensioner och eventuella utstick på modulen måste vara kända för att undvika kollision. Målet med arbetet är att skriva tre stycken modulära bibliotek. Ett bibliotek för kommunikation med LMS100, ett bibliotek för beräkning av godsmodulens dimensioner och ett bibliotek för databashantering. Till detta skapades även ett grafiskt användargränssnitt (GUI) som implementerades med hjälp av ett färdigt grafikbibliotek, Simple Directmedia Layer (SDL). En Raspberry Pi 3 har använts som hårdvaruplattform som kommunicerar med två stycken LMS100 via ethernetanslutning. All kod skrivs i programspråket C. LMS100 kommunicerar med s.k. telegram och biblioteket implementerar dessa via TCP sockets. Strukturen på dessa går att läsa i tillverkarens datablad. Beräkningsbiblioteket använder trigonometriska funktioner med mätvärden från skannrarna för beräkning. Databasbiblioteket använder sig av sqlite3 för en serverlös databas. Testning av dessa bibliotek skedde först på en småskalig nivå med endast en skanner och en liten låda placerad några decimeter framför skannern, för att verifiera funktionaliteten på berörda bibliotek. Företaget bidrog senare med en testrig i större skala med en fjärrstyrd plattform, som körde mellan de två skannrarna. Vid mätning av objekt i denna testrig visade systemet en tillräckligt god förmåga för att kunna verifiera storlek på godsmoduler. Ett medföljt mätfel i millimeterskala finns i skannrarna, men detta påverkar inte funktionaliteten i den slutgiltiga produkten som ska mäta mycket större objekt. Vissa funktioner är förberedda för framtida utveckling men är inte färdiga för användning. Utstick på godsmodulerna upptäcks inte av systemet än. Beräkningsbiblioteket är förberett för att kunna upptäcka dessa, men utvärderingen av dem är inte färdigt. Om godsmodulen är vriden på transportbandet mäter systemet fel. Koordinater finns för varje skannat segment så att man ska kunna upptäcka denna vinkel i framtida utveckling.
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Adapting the NEO-PI-3 for a South African context : a pilot study using a South African student population.Quy, G. S. 13 May 2011 (has links)
The trait approach to personality is one of the most influential epistemological frameworks in personality psychology and underlies the development of most objective personality inventories. The Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R) is amongst the most widely used operationalisations of the FFM within personality assessment (Costa and McCrae, 1992). However, recent research (Franklin, 2009; Laher, 2010) suggests that the NEO-PI-R is not wholly applicable within the South African context; as there may be inappropriate items contained within the inventory, both linguistically and culturally. Within the United States, McCrae, Costa and Martin (2004) identified the NEO-PI-R as having specific problematic items, and developed the NEO-PI-3 as a revised “more readable” version of the NEO-PI-R. Thirty-seven items were changed from the original 240 items in the NEO-PI-R to create the NEO-PI-3. However, the modifications made to the NEO-PI-3 did not address all the issues pertinent within the NEO-PI-R from a South African perspective as evidenced in Laher’s (2010) and Franklin’s (2009) studies. This study adapted the NEO-PI-3 by changing specific items informed through Franklin (2009) and Laher’s (2010) research, as well as research conducted within this study on two samples of university lectures at the University of the Witwatersrand. Forty-nine items were changed from the original 240 NEO-PI-R items, retaining 30 items changed from the NEO-PI-3, and preferring 3 of the original NEO-PI-R items to the NEO-PI-3 items. These changes were aimed at making the NEO-PI-3 a more appropriate and applicable instrument both culturally and linguistically within the South African context. This modified inventory was then administered to 175 students at the University of the Witwatersrand to test the inventory’s validity and reliability. The reliability of this modified inventory was assessed through conducting an internal consistency analysis generating alpha coefficients indicating that the inventory was indeed reliable. The construct validity of this modified inventory was assessed through an exploratory factor analysis where five factors did emerge from the analysis; concomitant with the theoretical basis of the FFM. Based on feedback from the participants, both quantitatively and qualitatively, recommendations for future research and further problematic items are identified and discussed. In terms of the reliability of the modified version of the NEO-PI-3, internal consistency coefficients produced within the study suggested that the instrument is reliable, producing moderate to good alpha values, as well as producing evidence of good construct validity. Only 17 items emerged as still being potentially problematic within the modified version of the NEO-PI-3.
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The roles and regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphates in mammalsZhang, Yanling 01 January 2008 (has links)
Phosphatidylinositol 3,5-bisphosphate [PI(3,5)P2] is a low-abundance signaling lipid important for the maintenance of the endomembrane system and selected membrane trafficking pathways. In yeast, in response to hyperosmotic stress, PI(3,5)P2 levels rise more than 20-fold in 5 minutes, and return to near basal levels in 30 minutes. This transient change suggests that PI(3,5)P2 levels are tightly regulated and may be involved in signaling a response to stress. In yeast, PI(3,5)P2 is synthesized through phosphorylation of PI(3)P by the PI(3)P 5-kinase Fab1. Loss of PI(3,5)P2 in yeast causes swollen vacuoles, defective retrograde trafficking from the vacuole, defective vacuole acidification, and mis-localization of a subset of vacuole lumenal proteins.
In yeast, Vac14 is a regulator of PI(3,5)P2 levels. Mammalian Vac14 and Fab1 are found in the same complex. To study the physiological significance of PI(3,5)P2, a mouse strain was generated with the Vac14 gene disrupted by a gene-trap genomic insertion. Vac14 protein was not detectable in mutant mice. In fibroblasts cultured from the mutant mice, PI(3,5)P2 and PI(5)P are decreased to 42% and 44% of the corresponding wild-type levels, respectively. The mutant mouse brains exhibit spongiform-like morphology. Cytoplasmic vacuoles are found in neuronal cell bodies of the olfactory bulb, trigeminal ganglion, and dorsal root ganglion. Non-neural tissues appear largely normal. Similar vacuoles are also found in cultured neurons and fibroblasts. In fibroblasts, these vacuoles are formed from swelling of late endosomes/lysosomes. Some early endosomes are also enlarged. A population of cation-independent mannose-6-phosphate receptor (CI-M6PR), which recycles between endosomes and the trans-Golgi network (TGN), is trapped in early and late endosomes, indicating a block in endosome-to-TGN trafficking.
These results suggest that: 1) Neurons are acutely sensitive to loss of PI(3,5)P2. 2) In mammals, PI(3,5)P2 is required for the morphology of late endosomes/lysosomes and retrograde trafficking from endosomes to the TGN. The first conclusion is supported by another mouse strain with a retro-transposon inserted in the Fig4 gene. Fig4 is another regulator of PI(3,5)P2 levels. Similar neurodegeneration was observed in the Fig4 mutant mice.
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Personality Factors and Nuclear Power Plant Operators: Initial License SuccessDeVita-Cochrane, Cynthia Catherine 01 January 2015 (has links)
Commercial nuclear power utilities are under pressure to effectively recruit and retain licensed reactor operators in light of poor candidate training completion rates and recent candidate failures on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) license exam. One candidate failure can cost a utility over $400,000, making the successful licensing of new operators a critical path to operational excellence. This study was designed to discover if the NEO-PI-3, a 5-factor measure of personality, could improve selection in nuclear utilities by identifying personality factors that predict license candidate success. Two large U.S. commercial nuclear power corporations provided potential participant contact information and candidate results on the 2014 NRC exam from their nuclear power units nation-wide. License candidates who participated (n = 75) completed the NEO-PI-3 personality test and results were compared to 3 outcomes on the NRC exam: written exam, simulated operating exam, and overall exam result. Significant correlations were found between several personality factors and both written and operating exam outcomes on the NRC exam. Further, a regression analysis indicated that personality factors, particularly Conscientiousness, predicted simulated operating exam scores. The results of this study may be used to support the use of the NEO-PI-3 to improve operator selection as an addition to the current selection protocol. Positive social change implications from this study include support for the use of a personality measure by utilities to improve their return-on-investment in candidates and by individual candidates to avoid career failures. The results of this study may also positively impact the public by supporting the safe and reliable operation of commercial nuclear power utilities in the United States.
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Galvijų paragripo-3 ir respiracinio sincitinio virusų infekcijos epidemiologinė situacija, diagnostika ir prevencija Lietuvoje / Epidemiology, detection and prevention of bovine parainfluenza-3 and respiratory syncytial virus infections in LithuaniaKęstaitienė, Kristina 06 October 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Atlikti PG-3 ir RS virusų infekcijų epidemiologinius tyrimus Lietuvos galvijininkystės ūkiuose, nustatyti pasyvaus ir aktyvaus imuniteto trukmę bei išaiškinti imuninio atsako galimybes, naudojant skirtingus vakcinacijos būdus.
Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusų paplitimą Lietuvos galvijų ūkiuose. 2. Palyginti galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusinių infekcijų paplitimą su kitomis Lietuvos galvijų ūkiams aktualiomis virusinėmis ligomis. 3. Nustatyti galvijų paragripo-3 ir respiracinio sincitinio virusų paplitimo geografinius ypatumus. 4. Atlikti PG-3 ir RS virusinių infekcijų laboratorinės diagnostikos metodų palyginamąjį tyrimą. 5. Ištirti krekeninio imuniteto galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusams dinamiką ir trukmę bei jo įtaka veršelių sergamumui. 6. Atlikti vakcinacijos palyginamąjį tyrimą naudojant skirtingus įraumeninį (IM) ir įodinį (ID) vakcinacijos būdus ir bei skirtingas vakcinos dozes.
Darbo mokslinė reikšmė ir naujumas: 1. Nustatytas PG-3 ir RS virusų paplitimas ir epidemiologiniai ypatumai Lietuvos galvijų ūkiuose. 2. Atliktas galvijų PG-3, RS, GIR ir GVD virusinių infekcijų paplitimo palyginamasis tyrimas. 3. Atliktas įvairių diagnostinių tyrimų palyginamasis įvertinimas. 4. Nustatytas galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusų serologinis paplitimas Lietuvos apskrityse. 5. Nustatyta pasyvaus krekeninio imuniteto trukmė galvijų PG-3 ir RS virusams bei jo įtaka veršelių sergamumui. 6. Nustatyta, kad ID vakcinacija nuo PG-3 ir RS virusinių infekcijų yra efektyvi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The main objective of the present dissertation: To carry out epidemiological investigations of PI-3 and RS viral infections in the Lithuanian cattle farms, to establish the duration of passive and active immunity and to find out the possibilities of immune response using different routes of vaccination.
Goals of the study: 1. To determine the prevalence of bovine PI-3 and RS viruses in the Lithuanian cattle farms. 2. To compare the prevalence of bovine PI-3 and RS viral infections with the prevalence of other cattle–relevant viral diseases at Lithuanian cattle farms. 3. To determine the geographical distribution patterns for PI-3 and RS viruses. 4. To conduct comparative analysis of laboratory diagnostic methods for PI-3 and RS viral infections. 5. To investigate the dynamics and duration of colostral immunity to bovine PI-3 and RS viruses and its influence on the morbidity of calves. 6. To conduct a comparative investigation of different routes of vaccination – intramuscular (IM) and intradermal (ID) – and different doses.
Scientific importance and novelty of research: 1. The prevalence and epidemiological peculiarities of PI-3 and RS viruses in the Lithuanian cattle farms were determined. 2. A comparative analysis prevalence of bovine PI-3, RS, IBR and BVD viral infections was conducted. 3. A comparative assessment of various diagnostic investigations was performed. 4. The seroprevalence of bovine PI-3 and RS viral infections in the Lithuanian counties was determined. 5... [to full text]
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Objektdetektering av trafikskyltar på inbyggda system med djupinlärning / Object detection of traffic signs on embedded systems using deep learningWikström, Pontus, Hotakainen, Johan January 2023 (has links)
In recent years, AI has developed significantly and become more popular than ever before. The applications of AI are expanding, making knowledge about its application and the systems it can be applied to more important. This project compares and evaluates deep learning models for object detection of traffic signs on the embedded systems Nvidia Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. The project compares and evaluates the models YOLOv5, SSD Mobilenet V1, FOMO, and Efficientdet-lite0. The project evaluates the performance of these models on the aforementioned embedded systems, measuring metrics such as CPU usage, FPS and RAM. Deep learning models are resource-intensive, and embedded systems have limited resources. Embedded systems often have different types of processor architectures than regular computers, which means that some frameworks and libraries may not be compatible. The results show that the tested systems are capable of object detection but with varying performance. Jetson Nano performs at a level we consider sufficiently high for use in production depending on the specific requirements. Raspberry Pi 3 performs at a level that may not be acceptable for real-time recognition of traffic signs. We see the greatest potential for Efficientdet-lite0 and YOLOv5 in recognizing traffic signs. The distance at which the models detect signs seems to be important for how many signs they find. For this reason, SSD MobileNet V1 is not recommended without further trai-ning despite its superior speed. YOLOv5 stood out as the model that detected signs at the longest distance and made the most detections overall. When considering all the results, we believe that Efficientdet-lite0 is the model that performs the best. / Under de senaste åren har AI utvecklats mycket och blivit mer populärt än någonsin. Tillämpningsområdena för AI ökar och därmed blir kunskap om hur det kan tillämpas och på vilka system viktigare. I det här projektet jämförs och utvärderas djupinlärningsmodeller för objektdetektering av trafikskyltar på de inbyggda systemen Nvidia Jetson Nano och Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Modellerna som jämförs och utvärderas är YOLOv5, SSD Mobilenet V1, FOMO och Efficientdet-lite0. För varje modell mäts blandannat CPU-användning, FPS och RAM. Modeller för djupinlärning är resurskrävande och inbyggda system har begränsat med resurser. Inbyggda system har ofta andra typer av processorarkitekturer än en vanlig dator vilket gör att olika ramverk och andra bibliotek inte är kompatibla. Resultaten visar att de testade systemen klarar av objektdetektering med varierande prestation. Jetson Nano presterar på en nivå vi anser vara tillräckligt hög för användning i produktion beroende på hur hårda krav som ställs. Raspberry Pi 3 presterar på en nivå som möjligtvis inte är acceptabel för igenkänning av trafikskyltar i realtid. Vi ser störst potential för Efficientdet-lite0 och YOLOv5 för igenkänning av trafikskyltar. Hur långt avstånd modellerna upptäcker skyltar på verkar vara viktigt för hur många skyltar de hittar. Av den anledningen är SSD MobileNet V1 inte att rekommendera utan vidare träning trots sin överlägsna hastighet. YOLOv5 utmärkte sig som den som upptäckte skyltar på längst avstånd och som gjorde flest upptäckter totalt. När alla resultat vägs in anser vi dock att Efficientdet-lite0 är den modell som presterar bäst.
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Softwarově definovaná domácí automatizace / Software Defined Home AutomationStupka, Dominik January 2016 (has links)
This thesis is about development and construction of systems for building automation. At the beginning it´s focused on usage of building automation. Short describe used topology of installation and available systems on the market. The second chapter is about designing of hardware’s elements systems. Then it’s describing control unit Raspberry Pi 3, microprocessors for communication and slave modules. For my thesis I am also engaged in interface communication and designing of I/O systems. The third and fourth chapter is describing software equipment’s of the system. The parts of microprocessor firmware and manner of control logic creating and visualization in control unit module are described in details. Last chapter contains the description of construction of testing module and measuring of system parameters.
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Etude du rôle physiologique de la 5-phosphatase ship2 dans la signalisation dépendante de la Pi 3-Kinase / Study the physiological role of the 5-phosphatase ship2 in Pi 3-Kinase signalingDubois, Eléonore 27 August 2013 (has links)
Les phosphoinositides sont des phospholipides constituant des membranes cellulaires eucaryotes qui participent entre autres à la transmission de certains signaux extracellulaires dans le milieu intracellulaire. Désormais, un contrôle rigoureux et constant de leur métablisme par des enzymes est primordial pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de l'activité cellulaire. La 5-phosphatase SHIP2 est une enzyme capable d'hydrolyser certains de ces phosphoinositides dont le PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. Ce dernier, produit majoritaire d'une famille d'enzymes dénommées les PI(3)K, gouverne un large éventail de fonctions cellulaires dont la prolifération et le métabolisme énergétique. Deux souris knock-out pour SHIP2 ont été rapportées. La première présente une invalidation conjointe, accidentelle, des gènes INPPL1 et PHOX2A ;à l'état homozygote elle conduit à une létalité précoce. L'hétérozygote est viable et hypersensible à l'insuline. La seconde, caractérisée par l'invalidation unique d'INPPL1, est viable à l'état homozygote. D'un point vue phénotypique, cette souris ne montre pas d'altération majeure du métabolisme du glucose sous un régime conventionnel, mais un retard de croissance et une anomalie de la face. Elle est aussi protégée de l'obésité et de l'insulinorésistance induite par un régime riche en graisse.<p>Pour lever la controverse quant au rôle de SHIP2 in vivo chez la souris, le laboratoire hôte a généré un nouveau modèle, la souris SHIP2Δ/Δ, génétiquement modifiée pour exprimer une protéine SHIP2 tronquée dépourvue d'activité catalytique. L'analyse phénotypique de cette souris SHIP2Δ/Δ a permis de confirmer le retard de croissance et l'anomalie craniofaciale observés précédemment. Elle a aussi mis en évidence une réduction de la masse musculaire, de la masse adipeuse et une atrophie du tractus génital femelle. Le métabolisme du glucose et la sensibilité à l'insuline de la souris SHIP2Δ/Δ ne sont que peu affectés. Nous avons ensuite évalué la capacité du mutant SHIP2Δ à corriger l'insulinorésistance consécutive à une réduction de moitié de l'activité PI(3)K de classe IA in vivo chez la souris. L'expression du mutant SHIP2Δ sur ce fond génétique permet de rétablir un métabolisme glucidique normal mais cette récupération ne semble cependant pas s'opérer par la restauration de la phosphorylation de la PKB/Akt. D'autre part, les anomalies du développement de la souris SHIP2Δ/Δ sont maintenues sur ce fond génétique et accompagnées d'une hypertrophie cardiaque. Désormais, les effets de l'inactivation de SHIP2 in vivo chez la souris ne semblent pas être la seule conséquence d'une hyperactivation de la voie PI(3)K de classe IA suite à la perte d'une voie de dégradation du PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Etude du rôle potentiel de SHIP2 et PTEN dans un modèle de tumeurs stromales gatrointestinales (GIST), les souris KitK641E / Study of the role of SHIP2 and PTEN in gastrointestinal stromal tumors, the KitK641E miceDeneubourg, Laurence 30 January 2012 (has links)
Le métabolisme des phosphoinositides est constitué d’un réseau complexe d’enzymes et de seconds messagers phospholipidiques et solubles cruciaux pour de nombreux processus cellulaires. Le phosphatidylinositol 3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P3), second messager très important dans la cellule est contrôlé par plusieurs phosphatases. La phosphatase PTEN, fréquemment mutée dans de nombreux cancers humains (glioblastome, cancer de la prostate, cancer du sein, …), le déphosphoryle en position 3 pour donner du phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2). Les cellules de mammifères possèdent également une activité « inositol 5-phosphatase » pour de nombreux dérivés du myo-inositol. C’est la protéine SHIP2 (SH2-containing Inositol 5-phosphatase 2), une lipide phosphatase membre de la famille des phosphatidylinositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatases qui est, entre autres, responsable de cette activité. <p>Le but de ce travail de thèse a été de mettre en évidence un rôle potentiel de SHIP2 et/ou PTEN dans un modèle murin de tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales (GIST) ;ce modèle exprime une forme constitutivement active du récepteur tyrosine kinase Kit muté sur l’acide aminé 641. Les souris qui ont été générées par le groupe du Dr Brian Rubin (Lerner Research Institute and Taussig Cancer Center, Cleveland) sont dénommées, les souris KitK641E.<p>La caractérisation des souris KitK641E nous a permis de montrer que SHIP2 et PTEN étaient exprimés dans les cellules Kit positives, les cellules de Cajal et qu’ils semblaient régulés de façons différentes.<p>En effet, nous avons pu mettre en évidence une augmentation de l’expression de PTEN dans l’antre gastrique des souris KitK641E homozygotes. Cette augmentation d’expression a également été observée dans l’antre gastrique de souris double transgéniques KitK641E x PTEN+/- alors que l’expression de PTEN dans le foie, un tissu n’exprimant pas de cellules Kit positives, était bien diminuée. Des expériences de PCR quantitative ont également permis de montrer que cette augmentation d’expression de PTEN ne provenait pas d’une augmentation du taux d’ARNm mais qu’elle se situait plutôt au niveau post-traductionnel. Ces données nous permettent de conclure que l’augmentation d’expression de PTEN dans les cellules Kit positives des souris KitK641E homozygotes est influencée par l’activation constitutive du récepteur Kit. <p>A l’inverse, l’expression de SHIP2 dans les cellules Kit positives n’a pu être mise en évidence qu’après activation constitutive du récepteur Kit. En parallèle, l’étude des voies de signalisation dépendantes du récepteur Kit nous ont permis de montrer que la phosphorylation de PKB ne semblait pas être affectée et que ce serait plutôt la voie des MAPK kinases qui interviendrait dans ce modèle. <p>Nous avons également observé la localisation subcellulaire de SHIP2 et de PTEN en utilisant un modèle cellulaire de cellules GIST882 (cellules dérivées d’un GIST humain portant la mutation correspondante à notre modèle murin). Dans ce modèle, PTEN est principalement localisé dans le noyau alors que SHIP2 est localisé à la fois au sein du noyau et du cytoplasme. Ce modèle nous a également permis de montrer que la forme phosphorylée sur tyrosine de SHIP2 (Y1135) était localisée dans le noyau et qu’elle était modulée en fonction du cycle cellulaire.<p>En conclusion, ces travaux ont permis de montrer que dans le modèle de souris KitK641E, SHIP2 et PTEN étaient localisés au sein des cellules Kit positives et qu’ils étaient modulés par des mécanismes différents. L’augmentation d’expression de PTEN observée dans les souris KitK641E homozygotes pourrait constituer un mécanisme de rétrocontrôle négatif afin de modifier l’impact de voies de signalisation en aval du récepteur Kit dans ce modèle oncogénique.<p> / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Návrh domácí brány pro zařízení IoT využívající technologii Z-Wave / Home gate for IoT devices using Z-Wave technologyResler, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation deals with the platform Z-Wave. This platform tries to create an universal system for smart home. The theoretical part of the work describes in details the platform itself as well as the applicable libraries for programming of applications and the available equipments. The practical part presents the new custom gateway. The hardware of this gateway is designed with utilization of the Z-Wave module, Raspberry Pi 3 microcomputer, touchscreen, powerbank and the body of the system. The body has been designed in the Solid Works CAD system and printed on a 3D printer. The needed firmware was loaded into the Z-Wave module ZM5304 and this module has been interconnected with the Raspberry Pi 3 through the printed circuit board of the custom design. The gateway drives OpenZWave network through the new own application written with help of Python wrapper of the library OpenZWave and other open source components. The part of the work is also the list and description of the alternative commercial gateways available on the Czech market.
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