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Influence of creep feeding on individual consumption characteristics and growth performance of neonatal and weanling pigsSulabo, Rommel Casilda January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Michael D. Tokach / Five experiments were performed to determine the influence of creep feeding on individual consumption characteristics and growth performance of neonatal and weanling pigs. These evaluated the effects of lactation feed intake and creep feeding (n = 84 litters; Exp. 1), creep feeding duration (n = 54 litters; Exp. 2), creep feeder design and feed accessibility (n = 54 litters; Exp. 3), organoleptic properties of the creep feed (n = 50 litters; Exp. 4) and creep diet complexity (n = 96 litters; Exp. 5). In summary, creep feeding did not affect preweaning gains and weaning weights of pigs weaned at 3 weeks of age. Creep feeding for 18 d did not influence sow performance. However, creep feeding tended to improve litter weaning weights due to improved survivability. Creep feed consumption was related to piglet maturity rather than the induction of creep feeding. In both experimental and field conditions, pigs that consumed creep feed (eaters) had greater post-weaning feed intake and daily gains compared to non-eaters (pigs that did not consume creep feed) and non-creep fed pigs. This led to improvements in pig weight uniformity and reduction of the severity of post-weaning lag. These benefits were achieved regardless of weaning weight, the complexity of the creep diet, and the duration of creep feeding. The proportion of eaters of creep feed in whole litters can be manipulated. Longer duration of creep feeding increased the proportion of eaters. A rotary creep feeder with a hopper created the most eaters with the lowest creep feed disappearance. Creep diet complexity had the greatest effect in increasing the proportion of pigs consuming creep feed. On the other hand, low feed intake of lactating sows and adding feed flavors to the creep feed did not affect creep feed consumption and the proportion of pigs consuming creep feed. Therefore, creep feeding that focuses in encouraging more suckling piglets to eat is beneficial in producing weanling pigs that are better adapted to weaning, which improves post-weaning performance.
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The Immune Response of Guinea Pigs as Influenced by Hypobaric Pressure and Normoxic Environment (Part I); Membrane Filter-Fluorescent-Antibody Method for Detection and Enumeration of Bacteria in Water (Part II)Reeder, Dennis James 08 1900 (has links)
In this work experimental design and tests were established to determine whether antibody production in guinea pigs injected with a bacterial antigen is Influenced by the environment of simulated high altitude with normoxic conditions. Hematological and electrophoretic studies were simultaneously run with the antibody determinations as a check on related responses of the animals.
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Mediální obraz vylodění v Zátoce sviní na Kubě v československém dobovém tisku / The media image of the Bay of pigs invasion of Cuba in the czechoslovakia contemporary pressApplová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This Master Thesis is called Media Image of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba in the Czechoslovakia Contemporary Press. Its aim is to show overall picture of how was the Invasion characterized by four contemporary daily newspapers - Rudé právo, Lidová demokracie, Mladá fronta a Obrana lidu. The first part of this thesis describes the historical background of the Bay of Pigs Invasion and the Invasion itself, relationship between Cuba and Czechoslovakia, what was the media situation, censorship, propaganda and short introduction of the newspapers. Next part analyses the contemporary newspaper articles, which puts together media image of the Invasion. During the Cold War, the Invasion of the Bay of Pigs was the first serious conflict between Cuba and the USA.
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Detection of porcine umbilical cord matrix stem cells in the intestine and other organs after oral and intraperitoneal administration to allogeneic recipientsPackthongsuk, Kreeson January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Animal Sciences and Industry / Duane Davis / Umbilical cords matrix stem cells (UCs) have been characterized most thoroughly in humans (HUCs) and are considered to have great promise for regenerative medicine and cell-based therapy. Although UCs were first identified in pigs the description of porcine UCs (PUCs) is limited. Here we reported some standard mesenchymal stem cell characteristics for PUCs. Development of knowledge about PUCs is useful because the pig is a valuable biomedical model for humans and the species is an important human food source. PUCs were isolated from Wharton’s jelly using an explant technique. They attached on the plastic and showed fibroblast-like morphology. Immunophenotype analysis showed they are positive for CD44, CD90 and CD105 and negative for CD31, CD45 and SLA-DR. Under specific in vitro conditions, PUCs were differentiated to adipocytes, chondrocytes and osteocytes. The growth curve of PUCs exhibited a lag phase, log phase and doubling time of 24, 60 and 13.8 hour respectively.
Engraftment potential of allogeneic PUCs administered orally and intraperitoneally (IP) was evaluated. Newborn, 1-day, 1-week, 2-week and 3-week old pigs were administered a dose of fluorescently labeled PUCs (1.1x107 cells/kg body weight) and their tissue incorporation were evaluated using confocal microscopy with confirmation by PCR to detect SRY gene, the Y-chromosome gene of male PUCs in female recipients. One week after PUCs administration, they were found mostly in the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal organs after either oral or intraperitoneal transplantation. The intestinal mucosa layer around the base of villi and intestinal crypts was the main location. PUCs were also detected in thoracic organs, muscle and bone marrow. Additionally, PKH26-labeled fibroblasts labeled were detected in recipient intestine 1 week after IP injection. Donor cells were not found in blood at one week post transplantation. When recipients were sacrificed at 6 h after IP injection PKH26-labeled PUCs were found mostly in omentum and diaphragm by PCR. It is likely these are the primary sites for donor cells in the peritoneal cavity to enter the circulation. Fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), using an SRY probe and PCR, demonstrated the PUCs isolated from recipient intestines by enzymatic digestion. Therefore, transplanted PUCs were recovered from the intestinal mucosa and were viable and able to proliferate in vitro.
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Effects of chlortetracycline and copper supplementation on levels of antimicrobial resistance in the feces of weaned pigsAgga, Getahun Ejeta January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Diagnostic Medicine and Pathobiology / Harvey Morgan Scott / The use of antibiotics in food animals is of major concern as a purported cause of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in human pathogens; as a result, alternatives to in-feed antibiotics such as heavy metals have been proposed. The effect of copper and CTC supplementation in weaned pigs on AMR in the gut microbiota was evaluated. Four treatment groups: control, copper, chlortetracycline (CTC), and copper plus CTC were randomly allocated to 32 pens with five pigs per pen. Fecal samples (n = 576) were collected weekly from three pigs per pen over six weeks and two Escherichia coli isolates per sample were tested phenotypically for antimicrobial and copper susceptibilities and genotypically for the presence of tetracycline (tet), copper (pcoD) and ceftiofur bla[subscript]C[subscript]M[subscript]Y₋₂) resistance genes. CTC-supplementation significantly increased tetracycline resistance and susceptibility to copper when compared with the control group. Copper supplementation decreased resistance to most of the antibiotics, including cephalosporins, over all treatment periods. However, copper supplementation did not affect minimum inhibitory concentrations of copper or detection of pcoD. While tetA and bla[subscript]C[subscript]M[subscript]Y₋₂ genes were associated with a higher multi-drug resistance (MDR), tetB and pcoD were associated with lower MDR. Supplementations of CTC or copper alone were associated with increased tetB prevalence; however, their combination was paradoxically associated with reduced prevalence. These studies indicate that E. coli isolates from the weaned pigs studied exhibit high levels of antibiotic resistance with diverse multi-resistant phenotypic profiles. In a related study, total fecal community DNA (n = 569) was used to detect 14 tet genes and to quantify gene copies of tetA, tetB, pcoD and bla[subscript]C[subscript]M[subscript]Y₋₂. CTC and copper plus CTC supplementation increased both the prevalence and gene copies of tetA, while decreasing both the prevalence and gene copies of tetB, when compared with the control group. The diversity of tet genes were reduced over time in the gut bacterial community. The roles of copper supplementation in pig production and pco-mediated copper resistance in E. coli need to be further explored since a strong negative association of pcoD, with both tetA and bla[subscript]C[subscript]M[subscript]Y₋₂, suggests there exist opportunities to select for a more innocuous resistance profile.
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Sistema de ventilação com nebulização no frigorífico sobre o microclima do veículo transportador, respostas fisiológicas e comportamentais de suínos / Ventilation system with water misting at the commercial slaughter plant on truck microclimate, physiological and behavior response of pigsPereira, Thuanny Lúcia 25 January 2018 (has links)
Objetivou-se avaliar a efetividade da ventilação forçada associada à nebulização sobre as respostas comportamentais e fisiológicas de suínos mantidos dentro do veículo transportador antes do descarregamento na indústria frigorífica. Durante 6 semanas de transporte, 2 veículos pot-belly (PB) transportaram 191 suínos cada até a mesma planta frigorífica. Na chegada, ambos veículos permaneceram estacionados por 30 minutos antes da descarga. Um dos veículos PB foi posicionado ao lado do sistema de ventilação e nebulização (PBVM), enquanto o outro PB não teve acesso ao sistema de resfriamento (PBC). O tratamento (PBVM) consistiu em 10 minutos de ventilação (Espera 1); seguido de 10 minutos de ventilação e nebulização (Espera 2) e 10 minutos finais de ventilação (Espera 3). A temperatura do ar (T) e a umidade relativa (RH) foram monitorados. A frequência de suínos deitados e a frequência de acesso ao bebedouro foram calculadas. Temperaturas do trato gastrointestinal (GTT), lactato sanguíneo, hematócrito, creatina quinase e concentrações de cortisol foram avaliados. Durante a Espera 1, a ventilação forçada reduziu a temperatura do ar e o índice de temperatura e umidade no tratamento PBVM. Na Espera 3, a temperatura e o índice de temperatura e umidade foram menores (P < 0.001) no tratamento PBVM comparado ao PBC, contudo a umidade relativa do ar foi maior (P < 0.001). Suínos oriundos do compartimento 4 do PBVM apresentaram maior atividade durante o tempo de Espera 2 e 3, e reduzido tempo de latência para se deitar na baia do frigorífico (P < 0.05). Redução no GTT dos suínos oriundos do PBC foi observada após 1 hora de período de descanso comparada ao PBVM. O percentual de hematócrito tendeu a ser maior nos suínos PBC comparado ao PBVM. O sistema de ventilação e nebulização utilizado na indústria frigorifica antes do descarregamento melhora de forma eficiente as condições internas térmicas do caminhão e consequentemente o conforto térmico dos suínos mantidos no veículo transportador, com redução na temperatura dentro dos compartimento e baixo nível de desidratação no abate. / The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of water misting with forced ventilation on a stationary trailer on internal vehicle ambient conditions, behavioral and physiological response of market pigs. During 6 weekly shipments, two identical tri-axle pot-belly (PB) trailers transported 191 pigs each (126 ± 5 kg BW) to the same slaughter plant. On arrival, both trailers were kept stationary in the yard for 30 min before unloading. One PB trailer was pulled over along a fan-misters bank (PBVM), while the other PB trailer had no access to this cooling system (PBC). The PBVM treatment consisted in 10 min of fan-assisted ventilation (wait 1) followed by 10 min of ventilation and water misting (wait 2) and final 10 min of ventilation (wait 3). The air temperature (T) and relative humidity (RH) were monitored. The frequency of lying pigs, the latency to rest and the frequency of drinking bouts were calculated. Gastrointestinal tract temperature (GTT) and exsanguination blood lactate, hematocrit, creatine kinase and cortisol concentrations were assessed. In wait 1, the application of the fan-assisted ventilation resulted in lower (P < 0.05) T and THI in the PBVM. In wait 3, T and THI were still lower (P < 0.001) in PBVM compared to PBC, but the RH was higher (P < 0.001). Pigs from compartment 4 of PBVM had a greater (P < 0.001) activity during waits 2 and 3, and a reduced latency to lie down in the lairage pen compared to the same compartment in the PBC (P < 0.05). A higher (P < 0.05) GTT drop was recorded until 1 h after lairage in pigs located in PBC compared to those transported in PBVM. At slaughter, hematocrit tended to be higher (P = 0.08) in blood of PBC pigs compared to PBVM. The fan-misters bank used on the PBVM vehicle sitting at the slaughter plant before unloading efficiently improves internal trailer thermal conditions and consequently thermal comfort of pigs kept in a stationary trailer, with reduced temperature within the compartments and lower dehydration condition at slaughter.
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Papel da indução de tolerância oral no remodelamento de vias aéreas e na expressão da óxido nítrico sintase neuronal / Role of oral tolerance induction in airway remodeling and the expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase.Ruiz, Viviane Christina 28 August 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A indução de tolerância oral atenua a resposta inflamatória e a produção de anticorpos anafiláticos secundários presentes em quadros alérgicos pulmonares tanto em humanos quanto em modelos experimentais. Nestas situações, a modulação do remodelamento brônquico e o papel do óxido nítrico não foram previamente estudados. OBJETIVOS: 1. Desenvolver dois modelos de tolerância oral em cobaias com inflamação crônica pulmonar caracterizando: mecânica pulmonar, hiper-responsividade a metacolina, óxido nítrico exalado (NOex), anticorpos IgG1, inflamação brônquica e eosinofilopoiese. 2. Avaliar o remodelamento brônquico e a expressão da enzima óxido nítrico sintase neuronal (nNOS) no epitélio brônquico nestes animais. MÉTODOS: As cobaias receberam inalações de ovoalbumina ou soro fisiológico durante 15 minutos ou até que apresentassem desconforto respiratório (este tempo foi denominado tempo de inalação). O protocolo foi repetido duas vezes por semana durante quatro semanas. Para a indução da tolerância foi administrada ovoalbumina a 2% por via oral e oferecida ad libitum, sendo formados os grupos: 1. TO1 (recebeu ovoalbumina oral a 2% a partir da primeira inalação com ovoalbumina); 2. TO2 (recebeu ovoalbumina oral a 2% a partir da quarta inalação com ovoalbumina); 3. SAL (recebeu água ad libitum e inalações com soro fisiológico); 4. OVA (recebeu água ad libitum e inalações com solução de ovoalbumina). Após os animais serem anestesiados e ventilados, foram avaliados: 1. mecânica pulmonar basal e após inalação com ovoalbumina (30mg/ml) ou soro fisiológico, 2. hiper-responsividade brônquica à metacolina, 3. coletado o NOex. Ao final do experimento, os fragmentos pulmonares foram retirados e corados com hematoxilina e eosina, com a técnica histoquímica cianeto resistente para peroxidase eosinofílica (células EPO+), com a técnica imunoistoquímica para a detecção da óxido nítrico sintase neuronal (nNOS) e com resorcina-fucsina, resorcina-fucsina oxidada e picro-sírius. A medula óssea foi retirada e corada com hematoxilina e eosina. O índice de edema peribrônquico, as células EPO+, os mononucleares e os polimorfonucleares brônquicos e os eosinófilos da medula óssea foram avaliados por morfometria. As células epiteliais brônquicas nNOS+ e as fibras elásticas e colágenas foram avaliadas por densitometria óptica. Os anticorpos IgG1 foram detectados por anafilaxia cutânea passiva. A análise estatística foi feita com o programa SigmaStat e considerado significante um P<0,05. RESULTADOS: Nos grupos TO1 e TO2 houve aumento no tempo de inalação, diminuição na resposta máxima de elastância do sistema respiratório após desafio antigênico e com metacolina, diminuição do edema peribrônquico, dos eosinófilos, dos polimorfonucleares, das fibras elásticas e colágenas, da eosinofilopoiese e dos títulos de IgG1 (P < 0,05). Os mononucleares, a resposta máxima de resistência do sistema respiratório depois do desafio antigênico, e a metacolina diminuíram em TO2 (P < 0,05). O NOex e a percentagem de células epiteliais nNOS+ não foram alterados nos grupos tolerizados. CONCLUSÕES: A indução de tolerância oral concomitante ao início da sensibilização ou depois de estabelecida a resposta alérgica foi capaz de atenuar a inflamação eosinofílica, os títulos de IgG1 e o remodelamento brônquico presentes neste modelo de inflamação crônica pulmonar. A redução dos linfomononucleares e da hiper-responsividade brônquica foi mais efetiva quando a indução de tolerância foi feita em animais previamente sensibilizados. A dissociação entre o controle da inflamação eosinofílica e a avaliação do NOex e da expressão da nNOS no epitélio brônquico sugere um mecanismo novo ativado pela indução de tolerância oral / INTRODUCTION: The oral tolerance induction attenuates the inflammatory response and the production of secondary anaphylactic antibodies present in pulmonary allergy pictures in humans as well as in experimental models. In these situations, the bronchial remodeling modulation and the role of nitric oxide have not been previously studied. OBJECTIVES: 1. To develop two models of oral tolerance in guinea pigs with chronic pulmonary inflammation, characterizing: pulmonary mechanics, hyperreponsiveness to methacholine, exhaled nitric oxide (NOex), IgG1 antibodies, bronchial inflammation and eosinophylopoiesis. 2. To evaluate the bronchial remodeling and the expression of the neuronal nitric oxide synthase enzyme (nNOS) in bronchial epithelium of these animals. METHODS: The guinea pigs were submitted to ovalbumin or saline solution inhalation for 15 minutes or until they presented respiratory stress (this time period was called inhalation time). The protocol was repeated twice a week for 4 weeks. Oral tolerance induction was carried out by the administration of 2% oral ovalbumin, offered ad libitum, and the following groups were formed: 1. OT1 (received 2% oral ovalbumin from the first ovalbumin inhalation; 2. OT2 (received 2% oral ovalbumin from the fourth ovalbumin inhalation; 3. SAL (received water ad libitum and saline solution inhalations; and 4. OVA (received water ad libitum and ovalbumin solution inhalations). After being anesthetized, the animals were ventilated and evaluated regarding: 1. basal pulmonary mechanics and after ovalbumin (30mg/ml) or saline solution inhalation; 2. bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine; and 3. NOex was collected. At the end of the experiment, the pulmonary fragments were removed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin, with the cyanide-resistant eosinophilic peroxidase histochemical technique (EPO+ cells), with the immunohistochemical technique for the detection of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) and with Resorcin-fuchsin, Resorcin-fuchsin with oxidation and Picrosirius. The bone marrow was removed and stained with hematoxylin-eosin. The index of peribronchial edema, the EPO+ cells, the bronchial mononuclear and polymorphonuclear cells and the eosinophils from the bone marrow were evaluated by morphometry. The epithelial bronchial nNOS+ cells and the elastic and collagen fibers were evaluated by optical densitometry. IgG1 antibodies were detected by Passive Skin Anaphylaxis. Statistical analysis was performed with the SigmaStat software program and a P value < 0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: The OT1 and OT2 groups showed increased inhalation time, decrease in the maximum elastance response of the respiratory system after the antigenic challenge and with methacholine, decrease of peribronchial edema, eosinophils, polymorphonuclear, elastic and collagen fibers, eosinophylopoiesis, and IgG1 titers (P < 0.05). The mononuclear cells, the maximum resistance response of the respiratory system after the antigenic challenge and methacholine decreased in OT2 (P < 0.05). NOex and the percentage of nNOS+ epithelial cells were not altered in the tolerized groups. CONCLUSIONS: The oral tolerance induction concomitant to the start of sensitization or after the allergic response has been established, was capable of attenuating the eosinophilic inflammation, IgG1 titers and the bronchial remodeling present in this model of chronic pulmonary inflammation. The decrease in lymphomononuclear cells and bronchial hyperresponsiveness was more effective when the tolerance induction was carried out in animals that had been previously sensitized. The dissociation between the eosinophilic inflammation and NOex evaluation and the expression of nNOS in the bronchial epithelium suggests a new mechanism activated by the oral tolerance induction
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Avaliação da variação de pressão de pulso (VPP) frente a diferentes concentrações inaladas de isoflurano, desflurano e sevoflurano: modelo experimental em suínos / Evaluation of pulse pressure variation (PPV) using different concentrations of isoflurane, desflurane and sevoflurane: experimental model in pigsOshiro, Alexandre Hideaki 30 January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Os anestésicos inalatórios empregados atualmente na prática clinica (isoflurano, sevoflurano e desflurano) possuem propriedades farmacocinéticas que favorecem rápida recuperação da anestesia, porém seu uso pode causar instabilidade hemodinâmica dose-dependente, relacionado à depressão direta da contratilidade miocárdica ou à hipovolemia relativa, derivado de um sequestro de sangue devido à vasodilatação do leito vascular periférico. Este estudo visa avaliar o comportamento da VPP durante a anestesia inalatória. Para tanto se utilizou três diferentes agentes inalatórios (isoflurano, sevoflurano e desflurano) em diferentes concentrações inaladas. Métodos: Foram utilizados 25 suínos divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos. Os animais foram submetidos à anestesia com o anestésico do respectivo grupo. Imediatamente após a determinação da CAM individual do agente inalatório em cada animal, ocorreu a primeira coleta de dados. O animal foi, então, exposto a diferentes níveis de CAM (1,0 CAM; 1,25 CAM) seguido por uma exposição decrescente de CAM (1,0 CAM); provocou-se então uma hemorragia correspondente a 30% da volemia e exposição a dois níveis de CAM (1,0 e 1,25), com 20 minutos em cada exposição. Ao final de cada período os valores ecocardiográficos e do VPP foram mensurados. A análise estatística foi realizada através de provas paramétricas empregando-se o método de comparações múltiplas para análise de variância com medidas repetidas (ANOVA). O grau de significância foi de 5% (p < 0,05). Resultados: Há aumento na variação de pressão de pulso com incremento de 25% na CAM dos anestésicos inalatórios (de 8±1 para 11±3% no grupo DESF, de 7±2 para 9±2 no grupo SEVO e de 9±4 para 10±3% no grupo ISO) sem diferença estatística entre os anestésicos. Apesar deste aumento na CAM e significativa hipotensão e queda no débito cardíaco, o aumento na VPP não torna o paciente responsivo a infusão de fluidos (o VPP permaneceu abaixo de 13%). Há pequena queda na PAM quando se eleva a CAM dos anestésicos em 25%, porém só há queda estatisticamente significativa no grupo DESF (de 84±7 para 68±12 mmHg). Não foram observadas alterações importantes em relação à contratilidade miocárdica. Conclusão: Observou-se que a VPP não é influenciada como o uso dos diferentes anestésicos inalatórios e apesar dos efeitos cardiovasculares esperados destes agentes, mantem-se a capacidade de demonstrar alterações de pré-carga mesmo em concentrações correspondentes a 1,25 CAM / Background: Inhalant anesthetics, such as isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane are widely used in daily clinical practice due to its pharmacological properties allowing a rapid recovery from anesthesia. Nevertheless, its use can lead to dose-dependent hemodynamic instability related to direct depression in myocardial contractility or to a relative hypovolemia caused by vasodilation of peripheral capillary bed. This study aims to evaluate the behavior of PPV during inhalant anesthesia. For this, three different anesthetics were used (isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane) with different inhaled concentrations. Methods: 25 young pigs were randomly assigned into three groups. Animals were anesthetized with its correspondent agent according to its group. After individual determination of minimal alveolar concentration (MAC), first data collection occurred. Pigs were then exposed to different MAC (1MAC and 1,25 MAC) followed by a decrease in MAC (1 MAC). At this point a 30% of estimated volemia hemorrhage was caused and pigs were exposed to a period of 1 MAC and after that 1,25 MAC. Each period lasted 20 minutes. At the end of each period, hemodynamic parameters and echocardiography were collected. Data were submitted to analysis of variance for repeated measures (ANOVA). P<0,05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There was an increase in PPV when with 1,25 MAC of all anesthetics. (from 8±1 to 11±3% in group DESF, from 7±2 to 9±2 in group SEVO and from 9±4 to 10±3% in group ISO), but without statistical difference among groups. Although there was an increase in PPV, followed by hypotension and drop in cardiac index, patients werent fluid responsive with a 25% increase in MAC, since PPV was lower than 13%. The decrease in blood pressure followed by 1,25MAC was only significant in DESF group (from 84±7 to 68±12 mmHg). No important alterations related to myocardial contractility were observed. Conclusion: PPV is not influenced by the use of different inhalant anesthetics and although there are cardiovascular effects of these agents which are expected, and were able to demonstrate alterations in preload even in concentration of 1,25 MAC
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Aloamamentação em cobaias Cavia porcellus / Allosuckling in domestic guinea pigs cavia porcellusTakamatsu, Adriana Toyoda 02 August 2007 (has links)
A aloamamentação parece desafiar o princípio geral de que o cuidado materno deve restringir-se à própria prole. Embora a aloamamentação em cobaias domésticas Cavia porcellus - espécie em que um macho dominante pode reproduzir-se com várias fêmeas em um sistema de harém e em que os filhotes são precoces e capazes de ingerir alimentos sólidos logo depois do nascimento - já tenha sido observada, não foi submetida até o momento a um estudo sistemático. Na presente pesquisa, realizada com cobaias comuns (Etapa 1) e cobaias albinas (Etapa 2), buscamos descrever os aspectos básicos da interação fêmea-filhote ao longo das primeiras quatro semanas de vida dos filhotes, comparando a freqüência e a duração da amamentação de fêmeas mantidas sozinhas com a sua ninhada (Condição FS, 20 fêmeas) à de fêmeas pareadas quando as ninhadas tinham no máximo 3 dias de diferença (Condição FP, 19 pares de fêmeas), uma condição em que pode surgir aloamamentação. Verificou-se que, apesar da existência de apego em relação à mãe (os filhotes na condição FP permaneciam próximos à mãe e mamaram mais dela do que da fêmea alheia), aproximadamente 60 % dos filhotes alomamaram. A aloamamentação, que se concentrou na primeira semana de vida com um decréscimo marcado em seguida e que não era sempre recíproca, decorreu basicamente da iniciativa dos filhotes. Os resultados não apóiam a hipótese funcional da aloamamentação enquanto competição entre os filhotes por um superávit de alimentação, mas indicam que constitui uma estratégia oportunista dos filhotes, propiciada pelas características da organização social das cobaias. / Allosuckling seems to challenge the general principle according to which maternal care should be retricted to offspring. While already reported, allosuckling in domestic guinea pigs Cavia porcellus - a species in which males may breed with several females, in a harem system, and in which pups are precocious and able to ingest solid food shortly after birth - has not been, to now, systematically described. The aim of the present research, performed with common guinea pigs (Phase 1) and albino guinea pigs (Phase 2) was to describe female-pups interactions throughout development, and to compare such interactions in isolated females with their litter (FS condition, 20 females) and in paired females with their litter (FP condition, 19 pairs), a condition in which allosuckling performance is likely to happen. In spite of pups\' attachment to their mothers (in condition FS, pups remained nearer to their mother than to the other lactating female and had longer and more frequent nursing episodes with her), allosuckling was relatively frequent (approximately 60% of pups were allonursed). Allosuckling peak occurred during the first week of life and markedly decreased thereafter, being mainly under the control of pups. Results do not favor a functional explanation of allosuckling as a competitive strategy of pups for a surplus of food, but suggest it is an opportunistic strategy which is made possible by the specific nature of guinea pigs social organization.
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Avaliação da variação de pressão de pulso (VPP) frente a diferentes concentrações inaladas de isoflurano, desflurano e sevoflurano: modelo experimental em suínos / Evaluation of pulse pressure variation (PPV) using different concentrations of isoflurane, desflurane and sevoflurane: experimental model in pigsAlexandre Hideaki Oshiro 30 January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: Os anestésicos inalatórios empregados atualmente na prática clinica (isoflurano, sevoflurano e desflurano) possuem propriedades farmacocinéticas que favorecem rápida recuperação da anestesia, porém seu uso pode causar instabilidade hemodinâmica dose-dependente, relacionado à depressão direta da contratilidade miocárdica ou à hipovolemia relativa, derivado de um sequestro de sangue devido à vasodilatação do leito vascular periférico. Este estudo visa avaliar o comportamento da VPP durante a anestesia inalatória. Para tanto se utilizou três diferentes agentes inalatórios (isoflurano, sevoflurano e desflurano) em diferentes concentrações inaladas. Métodos: Foram utilizados 25 suínos divididos aleatoriamente em três grupos. Os animais foram submetidos à anestesia com o anestésico do respectivo grupo. Imediatamente após a determinação da CAM individual do agente inalatório em cada animal, ocorreu a primeira coleta de dados. O animal foi, então, exposto a diferentes níveis de CAM (1,0 CAM; 1,25 CAM) seguido por uma exposição decrescente de CAM (1,0 CAM); provocou-se então uma hemorragia correspondente a 30% da volemia e exposição a dois níveis de CAM (1,0 e 1,25), com 20 minutos em cada exposição. Ao final de cada período os valores ecocardiográficos e do VPP foram mensurados. A análise estatística foi realizada através de provas paramétricas empregando-se o método de comparações múltiplas para análise de variância com medidas repetidas (ANOVA). O grau de significância foi de 5% (p < 0,05). Resultados: Há aumento na variação de pressão de pulso com incremento de 25% na CAM dos anestésicos inalatórios (de 8±1 para 11±3% no grupo DESF, de 7±2 para 9±2 no grupo SEVO e de 9±4 para 10±3% no grupo ISO) sem diferença estatística entre os anestésicos. Apesar deste aumento na CAM e significativa hipotensão e queda no débito cardíaco, o aumento na VPP não torna o paciente responsivo a infusão de fluidos (o VPP permaneceu abaixo de 13%). Há pequena queda na PAM quando se eleva a CAM dos anestésicos em 25%, porém só há queda estatisticamente significativa no grupo DESF (de 84±7 para 68±12 mmHg). Não foram observadas alterações importantes em relação à contratilidade miocárdica. Conclusão: Observou-se que a VPP não é influenciada como o uso dos diferentes anestésicos inalatórios e apesar dos efeitos cardiovasculares esperados destes agentes, mantem-se a capacidade de demonstrar alterações de pré-carga mesmo em concentrações correspondentes a 1,25 CAM / Background: Inhalant anesthetics, such as isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane are widely used in daily clinical practice due to its pharmacological properties allowing a rapid recovery from anesthesia. Nevertheless, its use can lead to dose-dependent hemodynamic instability related to direct depression in myocardial contractility or to a relative hypovolemia caused by vasodilation of peripheral capillary bed. This study aims to evaluate the behavior of PPV during inhalant anesthesia. For this, three different anesthetics were used (isoflurane, sevoflurane and desflurane) with different inhaled concentrations. Methods: 25 young pigs were randomly assigned into three groups. Animals were anesthetized with its correspondent agent according to its group. After individual determination of minimal alveolar concentration (MAC), first data collection occurred. Pigs were then exposed to different MAC (1MAC and 1,25 MAC) followed by a decrease in MAC (1 MAC). At this point a 30% of estimated volemia hemorrhage was caused and pigs were exposed to a period of 1 MAC and after that 1,25 MAC. Each period lasted 20 minutes. At the end of each period, hemodynamic parameters and echocardiography were collected. Data were submitted to analysis of variance for repeated measures (ANOVA). P<0,05 was considered statistically significant. Results: There was an increase in PPV when with 1,25 MAC of all anesthetics. (from 8±1 to 11±3% in group DESF, from 7±2 to 9±2 in group SEVO and from 9±4 to 10±3% in group ISO), but without statistical difference among groups. Although there was an increase in PPV, followed by hypotension and drop in cardiac index, patients werent fluid responsive with a 25% increase in MAC, since PPV was lower than 13%. The decrease in blood pressure followed by 1,25MAC was only significant in DESF group (from 84±7 to 68±12 mmHg). No important alterations related to myocardial contractility were observed. Conclusion: PPV is not influenced by the use of different inhalant anesthetics and although there are cardiovascular effects of these agents which are expected, and were able to demonstrate alterations in preload even in concentration of 1,25 MAC
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