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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Palm, Mathilda Palm January 2019 (has links)
Breeding for a larger litter size has affected the vitality of piglets negatively. The larger litter sizes lead to lower individual birthweight. Smaller pigs have bigger difficulties to keep up their body temperature right after birth because of their lower muscle mass. Other factors that affect the vitality of the piglets are season, how the pigs are cared for and how they are housed. The purpose of the study is to analyze changes in litter size and birthweight over the time period 2013 to 2017. The study also analyses how litter size and birthweight is affected by season. The study performs statistical analyses on data recorded at the pig facilities at Lövsta agriculture research facility, SLU in Uppsala, Sweden, between the years 2013 to 2017. This study includes piglets of the crossbreed Yorkshire x Hampshire. The questions of issue in this study concerns the change in litter size and birthweight over time years 2013 to 2017, the regression between litter size and birthweight and the effect of season on birthweight and litter size. The study showed that the birthweight decreased over the years. Regression showed that the increase of litter size lowers the birthweight. The effect of season was significant indicating lower birthweights in the second compared to the fourth quarter of the year. The effect of season can potentially be explained by weather conditions. Keywords: litter size, birth weight, newborn pigs/piglets, sow, animal welfare.

Der Einfluss von Haltungsbedingungen auf Parameter der Tiergesundheit unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Atemwegserkrankungen in fünf Schweinemastbetrieben im Raum Thüringen

Richter, Annerose 16 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Hintergrund und Zielstellung: Im Zuge der Intensivierung der Schweinemast kommen Atemwegsinfektionen und deren klinische Auswirkungen auf die Tiere, in Verbindung mit möglichen Wechselwirkungen zu den Umgebungsfaktoren, eine entscheidende Bedeutung für die Tiergesundheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit der Betriebe zu. Daher war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, unter Feldbedingungen festzustellen, inwieweit Korrelationen zwischen Parametern des Stallklimas, dem Nachweis potentiell pathogener Infektionserreger des Respirationstraktes, klinischem Befund der Tiere, dem Lungenbefund am Schlachtband und den Leistungsfaktoren bestehen. Material und Methoden: Über den Zeitraum von einem Jahr wurden fünf Schweinemastbetriebe in Thüringen, mit Betriebsgrößen im Bereich von 2480 bis 22 000 Mastplätzen hinsichtlich Tiergesundheit, insbesondere der Atemwegsgesundheit und Stallklima untersucht. Betriebskenndaten über Stallbau, Belegungsdichte, Lüftungs- und Heiztechnik sowie Fütterungs, -Tränke- und Impfregime wurden aufgenommen. Für die Untersuchungen wurden pro Betrieb zwei Abteile ausgewählt. Dabei lagen die betriebsabhängigen Abteilgrößen zwischen 159 bis 751 Tieren. In diesen Abteilen wurden bei einer Stichprobengröße von zehn Tieren in zwei Mastperioden, Sommer und Winter, zu jeweils drei Zeitpunkten (Vormast, Mittelmast und Endmast) 840 Blutproben entnommen und bezüglich der lungenpathogenen Erreger PRRSV, PCV 2, SIV sowie APP untersucht. PRRSV und PCV 2 betreffend, wurde sowohl auf Virus mittels in house-PCR-Untersuchungen gepoolter Proben, als auch serologisch auf Antikörper mittels ELISA untersucht. Für den Erreger SIV erfolgte eine serologische Untersuchung auf Antikörper mittels HAH sowie für APP mittels ELISA. Des Weiteren kam es in den entsprechenden Abteilen zur Durchführung stallklimatischer Messungen, wobei die Stallklimaparameter Lufttemperatur, Relative Luftfeuchte, Luftgeschwindigkeit sowie die Beleuchtungsstärke mithilfe von Geräten der Firma Testo sowie die Konzentrationen von CO2, O2, NH3und H2S mithilfe eines Multiwarn-Mehrgasmessgeräts der Firma Dräger ermittelt wurden. Gleichzeitig erfolgte eine klinische Befunderhebung in den Gruppen, mit der Bildung eines Klinikscores mit Schwerpunkt Lungengesundheit, sowie die Aufnahme der Leistungsparameter: durchschnittliche tägliche Zunahme, Mortalität der Gruppe und dem Tierbehandlungsindex, aus denen ein Leistungsscore ermittelt wurde. Im Zuge der Schlachtung wurden 9921 Schlachtkörper, insbesondere das Geschlinge und die Lungen, makroskopisch beurteilt und daraus ein modifizierter Organboniturscore, auf Grundlage des Organbefundindex nach Blaha gebildet. Alle Score-Bewertungen erfolgten nach Punkten und gaben somit eine Aussage zum Tiergesundheitsstatus der Betriebe. Höhere Punktzahlen entsprachen einem schlechterem Gesundheits- bzw. Leistungsstatus. Somit konnten Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Ergebnissen der Blutuntersuchungen, den Stallklimaparametern, dem Klinik- und Leistungsscore sowie dem Organboniturscore mittels statistischer Auswertung hergestellt werden, wobei die einzelnen Bestände sowohl betriebsübergreifend als auch auf Bestandsebene untersucht wurden. Aufgrund durchgeführter Umbaumaßnahmen in drei Beständen wurde ein Vergleich alter und neuer Betriebsteile in die Betrachtungen mit einbezogen. Ergebnisse: Keiner der Betriebe wies eine vollständige Erregerfreiheit auf, was für die endemische Verbreitung der Infektionserreger, insbesondere PRRSV, PCV 2 sowie APP spricht. SIV wurde lediglich in einem Bestand nachgewiesen. Serokonversionen hinsichtlich PRRSV gingen signifikant mit vermehrtem Husten der Tiere (p = 0,027) und einer höheren klinischen Gesamtpunktzahl (p = 0,016) einher. Bei Virusnachweis zeigte sich mit p = 0,047 eine signifikant schlechtere Lungengesundheit. Hinsichtlich des Stallklimas bestand für die Parameter Temperatur, Relative Luftfeuchte, CO2 Gehalt sowie den Schadgasgehalten der Stallluft ein starker Bezug zu den unterschiedlichen Mastperioden Sommer und Winter, mit vorrangig schlechteren Werten in der Winterperiode. Diese Klimaparameter lagen oftmals über den Grenz- bzw. Regelwertbereichen, mit Auswirkungen auf die Atemwegsgesundheit. Mit Ausnahme des Parameters NH3 ergaben sich bestandsübergreifend mit p ≤ 0,01 signifikante Zusammenhänge zu den klinischen Befunden (höhere Teilpunkzahlen Lungengesundheit korrelieren mit ρ = 0,250 zum CO2-sowie mit ρ = 0,222 zum H2S-Gehalt der Stallluft, negativ mit ρ = −0,396 zur Temperatur) sowie NH3 inbegriffen (mit einer Korrelation von ρ = 0,401) zu den Pneumoniebefunden. Ebenfalls bestandsübergreifend zeigte sich ein signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen der Infektion von APP (p = 0,038) sowie PRRSV (p = 0,001) und einer erhöhten Anzahl an Pleuritiden. Des Weiteren zeigten sich mit einer Signifikanz von p ≤ 0,01 in Verbindung mit verstärkten klinischen Symptomen auch signifikant mehr makroskopisch sichtbare Pneumonien bei der Schlachtung (Korrelation der Gesamtpunktzahl Klinik mit ρ = 0,297). Bestandsabhängig wurden beim Vorhandensein multipler Erregerspektren im Betrieb erhöhte Lungenbefunde ermittelt. Beziehungen der Klima- und Klinikparameter sowie der Lungenbefunde zu den Leistungsparametern, konnten nur in geringem Maße festgestellt werden. So wurden beispielsweise keine Korrelationen zwischen den Schadgasparametern und der durchschnittlichen Masttagszunahme festgestellt. Hier scheint der genetische Aspekt einen starken Einfluss zu besitzen. Schlussfolgerungen: Anhand der Untersuchungen konnten sowohl einzelbetrieblich als auch betriebsübergreifend Signifikanzen zwischen den einzelnen Parametern festgestellt werden. Die gegenseitige Beeinflussung und Abhängigkeit aller Faktoren ist jedoch immer herdenabhängig und variiert, je nach Bestandsdynamik.

Enteral nitrogen metabolism in the growing pig

Columbus, Daniel Allan 16 November 2012 (has links)
An improved understanding of nitrogen metabolism in the gastrointestinal tract of the pig is required in order to provide accurate estimates of nitrogen and amino acid (AA) bioavailability in feed ingredients and for adequate diet formulation. Research objectives were to estimate the extent of fermentative AA catabolism (FAAC) in the upper gut of pigs. Further objectives were to determine the impact of lower gut nitrogen absorption on measures of apparent ileal digestibility of AA and nitrogen, whole-body nitrogen balance, and urea kinetics in pigs fed a valine-limiting diet. It was determined that simple isotope dilution calculations are inappropriate for determining ileal ammonia flux and FAAC from a continuous infusion of labelled ammonia and urea. A static model with two-pools (blood urea and digesta ammonia) was then developed to determine possible value ranges for FAAC in the upper gut of pigs. Maximum estimated FAAC based on this model was lower when dietary protein content was decreased (P < 0.001). The model presented is limited to minimum and maximum estimates of FAAC due to the sampling and isotope infusion protocol used. Refinements to the model and experimental protocol could allow for more accurate estimates of FAAC. Infusion of casein or urea into the lower gut of pigs did not affect measures of apparent ileal digestibility of AA or nitrogen. These results further validate the methodology available for determination of ileal digestibility and the use of ileal digestibility to estimate bioavailability of AA and nitrogen. Infusion of casein or urea into the lower gut resulted in an increase in nitrogen balance and urea flux in growing pigs fed a valine-limiting diet. Nitrogen absorbed from the lower gut of pigs is likely in the form of ammonia which is converted to urea. Lower gut nitrogen can contribute to whole-body protein deposition via urea recycling and microbial AA production in the upper gut. Lower gut nitrogen absorption should be accounted for when estimating bioavailability of nitrogen in feeds and foods. / Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA); Ontario Pork; Canadian Swine Research and Development Cluster; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC); Evonik Industries AG

Effect of nursery feeding program on wean-to-finish growth performance, growth-related plasma hormone levels, chemical body composition and carcass traits of pigs

Skinner, L Donald 07 January 2013 (has links)
Experiments were conducted to assess effects of nursery feeding programs (using complex or simple diets, including or excluding antibiotics) on growth performance of barrows and gilts up to market weight (approximately 115 kg body weight), plasma levels of growth-related hormones, chemical body composition and carcass traits at market weight. Reducing nursery diet complexity decreased (P < 0.05) growth performance and plasma levels of triiodothyronine during the nursery period, but had no negative carry-over effects on growth performance or hormone plasma levels thereafter. Excluding antibiotics from nursery diets reduced nursery growth performance and plasma levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 and triiodothyronine but appeared to induce subsequent compensatory growth. In general, nursery feeding programs had no effect on body composition and carcass traits at market weight and no effect on wean-to-finish growth performance or carcass value at market weight. This represents an opportunity to improve profitability in commercial pork production. / Ontario Pork; The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food Swine Research Cluster

Dietary means for enhanced gastrointestinal health and function in weaned pigs: An evaluation of carbohydrase enzymes targeting non-starch polysaccharides

Kiarie, Elijah 07 May 2008 (has links)
A major challenge for the pig industry is to formulate starter diets that primarily fit the digestive capacity, maintain GIT health and promote growth without recourse to in-feed antimicrobials. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of carbohydrase enzymes (CE) targeting non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in enhancing gut health and function in piglets. First, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of adding CE in piglet diets on growth performance, GIT bacterial activity and nutrient digestibility. Pigs fed diets containing CE had a higher ileal lactobacilli count, total organic acids concentrations, NSP digestibility and low ammonia compared with control. The effectiveness of CE targeting NSP was further evaluated using enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in a challenge model to evaluate the impact on gut health and function. Two approaches for the ETEC challenge were adopted; an in situ small intestine segments perfusion model and an in vivo model. Initially, a pilot study was conducted to establish and validate the in situ model. In the pilot study, conventional anti-diarrhea agents; fumaric acid, ZnO, egg yolk antibodies against ETEC K88 fimbriae and carbadox, attenuated fluid losses in ETEC-infected jejunal segments. Following the establishment of the in situ model, four experiments were conducted to study the effects NSP hydrolysis products (HP) from various feedstuffs (i.e. wheat, soybean meal, canola meal and flaxseed) on ETEC-induced secretory diarrhea. The results demonstrated that HP protected against ETEC-induced fluid and electrolyte losses. A further study was conducted to investigate the response of piglets fed diets containing HP and EYA singly or in combination upon oral challenge with ETEC. Feeding HP and EYA alone or in combination attenuated ETEC-enteritis symptoms such that piglets fed additives showed less pronounced acute phase responses and superior performance. Piglets fed diets containing additives had lower gastric pH, fewer ETEC adhered to ileal mucosa and lower incidence of diarrhea. Overall, reduction of intestinal pathogens or toxic bacterial metabolites contributes to enhanced GIT health and function. These novel results expand the scope of enzyme technology in animal nutrition within the new paradigm of dietary approaches to gut health and function.

Hyperglycemia in Experimental Cerebral Ischemia

Molnar, Maria January 2015 (has links)
Cerebral ischemia is a life-threatening condition associated with a substantial morbidity and mortality. Hyperglycemia, a common coexisting phenomenon in both stroke and cardiac arrest (CA), may further aggravate ischemic brain injury. To date, the therapeutic possibilities are lim-ited and the search for new treatment modalities is warranted. One aspect of such a research could be to better understand the cerebral pathogenesis induced by hyperglycemic ischemia-reperfusion. We investigated the combination of ischemia and hyperglycemia in two experimental models of stroke and CA. The aims were to test the neuroprotective potential of the sulfonated nitrone 2-sulfophenyl-N-tert-butylnitrone (S-PBN) in focal hyperglycemic cerebral ischemia (1), to outline the short-terms effects of hyperglycemia in prolonged (2) and short CA (3) and to performed a global transcriptome analysis of brain from hyperglycemic and normoglycemic CA (4). In a stroke model rats were made hyperglycemic prior to transient middle cerebral artery oc-clusion and randomized to S-PBN or saline. We found that S-PBN may ameliorate hyperglyce-mic-ischemic brain damage by improving the neurological performance after 1 day of survival, but did not reduce the infarct size. To study the cerebral oxidative state and perfusion after CA, pigs were randomized and clamped at blood glucose levels of 8.5 ̶ 10.0 mmol/L (high) and 4.0 ̶ 5.5 mmol/L (normal), sub-jected to 12 ̶ min of CA, followed by 8 min of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and ob-served for 180 min. Increased oxygenation was found at higher glucose levels measured by near-infrared light spec-troscopy after CA. Tendencies toward increased protein S100β and 15-keto-dihydro-prostaglandin F2α were observed in the hyperglycemic group. We hypothesized that in combination with a brief period of CA, the preischemic hyperglycemia would worsen the cerebral injury compared with normoglycemia. We used a glycemic protocol similar to that in Paper II, whereby pigs were subjected to 5 ̶ min of CA, followed by 8 min of CPR, and observed for 180 mins. An increased level of the cerebral marker S100β was found in hyperglycemic pigs compared with normoglycemic pigs after CA. Global transcriptome analysis using microarray analysis revealed a different early metabolic gene expression in hyperglycemic CA compared with normoglycemic CA.

Influence of feed bulk on physicochemical properties of digesta in pigs.

Wate, Akhona. 10 October 2014 (has links)
Physicochemical properties of fibre-based diets were used to determine the influence of feed bulk on physicochemical properties of digesta within each segment of the gastrointestinal tract and digesta in pigs. In the first experiment, three pigs (14 ± 1.2 kg body weight (BW) were allocated to each of six diets containing maize cob levels at 0, 80, 160, 240, 320 and 400 g/kg DM inclusion levels for four weeks. All pigs were fed ad libitum. They were slaughtered, eviscerated and weights of the gut compartments were recorded, then contents of digesta from each segment were sampled for the determination of water concentration, water holding capacity (WHC) and swelling capacity (SWC). The WHC of digesta in the stomach, ileum and caecum decreased (P < 0.05) with maize cob inclusion level. The SWC in the stomach decreased with the inclusion level of maize cob meal. The SWC of caecal digesta increased with maize cob inclusion (P < 0.05). Physicochemical properties of digesta increased (P < 0.05) from the stomach to ileum then decreased as the digesta moved through the hindgut. In the second experiment, four fibres namely maize cob, lucerne hay, sunflower husk and citrus pulp were used. These fibres were used in formulating diets for finishing pigs. Twenty-one complete diets were formulated by dilution of a conventional feed with increment levels of each fibre source at 0, 80, 160, 240, 320 and 400 g/kg. Each of the diets was offered ad libitum to four of 84 pigs weighing 80.8 ± 8.15 kg body weight, in individual pens, for 30 days. Stomach weights increased linearly with an increase in neutral detergent fibre (NDF) but increased with quadratic functions with an increase in SWC of the diet (P <0.05). An increase in WHC of the fibrous diets increased linearly the WHC of the proximal colon (P <0.01) at a faster rate compared to the WHC of the distal colon (P <0.001). As the SWC of the diets increased, linear increases in SWC of the digesta in the stomach (P <0.01) and caecum (P <0.001) were observed. The WHC of the digesta was negatively correlated to SWC (P < 0.001) in the stomach. Scaled feed intake (SFI) decreased linearly with an increase in SWC of the diet (P < 0.001). There was no relationship between WHC of the diet and SFI (P > 0.05). There was a linear decrease (P < 0.01) in SFI of finishing pigs as the SWC of the digesta. It can be concluded that the swelling capacity of the diets and stomach digesta in stomach are accurate predictors of scaled feed intake. Swelling capacity had great influence in the stomach weights whilst other bulking properties, such as WHC and neutral detergent fibre, affected the weight and digesta properties in the caecum, proximal and distal colon. / M.Sc.Agric. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg 2013.

Dietary means for enhanced gastrointestinal health and function in weaned pigs: An evaluation of carbohydrase enzymes targeting non-starch polysaccharides

Kiarie, Elijah 07 May 2008 (has links)
A major challenge for the pig industry is to formulate starter diets that primarily fit the digestive capacity, maintain GIT health and promote growth without recourse to in-feed antimicrobials. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of carbohydrase enzymes (CE) targeting non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) in enhancing gut health and function in piglets. First, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of adding CE in piglet diets on growth performance, GIT bacterial activity and nutrient digestibility. Pigs fed diets containing CE had a higher ileal lactobacilli count, total organic acids concentrations, NSP digestibility and low ammonia compared with control. The effectiveness of CE targeting NSP was further evaluated using enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) in a challenge model to evaluate the impact on gut health and function. Two approaches for the ETEC challenge were adopted; an in situ small intestine segments perfusion model and an in vivo model. Initially, a pilot study was conducted to establish and validate the in situ model. In the pilot study, conventional anti-diarrhea agents; fumaric acid, ZnO, egg yolk antibodies against ETEC K88 fimbriae and carbadox, attenuated fluid losses in ETEC-infected jejunal segments. Following the establishment of the in situ model, four experiments were conducted to study the effects NSP hydrolysis products (HP) from various feedstuffs (i.e. wheat, soybean meal, canola meal and flaxseed) on ETEC-induced secretory diarrhea. The results demonstrated that HP protected against ETEC-induced fluid and electrolyte losses. A further study was conducted to investigate the response of piglets fed diets containing HP and EYA singly or in combination upon oral challenge with ETEC. Feeding HP and EYA alone or in combination attenuated ETEC-enteritis symptoms such that piglets fed additives showed less pronounced acute phase responses and superior performance. Piglets fed diets containing additives had lower gastric pH, fewer ETEC adhered to ileal mucosa and lower incidence of diarrhea. Overall, reduction of intestinal pathogens or toxic bacterial metabolites contributes to enhanced GIT health and function. These novel results expand the scope of enzyme technology in animal nutrition within the new paradigm of dietary approaches to gut health and function.

Šėrimo ir laikymo sistemos poveikis penimų kiaulių elgsenai / Feeding and storage system effects on behavior of fattening pigs

Bankovskytė, Rasa 18 June 2013 (has links)
Eksperimentas buvo atliktas su 90 mišrūnių kiaulių, suskirstytų į bandomąsias grupes, atsižvelgiant į jų kilmę, lytį ir pradinį kūno svorį. Kiaulės buvo suskirstytos į šešias bandomąsias grupes (15 gyvūnų kiekvienoje grupėje): 1 grupė - gyvūnai šeriami visaverčiais pašarais ir laikomi ganykloje, 2 grupės - gyvūnai šeriami visaverčiais pašarais ir laikomi tvarte, garduose su kraiko pakratais, 3 grupė - gyvūnai šeriami visaverčiais pašarais ir laikomi tvarte, garduose be kraiko pakratų, 4 grupė - gyvuliai šeriami visaverčiais pašarais ir liucernos pašarais, laikomi lauke, grupė 5 - gyvuliai šeriami visaverčiais pašarais ir liucernos pašarais, laikomi tvarte, garduose su kraiko pakratais, 6 grupė - gyvuliai šeriami visaverčiais pašarais ir liucernos pašarais, laikomi tvarte, garduose be kraiko. Tyrimo objektas: penimų kiaulių elgsena atsižvelgiant į šėrimą ir laikymo būdus (tvarte ar vasaros stovyklose) Trimo tikslas: nustatyti laikymo sistemų (tvarte ar vasaros stovyklose) ir šėrimo (pilnavertis pašaras ir/arba papildytas liucernos pašaru) poveikį skirtingais amžiaus laikotarpiais penimų kiaulių elgsenai. Išvados. Analizuojant skirtingus penėjimo laikotarpius, nustatyti kiaulių elgsenos ypatumai ir ryšys su produktyvumu. Pirmoje ir antroje penėjimo fazėje (apie 50 kg ir 100 kg) nustatyti įtakojantys veiksniai produktyvumą susiję su poilsio periodų, judėjimo aktyvumų. Kiaulės augintos be kraiko, daugiau laiko skirdavo poilsiui, buvo mažiau aktyvios, ir agresyvesnės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The experiment was performed on a total of 90 hybrid pigs divided into experimental groups based on their origin (litter), sex and initial body weight. The pigs were assigned to six experimental groups (15 animals per group): group 1 – animals fed a complete diet and kept freerange, group 2 – animals fed a complete diet and kept indoors in pens with litter bedding, group 3 - animals fed a complete diet and kept indoors in pens without litter bedding, group 4 – animals fed a complete diet and alfalfa forage, kept free-range, group 5 - animals fed a complete diet and alfalfa forage, kept indoors in pens with litter bedding, group 6 - animals fed a complete diet and alfalfa forage, kept indoors in pens without litter bedding. All management systems were animal welfare-friendly. Both at the first and second stage of fattening (approx. 50 kg and 100 kg BW, respectively), the experimental factors had a significant effect on the majority of behavior patterns in pigs. An increase in rest periods and a reduction in locomotor activity and other types of behavior were observed in older animals.

En jämförelse av beteendeeffekter hos slaktsvin av olika typer av miljöberikning / A comparison of behaviour in fattening pigs with different types of environmentalenrichments

Nygren-Fasth, Veronica January 2014 (has links)
Hos grisar finner man flera stereotypiska beteenden, som rörbitning och svansbitning. Dessa beteenden är relativt vanliga hos grisar. En miljöberikning definieras som förbättring av ett djurs välfärd, både psykologisk och fysiologiskt, genom förändringar hos djurets omgivning. Denna studie har undersökt om miljöberikningar kan minska stereotypiska beteenden hos grisar. De två olika miljöberikningar som har använts är en jutesäck fylld med halm och en Jolly Ball™. De tre stereotypiska beteendena som studerades var rörbitning, svansbitning och bukmassage. Studien utfördes på 107st grisar uppdelade på 12 boxar, under totalt tre veckor. Alla tre stereotypiska beteenden minskade statistiskt signifikant . Detta visar att båda miljöberikningarna hade en positiv effekt på grisarna då de minskade deras stereotypiska beteenden. De interagerade mer med jutesäcken fylld med halm än vad det gjorde med Jolly Ball™.  Grisarna föredrog den miljöberikningen som var omformbar, förstörbar, ätbar, tuggbar, vilket går i linje med liknande studier. / Among fattening pigs you find several stereotypical behaviours, such as bar-biting and tail-biting. These behaviours are quite common among domestic pigs. Environmental enrichments are often used to reduce stereotypical behaviours in animals.  An environmental enrichment is defined as an improvement of an animal’s welfare, both psychologically and physiologically, through changes in the environment of the animal. With this study, different environmental enrichments were studied to see if they can reduce stereotypical behaviour among fattening pigs. The two different environmental enrichments used were a jute sack filled with straw and a Jolly Ball™. The stereotypical behaviours that were looked at were bar-biting, tail-biting and belly-nosing. The study was carried out on 107 pigs divided into 12 pig boxes, during 3 weeks in total. All three stereotypical behaviours decreased significantly. This shows that the environmental enrichments had a positive effect on the pigs, since they reduced their stereotypical behaviour. The pigs interacted more with the jute sack than they did with the Jolly Ball™.  The pigs preferred the environmental enrichment that was destructible, edible, deformable and chewable, which fits well into similar studies that have been executed.

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