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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sustainable strawberry production and management including control of strawberry powdery mildew

Liu, Bo January 2017 (has links)
At present, the global population is increasing, while soil and fresh water resources for crop production are declining. It is important to adopt sustainable practices to optimise the use of limited natural resources without compromising the environment, and to enhance continuous production in the long term. The rapid growth of UK strawberry industry has been achieved through the precision use of varieties, nutrients and polythene tunnels. This intensive production has caused significant environmental impacts especially Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the production. Strawberry powdery mildew (Podosphaera aphanis) is a major fungal disease affecting strawberry production worldwide particularly in polythene tunnels. The disease can result in yield losses of up to 70% of the crop. A ruleQbased system was used in the field trials to predict high risk days of P. aphanis development, taking into account the optimal environmental conditions conducive to conidial germination and disease development. The results (Chapter 3) showed that the use of this prediction system achieved satisfactory control of P. aphanis in commercial strawberry production, with reduced fungicide applications compared with commercial spray programme. The results were consistent in two consecutive years and on different varieties. In addition, it was suggested that the use of the prediction system may also lead to lower GHG emissions associated with fewer fungicide applications, thereby benefit strawberry growers both environmentally and economically. Results from 2014 & 2015 silicon fertigation trials showed that the use of a silicon nutrient via the fertigation system reduced the strawberry susceptibility to P. aphanis and twoQspotted spider mites (Tetranychus urticae Koch) in two consecutive years on different varieties (Chapter 4). In both years, crops received the silicon nutrient only without fungicides had both lower rate of epidemic (r) and lower value of Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) (r = 0.0036, AUDPC = 475 in 2014; r = 0.001, AUDPC = 267 in 2015) compared with the untreated control (r = 0.0042, AUDPC = 662 in 2014; r = 0.0011, AUDPC = 281 in 2015). Silicon also delayed the epidemic buildQup in the silicon nutrient only treatment for approximately two weeks compared with the untreated control. Crops from the silicon nutrient plus fungicides treatment had lower susceptibility (r = 0.0012 in 2014; r = 0.0004 in 2015) than those from the fungicides only treatment (r = 0.0017 in 2014; r = 0.0005 in 2015) suggesting that the silicon nutrient may also enhance fungicides performance in reducing the epidemic buildQup when used together. Moreover, the presence of T. urticae on strawberry leaves was significantly lower (P < 0.001) in plants treated with the silicon nutrient than those without. In addition, initial results suggested that silicon may play a positive role in raising °Brix of strawberry leaf petiole, improving pollen viability, and influencing the length of flower receptacle and stamens. Maltmas Farm has a wide range of semiQnatural habitats that provide food and nesting resources for wild pollinators. Hoverflies, bumblebees and solitary bees were found to be the main wild pollinators that pollinate commercial strawberries at Maltmas Farm (Chapter 5). The number of pollinators in tunnels or open fields significantly correlated with the abundance of strawberry flowers (P < 0.05). Pollinator presence also differed between groups throughout the day and over the seasons. Hoverflies appeared early in the day and were abundant in summer months; bumblebees and solitary bees were present most of the day and throughout the season, whereas honeybees were only active in sunny days. Temperatures, relative humidity and cloud coverage also affected pollinator presence. In addition, pollinator activity was not significantly (P > 0.05) affected by the application of the silicon nutrient via the fertigation system. The integrated use of the prediction system (to reduce fungicide applications and subsequent GHG emissions), the silicon nutrient (to reduce crop susceptibility to P. aphanis and T. urticae), and sustainable farmland management (to encourage the presence of wild pollinators) could help strawberry growers to achieve a more sustainable production.

Identificação de marcador molecular ligado ao gene Pm-1 que confere resistência a raça 1 de oídio (Podosphaera xanthii) em melão (Cucumis melo L.) / Identification of molecular marker linked to the Pm-1 gene that confers resistance to race 1 of to powdery mildew (Podosphaera xanthii) in melon (Cucumis melo L.)

Silva-Barreto, Fatima Aparecida da 20 July 2007 (has links)
A cultura do meloeiro é de grande importância econômica no Brasil, sendo a região Nordeste a principal produtora e exportadora do fruto. A baixa resistência aos principais patógenos é um dos fatores limitantes para a competitividade brasileira da cultura no mercado internacional. Uma das doenças mais importantes é o oídio, causado por Podosphaera xanthii. Geralmente, o controle de P. xanthii é obtido com o uso de fungicidas. Porém, é necessário empregar medidas mais econômicas e que não agridam o ambiente, como a utilização de cultivares resistentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcadores moleculares de vários tipos ligados ao gene Pm-1 de resistência à raça 1 de P. xanthii com o intuito de auxiliar programas de melhoramento genético. Para tanto foram utilizadas duas linhagens quase-isogênicas (LQI) de melão AF426pm1 (P1) e AF426Pm1 (P2), ambas pertencentes à variedade inodorus, que são contrastantes para ausência e presença, respectivamente, do gene Pm-1. Para a análise de co-segregação entre gene e marcadores candidatos, foi utilizada uma população de retrocruzamento RC1F1, fenotipada para resistência a raça 1 de oídio, obtida a partir do cruzamento entre linhagens. As técnicas de LM-PCR e AFLP resultaram em marcadores polimórficos, porém somente os encontrados com a técnica de AFLP puderam ser utilizados como marcadores no teste de co-segregação. Foram encontrados dois marcadores AFLP. No entanto, somente um, denominado HF155 mostrou-se ligado a uma distância de 4,9 cM do gene Pm-1. Devido à proximidade deste marcador ao gene este pode ser utilizado em programas de seleção assistida por marcadores, visando o melhoramento de linhagens com resistência ao P. xanthii. / Melon crop is of great economical importance in Brazil being the Northeast region the main producer and exporter of the fruit. The low levels of resistance to pathogens is one of the restricting factors for the Brazilian competitiveness worldwide. One of the most important diseases is powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera xanthii. Generally, the control of P. xanthii is achieved with the use of fungicides. However it is necessary to use less expensive control methods with a minimum environmental impact such as resistant cultivars. The objective of this work was to identify molecular markers linked to the Pm-1 gene which confers resistance to race 1 of P. xanthii with the purpose of assisting boding program. Two near isogenic lines (LQIs) of melon Agro AF426pm1 (P1) and AF426Pm1 (P2), both belonging to the inodorus variety, which are respectivally contrasting for abscence and presence of Pm-1 gene were analyzed. For the cosegregation analyses between gene and candidate markers, it was used the BC1F1 population was used screened for resistance to powdery mildew and obtained from a cross between the LQIs. The LM-PCR and AFLP techniques were efficient in the polymorphisms detection, however only those ones which were found using AFLP technique could be used as markers in the co-segregation test. It was found two markers with this technique but just the HF155 is located 4.9 cM of the Pm-1 gene. Due the proximity of the HF155 marker to the Pm-1 gene this one can be used in markerassisted selection aiming to develop melon cultivars resistant to P. xanthii.

Caractérisation des contraintes biotiques et abiotiques sur la phénologie printanière du chêne : expliquer les patrons de diversité et prédire les changements futurs / Characterization of biotic and abiotic constraints on oak spring phenology : explaining observed diversity patterns and predicting future changes

Dantec, Cécile 22 May 2014 (has links)
La phénologie du débourrement est un caractère majeur d’adaptation des arbres à leurenvironnement en milieu tempéré. Notre objectif a été de caractériser les contraintes biotiques (oïdium) etabiotiques (températures hivernales et printanières / gels tardifs) s’exerçant sur le débourrement afind’expliquer les patrons de variation phénologique intra et inter populationnelle observés chez le chêne(Quercus petraea) le long d’un gradient altitudinal. Nous avons utilisé une approche combinantobservations in situ, expérimentation, et modélisation. Nous avons mis en évidence que l’évitement desgels tardifs printaniers est un caractère adaptatif majeur le long du gradient altitudinal. La tardiveté dudébourrement pourrait être due à des besoins plus importants en température de forcing. Par ailleurs, lechampignon n’est pas adapté localement à la phénologie de son hôte et les individus et les populationssont alors inégalement exposés à la maladie. En montant en altitude, les chênes sont de plus en plusexposés au champignon, mais les facteurs environnementaux sont défavorables à une plus forte infection.A basse altitude, l’oïdium et les gels tardifs favorisent des phénotypes phénologiques opposés(respectivement précoces vs. tardifs) ; la combinaison des deux contraintes pourrait donc contribuer aumaintien de la forte diversité phénologique observée. D’autre part, nous avons observé que l’infection parl’oïdium engendre une augmentation du polycyclisme chez les semis de chêne au cours de la saison decroissance, ce qui les rend moins résistants aux gels hivernaux. Nous montrons qu’il est important que lesmodèles phénologiques à visée prédictive intègrent la phase de chilling aboutissant à la levée dedormance. Le manque de chilling ne semble pas encore un facteur limitant, mais la tendance actuelle à undébourrement de plus en plus précoce sera probablement freinée voire inversée au milieu du siècle enbasse altitude, dans la marge sud de distribution de Q. petraea. / Budburst phenology is a major adaptive trait of trees to the environment in temperateclimate. Our aim was to characterize the biotic (powdery mildew) and abiotic (winter and springtemperatures / spring frost) constraints acting on budburst in view to explain the patterns of intra and interpopulations’ phenological variation observed in sessile oak (Quercus petraea) along an elevation gradient.We based our approach on in situ monitoring, experimentation and modeling. Our results highlight that theavoidance of late spring frosts is a major adaptive trait along the elevation gradient. The lateness inbudburst might be due to higher requirements in forcing temperatures. Otherwise, the fungus is not locallyadapted to its host phenology so oak individuals and populations are unequally exposed to the disease.With increasing elevation, oaks are more and more exposed to the fungus, but the environmental factorsare unfavorable to higher infection. At low elevation, powdery mildew and late spring frosts favor oppositephonological phenotypes (early-flushing vs. late-flushing trees, respectively); the combination of the twopressures may thus contribute to the maintenance of the observed high phenological diversity. We alsoshowed that powdery mildew infection induced an increased polycyclism during the growing season in oakseedlings, which made them less resistant to winter frosts. Predictive phenological models will have toinclude the chilling phase which conditions dormancy breaking. Although the lack of chilling is not yet alimiting factor, the current trend in increasingly advanced budburst will certainly be slowed or even reversedin the middle of the century at low elevation, in the southern margin of the distribution area of Q. petraea.

Estudi de models matemàtics aplicats a la predicció d'epidèmies de la cendrosa de l'ordi

Almacellas Gort, Jaume 07 July 2010 (has links)
La cendrosa de l'ordi, causada pel fong Blumeria graminis (D.C.) E. O. Speer f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal, sin. Erysiphe graminis D.C.: Fr. f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal, anamorf: Oidium monilioides (Nees) Link, és la malaltia aèria més important en aquest conreu a Catalunya. El 1987 es van iniciar les investigacions sobre l'etiologia de les principals malalties dels cereals. Es realitzà una prospecció per tota la l’àrea cerealícola de la geografia catalana, que va permetre estimar la distribució i importància de les malalties que afecten l'ordi, el blat, el panís i l'arròs. Els resultats del període estudiat, 1987-1990, conclogueren que per a la cendrosa de l’ordi, la probabilitat d’una epidèmia severa (severitat final=60%5% en varietats susceptibles) varià entre p=0,2 i p=0,6 (entre dos i sis anys amb epidèmia severa de cada deu anys de cultiu), segons zones de conreu. Amb aquestes premisses es va anar elaborant un sistema de suport a la presa de decisions (SSPD) propi per a la cendrosa de l’ordi a l’àrea de Catalunya anomenat CENCONT, el qual prediu la malaltia tenint en compte que la cendrosa forma part d’un ‘complex de malalties’ i considerant la severitat (i l’àrea sota la corba epidèmica) com a variable independent i el possible efecte de la resta de malalties i plagues com a covariants. Per a l’aplicació pràctica de les anàlisis epidèmiques a CENCONT, es van estimar els valors dels paràmetres del model Logist com mitjanes d’un nombre de epidèmies representatives dels distints processos: de reacció varietal i de control químic. Aquests valors van resultar útils per a la predicció d’epidèmies i l’avaluació de CENCONT va demostrar la seva utilitat, tant pel que fa a la seva precisió com per a l’anàlisi econòmica fonamentada en el càlcul de la Funció de Guany. Però les assumpcions teòriques fetes en ajustar models tipus Logist, anomenats sintètics, a les dades epidèmiques de camp, han de permetre fer prediccions amb un marge d'error acceptable, en les condicions ambientals definides per cada predicció, la qual cosa s’ha de demostrar que és certa en una eina SSPD. Per aquesta raó els objectius que s’han formulat en aquest treball s’han basat resumidament en: 1) Fer una anàlisi matemàtica dels models sintètics, principalment els Logist i Richards, veient el seu comportament i estudiant les relacions y0, r i k mitjançant simulació, 2) Contrastar els resultats teòrics amb els de les epidèmies desenvolupades en condicions naturals, aplicant els models, en ajusts a epidèmies de camp de la cendrosa de l'ordi, amb la condició d'anar fixant els paràmetres o bé deixar-los lliures en el model, principalment l'asímptota k, i 3) Discutir la validesa de les assumpcions fetes en els models per ajustar les equacions a les dades experimentals, veient les interaccions entre paràmetres i les conseqüències que derivades de l'anàlisi comparativa d'epidèmies i la seva aplicació a sistemes predictius de la malaltia. Per assolir els objectius plantejats s’han utilitzat 113 processos epidèmics observats en camp en el període 1991-2002, avaluant principalment la intensitat de malaltia en el temps i basats en dos objectius experimentals: control químic i resistència varietal Paral•lelament, s’han analitzat des del punt de vista matemàtic mitjançant el programa MAPLE els models exponencial, Logist, Gompertz, Monomolecular, Von Bertalanffy-Richards i Weibull, i s’ha valorat la seva idoneïtat en la seva aplicació a malalties vegetals, especialment a la cendrosa de l’ordi. Després de l’anàlisi matemàtica, s’han aplicat els models mitjançant el programa Table Curve 2D©. En una primera fase s’han ajustat tots els models a les epidèmies de camp, excepte el model exponencial, i en una segona, de tots els models aplicats s’han seleccionat els que donaven millor rendiment estadístic pel que fa als diversos paràmetres d’avaluació. En aquest procés d’ajust, també s’han descartat les epidèmies que no aconseguien un ajust de suficient qualitat segons els criteris establerts. A més, s’han establert comparacions de les taxes relatives epidèmiques obtingudes en els ajusts mitjançant la utilització de la taxa mitjana ponderada absoluta. S’ha fet una anàlisi especial del comportament del paràmetre de forma del model Richards i s’han elaborat models de superfície de resposta per als paràmetres epidèmics y0, r i k dels models Logist i Richards. Entre les conclusions més importants s’ha trobat que el model Richards s’ajusta millor que Logist i aquest que Gompertz al conjunt d’epidèmies de cendrosa de l’ordi a Catalunya. La resta de models analitzats es van descartar per pitjor comportament. Quant als paràmetres dels models, en primer lloc no és el mateix fixar l’asímptota que no fixar-la, com a mínim des de la perspectiva estadística. En segon lloc, la taxa relativa epidèmica disminueix de valor segons si s’ajusten les dades a Richards, Logist o Gompertz respectivament, i això passa sempre respecte qualsevol variant dels models, asímptota lliure o bé asímptota fixa, i per a qualsevol objectiu epidèmic, control químic o bé resistència varietal. Respecte a la severitat inicial, no s’ha trobat una pauta de comportament definida. Sobre la predicció, es pot fer una millora d’aquesta en el sistema d’avisos CENCONT passant del model Logist al model Richards. El model Richards es pot utilitzar amb els tres paràmetres clàssics o bé amb quatre paràmetres, incorporant el paràmetre de forma però amb unes certes restriccions. Si s’agafa el model Richards triparamètric, serà necessari fixar el paràmetre de forma a un valor que raonablement pot ser inferior a 5. Aquest tipus de modelització és la recomanada per a incloure en Sistemes de suport a la presa de decisions com és el CENCONT. La millora en la predicció no implica necessàriament una millora en la presa de decisions del sistema d’avisos de la cendrosa de l’ordi a Catalunya, perquè les implicacions econòmiques no són en la major part dels casos prou importants com per provocar un canvi de decisió. La diferència màxima calculada de pèrdues associades estimades segons el model Richards, amb asímptota lliure i les associades segons el model Logist, se situa en el 2.9%, calculant-les a partir de l’ASCPM i de la severitat final. A efectes pràctics es pot considerar el mateix haver predit segons el model Richards, millor en el treball, o el Logist, el qual fou el que realment s’havia aplicat en el programa CENCONT. L’estimació Logist podria ser suficient per a la major part de les situacions (epidèmies) i que només en un petit percentatge hauria valgut la pena canviar de model. De tota manera, per al tipus de prediccions del present treball, no es veuria malament el fet d’adoptar el model Richards en un futur, amb la condició d’haver fixat el valor característic del paràmetre m per a la zona d’estudi. / El oídio de la cebada causado por el hongo Blumeria graminis (D.C.) E. O. Speer f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal, sin. Erysiphe graminis D.C.: Fr. f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal, anamorf: Oidium monilioides (Nees) Link, es la enfermedad aérea más importante en este cultivo en Cataluña. El año 1987 se iniciaron las investigaciones sobre la etiología de las principales enfermedades de los cereales. Se realizó una prospección por toda el área cerealista de la geografía catalana que permitió estimar la distribución e importancia de las enfermedades que afectan la cebada, el trigo, el maíz y el arroz. Los resultados del período estudiado, 1987-1990, concluyeron que para el oídio de la cebada, la probabilidad de una epidemia severa (severidad final=60%5% en variedades susceptibles) osciló entre p=0,2 y p=0,6 (entre dos y seis años con epidemia severa de cada diez años de cultivo), según zonas de cultivo. Con estas premisas se elaboró un sistema de soporte a la toma de decisiones (SSTD) propio para el oídio de la cebada en el área de Cataluña, llamado CENCONT, el cual predice la enfermedad teniendo en cuenta que el oídio forma parte de un ‘complejo de enfermedades’ y considerando la severidad (y el área bajo la curva epidémica) como variable independiente y el posible efecto del resto de enfermedades y plagas como covariables. Para la aplicación práctica de los análisis epidémicos en CENCONT se estimaron los valores de los parámetros del modelo Logist como medias de un número de epidemias representativas de los distintos procesos: reacción varietal y control químico. Estos valores resultaron útiles en la predicción de epidemias y la evaluación de CENCONT demostró su utilidad, tanto en lo que se refiere a su precisión como para el análisis económico fundamentado en el cálculo de la Función de Ganancias. Pero las asunciones teóricas realizadas en el ajuste de modelos tipo Logist, llamados sintéticos, a los datos epidémicos de campo, han de permitir predicciones con un margen de error aceptable, en las condiciones ambientales definidas para cada predicción, lo cual se debe demostrar como cierto en una herramienta SSPD. Por esta razón los objetivos que se han formulado en este trabajo se han basado resumidamente en: 1) Efectuar un análisis matemático de los modelos sintéticos, principalmente Logist y Richards, viendo su comportamiento y estudiando las relaciones y0, r i k mediante simulación, 2) Contrastar los resultados teóricos con los obtenidos de las epidemias desarrolladas en condiciones naturales, aplicando los modelos en ajustes a epidemias de campo del oídio de la cebada, con la condición de ir fijando los parámetros o bien dejarlos actuar libremente en el modelo, principalmente la asíntota k, y 3) Discutir la validez de las asunciones realizadas en los modelos para ajustar las ecuaciones a los datos experimentales, viendo las interacciones entre parámetros y las consecuencias derivadas del análisis comparativo de epidemias y su aplicación a sistemas predictivos de la enfermedad. Para conseguir los objetivos propuestos se han utilizado 113 procesos epidémicos observados en campo durante el período 1991-2002, evaluando principalmente la intensidad de enfermedad en el tiempo y basados en dos objetivos experimentales: control químico y resistencia varietal. Paralelamente se han analizado los modelos exponencial, Logist, Gompertz, Monomolecular, Von Bertalanffy-Richards y Weibul desde un punto de vista matemático mediante el programa MAPLE, y se ha valorado su idoneidad en la aplicación a enfermedades vegetales, especialmente al oídio de la cebada. Después del análisis matemático se han aplicado los modelos mediante el programa Table Curve 2D©. En una primera fase se han ajustado las epidemias de campo a todos los modelos excepto el modelo exponencial, y en una segunda fase de todos los modelos aplicados se han seleccionado aquellos que resultaban en un mejor rendimiento estadístico respecto a diversos parámetros evaluados. En este proceso de ajuste también se han descartado las epidemias que no conseguían un ajuste de suficiente calidad según los criterios preestablecidos. Además se han hecho comparaciones de las tasas relativas epidémicas obtenidas en los ajustes mediante la utilización de la tasa media ponderada absoluta. Se ha realizado un análisis especial del comportamiento del parámetro de forma del modelo Richards y se han elaborado modelos de superficie de respuesta para los parámetros epidémicos y0, r i k de los modelos Logist y Richards. Entre las conclusiones más importantes se destaca que el modelo Richards ajusta mejor que Logist y este que Gompertz respecto al conjunto de epidemias de oídio de la cebada en Cataluña. El resto de modelos analizados se descartaron debido a su peor comportamiento. Respecto a los parámetros de los modelos, en primer lugar no es lo mismo fijar la asíntota que no fijarla, como mínimo desde el punto de vista estadístico. En segundo lugar, la tasa relativa epidémica disminuye de valor según si se ajustan los datos a Richards, Logist o Gompertz respectivamente, sucediendo esto siempre respecto a cualquier variante de los modelos, asíntota libre o bien asíntota fija, y para cualquier objetivo epidémico, ya sea control químico o bien resistencia varietal. Respecto a la severidad inicial, no se ha encontrado una pauta de comportamiento definida. Sobre la predicción, se puede afirmar que se realizaría una mejora en el sistema de avisos CENCONT pasando del modelo Logist a utilizar el modelo Richards. El modelo Richards se puede utilizar con los tres parámetros clásicos o bien con cuatro parámetros, incorporando el parámetro de forma pero con ciertas restricciones. Si se escoge el modelo Richards triparamétrico, será necesario fijar el parámetro de forma hasta un valor que razonablemente puede ser inferior a 5. Este tipo de modelización es la recomendada para Sistemas de Soporte a la Toma de Decisiones como CENCONT. La mejora en la predicción no implica, sin embargo, una mejora en la toma de decisiones del sistema de avisos del oídio de la cebada en Catalunya, porque las implicaciones económicas no son en la mayor parte de los casos suficientemente importantes como para provocar un cambio de decisión. La diferencia máxima calculada de pérdidas asociadas, estimadas según el modelo Richards con asíntota libre y las asociadas según el modelo Logist se sitúa en el 2.9%, calculándolas a partir de l’ABCPE (Área Bajo la Curva de Progreso de la Enfermedad) y de la severidad final. A efectos prácticos se puede considerar como lo mismo el haber predicho según el modelo Richards, mejor en el trabajo, o el Logist, el cual fue el que realmente se había aplicado en el programa CENCONT. La estimación Logist podría ser suficiente para la mayor parte de las situaciones (epidemias) ya que solamente en un pequeño porcentaje habría valido la pena cambiar de modelo. De todas formas, para el tipo de predicciones del presente trabajo, no se vería como inconveniente el adoptar el modelo Richards en un futuro, con la condición de fijar un valor característico del parámetro m para la zona de estudio. / Powdery mildew caused by the fungus Blumeria graminis (D.C.) E. O. Speer f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal, sin. Erysiphe graminis D.C.: Fr. f. sp. hordei Em. Marchal, anamorf: Oidium monilioides (Nees) Link, is the most important disease on barley crop in Catalonia (Northeast of Spain). Surveys of cereal –barley, wheat, maize and rice– diseases in Catalonia were carried out on 1987 and provided the necessary data of the relative importance and crop losses of diseases on these crops. The results sowed that, in the period of 1987 to 1990, barley Powdery mildew disease had a probability of severe epidemic of p=0,2 and p=0,6 (final severity=60%5% in susceptible cultivars) depending on the sub-area. This means that frequency of critic disease is between two and six years in a ten years period of time. Those studies gave as a result the elaboration of a Decision Support System (DSS) on Powdery mildew in Catalonia called CENCONT. This DSS gives predictions of the disease as a “disease complex”, considering severity (and AUDPC) an independent variable and the rest of the diseases and pests as covariates. To build CENCONT parameters of the Logist model were estimated as means of a diversity of numerous epidemics obtained from chemical control and resistance cultivar trials. These values had showed to be useful on predicting epidemics and consequently evaluating CENCONT in the point of view of economical analysis. But theoretical assumptions of those synthetic models, as Logist model, must be sufficient to predict in an acceptable range of error in the environmental conditions of a particular prediction. This conclusion should be demonstrated. Thus, the objectives of this work had been: 1) working out of mathematical modelling using synthetic models, especially Logist and Richards, to study their behaviour and the relationships between y0, r and k by means of program simulation, 2) to check theoretical conditions applied to epidemics developed in natural conditions, adjusting models to data and testing the parameter behaviour using different starting fitting values, and 3) to validate the adjusting conditions to experimental data, knowing the interactions between parameters and their consequences in Comparative Epidemiology and Decision Support Systems. To achieve with the objectives there have been used 113 field epidemics obtained between 1991 and 2002, assessing the disease intensity vs. time and based on two experimental objectives: Chemical Control and Cultivar Resistance. Eventually, the Exponential, Logist, Gompertz, Monomolecular, Von Bertalanffy-Richards and Weibull models have been analysed mathematically using MAPLE computer program, and assessed their fitness on applied disease epidemics, particularly to powdery mildew of barley. Furthermore, the models have been applied to field epidemic data using Table Curve 2D computer program. First, all models except Exponential were tested to know their ability to fitness and later some of the models were discarded. To eliminate models statistical yield criteria on fitting were used. As well as the models some epidemics were also discarded in this process using the criteria of poor quality results of fitting. Once more, comparisons between relative epidemic rate data were done by testing the suitability of weighted mean absolute rate, and an additional analysis to study the particular behaviour of shape parameter of Richards’ model was found necessary. Finally, a 3D model of the surface response curve of epidemic parameters y0, r and k of Logist and Richards previous 2D models was developed. Main results of this work are that behaviour of Richards’ model is better than Logist model to the fitting to barley powdery mildew epidemics in Catalonia. Yields of the rest of the models had been worst and are discarded of the normal use in our conditions. With regard to parameters, it is stated that the use of fixed asymptote is statistically different in front of free asymptote. Besides, after fitting the relative epidemic rate values decrease in the order of Richards’, Logist and Gompertz models. This happens independently of considering the use of free or fixed asymptote and both chemical control or cultivar resistance objectives. Moreover, the initial severity of disease does not show any pattern of behaviour. As a consequence of the data obtained, it is obvious that should be convenient to use Richards’ model instead of Logist in the CENCONT computer program. Richards’ model could be used with his three or four parameter form, but if the second, the use of shape parameter should be controlled and restricted in a short range of values. Within the form parameter, a value les than 5 should be recommended. This modelling pattern is suitable to include in those DSS as CENCONT is. The improvement on prediction does not means that making decisions using this DSS should be better because the economic consequences are not enough frequent and relevant to decide changing the pattern. The maximum difference of crop losses calculated comparing the use of Richards’ model instead of Logist model is about 2.9%. These estimates are of final severity or AUDPC of the epidemic. In fact, the use of Richards’ model or the Logist model does not normally bear differences in the economic recommendations of CENCONT which uses Logist model. So actually the Logist model could be sufficient to the most of environmental circumstances (epidemics) and only few of them should carry a model change. Instead of this, the use of Richards’ model in next future should be considered as a clear improvement of the prediction, but fixing the shape parameter to the particular conditions of the area should be recommended as necessary in this hypothetical case.

Studies on the use of biocontrol agents and soluble silicon against powdery mildew of zucchini and zinnia /

Tesfagiorgis, Habtom Butsuamlak. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2008. / Full text also available online. Scroll down for electronic link.

Caracterização de germoplasma, herança e identificação de marcadores SNP associados à resistência a Podosphaera xanthii em meloeiro / Germplasm characterization, inheritance and identification of SNP markers associated with resistance to Podosphaera xanthii in melon

Nunes, Elaíne Welk Lopes Pereira 04 April 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-12T19:18:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElaineWLPN_TESE.pdf: 787916 bytes, checksum: 2087efc39ac35d1b19fedd7e4362e6bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-04-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Powdery mildew, caused by Podosphaera xanthii, is the most important foliar disease of cucurbits in the Northeast Brazil. Breeding for resistance is one of the best ways to control this pathogen. The objectives aims these work were to characterize morphologically and by microsatellites markers resistant accessions of melon, to study the inheritance and to identify SNP markers associated to resistance in the accessions AM55-1A and C-AC-15. Fifty-six melon plant accessions with different geographical origins were evaluated for resistance to P. xanthii using artificial inoculation procedure under greenhouse conditions. The resistant accessions C-AC-02, C-AC-09, C-AC-15, C-AC-34 and AM55-1A were characterized with morphological traits and microsatellites markers. The accessions C-AC-02, C-AC-09, C-AC-15, C-AC-34 exhibited characteristics of momordica botanical variety while the accession AM55-1A exhibited characteristics of acidulus botanical variety. The molecular characterization confirmed he results observed in morphological characterization. The inheritance of resistance in AM55-1A and C-AC-15 in crosses with susceptible cultivar Véndrantais was studied under greenhouses conditions. The segregations ratios for resistance/susceptibility observed in the different populations (F1, F2, BC1 and BC2) indicated a monogenic and dominant inheritance in AM55-1A and two independent genes with epispastic interaction double recessive control resistance in C-AC-15. The backcross population (BC1) derived from AM55-1A x Véndrantais and F2 population from C-AC-15 x Véndrantais were utilized to identify QTLs associated to resistance to P. xanthii using bulked segregation analysis with 243 SNP molecular markers. Two QTLs (Pm-AM55-1A_1 and Pm-A55-1A_2) were identified on ligation group V from AM55-1A x Véndrantais . One QTL (Pm-C-AC-15_5) on ligation group V and other (Pm-C-AC-15_9) on ligation group IX / O oídio causado por Podosphaera xanthii, é a doença foliar mais importante das cucurbitáceas no Nordeste do Brasil. O melhoramento genético para resistência é uma das melhores maneiras de controlar esse patógeno. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram caracterizar morfologicamente e por marcadores microssatélites acessos resistentes de melão, estudar a herança e identificar marcadores SNP associados à resistência nos acessos AM55-1A e C-AC-15. Cinqüenta e seis acessos de meloeiro com diferentes origens geográficas foram avaliados para a resistência a P. xanthii usando inoculação artificial em casa de vegetação. Os acessos resistentes C-AC-02, C-AC-09, C-AC-15, C-AC-34 e AM55-1A posteriormente foram caracterizados utilizando descritores morfológicos e marcadores microssatélites. Os acessos C-AC-02 , C-AC-09, C-AC-15, C-AC-34 exibiram características da variedade botanica momordica, enquanto o acesso AM55-1A exibiu características da variedade botânica acidulus. A caracterização molecular confirmou os resultados observados na caracterização morfológica. A herança da resistência em AM55-1A e C-AC-15 em cruzamentos com a cultivar suscetível Véndrantais foi estudada em condições de casa de vegetação. As razões de segregação resistência/suscetibilidade observadas nas diferentes populações (F1, F2, RC1 e RC2) indicou herança monogênica e dominante em AM55-1A e dois genes independentes com interação epistática duplo recessiva no controle genético em C-AC-15. A população de retrocruzamento (RC1) derivado do cruzamento AM55 -1A x Véndrantais e a população F2 do cruzamento C-AC-15 x Véndrantais foram utilizados para identificar QTLs associados à resistência a P. xanthii usando análise de bulk segregante com 243 marcadores SNP. Dois QTLs (Pm-AM55-A_1 e Pm-A55-1A_2) foram identificados no grupo de ligação V no cruzamento AM55-1A x Véndrantais . Foram identificados um QTL (Pm-C-AC-15_5) no grupo de ligação V e outro (Pm-C-AC-15_9) no grupo de ligação IX

Herança da resistência do acesso AC-02 às raças 1 e 5 de Podosphaera xanthii em meloeiro / Inheritance of Resistance in melon AC-02 to Podosphaera xanthii races 1 and 5

Ricarte, Anânkia de Oliveira 29 February 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Socorro Pontes (socorrop@ufersa.edu.br) on 2016-11-25T14:08:49Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AnânkiaOR_DISSERT.pdf: 597580 bytes, checksum: a044a0afd2f68a5d8f127a9167ef8a63 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-03-21T14:38:31Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AnânkiaOR_DISSERT.pdf: 597580 bytes, checksum: a044a0afd2f68a5d8f127a9167ef8a63 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Vanessa Christiane (referencia@ufersa.edu.br) on 2017-03-21T15:05:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AnânkiaOR_DISSERT.pdf: 597580 bytes, checksum: a044a0afd2f68a5d8f127a9167ef8a63 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-21T15:05:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnânkiaOR_DISSERT.pdf: 597580 bytes, checksum: a044a0afd2f68a5d8f127a9167ef8a63 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-02-29 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Powdery mildew is a disease that causes substantial losses in melon production around the world. Obtaining resistant cultivars is possible through introgression of alleles in the breeding program. In this study, it was investigated the inheritance of resistance of AC-02 accession to races 1 and 5 of Podosphaera xanthii in cross with susceptible cultivar ‘Védrantais’, under greenhouses conditions. The segregations ratios for resistance/susceptibility observed in the different populations (F1, F2, RC1 and RC2) indicated a monogenic and dominant inheritance in AC-02 to races 1 and 5. The distance between the gene controlling resistance to race 1 (px1-ac02) and the gene which confers resistance race 5 (px5-ac02) is 28.5 cM. / oídio é uma doença que causa perdas significativas na produção de melão em todo o mundo. A obtenção de cultivares resistentes é feita mediante introgressão de alelos de resistência. Neste estudo, investigou-se a herança da resistência do acesso AC-02 às raças 1 e 5 de Podosphaera xanthii por meio de cruzamento com a cultivar suscetível ‘Védrantais’, sob condições de casa de vegetação. As razões de segregações de resistência/suscetibilidade observadas nas diferentes populações (F1, F2, RC1 e RC2) indicaram que a herança da resistência do AC-02 às raças 1 e 5 é controlada, cada uma por um gene composto por dois alelos, de modo que o alelo que confere resistência domina o alelo para suscetibilidade. A distância entre o gene que controla a resistência à raça 1 (px1-ac02) e o gene que confere resistência à raça 5 (px5-ac02) é 28,5 cM. / 2016-11-23

Avaliação de germoplasma de quiabeiro (Abelmoschus esculentus) quanto à resistência ao oídio (Erysiphe cichoracearum)

Arias Bazán, Ulise Ramón [UNESP] 17 April 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:32:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2006-04-17Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T21:04:19Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 ariasbazan_ur_dr_botfca.pdf: 648119 bytes, checksum: ce64f204bab9190fd6f78851bc972a97 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Avaliaram-se 54 germoplasmas de quiabeiro (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) quanto à resistência ao fungo Erysiphe cichoracearum, em cultivo de outono-inverno, no Vale do Ribeira-SP. Dois experimentos foram instalados no município de Pariquera-Açú, em solo orgânico-álico, utilizando-se 10 plantas por introdução, em linhas contínuas com 1,0 x 0,5 m de espaçamento e 3 repetições. No experimento 1 foram utilizadas 31 introduções e no experimento 2, 23 introduções. As avaliações constaram de medidas de número de folhas caídas e presentes na planta, produção, número de ramos laterais e incidência de oídio na folha. A colheita dos frutos foi realizada três vezes por semana, sendo estes colhidos a partir de um comprimento mínimo de 7 cm. A análise dos dados permitiu concluir que houve variação das cultivares quanto a vários fatores estudados: não foi possível encontrar introduções totalmente resistentes; ao oídio, as introduções que mostraram melhores condições de serem aproveitadas em programas de melhoramento, foram N45 (Exp.1) e N25 (Exp.2) quanto à produção, N20 e N50 (Exp1) e N9, N358 (Exp.2) quanto à resistência a oídio, N20, N50 (Exp.1) e N9, N49, N62, N63, N101, N339, N358, N4374, CBVE, CBVC e Sta. Cruz, quanto ao número de folhas caídas... / In the present work, 54 okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L. ) Moench) germoplasms ware evaluated related to the resistance against Erysiphe cichoracearum, in autumn-winter cultivation in the Vale do Ribeira-SP, Brazil. The appraised material consisted of 03 commercial cultivars, 43 introduction from germoplasm bank of the National Center of Vegetables Researches (CNPH), 13 from the Federal University of Viçosa and 02 from V. O. P. R. D. C. (Japan Min. Agric.). The experiment was installed at Pariquera-Açú, in organic-alic soil; it consisted of 10 plants/introduction, in line with 1,0 x 0,5 m of spacing with 03 repetitions. The evaluations consisted of measures of height of the plants, number of fallen leaves, according to the powdery mildew incidence in the leaf, and yield. Thirty one introductions were evaluated in the experiment 1 and 23 introductions in experiment 2. Fruits harvest was done in a frequency of three times a week. Fruits were picked with a minimum length of 7 cm. Analysis of data allowed the following conclusions: a) there was variation among cultivars with relationship to several studied characteristics; b) it was not possible to find a cultivar completely resistant to powdery mildew, appearing presence of polygenic resistance; c) cultivars that showed able conditions to be used at breeding programs were N45 (Exp.1) and N25 (Exp.2), high powdery mildew resistance: N20, N50 (Exp.1), N9,N358 (Exp.2), CBVE and N29; e) fallen leaves N20, N50 (Exp.1) and N45, N49, N62, N63. N101, N339, N358, N4374, CBVE, CBVC and Sta. Cruz. (Exp.2)...

Identificação de marcador molecular ligado ao gene Pm-1 que confere resistência a raça 1 de oídio (Podosphaera xanthii) em melão (Cucumis melo L.) / Identification of molecular marker linked to the Pm-1 gene that confers resistance to race 1 of to powdery mildew (Podosphaera xanthii) in melon (Cucumis melo L.)

Fatima Aparecida da Silva-Barreto 20 July 2007 (has links)
A cultura do meloeiro é de grande importância econômica no Brasil, sendo a região Nordeste a principal produtora e exportadora do fruto. A baixa resistência aos principais patógenos é um dos fatores limitantes para a competitividade brasileira da cultura no mercado internacional. Uma das doenças mais importantes é o oídio, causado por Podosphaera xanthii. Geralmente, o controle de P. xanthii é obtido com o uso de fungicidas. Porém, é necessário empregar medidas mais econômicas e que não agridam o ambiente, como a utilização de cultivares resistentes. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar marcadores moleculares de vários tipos ligados ao gene Pm-1 de resistência à raça 1 de P. xanthii com o intuito de auxiliar programas de melhoramento genético. Para tanto foram utilizadas duas linhagens quase-isogênicas (LQI) de melão AF426pm1 (P1) e AF426Pm1 (P2), ambas pertencentes à variedade inodorus, que são contrastantes para ausência e presença, respectivamente, do gene Pm-1. Para a análise de co-segregação entre gene e marcadores candidatos, foi utilizada uma população de retrocruzamento RC1F1, fenotipada para resistência a raça 1 de oídio, obtida a partir do cruzamento entre linhagens. As técnicas de LM-PCR e AFLP resultaram em marcadores polimórficos, porém somente os encontrados com a técnica de AFLP puderam ser utilizados como marcadores no teste de co-segregação. Foram encontrados dois marcadores AFLP. No entanto, somente um, denominado HF155 mostrou-se ligado a uma distância de 4,9 cM do gene Pm-1. Devido à proximidade deste marcador ao gene este pode ser utilizado em programas de seleção assistida por marcadores, visando o melhoramento de linhagens com resistência ao P. xanthii. / Melon crop is of great economical importance in Brazil being the Northeast region the main producer and exporter of the fruit. The low levels of resistance to pathogens is one of the restricting factors for the Brazilian competitiveness worldwide. One of the most important diseases is powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera xanthii. Generally, the control of P. xanthii is achieved with the use of fungicides. However it is necessary to use less expensive control methods with a minimum environmental impact such as resistant cultivars. The objective of this work was to identify molecular markers linked to the Pm-1 gene which confers resistance to race 1 of P. xanthii with the purpose of assisting boding program. Two near isogenic lines (LQIs) of melon Agro AF426pm1 (P1) and AF426Pm1 (P2), both belonging to the inodorus variety, which are respectivally contrasting for abscence and presence of Pm-1 gene were analyzed. For the cosegregation analyses between gene and candidate markers, it was used the BC1F1 population was used screened for resistance to powdery mildew and obtained from a cross between the LQIs. The LM-PCR and AFLP techniques were efficient in the polymorphisms detection, however only those ones which were found using AFLP technique could be used as markers in the co-segregation test. It was found two markers with this technique but just the HF155 is located 4.9 cM of the Pm-1 gene. Due the proximity of the HF155 marker to the Pm-1 gene this one can be used in markerassisted selection aiming to develop melon cultivars resistant to P. xanthii.

Caracterização e ocorrência de agentes causais de oídio em cucurbitáceas no Brasil e reação de germoplasma de meloeiro / Characterization and occurrence of causal agents of powdery mildew in cucurbits in Brazil and reaction of melon germplasm

Ana Carolina Fazza 29 June 2006 (has links)
O meloeiro é uma cultura de relevância econômica no Brasil, principalmente na região Nordeste, onde grande parte da produção é exportada. Entre os fatores limitantes da cultura está o oídio, que pode ser controlado através do uso de variedades resistentes. No entanto, para que isto seja possível, é necessário que se tenha conhecimento sobre qual é o agente causal em ocorrência na região de produção e quais são as fontes de inóculo desta doença. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos o levantamento das espécies e raças de oídio com ênfase na região Nordeste, a verificação da patogenicidade de isolados provenientes de outras cucurbitáceas em relação ao meloeiro, a avaliação de germoplasma de meloeiro para resistência a P. xanthii raça 2 (francesa), a proposição de um sistema de cultivares de meloeiro para caracterização de raças de P. xanthii e a otimização de um protocolo de extração de DNA de P. xanthii. No total de 65 isolados analisados, observou-se que Podosphaera xanthii foi a única espécie encontrada entre as amostras. Dentre estas, as raças 1 e 2 foram as prevalentes. Também foram observadas as raças 0, 3, 4 e 5 em menor freqüência. As culturas de abóbora, abobrinha, melancia e pepino apresentaram-se como fontes de inóculo de oídio para o meloeiro, uma vez que todos os isolados provenientes destas culturas colonizaram discos foliares de meloeiro. Em geral, os genótipos de melão cultivados comercialmente no Brasil apresentaram-se resistentes a raça 2 (francesa) de P. xanthii. A partir da observação das raças ocorrentes no país e de dados da literatura, propôs-se um sistema de cultivares de meloeiro diferenciadoras para raças de P. xanthii a ser empregado em monitoramentos do patógeno. Um protocolo para extração de DNA de P. xanthii também foi obtido com a finalidade de facilitar estudos genéticos sobre o patógeno com base em marcadores moleculares. / Melon is an economically important crop in Brazil, mainly in the north-east region, where most of the production is exported. Among the limiting factors of the crop is powdery mildew, which can be controled by using resistant varieties. However, to make it possible, it is necessary to know the causal agent in occurrence in the production region and what are the inoculum sources of this disease. The present work had as objectives the survey of the powdery mildew species and races with emphasis in the north-east region; the verification of the strains pathogenicity deriving from others cucurbits in melon; the evaluation of melon germplasm to Podosphaera xanthii race 2 (french) resistance; the proposition of a system of melon cultivars to characterize the P. xanthii races and the optimization of a protocol to P. xanthii DNA extraction. Over all of the 65 strains analysed, it was observed that P. xanthii was the unique specie encountered between the samples. Within that, the races 1 and 2 were prevalents. Also were observed the races 0, 3, 4 and 5 at low frequency. Squash, zucchini, watermelon and cucumber crops showed up like inoculum sources of powdery mildew to melon. Usually, the melon genotypes commercially cultivated in Brazil showed up resistant to P. xanthii race 2 (french). After the observation of races in occurrence and datas from literature, a system of melon cultivars was proposed to differentiate P. xanthii races to be used in surveys of the pathogen. A protocol to extraction P. xanthii DNA also was proposed with the purpose to facility genetics studies about the pathogen basis on molecular markers.

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