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Relationship between perinatal complications and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and other behavioral characteristicsSpadafore, Lori January 1997 (has links)
The present study was undertaken to determine the relationship between perinatal complications and subsequent development of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and other behavioral characteristics. The biological mothers of 74 children diagnosed with ADHD and 77 children displaying no characteristics of the disorder completed the Maternal Perinatal Scale (MPS), the Behavior Assessment System for Children-Parent Rating Scales (BASC-PRS), and a demographic survey. In addition, the biological mothers of 120 children with no characteristics of ADHD or any other behavior disorders completed only the MPS so that exploratory factor analysis of the MPS could be completed.Following factor analysis, stepwise discriminant analysis of the resulting five factors was utilized to explore the nature of the relationship between such perinatal factors and ADHD. Results of this analysis indicated that emotional factors, or the amount of stress encountered during pregnancy and the degree to was planned, were the items that maximized the separation between the ADHD and Non-ADHD groups. Additional discrimination between the groups was attributed to the extent of insult or trauma to the developing fetus and the outcome of prior pregnancies. ADHD children were also found to have experienced twice as many behavioral, social, or medical problems, and were more likely to reach developmental milestones with delays.Stepwise discriminant analysis also revealed the Attention Problems and Hyperactivity scales of the BASC-PRS were most significant in differentiating between the ADHD and Non-ADHD subjects. Using the BASC-PRS resulted in approximately 90% of the total sample being correctly classified as ADHD or NonADHD. Canonical correlation analysis indicated that emotional factors and the general health of both the mother and the developing fetus were the best predictors of later behavioral patterns reported on the BASC-PRS. / Department of Educational Psychology
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Teenage pregnancy in South African schools : from vulnerability to empowerment / Mothibe Martha MotlalepuleMothibe, Motlalepule Martha January 2012 (has links)
One of the most serious phenomena plaguing families and societies worldwide is teenage pregnancy. In South Africa teenage mothers are permitted to return to schools after giving bith however, not much is done to support these mothers in order to ensure that they are not psychosocially vulnerable and not drop out of school due to possible stress, frustration and lack of scholastic progress. This is where this study is located. This was a Qualitative study that used symbolic drawings accompanied by short descriptive narratives and individual, semi-structured interviews as data collection methods. The study involved 10 teenage mothers who had been re-admitted to schools after giving birth. The participants were aged 15 and 16 and is grades 9 and 10. The findings show that teenage mothers enjoyed family support, had dreams for the future, were anchored in religion and spirituality, had determination and that they had abilities to learn from mistakes. I could not locate a study that had focused on the typical vulnerabilities and empowerment of teenage mothers. Therefore, this study provides useful insight into the factors that are known to render young girls vulnerable to teenage pregnancy and the resultant motherhood and the personal and exological processes that combine in complex ways in order to enable young mothers to cope resiliently. The findings add to theory and have implications for practice / Thesis (MEd (Learner Support))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013
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Health practices related to Dikgaba in pregnancy in the Bojanala district of the North West province, South Africa / Swinky Cornelia KgoadigoadiKgoadigoadi, Swinky Cornelia January 2010 (has links)
The use of traditional medicine during pregnancy and childbirth is common among the
Black traditional cultures of Southern Africa. Any pregnancy–related problem is believed to
be somehow associated with dikgaba, a phenomenon that only indigenous healers are
capable of managing. It is therefore crucial that the midwives and other health care
professionals acknowledge the relevance of traditional medicine when dealing with clients
who belong to black traditional societies of South Africa.
The objective of the study was to explore and describe health practices related to dikgaba
in pregnancy as well as to formulate recommendations for culturally congruent and safe
midwifery care.
In–depth individual interviews were conducted to collect data from ten participants known
to be experts in kgaba remedies used during pregnancy and birth. These were traditional
healers, traditional birth attendants and those with keen interest in traditional and cultural
issues. Interviews were conducted in the participants’ homes for privacy, confidentiality
and convenience.
A naturalistic and phenomenological approach using contextual exploratory and
descriptive research design was used to reach the aim of the study from the perspectives
of Batswana in the North West province.
The study revealed that an understanding of dikgaba and the related healing practices in
pregnancy and childbirth is common. This clearly motivates for better understanding of
traditional medicine by the midwives as it is relevant and justifiable.
Recommendations are made to inform the transformation of the health–care delivery
system, with specific reference to midwifery education, research and practice, in order to
make health care acceptable and accessible to all. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
1294 |
Preeclampsia (PE) is a maternal disorder of pregnancy, characterized by late-onset hypertension and proteinuria. It affects roughly 5-7% of all pregnancies worldwide and is a leading cause of maternal and fetal/neonatal morbidity and mortality. Cigarette smoking in pregnancy is associated with a 33% reduction in the incidence of PE, and this is dose dependent. It is hypothesized that carbon monoxide (CO), a combustion product in cigarettes, may confer cytoprotective and regulatory properties leading to the decreased incidence of PE. CO is produced endogenously by the enzyme heme oxygenase (HO), and it is thought that the manipulation of the HO/CO system in pregnancy can ameliorate or reduce the pathophysiologic signs of PE.
The exposure of pregnant mice to 250 ppm CO led to an increase in each of the maternal uterine blood flow, vascularity of the placenta and vessel diameter, with a shift towards angiogenesis in the placenta tissue proteins Exposure of human placental villous explants to 250ppm CO led to a decreased production and release of the soluble vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor -1 (sFlt-1). This molecule is increased in maternal plasma and placenta tissue of women with PE and it binds with molecules of angiogenesis, limiting their ability to interact with the endothelium. Using an AdsFlt-1 PE-like mouse model, the exposure of mice to 250ppm chronic CO prevented the hypertension, proteinuria and glomerular alterations, supporting the use of CO as a future therapeutic for women with PE.
We completed a pilot study to evaluate the exposure of healthy volunteers to two, one hour inhalations of 250ppm CO. We determined the half-life of CO and we provide baseline kinetics data for males and females following CO inhalation. These data are important for future therapeutic studies in order to better establish proper dosing, concentration of CO and method of delivery.
The results of this thesis contribute to the understanding of the pathophysiology of PE and provide evidence to support the use of CO as a therapeutic for this disorder. / Thesis (Ph.D, Anatomy & Cell Biology) -- Queen's University, 2014-05-01 14:38:42.584
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The experiences of Nicaraguan health care professionals' encounters with victims of sexual violenceHellberg, Erika January 2014 (has links)
Background Sexual violence against women and adolescents is widespread in Nicaragua, a country which also has one of the highest rates of adolescent pregnancies in Latin America. Research shows that adolescent pregnancy is often in correlation with sexual violence. Health care services have an important role in the detection, prevention and treatment of victims of sexual violence. Yet research on Nicaraguan health care professionals’ views and practices regarding sexual violence is scarce. Aim The aim of this study was to explore how the Nicaraguan health care system approaches the issue of health care towards victims of sexual violence. What are Nicaraguan health care professionals’ views and practices regarding the health care towards victims of sexual violence? To what extent is the steering document La Norma being applied in the Nicaraguan health care system? Methods A qualitative interview study with six health care professionals was conducted and data was interpreted with a qualitative content analysis. Findings Health care workers express strong commitment for their professions and a willingness to attend to the victims of sexual violence. However, views and practices not in accordance with La Norma were found, such as gender stereotypes among health care professionals about adolescent girls becoming pregnant mainly due to recklessness on their side. This constitutes a barrier against regarding adolescent pregnancy as a possible indicator of sexual violence. There is a clear connection with gender as it is young women and girls that are affected. This attitude is negative for the detection and treatment of victims of sexual violence and consequently for the protection of these patients’ right to the highest attainable health. Conclusion Health care practices and views of health care professionals are often not consistent with the steering document La Norma. Increased resources including education and more time with patients would strengthen nurses’ work and improve the medical attendance to sexual violence victims, thus contributing to a rights-based approach to sexual and reproductive health. Implementation of steering documents regarding the attention to sexual violence in the health care services also needs to improve. Future studies should further examine the implementation and monitoring process of steering documents, including budget resources.
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Health practices related to Dikgaba in pregnancy in the Bojanala district of the North West province, South Africa / Swinky Cornelia KgoadigoadiKgoadigoadi, Swinky Cornelia January 2010 (has links)
The use of traditional medicine during pregnancy and childbirth is common among the
Black traditional cultures of Southern Africa. Any pregnancy–related problem is believed to
be somehow associated with dikgaba, a phenomenon that only indigenous healers are
capable of managing. It is therefore crucial that the midwives and other health care
professionals acknowledge the relevance of traditional medicine when dealing with clients
who belong to black traditional societies of South Africa.
The objective of the study was to explore and describe health practices related to dikgaba
in pregnancy as well as to formulate recommendations for culturally congruent and safe
midwifery care.
In–depth individual interviews were conducted to collect data from ten participants known
to be experts in kgaba remedies used during pregnancy and birth. These were traditional
healers, traditional birth attendants and those with keen interest in traditional and cultural
issues. Interviews were conducted in the participants’ homes for privacy, confidentiality
and convenience.
A naturalistic and phenomenological approach using contextual exploratory and
descriptive research design was used to reach the aim of the study from the perspectives
of Batswana in the North West province.
The study revealed that an understanding of dikgaba and the related healing practices in
pregnancy and childbirth is common. This clearly motivates for better understanding of
traditional medicine by the midwives as it is relevant and justifiable.
Recommendations are made to inform the transformation of the health–care delivery
system, with specific reference to midwifery education, research and practice, in order to
make health care acceptable and accessible to all. / Thesis (M.Cur.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Att främja fysisk aktivitet hos gravida kvinnor / To promote physical activity among pregnant womenAlfredsson, Pontus, Hildorzon, Julia January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det sker en ökning i västvärlden av gravida kvinnor som är överviktiga eller lider av fetma. Närmare 40 procent av de gravida i Sverige är överviktiga och drygt 10 procent är feta. Så många som en tredjedel av gravida kvinnor klassas som fysiskt inaktiva. Detta gör området folkhälsovetenskapligt relevant då fysisk inaktivitet och övervikt har samband med flera folksjukdomar. Syfte: Studiens syfte var att beskriva hur fysisk aktivitet främjas hos gravida kvinnor. Metod: Tio vetenskapliga artiklar granskades inom området för att skapa en kunskapsöversikt. Utifrån dessa skapades tre teman, detta gör studien till en litteraturstudie. Resultat: Det finns flera olika faktorer som påverkar den gravida kvinnans fysiska aktivitet. Bland dessa finns symptom som uppstår under en graviditet som exempelvis att kroppen förändras. Omgivning och miljö såsom socialt stöd och förutsättningar till fysisk aktivitet kring bostaden har även visats påverka den fysiska aktiviteten. Effektiva interventioner är rådgivning inom kost och träning samt konkreta mål som är lätta att mäta, t.ex. stegräknare. Slutsats: Slutsatsen av denna studie var att flera faktorer främjar gravida kvinnors fysiska aktivitet. Gravida kvinnor är benägna att följa mödrahälsovårdens råd och därför kan interventioner där mödravården och de främjande faktorerna med fördel integreras. / Background: There is a gradual percentage increase in pregnant women who are overweight or obese in the west hemisphere. In Sweden, nearly 40 percent of those women are overweight and 10 percent are obese. One third of them are physically inactive which makes the research within public health highly relevant. Aim: To promote physical activity amongst pregnant women. Method: Ten research articles on the topic were reviewed to achieve a deeper understanding. By summarizing the most important and relevant points brought up in each article, a conclusion was formed. Those points where then categorized into three themes, which turned the study into a type of literature. Results: There are many factors that impact the pregnant women’s physical activity. These factors can be triggered by the actual pregnancy, such as symptoms causing the body to change. Location and environment is seen as important to help the promotion, such as social support and access to activities close to home. Effective interventions are diet and exercise consultations and measurable goals by using pedometers. Conclusion: The conclusion of this study was that several factors promoting pregnant women’s physical activity. Pregnant women are likely to follow the prenatal cares advice and therefore can interventions designed with the promoting factors integrated to prenatal care to achieve goals of public health.
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Varför kvinnor fortsätter att röka under graviditeten : En litteraturöversiktHassanali, Nilam, Beatrice, Edvardsson January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kvinnor som röker kan drabbas av minskad fertilitet och det kan ta längre tid för dem att bli gravida. Forskning visar att rökning i samband med graviditet bland annat kan leda till missfall, låg födelsevikt och plötslig spädbarnsdöd. En stor andel av dessa kvinnor är medvetna om riskerna rökning under graviditet kan medföra men trots det fortsätter de att röka. Om vårdgivaren är medveten om de bakomliggande faktorerna till kvinnornas rökbeteende kan hen erbjuda kvinnan en individanpassad omvårdnad. För att kunna erbjuda rätt vård är personcentrerad omvårdnad viktigt. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva vad som gör att kvinnor fortsätter röka under graviditeten. Metod: Litteraturöversikt med en beskrivande design av både kvalitativa och kvantitativa studier. Resultat: Nio faktorer som påverkar kvinnans fortsatta rökbeteende under graviditeten har hittats. Faktorerna är: nikotinberoende, relationsrelaterade problem, stress, behov av egentid och avslappning, partnern, brist på kunskap och motivation, sociala nätverk, förträngning samt bristande stöd från vårdgivaren. Slutsats: Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan förstår varför en kvinna väljer att röka under graviditetsperioden. Förstår sjuksköterskan vad som ligger bakom rökbeteendet hos den gravida kvinnan kan det bli lättare för hen att erbjuda rätt vård. / <p>+</p>
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Att upptäcka en ätstörning hos den gravida kvinnan : Ett stöd för sjuksköterskeprofessionen / How to detect an eating disorder in the pregnant woman : A resource for the Nursing ProfessionHylander, Fanny, Kvamme, Jennie January 2015 (has links)
Ätstörningar i samband med graviditet är ett växande, dolt problem. Kvinnor som lider av en ätstörning väljer i många fall att dölja sina symtom, inte minst under en graviditet. Tecken kan vara svåra att se, vilket ställer stora krav på att sjuksköterskan är väl insatt i de tecken och symtom som tyder på att en ätstörning förekommer. Syftet med studien var att beskriva tecken och symtom på att en ätstörning förekommer i samband med en graviditet. Metoden som användes var en litteraturstudie, där resultatdelen baserades på elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Analysen mynnade ut i fyra kategorier: kontrollerad kosthållning och vikt, utsatta livssituationer, förvrängd självbild samt depression och ångest. Resultatet påvisade en oro, starkt kopplad till den egna vikten, samt kroppens form. Smalhetsidealet i dagens samhälle sätter stor press på kvinnor och deras utseende. Kvinnor i sårbara livsituationer och med låg självkänsla, var mer benägna att utveckla en ätstörning i samband med en graviditet än kvinnor med stabil livsituation och god självkänsla. Sjuksköterskan behöver vara lyhörd för tecken och symtom på att en ätstörning förekommer i samband med graviditet. God kommunikation är av stor vikt för att nå fram till patientgruppen. Ytterligare forskning kring hur sjuksköterkor skall arbeta med gravida kvinnor, efter upptäckten av att en ätstörning förekommer, är av intresse. / Eating disorders in pregnancy is a growing, yet hidden problem. Women who suffer from an eating disorder often choose to hide their symptoms, especially during a pregnancy. Signs which indicate that an eating disorder occurs during the pregnancy may be difficult to detect. This is a dilemma and therefore the nurse has to be familiar with signs and symptoms which may occur. The aim of the study was to describe signs and symptoms of eating disorder during a pregnancy. A literature study was accomplished as a method, where the result was based on eleven scholarly articles. The analysis of the study culminated into four categories: controlled diet and weight control, tough circumstances in life, distorted self-image and depression and anxiety. The result demonstrates a concern, strongly related to the perception of an individual’s weight and body shape. The idea of being slim in today’s society puts a lot of pressure on women and their appearance. Women in vulnerable circumstances of life and with low self-esteem, were more likely to develop an eating disorder during pregnancy. Therefore the nurse has to be alert to detect symptoms and signs of eating disorders during pregnancy. Good communication is of importance to reach out to the patient group. Additional research about nursing of pregnant women after discovering that an eating disorder occurs, is of interest.
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Motinystės mokyklos poreikio vertinimas / Assessment of the need for maternity schoolSkeirienė, Asta 07 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti ekspertų ir besilaukiančių bei auginančių kūdikius iki metų moterų „Motinystės mokyklos” poreikį Šiaulių mieste.
Tyrimo metodika: Tyrimas atliktas Šiaulių mieste 2011 metų spalio – 2012 kovo mėnesiais. Tyrimui atlikti pasirinktas tikslinės patogio¬sios atrankos metodas. Iš viso apklaustoje dalyvavo 141 moteris ir 5 ekspertai. Apklaustųjų grupė suformuota tiriamojo požymio atžvilgiu- moterys, kurios šiuo metu laukiasi arba augina vaikus iki metų amžiaus ir ekspertai dirbantys su besilaukiančiomis ir pagimdžiusiomis bei teikiantys „Motinystės mokyklos“ paslaugas ar tiesiogiai susiję su šia veikla.
Rezultatai: Apklaustųjų sveikata gera (76.6 proc.), savo ir savo partnerio sveikata domėjosi 26-35 m. (54.7 proc.), gyvenančios mieste besilaukiančios ir auginančios kūdikius iki metų amžiaus moterys (81.2 proc.), turinčios aukštąjį universitetinį išsilavinimą (69.7 proc.). Pajutę nėštumo simptomus- dažniausiai kreipiasi į gyd.ginekologą (62.9 proc.). Apie nėštumo poreikius gautos konsultacijos, kuri dažniausiai trunka 10- 15 min. (57,4 proc.) suteiktos informacijos pakako (58,2 proc.) kaime (90 proc.) ir mieste (54,9 proc.). gyvenančioms moterims. 24,1 proc. apklaustųjų negavo informacijos iš ginekologo apie „Motinystės mokyklą“. Motinystės kursus lankė (46,8 proc.) turinčios aukštąjį neuniversitetinį išsilavinimą (68,8 proc.), miesto gyventojos (53,1 proc.). Moterys lankė nemokamus (85 proc.) ir mokamus (15 proc.) kursus kartu su vyru (30 proc.) 60... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of studies: To assess the need for “Maternity School” in Šiauliai city according to experts as well as pregnant women and mothers raising babies under the age of one.
Research methods: The research has been carried out in Šiauliai city within the period of October 2011 – March 2012. Target convenient selection method has been selected for carrying out the research. All in all 141 women and 5 experts have participated in the survey. The group of respondents has been formed in respect of research feature: women who were pregnant at that time or raised children under the age of one and experts, working with pregnant women as well as women who had recently given birth, providing services of “Maternity school” or directly related to the aforementioned activities.
Results: Health of the respondents was in good shape (76.6 per cent), women who were pregnant at that time or raised babies under the age of one in the age group of 26-35 years were interested in their own health as well as their partner‘s health (54.7 per cent), 81.2 per cent of them resided in the city and 69.7 per cent of them had a higher university education. Mostly women (62.9 per cent) consulted a Physician – Gynaecologist, if they felt the symptoms of pregnancy. The amount of information on the needs of pregnancy provided during the consultation, duration of the majority thereof ranged from 10 to15 min. (57.4 per cent), was sufficient for 58.2 per cent of respondents: 90 per cent of the women resided in a... [to full text]
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