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Nu är det dags att ta på sig matteglasögonen : Har den nya reviderade läroplanen ändrat förskollärarens syn på barn och matematik?Sjöholm, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to gain knowledge of what preschool teachers think that mathematics in kindergarten is, and if the revised curriculum which came in July 2010 changed their approach. The survey consists of interviews of five preschool teacher and an aspiring preschool teacher. They have shared their experiences and knowledge about what they regard as mathematics in kindergarten. I asked how they interpret the new curriculum for math and if it has made them work in a different way or if they do as the used to. The results that came up where that they felt that their views on mathematics have changed. One of my informants said "I have put on the mathematics glasses now". They felt that they worked more deliberately now, that it is mathematics they are doing and they have gained a greater understanding of what mathematics is. Now they can see the mathematics in everyday life and in everything they do with the kids. And they felt that the new curriculum has become clearer, it is easier to read and they now sees their obligations received from the Government.
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Stimulera intresse för naturkunskap : En studie av hur förskollärare stimulerar barns intresse för naturkunskap / Stimulate Interest in Science : A Study of how Preschool Teachers stimulate Children's Interest in ScienceJonsson, Linda January 2014 (has links)
Små barn visar tidigt intresse för naturkunskap och det är förskolans uppdrag att fånga upp och ta tillvara detta intresse. Examensarbetet syftar till att undersöka hur förskollärare arbetar för att stimulera barns intresse för naturkunskap. Studien baseras på sex kvalitativa intervjuer med förskollärare från tre olika förskolor i en medelstor svensk stad. Studien behandlar hur förskollärare ser på innebörden av ett utforskande arbetssätt samt hur de tar barns intresse för naturkunskap vidare. Resultatet är att förskollärarna stimulerar barns intresse för naturkunskap genom att vara närvarande, ställa framåtsträvande frågor, fotografera händelser, diskutera i arbetslaget och genom att arbeta efter ett temainriktat arbetssätt. Slutsatsen är att förskollärarna i studien, till stor del, har en god vilja och ett engagemang att stimulera barns intresse för naturkunskap och de delger oss många goda och konkreta exempel på hur detta kan göras. / Young children show early interest in science and it is the preschool’s mission to capture and exploit this interest. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how preschool teachers work to stimulate children’s interest in science. The study is based on six qualitative interviews with preschool teachers from three different preschools in a medium-sized Swedish city. The study addresses what an exploratory approach means to the preschool teachers and how they work to take the children’s interest in science further. The result is that preschool teachers stimulate children’s interest in science by being present, asking ambitious questions, photographing events, discussing in the team and by working theme oriented. The conclusion is that preschool teachers in the study largely has a good will and commitment to stimulate children’s interest in science, and they provide us many good and concrete examples of how this can be done.
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Naturvetenskap och teknik i förskolan : Pedagogers arbete med de naturvetenskapliga och tekniska målen / Science and technology in preschool : Educators work with the scientific and technological objectivesAndersson, Jenny January 2014 (has links)
This surveys purpose is to find out how educators work with science and technology in preschool, what effects occur if the teaching does not take place and if there’s any difference with the science and technology class in preschool depending on what education the staff has. Four preschool teachers and three childcare workers in six preschools in a small municipality has been interviewed by qualitative interviews. The result shows that the interviewed used activities, experiments, theme work and the free game to teach the children science and technology. Biology is the topic in science that is being worked the most with. Lack of knowledge, interest, time and staff are factors that are seen as obstacles to the work of science and technology. My conclusion is that all educators working with science and technology in preschool but in different ways. One can see the difference between childcare workers and preschool teachers because of their knowledge of the subject. More knowledge results in better teaching.
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Handtvätt, handskar och handspit : Att förebygga smitta inom förskolan - likheter och olikheter inom en kommun / Handwash, handcare and handgloves : How to prevent infections within preschools - similarities and dissimilarities in a municipalityBeck-Friis, Elin January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate similarities and dissimilarities in the preschools work to prevent infections through hygiene in a municipality. The study was done through a survey of handhygiene among preschool-pedagogues and by analysing written instructions in the preschools and how these are being followed. The results from the survey show that both similarities and dissimilarities exist, both between and within preschools in the municipality. Most pedagogues wash their hands after changing diapers and before eating meals, but not before eating fruits. There is a considerable variation both within and between preschools in their use of handdesinfection and handglowes. Handhygiene instructions for pedagogues and children are missing in many preschools. The response from preschool headmasters to written hygiene instructions was low. Current written instructions in handhygiene could be more detailed. The education in handhygiene among pedagogues has shortages. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka likheter och olikheter i hur handhygien används i det smittförebyggande arbetet på förskolor inom en kommun. Studien görs genom en enkätundersökning om handhygien bland pedagoger samt genom att undersöka vad som står i de skriftliga hygienanvisningarna på förskolorna och hur dessa efterföljs. Resultatet från enkätundersökningen visar att både likheter och olikheter finns såväl mellan som inom förskolorna i kommunen. De flesta pedagoger tvättar händerna efter blöjbyten och före mat, detta gäller dock inte handtvätt då frukt ska ätas. Det föreligger stora skillnader både inom och mellan förskolorna då handdesinfektion och användning av handskar är aktuella. En tredjedel av pedagogerna anser att skriftliga anvisningar om handhygien saknas. 38 % av förskoleavdelningarna anser att det saknas skriftliga rutiner för barnens handhygien. Svarsfrekvensen från förskolecheferna på skriftliga hygienanvisningar var låg. Aktuella anvisningarna om handhygien kunde vara mer utförliga. Utbildning inom handhygien bland pedagogerna har brister.
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Understanding early literacy development : the impact of a collaborative professional development courseGillentine, Jonathan January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 236-261). / Also available by subscription via World Wide Web / xii, 261 leaves, bound 29 cm
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Attitude-behavior fit in preschool peer relations : configurations of sociometry and social participationShankar, Ila 27 September 1991 (has links)
The study of preschool children's peer relations has
primarily employed sociometric interviews and observations
of children's social participation during free-play
situations as methods of assessment. These assessments of
peer relations have traditionally demonstrated lack of fit
between attitude (as measured by sociometry) and behavior
(observation of social participation). Often, sociometric
peer preference and acceptance does not correspond to
children's observation of social participation during freeplay.
The present study was designed to improve this
attitude-behavior fit by developing the Crystallized
Sociometric Scales which employed post stratification of
opinion responses.
Subjects consisted of 65 preschool children between
three- to five- years- of age, divided into two preschool
groups of 45 and 20 subjects. Interviews on both the
traditional sociometric scales and the crystallized
sociometric (weighted with questions on peer exclusivity and
friendship concept) were obtained. Observation of social
participation used Parten's category of play with interval
time sampling. Sociometric analyses of data provided a child
by child picture of the social structure of the peer group.
The discrepancy scores between social participation and the
traditional and crystallized sociometric variables were
compared using t-tests.
Results indicated that peer exclusivity provided the
best attitude-behavior fit and was significantly better than
the traditional nomination score. The level of the
friendship concept did not affect the social participation
of children. Crystallized ratings were not significantly
different from the traditional ratings. The stability of
the Crystallized Sociometric Scales was moderate, although
it was significantly better than the traditional sociometric
scales. It was concluded that crystallized sociometric
nominations provide a methodology to improve the attitude-behavior
fit. Although correlated, sociometry and social
participation measure different aspects of peer relations
whose relationship can be influenced by measurement
procedures. / Graduation date: 1992
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Early literacy intervention with low income families /Fassina, Julie Ann. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--University of South Australia, 1995
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Parents and teachers' beliefs about preschool inclusion in P.R. ChinaLi,Linlin. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2007. / Title from PDF t.p. (viewed Mar. 3, 2008). Directed by Linda L. Hestenes; submitted to the School of Human Environmental Sciences. Includes bibliographical references (p. 114-123).
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Promoting creativity in early childhood education in Brunei /Mohamad, Hanapi. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Western Australia, 2006.
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Teacher reports of children's emotion regulation Is there concordance with trained observers? /Jumper, Rachel Leah, Mize, Jacquelyn, January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis(M.S.)--Auburn University, 2005. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographic references (p.74-81).
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