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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trajectoires d'enfants de la rue d'Haïti ayant bénéficié d'une intervention d'une ONG visant l'insertion sociale : que sont devenus ces enfants?

Lubin, Irdèle 12 April 2018 (has links)
Depuis plus de deux décennies, Haïti, comme plusieurs pays du monde est confronté au problème d'enfants et de jeunes qui laissent leur environnement familial pour se réfugier dans la rue. Ces enfants sont à la recherche d'un mieux être que la famille ne peut pas ou ne peut plus leur offrir. Qui sont ces enfants? Pourquoi se trouvent-ils dans la rue? À combien estime t-on leur nombre? Cette étude a permis d'obtenir des réponses à ces questions et à tant d'autres encore. Depuis plus de vingt ans, diverses interventions se pratiquent auprès de ces enfants par des organisations non gouvernementales notamment. Celles-ci disent viser la réinsertion familiale, sociale et économique au sein de la société haïtienne. Que sont devenus ces enfants de la rue en Haïti qui ont bénéficié d'interventions des ONG au cours de la période allant de 1986 à 1999? Plus spécifiquement, qu'est-il advenu de ces enfants sur le plan de leur insertion sociale (communautaire, familiale et économique)? Cette recherche vise à apporté un éclairage à ces questions. Cette recherche, de type qualitatif, est réalisée à partir de l'histoire de vie de 25 jeunes, 18 hommes et 7 femmes, âgés de 18 à 34 ans. Ils ont été dans les rues de Port-au-Prince de 1986 à 1996. Ils ont été rejoints par la technique boule de neige. Le travail de terrain s'est déroulé à Port-au-Prince au cours de la période allant de juin 2004 à juillet 2005. Les résultats permettent d'avancer que ces enfants viennent des zones rurales ou des régions pauvres de Port-au-Prince. Ils ont tous vécu dans une famille mono ou biparentale, ils n'ont pas été rejetés par celle-ci. Les raisons qui les ont poussés dans les rues sont de deux ordres : un déclencheur et un profond. Trois catégories de jeunes sont identifiés à partir des résultats: ceux qui ont abandonné complètement la rue a leur sortie des centres, ceux qui sont retournés vivre dans la rue après leur passage au centre et une dernière catégorie qui mène une vie partagée entre ces deux milieux. / En las ciudades de Haiti, como en varias otras de muchos paises del mundo, el problema de los ninos de la calle sigue siendo un reto desde el ano 1986. Varios ninos y ninas abandonan su hogar para ir deambulando en la calle, buscando algo que la familia no puede o ya no puede ofrecerles. ¿ Quienes son estos ninos? ¿ Cuantos son? ¿ Porque van a la calle? La présente investigaciôn permite contestar estas preguntas. Varias organizaciones no gubernamentales -ONG- ayudan estos ninos para que dejen de vivir en la calle. Trabajan con estos ninos y ninas desde mâs de veinte anos. Propusieron reintegrarlos en la sociedad después de su intervenciôn. ¿ Que ha pasado con los que estuvieron en estas instituciones? De manera especifica, ?Que ocurriô con su integraciôn comunitaria, familial y econômica? Esta investigaciôn trae algunas respuestas. Esta investigaciôn es de tipo cualitativo. Lleva sobre 25 personas: 18 hombres y 7 mujeres. Tienen entre 18 y 34 anos de edad. Estuvieron todos en centros de atenciôn para ninos de la calle. Los encontremos por la técnica boule de beige. Los resultados permiten decir que vienen en gran parte de zonas rurales y de las capas mâs pobres del pais. Los dividimos en très categorias. La primera déjà de vivir en la calle; la segunda se encuentra todavia en la calle a pesar de su estancia en un programa de una ONG; la tercera vive entre la calle y una casa. ¿ / Since last past twenty years, cities in Haïti, like many others in the world, had encountered the phenomenon of street children and street youth. Many children leave their family environment to go the street. Who are these children? How many they are? What they go out of their family? This research gives the responses to these questions. Many ONGs try to help these children. They want their reinsertion to the Haitian society before leaving the institution. Since the beginning of the intervention of these ONGs on this problem in 1986, there is no information concerning these children who where on the street and who leave in these institutions between 1986 of 1999. What about these children? Specifically, what about their community, social and economic reinsertion in Haitian society? This research gives the responses to these questions. This study is a qualitative research concerning 25 life histories of young adult aged to 18 to 34 years who where living in the street between 1986 to 1996. These young adult have to pass in the program of an ONG intervention between four months at least. They are 18 men and 7 women who had joined by boule de neige. The investigation has realized on June 2004 to July 2005 in Port-au-Prince, the capital city of Haiti. The results find that these young adults origin to the rural areas or to the area where are many poverty in the country. They leaved whit their family before going to the street. Too fundamentals reasons push them to the street une déclencheur et une profonde. These children can divide in tree catégories: the first one leave out of the street after their life in the ONG ; the second return to the street and the third continue their life between street and home..

Phylogeny of Ameronothroidea in the south polar region and the phylogeography of selcted species on sub-antarctic Marion Island

Mortimer, Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sub-Antarctic islands represent the only mid to high latitude terrestrial biomes in the Southern Hemisphere. These islands have various geological origins and histories, well-preserved terrestrial ecosystems and high levels of species endemism. In an attempt to understand the evolution and biogeography of terrestrial taxa in the South Polar Region, the first broad-scale molecular phylogeny was constructed for the unique terrestrial group, the ameronothroid mites (genus Halozetes (Oribatida)), collected from sub-Antarctic and Maritime Antarctic localities. Phylogenetic analyses based on a combined mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI)) and nuclear (histone-3 (H3)) sequence dataset indicated that the evolution of these mites were habitat specific (i.e. intertidal, supralittoral and terrestrial). Notwithstanding criticisms levelled against a molecular clock, the mites were evolutionary young (<10myo), contrary to their status as an ancient group predating Gondwana fragmentation. Biogeographic analyses indicated a complex pattern mainly sculpted by multiple independent dispersal events across the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone similar to previous findings for other marine and terrestrial taxa. Also, the molecular phylogeny displayed considerable discourse with contemporary taxonomy suggesting the need for taxonomic revisions and reassessment of morphological characters. Sub-Antarctic Marion Island, the larger of the two islands comprising the Prince Edward Island archipelago (PEI), has experienced extensive glaciation and volcanism. To assess the impact of historical events (volcanism (including recent eruptions) and glaciation) and contemporary mechanisms (gene flow) on the genetic spatial distribution of species from Marion Island, two mite species namely Eupodes minutus (Prostigmata) and Halozetes fulvus (Oribatida) as well as a single plant species, Azorella selago (Apiaceae), were selected as model organisms. For independent phylogeographic analyses, mitochondrial sequence data (COI) were obtained for both mite species, while chloroplast sequence (trnH-psbA) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) data were generated for the cushion plant, A. selago. Since A. selago is typified by two growth forms namely discrete cushions and continuous mats, it was essential to examine the growth dynamics prior to phylogeographic analyses. The sequence and fragment data indicated that both mite and plant species were significantly substructured across Marion Island. Manual comparisons indicated unique populations on the western (Kaalkoppie for H. fulvus, La Grange Kop for E. minutus and Mixed Pickle for A. selago), eastern (Bullard Beach for H. fulvus and Kildalkey Bay for E. minutus), northern (Middelman and Long Ridge for H. fulvus) and southern side (Grey Headed for H. fulvus and Watertunnel for A. selago) of the island. Importantly, the western side had unique localities for all species. Interestingly, based on the H. fulvus data, the western populations were relatively young, characterized by high migration rates, small effective (female) population sizes with no isolation-by-distance. The opposite scenario was found for the eastern populations. This spatial genetic structure described for species on Marion Island can be ascribed to both historical events and environmental conditions. These areas with their unique genetic composition are of special conservational concern; consequently this research will contribute to an active management plan for PEI, South Africa’s only Special Nature Reserve. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sub-Antarktiese eilande verteenwoordig die enigste terrestriële bioom in die middel tot hoër breedtegrades van die Suidelike Halfrond. Hierdie eilande besit ‘n verskeidenheid van geologiese oorspronge en geskiedenisse, goed-bewaarde terrestriële ekosisteme en hoë vlakke van endemisme. In ‘n poging om die evolusie en biogeografie van terrestriële taksa in die Suid Pool Area te verstaan, is die eerste grootskaalse molekulêre filogenie saamgestel vir ‘n unieke terrestriële groep, die ameronothoïed miete (genus Halozetes (Oribatida: Ameronothroidea)), vanaf menigte sub-Antarktiese en Maritime Antarktiese lokaliteite. Filogenetiese analises gebaseer op die saamgestelde mitochondriale (sitokroom oksidase subeenheid I (COI)) en nukluêre (histoon-3 (H3)) basispaarvolgordes het aangedui dat die evolusie van hierdie miete habitat spesifiek is (m.a.w inter-gety, supralitoraal en terrestrieël). Ongeag die kritiek teenoor ‘n molekulêre klok, is hierdie miete evolusionêr jonk (<10mjo), wat teenstrydig is met hulle status as ‘n antieke groep wat terugdateer voor Gondwana fragmentasie. Biogeografiese analises het ‘n komplekse patroon aangedui wat grotendeels gekarakteriseer word deur menigte onafhanklike verspreidingsgebeurtenisse bo-oor die Antarktiese Polêre Frontale Zone, wat ooreenstemmend is met vorige bevindinge vir ander mariene en terrestriële taksa. Die molekulêre filogenie het ook aansienlik verskil van die tradisionele taksonomie, dus is taksonomiese aanpassings en herklassifisering van morfologiese karakters noodsaaklik. Sub-Antarktiese Marion Eiland, die groter eiland van die Prins Edward eilandgroep (PEI), het uitermate glasiasie en vulkanisme ondervind. Om die impak van historiese gebeurtenisse (vulkanisme (insluitend onlangse uitbarstings) en glasiasie) en kontemporêre meganismes (geenvloei) op die genetiesgespasieërde verspreiding van spesies vanaf Marion Eiland te bepaal, was twee mietspesies naamlik Eupodes minutus (Prostigmata) en Halozetes fulvus (Oribatida) asook ‘n enkele plantspesie, Azorella selago (Apiaceae), gekies as model organismes. Vir onafhanklike filogeografiese analises, was die mitochondriale basispaarvolgorde (COI) vir beide mietspesies bepaal, terwyl chloroplast basispaarvolgorde (trnH-psbA) asook geamplifiseerde fragmentlengte polimorfisme (AFLP) data gegenereer was vir die kussingplant, A. selago. Aangesien A. selago gekenmerk word deur twee groeivorme, naamlik diskrete kussings en aaneenlopende matte, was dit noodsaaklik om eers die groeidinamika van die plant te ondersoek alvorens ‘n filogeografiese studie kon geskied. Die basispaarvolgordebepalings en fragmentdata het aangedui dat beide mietspesies sowel as die plantspesie betekenisvolle substruktuur vertoon regoor Marion Eiland. Informele vergelykings het unieke populasies aangedui op die westelike (Kaalkoppie vir H. fulvus, La Grange Kop vir E. minutus en Mixed Pickle vir A. selago), oostelike (Bullardstrand vir H. fulvus en Kildalkeybaai vir E. minutus), noordelike (Middelman en Long Ridge vir H. fulvus) en suidelike kant (Grey Headed vir H. fulvus en Watertunnel vir A. selago) van die eiland. Die westelike kant besit dus unieke lokaliteite vir al die spesies. Interressantheidhalwe het die H. fulvus data getoon dat die westelike populasies relatief jonk is en gekarakteriseer word deur hoë migrasiesyfers en klein effektiewe (vroulike) populasiegroottes met geen isolasie-oor-afstand nie. Die resultate vir die populasies aan die oostelike kant van die Marion Eiland was presies teenoorgesteld. Dié beskryfde substruktuur vir die spesies op Marion Eiland is afkomstig van beide historiese gebeurtenisse asook omgewingstoestande. Hierdie areas met hul unieke genetiese samestelling, is belangrik vir natuurbewaring. Hierdie navorsing sal bydra tot die bestuursriglyne van PEI, Suid Afrika se enigste Spesiale Natuurreservaat.

Range-use estimation and encounter probability for juvenile Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the Prince William Sound-Kenai Fjords region of Alaska

Meck, Stephen R. 21 March 2013 (has links)
Range, areas of concentrated activity, and dispersal characteristics for juvenile Steller sea lions Eumetopias jubatus in the endangered western population (west of 144° W in the Gulf of Alaska) are poorly understood. This study quantified space use by analyzing post-release telemetric tracking data from satellite transmitters externally attached to n = 65 juvenile (12-25 months; 72.5 to 197.6 kg) Steller sea lions (SSLs) captured in Prince William Sound (60°38'N -147°8'W) or Resurrection Bay (60°2'N -149°22'W), Alaska, from 2003-2011. The analysis divided the sample population into 3 separate groups to quantify differences in distribution and movement. These groups included sex, the season when collected, and the release type (free ranging animals which were released immediately at the site of capture, and transient juveniles which were kept in captivity for up to 12 weeks as part of a larger ongoing research program). Range-use was first estimated by using the minimum convex polygon (MCP) approach, and then followed with a probabilistic kernel density estimation (KDE) to evaluate both individual and group utilization distributions (UDs). The LCV method was chosen as the smoothing algorithm for the KDE analysis as it provided biologically meaningful results pertaining to areas of concentrated activity (generally, haulout locations). The average distance traveled by study juveniles was 2,131 ± 424 km. The animals mass at release (F[subscript 1, 63] = 1.17, p = 0.28) and age (F[subscript 1, 63] = 0.033, p = 0.86) were not significant predictors of travel distance. Initial MCP results indicated the total area encompassed by all study SSLs was 92,017 km², excluding land mass. This area was heavily influenced by the only individual that crossed over the 144°W Meridian, the dividing line between the two distinct population segments. Without this individual, the remainder of the population (n = 64) fell into an area of 58,898 km². The MCP area was highly variable, with a geometric average of 1,623.6 km². Only the groups differentiated by season displayed any significant difference in area size, with the Spring/Summer (SS) groups MCP area (Mdn = 869.7 km²) being significantly less than that of the Fall/Winter (FW) group (Mdn = 3,202.2 km²), U = 330, p = 0.012, r = -0.31. This result was not related to the length of time the tag transmitted (H(2) = 49.65, p = 0.527), nor to the number of location fixes (H(2) = 62.77, p = 0.449). The KDE UD was less variable, with 50% of the population within a range of 324-1,387 km2 (mean=690.6 km²). There were no significant differences in area use associated with sex or release type (seasonally adjusted U = 124, p = 0.205, r = -0.16 and U = 87, p = 0.285, r = -0.13, respectively). However, there were significant differences in seasonal area use: U = 328, p = 0.011, r = -0.31. There was no relationship between the UD area and the amount of time the tag remained deployed (H(2) = 45.30, p = 0.698). The kernel home range (defined as 95% of space use) represented about 52.1% of the MCP range use, with areas designated as "core" (areas where the sea lions spent fully 50% of their time) making up only about 6.27% of the entire MCP range and about 11.8% of the entire kernel home range. Area use was relatively limited – at the population level, there were a total of 6 core areas which comprised 479 km². Core areas spanned a distance of less than 200 km from the most western point at the Chiswell Islands (59°35'N -149°36'W) to the most eastern point at Glacier Island (60°54'N -147°6'W). The observed differences in area use between seasons suggest a disparity in how juvenile SSLs utilize space and distribute themselves over the course of the year. Due to their age, this variation is less likely due to reproductive considerations and may reflect localized depletion of prey near preferred haul-out sites and/or changes in predation risk. Currently, management of the endangered western and threatened eastern population segments of the Steller sea lion are largely based on population trends derived from aerial survey counts and terrestrial-based count data. The likelihood of individuals to be detected during aerial surveys, and resulting correction factors to calculate overall population size from counts of hauled-out animals remain unknown. A kernel density estimation (KDE) analysis was performed to delineate boundaries around surveyed haulout locations within Prince William Sound-Kenai Fjords (PWS-KF). To closely approximate the time in which population abundance counts are conducted, only sea lions tracked during the spring/summer (SS) months (May 10-August 10) were chosen (n = 35). A multiple state model was constructed treating the satellite location data, if it fell within a specified spatiotemporal context, as a re-encounter within a mark-recapture framework. Information to determine a dry state was obtained from the tags time-at-depth (TAD) histograms. To generate an overall terrestrial detection probability 1) The animal must have been within a KDE derived core-area that coincided with a surveyed haulout site 2) it must have been dry and 3) it must have provided at least one position during the summer months, from roughly 11:00 AM-5:00 PM AKDT. A total of 10 transition states were selected from the data. Nine states corresponded to specific surveyed land locations, with the 10th, an "at-sea" location (> 3 km from land) included as a proxy for foraging behavior. A MLogit constraint was used to aid interpretation of the multi-modal likelihood surface, and a systematic model selection process employed as outlined by Lebreton & Pradel (2002). At the individual level, the juveniles released in the spring/summer months (n = 35) had 85.3% of the surveyed haulouts within PWS-KF encompass KDE-derived core areas (defined as 50% of space use). There was no difference in the number of surveyed haulouts encompassed by core areas between sexes (F[subscript 1, 33] << 0.001, p = 0.98). For animals held captive for up to 12 weeks, 33.3% returned to the original capture site. The majority of encounter probabilities (p) fell between 0.42 and 0.78 for the selected haulouts within PWS, with the exceptions being Grotto Island and Aialik Cape, which were lower (between 0.00-0.17). The at-sea (foraging) encounter probability was 0.66 (± 1 S.E. range 0.55-0.77). Most dry state probabilities fell between 0.08-0.38, with Glacier Island higher at 0.52, ± 1 S.E. range 0.49-0.55. The combined detection probability for hauled-out animals (the product of at haul-out and dry state probabilities), fell mostly between 0.08-0.28, with a distinct group (which included Grotto Island, Aialik Cape, and Procession Rocks) having values that averaged 0.01, with a cumulative range of ≈ 0.00-0.02 (± 1 S.E.). Due to gaps present within the mark-recapture data, it was not possible to run a goodness-of-fit test to validate model fit. Therefore, actual errors probably slightly exceed the reported standard errors and provide an approximation of uncertainties. Overall, the combined detection probabilities represent an effort to combine satellite location and wet-dry state telemetry and a kernel density analysis to quantify the terrestrial detection probability of a marine mammal within a multistate modeling framework, with the ultimate goal of developing a correction factor to account for haulout behavior at each of the surveyed locations included in the study. / Graduation date: 2013

A Matter of National Concern: The Kennedy Administration and Prince Edward County, Virginia

Lee, Brian 27 July 2009 (has links)
A MATTER OF NATIONAL CONCERN examines the Kennedy Administration’s contribution to the restoration of public education in Prince Edward County, Virginia, and determines if those actions support the dominant narrative of Kennedy’s overall civil rights record – a historical assessment generally generated from a few acute crises. For five consecutive years (1959-1964), in defiance of federal court orders, the county board of supervisors refused to levy taxes to operate public schools, marking Prince Edward County as the only locale in the nation without free public education. The county leadership organized a segregated private school system for the 1,400 white children, but afforded no formal education for the 1,700 African American students. The Kennedy Administration inherited the Prince Edward County school situation – a crisis that threatened to cripple a generation, and, if replicated, destroy public education. In the Prince Edward County school dilemma, the Kennedy Administration took proactive measures, proved sympathetic to the plight of African Americans, challenged Virginia’s congressional delegation, and appointed federal judges that supported President Kennedy’s civil rights agenda. The Prince Edward County story generally, and the federal government’s actions specifically, have been virtually overlooked by historians. A MATTER OF NATIONAL CONCERN challenges scholars to re-evaluate the Kennedy Administration’s civil rights record by including all of the civil rights events of the Kennedy years, thus developing a thorough, comprehensive assessment. A MATTER OF NATIONAL CONCERN is the product of the study of unpublished archival documents, oral histories, interviews, newspaper reports, and secondary sources. This work was created using Microsoft Word 2003.

Diagnosing Pulmonary Tuberculosis in children under the age of 5 years

Banda, Thembekile Merinda 30 November 2006 (has links)
This study sought to describe the challenges of diagnosing pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in children under the age of 5 years at clinics under the Prince Mshiyeni Hospital at Ethekwini Health District in KwaZulu-Natal. The study showed that primary health care (PHC) nurses do not have adequate knowledge to effectively diagnose PTB in children and, in addition, that PHC clinics are not adequately equipped to effectively diagnose PTB in children. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Out in the cold : science and environment in the history of South Africa’s involvement in the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic in the twentieth century

Van der Watt, Susanna Maria Elizabeth (Lize-Marie) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study addresses a little-known but important part of South Africa’s history: its involvement with the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic in the twentieth century. It has a three-fold approach. Firstly, it provides insight into the motives driving South Africa’s investment in the region, from the first call for a South African Antarctic expedition in 1919 to the post-apartheid recommitment to the South African Antarctic Programme. Interrogating of the reasons behind South Africa’s activities in this region – including those that failed –throws into relief broader issues about how and where South Africa saw itself in the geopolitical order. As such, this dissertation is situated within a body of Antarctic scholarship that seeks to subvert the prevailing homogenising narrative of the continent as simply the preserve of scientists and heroes. In particular, it investigates how tropes of imperialism and nationalism functioned in these remote corners of the world. Secondly, this dissertation investigates how changing perceptions of the extreme environment of Antarctica, and specifically the Prince Edward Islands, can add to our understanding of environmental history. It also shows how the values projected onto and invested in the environment as ‘nature’ changed over time. Thirdly, it takes into account the humans that were South Africa’s presence in the region and how the underlying patterns in the fabric of South African society, including race and gender, crystalized on the Antarctic continent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is gerig op ʼn minder bekende, maar belangrike aspek van Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis: die land se betrokkenheid by die sub-Antarktiese gebied en Antarktika in die twintigste eeu. Die studie volg van ʼn drie-ledige benadering. Eerstens, verskaf dit insig in die dryfvere agter Suid-Afrika se investering in die streek – vanaf die eerste beroep op ʼn Suid-Afrikaanse Antarktiese ekspedisie in 1919, tot die post-apartheid regering se herverbintenis tot die Suid-Afrikaanse Antarktiese program. Die ondersoek na die redes vir Suid-Afrika se aktiwiteite in die streek – insluitend dié wat misluk het – bring breër kwessies oor Suid-Afrika se selfbeskouing in die wêreld se geopolitieke orde, na vore. Hierdie studie word binne ʼn kritiese raamwerk van navorsing oor Antarktika geplaas. Dié raamwerk streef daarna om die oorheersende homogene beeld van die kontinent as die eksklusiewe grondgebied van wetenskaplikes en helde, onder die soeklig te stel. In die besonder stel dit ondersoek in na hoe imperialisme en nasionalisme in hierdie verafgeleë uithoeke van die aarde versinnebeeld is. Tweedens, ondersoek hierdie studie hoe veranderende persepsies van Antarktika - en veral die Prins Edward eilande - se uiterste omgewing tot ons begrip van omgewingsgeskiedenis kan bydra. Dit dui ook aan die mate waartoe bestaande waardes wat op die omgewing as ‘natuur’ geprojekteer en gevestig is, mettertyd verander het. Die derde benadering neem die mense wat Suid-Afrika se teenwoordigheid verpersoonlik het in aanmerking - en hoe die onderliggende patrone in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, insluitend ras en geslag, op die Antarktiese kontinent uitgekristalliseer het.

Community College Faculty Knowledge of Legal Issues and Students with Disabilities: A Case Study.

Hopkins, Kathleen C. 12 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the extent of Prince George's Community College faculty knowledge of the legal issues, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, The Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, and recent court decisions, related to the provision of classroom accommodations for students with disabilities at the postsecondary level. The focus of the study was to determine if a difference existed between the knowledge of full-time and part-time faculty. Part-time faculty comprise over 50 % of the instructional staffs at most community colleges and are considered an integral part of their institutions, yet they are offered little opportunity for professional development. The variables of gender, department affiliation, teaching at more than one institution, number of years of teaching experience, number of students taught with a disability, and number of individuals known with a disability also were reviewed. Data were collected through a questionnaire distributed to 158 faculty members at the college. Twenty-nine packets were returned as undeliverable. Of the 129 deliverable packets, 57 were returned for a response rate of 44.2%. Results from the analysis of data indicated that faculty have very limited knowledge of the legal issues concerning students with disabilities. Only 26.9% of respondents scored at an acceptable level of knowledge. Additional analysis suggested no relationship existed between faculty knowledge and gender, faculty status (full-time and part-time), department affiliation, teaching at more than one institution, number of years of teaching experience, or number of individuals known with a disability. A relationship was found at the p < .05 level of significant between faculty knowledge and number of students taught with a disability. Faculty who scored in the acceptable range had a mean score of 24 or more students taught with a disability. Faculty scoring in the unacceptable range had a mean score of 11 students taught with a disability.

Rôle des associations de quartier dans l’organisation des services publics dans les quartiers précaires à Port-au-Prince : Une étude de cas à Village Solidarité

Joseph, Jean Alex 07 1900 (has links)
Port-au-Prince, la ville la plus peuplée des Caraïbes est ceinturée de quartiers précaires connus sous l’appellation de bidonvilles. Ces quartiers construits généralement sur des terrains dangereux, envahis par une population en quête de logement, abritent la plus forte proportion des habitants de la ville. Ils constituent en même temps des lieux d’observation de l’inimaginable capacité des populations locales à garantir l’accès à certains services. À travers l’action d’une association locale évoluant à Village solidarité dans la zone métropolitaine de Port-au-Prince, nous avons étudié les apports et les limites des stratégies utilisées dans l’organisation de services publics d’électricité. L’analyse repose fondamentalement sur une approche de développement local reposant sur cinq notions complémentaires et interreliées qui sont les suivantes : le projet commun, l’appartenance et l’identité collective, les ressources, le leadership, l’opportunité politique. Les résultats de la recherche font état d’un projet commun aux contours assez flous qui reflète des insuffisances au niveau des modes de pensée, et au niveau des ressources matérielles et financières mises en jeu. Le style de leadership en place au sein de l’association est teinté de déterminisme religieux, pris au piège des manœuvres clientélistes des politiciens locaux et infantilisé par l’action des agences gouvernementales. A la fin de l’étude nous dégageons des pistes pour dynamiser les forces du milieu et réorienter l’action associative afin d’aller vers un projet collectif. Ces pistes reposent fondamentalement sur la transformation des modes de pensée influençant l’action et la transformation des pratiques organisationnelles. / Port-au-Prince, the biggest city of the Caribbean considering the size of its population, is mostly constituted in precarious neighborhoods generally named “bidonvilles”. Those neighborhoods generally built over dangerous fields, by a population that is looking for affordable housing are the place of living of the majority of the inhabitants of the city. At the same time, they represent the true places to observe the unthinkable imagination of the local populations to organize access to some basic services. Through the action of a local association in Village Solidarité in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, we studied the contributions and the limits of the used strategies to organize public services of electricity. The overall analysis is conducted under a local development approach that is constructed around the concepts of common goal, belonging and collective identity, leadership, resource and political opportunity. A sample of association members and residents has participated in group focus and individual interviews during the field study. The results of the research are expressing an imprecise common goal and an insufficiency of the ideological instruments, and the material and financial resources. The leadership is prisoned by religious frame of thinking, local political tricks, and infantilized by the action of governmental actions. At the end, we propose paths to strengthen the power of the neighborhood toward a collective project. Those paths are constructed fundamentally over the transformation of the sets of thinking and organizational practices.

“That I should always listen to my body and love it”: Finding the Mind-Body Connection in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Slave Texts

Watkins, Emily Stuart 19 April 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores the presence of the movement theories of Irmgard Bartenieff, Peggy Hackney, and Rudolf Von Laban in the following texts: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave. Written by Himself (1845), The History of Mary Prince: A West Indian Slave (1831), Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, Written by Herself, Linda Brent (1861), Sherley Anne Williams’s Dessa Rose (1986) and Toni Morrison’s Beloved (1987). The terms and phrases of movement theory will be introduced to the contemporary critical discussion already surrounding the texts, both furthering and challenging existing arguments.

O príncipe digital: estruturas de poder, liderança e hegemonia nas redes sociais / Digital Principe: Structures, leadership and hegemony in social networks

Maia, Maíra Carneiro Bittencourt 29 March 2016 (has links)
O conceito de \"Príncipe\" surgiu com Nicolau Maquiavel, no início do século XVI, para descrever o governante das monarquias e repúblicas. Em Antonio Gramsci, na metade do século XX, o lugar do Príncipe passou a ser ocupado pelo partido político, aparecendo assim o conceito de \"Moderno Príncipe\". Mais tarde, no fim do século XX, o pesquisador brasileiro Octavio Ianni revisita as duas obras e propõe o \"Príncipe Eletrônico\". Ele constatou que os meios de comunicação de massa passaram a exercer as funções sociais de Príncipe. Em Octávio Ianni, o rádio e, principalmente, a televisão são os lugares, por excelência, de poder, hegemonia e liderança, não sozinhos, mas com o suporte e apoio dos grandes grupos econômicos e políticos. O objetivo desta tese é levar adiante a teoria criada por Ianni e explorar a hipótese da existência de um novo Príncipe no século XXI, que chamamos de Príncipe Digital. Sem prejuízo do que foi descrito por Ianni, essa nova figura não é necessariamente um intelectual, não nasce das mídias tradicionais de massa (rádio e TV) e não se alinha direta e necessariamente com os grupos, econômicos e políticos, hegemônicos, mas é tão ou mais influente e eficaz. O conceito de Príncipe Digital, como variante da categoria criada por Ianni, ilumina a forma como, na era das redes digitais, estão estruturadas as categorias: poder, hegemonia e liderança, pilares de todos os modelos teóricos de príncipes existentes até então. Essa compreensão pode nos levar a entender melhor os fenômenos deste tempo, como as grandes manifestações sociais e os tipos de relações existente nas redes sociais. Para chegar a esse modelo teórico, este trabalho usou como aporte metodológico a Grounded Theory (GT). A GT possibilita uma perspectiva mais real sobre o fenômeno, pois a própria população envolvida aponta os dados, por meio de pesquisas empíricas de natureza quantitativa e qualitativa. Para essa parte empírica, esta pesquisa contou com análise de 74 manifestações sociais, 601 entrevistados e observações acerca de 354 Líderes de Opinião. Analisamos, teórica e empiricamente, manifestações populares que ocorreram no Brasil entre os anos de 2013 e 2015. Os questionários foram divididos em duas fases de aplicações, a primeira, na qual ficaram disponíveis entre março e junho de 2015 e, a segunda, no mês de agosto de 2015. Os principais autores que dão sustentação à tese são: Maquiavel, Gramsci e Ianni, pelas razões já expostas. Lazarsfeld e Toro, com reflexões sobre a recepção de ideias e a mobilização social; Glaser, Tarozzi e Charmaz, com o suporte metodológico da GT. Hardt, Negri e Castells, com argumentos teóricos sobre multidão, redes sociais, internet e processos de mobilização online. / The concept of \"Prince\" came up with Niccolo Machiavelli, in the early sixteenth century to describe the ruler of monarchies and republics. In Antonio Gramsci, the midtwentieth century, the place of the Prince was occupied by political party, thus appearing the concept of \"Modern Prince\". Later, in the late twentieth century, the Brazilian researcher Octavio Ianni revisits the two works and proposes the \"Electronic Prince.\" He found that the mass media took over the social functions of Prince. In Octavio Ianni, radio and especially television are the places par excellence, power, hegemony and leadership, not alone, but with the support and backing of major economic and political groups. The aim of this thesis is to carry forward the theory created by Ianni and explore the hypothesis of a new Prince in the twenty-first century, we call \"Digital Prince.\" Without prejudice to what has been described by Ianni, this new figure is not necessarily an intellectual, not born through the mass traditional media (radio and TV) and does not line up directly and necessarily to the groups, economic and political hegemony, but it is so or more influential and effective. Digital Prince of concept, as a variant of the category created by Ianni, illuminates the way that, in the era of digital networks, the categories are structured: power, hegemony and leadership, pillars of all existing theoretical models of Princes before. This understanding can lead us to better understand the phenomena of this time, as the major social manifestations and types of existing relationships on Social Networks. To get to that theoretical model, this work used as a methodological contribution to Grounded Theory (GT). The GT enables a more realistic perspective on the phenomenon, for the very people involved point data through empirical research of quantitative and qualitative nature. For this empirical part of this research involved analysis of 74 social demonstrations, 601 respondents and observations about 354 leaders of opinion. We analyze, theoretically and empirically, popular demonstrations that took place in Brazil between 2013 and 2015. The questionnaires were divided into two phases of applications, the first, which became available between March and June 2015 and the second, in august of 2015. The main authors that support the thesis are: Machiavelli, Gramsci and Ianni, the reasons given above. Lazarsfeld and Toro, with reflections on the reception of ideas and social mobilization. Glaser, Tarozzi and Charmaz, with the methodological support of the GT. Hardt, Negri and Castells with theoretical arguments about the crowd, social networking, internet and online mobilization processes.

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