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Political connections and economic outcomes: three empirical essaysCastells, Pau 05 October 2012 (has links)
Aquesta tesi esta composada per tres assaigs. Cadascún dels assaigs presenta investigació empírica original i independent analitzant els impactes de les connexions politiques sobre l’economia. Els articles fan una contribució significativa a aquesta literatura empírica, al mateix temps que subratllen les limitacions i desafiaments amb els que actualment s’enfronten els investigadors d’aquest camp. La recerca que aquí es presenta aplica desenvolupaments als metodes de recerca empirica que milloren la fiabilitat dels resultats.
En el segon capitol s’estima l’impacte d’un aconteixement sorpresa a nivell polític sobre els retorns financers del mercat espanyol. Això inclou els impactes específics en determinats sectors i empreses que estan connectades políticament. En els últims dies de la campanya electoral per les eleccions generals espanyoles de l’any 2004, atacs terroristes van causar la mort de 191 persones que viatjaven en tren a la capital del país, Madrid. Quatre dies mes tard, el partit a l’oposició va guanyar les eleccions generals, en contra de totes les prediccions i enquestes que s’havien fet anteriorment a l’acció terrorista. Aquest canvi d’expectatives presenta una oportunitat única per aplicar tècniques d’event study per contrastar hipòtesis de política econòmica. L’anàlisi mostra que les hipòtesis de captura de polítics per empreses, junt amb problemes d’agència en empreses privatitzades i amb dispersió accionarial, no són rebutjades per les dades.
En el tercer capítol, intento superar algunes de les limitacions de la recerca empírica en aquest camp, i exploro l’impacte de les connexions polítiques a les empreses en el rendiment empresarial. Ho faig fent servint les dos principals tècniques empíriques que es fan servir més comunment a la literatura economica: anàlisi centrat en establir les reaccions dels mercats financers a esdeveniments d’índole política; i anàlisi economètric de l’impacte de les connexions polítiques en el rendiment contable de les empreses. Els resultats de l’anàlisi indiquen que en els primers anys dels segle XXI, les connexions polítiques podrien haver tingut un impact negatiu sobre el rendiment de les empreses espanyoles. Tot i que els resultats basats en les reaccions dels mercats financers no són concloents, l’anàlisi economètric sobre mesures contables mostra una relació negativa i estadísticament significativa entre connexions polítiques i beneficis empresarials. Els resultats son consistents quan s’utilitzen diferents variables per mesurar el nivell de connexions polítiques, i també sota diverses especificacions economètriques que incloen regressions amb mètodes de variables instrumentals.
Finalment, el capítol 4 considera l’influencia del sector privat en les decisions preses des de l’administració pública. Això contrasta amb l’anàlisi presentat en els dos capítols anteriors i a la majoria de recerca empírica en aquest camp, on el que es considera es generalment l’impacte de les connexions polítiques sobre els resultats econòmics empresarials. L’anàlisi està basat en dades del Regne Unit sobre la concessió de subsidis a empreses per dur a terme recerca i desenvolupament. L’agència responsable de la concessió de subsidis al Regne Unit, la Technology Strategy Board, s’encarrega en primer lloc d’identificar àrees de prioritat tecnològica. Un cop aquestes arees són aprovades i dotades de recursos pel Govern, l’agència s’encarrega de convocar concursos i seleccionar les propostes guanyadores. Els resultats de l’anàlisi suggereixen que el programa de subsidis, tot i ser efectiu en corretgir alguns errors de mercat, està esbiaixat en la distribució dels subsidis cap a aquelles empreses que estan directament connectades amb l’agència. / This thesis is composed by three essays, each presenting independent and original empirical research on the impacts of political connections on the economy. This research makes a significant contribution to such empirical literature. It also highlights the limitations and challenges that are currently faced by researchers in this field and applies developments to the empirical methods which improve the reliability of results.
In Chapter 2 I estimate the impact of a surprise political event on the financial returns of the Spanish markets, including the specific impacts on selected sectors and politically connected companies. In the last days of the electoral campaign for the 2004 general election in Spain, on Thursday March 11th 2004, a series of simultaneous terror attacks caused the death of 191 persons in commuting trains in the capital Madrid. Four days later, the opposition party won the election, against all predictions that were made prior to the terror attacks. This change in expectations presents us with a unique opportunity to take advantage of event study techniques to test some politico-economic hypotheses. The analysis shows that such hypothesis of capture of politicians by firms, in itself and combined with agency problems in privatized firms with dispersed shareholdings, is not rejected by the data.
In Chapter 3, I undertake to overcome some of the constraints in the empirical literature by exploring the impact of political connections on firm performance by employing the two main empirical approaches that have been applied to ascertain the impact of connections on the performance of firms: analysis of financial markets reactions to political events; and econometric analysis of the impact of political connections on accounting-type measures of firm performance. The results of the analysis indicate that in Spain, in the first years of the 21st century, political connections may have had a negative impact on firms’ profits. Even though results from the financial markets-based analysis are inconclusive, the econometric analysis of accounting-based measures of performance shows a negative and highly statistically significant negative impact of political connections on firm’s performance. The results hold regardless of the particular variable or measure that is used to proxy for political connectedness, and under different considerations of the degree of connections that is considered. The results also hold when controlling for the potential endogeneity that may exist - whereas connections to politicians might result in better (worse) business performance, also changes in business performance might lead to higher (lower) connections.
Finally, Chapter 4 considers the influence of the private sector on decisions taken by the public sector. This is in contrast with chapters 2 and 3, and most of the empirical literature on political connections, which consider the impacts of politicians on the economic outcomes of the private sector. The analysis is based on UK data where as in most countries R&D grants are conceded in a beauty contest process. The Technology Strategy Board (TSB), the UK agency responsible for offering such grants, jointly with its funding Government Department, identifies technology and research priority areas, after which specific competitions are run and winning projects selected. The results suggest that whilst the R&D cooperative programme is to an extent effective in targeting the market failures it aims to address, its allocation of grants across the private sector is biased towards connected businesses, after controlling for company and sector specific factors.
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The Impact of Manipulatives on Students’ Performance on Money Word ProblemsLuke, Jessica 07 August 2012 (has links)
Jaye K. Luke
Numeracy skills are needed for daily living. For example, time management and budgeting are tasks that adults face on a frequent basis. Instruction for numeracy skills begins early and continues throughout childhood. Obtaining numeracy skills is difficult for some students. For example, there may be an inadequate fit between the student’s knowledge and the design of the instruction, the student may be unable to select an appropriate strategy for solving the problem, or the student may have a learning disability. Students with a learning disability comprise approximately 40% of identified children with disabilities who receive special education services (U.S. Department of Education, 2005).
The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics helps teachers mediate the difficulties students may have in math. The council recommends problem solving and representation with physical objects as a teaching method. Chapter 1 presents a literature review on children with a learning disability, the use of manipulatives, and problem solving. The literature review indicates that children with a learning disability are poor problem solvers, but that further research is needed to investigate best instructional strategies. Chapter 2 presents a study on the impact of manipulatives on the accurate completion of money word problems. Three populations were included: adults who struggle with numeracy (n = 20), children with a learning disability (n = 20), and children who are typically developing (n = 23). Participants were administered a measure of 10 money word problems and were asked to solve them without the use of manipulatives. Participants were then randomly assigned to one of two groups: perceptually rich and perceptually bland manipulatives. Results indicate that none of the participants performed better with manipulatives than they performed without manipulatives. There was an interaction of Condition x Type of participant with the participants with a learning disability in the bland condition performing significantly worse than the other participants. More research is warranted to understand the impact of manipulative use in mathematics instruction for adults who struggle with numeracy, children with a learning disability, and children who are typically developing.
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Problemhundar : En studie inriktad på hundar med grava aggressions- och rädsleproblemSundberg, Linn January 2011 (has links)
Dogs with behavioral problems This study was made to investigate if there was a problem in today’s society regarding dogs showing for example excessive aggression and/or anxiety. The main questions in this study was "is there a problem today" and "if there is a problem, what can we do to prevent it". To investigate these questions interviews were made with six different professions concerning the dog domain. The result of the study shows that three of the interviewed considered it to be a problem, one did not have an opinion on the matter and two choose not to call it a dog related problem because it mostly depends on the owner. Today about 20 – 25 % of the euthanasia’s in Denmark depends on aggressions or anxiety problems. It is the second most common reason for euthanasia. In Sweden 27 dogs were taken into custody during 2010, by the police in Stockholm, when they were considered dangerous to the society because of their aggression and anxiety problems. To prevent the problems from occurring we need to control the breeding more extensively and to be more careful selecting animals on which we choose to breed. Socialization is also an important factor to prevent aggression. Extensive socialization at an early age prevents aggressive behavior towards humans and also other animals. Anders Hallgren, a dog physiologist in Sweden estimates that about 75 % of the dogs that are sent to him for training can be well again.
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Brand management problems in SMEs : case study on GävleVandrarhem AB and Chailease international finance corporation-Shenzhen branchHuang, Huakuai, Lai, Ying January 2011 (has links)
This study aims to examine how brand management is implemented in SMEs, and investigate the problems encountered by SMEs when managing their brands in order to build strong brands.
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Closed-Loop Nominal and Abort Atmospheric Ascent Guidance for Rocket-Powered Launch VehiclesDukeman, Greg A. 18 January 2005 (has links)
An advanced ascent guidance algorithm for rocket-powered launch vehicles is developed. The ascent guidance function is responsible for commanding attitude, throttle and setting during the powered ascent phase of flight so that the vehicle attains target cutoff conditions in a near-optimal manner while satisfying path constraints such as maximum allowed bending moment and maximum allowed axial acceleration. This algorithm cyclically solves the calculus-of-variations two-point boundary-value problem starting at vertical rise completion through orbit insertion. This is different from traditional ascent guidance algorithms which operate in an open-loop mode until the high dynamic pressure portion of the trajectory is over, at which time there is a switch to a closed loop guidance mode that operates under the assumption of negligible aerodynamic forces.
The main contribution of this research is an algorithm of the predictor-corrector type wherein the state/costate system is propagated with known (navigated) initial state and guessed initial costate to predict the state/costate at engine cutoff. The initial costate guess is corrected, using a multi-dimensional Newtons method, based on errors in the terminal state constraints and the transversality conditions. Path constraints are enforced within the propagation process. A modified multiple shooting method is shown to be a very effective numerical technique for this application. Results for a single stage to orbit launch vehicle are given. In addition, the formulation for the free final time multi-arc trajectory optimization problem is given. Results for a two-stage launch vehicle burn-coast-burn ascent to orbit in a closed-loop guidance mode are shown. An abort to landing site formulation of the algorithm and numerical results are presented. A technique for numerically treating the transversality conditions is discussed that eliminates part of the analytical and coding burden associated with optimal control theory.
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Study on Two Optimization Problems: Line Cover and Maximum Genus EmbeddingCao, Cheng 2012 May 1900 (has links)
In this thesis, we study two optimization problems which have a lot of important applications in diverse domains: Line Cover Problem (LCP) in Computational Geometry and Maximum Genus Embedding (MGE) in Topological Graph Theory.
We study LCP whose decision version is known NP-Complete from the perspective of Parameterized Complexity, as well as classical techniques in Algorithm Design. In particular, we provide an exact algorithm in time O(n^3 2n) based on Dynamic Programming and initiate a dual problem of LCP in terms of Linear Programming Duality. We study the dual problem by applying approximation and kernelization, obtaining an approximation algorithm with ratio k - 1 and a kernel of size O(k^4).
Then we survey related geometric properties on LCP. Finally we propose a Parameterized Algorithm to solve LCP with running time O*(k^k/1:35^k).
We explore connections between the maximum genus of a graph and its cycle space consisting of fundamental cycles only. We revisit a known incorrect approach of finding a maximum genus embedding via computing a maximum pairing of intersected fundamental cycles with respect to an arbitrary spanning tree. We investigate the reason it failed and conclude it confused the concept of deficiency. Also, we characterize the upper-embeddablity of a graph in terms of maximum pairings of intersected fundamental cycles, i.e. a graph is upper-embeddable if and only if the number of maximum pairings of intersected fundamental cycles for any spanning tree is the same. Finally, we present a lower and an upper bound of the maximum number of vertex-disjoint cycles in a general graph, beta(G) - 2gammaM(G) and beta(G) - gammaM(G), only depending on maximum genus and cycle rank.
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Radial Bases and Ill-Posed ProblemsChen, Ho-Pu 15 August 2006 (has links)
RBFs are useful in scientific computing. In this thesis, we are interested in the positions of collocation points and RBF centers which causes the matrix for RBF interpolation singular and ill-conditioned. We explore the best bases by minimizing error function in supremum norm and root mean squares. We also use radial basis function to interpolate shifted data and find the best basis in certain sense.
In the second part, we solve ill-posed problems by radial basis collocation method with different radial basis functions and various number of bases. If the solution is not unique, then the numerical solutions are different for different bases. To construct all the solutions, we can choose one approximation solution and add the linear combinations of the difference functions for various bases. If the solution does not exist, we show the numerical solution always fail to satisfy the origin equation.
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A Study on the Beginning Teachers¡¦ Problems and Induction Needs at Junior High School in Kaohsiung CountyHsiao, I-ling 21 July 2009 (has links)
The purposes of this study were to explore the actual condition of beginning teachers¡¦ job-related problems and induction needs, as well as to analyze the relationship between beginning teachers¡¦ problems and induction needs.
In order to achieve the aims, the use of questionnaire was mainly conducted through the study, with complement of semi-structured in-depth interview. A total of 322 questionnaires were sent to the 49 junior high schools in Kaohsiung County, and 224 questionnaires were collected back. The effective return rate was 70¢H. The collected data was described, analyzed through descriptive statistics, F-test, One-Way ANOVA and Pearson¡¦s Product-Moment Correlation. Furthermore, the qualitative interviews with 8 beginning teachers were analyzed to know more about beginning teachers¡¦ job-related problems and induction needs. Conclusions derived from the present study are as following:
1.The degree of problems perceived by the beginning teachers in junior high school was moderate, and the most difficult part for them was ¡§teaching and classroom management¡¨. What made beginning teachers in junior high school feel most difficult were the low achievement of students, the paradox of school management, and the difficulty in maintaining the classroom-discipline.
2.In the analysis based on background variables, the degree of problems perceived by the beginning teachers in junior high school was significantly different among teachers of different school size, but not significantly different according to gender, teaching experience, position, educational background, teacher internship program, and school location.
3.The most urgent induction needs for beginning junior high school teachers was to increase the knowledge about teaching and classroom management such as the techniques for managing problem behaviors, the effective strategies for organizing class procedures, and the teaching skills to enhance teaching effectiveness.
4.Beginning teachers hopes the above knowledge could be inducted in the ways of arranging seminars, communication with expert teachers ,and classroom observation on them.
5.In the analysis based on background variables, the degree of induction needs perceived by the beginning teachers in junior high schools was significantly different among teachers of different school size. Furthermore, the induction ways of beginning teachers in junior high schools were significantly different among teachers of different gender, teaching experience, and school size.
6.There were significant positive correlations between the whole problems and induction needs of beginning teachers in junior high school. The higher problem level which the beginning teachers perceived on the whole job problem, the more urgently they feel in needs of induction.
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Tangential Touch Between Free And Fixed BoundariesMatevosyan, Norayr January 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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On the Lattice Boltzmann method implementation and applications /Jin, Kang, Meir, Amnon J., January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Auburn University, 2008. / Abstract. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 64-65).
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