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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coming Full Circle: How Medical Student Craft Their Preferences in Search of an Authentic Doctor Role

Thomas, Njoke K. 02 February 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Negotiating individual and district level change: a sociocultural journey in teachers' professional development

Deglau, Dena A. 07 October 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Tobac-no! A Grade Six Smoking Prevention Curriculum Unit

McKinty, Marie Christine 08 1900 (has links)
<p>Smoking is still the leading cause of death and illness in Canada today (Wong, 1990). The process of addiction begins for many as early as 12 years of age (Health Canada, Canadian Association for School Health, Canadian Council on Smoking and Health, Heart and Stroke Foundation, 1991), and currently, only 3% of people ever begin smoking beyond their teens. King and Coles (1992) established that by age 15,22% of males and 29% of females are occasional or regular smokers. These and other statistics clearly establish that smoking is a major health care concern. In order to effectively reduce or eliminate this problem, the root causes or determinants of smoking behaviour must first be recognized. The various demographic, socioeconomic, personality and biologic factors (Flay, d'Avernas, Best, Kersell & Ryan, 1983) must be addressed by comprehensive strategies which include the goals of promotion, prevention, intervention and support. These goals should be achieved by means of appropriate instruction, social support, support services and physical environmental intervention (Council for a Tobacco-Free Ontario [CTFO], 1991; Garcia, d'Avernas & Best, 1988).</p> <p>The focus of this paper is instruction, which is defined to include a well developed curriculum, relevant teaching and learning materials and appropriate teacher preparation. The principles of a Social Influences Approach are applied to the development of TOBAC-NO!, a grade six smoking prevention curriculum unit for the Hamilton Board of Education.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)

The Place of Values in a Teacher-Constructed Global Education Curriculum.

Draper, Anne Margaret January 1997 (has links)
This project examines the role of values in a teacher-constructed global education curriculum. Using several strategies, both teacher and student values were made explicit. The teacher's strategy was to pinpoint career events which had impacted on the curriculum that she had designed. These career events were synthesized into several value statements. Action research was used to suggest value positions for the students. The intersection of teacher and student values led to suggestions as to how these intersecting values could be integrated into the teacher-constructed curriculum. Values that did not intersect, and the idea of alienation, a "nonvalue" were also cons1dered as add1tions to the curriculum. The project argues for making the values of all the stakeholders in a teacher-constructed curriculum explicit as a means of continually revitalizing such a document. / Master of Arts (MA)

High School Principals' Roles in Teacher Professional Development

Wagner, Jo Ann 01 July 2011 (has links)
As the key leader at the school level, the principal plays a central role in the implementation of professional development programs and measurement of the outcomes of these activities (Elmore, 2000). This investigation explored high school principals' roles in and principals' perceptions of teacher professional development as a mechanism for improving teacher instructional practices. The 15 high school principals interviewed for this study were from one region in a southeastern state. Using the professional development standards developed by the National Staff Development Council (NSDC) (2001) to frame this study, a non-experimental descriptive research design was employed. Specifically, data collection methods included focus group interviews and document analysis. Three focus group interviews were conducted, each lasting approximately 90 minutes. Data sources were the transcripts from the focus group interviews with principals and information from each principal's school improvement plan. Data from both the transcripts and document review were sorted and categorized using the long-table approach (Krueger & Casey, 2000). Data were organized into the NSDC domains of context, process, and content. The findings indicated that principals assumed the responsibility for providing professional development at their school and reported that as part of that responsibility they performed the following eight roles: (a) connected the professional development to school and/or division goals, (b) allowed teachers to play a part in their professional development, (c) provided the resources of funding and time for professional development, (d) provided support and encouragement for implementation of the professional development, (e) held a variety of professional development activities at their school, (f) collected student achievement data to determine the professional development needs, (g) determined the effectiveness of the professional development in classrooms, and (h) allowed teachers to choose the professional development activity to attend. The two roles, supported in the literature, which only a few principals discussed were: implementing PLCs and providing on-going, continuous professional development with follow-up. One area of concern reported by the principals was the reality that all teachers do not implement the professional development in their classrooms. Five major conclusions were drawn from the findings in this study. Principals value teacher professional development as a mechanism to change teachers' instructional practices and accept the responsibility for implementing professional development at their schools. The majority of the professional development activities reported by the principals were generic type professional development activities that related to all teachers. However, principals do not expect that all teachers will implement the innovations in their classrooms. PLCs, in which teachers are working collaboratively to improve student achievement, are not being implemented in all reporting participants' high schools. Time is an important factor in determining the implementation of the professional development in the classroom. / Ed. D.

Professional identity formation of pharmacy students during an early preregistration training placement

Quinn, Gemma L., Lucas, Beverley J., Silcock, Jonathan 05 March 2020 (has links)
No / Objective. To explore the lived experiences of pharmacy students undertaking an early pre-registration training placement in the United Kingdom, particularly with respect to the development of different aspects of their professionalism. Methods. Fourteen students returning from an early pre-registration placement (during the third year of their pharmacy degree) were interviewed, using a semi-structured approach. Grounded theory methods were used to analyze the transcripts and a theory was developed. Results. ʻDeveloping a professional identityʼ was the core process that occurred during the placement. This included four stages: (1) Reflection (2) Selection of attributes (3) Professional socialization and (4) Perception of role. As a consequence of ʻDeveloping a professional identityʼ, participants had a strong vision of the kind of pharmacist they wanted to be when qualified. They articulated an increased responsibility as students, and began to see themselves as ʻNow a trainee professionalʼ. Conclusion. This study strongly supports the use of an early pre-registration period to develop pharmacy students’ sense of professional identity and strengthen their motivation to learn.

Cultural relativism : case studies of public relations in the Emirates, 1994-1996

Al-Ameri, Ali Saeed Omar January 1999 (has links)
This research investigates the impact of oil on a traditional Arab society. The . literature which addresses societal change IS methodically reviewed, with substantial attention given to the theories of noted sociologist Max Weber as well as many more recent scholars who have adapted and re-interpreted Weber's seminal insights. Following the review of relevant literature, the reader is introduced to the pre-oil, traditional society of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The body of the research reports, illuminates and examines through case studies the challenges of wrenching social change in a traditional society. The research finds that introduction of oil is the change agent. The invitation extended to Western oil companies to manage the extraction industry resulted in enormous disruption to the society as it then existed, and provided very large sums of capital to the UAE. Both of these factors, the insertion within the society of a western industrial culture of size and importance, and the opportunities for the UAE to develop and modernize at great speed due to the availability of large resources, combined to place enormous tension on the social traditions and practices of the then tribal society. The research then turns to the ways and means that both the society and the western oil companies employed to manage the dynamic of change. The specific role of the Oil Company's Public Relations function is examined in depth. The thesis that the public relations function served both the company and the society at large as the primary agent of mitigation is stated and tested. This paper finds that the public relations function performed a critical service by explaining the traditions of the society to the oil company, and negotiating for the oil company with the formal and informal organizations present in the society. These public relations practitioners also performed the critical task of representing, and at times. performing advocacy services for, groups within the society whose values were threatened by the western practices of the oil companies. This latter function is very different from the traditional roles of western public relations staffs. The research concludes that in this particular circumstance the contribution of the public relations staff was essential to both the company and the society in coping with enormous social pressures.

Factors influencing the buildability of designs in the Nigerian construction industry

Olatunji, A.A. January 2013 (has links)
Published Article / Hardly could projects be executed in Nigeria without alteration of design. This cannot be dissociated from designs which are not practically buildable or arising from changing taste of client. A study on factors influencing the buildability of designs in Nigerian construction industry was carried out to determine these factors and develop strategy to mitigate them. A total of one hundred (100) questionnaires were administered by the means of convenience and eighty six (86) was retrieved from a target population comprising; Architects, Builders, Engineers and Quantity Surveyors. The central tendency statistical tool was used for the analysis of data. The result of data analysis indicated that, clients briefing is an important factor for buildability of design. Among the influencing factors on buildability, complexity of the project followed by professional knowledge about construction ranks first and second and lastly cost economic value with no influence. On the current practice of buildability in Nigeria, the study revealed that Architects are mainly involved at the briefing stage to the award stages. While at the construction stage the Builder/Constructor features prominently at the various phases of construction. The study recommended the integration of Builder/Constructor at the early stage of building design.

Teaching (with) love: relational engagement in educational settings

Vincent, Jennifer 11 May 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate school professionals’ conceptualizations and experiences of love in their work with children. In order to investigate the place of love in educational settings, semi-structured interviews with school professionals were conducted. Results from the interviews were analysed using thematic analysis and feedback on the identified themes was provided by participants during a second phase of interviewing. There was agreement among all participants that loving practice and good pedagogical practice are compatible, and that loving practice benefits students’ overall school experience. Key similarities across participants’ descriptions of loving practice include; the importance of positive relationships and positive boundaries within these relationships, the social, emotional and academic benefits of loving practice, and the relevance of self-care. Parallels are drawn between understandings of praxis in child and youth care and loving practice as defined by the participants in this study. The roles of building community and conscious reflection in loving practice are also explored. Through this work, I hope to offer the reader an opportunity to be more mindful about the role of love in their own professional practice. / Graduate

Els oficis del cavall: propostes de renovació curricular i d’estructuració laboral del sector equí

Peire Fernández, Tomás 21 December 2015 (has links)
Aquesta investigació parteix de la percepció sobre el sector professional eqüestre a Catalunya i de l’estudi i l’anàlisi de dades resultat de la recerca bibliogràfica i documental. Han estat de gran utilitat les opinions expressades per professionals i experts del món del cavall. La recerca descriu l’evolució de la influència del cavall al llarg de les civilitzacions humanes, per a finalment estudiar la situació general del sector eqüestre a Catalunya, a Espanya i a alguns països de la Unió Europea La tesi doctoral es proposa demostrar que el sector professional eqüestre té moltes possibilitats de creixement. S’ha de tenir en compte que a la península Ibèrica les condicions climàtiques, geogràfiques i rurals afavoreixen la criança d’èquids i el seu ús. El cavall està molt arrelat a la història i a la cultura de Catalunya i d’Espanya. Actualment el sector equí és important però pot ser-ho molt més créixer i esdevenir en un generador de llocs de treball i de riquesa. La hipòtesi de la tesi és la següent: A Catalunya, el sector productiu del cavall està acceptablement consolidat, però desenvolupa una part reduïda de les seves potencialitats. Actualment no gaudeix de la valoració social i econòmica que mereix. Ni els oficis del cavall ni els professionals que s’hi dediquen, són reconeguts amb justícia per la societat. L’aplicació d’un sistema eficaç de formació professional, acompanyat de mesures dinamitzadores i d’un canvi d’orientació en les polítiques de desenvolupament, podrien impulsar la importància productiva i de rendibilitat social del sector eqüestre. Actualment el cavall continua essent de gran importància per a l’home. Les seves funcions han evolucionat molt en els últims 50 anys. Ara, la productivitat del cavall es concentra principalment en les següents activitats: la pràctica de disciplines esportives, el turisme eqüestre, l’educació, la compravenda de cavalls i eugues, la producció dels equipaments i les instal·lacions, la comercialització de matèries primeres, la seguretat i els espectacles. La formació professional de les persones que hi treballen és la clau del progrés i la qualitat. La preparació dels professionals es tradueix en la millora dels serveis, en millors condicions de treball, millors salaris, estabilitat en la feina i major acceptació social. L’enfocament més pragmàtic de la tesi és la proposta d’estructuració laboral del sector equí a Catalunya. Es descriuen les professions més destacades i es fa una proposta innovadora del disseny curricular d’alguns oficis del cavall. Concretament dels oficis d'Expert en Cura i Maneig del Cavall, d’Auxiliar de Ferrador i Oficial de Ferrador, d’Auxiliar de Baster i Oficial Baster i l’ofici d’Acompanyant de Turisme Eqüestre. Per finalitzar, la tesi ofereix en les conclusions propostes concretes d’actuació per a les empreses i els organismes oficials. / The starting point of this study is the perception of the equestrian professional sector in Catalonia and the interpretation and analysis of the data as a result of the bibliographic and documentary research. The opinions expressed by professionals and experts in the horse world have been of great value. This research describes the evolution of the horse influence over the course of human civilizations to finally study the current situation of the equestrian sector in Catalonia, in Spain and in some countries of the European Union. The thesis aims to prove that the equestrian professional sector has many possibilities of growth. It must be borne in mind that, in the Iberian Peninsula, geographical and rural weather conditions favour the breeding of the horse and its use. The horse is deeply rooted in the history and culture of Catalonia and Spain. Currently the equestrian sector is of great importance; but this could be expanded and it could become a generator of jobs and wealth. The dissertation hypothesis is the following: in Catalonia, the horse productive sector is satisfactorily established but only a small part of its potential is being exploited. Nowadays it doesn’t receive the social and economic value that it deserves. Neither the horses nor the professionals’ work has been given a fair recognition by society. The application of an effective professional training system, accompanied by revitalizing measures and an orientation change of the development policies could promote the importance of the productivity and the social profitability of the equestrian sector. At the moment, the horse continues to be of great importance for the man. Its roll has evolved a lot during the past 50 years. In the current scenario, the productivity of the horse is mainly focused on the following activities: the practice of sports, equestrian tourism, education, buying and selling of horses and mares, the production of equipment and facilities, marketing of raw materials; security and entertainment performances. The vocational training of the people working in the equestrian sector is the key to progress and quality. The preparation of professionals translates into improved services, better working conditions, better wages, employment stability and greater social acceptance. The most pragmatic approach of the thesis statement is the proposal of a new employment structure system for the equine sector in Catalonia. It describes the most important positions in the field and offers an innovative proposal for the curricular design of some of the trades. Specifically, the trades of Expert in the Handle and Care of the Horse, Farrier Assistant and Senior Farrier; Saddler Assistant and Senior Saddler; and the trade of Equestrian Tourism Companion. Finally, the thesis offers concrete action proposals for the businesses and agencies involved.

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