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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigations into the Significance of the Evolutionary Descent of Prion Genes from Ancestral Zip Transporter

Salehzadeh, Ashkan 04 December 2012 (has links)
The conformational conversion of the cellular prion protein (PrPC) to PrP scrapie (PrPSc) is a hallmark of prion diseases [1]. The cellular role of PrP and the mechanism of PrPSc neurotoxicity remain largely elusive. Therefore, the identification of new prion-like proteins can assist in revealing the function of PrP. A recent study identified a sub-branch of ZIP (Zrt-, Irt-like protein) metal transporters, including ZIP5, ZIP6 and ZIP10, to be evolutionarily related to PrP. This thesis attempts to understand the functional relevance of this relationship between PrP and ZIP transporters with regard to PrP pathobiology. Preliminary observations indicated that PrP, ZIP6 and ZIP10 underwent endoproteolysis in scrapie-infected mouse brains. PrP and ZIP10 processing mimicked the proteolysis which occurs in cell culture during zinc-deficient conditions, suggesting that scrapie infection may be associated with zinc deficiency. More work is needed to uncover whether ZIPs can contribute to the propagation of prion diseases.

Avaluació de la resposta “in vitro” de condròcits humans tractats amb plasma ric en plaquetes (PRP), en presència de LPS o en condicions d’estrés oxidatiu

Viñals Galí, Laia 13 December 2011 (has links)
INTRODUCCIÓ: En les patologies articulars que afecten el cartílag existeix una relació bidireccional entre la degradació del teixit i la resposta inflamatòria. El plasma ric en plaquetes conté factors moduladors de la inflamació i promotors de la regeneració. Aquests factors podrien actuar sobre els condròcits modificant-ne l’expressió de citocines i molècules de la matriu cartilaginosa, de forma que es generaria un entorn favorable per la recuperació del dany. OBJECTIUS: Establir models in vitro de condròcits tractats amb LPS i de condròcits tractats amb agents oxidants i avaluar l’efecte del plasma ric en plaquetes sobre aquests models cel·lulars. MATERIAL I MÈTODES: S’han establert cultius primaris de condròcits a partir de biòpsies de cartílag articular i s’han tractat amb LPS (100 μg/ml) o amb H2O2 (1mM) durant 24 h. S’ha valorat l’activitat metabòlica dels condròcits mitjançant la quantificació de glicosaminoglicans (GAGs) en els sobrenadants dels cultius i també s’ha valorat el patró de citocines i factors de creixement (IL-12p70, TNF-_, IL-10, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-8 i TGF-β) alliberats pels condròcits en el sobrenadant, mitjançant citometria de flux o ELISA. S’ha generat plasma ric en plaquetes a partir de sang sencera i se n’ha valorat el contingut en TGF-β. S’han tractat els cultius de condròcits amb PRP (25% i 50%) i s’ha valorat l’activitat metabòlica i el perfil de citocines dels condròcits. RESULTATS: El tractament dels condròcits amb LPS provoca un increment de GAGs i de les citocines TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8 i IL-10 en els sobrenadant, mentre que disminueixen els nivells de TGF-β. A l’afegir PRP ric en TGF-β al cultiu, el TNF-α i la IL-10 del sobrenadant disminueixen. L’oxidació dels condròcits amb H2O2 provoca la disminució de GAGs en el sobrenadant però no altera el perfil de citocines. L’efecte del PRP sobre el cultiu de condròcits en condicions d’oxidació genera un increment de la IL-8 i un lleuger augment de la IL-6. CONCLUSIONS: Els condròcits participen de forma activa en la resposta inflamatòria ja que quan estan en presència d’un agent com el LPS canvien el perfil de citocines inflamatòries i reguladores que sintetitzen. El PRP, ric en TGF-β, modifica el patró de citocines cap a un perfil menys inflamatori i pot promoure la proliferació dels condròcits. El tractament amb PRP de condròcits en un entorn oxidatiu provoca uns efectes similars als del tractament amb PRP sobre cultius normals, però en menor intensitat. / INTRODUCCIÓN:En las patologías articulares que afectan el cartílago existe una relación bidireccional entre la degradación del tejido y la respuesta inflamatoria, de manera que se generan situaciones de inflamación crónica y de perpetuación de la degradación del tejido. El plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) contiene factores moduladores de la inflamación y promotores de la regeneración como el TGF-β. La hipótesis de este trabajo es que estos factores podrían actuar sobre los condrocitos modificando la expresión de citocinas y de moléculas de la matriz cartilaginosa, de forma que se generaría un entorno favorable para la recuperación del daño. OBJETIVOS: Establecer modelos in vitro de condrocitos tratados con LPS y de condrocitos tratados con agentes oxidantes, y evaluar el efecto del plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) en estos modelos de daño celular. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se han establecido cultivos primarios de condrocitos a partir de biopsias de cartílago articular procedentes de pacientes (70-90 años) sometidos a cirugía de reemplazamiento. Se han generado modelos de daño celular tratando cultivos de condrocitos con LPS (100 µg/ml) o con H2O2 (1mM) durante 24 h. Se ha valorado la actividad sintética de los condrocitos con la cuantificación de los glucosaminoglicanos (GAGs) en los sobrenadantes de los cultivos mediante el ensayo colorimétrico DMMB. También se ha valorado el patrón de citocinas inflamatorias y antiinflamatorias, y de factores de crecimiento (IL-12p70, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-8 y TGF-β) liberados por los condrocitos en el sobrenadante, mediante citometría de flujo (ensayo CBA) o mediante ELISA. Se ha generado plasma rico en plaquetas mediante centrifugación (460 g) de sangre entera y se ha determinado el contenido de TGF-β después de la activación de las plaquetas con 45mM CaCl2. Se han tratado los diferentes cultivos de condrocitos con PRP (25% y 50%) y se ha valorado el efecto de éste sobre la actividad sintética y el perfil de citocinas de los condrocitos. RESULTADOS:El tratamiento de los condrocitos con LPS provoca un incremento de GAGs y de las citocinas TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8 e IL-10 en los sobrenadantes, mientras que los niveles de TGF-β disminuyen. Cuando se añade PRP rico en TGF-β al cultivo, la cantidad de TNF-α y de IL-10 en el sobrenadante disminuye, mientras que la cantidad de IL-6 e IL-8 se mantiene elevada, como también se mantiene la capacidad de síntesis de GAGs. La oxidación de los condrocitos con H2O2 provoca la disminución de GAGs en el sobrenadante, pero no modifica el perfil de citocinas. El efecto del PRP sobre el cultivo de condrocitos en condiciones de oxidación recupera la síntesis de GAGs y genera un incremento de la IL-8 y un ligero aumento de la IL-6. CONCLUSIONES: Los condrocitos participan de forma activa en la respuesta inflamatoria ya que, cuando están en presencia de un agente como el LPS, cambian el perfil de citocinas inflamatorias y reguladoras que sintetizan. Con la adición en el cultivo de PRP, rico en TGF-β, se estaría supliendo la disminución de TGF-β provocada por el LPS en los condrocitos y provocaría el cambio en el patrón de citocinas hacia un perfil menos inflamatorio. Si una situación similar sucediera in vivo, con el uso del PRP, se estaría generando un entorno favorable para la recuperación del daño. El tratamiento in vitro con PRP de condrocitos en un entorno oxidativo, produce efectos similares a los tratamientos con PRP sobre cultivos normales, pero en menor intensidad, pudiendo, eso sí, recuperar la actividad sintética de matriz extracelular. / INTRODUCCIÓN:En las patologías articulares que afectan el cartílago existe una relación bidireccional entre la degradación del tejido y la respuesta inflamatoria, de manera que se generan situaciones de inflamación crónica y de perpetuación de la degradación del tejido. El plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) contiene factores moduladores de la inflamación y promotores de la regeneración como el TGF-β. La hipótesis de este trabajo es que estos factores podrían actuar sobre los condrocitos modificando la expresión de citocinas y de moléculas de la matriz cartilaginosa, de forma que se generaría un entorno favorable para la recuperación del daño. OBJETIVOS: Establecer modelos in vitro de condrocitos tratados con LPS y de condrocitos tratados con agentes oxidantes, y evaluar el efecto del plasma rico en plaquetas (PRP) en estos modelos de daño celular. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se han establecido cultivos primarios de condrocitos a partir de biopsias de cartílago articular procedentes de pacientes (70-90 años) sometidos a cirugía de reemplazamiento. Se han generado modelos de daño celular tratando cultivos de condrocitos con LPS (100 µg/ml) o con H2O2 (1mM) durante 24 h. Se ha valorado la actividad sintética de los condrocitos con la cuantificación de los glucosaminoglicanos (GAGs) en los sobrenadantes de los cultivos mediante el ensayo colorimétrico DMMB. También se ha valorado el patrón de citocinas inflamatorias y antiinflamatorias, y de factores de crecimiento (IL-12p70, TNF-α, IL-10, IL-6, IL-1β, IL-8 y TGF-β) liberados por los condrocitos en el sobrenadante, mediante citometría de flujo (ensayo CBA) o mediante ELISA. Se ha generado plasma rico en plaquetas mediante centrifugación (460 g) de sangre entera y se ha determinado el contenido de TGF-β después de la activación de las plaquetas con 45mM CaCl2. Se han tratado los diferentes cultivos de condrocitos con PRP (25% y 50%) y se ha valorado el efecto de éste sobre la actividad sintética y el perfil de citocinas de los condrocitos. RESULTADOS:El tratamiento de los condrocitos con LPS provoca un incremento de GAGs y de las citocinas TNF-α, IL-6, IL-8 e IL-10 en los sobrenadantes, mientras que los niveles de TGF-β disminuyen. Cuando se añade PRP rico en TGF-β al cultivo, la cantidad de TNF-α y de IL-10 en el sobrenadante disminuye, mientras que la cantidad de IL-6 e IL-8 se mantiene elevada, como también se mantiene la capacidad de síntesis de GAGs. La oxidación de los condrocitos con H2O2 provoca la disminución de GAGs en el sobrenadante, pero no modifica el perfil de citocinas. El efecto del PRP sobre el cultivo de condrocitos en condiciones de oxidación recupera la síntesis de GAGs y genera un incremento de la IL-8 y un ligero aumento de la IL-6. CONCLUSIONES: Los condrocitos participan de forma activa en la respuesta inflamatoria ya que, cuando están en presencia de un agente como el LPS, cambian el perfil de citocinas inflamatorias y reguladoras que sintetizan. Con la adición en el cultivo de PRP, rico en TGF-β, se estaría supliendo la disminución de TGF-β provocada por el LPS en los condrocitos y provocaría el cambio en el patrón de citocinas hacia un perfil menos inflamatorio. Si una situación similar sucediera in vivo, con el uso del PRP, se estaría generando un entorno favorable para la recuperación del daño. El tratamiento in vitro con PRP de condrocitos en un entorno oxidativo, produce efectos similares a los tratamientos con PRP sobre cultivos normales, pero en menor intensidad, pudiendo, eso sí, recuperar la actividad sintética de matriz extracelular.

Vliv aplikace přípravků pro zlepšení vitálních funkcí půdy na vybrané půdní vlastnosti v ZS Sloveč, a.s. / Influence of application of activators of vital soil functions on selected soil characteristics at ZS Sloveč, a.s.

Novák, Václav January 2016 (has links)
This thesis covers issues of soil physical properties changes after the application of farmyard manure, industrial fertilizers or substances which aim for improvement of vital soil properties. The first part of the thesis is focused on soil issues and besides other things it covers types of soil degradation or physical soil properties. In the next part of the thesis there is a focus on substances which improve physical soil properties. Biochar and other representative products of company PRP Technologies are described in this part. The practical part of this thesis describes selected properties changes which have arisen after a year of field trials in company Zemědělská společnost Sloveč, for example changes in traction or penetration resistance. The last part includes the summary of results, conclusion and the recommendation of author.

Efeito do plasma rico em plaquetas pré ou pós inseminação artificial sobre a resposta inflamatória e índice de fertilidade em éguas susceptíveis a endometrite persistente pós-cobertura / Effect of platelet rich-plasma pre or post-artificial insemination on the inflammatory reaction and fertlity rates in susceptible mares to persistent breeding-induced endometritis

Segabinazzi, Lorenzo Garrido Teixeira Martini [UNESP] 14 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by LORENZO GARRIDO TEIXEIRA MARTINI SEGABINAZZI null (lorenzosegabinazzi@unesp.com.br) on 2016-11-11T16:37:12Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertação de mestrado Lorenzo FINAL.pdf: 2227722 bytes, checksum: 5a7e643913e44a96155c8fd80a611918 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by LUIZA DE MENEZES ROMANETTO null (luizaromanetto@hotmail.com) on 2016-11-16T16:09:30Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 segabinazzi_lgtm_me_bot.pdf: 2227722 bytes, checksum: 5a7e643913e44a96155c8fd80a611918 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-16T16:09:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 segabinazzi_lgtm_me_bot.pdf: 2227722 bytes, checksum: 5a7e643913e44a96155c8fd80a611918 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-14 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A endometrite persistente pós-cobertura (EPPC) é a principal causa de redução da fertilidade nas éguas, causando impactos importantes dentro do mercado do cavalo. Os tratamentos comumente utilizados para EPPC visam apenas minimizar os fatores predisponentes a sua instalação, não atuando diretamente no processo inflamatório. Com o intuito de reduzir a resposta inflamatória, estudos recentes têm demonstrado um aumento da fertilidade de animais acometidos por EPPC, quando se utiliza agentes imunomoduladores. O PRP é modulador da resposta inflamatória que está sendo largamente utilizado na medicina veterinária. Este concentrado de plaquetas contém diversos fatores de crescimento que atuam diretamente nos mediadores inflamatórios, reduzindo o processo e promovendo reparação tecidual. O PRP é benéfico no tratamento de inflamações tendíneas e osteoarticulares, modulando a inflamação e acelerando a regeneração do tecido lesionado. Mais recentemente alguns pesquisadores demonstraram o efeito benéfico do PRP em tratamentos intrauterinos de éguas. Desta forma o presente estudo tem por objetivo revisar os aspectos relacionados a EPPC assim como ao PRP e seu mecanismo de ação. / The persistent breeding-induced endometritis (PBIE) is the main cause of decrease fertility in the horses, thereby causing significant impact in the horse’s market. The treatments commonly used for PBIE view only minimize the predisposing factors and do not act directly in the inflammatory process. Aiming to reduce the inflammatory response, recent studies have shown an increase in fertility of animals with PBIE when used immunomodulatory agents. A modulator of the inflammatory response that has been largely used in veterinary medicine is the platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This platelet concentrate contains many growth factors which act directly on inflammatory mediators, reducing process and promoting tissue repair. Several studies have shown that PRP is beneficial in the treatment of osteoarticular and tendon inflammations, modulating inflammation and accelerates the regeneration of injured tissue. More recently some researchers have demonstrated the beneficial effect of PRP in intrauterine treatment of mares. Thus, the present study aimed to do a literature review on the aspects related to PBIE, as well as the PRP and its mechanism of action. / FAPESP: 2015/00150-8

Development of a new extraction method for platelet-rich plasma and partial purification of platelet-derived growth factor and transforming growth factor beta

Laurens, Ilze January 2013 (has links)
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is the cell free plasma, which has an enriched concentration of platelets and clotting factors with the ability to enhance the natural healing process. PRP is often used by physicians in an office setting to accelerate the healing of a variety of sports related injuries, chronic wounds and enhance skin rejuvenation. PRP mimics the wound healing cascade by enhancing the recruitment, proliferation and differentiation of cells involved in tissue regeneration. Although PRP is used to enhance healing, the efficacy thereof is debated as no clear-cut set of parameters is available that device manufacturers and protocols should follow. The lack of uniformity in the PRP preparation methods results in differing PRP volume, platelet contents and unavoidably platelet-derived growth factors. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop a simple and rapid method for preparing autologous PRP in an office setting using a tabletop centrifuge for point-of-care use. The simplified preparation procedure involved a single centrifugation step of 18 ml of whole blood, which sufficiently enriched the platelet content in the PRP fraction. As activated platelets express and release growth factors and cytokines that mediate the different phases of the wound healing cascade, the extracted PRP fraction was activated with an ethanol, calcium chloride (CaCl2) and platelet poor plasma (PPP) preparation in glass containers, without the collection of additional blood as required in some protocols. The activated PRP formed a fibrin clot, trapping the degranulating platelets and its released growth factors. The concentration of TGF- 1 obtained from the fibrin clot was 45.49 ± 3.80 ng/ml, in range with the available literature. During the in vitro studies, the extracted PRP by the developed method was able to significantly induce cell proliferation in a dose dependent manner. Cells enumerated with the crystal violet assay indicated that the cells treaded with 5% or 10% PRP significantly increased the percentage of viable cells to 165-176% and 156-158%, when compared to the positive controls. Cells enumerated with the MTT-assay indicated that the cells treaded with 5% or 10% PRP increased the percentage of viable cells to 79-91% and 87-105% which is comparable to that of the positive control. Data from the cellular proliferation assays indicate that sufficient plateletderived growth factors had been obtained with the preparation procedure. Furthermore, data from the in vivo studies indicated that the extracted PRP was able to augment soft tissue regeneration and bone formation. Treatment with the activated PRP resulted in symptom reduction and accelerated healing of various injuries. The simplified preparation and the use of the provided study product packaged in a kit developed during this study will enable physicians to easily obtain autologous PRP, in an office setting for point-of-care use, with the ability to induce tissue regeneration. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2013 / gm2014 / Pharmacology / unrestricted

Uso do Plasma Rico em Plaquetas Autólogo e Alogênico Aquecido no Tratamento de Ceratite Ulcerativa em Cães

Ferreira, Annalú Pinton. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Cláudia Valéria Seullner Brandão / Resumo: O plasma rico em plaquetas (PRP) atua na reparação corneal e, quando aquecido, minimiza a reação imunológica local sem interferir nos níveis dos fatores de crescimento. O objetivo deste estudo clínico foi comparar o PRP autólogo (GP) com o alogênico aquecido (GA) no tratamento de ceratite ulcerativa em cães, bem como os seus efeitos clínicos. Para isso, foram utilizados 24 cães diagnosticados na rotina oftalmológica com ceratite ulcerativa, distribuídos aleatoriamente em dois grupos experimentais, um tratado utilizando-se colírio de PRP autólogo (n=11) e outro com colírio de PRP alogênico aquecido (n=13). Todos os animais foram avaliados no momento inicial do atendimento e após 3, 5, 10, 15 e 30 dias do tratamento. Foram analisadas as seguintes variáveis oftalmológicas: blefaroespasmo, secreção ocular, opacidade corneal, vascularização, fotofobia, hiperemia conjuntival, quemose, espessura corneal e o percentual de redução da úlcera de córnea. Não houve diferenças estatísticas entre os grupos considerando o tratamento utilizado e verificou-se redução no tempo de cicatrização da lesão com adequada reepitelização corneal, bem como diminuição da opacidade e dos sinais de inflamação. Concluiu-se que o PRP autólogo e alogênico aquecido em cães apresentam-se de forma equiparável, sendo uma excelente opção no tratamento adjuvante da ceratite ulcerativa. / Abstract: Platelet rich plasma (PRP) acts on corneal repair and, when heated, presents reduced local immune response without interfering in growth factor levels. This clinical trial aimed to compare the use of autologous PRP (AP) and heated allogeneic PRP (HP) in the treatment of ulcerative keratitis in dogs, as well as their clinical effects. For this purpose, 24 dogs were utilized from the routine with diagnosis of ulcerative keratitis, and randomly distributed into two experimental groups, one treated with autologous PRP eye drops (n=11) and the other with heated allogeneic PRP eye drops (n=13). All the animals were evaluated at the initial moment of attendance and after 3, 5, 10, 15 and 30 days of treatment. The ophthalmologic variables analyzed were: blepharospasm, ocular discharge, corneal opacity, vascularization, photophobia, conjunctival hyperemia, chemosis, corneal thickness, as well as the percentage of corneal ulcer reduction. There were no statistical differences between the groups as to the treatment utilized whereas there was verification of a reduction in the injury-wound-healing time with adequate corneal re-epithelialization, as well as diminution of opacity and of inflammation signs. It was concluded that autologous and heated allogenic PRP in dogs are comparable in efficacy and constitute an excellent option in the adjuvant treatment of ulcerative keratitis. / Mestre


Lu, Xiaojun 25 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.


Mandavyapuram, Hima Bindu 23 July 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Toxicity and Processing of Cellular Prion Protein in Skeletal Muscles

Liang, Jingjing 30 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Comparison of platelet counting technologies in equine platelet concentrates

O'Shea, Caitlin Mary 16 April 2014 (has links)
Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a popular autologous biological therapy used for the treatment of various equine ailments, including tendon and ligament injuries, osteoarthritis, and cutaneous wounds. A number of commercial products are available for producing PRP, each generating a slightly different product. Variations in platelet numbers and white blood cell (WBC) counts are believed to be the most critical variables, as they are directly related to concentrations of growth factors and inflammatory cytokines. Accurate documentation of platelet numbers is essential for prospective evaluation of clinical outcomes, but can be problematic in platelet concentrates depending on the counting method employed. The objectives of this study were to compare the performance of four platelet counting technologies in equine platelet concentrates and to evaluate the ability of the Magellan PRP system to concentrate equine platelets. We hypothesized that there would be no differences in platelet counts among the four counting technologies and that the Magellan system would generate platelet concentrations greater than 500,000/μL. Citrated whole blood was collected from 32 horses and platelet, WBC, and red blood cell concentrations were measured using a commercial hematology analyzer (Advia 2120) prior to preparation of PRP using the Magellan system. Platelets were quantified in individual identical aliquots of equine PRP produced by the Magellan system (n=32) using three different technologies: optical scatter (Advia 2120), impedance (CellDyn 3700), and hand count using direct microscopy (Thrombo-TIC). An immunofluorescent counting method was performed on a subset of 15 of the 32 samples using a mouse monoclonal anti-sheep antibody against integrin alpha αIIbβ₃ (anti-CD41/CD61) and a fluorescent secondary antibody. Measured platelet concentrations were compared using Passing and Bablok regression analyses and mixed model ANOVA. The Magellan PRP system yielded mean (± SD) platelet and WBC counts of 893,090 ± 226,610/μL and 35,806 ± 9,971/μL, respectively. Platelet counts generated by optical scatter were consistently higher than those generated by impedance. Systematic and proportional biases were observed between these two automated methods. No bias (systematic or proportional) was observed among any of the other counting methods. Despite the bias detected between the two automated systems, there were no significant differences on average among the four counting methods evaluated, based on the ANOVA. All four platelet counting methods tested are therefore suitable for quantifying platelets in equine PRP for clinical applications. The Magellan PRP system consistently generated desirably high platelet concentrations as well as higher than expected WBC concentrations. The high platelet concentrations served as a good test medium for the study; however, the concurrent high WBC counts may be undesirable for selected orthopedic applications. / Master of Science

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