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Investigating the chondroprotective efficacy of autologous bovine platelet-rich plasma in Staphylococcus aureus-induced in vitro septic arthritis modelMuir, Andrew Jacob Thomas January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Thromboelastographic Clot Parameters of Autologous Equine Blood Products Activated by Various Clotting AgentsGhassab, Sasan 28 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Prevention of Incisional Hernias Using Mesenchymal Stromal Cells and Platelet-Rich Plasma treated Collagen Matrix TapeDiehl, Michael W. 18 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigating Task-Order Coordination in Dual-Task SituationsKübler, Sebastian 25 May 2021 (has links)
Bisherige Studien liefern Hinweise für das Auftreten von aktiven Prozessen der Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Diese Prozesse sind notwendig für die Regulation der Bearbeitungsreihenfolge von zwei Aufgaben. Bisher ist jedoch wenig über die kognitiven und neuronalen Mechanismen bekannt, die diesen Prozessen zugrunde liegen. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war deshalb die Überprüfung eines Modells aktiver Reihenfolgekoordination in Doppelaufgaben. Das Modell nimmt an, dass diese Prozesse auf Repräsentationen zurückgreifen, die Informationen über die Verarbeitungssequenz zweier Aufgaben enthält. Zusätzlich macht das Modell Annahmen über (1) den Ort der Verarbeitung und (2) den genauen Inhalt dieser Repräsentationen. Weiterhin enthält das Modell die Annahmen, dass (3) der präfrontale Kortex kausal in Reihenfolgekoordination involviert ist und dass (4) diese Prozesse von unterschiedlichen Kriterien beeinflusst werden.
In dieser Dissertation wurde das Model in einer Reihe von vier Studien überprüft. Dazu wurde ein Doppelaufgabenparadigma mit zufällig wechselnder Aufgabenreihenfolge verwendet. Ich konnte zeigen, dass die Reihenfolgerepräsentationen im Arbeitsgedächtnis aufrechterhalten und aktiv verarbeitet werden. Ich konnte weiterhin zeigen, dass diese Repräsentationen nur Information über die Sequenz der Aufgaben enthalten. Spezifische Aufgabeninformation wird hingegen separat repräsentiert. Durch den Einsatz transkranieller Magnetstimulation konnte ich zudem nachweisen, dass der präfrontale Kortex eine kausale Rolle für Reihenfolgekoordination spielt. Darüber hinaus konnte ich zeigen, dass Anforderungen an Reihenfolgekoordinationsprozesse in Situationen, in denen Probanden ein von außen vorgegebenes Reihenfolgekriterium befolgen, erhöht sind im Vergleich zu Situationen, in denen Probanden ein auf einer freien Wahl basierendes Kriterium nutzen können. Die Implikationen dieser Ergebnisse werden unter Berücksichtigung des vorgeschlagenen Modells diskutiert. / Evidence from behavioral as well as neurophysiological studies indicates the occurrence of active task-order coordination processes in dual-task situations. These processes are required for planning and regulating the processing sequence of two tasks that overlap in time. So far, however, the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying active task-order coordination are highly underspecified. To tackle this issue, in the present dissertation I tested a model of task-order coordination in dual-task situations. This model assumes that task-order coordination relies on representations that contain information about the processing sequence of the two component tasks. In addition, the model includes assumptions about the (1) locus of processing as well as (2) the exact content of these order representations. The model further assumes that (3) the lateral prefrontal cortex is causally involved in implementing task-order coordination processes and that (4) these processes are affected by different order criteria.
I tested this model in a series of four studies by applying a dual-task paradigm with randomly changing task order. I demonstrated that task-order representations are actively maintained and processed in working memory during dual tasking. Moreover, I found that these order representations only contain information about the processing sequence of tasks, whereas specific component task information is represented separately. By applying transcranial magnetic stimulation, I also provided evidence for the causal role of the lateral prefrontal cortex for task-order coordination. Furthermore, I showed that the demands on task-order coordination are increased when participants have to adhere to an external and mandatory order criterion compared to when they can use an internally generated order criterion that is based on free choice. The implications of these results as well as an outlook for future research will be discussed in the framework of the proposed model.
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Automatizace rozvodny VN s využitím řídicího systému COM600 a standardu IEC61850 / Medium voltage substation automation using control system COM600 and standard IEC61850Havelka, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
This work deals with problematic of standard IEC61850, mainly with chapter IEC 61850-9-2 LE which is commonly known as Process bus communication. There are described advanced tools of the control system COM600 with detail description of their configuration in this work. It also deals with configuration of IEC 61850-9-2 LE with Relion family protection relays and its implementation to the control system COM600. The main aim of this work is focused on configuration of IEC 61850-9-2 standard with protection relays, configuration and detail description of COM600 advanced tools, description of Logic processor, further custom design and appliaction configuration global reset of Logic procesor in control system COM600.
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Evaluation of the poverty relief programme in the Limpopo Province within the context of the reconstruction and development programme : a social work perspectiveMamburu, David Nyadzani 14 January 2005 (has links)
Poverty is the most problematic social problem facing the South African society today. Its causes have been associated with many factors such as the high rate of unemployment, HIV/AIDS, low educational backgrounds of people and others. In order to reduce poverty and other conditions of exclusion, government has introduced the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) which is concentrated on the mobilization of resources from government institutions and non-governmental organizations towards the improvement of the quality of life of the communities, especially those which were historically disadvantaged. The RDP is realized through a number of different programmes which are conducted by different government departments and nongovernmental organizations. One of these programmes is the Poverty Relief Programme (PRP) which was formulated by the Department of Social Development and implemented and evaluated by some of the provincial departments of Health and Welfare. This study is about the evaluation of the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the PRP in the Limpopo Province within the context of the RDP from a social work perspective. In order to successfully evaluate the PRP, the researcher has categorized this study into three objectives, which form this report. The first objective was to conduct an extensive literature investigation regarding poverty as a social problem, public policy and the RDP and the PRP. Poverty was identified as a social problem because it is a condition of deprivation which affects a large number of people and communities due to the previous South African apartheid dispensation. Poverty is said to affect the poor due to their cultural orientation because they are lazy to work, they fail to suppress their immediate gratification, they consume large amounts of substances, they keep large family households which have the highest incidents of domestic violence and child and wife physical and sexual abuse, they do not obtain the opportunities available to them for their development and they have high rates of divorce. The second analogous view of poverty is that it is caused by the inadequate social policies and social programmes, which are developed to assist the poor. This view explains that poverty is evident due to the reason that the social policies and social programmes are weak in eradicating it. At this level, the researcher attempted to distinguish between the concepts public policy, social policy and a social programme. The public policy is every policy which is developed by cabinet, which when closely viewed, it has types such as the social policy, economic policy, defense policy, foreign policy and the environmental policy. The RDP is a social policy which is realized through a number of social programmes, one of them being the PRP. This study conceptualized the public policy through discussions of its theoretical models, namely; the descriptive and prescriptive models regarding public policy making. The former is aimed at explaining the public policy making process whilst the latter explains the outcomes or the impacts associated with public policy making. This study suggested that public policy making is made possible when it is conducted through a specific process which has five phases, namely; the policy agenda, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation and policy evaluation. The RDP has already been mentioned as a social policy, which could be realized through social programmes, one of them being the PRP. The PRP is a social programme, which has an aim of alleviating poverty within South African communities. It is effective in achieving its mission through conducting a number of projects which are as follows: food security initiatives, community development structures, development of the self-help organizations, the aged and child care, the disabled, youth who are deviant, financial planning and management and monitoring and evaluation. This study was aimed at evaluating whether the objectives of the PRP were adequately formulated, implemented and evaluated towards the eradication of poverty in the South African context. The second objective of this study was to conduct an empirical investigation with regard to the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the PRP in the Limpopo Province. The researcher utilized the exploratory research design because the evaluation of the PRP in the Limpopo Province has not been done before. The research project utilized the quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, which were combined into a mixed methodological design model. The populations for the study were a PRP framework, the key-informants who participated during the implementation of the projects and the community development officers who participated during the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the PRP. This also called for a variety of the sampling methods, namely; the judgmental sampling method, the stratified random sampling method and the simple random sampling method which were used to select the key-informants, and the systematic random sampling method which was used to select the community development officers. The research data were also collected through a variety of data collection methods, namely; content analysis was used to collect quantitative data regarding the formulation of the PRP as document; semi-structured interviews were utilized to collect both quantitative and qualitative data regarding the implementation of the PRP from the key-informants; and the self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the quantitative and qualitative data regarding the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the PRP from the community development officers. The data for this study were analysed through two methods, namely: the quantitative data were analysed manually and were expressed into tables and figures and the qualitative data were analysed through the coding process which was contributed by Creswell (1998). The empirical investigation for this study purported the following important research findings regarding the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the PRP in the Limpopo Province: (i) the content analysis revealed that the PRP has objectives which are not related to the reduction of poverty in the communities, such as the community development structures which are not an objective but rather a prerequisite for every project, youth who are deviant, the aged and child care which could be effective if developed into programmes already available in the field of gerontology and the child support grant, financial planning and management, monitoring and evaluation which is a phase of the community development project. (ii) the semi-structured interviews revealed that community development projects and community needs are being identified by the community development officers on behalf of communities and that most of the projects are inadequately funded and as such they fail to sustainably develop communities. (iii) the self-administered questionnaires revealed that most community development officers hold standard ten as their highest educational qualification which is highly available in the communities they serve, they do not have a professional background and are not registered with the professional council which is recognized in the country, the PRP was formulated centrally at the Department of Social Development and is being implemented and evaluated by some of the provincial departments of Health and Welfare and that the funding for the community development projects is insufficient. The third objective of the study was to make conclusions and recommendations based on the research findings with regard to the effective formulation, implementation and evaluation of the PRP in the Limpopo Province. It has been concluded in this study that the poor implementation and evaluation of the PRP in the Limpopo Province is due to the absence of a specific framework, and the researcher recommended that such a document must be developed. Poor implementation and evaluation of the PRP in the Limpopo Province is due to the centralization of the programme and therefore the researcher recommends that the department of Social Development must be decentralized to the provinces. The researcher concluded that the grassroots are denied an opportunity to actively participate in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the PRP, and he therefore recommended that the grassroots must be involved in the identification of their community needs and projects, their planning, implementation and evaluation. Another limitation of the PRP was mentioned as poor funding of the community development projects, and the researcher maintained that if the projects are adequately funded, they will sustainably develop communities. The researcher is of the opinion that community development practitioners must hold high educational qualifications which are not available in the communities they serve and that immediately such practitioners interact with the communities, they must be required to be registered with a recognized professional council. / Thesis (DPhil (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted
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Bioinformatic Identification and Analysis of Hydroxyproline-rich Glycoproteins in PlantsLiu, Xiao 19 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv základní agrotechniky na fyzikální a hydrofyzikální vlastnosti půdy / Effect of basic agrotechnics for physical and hydrophysical properties of soilKomárková, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
In the master’s thesis, we evaluate the impact of different types of soil treatment on the physical and hydro-physical properties of the subsurface layers of soil. The experimental research took place near the town of Šakvice in two chosen areas treated conventionally, i.e. by tillage. The PRP SOL substance was applied to one of the observed areas. Unimpaired soil samples were taken during the vegetation period of the grown crops in the topsoil (10,20 cm) and in the undersoil (30 cm) on 13th May 2009 and on 10th September 2009. The chosen physical parameters of the soil, i.e. the reduced volume mass, the porosity, the distribution of pores, the actual content of water and air, were determined by standard analytical methods. The double-ring infiltration method was used during the field measuring of infiltration. The Philip’s equation and the Philip’s type three-parameter equation were used for the data analysis, serving as a base for estimation of saturated water content Ks. A protractor with a constant gradient was used during laboratory measuring. The results of a year-long research have not shown any major influence of the PRP SOL substance on the physical quality of the subsurface layers of soil in the observed area. On the contrary, the permeability od the soil obtained on the basis of Ks estimation is higher in the area treated by the PRP SOL substance.
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On the interplay of response selection and visual attention in dual-task situations / a behavioral and electrophysiological investigationReimer, Christina Brigitte 15 March 2017 (has links)
Die Reaktionsauswahl und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit sind kapazitätslimitiert. In Doppelaufgaben des Paradigmas der Psychologischen Refraktärperiode (PRP) wird angenommen, dass die Reaktionsauswahlstufen in Aufgabe 1 und Aufgabe 2 sequentiell verarbeitet werden. Für Konjunktionssuchaufgaben wird angenommen, dass die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit Objekte selektiert und Objektmerkmale zusammen bindet, was zu einem seriellen Suchprozess führt. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wurde untersucht, ob die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit (d.h. Merkmalsbindung) demselben zentralen Verarbeitungsengpass wie die Reaktionsauswahl in Doppelaufgaben unterliegt. Sequentielle Verarbeitung von Reaktionsauswahl und visueller Aufmerksamkeit würde Evidenz dafür zeigen, dass beide Prozesse derselben Kapazitätslimitation unterliegen, während parallele Verarbeitung Evidenz dafür zeigen würde, dass beide Prozesse unterschiedlichen Kapazitätslimitationen unterliegen. Um diese Frage zu untersuchen, wurden Reaktionszeitmaße (locus-of-slack Methode), Targetdetektionsmaße (d’) und Ereigniskorrelierte Potentiale (EKPs; N2pc (N2 posterior contralateral)) gemessen. Schwerpunkt aller Analysen war der visuelle Aufmerksamkeitsprozess in einer Konjunktionssuche, die als Aufgabe 2 in Doppelaufgaben implementiert wurde. Aufgabe 1 war stets eine Wahlunterscheidungsaufgabe. Die Verhaltens- und elektrophysiologischen Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Reaktionsauswahl in Aufgabe 1 und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit (d.h. Merkmalsbindung) in Aufgabe 2 parallel verarbeitet wurden unabhängig von der Stimulusmodalität in Aufgabe 1, der Schwierigkeit der Reaktionsauswahl in Aufgabe 1 und der Darbietungsform des Stimulusdisplays in Aufgabe 2. Außerdem wurde eine Methode entwickelt, um die Anzahl der Objekte zu berechnen, die parallel zur Reaktionsauswahl verarbeitet wurden. Die Berechnungen stützten die Konklusion, dass die Reaktionsauswahl und die visuelle Aufmerksamkeit unterschiedlichen Kapazitätslimitationen unterliegen. / Response selection and visual attention are limited in capacity. Concerning dual-tasks of the Psychological Refractory Period (PRP) paradigm, it is assumed that response selection of Task 1 and Task 2 are processed sequentially. On the other hand, concerning conjunction search, it is assumed that visual attention selects the items and binds the item features resulting in a serial search process. In the present dissertation I investigated whether visual attention (i.e., feature binding) is subject to the same bottleneck mechanism as response selection in dual-tasks. Sequential processing of response selection and visual attention would provide evidence that both processes rely on a common capacity limitation, whereas concurrent processing would provide evidence that they rely on distinct capacity limitations. Reaction time (RT) measures based on the locus-of-slack method, target detectability measures based on d’, and the event-related potential (ERP) technique to measure the N2pc (N2 posterior contralateral) were combined to investigate this question. Analyses focused on visual attention deployment in a conjunction search task, which was implemented as Task 2 in dual-task situations. Task 1 was a choice discrimination task. Both tasks were presented at variable temporal overlap (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony, SOA). The behavioral and N2pc results showed that response selection in Task 1 and visual attention (i.e., feature binding) in Task 2 operated concurrently irrespective of the stimulus modality in Task 1, the response selection difficulty in Task 1 and the type of presentation of the search display in Task 2. Based on a method that was developed in the present dissertation, it was possible to calculate how many items of the search display were processed in parallel to response selection. The results supported the conclusion that response selection and visual attention rely on distinct capacity limitations.
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Vlastnosti specifických protilátek prionových chorob a možnosti jejich využití / Specific prion protein antibodies characterisation and use in diagnosticŠafaříková, Eva January 2015 (has links)
Transmissive spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) are neurodegenerative diseases characterized by depositions of abnormally folded prion protein (PrPTSE ) in brain. PrPTSE is at present the only specific biochemical marker of human and animal TSEs. Diagnostic tests are based on the detection of PrPres after proteinase K digestion of brain homogenate using Western blot or on the immunohistochemistry of fixed brain tissue, which are both difficult and time consuming. In this work we focused on development of a new type of tests based on PrP detection without need of proteinase K digestion. As deposits of PrPTSE remain in the body for a long time, there is a substantial chance of them being nonenzymatically modified by glycation. The detection of glycated PrPTSE may have a potential to serve as a diagnostic marker. We prepared monoclonal antibodies specific for carboxymethyl lysine/arginine modified prion protein. Bacterially expressed and purified recombinant human prion protein (rhPrP) was modified by glyoxylic acid that introduces carboxymethyl groups on lysine and arginine residues present within the molecule of the protein. Modified rhPrP (rhPrP-CML) was used for immunization of laboratory mice and hybridoma cells were prepared. Screening of cell supernatants resulted in the selection of 4...
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