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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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BENESSERE E DISAGIO PSICHICO DEI PARTNER NELLA TRANSIZIONE ALLA GENITORIALITA'. DIFFERENTI PROSPETTIVE DI ANALISI / Couple’s well-being and distress in the transition to parenthood. A multi-method approach

NOVELLI, MARGHERITA 17 March 2014 (has links)
La transizione alla genitorialità è da sempre considerato un periodo di criticità per la coppia, questo processo ha inizio già nella fase della gravidanza, in cui il rapporto a due comincia a modificarsi in direzione triangolare, rompendo l’originaria struttura diadica. E’ tuttavia importante che il processo di riorganizzazione della relazione, necessario all’acquisizione del ruolo genitoriale, salvaguardi gli aspetti coniugali, oltre ad includere quelli genitoriali: molte coppie, faticano ad alimentare o dimenticano lo spazio della coniugalità. In termini più generali, per quanto i partner possano essere consapevoli della necessità di far fronte ai cambiamenti, spesso risultano impreparati e, a volte, poco adattabili. In tal senso il periodo perinatale può essere vissuto come un evento potenzialmente molto stressante. Tale progetto si pone l’obiettivo di studiare i possibili percorsi della transizione alla genitorialità focalizzandosi sul benessere/malessere psicologico dei partner in relazione alla loro percezione della qualità della relazione di coppia. I risultati evidenziano differenti traiettorie di benessere/malessere psicologico nel periodo perinatale e una relazione tra la condizione psicologica dei partner e la loro percezione della qualità della relazione di coppia. / In the psychological literature the transition to parenthood has been always considered a critical period for the couples. This process should begin during the pregnancy, the period during which the couple’s relationship should develops from the original dyadic structure to a new triangular structure. It must be underlyned the importance of the process of “renovation” of the relationship. This process includes the acquisition of the parental role and protects relavant marital and parental aspects such as the feeding of the marital relationship. Despite couples’ awerness of the importance to cope with the changes that the transition entails, often result unprepared. In this sense the perinatal period can be seen as a potentially stressfull event. This dissertation aims to study the possible paths of transition to parenthood focusing on partener’s psychological well-being and distress in relation to their perception of the quality of the couple’s relationship. The results show different trajectories of psychological well-being and distress in the perinatal period and a relation between the couples’ psychological condition and their perception of the quality of couple’s relationship.

Συγκριτική μελέτη φωτοσυνθετικών και φωτοπροστατευτικών χαρακτηριστικών σε φύλλα με υψηλό και χαμηλό περιεχόμενο ανθοκυανινών

Ζέλιου, Κωνσταντίνα 07 October 2011 (has links)
Στα φύλλα κάποιων φυτικών ειδών παρουσιάζεται παροδική ερυθρότητα, λόγω συσσώρευσης ανθοκυανινών, η οποία μπορεί να είναι τόσο έντονη που να καλύπτεται το χρώμα της χλωροφύλλης. Δεδομένου ότι απορροφούν και στο ορατό φάσμα (κυρίως στην πράσινη και ελαφρώς στη μπλε και κίτρινη περιοχή) οι ανθοκυανίνες πρακτικώς λειτουργούν ως φίλτρα, αφού απορροφούν μέρος της προσπίπτουσας φωτοσυνθετικά ενεργής ακτινοβολίας και ανταγωνίζονται τις χλωροφύλλες στην απορρόφηση του φωτός. Εξ αιτίας αυτής της ιδιότητάς τους, ένας από τους ρόλους που τους έχει αποδοθεί είναι η φωτοπροστατευτική δράση, ενώ παράλληλα (και ανεξαρτήτως ρόλου που επιτελούν) έχει προταθεί ότι διαμορφώνουν ένα ιδιαίτερο μικροπεριβάλλον σκιάς στο εσωτερικό του φύλλου. Προκειμένου να διερευνηθεί η πιθανή συνεισφορά των ανθοκυανινών στη φωτοπροστασία αλλά και στην επαγωγή σκιόφιλων χαρακτήρων, στην παρούσα διατριβή παρακολουθήσαμε την πορεία των φωτοσυνθετικών και φωτοπροστατευτικών χαρακτηριστικών, παράλληλα με τη μεταβολή της ερυθρότητας, σε φύλλα του ίδιου είδους που διαφέρουν ως προς το ανθοκυανικό περιεχόμενο. Εξετάστηκαν πέντε είδη, τρία ως κύρια πειραματόφυτα (Cistus creticus L., Photinia x fraseri Dress και Quercus coccifera L.) και δύο ως συμπληρωματικά στον προσδιορισμό της στοιχειομετρίας των δύο φωτοσυστημάτων (Ricinus communis L., Rosa sp. L.). Στο C. creticus, η παροδική ερυθρότητα εμφανίζεται στα ώριμα φύλλα και σχετίζεται με αβιοτικούς περιβαλλοντικούς παράγοντες, συγκεκριμένα το συνδυασμό χαμηλών θερμοκρασιών και υψηλών εντάσεων φωτός. Στα υπόλοιπα, η παροδική συσσώρευση ανθοκυανινών επάγεται από οντογενετικούς παράγοντες (νεαρά κόκκινα φύλλα που πρασινίζουν με την ωρίμανση). Στα P. x fraseri και R. communis, η χρωματική ποικιλομορφία αφορά φύλλα διαφορετικής ηλικίας, που ανήκουν όμως στο ίδιο άτομο (νεαρά κόκκινα-ώριμα πράσινα). Tα υπόλοιπα τρία είδη εμφανίζουν ενδο-ειδική ποικιλομορφία ως προς τον ανθοκυανικό χαρακτήρα, και επομένως συγκρίνονται φύλλα ίδιας κάθε φορά φυσιολογικής ηλικίας, που ανήκουν σε άτομα διαφορετικών φαινοτύπων. Στην περίπτωση που οι ανθοκυανίνες λειτουργούν φωτοπροστατευτικά, αναμένεται τα φύλλα που τις περιέχουν να αντιμετωπίζουν μικρότερο κίνδυνο φωτοαναστολής και να έχουν μικρότερη ανάγκη για μη-φωτοχημική απόσβεση σε σύγκριση με τα αντίστοιχα πράσινα. Ωστόσο, από τις μετρήσεις του in vivo φθορισμού της χλωροφύλλης σε προ-σκοτεινιασμένα δείγματα (OJIP-ανάλυση) δεν διαπιστώθηκε τα ανθοκυανικά φύλλα να διαθέτουν κάποιο συγκριτικό πλεονέκτημα όσον αφορά στη φωτοσυνθετική τους λειτουργία. Αντιθέτως, τα κόκκινα φύλλα των ειδών P. x fraseri και C. creticus εκτός του ότι παρουσιάζουν ελαφρώς, αλλά στατιστικώς σημαντικά, χαμηλότερες τιμές μέγιστης φωτοχημικής απόδοσης του PSII (Fv/Fm) συναντούν και σαφώς μεγαλύτερους περιορισμούς στα μετέπειτα στάδια ηλεκτρονιακής ροής και μετατροπής της ενέργειας σε σχέση με τα αντίστοιχα πράσινα. Και στις δυο περιπτώσεις είναι πιθανό να συμβαίνει απενεργοποίηση κάποιων λειτουργικών ενεργών κέντρων του PSII. Στο Q. coccifera, τα όμοιας ηλικίας φύλλα των δύο φαινοτύπων δεν παρουσιάζουν διαφορές στις ανωτέρω παραμέτρους. Οι μετρήσεις φθορισμού της χλωροφύλλης κάτω από συνθήκες ακτινικού φωτός έδειξαν ότι τα κόκκινα φύλλα έχουν όμοιες (P. x fraseri και C. creticus) ή χαμηλότερες (Q. coccifera) τιμές τρέχουσας φωτοχημικής απόδοσης (YII) και αντίστοιχα όμοιες ή υψηλότερες τιμές μη-φωτοχημικής απόσβεσης (YNPQ). Ωστόσο, λόγω της απορρόφησης των ανθοκυανινών, οι χλωροπλάστες των κόκκινων φύλλων δέχονται πραγματική ένταση φωτός χαμηλότερη της προσπίπτουσας, και επομένως τα ανωτέρω αποτελέσματα είναι αντίθετα των αναμενόμενων. Διαφωτιστικές προς αυτή την κατεύθυνση είναι οι μετρήσεις φθορισμού της κάτω (πράσινης) φυλλικής επιφάνειας σε φωτιζόμενα φύλλα των δύο φαινοτύπων του C. creticus. Σ’ αυτήν την περίπτωση, έχοντας παρακάμψει το πρόβλημα της απορρόφησης των ανθοκυανινών, τα φύλλα του κόκκινου φαινοτύπου εμφανίζουν υψηλότερη ανάγκη μη-φωτοχημικής απόσβεσης (YNPQ) και υψηλότερη ευαισθησία έναντι της φωτοαναστολής (YNΟ), παρ’ όλη τη θεωρούμενη προστασία των υπερκείμενων ανθοκυανινών της άνω επιφανείας. Η μεγαλύτερη ανάγκη μη φωτοχημικής απόσβεσης των κόκκινων φύλλων διαφαίνεται και από την υψηλότερη επένδυση σε συστατικά του κύκλου των ξανθοφυλλών (P. x fraseri) ή την καλύτερη λειτουργικότητα του κύκλου (C. creticus), σε συνθήκες έντονου φωτισμού. Μάλιστα, κατά την καταπονητική περίοδο του χειμώνα ο κόκκινος φαινότυπος του C. creticus εμφανίζει μείωση των περιεχομένων χλωροφυλλών, πιθανόν σε μια προσπάθεια περαιτέρω ελάττωσης της απορροφούμενης ενέργειας διεγέρσεως, παρ’ όλη την ύπαρξη του ανθοκυανικού φίλτρου. Με βάση τα ανωτέρω ευρήματα, η υπόθεση του φωτοπροστατευτικού ρόλου των ανθοκυανινών δεν ενισχύεται, εκτός εάν υποτεθεί είτε ότι ο στόχος για την προστασία δεν συνδέεται με τη φωτοσύνθεση είτε ότι τα κόκκινα φύλλα εάν δεν τις διέθεταν θα ήταν σε πολύ πιο δυσμενή θέση, σε σύγκριση πάντα με τα πράσινα. Όσον αφορά στη συνεισφορά των ανθοκυανινών στην επαγωγή σκιόφιλων χαρακτήρων βρέθηκαν κάποιες ισχυρές ενδείξεις προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση, ανεξάρτητα από τον παράγοντα που επάγει τη συσσώρευσή τους. Έτσι, και στα πέντε είδη που εξετάστηκαν, παρατηρήθηκε αύξηση της σχετικής αναλογίας PSII/PSI στα κόκκινα φύλλα, η οποία είναι στατιστικά σημαντική (εκτός από την περίπτωση του Q. coccifera) και βαίνει μειούμενη με τη μείωση των περιεχομένων ανθοκυανινών. Αύξηση της αναλογίας PSII/PSI έχει συσχετισθεί με την ποιοτική αλλοίωση του φωτός σε συνθήκες σκιάς και στοχεύει στην εξισορροπημένη διέγερση των δύο φωτοσυστημάτων. Από τον τρόπο προσδιορισμού της (ως F686/F735), η ανωτέρω αναλογία δεν κάνει διάκριση μεταξύ φωτοσυλλεκτικής κεραίας και ενεργών κέντρων των δύο φωτοσυστημάτων. Μία άλλη παράμετρος, που θεωρείται τυπικός δείκτης σκιοφιλίας και μετρήθηκε στο σύνολο των πειραματοφύτων, είναι η αναλογία Chl a/b. Μειωμένη αναλογία Chl a/b σε συνθήκες σκιάς υποδεικνύει αύξηση των φωτοσυλλεκτικών κεραιών σε σχέση με τα ενεργά κέντρα. Στατιστικά σημαντική μείωση της ανωτέρω αναλογίας βρέθηκε στα κόκκινα φύλλα των ειδών C. creticus, Q. coccifera και Rosa sp.. Στα P. x fraseri και R. communis δεν παρατηρήθηκαν στατιστικά σημαντικές διαφορές μεταξύ κόκκινων και πράσινων φύλλων. Τέλος, στα είδη C. creticus, P. x fraseri και Q. coccifera προσδιορίσθηκε και η παράμετρος ABS/RC (όπως προκύπτει από την OJIP-ανάλυση), όπου παρατηρήθηκε στατιστικώς σημαντική αύξηση στα κόκκινα φύλλα των δύο πρώτων ειδών. Στο Q. coccifera η ίδια τάση δεν είναι στατιστικά σημαντική. Αύξηση της αναλογίας ABS/RC, η οποία αποτελεί θα λέγαμε έναν λειτουργικό περισσότερο δείκτη, μπορεί να αποδοθεί σε αυξημένο μέγεθος της φωτοσυλλεκτικής κεραίας ή/και σε μείωση του αριθμού των λειτουργικών ενεργών κέντρων του PSII. Από το συνδυασμό των παραπάνω αποτελεσμάτων διαφαίνεται ότι στα είδη C. creticus, Rosa sp. και Q. coccifera η επίδραση των ανθοκυανινών εντοπίζεται κυρίως σε αύξηση του μεγέθους της φωτοσυλλεκτικής κεραίας. Στα P. x fraseri και R. communis, η αύξηση του λόγου PSII/PSI αντανακλά πιθανώς μια αύξηση των ενεργών κέντρων του PSII. / Leaves of some plant species appear transiently red because of the accumulation of anthocyanins, at levels sufficient to mask the green chlorophyll color. Given that leaf anthocyanins absorb also in the visible spectrum (strongly in the green and less in the blue-violet and yellow region), they act as sunscreens attenuating part of the photosynthetically active radiation and hence they compete with chlorophylls for photon capture. Due to this attribute, one of the ascribed roles of leaf anthocyanins is the photoprotection of the photosynthetic mesophyll. Additionally (and regardless of the proposed role) it has been suggested that they shape a particular shade microenvironment in the leaf interior. In order to investigate these two hypotheses, in the present study we monitored the course of photosynthetic and photoprotective characteristics in leaves of the same species with different anthocyanic content. Five species have been used, three of them as main experimental material (Cistus creticus L., Photinia x fraseri Dress και Quercus coccifera L.) and two additional (Ricinus communis L., Rosa sp. L.) for the assessment of the stoichiometry of the two photosystems. In Cistus creticus (L.) transient redness is induced in mature leaves by abiotic environmental factors, i.e. the combination of low temperatures and high light intensity during winter. In the rest species redness is developmentally determined (young red leaves which become red upon maturation). In P. x fraseri and R. communis the color variation concerns leaves of different age from the same individual (comparison of young red and mature green). The rest three species show intra-species variation of the anthocyanic trait. Thus, leaves of the same physiological age from different individuals and phenotypes (occupying the same habitat) were compared. The photoprotective hypothesis of leaf anthocyanins entails that red leaves would be less sensitive against photoinhibition and have a reduced need of non-photochemical quenching, compared to their green counterparts. However, according to our chlorophyll fluorescence measurements with dark adapted samples (OJIP-analysis), anthocyanic leaves did not display a comparative advantage in their photosynthetic function. On the contrary, red leaves of P. x fraseri and C. creticus, apart from their slightly, yet statistically significant, lower maximum PSII yield (Fv/Fm), they also confront higher limitations in the further steps of excitation energy processing and its transformation compared to greens. In both species, a transformation of active PSII centers to non-QA -reducing ones, could be inferred. In Q. coccifera, no differences were observed between leaves of the same physiological age from the two phenotypes in the above parameters. Moreover, chlorophyll fluorescence measurements in light acclimated samples have shown that red leaves have similar (P. x fraseri και C. creticus) or lower (Q. coccifera) PSII effective yield (YII) and similar or higher corresponding non-photochemical energy quenching (YNPQ). It has to be noted, however, that the actual PAR levels penetrating to the red leaf mesophyll are in fact lower compared to their green counterparts, due to anthocyanin absorption of the white and blue actinic light used during these measurements. Accordingly, for the same incident PAR, the opposite trend was expected in red leaves. In C. creticus, measurements performed in the lower leaf side by-pass this problem, since anthocyanins accumulate only in the palisade mesophyll (of the upper side) and the abaxial leaf surface is always green. In that case, red leaves showed a higher need for non-photochemical quenching (YNPQ) and a higher vulnerability to photoinhibition (YNΟ), in spite of the supposed photoprotective function of the overlying anthocyanins. The trend for an enhanced need of non-photochemical dissipation in red leaves is indicated also by the higher investment in “xanthophyll cycle” components (P. x fraseri) and/or the lower EPS values (P. x fraseri and C. creticus) during midday. In addition, during the superimposed winter stress, red leaves of C. creticus proceed to a Chl loss, possibly as an attempt to decrease further the absorbed excitation energy, in spite of the anthocyanic screen. The above results weaken the photoprotective hypothesis for leaf anthocyanins, unless it is assumed either that photosynthesis is not the target for protection or that red leaves would be in a worse position, compared to greens, if anthocyanins were absent. Some of our results support the shade acclimation hypothesis in red leaves, irrespectively of the factor that induces the accumulation of anthocyanins. In all tested species, red leaves display a higher, statistically significant, relative PSII/PSI ratio compared to greens (except of Q. coccifera, where the same was observed as a trend). PSII/PSI ratio declines in parallel with the decrease of anthocyanin accumulation. A higher PSII/PSI ratio is considered as an acclimation to the altered light quality under shade conditions in order to adjust the excitation pressure of two photosystems. Chl a/b was statistically lower in red leaves of C. creticus, Q. coccifera και Rosa sp., while in P. x fraseri and R. communis no differences were observed. A decrease in Chl a/b ratio is a typical shade acclimation feature, indicating an increased ratio of light harvesting antennae per reaction center. Finally, another parameter indicative of shade acclimation is the mean antenna size (calculated as ABS/RC ratio), which was considerably higher in red leaves of C. creticus and P. x fraseri (again in Q. coccifera only a similar trend was observed). Yet, according to the JIP-analysis the antenna size is expressed per active RC, hence the increased ABS/RC ratio could be the combined effect of an increase in the antenna size and a decrease in active PSII centers. The combination of the above results indicates that anthocyanin accumulation in C. creticus, Rosa sp. and Q. coccifera contributes mainly to a higher relative size of LHC. In the case of P. x fraseri and R. communis, the enhanced PSII/PSI ratio of red leaves reflects rather an increase of PSII centers.

Transmissão MPE no sistema de televisão digital ISDB-T

Valeira, Gustavo de Melo 25 June 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:38:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gustavo de Melo Valeira.pdf: 5235384 bytes, checksum: b73ab4b64760275d30c77ef2e8a779c1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-06-25 / The purpose of this work is the development of a transmission platform with a graphical interface and software, using a TV channel of Brazilian Digital Television Standard (SBTVD) to transmit encapsulated data, audio and video. Initially is presented the SBTVD, with major highlight for multiplexing, given its importance in identifying and decoding the received signal. Within the transmitted bitstream there are certain tables that are responsible for identifying the information type present in the channel, being the most important detailed in this work. To make easy this configuration is presented the graphical interface to configure a channel in two situations: encapsulated data in ethernet format and audio/video content. Beside this, are compared the efficiencies of utilizing the packing control of multiprotocol encapsulation, that is used to transmit data in ethernet format. Also is presented an exploratory study of efficiency of bit rate related with the addition of the necessary headers to transmit correctly the signal in ethernet format inside the SBTVD transport protocol. / O objetivo deste trabalho é o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de transmissão com interface gráfica e software, utilizando um canal de TV do Sistema Brasileiro de TV Digital (SBTVD) para a transmissão de dados encapsulados, áudio e vídeo. Inicialmente é apresentado o SBTVD, com maior destaque para a multiplexação, haja vista a sua importância na identificação e decodificação do sinal recebido. Dentro do fluxo de bits transmitido existem certas tabelas que são responsáveis pela identificação dos tipos de informação presentes no canal, sendo as mais importantes detalhadas neste trabalho. Para facilitar essa configuração é apresentada a interface gráfica para configurar um canal em duas situações: dados encapsulados no formato ethernet e conteúdo de áudio/vídeo. Além disso, são comparadas as eficiências da utilização do controle de empacotamento do encapsulamento multiprotocolo, que é usado para transmitir dados no formato ethernet. Também é apresentado um estudo exploratório da eficiência da taxa de bits relacionada com a adição dos cabeçalhos necessários para transmitir corretamente o sinal no formato ethernet dentro do protocolo de transporte do SBTVD.


ANDOLFI, VALENTINA RITA 05 July 2017 (has links)
L’ingresso nella scuola primaria costituisce per il bambino un evento di grande impatto sulla costruzione dell’immagine di Sé. In quest’ambiente il bambino si confronta con nuovi compiti di apprendimento, rispetto cui dovrebbe sviluppare curiosità, interesse, motivazione e fiducia nelle proprie capacità, con ricadute positive sul suo stato di benessere. Tuttavia, di fronte alle richieste dell’insegnante spesso emergono sentimenti d’inadeguatezza, ansia e rifiuto. Questo può essere particolarmente evidente nel caso di difficoltà nell’apprendimento del linguaggio scritto, poiché imparare a leggere e scrivere è una delle abilità su cui i bambini e i loro genitori elaborano maggiori attese all’inizio della scuola. In ottica sistemica, la scuola è un luogo in cui s’incrociano molte storie e che spesso si trasforma in una cassa di risonanza di numerosi malesseri. In un ambiente così ricco di sfide i bambini possono mettere in gioco risorse che è bene potenziare e sostenere. Sulla base di queste premesse, 3 studi sono stati condotti con l’obiettivo di: a) esplorare in ottica quali-quantitativa l’esperienza di benessere dei bambini (studio 1); b) individuare i fattori che possono incidere sull’esperienza di benessere nel contesto scolastico, attraverso uno studio integrato delle caratteristiche del bambino e dei suoi dei genitori (studio 2); c) implementare e valutare un intervento di potenziamento delle abilità scolastiche e del benessere dei bambini in età scolare (studio 3). / The transition to primary school constitutes an event of a great impact on the construction of children’s Self-image. In this environment, children are confronted with new learning tasks, which should develop curiosity, interest, motivation, and confidence in their own abilities, with positive effects on their well-being. However, in the face of the teacher's demands, feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, and refusal often arise. This can be particularly noticeable in the case of difficulty in learning, as learning how to read and write properly is one of the abilities on which children and their parents have greater expectations at the beginning of school. In such a challenging environment, children can develop resources that it is good to support. Based on these assumptions, three studies were conducted with the aim of: a) exploring the child's experience of well-being in a quali-quantitative way (study 1); b) identifying the factors that can affect the child's experience of well-being in the school context, through an integrated study of the characteristics of the child and his/her parents (study 2); c) implementing and evaluating a program to enhance literacy abilities and well-being of school-age children (study 3).

Un intervento basato sulla mindfulness per bambini e adolescenti maltrattati in comunità educativa residenziale / A MINDFULNESS-BASED INTERVENTION FOR MALTREATED CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS IN RESIDENTIAL CARE

LECCHI, TANYA 19 April 2017 (has links)
Nonostante il maltrattamento all’infanzia costituisca un’esperienza relazionale patogena, alcuni bambini maltrattati mostrano un itinerario di sviluppo resiliente. La tesi si focalizza sul possibile ruolo giocato da meaning-making e mindfulness skills nel funzionamento resiliente. Il primo obiettivo è stato esplorare la relazione tra meaning-making, mindfulness skills e benessere in bambini non maltrattati. Il secondo obiettivo è stato valutare meaning-making e mindfulness skills in minori maltrattati, per determinare se il funzionamento resiliente fosse in relazione con questi costrutti. Il terzo obiettivo è stato creare un intervento per minori maltrattati ospitati in comunità (MBYR), testandone la fattibilità. Lo studio 1 ha esplorato il meaning-making in bambini non maltrattati, non evidenziando alcuna relazione con le loro competenze e difficoltà. Lo studio 2 ha mostrato che le mindfulness skills correlavano negativamente con outcome avversi, ma positivamente con le competenze dei bambini. Lo studio 3 ha esplorato la relazione tra funzionamento resiliente, meaning-making e mindfulness skills in minori maltratti, evidenziando che il meaning-making era legato a livelli più bassi di qualità della vita, mentre le mindfulness skills erano in relazione con il funzionamento resiliente. Questi risultati hanno informato il razionale dell’MBYR, che ha significativamente ridotto i sintomi traumatici, aumentando mindfulness skills e competenze generali (studio 4). / Child maltreatment is a pathogenic relational experience representing one of the most difficult challenges to children’s healthy adaptation; nonetheless, some maltreated children develop resiliently. The thesis focuses on the possible role played by meaning-making and mindfulness skills in resilient functioning. The first aim was to investigate the relation between meaning-making, mindfulness skills, and wellbeing in nonmaltreated children. The second aim was to explore meaning-making and mindfulness skills in maltreated children and adolescents, to determine whether resilient functioning was related to these constructs. Finally, the third aim was to design an intervention for maltreated youths in residential care (MBYR) and to test its feasibility. Study 1 explored meaning-making in nonmaltreated children, showing that it was not related to their competencies and difficulties. Study 2 highlighted that mindfulness skills were negatively related to adverse outcomes and positively related to children’s competencies. Study 3 explored the relation between different domains of resilient functioning, meaning-making, and mindfulness skills in maltreated youths, showing that meaning-making was related to lower levels of quality of life, whereas mindfulness skills were related to resilient functioning. These results informed the rationale for the MBYR, which significantly reduced traumatic symptoms while enhancing mindfulness skills and general competencies (study 4).

Etude des J/psi dans le canal dimuon du spectromètre de l’expérience ALICE auprès du LHC dans les collisions proton+proton à sqrt(s) = 7 TeV / Study of J/psi in the dimuon channel with the ALICE muon spectrometer at the LHC for proton+proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

Boyer, Bruno 21 October 2011 (has links)
La densité epsilon0 de la matière nucléaire ordinaire est de l'ordre de 0,17 GeV/fm^3 . Lorsqu’ elle atteint une densité comprise entre 5 à 10 epsilon0 ou une température comprise entre 150 à 200 MeV, une transition de phase, prédite par la ChromoDynamique Quantique sur réseau, vers un nouvel état de la matière se produit. Cet état dans lequel les quarks et les gluons sont déconfinés et peuvent se mouvoir librement est appelé Plasma de Quarks et de Gluons (PQG). Les collisions d’ions lourds ultra-relativistes au Large Hadron Collider (LHC) permettront de recréer les conditions de formation d’un tel état. L’étude du PQG au LHC se fera essentiellement avec l’expérience ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) dont le spectromètre à muons est conçu pour observer dans le canal muonique, sur un domaine de pseudo-rapidité -4 < eta < -2.5, la suppression des résonances lourdes (J/psi,Upsilon) par écrantage de couleur à travers leurs décroissance en muons.La première partie de ce travail porte sur les corrections d’acceptance et d’efficacité qui sont indispensables pour les analyses de physique. Cette étude a montré que le processus de correction est indépendant des distributions choisies.La seconde partie de cette thèse porte sur l’analyse du J/psi dans les collisions proton+proton à sqrt(s) = 7 TeV. / The ordinary nuclear matte density epsilon0 is around de 0,17 GeV/fm^3 . For a critical value between 5 and 10 epsilon0 or a temperature around 150 to 200 MeV, the lattice Quantum ChromoDynamics (lQCD) predicts a phase transition from the classical matter to a new state of matter called the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP). In this state, quarks and gluons behave like free particles. Heavy ions collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are used to recreate the condition needed for a QGP formation. ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is one of the LHC experiment dedicated to the study the QGP. One of the possible signature is the suppression of the quarkonia (J/psi, Upsilon) by color screening. The ALICE muon spectrometer allows to measure the quarkonia, in a pseudo-rapidity domain -4 < eta < -2.5, using their decay into muons.The first part of the report presents the acceptance and efficiency corrections. These corrections are crucial for the analysis. This study has shown that the correction process is independent from the selected distribution used for the correction.The second part describes the analysis of the J/psi in proton+proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV.

Mesure de la production du boson Z et du J/ψ dans les collisions p-Pb et Pb-Pb à √sNN = 5.02 TeV avec ALICE / Measurement of Z-boson and J/ψ Production in p-Pb and Pb-Pb Collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV with ALICE at the LHC

Tarhini, Mohamad 27 June 2017 (has links)
Les collisions d'ions lourds ultra-relativistes sont considérées comme un outil unique pour produire, enlaboratoire, un milieu chaud et dense interagissant fortement, le Plasma de Quarks etde Gluons (PQG). Cette thèse est dédiée à l’étude de deux sondes, les J/ψ et les bosons Z, qui peuvent aider àatteindre une meilleure compréhension des propriétés du PQG.Dans les collisions d’ions lourds, il existe une observable importante pour étudier la formation du PQG, c’est lamesure de la production des J/ψ. L’importance des différents effets qui peuvent augmenter ou supprimer cetteproduction varie avec l’énergie de la collision. Dans cette thèse, la production des J/ψ est mesurée avec lescollisions Pb-Pb à √sNN =5.02 TeV, en utilisant principalement le spectromètre à muons du détecteur ALICE. Lefacteur de modification nucléaire des J/ψ est présenté en fonction de la centralité des collisions, la rapidité etl’impulsion transversale (pT). En outre, les résultats sur le pT moyen du J/ψ sont présentés. La comparaison entreles résultats expérimentaux et divers calculs théoriques suggère que la production du J/ψ est affectée dans le milieupar deux processus concurrents : le dissociation et le régénération.Dans les collisions d’ions lourds, l'état initial de la collision peut aussi affecter les résultats, en l'absence deformation du PQG. La compréhension et la quantification des tels effets est crucial pour les séparer de ceuxprovoqués par la présence du PQG. Un de ces effets est la modification nucléaire des fonctions de distribution despartons (PDFs). La mesure de production du boson Z dans les collisions d’ions lourds est un outil puissant pourétudier la modification nucléaire des PDFs car il n’est pas affectés par la présence d'une matière en forteinteraction. La seconde partie de cette thèse est dévolue à la mesure de la production des bosons Z, pour lapremière fois dans ALICE, avec les collisions p-Pb et Pb-Pb à √sNN =5.02 TeV. Dans les collisions Pb-Pb où laprécision de la mesure est plus élevée, l'accord entre les données et des calculs théoriques est meilleur lorsque cesderniers prennent en compte la modification nucléaire des PDFs. / Ultra relativistic heavy-ion collisions are considered as a unique tool to produce, in the laboratory, thehot and dense strongly-interacting medium, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP). This thesis is dedicated to the studyof two powerful probes, the J/ψ and Z-boson, that can help reaching a better understanding of the properties of theQGP.An important observable to study the QGP formation in heavy-ion collisions is the measurement of the J/ψproduction. The sizes of the different effects that can enhance or suppress this production vary with the collisionenergy. In this thesis, the J/ψ production is measured in Pb-Pb collisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV using mainly themuon spectrometer of the ALICE detector. The J/ψ nuclear modification factor is presented as a function ofcollision centrality, rapidity and transverse momentum (pT). In addition, results on the J/ψ average pT and squaredaverage pT are also obtained. The comparison between the results and various theoretical calculations suggests thatthe J/ψ production is affected in the medium by an interplay between dissociation and regeneration mechanisms.In heavy-ion collisions, the initial state of the collision can affect the results even in the absence of the QGP.Understanding and quantifying such effects is crucial in order to separate them from the ones caused by thepresence of the QGP. One of these effects is the nuclear modification of the parton distribution functions (PDFs).The measurement of Z-boson production in heavy-ion collisions is a powerful tool to study the nuclearmodification of PDFs since it is not affected by the presence of the strongly-interacting medium. The second partof this thesis is devoted to measure the Z-boson production, for the first time with ALICE, in p-Pb and Pb-Pbcollisions at √sNN = 5.02 TeV. In Pb-Pb collisions where the precision of the measurement is higher, the agreementbetween data and theoretical calculations is better when the latter take into account the nuclear modification of thePDFs.

Svenska arkivinstitutioners tillgängliggörande av digitalt arkivmaterial och PSI-lagen / Swedish Archival Institutions’ Provision of digital archival materials

Sanhueza Cuello, Victor January 2020 (has links)
The new wave of digital information requires archival institutions to develop new methods and e-services to handle the large amounts of digital information that is in their custody. Swedish Archival institutions have in accordance with the Public and Secrecy Act traditionally promoted the preservation and re-use of public information. The thesis investigates how the Swedish municipal archives are dealing with digital provision of their digital holdings to the public. At present, the Swedish Public Sector Information (PSI) directive places additional demands on them to make digital information available. This information is referred to as open data. This means that that they need to use digital tools to be able to do so. The study involved four Swedish municipal archival institutions, employed a qualitative research methodology and uses the case study method to gain a deeper insight of the phenomenon under study. It employed interviews as a data collecting technique. The results showed that to make digital infor-mation available it requires the implementation of an e-archive which consolidates and facilitates the management of information. The study results further showed that the PSI-directive is not fully understood by some of the interviewed archivists and some of the institutions also lack e-archives. In conclusion, the thesis analysis confirmed that the municipal archival institutions found it difficult to make their digital holdings available and to implement the PSI directive. This was due to organizational problems such as weak budgets, lack of high-quality data sources, knowledge and ambiguities in the PSI-directive. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

An evaluation of platforms for open government data / En utvärdering av plattformar för öppna myndighetsdata

Stråle, Johan, Lindén, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Municipalities and government agencies are producers of information that may be of interest to the public concerning areas such as population statistics, weather data and policy decisions. In the Digital Agenda, the Swedish Government emphasizes the importance for data to be spread and promotes the development and innovation of new e-services created by other parties than government agencies. Various development initiatives of platforms have been taken around the world but there are no specific standards regarding how data should be made public. Softronic currently offer their customers a proprietary platform for the publication of open data. In order to improve or alternatively replace this, Softronic wanted an evaluation of a number of already existing platforms. This report contains an evaluation of the Softronic platform along with three other candidates: CKAN, Socrata and OpenDataSoft. The included aspects in the evaluation were selected based on requests from Softronic, covering among other things the installation process, performance and upgrades. To assess the API function of the platforms and demonstrate how an application using open data can be implemented, a graphical client was developed. Socrata received the highest score in the evaluation, followed by in turn OpenDataSoft, CKAN and Softronic. Socrata is recommended as a platform for publishing open government data mainly because it offered extensive functionality, required few technical skills and provided plenty of support services. / Kommuner och myndigheter är producenter av information som kan vara av intresse för allmänheten gällande exempelvis befolkningsstatistik, väderdata och politiska beslut. I den digitala agendan verkar Sveriges regering för att data ska spridas och främja utveckling och innovation av nya e-tjänster skapade av andra aktörer än myndigheter. Diverse utvecklingsinitiativ har tagits kring plattformar runtom i världen men det finns inga tydliga standarder kring hur data ska göras publikt. Softronic erbjuder idag sina kunder en egenutvecklad plattform för publiceringen av öppna data. För att kunna förbättra eller alternativt ersätta denna, ville Softronic ha en utvärdering av ett antal redan existerande plattformar. Denna rapport innehåller en utvärdering av Softronics plattform tillsammans med tre andra kandidater: CKAN, Socrata och OpenDataSoft. De aspekter som utvärderingen innefattar valdes utifrån önskemål från Softronic och täcker bland annat installationsförfarande, prestanda och uppgraderingar. För att undersöka API-funktionen hos plattformarna och demonstrera hur en applikation som använder sig av öppna data kan implementeras, utvecklades även en grafisk klient. Socrata fick högst poäng i utvärderingen, följt av i tur och ordning OpenDataSoft, CKAN och Softronic. Socrata rekommenderas som en plattform för publicering av öppna myndighetsdata främst eftersom den erbjöd omfattande funktionalitet, krävde få tekniska färdigheter och tillhandahöll många supporttjänster.

Screening neurocognitivo nella condizione di fragilità. Validazione di strumenti di assessment tra neuropsicologia e neuroinformatics / SCREENING NEUROCOGNITIVO NELLE CONDIZIONI DI FRAGILITA'. VALIDAZIONE DI STRUMENTI DI ASSESSMENT TRA NEUROPSICOLOGIA E NEUROINFORMATICS / Neurocognitive screening in the condition of frailty. Validation of assessment tools between neuropsychology and neuroinformatics

ANGELILLO, MARIA TERESA 11 May 2021 (has links)
Questa sintesi conclusiva del percorso di dottorato ruota attorno al costrutto di fragilità, attualmente definita come una condizione disfunzionale dinamica di natura multi-sistemica, associata a un aumentato rischio di conseguenze negative quali istituzionalizzazione, ospedalizzazione e morte. Come illustrato tramite gli studi inclusi nella presente tesi, le osservazioni empiriche e l’esperienza in ambito clinico hanno sistematicamente evidenziato l’assenza di strumenti di screening cognitivo nella fragilità che presentino sistematicamente valore clinico e validità trasversalmente a diverse tipologie di pazienti o utenti fragili, affetti da disturbi neurologici e cognitivi o che presentino profili di rischio psicosociale. Nei capitoli empirici sono stati riportati tre studi che hanno riguardato, il primo, la valutazione del potenziale clinico di un nuovo test di screening cognitivo, il CASP, somministrabile anche a persone affette da afasia. Questo è stato comparato con strumenti classici come il MMSE e il MoCA. Nel secondo studio è stato sviluppato e testato un protocollo di valutazione della fragilità cognitiva e psicosociale nella malattia cronica, ideato per essere inclusivo anche nel suo utilizzo con pazienti migranti. Infine, il terzo studio, oltre a mirare – come i precedenti – all’arricchimento della cassetta di attrezzi del neurospicologo, si è focalizzato sull’integrazione del testing neuropsicologico classico con le potenzialità della neuroinformatica, avendo come obiettivo lo sviluppo di un approccio di screening multi-componenziale e di un sistema di machine learning per finalità diagnostiche nell’ambito dell’invecchiamento fisiologico e patologico, che non fosse una mera digitalizzazione di test neuropsicologici tradizionali. / This final synthesis of the PhD program revolves around the construct of fragility, currently defined as a dynamic dysfunctional condition of a multi-systemic nature, associated with an increased risk of negative consequences such as institutionalization, hospitalization and death. As illustrated through the studies included in this thesis, empirical observations and experience in the clinical setting have systematically highlighted the absence of cognitive screening tools in frailty that systematically present clinical value and validity across different types of patients or frail users, suffering from neurological and cognitive disorders or with psychosocial risk profiles. Three studies have been reported in the empirical chapters which concerned, the first, the evaluation of the clinical potential of a new cognitive screening test, CASP, which can also be administered to people with aphasia. This has been compared with classical instruments such as the MMSE and the MoCA. In the second study, a protocol for assessing cognitive and psychosocial frailty in chronic disease was developed and tested, designed to be inclusive also in its use with migrant patients. Finally, the third study, in addition to aiming - like the previous ones - at the enrichment of the neurospychologist's toolbox, focused on the integration of classical neuropsychological testing with the potential of neuroinformatics, aiming at the development of a screening approach. multi-component and a machine learning system for diagnostic purposes in the field of physiological and pathological aging, which was not a mere digitization of traditional neuropsychological tests.

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