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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

AB “Panevėžio statybos trestas" įvaizdžio gerinimas / PST company improvement of image

Mondeikienė, Jūratė 28 August 2008 (has links)
Svarbiausias šio darbo uždavinys yra susisteminti užsienio literatūrą apie įvaizdį, remiantis ja sudaryti įvaizdžio dedamųjų ir elementų schemą, o atlikus tyrimą parengti AB „Panevėžio statybos trestas“ įvaizdžio gerinimo priemones Apžvelgus daugelį lieteratūros šaltinių apie marketingą, galime teigti, kad nėra vieningos teorijos apie įvaizdį ir jį formuojančius elementus. Šiame darbe buvo sudaryta atskira įvaizdžio dedamųjų schema tinkanti nagrinėjamai organizacijai. Pagrindiniai įvaizdžio elementai yra tokie kaip reklama, viešieji ryšiai,organizacijos stilius, vidinė komunikacija. Tyrimo tikslas yra sužinoti klientų, potencialių klientų bei darbuotojų nuomonę, atlikti žiniasklaidos, bei visų elementų analizę ir atskleisti PST realųjį įvaizdį. Remiantis analize suprojektuoti organizacijos įvaizdį, parengti priemonių ir darbų vykdymo planą bei sudaryti biudžetą. / The main piont of this work is to concentrate and systematize foreign literature about the image formation element, to perceive problems that have arisen from opinions and impressions, to prepare the image‘s components scheme. After the review of books about marketing, auhor can say that here no unifies theory of the image and it formation elements. We have preared a scheme of elements for company image. The object of the research is to get public opinion about the PST company real image. The metchods of this analysis are the review of literature sociology research – interview, analysis of all company image‘s elements.

Plant and bacterial functions required for morphological bacteroid differentiation in the Aeschynomene-Bradyrhizobium model / Fonctions des plantes et bacteriennes nécessaires à la différenciation morphologique des bactéroïdes dans le modèle Aeschynomene-Bradyrhizobium

Nguyen, Van Phuong 20 October 2016 (has links)
Les légumineuses sont capables de développer des organes symbiotiques, les nodules, qui hébergent des bactéries du sol appelées rhizobia. Au sein des nodules les rhizobia intracellulaires se différencient en bactéroïdes capables de réduire l'azote atmosphérique en ammonium au bénéfice de la plante. En contrepartie, la plante alimente la bactérie en sources de carbone. Des études récentes sur le modèle symbiotique Medicago/Sinorhizobium ont montré dans les nodules la forte présence d'une grande diversité de peptides appelés NCR qui sont similaires aux peptides antimicrobiens (AMP) impliqués dans l'immunité innée. Ces NCR sont responsables du maintien de l'homéostasie entre les cellules hôtes et la forte population bactérienne qu'elles contiennent. Bien que certains NCR sont de vrais AMP, capable de tuer des bactéries in vitro, dans les nodules ils induisent plutôt une différenciation terminale caractérisée par une élongation cellulaire, une amplification du génome, une perméabilité membranaire et une perte des capacités de division de la bactérie. Néanmoins le mode d'action des NCR reste à élucider. Au cours de ma thèse j'ai participé à la caractérisation des processus de différenciation dans le modèle Aeschynomene, une légumineuse tropicale, Bradyrhizobium.Dans un premier temps, une nouvelle classe de NCR a été identifiée chez différentes espèces d'Aeschynomene. Ces NCR sont responsables de la différenciation des Bradyrhizobium via un processus similaire à celui décrit chez Medicago. Ces résultats suggèrent une évolution convergente des processus de différenciation chez les Dalbergioïdes (Aeschynomene) et le clade des IRLC (Medicago).Ensuite, pour identifier les fonctions bactériennes requises lors de la différenciation, j'ai criblé 53 mutants Tn5 d'Aeschynomene indica fix- . Huit gènes bactériens dont la mutation inhibe ou affecte le processus de différenciation ont été identifiés. Parmi eux, je me suis focalisé sur la DD-CPase une enzyme de modification du peptidoglycane et sur 2 gènes impliqués dans l'homéostasie du phosphate.La caractérisation du gène DD-CPase1 a permis de démontrer que le remodelage du peptidoglycane est requis pour une différenciation correcte des bactéroïdes chez les plantes hôtes qui produisent des NCR, en général, et chez Aeschynomene en particulier. Ces résultats suggèrent une interaction possible entre DD-CPase1 et des NCR conduisant à l'endoréplication des bactéroïdes.Enfin, j'ai étudié les propriétés physiologiques et symbiotiques des mutants pstC et pstB. Les mutants Tn5 des gènes pstC et pstB de la souche ORS285 de Bradyrhizobium sont sévèrement affectés par la carence en phosphate en culture pure et leurs propriétés symbiotiques (différenciation, réduction de l'azote) sont fortement réduites. Des analyses fonctionnelles plus approfondies de l'opéron Pst devraient permettre une meilleure compréhension du lien entre l'homéostasie du phosphate et l'efficience symbiotique dans l'interaction Aeschynomene-Bradyrhizobium.Mes travaux ont permis d'élargir nos connaissances sur l'évolution de la symbiose en montrant que le modus operandi impliquant des peptides dérivés de l'immunité innée utilisée par certaines légumineuses pour maintenir leur population bactérienne intracellulaire sous contrôle est plus répandue et ancienne qu'on ne le pensait et a été utilisée par l'évolution à plusieurs reprises. De plus différentes cibles bactériennes pouvant participer au processus de différenciation ont également été identifiées. / The legume species are able to form symbiotic organs, the nodules, that house soil bacteria called rhizobia. Within these nodules intracellular rhizobia differentiate into bacteroids, which are able to reduce atmospheric dinitrogen to ammonium for the benefit of the plants. In counterpart, the plants provide carbon sources to the bacteria. Recent studies on symbiotic model Medicago-Sinorhizobium showed that the nodules of M. truncatula produce a massive diversity of peptides called NCRs, which are similar to antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) of innate immune systems. These NCRs are responsible in maintaining the homeostasis between the host cells in the nodules and the large bacterial population they contain. Although many NCRs are genuine AMPs, which kill microbes in vitro, in nodule cells they do not kill the bacteria but induce them into the terminally differentiated bacteroids characterized by cell elongation, genome amplification, membrane permeability and loss of cell division capacity. However, the action mode of NCRs is still an open question. During my PhD thesis I focused on the identification of plant and bacterial functions required for bacteroid differentiation in the Aeschynomene-Bradyrhizobium model.Firstly, a new class of cysteine rich peptides (NCR-like) was identified in tropical aquatic legumes of the Aeschynomene genus, which belong to the Dalbergioid clade. These peptides govern terminal bacteroid differentiation of photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium spp. This mechanism is similar to the one previously described in Medicago suggesting that the endosymbiont differentiation in Dalbergioid and ILRC legumes is convergently evolved.Secondly, in order to identify the bacterial functions involved in bacteroid differentiation, I screened 53 fix- Tn5 mutants of the ORS278 strain on Aeschynomene indica. This screening allowed identify 8 bacterial genes, which inhibit or disorder the bacteroid differentiation. Among these identified genes, I focused on DD-CPase encoding a peptidoglycan-modifying enzyme and two genes pstC and pstB belonging to Pst-system.The characterization of DD-CPase gene demonstrated that the remodeling peptidoglycan enzyme, DD-CPase1, of Bradyrhizobium is required for normal bacteroid differentiation in host legumes that produce NCRs, in general, and in Aeschynomene spp., in particular. This prompts a possibility of direct interaction of DD-CPase1 with NCRs leading to endoreduplication of the bacteroids.Finally, I have investigated the physiological and symbiotic properties of different mutants of pstC and pstB genes. The Tn5 mutants of pstC and pstB genes of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain ORS278 severely affected symbiosis on A. indica and A. evenia. Further functional studies on pst-operon will provide deeper understanding the correlation between phosphate homeostasis and nitrogen fixation efficiency in Aeschynomene-Bradyrhizobium symbiosis.This study broadens our knowledge on the evolution of symbiosis by showing that the modus operandi involving peptides derived from innate immunity used by some legumes to keep their intracellular bacterial population under control is more widespread and ancient than previously thought and has been invented by evolution several times.

Análise do metabolismo de polifosfato e do operon pst em Pseudomonas aeruginosa. / Analysis of the metabolism of polyphosphate and of the pst operon in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Munevar, Nicolas Federico Villamil 06 August 2015 (has links)
O operon pst de P. aeruginosa codifica um transportador de fosfato de alta afinida-de e também a proteína PhoU que, em conjunto, atuam como repressores da ex-pressão do regulon Pho dessa espécie. A atividade de PhoU está também associada ao metabolismo de polifosfato (poliP), dado que mutantes phoU nulos apresentam um vasto acúmulo do biopolímero. Ensaios de β-galactosidase mostraram uma alteração na expressão dos genes ppk e ppx, envolvidos no metabolismo de poliP, no mutante phoU. Observou-se que na cepa selvagem, a transcrição de ppk e de ppx não responde às limitações de Pi ou de nitrogênio, sendo esses genes altamente expressos em condições normais de crescimento. Além disso, determinou-se que ppk é co-transcrito com o gene hemB, os quais formam, portanto, um operon. O operon pst também foi analisado. Foi identificado por ensaios de northern blot o transcrito do primeiro gene do operon, pstS, que codifica uma proteína periplasmática. Também, foi identificado um promotor imediatamente a montante de phoU, o gene mais distal do operon, que permitiria sua expressão em condições normais do crescimento bacteriano. Por fim, determinou-se por ensaios de EMSA que as duas sequências consenso Pho box presentes no operon pst são completamente funcionais. / The pst operon in P. aeruginosa encodes a high-affinity phosphate transporter and the PhoU protein, which together act as repressors of Pho regulon of this species. The PhoU activity is also related with polyphosphate (polyP) metabolism, since phoU null mutants have a large accumulation of the biopolymer. β-galactosidase assays allowed to confirm a change in the expression of ppk and ppx genes, in-volved in PolyP metabolism, in the phoU mutant. It was also evidenced that in the wild type strain, the ppk and ppx transcription does not respond to Pi or nitrogen starvation, and that these genes are highly expressed under conditions of normal growth. In addition, it was determined that ppk is co-transcribed with hemB, a gene involved in the synthesis of porphyrins, and they constitute therefore an operon. The pst operon was also examined. Was identified by northern blot the transcript of the first gene in the operon, pstS, which encodes a periplasmic protein. Also, a promoter was identified immediately upstream of phoU, the most distal gene in the operon, allowing its expression in normal conditions of bacterial growth. Finally, it was determined by EMSA that the two consensus sequences Pho box present in the pst operon are fully functional.

Characterization of Clade I TGA Transcription Factors in Arabidopsis thaliana with Respect to Biotic Stress / Characterization of Clade I TGA Transcription Factors in Arabidopsis thaliana with Respect to Biotic Stress

Muthreich, Martin 16 April 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Análise do metabolismo de polifosfato e do operon pst em Pseudomonas aeruginosa. / Analysis of the metabolism of polyphosphate and of the pst operon in Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Nicolas Federico Villamil Munevar 06 August 2015 (has links)
O operon pst de P. aeruginosa codifica um transportador de fosfato de alta afinida-de e também a proteína PhoU que, em conjunto, atuam como repressores da ex-pressão do regulon Pho dessa espécie. A atividade de PhoU está também associada ao metabolismo de polifosfato (poliP), dado que mutantes phoU nulos apresentam um vasto acúmulo do biopolímero. Ensaios de β-galactosidase mostraram uma alteração na expressão dos genes ppk e ppx, envolvidos no metabolismo de poliP, no mutante phoU. Observou-se que na cepa selvagem, a transcrição de ppk e de ppx não responde às limitações de Pi ou de nitrogênio, sendo esses genes altamente expressos em condições normais de crescimento. Além disso, determinou-se que ppk é co-transcrito com o gene hemB, os quais formam, portanto, um operon. O operon pst também foi analisado. Foi identificado por ensaios de northern blot o transcrito do primeiro gene do operon, pstS, que codifica uma proteína periplasmática. Também, foi identificado um promotor imediatamente a montante de phoU, o gene mais distal do operon, que permitiria sua expressão em condições normais do crescimento bacteriano. Por fim, determinou-se por ensaios de EMSA que as duas sequências consenso Pho box presentes no operon pst são completamente funcionais. / The pst operon in P. aeruginosa encodes a high-affinity phosphate transporter and the PhoU protein, which together act as repressors of Pho regulon of this species. The PhoU activity is also related with polyphosphate (polyP) metabolism, since phoU null mutants have a large accumulation of the biopolymer. β-galactosidase assays allowed to confirm a change in the expression of ppk and ppx genes, in-volved in PolyP metabolism, in the phoU mutant. It was also evidenced that in the wild type strain, the ppk and ppx transcription does not respond to Pi or nitrogen starvation, and that these genes are highly expressed under conditions of normal growth. In addition, it was determined that ppk is co-transcribed with hemB, a gene involved in the synthesis of porphyrins, and they constitute therefore an operon. The pst operon was also examined. Was identified by northern blot the transcript of the first gene in the operon, pstS, which encodes a periplasmic protein. Also, a promoter was identified immediately upstream of phoU, the most distal gene in the operon, allowing its expression in normal conditions of bacterial growth. Finally, it was determined by EMSA that the two consensus sequences Pho box present in the pst operon are fully functional.

Koordinace provozu PST transformátorů v propojeném regionu / Coordination of operation of PST transformers in the interconnected region

Tesař, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with phase-shifting transformers (PST) and coordination of electrically close devices in an interconnected region. Theoretical research is performed in the work, describing methods of power control, function and design of PST, as well as actual methods of PST coordination in the rest of the world. Based on the research there is an optimalisation algorithm designed in MATLAB, which computes recommended tap petting of PST based on the network configuration. In the second part of this thesis there are described components of this algorithm and also presented the results of three demonstrative scenarios. Algorithm is able to solve minor problems in the network; more complex problems are beyond its solving ability. For an improved functionality there is a necessity to further expand this algorithm by a network redispatch solving algorithm.

A Study of the "LD-4 Regenerator" Sampling Mechanism and "Lasing Action" in High Threshold Electron Beam Pumped CdS Platelets

Brown, Stephen J.G. 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis is in two parts. Part A is about the study of the LD-4 Regenerator and Part B is about Lasing Action. Both are essential for the completion of Stephen Brown's Master of Engineering Degree. / <p>The switching mechanism of the LD-4 regenerator is studied by applying triangular signals with variable slope and phasing with respect to the sampling pulse in order to investigate their effect on the output signal voltage. Experimental results are obtained in the form of finite sampling crosshairs. These represent the family of input signals that produce all output between the 0 and 1 state. In effect they characterize PST input signals at the N^(th) regenerator to the eventual PST signals at the N+1^(th) regenerator input. </p><p> An attempt is a 1 so made to correlate the experimenta 1 data with either a constant voltage or constant charge sensitivity model in order to understand the mechanism of sampling. </p><p>Results of a detailed investigation of the time-dependence of the stimulated emission from electron-beam pumped CdS platelets are reported. Unlike lower threshold platelets previously reported (1), the platelet examined here exhibits rapid tuning with time of the stimulated emission to longer wavelength. The rate of this frequency tuning canpares favourably with the value reported by Shewchun et al (2) for CdS crystals many times thicker and with a higher threshold than the one measured in this report. Furthermore, there is a temporal variation of the angular position of the spatial mode. This temporal variation or angular tuning rate was compared with angular tuning data reported for GaAs and CdSe as well as with the theory that predicts such tuning in these crystals (3). </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)

Estudos estruturais e funcionais da proteína repressora PhoU na sinalização de transporte de fostato em Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. / Structural and functional studies of the repressor protein PhoU in phosphate signalling and uptake in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri .

Pena, Pâmela de Oliveira 31 January 2018 (has links)
A habilidade de sensoriar o ambiente extracelular e responder às suas mudanças é inerente para a maioria das bactérias. As concentrações de nutrientes direcionam os processos metabólicos relacionados à sobrevivência e proliferação. O fosfato inorgânico (Pi) é um dos nutrientes cuja regulação, sensoriamento e sinalização são bastante conservados em bactéria. Um dos mecanismos de captação do íon fosfato com alta afinidade é o sistema Pst, um transportador do tipo ABC (ATP-Binding Cassette) , localizado na membrana interna das células. Este transportador, juntamente com as proteínas PhoR/PhoB que formam um sistema de dois componentes (Two-Component Regulatory System) , são capazes de sensoriar e monitorar os níveis deste íon nas células. Ambos os sistemas pertencem ao chamado regulon Pho, conjunto de genes envolvidos no transporte, captação e metabolização do fosfato. Estudos tem mostrado que a interação entre os sistema Pst e o sistema doiscomponentes PhoR/PhoB é mediada pela proteína PhoU, um regulador negativo cujo gene encontra-se no mesmo operon do transportador. Apesar de muito estudados em Escherichia coli , poucas informações existem sobre as características destes sistemas em Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri , bactéria responsável pelo cancro cítrico e de grande importância econômica para o país. Estudos realizados pelo nosso grupo mostraram que X. citri conserva a maioria dos genes descritos como pertencentes ao regulon Pho, incluindo o sistema Pst, as proteínas PhoR/PhoB e PhoU. Este trabalho, portanto, tem como objetivos, a caracterização funcional e estrutural da proteína PhoU de X. citri e a análise da possível interação de PhoU com a proteína PhoR, a histidina quinase do sistema dois componentes. Para tal, as proteínas foram expressas em linhagens de E. coli Tuner e purificadas por cromatografia de afinidade a metal, seguida de exclusão molecular. Visando a caracterização biofísica e estrutural da proteína PhoU, foram realizados ensaios de dicroísmo circular, cristalização, análises de bioinformática e modelagem molecular. Os resultados de bioinformática mostraram que PhoU conserva características estruturais e funcionais quando comparada com ortólogos. Após sua purificação, a proteína foi produzida na sua forma enovelada e mostrou interação com ligantes, conforme descrito na literatura para ortólogos. A expressão da proteína PhoR também foi obtida e ensaios de pull-down foram realizados para a caracterização da interação entre PhoU-PhoR. Adicionalmente, foram realizados estudos de expressão das proteínas em diferentes condições de cultivo, utilizando-se anticorpos policlonais anti-PhoU e anti-PhoR. Os resultados apresentados neste projeto são de grande importância uma vez que se obteve a padronização dos processos de produção de ambas as proteínas e ensaios biofísicos e estruturais para a futura caracterização do complexo, o que será de grande relevância para a compreensão do papel destes sistemas na fisiologia da bactéria. / The ability to sensor the extracellular environment and respond to its changes is inherent to most bacteria. Nutrient concentrations direct metabolic processes related to survival and proliferation. Inorganic phosphate (Pi) is one of the nutrients whose regulation, sensing and signalling are quite preserved in bacteria. One of the mechanisms for phosphate ion uptake with high affinity is the Pst system, composed by an ABC transporter (ATP-Binding Cassette), located on the inner membrane of the cells. This transporter, along with the PhoR/PhoB proteins, which form a Two Component Regulatory System, are capable of sensing and monitoring the levels of phosphate in cells. Both systems belong to the called regulon Pho, set of genes involved in phosphate transport, uptake and metabolism. Studies have shown that the interaction between the Pst system and the two component PhoR/PhoB system is mediated by the PhoU protein, a negative regulator, whose gene is located in the same operon of Pst system. Although much studied in Escherichia coli , there are few information about of these systems in Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri , the major causative of citric canker. Studies conducted by our group showed that X. citri conserves most of the genes described as belonging to regulon Pho, including the Pst system, the proteins PhoR/PhoB and PhoU. This work, therefore, aimed at performing functional and structural characterization of the X. citri PhoU protein and analyzing the possible interaction of PhoU with the PhoR protein, the histidine kinase of the Two Component System. For this, the proteins were expressed in E. coli Tuner strains and purified by metal affinity chromatography, followed by size exclusion chromatography. Aiming at the biophysical and structural characterization of the PhoU protein, we performed circular dichroism, crystallization, bioinformatics and molecular modeling. The results of bioinformatics showed that PhoU retains structural and functional characteristics when compared with orthologs. After purification, the protein was produced in its folded form and showed interaction with ligands, as described in the literature for orthologs. Expression of the PhoR protein was also obtained and Pull Down assays were performed for the characterization of the interaction between PhoUPhoR. In addition, protein expression studies were carried out under different culture conditions using polyclonal anti-PhoU and anti-PhoR antibodies. The results presented in this project are of great importance, once the standardization of the production processes of both proteins has been obtained, as well as biophysical and structural information. These information will be important for future characterization of the complex, which will be of great relevance for the understanding of the role of these systems in the physiology of bacteria.

Um estudo referente à adoção do imposto sobre especulação imobiliária na cidade de Recife: o imposto predial e territorial urbano (IPTU) extra-fiscal como instrumento de auxílio ao orçamento municipal

JANISZEWSKI, Vanessa 20 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Irene Nascimento (irene.kessia@ufpe.br) on 2016-07-20T16:56:19Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Vanessa Janiszewski.pdf: 1923385 bytes, checksum: e5c38b299eca370ed96858594f5a46ce (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-20T16:56:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) Vanessa Janiszewski.pdf: 1923385 bytes, checksum: e5c38b299eca370ed96858594f5a46ce (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-20 / Facepe / O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o mercado imobiliário do município de Recife, verificando se existe evidência de uma possível supervalorização desses ativos; ressaltar a importância da previsão das receitas públicas para fins orçamentários, estudando e propondo um modelo de previsão de arrecadação da receita do IPTU, e; simular a adoção do Imposto sobre Especulação Imobiliário (PST - Property Speculation Tax) no cálculo e cobrança do IPTU no município de Recife, avaliando possíveis efeitos no valor arrecadado. A abordagem adotada para a execução do estudo foi de natureza quantitativa e a estratégia de pesquisa foi exploratória, utilizando-se como fonte de informações o levantamento de dados - receita histórica de IPTU e ITBI, valor imobiliário do Zap imóveis, dentre outros. Assim como a realização de pesquisa bibliográfica em livros, leis, normas, teses, dissertações, artigos técnicos e pesquisa na Internet, com o objetivo de estabelecer uma fundamentação teórica referente à problemática do estudo. Como resultado alguns pontos merecem destaque: foi possível observar que não há reais indícios de especulação imobiliária em Recife; foi proposto um modelo auto regressivo para a previsão da Receita do IPTU de Recife, e; foi encontrado evidência de uma leve elevação na arrecadação desta receita com a introdução do PST - tendo como premissa alguns condições descritas no trabalho. / The objective of this study was to analyze the real estate market in the city of Recife, examining if there is evidence of a possible overvaluation of these assets, some sort of real state bubble; emphasizing the importance of forecasting in public revenues for budgetary purposes, studying and proposing a revenue forecasting model of property tax revenues and; simulate the adoption of the PST (Property Speculation Tax) in the calculation and collection of property tax in the city of Recife, assessing possible effects on the amount collected. The approach adopted for the execution of the study was quantitative and the search strategy was exploratory, using as source of information data collection - Historical property tax revenue and ITBI, real estate value of Zap database, among others. As well as carrying out bibliographic research in books, laws, standards, theses, dissertations, technical articles and research on the Internet, in order to establish a theoretical framework concerning the issue of study. As a result it was observed that there is no solid evidence of speculation in Recife; proposed an AR model for the prediction of the property tax revenue from Recife, and; evidence of a slight rise in revenue this recipe with the introduction of the PST - with the premise some conditions described in the work.

Análise transcricional do operon pst de Escherichia coli. / Transcriptional analisys of pst operon Escherichia coli.

Aguena, Meire 27 November 2007 (has links)
O operon pst de Escherichia coli é formado pelos genes pstS, pstC, pstA, pstB e phoU. Os quatro primeiros genes codificam proteínas que compõem um sistema de transporte do tipo ABC denominado Pst. O sistema Pst, junto com a proteína PhoU participa da repressão dos genes do regulon PHO. A transcrição dos genes do operon pst é induzida pela carência de fosfato inorgânico (Pi). Neste trabalho, o padrão de transcrição do operon pst foi analisado. A existência de um transcrito primário instável foi comprovada através de uma nova técnica de RT-PCR. O papel da RNase E na degradação do mRNA de pst foi demonstrado. A análise das seqüências intergênicas do operon revelou a importância da seqüência REP (Repetitive Extragenic Palindrome) localizada na região intergênica entre pstS e pstC na estabilização da mensagem de pstS. As seqüências localizadas a 5\' dos genes pstC, pstB e phoU também foram analisadas e demonstraram uma atividade promotora fraca, que resulta na síntese de transcritos dos genes distais de pst. / The pst operon of Escherichia coli consists of the genes pstS, pstC, pstA, pstB and phoU. The four proximal genes of the operon encode the proteins of the ABC-type Pi phosphate (Pi) transporter Pst.The Pst system, together with the PhoU protein, also acts as a negative regulator of the PHO regulon. Transcription of the pst genes is induced by Pi starvation. The present study describes the transcription pattern of the pst operon. The existence of an unstable primary transcript was confirmed by using an improved RT-PCR protocol. The role of RNase E in pst transcript decay was demonstrated.Analysis of the operon intergenic regions revealed the role of a REP sequence (Repetitive Extragenic Palindrome) located between pstS and pstC in pst mRNA stability. The regions upstream of pstC, pstB and phoU displayed promoter activity. Transcription from these internal promoters resulted in a small amount of mRNAs corresponding to the pst distal genes.

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