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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conflict, Knowledge, and Collective Bargaining in Public Education

Hall-Baker, Tre'Shawn 01 January 2017 (has links)
Negative conflict in public school districts during collective bargaining impedes efforts towards creativity and student success. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the experiences of conflict for participants in collective bargaining in California public school districts. Complexity theory and social construction theory were used as the conceptual framework for the research, and ideas related to conflict, social interactions, knowledge management, and collective bargaining were examined to gain an understanding as they related to the central phenomenon. The specific research questions pondered in this study related to how conflict was experienced in California public schools during collective bargaining, what the perception of conflict was when knowledge management tools were used, and what some of the outcomes from conflict were when knowledge management tools were used. Data were collected from 25 participants who met the specified criteria of having experienced collective bargaining in a California public school setting, having experienced conflict during collective bargaining as a part of the negotiating teams, and must have experienced the use of knowledge management tools when in conflict during collective bargaining. Findings showed that knowledge management tools were a benefit to positive perceptions of conflict and positive conflict outcomes during collective bargaining in California public schools. The findings effectuate positive social change because when in conflict, knowledge is an intermediary that fills a void where there is a gap in understanding and a lack of viable solutions between the parties.

Funding and Allocation in School Districts Educating Children with Impact Aid

Lynch-Moore, Jamee M 01 January 2019 (has links)
Budgeting and allocation decisions made by school districts have a direct impact on education in local communities. Little, however, is known about budgetary allocation and decision-making practices involving federal Impact Aid received by military-connected districts as no national guidelines exist to guide the allocation of this funding source. Using Sielke's garbage can decision model as the foundation, the purpose of this multiple case study of 5 school districts located throughout the United States was to explore how school districts use Impact Aid to achieve educational adequateness for military-connected children. Research questions focused on how school districts make budgetary decisions in regard to Impact Aid and military-connected students. Data were collected from 5 semistructured interviews with school administrators, budget analysts, as well as over 350 publicly available policy documents. All data were inductively coded and categorized to apply frequency of references and through open and descriptive coding emerged 4 thematic elements. The key findings of this study showed that sequestration and information management had the largest impact on how Impact Aid funding was spent by school districts. The results of this study provide evidence in support of Sielke's garbage can decision theory. The implications for social change stemming from this study include recommendations to policy makers regarding improving allocation methods, which may in turn improve the effectiveness of education funding leading to adequate and equal education support for all public school students.

Reauthorizing No Child Left Behind: Assessing the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Zimmerling, Aubrey A 01 January 2013 (has links)
When Democrats and Republicans crafted the 2002 No Child Left Behind (NCLB), the bipartisan reauthorization of the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), they did so with the best of intentions: Close our nation’s staggering achievement gap with federal leadership, accountability, flexibility, and choice. But a over a decade later, many argue the law’s flaws have outweighed its successes to detriment of our public education system, schools, teachers, and most importantly, our students. In accordance with ESEA’s traditional reauthorization cycle, NCLB was signed into law in 2002 and expired in 2007. It is now 2013, and our nation’s education policy still has yet to be reauthorized. In examining how this can be accomplished, this paper first demonstrates how our tradition of local school control developed into one of dual jurisdiction. It then examines the executive and legislative battle that produced NCLB in the 107th Congress. Next, this paper analyzes the intended and unintended consequences of NCLB, which include conflicting conservative and liberal mechanisms, perverse incentives, narrowing and homogenizing education, inadequate resources, ignoring community issues, and seeking annual educational profit over qualitative learning. The paper concludes with an outlook on reauthorization–how NCLB should be substantively improved, as well as, the political context in which this reauthorization will occur.

Qüestions entorn el sistema educatiu en el període d'implantació de la LOGSE. Finançament de l'ensenyament obligatori públic a Catalunya

Girbau Massana, Lluís 22 November 2006 (has links)
En aquesta Tesi proporciona una visió global del finançament del sistema educatiu obligatori públic a Catalunya de 6 a 16 anys (1990-02), al llarg de la qual s'analitza la major part de les polítiques educatives des d'aquesta perspectiva. Esperem que pugui ajudar a la Comunitat Educativa a estar millor informats i que contribueixi al necessari debat de la qualitat de les nostres escoles i com s'ha de fer front a les despeses que originen.La recerca s'ha fet sobre Sistema Educatiu obligatori públic Català (1990-2002). Les 369 pàgines han estat elaborades pensant en donar informació als ciutadans del estat del complex sistema de finançament i les polítiques portades a terme en aquest període."Molts i importants canvis legislatius han succeït. El nostre objectiu no era només proporcionar una visió precisa del finançament del Sistema Educatiu en el període d'implantació de la LOGSE a Catalunya, sinó també proporcionar una informació pedagògicament fàcil d'entendre per part dels ciutadans."La part del anàlisis referida al Sistema Educatiu està dividit en quatre seccions:Primera secció: Visió del sistema educatiu Català 1990-02 (alumnes, centres docents, unitats escolars i professors)Segona i tercera secció: Visió del finançament estatal 1990-02 i de la aplicació d'aquests fons d'acord amb la despesa en educació. La informació en aquestes seccions està estructurada en petició de fons, origen i aplicació dels mateixos a CatalunyaLa quarta secció compara la despesa educativa entre diferents Comunitats Autònomes i dóna una visió de la despesa pública en educació al llarg dels anys corresponents al període d'implantació de la LOGSE (1990-2002)Dos annexes s'inclouen contenint informació específica, una referent als debats a la premsa i l'altre referida a comentaris i valoracions pròpies per tal de que el ciutadà pugui animar-se a debatre el finançament de la educació a Espanya i a Catalunya. / Esta Tesis proporciona una visión global de la financiación del sistema educativo obligatorio público en Cataluña de 6 a 16 años (1990-02), a lo largo de la cual se analiza la mayor parte de las políticas educativas des de ésta perspectiva. Esperamos que pueda ayudar a la Comunidad Educativa a estar mejor informados y que contribuya al necesario debate de la cualidad de nuestras escuelas y cómo se debe hacer frente a los gastos que se originen.La tesis versa sobre el Sistema Educativo obligatorio público Catalán (1990-2002). Las 369 páginas han sido elaboradas pensando en aportar información a los ciudadanos del estado sobre el complejo sistema de financiación y de las políticas desarrolladas en este período."Muchos y importantes cambios legislativos han tenido lugar. Nuestro objetivo no era sólo proporcionar una visión precisa de la financiación del Sistema Educativo en el período de implantación de la LOGSE a Cataluña, si no también proporcionar una información pedagógicamente asequible de entender por parte de los ciudadanos."La parte referida al análisis del Sistema Educativo está dividida en cuatro secciones:Primera sección: Visión del sistema educativo Catalán 1990-02 (alumnos, centros docentes, unidades escolares y profesores)Segunda i tercera sección: Visión de la financiación estatal 1990-02 y de la aplicación de estos fondos de acuerdo con el gasto en educación. La información en estas secciones está estructurada en petición de fondos, origen i aplicación de los mismos en Cataluña.La cuarta sección compara el gasto educativo entre diferentes Comunidades Autónomas y da una visión del gasto pública en educación a lo largo de los años correspondientes al período de implantación de la LOGSE (1990-2002)Dos anexos se incluyen conteniendo información específica: una referida a algunos debates aparecidos en la prensa respecto a las necesidades de financiación del Sistema Educativo y otra referida a los comentarios i valoraciones propias para que el ciudadano pueda animarse a debatir cuestiones referidas a la financiación de la educación en España y Cataluña. / In this thesis, we provide a broad overview of the K-6 K-16 public education finance system, along with a discussion of several major policy issues. We hope it helps citizens become more informed and engaged in the discussion about our schools and how they are -directly or indirectly- paid for.The Catalonia Public Education Finance Research 1990-2002 Edition. The 369 pages is designed to help Catalonian citizens grasp the basics of the state's complex education finance system and the policy issues surrounding it."Several important legislative changes along with a new emphasis on linking education spending with educational outcomes prompted us to revisit this important tool for citizen awareness. Our goal was not only to provide an accurate overview of Catalonia education finance and reform issues, but also to present the information in a way that is easy for the average citizen to understand."The analysis booklet is divided into four sections:· Section One provides an overview Catalonian education system 1990-2002. (pupils, primary and high school , units and teachers) · Sections Two and Three provides an overview of the state's finance 1990-2002 period as well as a summary of how education funds are used in Catalonia with this spending. The information in these sections is presented as ask, origin and application of bottoms format.· Section four, entitled "Spanish Education Finance regional comparison" provides an overview of key issues shaping the recent past of public education regions in Spain. Two appendices are also included containing more information on specific information on how citizens can get involved in educational policy debates at both the kingdom and regional levels.

Investigation of Alignment between Goals of Schooling Relevant to Georgia and the Georgia Performance Standards

Vega, Anissa Lokey 02 March 2010 (has links)
Since the American Revolution free public education has been a discussion of political debate. The purpose that such an institution should play in society is a debate fervently argued when the founding fathers wanted to build a republic based on meritocracy. The problem this study addresses is the undefined relationship between the goals of schooling relevant to Georgia and the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) which is a critical piece to creating a complete systemic view of public schooling in Georgia. The purpose of this study is to investigate the alignment between the GPS and schooling goals. The guiding question and sub-questions are: How well are the GPS, or the intended curriculum of Georgia schools, and each of the various stated goals of schooling aligned? How relevant are the eighth-grade GPS to the latent themes of each of the stated goals of schooling? How balanced are the latent themes of each of the stated goals of schooling in the eighth-grade GPS? Through a historical investigation of the literature and current policy the author establishes the currently relevant goals of schooling which serve as the latent goals for which the method will seek to find evidence within the Georgia Performance Standards. The study employs a quantitative content analysis of a significant section of the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) looking for themes associated with various stated goals of schooling as indicated by the literature review. The manifest themes, developed from the latent goals of schooling, are incorporated as the dependent variables in the study, while the GPS serve as the independent variable. Neuendorf’s (2001) framework for content analysis is used to develop a new method for investigating the goal-curriculum alignment relationship through new measures of Curricular Balance, Curricular Relevance, and Manifest Theme Presence. This study presents a new visual model to compare a curriculum’s alignment to multiple goals of schooling called the Goal-Curriculum Alignment Measures (G-CAM) model. This study finds that the GPS are strongly aligned to the goals of Americanization, high student test scores, post-secondary enrollment, and national gain, while poorly aligned to democratic participation and social justice. Evidence for these conclusions are discussed and related to the current socio-political literature.

How Does The State Promote Informal Employment: The Case Of A Kilim Workshop

Yilmaz, Emek 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis argues the interaction between the Turkish state and informal employment. Literature review on informal sector, flexibilization of the labor market and feminist approach are the bases of this argument. On the other hand, the role of the state in economy is discussed in relation to Bretton Woods Institutions. Taking into consideration the state and informal employment arguments, this study illustrates with a study of a Kilim Weaving Workshop in a town of Ankara how informal work is connected with the state institution Public Education Center. For this study, I conducted participant observation and semi-structured interviews with 10 people out of 30 in research area.

Evolution/Creationism Controversy: Analysis of Past and Current Policies in Public Schools and the Practice of Allowing Students to Opt-Out of Learning Evolution Concepts

Speake, Jacquelyn Hoffmann 01 January 2011 (has links)
Recent anti-evolution legislation, in the form of Academic Freedom bills, has been introduced in many state legislatures over the last three years. The language in the proposed Academic Freedom bills may allow different interpretations of what can be taught in the science classrooms, and possibly spur parents to take advantage of their perceived parental rights to request their child be opted-out of class when the scientific theory of evolution is taught. Five research questions guided the analysis of participant responses to questions and perception statements focusing on secondary school administrators' actions, perceptions, and awareness as they relate to their decision to allow or not allow a student to opt out of academics, specifically evolution, through the collection of data using a web-based survey. Opt out policies are typically invoked to excuse students from activities to which they or their parents may have religious objections (Scott & Branch, 2008). Florida statutes allow parents to opt out their child from human sexuality and animal dissection. The population consisted of 281 Florida public secondary school administrators, who were divided into two subgroups based on whether they have allowed or would allow a student to opt out of evolution, or have not allowed or would not allow a student to opt out of class when the scientific theory of evolution is taught. Results found that over 70% of the administrators who completed the survey have allowed or would allow parents to opt out their child from learning about the scientific theory of evolution. There was a significant relationship between the decision to allow opt out and the following variables: (a) Free and Reduced Lunch population, (b) grade level served, (c) support for teaching evolution and alternative theories, and (d) the perception that parent rights supersede state statute requiring students to learn evolution. In Florida, any scientific concept that is based on empirical evidence is included in the state-mandated curriculum. If administrators are influenced to believe teachers have the academic freedom to teach alternative ideas that are not scientifically valid, they may be intentionally or unintentionaly allowing subject matter relevant to a student's academic success t to be suppressed or distorted, which is also a violation of state statute. The implications from this study indicated that many participants would allow a student to opt out of class when evolution is taught, including assigning an alternative assignment. Since the scientific theory of evolution is infused into the biological sciences, and therefore, the Florida State Standards for science, evolution concepts are assessed on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) and the Biology End-of-Course exam. Allowing students to opt out of class when evolution is taught may have a negative impact on student success on state mandated assessments, which can directly impact school grades and state and federal funding that is tied to Adequate Yearly Progress.

Från idé till verklighet : Uppsala kommunala musikskola

Göranzon, Ingrid January 2013 (has links)
Göranzon, Ingrid: From concept to reality - Uppsala Municipal School of Music. Master thesis, 30 credits. Uppsala: Department of Musicology. 2013. This thesis aims to explain how and why the municipal school of music (kommunala musikskolan) in Uppsala was formed. Municipal schools of music are a Swedish phenomenon that was formed all over Sweden after the Second World War. Each school is individual since they are entirely controlled at a municipal level. Although several factors have been identified as reasons for the creation of municipal schools of music, research in the area is limited. The material forming the basis of the survey is municipal documents from Uppsala city archives. The method that has been chosen to analyze the material is critical ideology analysis. This means that the content of the documents is analyzed in relation to its context, to clarify both the manifest and latent ideologies. The study shows that the formation of a municipal school of music in Uppsala was part of a larger movement, both nationally and locally. Sweden went through great changes during the period after the Second World War, politically, socially and culturally. The development of municipal schools of music was influenced mainly by the ideas about education and culture. The guiding idea was that all citizens should have equal access and opportunity. Technological advances such as radio and gramophone had made high culture more accessible, but it also contributed to the spread of what was considered inferior culture. Studies of the time showed that the solution was to give people the knowledge needed to make the right choice. The municipal school of music in Uppsala was created with the aim of forming a culturally educated public. Key words: municipal school of music (kommunal musikskola), Uppsala, public education (folkbildning), cultural politics (kulturpolitik), critical ideology analysis, post World War II / <p>ISBN UU-MSU-SER-60-E</p>

The Actual And Desired Levels Of Shared Decision Making In Public Schools In Cankaya District Of Ankara

Gunal, Zafer 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT THE ACTUAL AND DESIRED LEVELS OF SHARED DECISION MAKING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS IN &Ccedil / ANKAYA DISTRICT OF ANKARA G&uuml / nal, Zafer M.S., Department of Educational Sciences Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hasan SimSek September 2005, 96 pages The purpose of the study is to investigate the actual and desired levels of shared decision making in public schools in &Ccedil / ankaya district of Ankara, Turkey. The sample of this study consisted of 372 teachers from 10 public basic schools and secondary schools in &Ccedil / ankaya district of Ankara. Shared Education Decisions Survey- Revised by Prof. Dr. Donna Ferrara was used to collect data. The results of the study showed that the teachers working in public schools of &Ccedil / ankaya district sometimes participate in the decision making process. The level of participation increases about the parental involvement, pupil personnel and student achievement issues. However, it is understood that teachers rarely participate in the decisions relating to budget, school/community relations, staff development and policy issues. On the other hand, when the results of the study are considered, it is apparent that teachers in public schools in &Ccedil / ankaya district always desire to participate in the decision making processes in their schools. The parental involvement, student achievement, pupil personnel and curriculum/ instruction areas, which are directly related to teaching, are the areas teachers most desire to participate in. Keywords: Shared decision making, participation, participative decision making, public education institutions, teacher participation.

Políticas de formação continuada docente das redes municipais de ensino da região do Vale do Rio Caí/RS

Lutz, Diego January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação buscou conhecer as políticas públicas de formação continuada dos docentes das redes municipais de ensino da região gaúcha do Vale do Rio Caí. Trata-se de uma região situada entre a região metropolitana de Porto Alegre e a Serra Gaúcha, composta por vinte Municípios, no Rio Grande do Sul. Para a realização deste estudo, buscou-se o acesso à legislação brasileira que trata das políticas de formação dos docentes, bem como das políticas municipais da região em estudo. O aprofundamento bibliográfico da literatura acerca da formação continuada e desenvolvimento profissional docente constituiu-se como suporte para as discussões realizadas na dissertação. Buscou-se também conhecer as particularidades dos Municípios que compõem esta região, bem como aspectos da Educação Municipal, acessados por meio do Censo Escolar da Educação Básica e de outros dados fornecidos pelos órgãos de pesquisa do país e do Estado. Também foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas com os Dirigentes Municipais de Educação. A análise dos Planos de Carreira do Magistério Municipal (PCM) também se fez necessária, com a finalidade de conhecer a normatização das políticas municipais para a formação docente. Além dos PCM, foram analisadas as Atas das formações pedagógicas de cada um destes Municípios, uma vez que estas descrevem o que efetivamente foi colocado em prática em relação à formação continuada dos docentes destas redes públicas de ensino. Para a análise dos dados coletados, foram utilizados instrumentos quantitativos e qualitativos e como suporte teórico-metodológico, utilizou-se o ciclo de políticas, proposto por Stephen Ball e seus colaboradores. Os municípios que compõem a região apresentam um plano de carreira bem estruturado, abrangendo desde a remuneração, a valorização e possibilidade de ascensão na carreira durante a trajetória profissional docente. São desenvolvidos programas de formação continuada, inclusive por meio de arranjos de desenvolvimento da educação e apontaram-se alguns desafios que ainda se impõem à região, inclusive com possibilidades de superação dos mesmos. / This dissertation is a study about public policies of continuing education of teachers from municipal teaching, from the region of Vale do Rio Caí. This region is located between the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre and the mountain range, in Rio Grande do Sul. It has twenty municipalities. To do this study, the Brazilian legislation which is about policies of teachers’ formation was consulted. Municipal policies of the region where the study was done were also accessed. The literature that concerns continued formation and professional teaching development was a support for the discussions done in this dissertation. Another aim was to know about the particularities of the cities which belong to this region as well as aspects of municipal education. Some of these pieces of information were accessed through the school census of basic education and others were provided by research institutions from the state and from the country. Structured interviews with municipal education leaders were done. An analysis of the career plans of municipal teaching was also needed; the aim was to know about the standardization of municipal policies of teachers’ formation. Besides the career plans, registers of minutes of pedagogical formation of each municipality were analyzed once they describe what was actually put into practice, concerning continuing teachers’ formation in these publicschools system.To analyze the collected data quantitative and qualitative instruments were used and the cycle of policies, proposed by Stephan Ball and his collaborators, was used as a theoretical and methodological support. The municipalities which make part of the region have a well structured career plan including salary, professional development and possibilities of growing in the teaching career. Programs of continued formation are done through arrangements of education development and some challenges that the region still has were found out, but there is the possibility of overcomingthem.

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