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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sistema de gerenciamento para carga e descarga de baterias (chumbo-ácido) e para busca do ponto de máxima potência gerada em painéis fotovoltaicos empregados em sistemas de geração distribuída / Management system for charging and discharging of batteries (lead acid) and search for the maximum power point generated on photovoltaic panels employed in distributed generation systems

Bastos, Renan Fernandes 24 January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um sistema de carga e descarga de baterias de chumbo-ácido para sistemas de geração distribuída acoplada a um conjunto de painéis fotovoltaicos e conectada à rede elétrica. O conjunto de painéis opera de forma a maximizar a energia gerada através de um algoritmo MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) e a rede elétrica opera como rota para o excedente produzido pelos painéis. Para que a bateria possa ser carregada e descarregada com eficiência evitando sobrecargas e descarregamentos profundos, uma metodologia de estimação do estado de carga da bateria é implementada visando um controle mais eficiente (maximizando a vida útil da bateria) e um melhor aproveitamento da energia armazenada. Para o gerenciamento da carga e descarga do banco de baterias é utilizada uma topologia bidirecional (Boost-Buck) com controlador fuzzy P+I para estabilização de corrente ou tensão. Em relação à técnica de controle para o sistema PV, um controlador PI clássico é utilizado para regular a tensão terminal e ponto de máxima potência que é definido por um algoritmo de perturbação e observação (P&O). Para validar os controladores e os modelos teóricos desenvolvidos é construído um protótipo do sistema. São analisados, também, o comportamento do sistema de carga das baterias e painel fotovoltaico sob condições extremas como queda abrupta de irradiação solar, desconexão inesperada dos painéis e mudanças no ponto ótimo de funcionamento dos mesmos. / The present work aims to develop a system of charging and discharging lead-acid batteries for distributed generation connected to a set of photovoltaic panels, and used in grid connected applications. The set of panels operates to maximize the energy produced by means of an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm and the power grid absorbs the extra power produced by the panels. For charging and discharging the battery pack and to prevent overload and deep discharge, a methodology for estimating the state of charge is implemented in order to obtain an efficient control technique (maximizing battery life), and more efficient use of the stored energy. To manage the charging and discharging of the battery bank a bidirectional topology (Boost-Buck) with fuzzy P+I controller for stabilization of current or voltage is used. To regards the PV control technique, a classical PI controller is employed to regulate the PV terminal voltage, and the maximum power point is determined by a perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm. To validate the controllers and the theoretical models developed is built a prototype system, and analyzed the behavior of the batteries charger and photovoltaic panel under extreme environmental conditions such as abrupt decrease of solar irradiation, unexpected panels disconnection and changes of the maximum power point of the panels.

Développement, fabrication et caractérisation de modules photovoltaïques à concentration à ultra haut rendement à base de micro-concentrateurs / Development, manufacturing and characterization of ultra-high efficiency concentrated photovoltaic modules based on micro-concentrators

Ritou, Arnaud 22 November 2018 (has links)
Les modules photovoltaïques à concentration (CPV) ont tendance à se miniaturiser. D’une part, la distance focale plus courte des optiques de concentration permet de réduire le besoin en matériaux pour l’assemblage du module ; et d’autre part, le rendement des modules est sensiblement meilleurs que ceux des modules CPV de taille normale. L’étude de chaque élément de la chaine de pertes dans la littérature des micro-concentrateurs a permis de confirmer cette tendance. Cette thèse aborde les problématiques de coût et de rendement à travers la conception optique d’un concentrateur à deux étages de lentilles, sa fabrication puis une étude approfondie de ses performances.La méthode de conception, développée à partir de lois d’optique géométrique et non-imageante, définit le profil des lentilles à λ=589nm en premiers lieux. Ensuite, une simulation par tracé de rayons permet d’optimiser ces lentilles pour l’ensemble du spectre solaire puis d’étudier l’impact de leur désalignement lors de la mise en module. Les limites des déplacements des éléments du module ainsi déterminées conditionnent la précision de sa fabrication. Dans notre cas, l’alignement est réalisé automatiquement par un jeu de repères mécaniques lors du moulage simultané des optiques primaires (POE) et des optiques secondaires (SOE). Contrairement aux procédés habituels, ce procédé de moulage innovant permet d’assembler un module en seulement trois étapes au lieu de cinq.Pour caractériser les micro-concentrateurs réalisés, une méthode de mesure du rapport module à cellule (CTM) est développée. Pour cela, le rendement des cellules est mesuré en simulateur solaire avant et après leur mise en module. Les cellules multi-jonctions mises en œuvre étant sensibles aux variations spectrales et spatiales de l’éclairement, la validation préalable de ces mesures est primordiale. En complément du CTM qui quantifie la somme des pertes introduites lors de la mise en module, d’autres mesures sont développées pour comprendre la chaine de perte plus en détails.Le dispositif étudié au cours de cette thèse utilise des cellules triple-jonction de 0,6 x 0,6mm² avec une concentration de 1000X et atteint un rendement de 29%. Le CTM est de 70% et l’analyse de la chaine de perte montre que le procédé inventé n’impacte pas ou peu les performances du module. De plus, la détermination de la chaine de perte montre que les pertes par réflexion et par absorption sont prédominantes, au même titre que les pertes dues à la diffusion des lentilles ainsi que les pertes dues aux non-uniformités d’éclairement sur la cellule. / The actual trend of CPV is the micro-scaling of modules. A bibliographic study shows that shorter focal length of optics implies less material consumption in manufacturing and an enhanced efficiency of the modules. In this thesis, a double stage refractive micro-concentrator is designed, manufactured and characterized. First, the optical design of the concentrator is based on non-imaging technics. Thus, the profile of the lenses is generated for a single wavelength. Then, a ray tracing simulator is used to optimize the lens profile for the overall solar spectrum and study the concentrator element misalignment effect on the performances.Secondly, a three steps self-assembly process is developed instead of the usual five steps one. Both POE and SOE lenses of our device are molded simultaneously and a mechanical guidance system in the mold ensures the alignment of the micro-concentrator elements (POE, SOE and Cell).Finally, the performances measurements of the manufactured modules are managed in solar simulators in which the lightening condition are previously studied and validated. Comparing the bare cells efficiency with the module efficiency, the cell-to-module ratio (CTM) represents the overall losses in the module. Further experiments are managed to quantify each loss of the module. The manufactured and characterized micro-concentrator is a 1000X concentrating ratio with 0.6 x 0.6mm² triple junction cells. It efficiency is 29% with a 70% CTM. Finally, the loss chain study reveals that the three steps self-assembly process is reliable.

Indução de resistência em feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) por acibenzolar-S-metil e Bacillus cereus: aspectos fisiológicos, bioquímicos e parâmetros de crescimento e produção\" / Resistance induced in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) by acibenzolar-S-methyl and Bacillus cereus: physiological and biochemical aspects, growth and production parameters

Kuhn, Odair José 26 February 2007 (has links)
A indução de resistência envolve a ativação de mecanismos de defesa latentes existentes nas plantas em resposta ao tratamento com agentes bióticos ou abióticos. As plantas apresentam sistema de defesa induzível, com a finalidade de economizar energia. Desse modo, a resistência induzida em condições naturais representará custo apenas na presença do patógeno. Porém, plantas que investem seus recursos para se defenderem na ausência de patógenos arcarão com custos que refletirão na produtividade, uma vez que as alterações metabólicas que levam a resistência apresentam custo adaptativo associado, o qual pode pesar mais do que o benefício. O efeito negativo na produtividade ocorre principalmente onde indutores químicos são utilizados repetidas vezes ou em doses mais elevadas. Assim, em alguns casos podemos estar caminhando sobre uma estreita linha entre custo e benefício, onde a cura pode ser tão ruim quanto a própria doença. Neste trabalho foram conduzidos experimentos objetivando verificar alterações bioquímicas e fisiológicas, correlacionando-as com parâmetros de produção do feijoeiro entre a indução mediada por acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM), indutor químico, e, a mediada por Bacillus cereus, indutor biológico, antes da chegada do patógeno. Para tanto, foram avaliados plantas de feijão, induzidas por esses dois indutores e desafiadas com Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli, para constatar a ocorrência do fenômeno da indução de resistência. Na ausência do patógeno, foram avaliados os parâmetros fisiológicos respiração e fotossíntese, determinada a atividade de enzimas envolvidas no processo de defesa como peroxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, fenilalanina amônia-liase e polifenoloxidase e a atividade de enzimas envolvidas no catabolismo como proteases, a síntese de compostos do metabolismo secundário como fenóis totais e lignina, a síntese de compostos do metabolismo primário como proteínas e açúcares redutores. Também se avaliou o crescimento das plantas, a produtividade e parâmetros de produção e alguns parâmetros de qualidade dos grãos. Observou-se a ocorrência da indução de resistência em função da aplicação dos dois indutores utilizados, porém para o indutor ASM a indução de resistência estava associada a aumentos na atividade de peroxidase, quitinase, β-1,3-glucanase e proteases, aumento da síntese de lignina e redução no teor de fenóis, aumentos no teor de proteínas solúveis e de açúcares redutores nas folhas, redução do crescimento e da produtividade, aumento do teor de proteína dos grãos e redução do teor de amido nestes. Já o B. cereus apenas ocasionou aumento na atividade de peroxidase de forma atenuada e tendeu a aumentar a atividade de proteases, e reduzir o teor de proteínas nas folhas sem interferir no crescimento ou na produtividade, mas reduziu o teor de proteína dos grãos, mas aumentou o teor de amido nestes. Portanto, o indutor B. cereus , aparentemente alterou muito pouco o metabolismo do feijoeiro, sem interferir na produtividade e melhorando a qualidade da produção, enquanto que o indutor abiótico ASM alterou muito mais seu metabolismo, gerando um custo metabólico e redirecionando os fotoassimilados para investir em defesas, a custo da redução da produtividade. / The induction of systemic resistance involves the activation of latent resistance mechanisms in plants against pathogens in response to the treatment with biotic or abiotic agents. The plants present latent defense system that can be activated with the goal of saving energy. Thus, the induced resistance under natural conditions will represent cost only in the pathogen presence. In this way, plants that invest their resources to defend themselves in the absence of the pathogen will pay off with costs that will reflect in productivity, since the metabolic changes that led to resistance have associated fitness cost which could outweigh the benefit. The negative effects on plant productivity usually occur when chemical inducers are used repeatedly or in higher doses, mainly in the absence of the pathogen. Thus, we can say that in some cases we can be walking on a fine line between cost and benefit, where the cure may be as bad as the disease itself. In this work, experiments were carry out to verify biochemical and physiologic alterations, correlating them with production parameters of bean plants treated with acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), chemical inducer, or Bacillus cereus , biological inducer, before the pathogen arrival. Initially, bean plants were evaluated for induced resistance against Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli when treated with the two inducers. In the absence of the pathogen, it was evaluated the physiological parameters respiration and photosynthesis and the activity of enzymes involved in the defense as peroxidase, chitinase, β-1,3-glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and polifenoloxidase and activity of enzymes involved in the catabolism as proteases, and the synthesis of compounds of the secondary metabolism as phenols and lignin, and the synthesis of compounds of the primary metabolism as proteins and sugars. The growth of the plants was evaluated as well as their productivity and production parameters. Some quality parameters of the grains were also evaluated. The occurrence of the resistance induced in the bean plants against the pathogens was observed for the two inducers. However, for the ASM the resistance induced was associated to increases in peroxidase, chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase activities, increase in the protease activity, increase in lignin synthesis and reduction in the phenol content, increase in soluble proteins and sugar content in the leaves, reduction of the growth and productivity, increasing the protein and reducing the starch content of the grains. The B. cereus only increased peroxidase activity in a lower way and showed a tendency to increase protease activity, and to reduce the protein content in the leaves without interfering in the growth or in the productivity, but it reduced the protein content and it increased the starch content of the grains. Therefore, the biotic inducer, B. cereus altered a minimum the metabolism of the bean plant, without interfering in the productivity and improving the quality of the production, while the abiotic inducer ASM altered its metabolism, generating a metabolic cost and consuming the plant photosyntathes to invest in defenses, causing a reduction in the productivity.

Využití počítače v MŠ / Use of computers in kindergarten

Bukovská, Zuzana January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis looks at and examines the use of using computers in kindergartens - in particular, their use by members of the teaching staff. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the use of computers by the school principal and teachers and particularly but most importantly, the direct use of computers as part of the educational activities aimed at children in kindergarten. The practical part examines the current degree to which computers are used in kindergartens in the region of Central Bohemia and the potential interest of parents in having computers and educational computer games used in the education of their children in these kindergartens. In summary, the thesis will make an assessment of the impact the use of computers and computer related activities are having on selected areas of the education of kindergarten age children.

Sistema de gerenciamento para carga e descarga de baterias (chumbo-ácido) e para busca do ponto de máxima potência gerada em painéis fotovoltaicos empregados em sistemas de geração distribuída / Management system for charging and discharging of batteries (lead acid) and search for the maximum power point generated on photovoltaic panels employed in distributed generation systems

Renan Fernandes Bastos 24 January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho visa o desenvolvimento de um sistema de carga e descarga de baterias de chumbo-ácido para sistemas de geração distribuída acoplada a um conjunto de painéis fotovoltaicos e conectada à rede elétrica. O conjunto de painéis opera de forma a maximizar a energia gerada através de um algoritmo MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) e a rede elétrica opera como rota para o excedente produzido pelos painéis. Para que a bateria possa ser carregada e descarregada com eficiência evitando sobrecargas e descarregamentos profundos, uma metodologia de estimação do estado de carga da bateria é implementada visando um controle mais eficiente (maximizando a vida útil da bateria) e um melhor aproveitamento da energia armazenada. Para o gerenciamento da carga e descarga do banco de baterias é utilizada uma topologia bidirecional (Boost-Buck) com controlador fuzzy P+I para estabilização de corrente ou tensão. Em relação à técnica de controle para o sistema PV, um controlador PI clássico é utilizado para regular a tensão terminal e ponto de máxima potência que é definido por um algoritmo de perturbação e observação (P&O). Para validar os controladores e os modelos teóricos desenvolvidos é construído um protótipo do sistema. São analisados, também, o comportamento do sistema de carga das baterias e painel fotovoltaico sob condições extremas como queda abrupta de irradiação solar, desconexão inesperada dos painéis e mudanças no ponto ótimo de funcionamento dos mesmos. / The present work aims to develop a system of charging and discharging lead-acid batteries for distributed generation connected to a set of photovoltaic panels, and used in grid connected applications. The set of panels operates to maximize the energy produced by means of an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) algorithm and the power grid absorbs the extra power produced by the panels. For charging and discharging the battery pack and to prevent overload and deep discharge, a methodology for estimating the state of charge is implemented in order to obtain an efficient control technique (maximizing battery life), and more efficient use of the stored energy. To manage the charging and discharging of the battery bank a bidirectional topology (Boost-Buck) with fuzzy P+I controller for stabilization of current or voltage is used. To regards the PV control technique, a classical PI controller is employed to regulate the PV terminal voltage, and the maximum power point is determined by a perturb and observe (P&O) algorithm. To validate the controllers and the theoretical models developed is built a prototype system, and analyzed the behavior of the batteries charger and photovoltaic panel under extreme environmental conditions such as abrupt decrease of solar irradiation, unexpected panels disconnection and changes of the maximum power point of the panels.

Developing a Combinatorial Synthesis Database Tool

Quaglia Casal, Luciano January 2018 (has links)
Thin-film solar cell research is central to the electricity production of the near future. Photovoltaic technologies based on silicon have a significant portion of the global market and installed capacity. Thin-film solar cells are port of the emerging photovoltaic technologies that are challenging silicon for a part of the electricity production based on solar power. These thin-film technologies, such as copper indium gallium selenide (CIGS) and cadmium telluride (CdTe), are lower cost and require less energy to produce, but also require rare materials. An alternative to these technologies are thin-film solar cells based on more abundant materials. To develop these new materials at Uppsala University, combinatorial synthesis is used. This method produces a significant amount of data across different measurement methods. The data needs to be analysed and combined to gather information about the characteristics of the materials being developed. To facilitate the analysis and combination of data, a database tool was created in MATLAB. The result is a program that allows its User to combine energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Raman spectroscopy and Photoluminescence spectroscopy measurements done on solar cell absorber layers. Absorber layers are the section of solar cells where sun lighet is absorbed, and electron-hole pairs are created. The program provides multiple figures and graphs combining the different data collected, enabling the User to draw conclusions about the characteristics of the sample and its suitability as an absorber layer. The combinatorial synthesis database tool created could be user for combinatorial synthesis analysis of other material samples that are not necessarily absorber layers for thin-film solar cells. This report describes both the development of the tool and the code itself.

Subsidizing Global Solar Power : A contemporary legal study of existing and potential international incentives for solar PV investments in developing countries

Arnesson, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
With national cuts on solar PV subsidies and the current “oversupply” of panels, the global solar market is clearly threatened by a contraction. Yet, the need for more solar power is apparent, particularly for the world’s poor and vulnerable population. Instead of securing modern energy access for these people, trade interests have triggered a counterproductive solar trade war. This contemporary legal study addresses these issues by examining existent and potential instruments for stimulating a North-to-South solar capital flow. The research finds that recent reforms of the CDM will do little difference from previous deficiencies, as local investment barriers are not reflected in the monetary support of the clean development mechanism. Competing technologies are successfully keeping solar out of the game while baseline requirements are undermining the poor. Inspired by national renewable energy law and policy, international alternatives could address these shortcomings. While feed-in tariffs have been commonly advocated, the REC model seems far more appropriate in an international context. Its ability to be traded separately from the electricity makes it a perfect candidate as a substitute for the CDM. Entrusted with certain features it could address the geographical unbalance and provide with greater investor certainty. But the scheme(s) are under current WTO regulations required to be non-discriminatory, making it highly questionable to believe that developed countries would ever fund such incentive. It is not likely that solar capital exporters want Chinese solar PV manufacturers, who are already receiving significant production subsidies, to receive the same benefits as other producers. However, if countries adversely effected by subsidies where allowed to offset the injury by discriminating Chinese producers in international REC schemes, the Author believes that it would be easier to sell such a concept and implement it, for the benefits of climate change mitigation and adaptation as well as the world’s vulnerable and poor nations. However, this would require extensive reforms under WTO which the Author calls for.

Implementation of Intelligent Maximum Power Point Tracking Control for Renewable Power Generation Systems

Chang, Chih-Kai 19 June 2012 (has links)
This thesis discusses the modeling of a micro-grid with photovoltaic (PV)-wind-fuel cell (FC) hybrid energy system and its operations. The system consists of the PV power, wind power, FC power, static var compensator (SVC) and an intelligent power controller. Wind and PV are primary power sources of the system, and an FC-electrolyzer combination is used as a backup and a long-term storage system. A simulation model for the micro-grid control of hybrid energy system has been developed using MATLAB/Simulink. A SVC was used to supply reactive power and regulate the voltage of the hybrid system. To achieve a fast and stable response for the real power control, the intelligent controller consists of a Radial Basis Function Network-Sliding Mode Control (RBFNSM) and a General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) for maximum power point tracking (MPPT). The pitch angle of wind turbine is controlled by RBFNSM, and the PV system uses GRNN, where the output signal is used to control the DC/DC boost converters to achieve the MPPT.

Hosting capacity for photovoltaics in Swedish distribution grids

Walla, Tobias January 2012 (has links)
For planning issues, it is useful to know the upper limit for photovoltaics (PV) in the electrical grid with current design and operation (defined as hosting capacity) and how this limit can be increased. Future costs for grid reinforcement can be avoided if measures are taken to implement smart grid technology in the distribution grid. The aim of this project is to identify challenges in Swedish electricity distribution grids with a high penetration of local generation of electricity from PV. The aim is also to help Swedish Distribution System Operators (DSOs) to better understand hosting capacity issues, and to see which room for PV integration there is before there is need for actions to maintain power quality. Three distribution grids are modelled and simulated in Matlab: Rural area, Residential area and City (Stockholm Royal Seaport). Since the project is a cooperation between Uppsala University and Fortum, three different representative grids from Fortum’s grid software ”Power Grid” have been used as input to a flexible simulation program developed at Uppsala University. The simulation includes Newton-Raphson power-flow computing but has also been improved with a model of the temperature dependency of the resistance. The results show that there is room for a lot of PV systems in the Swedish grids. When using voltage rise above 1.1 p.u. voltage as limitation, the hosting capacity 60% PV electricity generation as a fraction of the yearly load were determined for the rural grid and the suburban grid. For the city grid, which is very robust, the hosting capacity 325% was determined. When using overload as limitation, the hosting capacities 70%, 20% and 25%, were determined for the same grids.

Undersökning av solcellspotentialen för golfverksamheter i Sverige

Larsson, Jonas January 2015 (has links)
Photovoltaic Systems in Sweden has longbeen heavily dependent on subsidies and grants to bring in a profit for the investor. Production of excess electricity is a major reason for this as the compensation for excess electricity today is low. However, there are businesses that have an electricityneed that are particularly suitable for solar electricity. These businesses have an electricity demand when the sun shines the brightest and if the Photovoltaic System is properly scaled, the excess electricity can be minimized. A golf club is that kind of a business and this thesis aims to examinate the solar power potential for golf businesses in Sweden. Nine golf clubs was selected from different locations in Sweden. The load profiles from these golf clubs was simulated in the software HOMER against solar radiation data from each site. The system sizes that produces 5% excess electricity was calculated for each club. Finally the profitability for these systems was evaluated. The result shows that the golf clubs in Sweden can make profitable investments in PV systems without subsidies and grants. When the excess production is allowed to be 5% of the total production, solar electricity covers about 20 % of the yearly electricity need. For many of the clubs, the netpresent value is greater than the investment after 40 years. This means that the investment has more than doubled its value. Production price will be about 80 Swedish cents per kWh and the payback time is estimated to be 18 years. / Sveriges energisystem står inför en förändring. Enligt dagens miljöpolitik ska förnybara energikällor som vindkraft, bioenergi och solenergi på sikt ersätta kärnkraft och fossila energikällor. Solel står idag för en nästan obefintlig del av den svenska elmixen vilket främst beror på att priserna på solcellssystem tidigare har varit för höga. Höga subventioner har varit nödvändiga för att en investering inte ska innebära en förlust. Idag har systempriserna sjunkit till en nivå där en ekonomisk vinst är möjlig även utan subventioner. En förutsättning för en ekonomisk vinst är att solcellerna integreras på rätt sätt i verksamheten. För att en investering i ett solcellssystem ska vara ekonomiskt lönsam utan subventioner krävs det att producenten själv konsumerar den producerade elen. Det beror på att ersättningen för överproducerad el, så kallad överskottsel, i dagsläget inte motsvarar lönsamheten som uppstår då elen konsumeras av verksamheten själv. För att kunna få en låg andel överskottsel i produktionen krävs det att verksamheten i fråga har ett elbehov vid den tid då solcellerna producerar el, alltså då solen skiner som starkast. Examensarbetet är inriktat mot att studera verksamheter som, till skillnad från en normal villa, har ett elbehov under dagtid och under sommarhalvåret. En golfverksamhet har ett sådant elbehov och dessutom finns det stora markytor och flera byggnader i verksamheten, vilket är ett stort plus vid installation av solceller. Det fördelaktiga elbehovet medför att relativt stora solcellsanläggningar kan integreras i golfverksamheterna utan att det produceras för mycket överskottsel. För att bestämma golfverksamheters lämplighet för solelsproduktion i Sverige har 9 golfklubbars elbehov analyserats mot solinstrålningsdata från respektive plats. De nio klubbarna är valda från olika delar av landet för att påvisa skillnader i produktion och lönsamhet beroende på lokalisation. För varje golfklubb framtogs systemstorlekar som producerar omkring 5 % respektive 10 % överskottsel per år. I rapporten presenteras huvudsakligen resultaten för systemstorlekar med 5 % överskottsel eftersom en sådan mängd anses vara försumbar. Ekonomin för de framtagna systemen analyserades och presenteras i form av nettonuvärde vid livslängdens slut, produktionspris samt återbetalningstid. Resultaten från undersökningen visar att golfverksamheter i Sverige kan göra lönsamma investeringar i solcellssystem även utan subventioner eller bidrag. För många klubbar är nettonuvärdet större än investeringen efter 40 år, vilket innebär att investeringen har mer än dubblerat sitt värde. Produktionspriset hamnar på runt 80 öre per kWh och återbetalningstiden blir omkring 18 år. Med investeringsstöd är nettonuvärdet större än investeringen redan efter 25 år. Produktionspriset blir runt 60 öre per kWh och återbetalningstiden sjunker till omkring 10 år. Att göra en investering i solceller innebär inte bara en ekonomisk lönsamhet för investeraren. En investering medför också positiva fördelar för miljön då solceller producerar förnybar el. Stora delar av världen arbetar idag aktivt för att få in mer förnybar el i energisystemet. Sverige har som mål att 50 % av energianvändningen i Sverige ska försörjas av förnybara energikällor år 2020. Idag är drygt 40 % av energiförsörjningen förnybar, vilket innebär att det återstår en del arbete tills målet är uppfyllt. Om golfklubbar i Sverige utnyttjar sitt fördelaktiga elbehov och investerar i solceller kan de bidra till att målet uppnås samtidigt som de gör en god ekonomisk affär. Därför rekommenderas det att Sveriges golfklubbar ser över sina möjligheter att integrera solcellsystem i sina verksamheter.

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