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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Étude comparative de trois traductions de Paradise Lost de l'anglais au français : définition d'une méthodologie quantitative de l'équivalence en traduction littéraire

St-Jacques, François 18 April 2018 (has links)
Ce projet consiste en une étude comparative de trois traductions de Paradise Lost, l'oeuvre majeure de John Milton, effectuées à trois époques différentes. Le corpus est constitué d'éléments de corpus de la première traduction de Paradise Lost de Nicolas-François Dupré de Saint-Maur, réalisée en 1729, de la « grande traduction » de Chateaubriand, écrite en 1836, de la version plus contemporaine d'Armand Himy, faite en 2001, et de l'oeuvre originale. L'objectif principal consiste à vérifier si les éléments de corpus contenant des éléments mythologiques et religieux des traductions sont équivalents aux éléments de corpus correspondants dans l'oeuvre originale. Pour ce faire, nous avons analysé de façon quantitative l'équivalence et étudié les écarts sémantiques entre les traductions et l'original, dans le but de cerner les projets de traduction de leurs auteurs.

Didaktické využití geoparku Český ráj ve výuce přírodopisu na druhém stupni ZŠ / Educational use of geological park Czech Paradise in teaching upper primary school biology

Zrůstová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
The presented diploma thesis has an educational character and tries to find a way how to teach geology more attractive at primary schools. It includes authorial proposals for field trip routes and school experiments that can be implemented in lessons or within other educational school activity during school year. The field trips are built to be carried out in the geological park of Bohemian Paradise because of its natural wealth giving many possibilities to be used in teaching geology and other related fields of natural sciences. The experiments are designed to be realized during school lessons, therefore they are meant to be as little as possible time consuming and also the necessary material is supposed to be easily available. A theoretical part of the diploma thesis contains a summary of available natural datasets about the geological park of Bohemian Paradise, a review of the educational principles for organising of the field trips, creating worksheets, experiments and games in teaching process. The principles of creating concept maps are also included. An integral part of the thesis is authorial research with students and teachers via questionnaire survey proving that experiments and field trips are an indispensable component of teaching process and appropriate motivational tools at primary...

L'iconographie de l'Arbre sec au Moyen Age / The medieval iconography of the Dry Tree

Delsouiller, Marlene 26 November 2012 (has links)
Si l’iconographie de l’Arbre sec ou arbre sans feuilles de la Légende du bois de la Croix a marqué le Moyen Age, paradoxalement, elle a peu attiré l’attention des historiens de l’art des XXe et XXIe siècles. Afin de combler cette lacune, nous proposons de développer ce thème dans notre thèse de doctorat. Nous montrons l’aspect formel que les images donnent à cet arbre, l’évolution de sa morphologie au fil des siècles, sa période d’apparition, celle de sa disparition, ainsi que le symbolisme qui lui est attaché, un symbolisme puissant, en relation avec la recherche du Salut. Les images qui illustrent un épisode crucial de la Légende du bois de la Croix — la vision de Seth, le fils d’Adam et Eve, avec l’arbre dénudé au centre du Paradis terrestre — constituent le pivot de notre recherche. Viennent se greffer d’autres images de l’Arbre sec, que nous appelons des « variantes » : la représentation de l’Arbre sec de la légende est transposée dans des contextes extra légendaires, tels ceux des romans d’Alexandre le Grand et du Lancelot-Graal, tel celui de la Divine Comédie, ceux du Devisement du monde de Marco Polo et des Voyages de Jean de Mandeville, ou encore du Pèlerinage de l’âme de Guillaume de Digulleville. L’Arbre sec est aussi dans le tableau de Petrus Christus, la Vierge à l’Arbre sec. Les images montrent l’Arbre sec dans un lieu intemporel, ou au Paradis, ou un lieu qui s’apparente au Paradis. Ce végétal est accompagné de la figure du Christ ou de personnages ou d’animaux le symbolisant. Dans tous les cas, le symbolisme fort et multiple de cet arbre sacré est conservé. L’Arbre sec est tout à la fois un rappel de l’arbre de la connaissance du bien et du mal, une évocation de l’arbre de la Croix et de l’arbre de vie. / The iconography of the Dry Tree or leafless tree is present through out the Middle Ages, but paradoxally, its study has only attracted few historians of art of the XXth and XXIst centuries. To compensate for this, we choose to devote our thesis to an extensive study of this tree. We examine the formal aspect given to the Dry Tree depicted in the images, the evolution of its physical form through the centuries, the period when it first appears and when it disappears, as well as the symbolism it carries, a powerful signification related to the quest for Salvation. The core of our research is the images that depict a crucial episod in the Legend of the wood of the Cross — Seth’s vision of the leafless tree of the Earthly Paradise. Other images of the Dry Tree, which we call « variations », are also examined : the theme of the Dry Tree taken from the Legend is transposed in extra-legendary contexts such as in the romances of Alexander the Great and the Lancelot-Graal, the Divine Comedy, the Million by Marco Polo and the Voyages by Jean de Mandeville, as well as the Pilgrimage of the soul by Guillaume de Digulleville. The Dry Tree is also depicted in Our Lady of the Dry Tree by Petrus Christus. The images show the Dry Tree in Paradise or in a place which symbolises Paradise, with Christ in the Dry tree, or figures or animals as symbols of Christ. The powerful and multiple symbolism is present : the Dry Tree is a reference to the tree of the knowledge, to the tree of the Cross and to the tree of life. Therefore, it is no surprise that the images show man in his quest for the Dry Tree, ie in the quest for God.

La figure de Maitreya, le futur Bouddha, selon la tradition scripturaire et son culte vivant en Inde et en Extrême-Orient / The figure, Maitreya, according to scriptural tradition and his vivrant cults in India and Far East

Lee, So-ra 14 February 2014 (has links)
Après l'établissement du bouddhisme en Inde, son influence a atteint les pays d’Asie, permettant à leurs courants politiques et sociaux d’interagir avec les différentes croyances du bouddhisme. Le culte de Maitreya, en absorbant des idées différentes telles que le millénarisme, le paradis, l'eschatologie, la révolution et l'ascétisme, a pu devenir l’un des plus influents. L'origine scripturaire de Maitreya est ambiguë et incertaine, tandis que les développements de la figure de Maitreya apparaissant dans diverses traditions, lesquelles sont dynamiques et diversifiées. Ainsi, cette Thèse s’attachera-t-elle à la source scripturaire de départ du mythe de Maitreya en mettant l'accent sur le détail de l’« onction » ou du « sacre » de ce dernier. Ensuite, nous allons démontrer l'influence des cultes de Maitreya sur diverses traditions asiatiques. Pour analyser ces nombreux cultes, la version modifiée de la typologie de Jan Nattier a été utilisée, la version englobe les grands thèmes du mythe de Maitreya, suivant : le point de vue de l'interprète, celui du mysticisme, du paradis, du Mo-fa et de la dévotion. Dans la dernière partie, nous étudierons les images des triades bouddhistes en relation avec Maitreya, en comparaison avec d'autres pays bouddhistes d'Asie. L'utilisation et les variantes de triades dans les pays bouddhistes montrent comment les cultes ont été interprétés, influencés et absorbés dans la société. En passant par l'analyse scripturaire, typologique et iconographique de Maitreya, ce projet révèle le processus de diffusion des idées bouddhistes à travers les prismes de croyances partagées, les besoins politiques et les adaptations culturelles de chaque pays. / After the establishment of Buddhism in India, his influence reached the nations, allowing their political and social currents to be engaged with the various beliefs of Buddhism. Maitreya, absorbing various ideas, such as, millenarianism, paradise, eschatology, revolution and asceticism, became one of the most influential deities, who are very much functional in various domains. The scriptural origin of Maitreya is ambiguous and unclear; meanwhile the developments of Maitreya that appear in various traditions are vibrant and diverse. Thus this thesis will identify the scriptural source of departure of Maitreya myth by focusing on the "anointment" detail of Maitreya. Then we will demonstrate the influence of Maitreya cults in various Asian traditions. To analyze numerous cults, Nattier’s version of Maitreya's typology was modified; the modified version accounts for the major themes of Maitreya myth, which are, interpreter's perspective, mysticism, paradise, Mo-fa and devotionalism. For the last section, this thesis will examine the image of Buddhist triads in relation to Maitreya, in comparison with other Buddhist countries in Asia. The usages and variants of triads in Buddhist nations display how the cults were interpreted, influenced and absorbed in the societies. Going through scriptural, typological and iconographical analysis of Maitreya, this thesis will reveal the process of dissemination of Buddhist ideas through the prisms of shared beliefs, political needs and cultural adaptations of each country.

De Pero Vaz de Caminha a Menotti Del Picchia: alguns motivos edênicos na literatura de viagens dos séculos XVI e XVII e no modernismo / From Pero Vaz de Caminha to Menotti del Picchia: some of the edenic motives in the 16th and 17th centuries´acounts of travel and in the Modernism

Sturari, Marlene 12 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho relaciona alguns dos motivos edênicos que, a partir do mito da Idade de Ouro da humanidade apresentado por dois poetas da Antigüidade Clássica, Virgílio e Ovídio, que vai-se mesclar, na Idade Média, à descrição católica do Jardim do Éden e serão retomados com o descobrimento da América, repercutindo na colonização do Brasil, onde sua chama, ainda que débil, se mantém. Eles ressurgem no século XX, nomeadamente nos romances de Menotti Del Picchia: A filha do Inca e Kalum, o mistério do sertão. Obras de ficção científica, produzidas num período de efervescência do gênero, entremeadas de elementos fantásticos presentes no imaginário do sertão amazônico brasileiro, tais romances de Menotti Del Picchia afirmam a permanência entre nós dos ditos mitos. O Paraíso Terreal existe e está no Novo Mundo, particularmente em terras brasileiras, com suas águas rejuvenecedoras da provável fonte da juventude e com seus tesouros incalculáveis localizados no Eldorado. Tudo isso guardado e defendido por seres fabulosos, ente os quais as Amazonas guerreiras. Como conseqüência, vemos a alusão insistente à fertilidade, abundância e exuberância das terras brasileiras, com a diversidade de sua fauna e flora, à longevidade saudável de seus habitantes, à inocência da nudez dos primitivos moradores deste paraíso, à busca sôfrega pelas riquezas da Lagoa das Esmeraldas, do ouro e da prata no interior do continente e às índias guerreiras que pelejam ao longo de um rio, imediatamente associadas às Amazonas gregas, cuja força de comparação batizou tal rio e a região onde teriam sido vistas pelos primeiros conquistadores. Com os espanhóis, numa coloração mais viva, e mais esmaecida com os portugueses, essas peculiaridades não deixam de ser constantemente mencionadas ao longo dos primeiros séculos da exploração e colonização do novo continente, muitas delas ora alimentadas, ora acrescidas pelo testemunho - que lhes dá maior credibilidade - dos donos e conhecedores das novas terras: os índios americanos. Esses mitos redivivos estarão presentes ainda em nossa cultura no século XX, como comprovam os dois romances de Menotti Del Picchia aqui estudados. / This paper points out some of the edenic motives, which as of the myth of humanity\'s Golden Age described by two poets of the Ancient Classic, Virgill and Ovide, will blend, in the Middle Age, with the catholic description of the Garden of Eden and will be resumed with the discovery of America, echoing on the colonization of Brazil, where its flame, albeit weak, still remains. They reappear in the 20th century, namely in the romances of Menotti Del Picchia: A filha do Inca and Kalum, o mistério do sertão. Scientific fiction works, produced in a bubbling period of the sort, filled with fantastic elements present in the imaginary of the Brazilian Amazonian hinterland, those romances of Menotti Del Picchia affirm the permanence among us of the mentioned myths. The \"Terreal\" Paradise exists and it is in the new World, particularly in Brazilian lands, with its rejuvenating waters of the likely fountain of youth and with its invaluable treasures located in the \"Eldorado\". All of this kept and guarded by fabulous beings, among which the Amazon warriors. As consequence, we see the insistent allusion to the fertility, abundance and exuberance of Brazilian lands, with the diversity of its fauna and flora, to the healthy longevity of its inhabitants, to the innocence of the nudity of the primitive dwellers of this paradise, to the impatient search of the riches of the Lagoon of the Emeralds, of gold and silver in the heartland and the warrior Indians that fight along the river, immediately associated to the Greek Amazons, whose strength of comparison christened that river and the regions where they were allegedly seen by the first conquerors. With the Spanish, in a livelier color, and paler with the Portuguese, these peculiarities are constantly mentioned along the first centuries of exploration and colonization of the new continent, many of them at times nurtured, at times increased by word of mouth - which give them more credibility - of the owners and knowers of the new land: the American Indians. These ressurected myths will still be presented in our 20th century culture, as proven on these two romances of Menotti Del Picchia here studied.

Beatriz, musa de Dante Alighieri, com suas transfigurações na Vita Nova e incursões na Divina Comédia / Beatriz, Dante Alighieris muse, her transfigurations in The New Life and incursions in The Divine Comedy

Robin, Paula Monteleone 01 April 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo da Vita Nova de Dante Alighieri, onde o Amor, as musas e outros personagens surgem da mitologia grega. Esse Amor pagão é cristianizado por Dante, que o transforma na figura de Deus. Beatriz passa a ser a Musa de Dante, que é chamada pelo poeta primeiro de gentilissima, depois donna angelo, santa, filósofa e teóloga. No Convívio, pode-se constatar a aproximação de sua deusa à sabedoria filosófica e teológica. Tudo isso se passa pela elaboração da poesia, bem como a Divina Comédia, que são, segundo o autor, alegorias. Foram feitas algumas incursões na Divina Comédia para confirmar tais configurações entrou-se em trechos do Purgatório e do Paraíso. / The purpose of this research was to study Dante Alighieri\'s Vita Nova, where Love, muses, and other characters emerge from the Greek mythology. This pagan love is christianized by Dante, who transforms it into the figure of God. Beatrice becomes Dante\'s muse, who is initially called by him as very gentle lady, then as donna angelo (woman-angel), saint, philosopher and theologian. In Convivio, an approach between his goddess and a philosophical and theological wisdom can be observed. Convivio, as well as The Divine Comedy, are written in poetry and are both, according to the author, allegories.

De Pero Vaz de Caminha a Menotti Del Picchia: alguns motivos edênicos na literatura de viagens dos séculos XVI e XVII e no modernismo / From Pero Vaz de Caminha to Menotti del Picchia: some of the edenic motives in the 16th and 17th centuries´acounts of travel and in the Modernism

Marlene Sturari 12 December 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho relaciona alguns dos motivos edênicos que, a partir do mito da Idade de Ouro da humanidade apresentado por dois poetas da Antigüidade Clássica, Virgílio e Ovídio, que vai-se mesclar, na Idade Média, à descrição católica do Jardim do Éden e serão retomados com o descobrimento da América, repercutindo na colonização do Brasil, onde sua chama, ainda que débil, se mantém. Eles ressurgem no século XX, nomeadamente nos romances de Menotti Del Picchia: A filha do Inca e Kalum, o mistério do sertão. Obras de ficção científica, produzidas num período de efervescência do gênero, entremeadas de elementos fantásticos presentes no imaginário do sertão amazônico brasileiro, tais romances de Menotti Del Picchia afirmam a permanência entre nós dos ditos mitos. O Paraíso Terreal existe e está no Novo Mundo, particularmente em terras brasileiras, com suas águas rejuvenecedoras da provável fonte da juventude e com seus tesouros incalculáveis localizados no Eldorado. Tudo isso guardado e defendido por seres fabulosos, ente os quais as Amazonas guerreiras. Como conseqüência, vemos a alusão insistente à fertilidade, abundância e exuberância das terras brasileiras, com a diversidade de sua fauna e flora, à longevidade saudável de seus habitantes, à inocência da nudez dos primitivos moradores deste paraíso, à busca sôfrega pelas riquezas da Lagoa das Esmeraldas, do ouro e da prata no interior do continente e às índias guerreiras que pelejam ao longo de um rio, imediatamente associadas às Amazonas gregas, cuja força de comparação batizou tal rio e a região onde teriam sido vistas pelos primeiros conquistadores. Com os espanhóis, numa coloração mais viva, e mais esmaecida com os portugueses, essas peculiaridades não deixam de ser constantemente mencionadas ao longo dos primeiros séculos da exploração e colonização do novo continente, muitas delas ora alimentadas, ora acrescidas pelo testemunho - que lhes dá maior credibilidade - dos donos e conhecedores das novas terras: os índios americanos. Esses mitos redivivos estarão presentes ainda em nossa cultura no século XX, como comprovam os dois romances de Menotti Del Picchia aqui estudados. / This paper points out some of the edenic motives, which as of the myth of humanity\'s Golden Age described by two poets of the Ancient Classic, Virgill and Ovide, will blend, in the Middle Age, with the catholic description of the Garden of Eden and will be resumed with the discovery of America, echoing on the colonization of Brazil, where its flame, albeit weak, still remains. They reappear in the 20th century, namely in the romances of Menotti Del Picchia: A filha do Inca and Kalum, o mistério do sertão. Scientific fiction works, produced in a bubbling period of the sort, filled with fantastic elements present in the imaginary of the Brazilian Amazonian hinterland, those romances of Menotti Del Picchia affirm the permanence among us of the mentioned myths. The \"Terreal\" Paradise exists and it is in the new World, particularly in Brazilian lands, with its rejuvenating waters of the likely fountain of youth and with its invaluable treasures located in the \"Eldorado\". All of this kept and guarded by fabulous beings, among which the Amazon warriors. As consequence, we see the insistent allusion to the fertility, abundance and exuberance of Brazilian lands, with the diversity of its fauna and flora, to the healthy longevity of its inhabitants, to the innocence of the nudity of the primitive dwellers of this paradise, to the impatient search of the riches of the Lagoon of the Emeralds, of gold and silver in the heartland and the warrior Indians that fight along the river, immediately associated to the Greek Amazons, whose strength of comparison christened that river and the regions where they were allegedly seen by the first conquerors. With the Spanish, in a livelier color, and paler with the Portuguese, these peculiarities are constantly mentioned along the first centuries of exploration and colonization of the new continent, many of them at times nurtured, at times increased by word of mouth - which give them more credibility - of the owners and knowers of the new land: the American Indians. These ressurected myths will still be presented in our 20th century culture, as proven on these two romances of Menotti Del Picchia here studied.

Beatriz, musa de Dante Alighieri, com suas transfigurações na Vita Nova e incursões na Divina Comédia / Beatriz, Dante Alighieris muse, her transfigurations in The New Life and incursions in The Divine Comedy

Paula Monteleone Robin 01 April 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo da Vita Nova de Dante Alighieri, onde o Amor, as musas e outros personagens surgem da mitologia grega. Esse Amor pagão é cristianizado por Dante, que o transforma na figura de Deus. Beatriz passa a ser a Musa de Dante, que é chamada pelo poeta primeiro de gentilissima, depois donna angelo, santa, filósofa e teóloga. No Convívio, pode-se constatar a aproximação de sua deusa à sabedoria filosófica e teológica. Tudo isso se passa pela elaboração da poesia, bem como a Divina Comédia, que são, segundo o autor, alegorias. Foram feitas algumas incursões na Divina Comédia para confirmar tais configurações entrou-se em trechos do Purgatório e do Paraíso. / The purpose of this research was to study Dante Alighieri\'s Vita Nova, where Love, muses, and other characters emerge from the Greek mythology. This pagan love is christianized by Dante, who transforms it into the figure of God. Beatrice becomes Dante\'s muse, who is initially called by him as very gentle lady, then as donna angelo (woman-angel), saint, philosopher and theologian. In Convivio, an approach between his goddess and a philosophical and theological wisdom can be observed. Convivio, as well as The Divine Comedy, are written in poetry and are both, according to the author, allegories.

Towards A Poetics of Marvellous Spaces in Old and Middle English Narratives

Bolintineanu, Ioana Alexandra 28 February 2013 (has links)
From the eighth to the fourteenth century, places of wonder and dread appear in a wide variety of genres in Old and Middle English: epics, lays, romances, saints’ lives, travel narratives, marvel collections, visions of the afterlife. These places appear in narratives of the other world, a term which in Old and Middle English texts refers to the Christian afterlife: Hell, Purgatory, even Paradise can be fraught with wonder, danger, and the possibility of harm. But in addition to the other world, there are places that are not theologically separate from the human world, but that are nevertheless both marvellous and horrifying: the monster-mere in Beowulf, the Faerie kingdom of Sir Orfeo, the demon-ridden Vale Perilous in Mandeville’s Travels, or the fearful landscape of the Green Chapel in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Fraught with horror or the possibility of harm, these places are profoundly different from the presented or implied home world of the text. My dissertation investigates how Old and Middle English narratives create places of wonder and dread; how they situate these places metaphysically between the world of living mortals and the world of the afterlife; how they furnish these places with dangerous topography and monstrous inhabitants, as well as with motifs, with tropes, and with thematic concerns that signal their marvellous and fearful nature. I argue that the heart of this poetics of marvellous spaces is displacement. Their wonder and dread comes from boundaries that these places blur and cross, from the resistance of these places to being known or mapped, and from the deliberate distancing between these places and the home of their texts. This overarching concern with displacement encourages the migration of iconographic motifs, tropes, and themes across genre boundaries and theological categories.

Literature as Prophecy: Toni Morrison as Prophetic Writer

Watson, Khalilah Tyri 01 December 2009 (has links)
From fourteenth century medieval literature to contemporary American and African American literature, researchers have singled out and analyzed writing from every genre that is prophetic in nature, predicting or warning about events, both revolutionary and dire, to come. One twentieth-century American whose work embodies the essence of warning and foretelling through history-laden literature is Toni Morrison. This modern-day literary prophet reinterprets eras gone by through what she calls “re-memory” in order to guide her readers, and her society, to a greater understanding of the consequences of slavery and racism in America and to prompt both races to escape the pernicious effects of this heritage. Several critics have recognized and written about Morrison’s unique style of prophetic prose. These critics, however, have either taken a general cursory analysis of her complete body of works or they are only focused on one of her texts as a site of evidence. Despite the many critical essays and journal articles that have been written about Morrison as literary prophet, no critic has extensively investigated Morrison’s major works by way of textual analysis under this subject, to discuss Morrison prophetic prose, her motivation for engaging in a form of prophetic writing, and the context of this writing in a wider general, as well as an African-American, tradition. This dissertation takes on a more comprehensive, cross-sectional analysis of her works that has been previously employed, concentrating on five of Morrison’s major novels: The Bluest Eye, Song of Solomon, Beloved, Jazz and Paradise, in an order to assess how Morrison develops and infuses warnings and admonitions of biblical proportions. This investigation seeks to reveal Morrison’s motivation to prophecy to Americans, black and white, the context in which she engages with her historical and contemporary subjects, and the nature of the admonitions to present and future action she offers to what she sees as a contemporary generation of socially and historically oblivious African Americans, using literary prophecy as the tool by which to accomplish her objectives. This dissertation also demonstrates—by way of textual analysis and literary theory—the evolution through five novels of Morrison’s development as a literary prophet.

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