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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lessons from Listening: The Aid Effectiveness Agenda : A Critical Systems Heuristics analysis of the Grand Bargain and Paris Declaration for Aid Effectiveness from the perspective of implementers and local practitioners / Lessons from Listening: The Aid Effectiveness Agenda : A Critical Systems Heuristics analysis of the Grand Bargain and Paris Declaration for Aid Effectiveness from the perspective of implementers and local practitioners

Devadoss, Ruth January 2018 (has links)
Wide debates over the last 15 years have questioned the impact of global initiatives like the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness 2005 and more recently the Grand Bargain 2017 on any real improvements to the development effectiveness agenda. Many also ask to what extent do the initiatives consider the concerns and views of practitioners as stakeholders who implement the objectives and who have valuable experience, contextual insights, specific skill-sets and innovative ideas on how to address complex problems (Sjöstedt 2013). The breadth of literature surrounding the initiatives seems to reflect this, collectively calling for improvements in four common theme areas; greater collaboration, partnership and coordination between actors; instilled mutual accountability and shared responsibility; simplified administrative requirements for implementers; and greater participation and inclusion of stakeholder voices throughout processes. Questions that ask ‘who are the actors and decision-makers?’, and ‘who ought they be?’ can highlight gaps between an ideal situation and the reality, and is characteristic of a Critical Systems Heuristics (CSH) approach to analysing sources of influence in a typical system, or in this case, global initiative. Therefore, this paper analyses the voices of aid and development practitioners who are actively working in the sector, and compares their responses to the four themes from the literature. The research was conducted over three (3) months from May to July 2018 and interviewed nineteen (19) participants from a wide variety of development and humanitarian backgrounds and levels. The main findings of the research are summed as follows: Definitions of ‘effectiveness’ vary and depend on underlying political influences  Global initiatives like the Paris Declaration and Grand Bargain have had minimal visible impact on changing systems at the implementation level The role of global initiatives is however still important as forums for promoting discussion, defining boundaries and unifying debates Power imbalances and hierarchies within the development sector are structurally embedded and addressing this is crucial to improving effectiveness Real improvements to the effectiveness agenda require both innovative, participative and evidence-based learning, and systems to accept and address the concerns of implementers

Pařížská deklarace o efektivnosti rozvojové pomoci v politikách vyspělých dárců: východiska, dimenze, implementace / Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness in the Politics of Advanced Donors: Initial conditions, Dimensions, Implementation

Ludasová, Denisa January 2010 (has links)
This work is dedicated to the "Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness", a document which was signed in 2005. This declaration was designed to eliminate serious issues occurring during the distribution of development aid and also to contribute to the successful completion of the Millennium Development Goals through the increase of aid effectiveness. In the first part of this thesis several shortages that the development community has had to face are outlined. A detailed analysis of the document follows in the second chapter, also including an evaluation of the progress achieved from 2005 to 2008 when the last report on the status of implementing the Paris Declaration was issued. Special attention is given to the influence of the document over the policies of the World Bank, European Union and the Czech Republic. The illustration of implementing the Paris Declaration into policies of developing countries has been made using Ethiopia and Cambodia as examples. Finally, this work is concluded by evaluating the effects of the Paris Declaration on the system of development aid.

Efektivnost rozvojové spolupráce Evropské unie se zaměřením na Pařížskou deklaraci / Effectiveness of EU development cooperation with a focus on the Paris Declaration

Svitáková, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with EU development cooperation and efforts to increase its efficiency. One of the most important commitments to increase efficiency was the Paris Declaration. The document, whose main goal was to help meet the MDGs, was adopted in 2005 in response to insufficient level of cooperation. The European Union and its member states were amongst its signatories. The first chapter defines development cooperation, concept of its effectiveness and important documents, which address the issue of development cooperation effectiveness. The second chapter contains an analysis of the EU development cooperation, including the review of basline situation in 2005 and progress in following years based on series of published surveys on progress. The last chapter discusses the results of efforts to improve effectiveness, challenges and future development cooperation framework.

Moderní formy rozvojové pomoci a jejich efektivita / Modern forms of development aid and their effectiveness

Turčinová, Kateřina January 2010 (has links)
The end of the Cold War changed radically the international environment as well as the scope of development aid and cooperation within it. The development agenda in the new millenium has started to significantly focus on the develpment aid effectiveness. In this context the use of the instrument of budget support is rising. The thesis aims to assess the concept of the partnership general budget support and the way it responds to the requirements imposed on development aid mainly by the Paris Declaration On Aid Effectiveness in 2005.

Rozvojová spolupráce v Keni / Development Cooperation in Kenya

Rosenkranc, Filip January 2011 (has links)
The thesis analyses development cooperation in Kenya, including an example of personally realized development project. The goal of the thesis is to find out what is the current state and direction of development cooperation in Kenya, demonstrate some of the problems of Kenya and their possible solutions using an example of personally visited region and realized development project and to determine whether this project corresponds to the current trend of development cooperation in the world and in Kenya. The first chapter characterizes the current political, economic and social situation on Kenya. Following parts analyze the Kenyan development strategies and current trends in the area of development cooperation at the global level and in Kenya. The last chapter describes personally realized development project which is then evaluated from the point of view of new paradigm of development cooperation and concerning the overall impact.

La coordination des politiques d'aide au développement : de la problématique à l'analyse de l'expérience nigérienne / The coordination of development aid policies : an analysis of a case study on Niger

Zakari Garba, Zaratou 03 November 2011 (has links)
Depuis quelques années, la coordination de l’aide est devenue un enjeu majeur des politiques de développement. Cependant, les différences d’approche en matière de stratégies entre donateurs et bénéficiaires rend plus complexe la définition d’un mécanisme de coordination global qui doit dépasser les questions de fondements, d’enjeux, de formes et de modalités de l’aide, pour enfin s’intéresser à la problématique de coordination dans l’optique d’accroître son efficacité. Ainsi, l’efficacité de l’aide qui se trouve être au coeur d’une meilleure coordination, exige que les acteurs passent de la rhétorique à des pratiques institutionnelles nouvelles, conformément aux orientations de la Déclaration de Paris et de l’Agenda d’Accra. En considérant l’histoire globale de l’Aide Publique au Développement (APD), il y a lieu de se demander si celle-ci est structurellement conçue pour promouvoir la croissance économique et/ou pour réduire la pauvreté. En effet, les différents systèmes d’aide se sont heurtés à deux grands défis au cours des deux dernières décennies : le premier a été son inefficacité actuelle pour ce qui est de la réduction de la pauvreté à l’échelon mondial et le deuxième a consisté à vouloir contribuer à une « meilleure gouvernance mondiale ». Au regard des engagements internationaux pris par le Niger et ses partenaires au développement notamment dans le cadre des OMD, l’analyse des réalisations faites en la matière montre qu’en dépit des résultats mitigés, la recherche d’une meilleure efficacité de l’aide occupe une place de choix dans l’agenda politique des différents gouvernements nigériens depuis 2003. Pour les autorités nigériennes, l’approche stratégique adoptée en la matière vise un double objectif : accroître progressivement le volume de l’aide et renforcer son efficacité. / This paper examines aid for development coordination issues against the backdrop of a case study on Niger. Indeed partnership and aid coordination were a major dilemma among development agencies for quite some time. Somehow difference of approach in terms of strategy between international donors and recipient countries made it a real challenge to set up a global coordinating mechanism so as to break down the barriers regarding the rationale, goals, nature and modality underpinning foreign aid, if only to increase its effectiveness. That’s how the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda championed a shift from rhetoric to some new institutional orientation in development practice. Historical perspectives on Public Aid for Development (PAD) invariably a rise the question whether foreign aid is structurally meant to promote economic growth and/or reduce poverty. During the past two decades all trends in foreign assistance were confronted with two significant controversies. First, there was a growing recognition of its inefficiency to reduce poverty at global level. Secondly, donors’ focus was rather on promoting "better governance worldwide". Considerable efforts were steadily made by the Government of Niger and its partners, since the year 2003 "Project Forum" initiated by that country with a view to aligning donors’ assistance with national strategy, to give special consideration to aid effectiveness. Evidence is shown by the country’s Policy Conceptual Framework for that period, especially within the scope of the MDG’s, even though public investment outcomes proved to be ambivalent. Yet, the country engaged in a strategic approach with a double objective for achieving better efficiency of development interventions funded by foreign assistance, and, at the same time, progressively increasing the volume of aid allocations which is itself a further guaranty for raising the level of effectiveness.

Multi-actor Ownership : The Case of Swedish Development Cooperation with Ukraine

Lundin, Olle January 2019 (has links)
Ownership is a guiding principle in today’s development cooperation practices, aiming to foster an efficient development cooperation driven by the recipients. However, ownership is paradoxical and ambiguous. No coherent understanding of ownership exists. The multistakeholder development cooperation arena is argued to complicate the recipients’ possibilities to acquire ownership. As the literature lacks an eastern European perspective, this study addresses the above-mentioned dimensions by examining ownership in Swedish development cooperation with Ukraine. By conducting interviews, this study confirms that there is a confusion among development actors in defining what ownership is. In contrast to previous research, this study finds the multi-stakeholder approach as an advantage of ownership. Collaboration between local actors can contribute to capacity development, joint commitment and stronger responsibility, which increases the probabilities that outcomes of development projects will be governed and progressed by the local actors in the long run. Hence, this study contributes to the literature with a more clarified understanding of ownership. Ownership is perceived as a relational concept that is dynamically promoted over time. This study concludes that commitment, capacity and participation are dimensions that can promote this myriad of local actors involved in development practices to acquire a multi-actor ownership of different dimensions of the development process.

Harmonisation et mise en cohérence des politiques d'aide publique au développement au regard des principes de la Déclaration de Paris : cas de Madagascar / Harmonization and consitency ensuring of public aid coopération policies for developpement in the eyes of Paris Declaration : Madagascar's case

Ravaoharinirina, Hanitriniaina Liliane 19 April 2018 (has links)
Madagascar classé parmi les pays moins avancés et se trouvant en situation précaire a bénéficié des aides venant de nombreux bailleurs, bilatéraux et multilatéraux, traditionnels ou nouveaux pour financer pour l’appuyer à mettre en œuvre son programme de développement.Depuis son indépendance jusqu’à ce jour, il n’a cessé de recevoir des aides publiques au développement. Pourtant, jusqu’à ce jour sa situation ne s’améliore guère. L’adoption en 2005 de la Déclaration de Paris (DP) lors du forum de haut niveau par le CAD de l’OCDE a instauré une nouvelle orientation politique plus centrée sur la promotion de l’harmonisation et la coordination des politiques d’aides pour atteindre l’efficacité de toutes les actions menant à une stabilité mais également à un développement durable. Conscient des défis à relever, Madagascar s’est engagé dans cette démarche de mise en cohérence des politiques et d’harmonisation des pratiques. Il est un des cinquante pays qui ont adopté et signé cette déclaration. Cette orientation politique devait donner un souffle et recommande les partenaires techniques et financiers (PTF) à fédérer et travailler ensemble réellement pour que les aides soient vraiment un outil de développement non plus un problème du pays bénéficiaire. La dernière déclaration faite à Busan sur l’efficacité de l’aide en 2011 souligne encore sur cet aspect .Aussi, depuis 2005 le Gouvernement malgache avec l’appui de l’ensemble de ses PTF, bailleurs de fonds, a décidé de mettre en place un agenda pour l’horizon 2015. Cet agenda, une sorte de feuille de route, fixe les grandes étapes que les acteurs devraient suivre pour instaurer des mécanismes de gestion harmonisés et coordonnés des aides publiques au développement. Ce sont des cadres incitatifs de partenariat entre bailleurs et Gouvernement que ce dernier tente d’instaurer. Ces actions ont débuté par la mise en œuvre des réformes pour rendre fiables les systèmes nationaux et regagner la confiance des PTF. Par la suite, il a été procédé à la mise en place d’un organe de coordination et des mécanismes de suivi-évaluation nationale et conjointe des politiques publiques et celles des aides extérieures. Parallèlement, au niveau de chaque secteur , il est cherché l’adaptation des approches dans le but d’aller dans le sens de cette nouvelle orientation politique. Dans la pratique, ces démarches ne sont pas faciles à appliquer et des difficultés sont ressenties tant politiques que techniques. C’est ce qui engendre le désordre dans la cartographie nationale de l’aide et la méfiance dans l’application des cinq principes de mise en cohérence : Appropriation, Alignement, Harmonisation, Gestion accès sur les résultats et responsabilités mutuels connu sous le sigle d’harmonisation.L’instabilité causée par la survenance de la crise de 2009 a ralenti le processus bien enclenché bien que les résultats obtenus ont été encourageants. En effet, l’évaluation de la mise en œuvre de la DP en 2010 a évoqué une baisse de performance par rapport à celle de 2008. La recherche de complémentarité, de synergie entre les bailleurs avec comme facteurs de réussite l’appropriation des politiques sont les défis à relever. Le maintien des acquis s’avèrerait important pour éviter le recul et le retour des anciennes pratiques non adaptées à la politique de coopération internationale pour le développement . De même, du côté des autorités malgaches l’attention doit être focalisée sur le comment instaurer un climat et environnement administratif et économique sain pour regagner la confiance des acteurs nationaux de développement et les bailleurs de fonds. / Madagascar among less advanced countries in a precarious situation has benefited aids from many donors, bilateral and multilateral, traditional or new ones, to finance its development program implementation.Since its independence, it has not stopped receiving such public aids for development. However, no improvement has occurred up to now. In 2005, the adoption of the Paris Declaration during the High Level Forum by the Development Assistance Committee (DAC-OECD) established a new political orientation based on promoting harmonisation and coordinating aid policies to ensure efficiency of all actions for a sustainable stability and development. Being aware of the challenges to take up, Madagascar enrolled in the process of ensuring the politics and practise harmonization consistency. It is one of the fifty countries that adopted and signed for this declaration. The above political orientation had to provide a breath of fresh air and recommends to the technical and financial partners (PTFs) to really unite and work together so that aids could be an actual development tool and no more a problem for the beneficiary country. The last Busan Aid Effectiveness Declaration in 2011 still emphasizes this aspect .Therefore, since 2005, the malgache government with the support of all its PTFs, donors, has decided to put an agenda in place for the 2015 horizon. This agenda, a sort of roadmap, fixes the important steps that the players should follow to establish harmonized and coordinated managing mechanism of the public development aids. It is a partnership incentive between donors and government that the latter tries to establish. Those actions began with the reform implementation to make the national system reliable and to win back the PTFs’ confidence. Therefore, the implementation of the coordinating entity and the mechanism of national monitoring survey joint with public policies and external aids has been processed. Simultaneously, at each sector’s level, the approach adaptation has been searched to be in agreement with this new political orientation. In practice, these processes are not easy to carry out and some difficulties are politically and technically experienced. This engenders disorder in the national aid mapping and suspicion in the application of the five consistency principles: Ownership, Alignment, Harmonisation, Managing for results and Mutual accoutability known as harmonisation.The instability caused by the 2009 crisis occurrence has slowed down the well engaged process despite the promising results. In fact, the 2010 DP implementation survey evoked a performance decrease if compared to that of 2008. The search for complementary feature, for synergy between financial donor(s) with politics appropriation as a factor in the success are the challenges. Knowledge keeping would be important to prevent from regression and coming back to the old practices that are not adapted to the international cooperation for the development . In the same way, the malgache authority should more focalize their attention to the way how to regain the national development players’ and the donors’ trust.

The Paris Declaration - A Paradigm Shift At All Levels? : Swedish Non-Governmental Organisations' Roles in Development Aid Policy

Palmgren, Anna, Lundberg, Åsa January 2009 (has links)
<p>In order to make development aid more efficient, a large number of donors, including Sweden, signed the so called Paris Declaration in 2005. The Declaration gives the partner countries more responsibility for their own development and aims to make he development aid provided by donor countries more measurable. It has been referred to as a paradigm shift within this policy area due to its far‐reaching goals.</p><p>The Declaration has consequences for all actors in the development aid community, and this thesis aims at outlining and analyzing the effects of the Declaration on the Swedish non‐governmental organisations which hold a frame agreement with the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA). As an increasing part of evelopment aid is being channelled through NGOs and they hold an important role in the area, they are interesting subjects of study.</p><p>The analysis is conducted from a society‐centred governance perspective, which focuses on how different actors in society shape public policy. The perspective hallenges the view on the state as dominating unilaterally and takes into account the diversity of actors involved in policy‐making, such as NGOs.</p><p>The result of the study is, among other things, that the character of the relationships and interactions between Swedish NGOs and SIDA varies, and can be described as either a more traditional hierarchical model or co‐governing. Furthermore, the Paris Declaration is perceived by the NGOs as being a step in the right direction rather than a paradigm shift at all level.</p><p> </p> / <p>För att göra utvecklingsbistånd effektivare, undertecknade ett stort antal givare, däribland Sverige, den så kallade Parisdeklarationen 2005. Deklarationen ger samarbetsländerna ett större ansvar för sin egen utveckling och syftar till att göra biståndet från givarländerna mer mätbart. Man har kallat detta ett paradigmskifte inom området på grund av sina långtgående mål.</p><p>Deklarationen har konsekvenser för alla aktörer inom området utvecklingsbistånd, och denna uppsats syftar till att beskriva och analysera de effekter som deklarationen har på de svenska icke‐statliga organisationer som har ett ramavtal med SIDA. Eftersom en allt större del av utvecklingsbiståndet kanaliseras genom enskilda organisationer och de innehar en viktig roll i området, är de intressanta att studera.</p><p>Analysen görs utifrån ett samhällsorienterat governance perspektiv som fokuserar på hur olika aktörer i samhället utformar den offentliga politiken. Perspektivet utmaningar uppfattningen om att staten ensidigt dominerar och tar hänsyn till mångfalden av aktörer i det politiska beslutsfattandet, till exempel icke‐statliga organisationer.</p><p>Resultaten av undersökningen är bland annat att karaktären av de relationer och interaktioner mellan svenska icke‐statliga organisationer och SIDA varierar, och kan beskrivas som traditionellt hierarkisk, eller samarbetsbaserad (co‐governing). Vidare uppfattas Parisdeklarationen av icke‐statliga organisationer som ett steg i rätt riktning, snarare än ett paradigmskifte på alla nivåer.</p>

Aid effectiveness and the implementation of the Paris Declaration : a comparative study of Sweden, the United Kingdom, South Korea and China in Tanzania

Lim, Sojin January 2011 (has links)
In an attempt to improve the effectiveness of aid, many of the stakeholders in the international aid regime agreed to commit to five key principles in the Paris Declaration (PD) in 2005. These principles of ownership, alignment, harmonisation, managing for results and mutual accountability were aimed at improving the effective delivery and use of aid, although the Declaration has been followed by continuing doubts over aid effectiveness, especially in the context of deficiencies in donor cooperation and coordination and weak recipient ownership. Since the PD, donors have made varying efforts when it comes to implementing the Paris requirements towards greater aid effectiveness. However, after two OECD DAC monitoring surveys, in 2006 and in 2008, donors and recipients found out that the overall result of the progress of the implementation has been slow and that donor behavioural change towards implementing the PD has differed. In the light of this, this research aims to examine how donors have implemented the PD and why there are such differences in donor behaviour based on a comparative study of Sweden, the United Kingdom (UK), South Korea and China in Tanzania. This thesis reveals that there are key differences between advanced donors (Sweden and the UK) and emerging donors (Korea and China), particularly in terms of their levels of behavioural change in implementing the PD. While Sweden and the UK have shown greater progress in implementing many of the protocols of the PD, Korea and China have barely implemented the Paris requirements. The findings of this research highlight that the uneven responses and outcomes of the PD implementation are due to the design of the PD, which was based on the existing aid delivery mechanism of traditional donors at its top level, and the Paris requirements have not considered the bottom level reality of emerging donors who have different aid mechanisms from traditional donors. By examining seven major factors which inform the uneven donor performance (aid amount and number of staff, aid history of donors, political commitments, action plans and country specific strategies, aid management systems, aid modalities, and monitoring and evaluation), this study argues that the PD has been an 'easy option' for traditional donors such as Sweden and the UK, while it requires radical changes for emerging donors such as Korea and China. While this research relies on the public policy implementation theories to explain uneven donor behaviour in the PD implementation process, there has been less focus on the political economy and the self-interests and motivations of donors, which remains a main limitation of the study. Given this, this research has suggested conducting a further study on donor behaviour with a new methodological focus on the political economy and donor self-interests.

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