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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lexical selection for machine translation

Sabtan, Yasser Muhammad Naguib mahmoud January 2011 (has links)
Current research in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tends to exploit corpus resources as a way of overcoming the problem of knowledge acquisition. Statistical analysis of corpora can reveal trends and probabilities of occurrence, which have proved to be helpful in various ways. Machine Translation (MT) is no exception to this trend. Many MT researchers have attempted to extract knowledge from parallel bilingual corpora. The MT problem is generally decomposed into two sub-problems: lexical selection and reordering of the selected words. This research addresses the problem of lexical selection of open-class lexical items in the framework of MT. The work reported in this thesis investigates different methodologies to handle this problem, using a corpus-based approach. The current framework can be applied to any language pair, but we focus on Arabic and English. This is because Arabic words are hugely ambiguous and thus pose a challenge for the current task of lexical selection. We use a challenging Arabic-English parallel corpus, containing many long passages with no punctuation marks to denote sentence boundaries. This points to the robustness of the adopted approach. In our attempt to extract lexical equivalents from the parallel corpus we focus on the co-occurrence relations between words. The current framework adopts a lexicon-free approach towards the selection of lexical equivalents. This has the double advantage of investigating the effectiveness of different techniques without being distracted by the properties of the lexicon and at the same time saving much time and effort, since constructing a lexicon is time-consuming and labour-intensive. Thus, we use as little, if any, hand-coded information as possible. The accuracy score could be improved by adding hand-coded information. The point of the work reported here is to see how well one can do without any such manual intervention. With this goal in mind, we carry out a number of preprocessing steps in our framework. First, we build a lexicon-free Part-of-Speech (POS) tagger for Arabic. This POS tagger uses a combination of rule-based, transformation-based learning (TBL) and probabilistic techniques. Similarly, we use a lexicon-free POS tagger for English. We use the two POS taggers to tag the bi-texts. Second, we develop lexicon-free shallow parsers for Arabic and English. The two parsers are then used to label the parallel corpus with dependency relations (DRs) for some critical constructions. Third, we develop stemmers for Arabic and English, adopting the same knowledge -free approach. These preprocessing steps pave the way for the main system (or proposer) whose task is to extract translational equivalents from the parallel corpus. The framework starts with automatically extracting a bilingual lexicon using unsupervised statistical techniques which exploit the notion of co-occurrence patterns in the parallel corpus. We then choose the target word that has the highest frequency of occurrence from among a number of translational candidates in the extracted lexicon in order to aid the selection of the contextually correct translational equivalent. These experiments are carried out on either raw or POS-tagged texts. Having labelled the bi-texts with DRs, we use them to extract a number of translation seeds to start a number of bootstrapping techniques to improve the proposer. These seeds are used as anchor points to resegment the parallel corpus and start the selection process once again. The final F-score for the selection process is 0.701. We have also written an algorithm for detecting ambiguous words in a translation lexicon and obtained a precision score of 0.89.

Modelagem de contextos para aprendizado automático aplicado à análise morfossintática / Modeling contexts for automatic learning applied to morphosyntactic analysis

Fábio Natanael Kepler 28 May 2010 (has links)
A etiquetagem morfossintática envolve atribuir às palavras de uma sentença suas classes morfossintáticas de acordo com os contextos em que elas aparecem. Cadeias de Markov de Tamanho Variável (VLMCs, do inglês \"Variable-Length Markov Chains\") oferecem uma forma de modelar contextos maiores que trigramas sem sofrer demais com a esparsidade de dados e a complexidade do espaço de estados. Mesmo assim, duas palavras do português apresentam um alto grau de ambiguidade: \'que\' e \'a\'. O número de erros na etiquetagem dessas palavras corresponde a um quarto do total de erros cometidos por um etiquetador baseado em VLMCs. Além disso, essas palavras parecem apresentar dois diferentes tipos de ambiguidade: um dependendo de contexto não local e outro de contexto direito. Exploramos maneiras de expandir o modelo baseado em VLMCs através do uso de diferentes modelos e métodos, a fim de atacar esses problemas. As abordagens mostraram variado grau de sucesso, com um método em particular (aprendizado guiado) se mostrando capaz de resolver boa parte da ambiguidade de \'a\'. Discutimos razões para isso acontecer. Com relação a \'que\', ao longo desta tese propusemos e testamos diversos métodos de aprendizado de informação contextual para tentar desambiguá-lo. Mostramos como, em todos eles, o nível de ambiguidade de \'que\' permanece praticamente constante. / Part-of-speech tagging involves assigning to words in a sentence their part-of-speech class based on the contexts they appear in. Variable-Length Markov Chains (VLMCs) offer a way of modeling contexts longer than trigrams without suffering too much from data sparsity and state space complexity. Even so, two words in Portuguese show a high degree of ambiguity: \'que\' and \'a\'. The number of errors tagging these words corresponds to a quarter of the total errors made by a VLMC-based tagger. Moreover, these words seem to show two different types of ambiguity: one depending on non-local context and one on right context. We searched ways of expanding the VLMC-based model with a number of different models and methods in order to tackle these issues. The approaches showed variable degrees of success, with one particular method (Guided Learning) solving much of the ambiguity of \'a\'. We explore reasons why this happened. Rega rding \'que\', throughout this thesis we propose and test various methods for learning contextual information in order to try to disambiguate it. We show how, in all of them, the level of ambiguity shown by \'que\' remains practically c onstant.

Utvärdering av Part-of-Speech tagging som metod för identifiering av nyckelord i dialog / Evaluation of Part-of-Speech tagging as a method for identification of keywords in dialogs

He, Jeannie, Norström, Matthew January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie presenterar Part-of-Speech tagging som metod för identifiering av nyckelord samt en marknadsanalys för en konverserande robot att leda språkkaféer. Resultatet evaluerades med hjälp av svar från enkäter utskickade till 30 anonyma personer med svenska som modersmål. Resultatet visar att metoden är rimlig och kan implementeras i en konverserande robot för att öka dess förståelse av det talade språket som förekommer inom språkkaféer. Marknadsanalysen indikerar att det existerar en marknad för den konverserande roboten. Roboten behöver dock förbättras för att kunna bli en ersättning för mänskliga språkledare inom språkkaféer. / This study presents Part-of-Speech tagging as a method for keyword spotting as well as a market research for a conversational robot to lead a language café. The results are evaluated using the answers from 30 anonymous Swedish native speakers. The results show that the method is plausible and could be implemented in a conversational robot to increase its understanding of the spoken language in a language café. The market research indicates that there is a market for the conversational robot. The conversional robot needs, however, improvements to successfully become a substitute for human language teachers in language cafés.

Hybrid models for Chinese unknown word resolution

Lu, Xiaofei 12 September 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Intégration de ressources lexicales riches dans un analyseur syntaxique probabiliste / Integration of lexical resources in a probabilistic parser

Sigogne, Anthony 03 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'intégration de ressources lexicales et syntaxiques du français dans deux tâches fondamentales du Traitement Automatique des Langues [TAL] que sont l'étiquetage morpho-syntaxique probabiliste et l'analyse syntaxique probabiliste. Dans ce mémoire, nous utilisons des données lexicales et syntaxiques créées par des processus automatiques ou par des linguistes afin de donner une réponse à deux problématiques que nous décrivons succinctement ci-dessous : la dispersion des données et la segmentation automatique des textes. Grâce à des algorithmes d'analyse syntaxique de plus en plus évolués, les performances actuelles des analyseurs sont de plus en plus élevées, et ce pour de nombreuses langues dont le français. Cependant, il existe plusieurs problèmes inhérents aux formalismes mathématiques permettant de modéliser statistiquement cette tâche (grammaire, modèles discriminants,...). La dispersion des données est l'un de ces problèmes, et est causée principalement par la faible taille des corpus annotés disponibles pour la langue. La dispersion représente la difficulté d'estimer la probabilité de phénomènes syntaxiques apparaissant dans les textes à analyser mais qui sont rares ou absents du corpus ayant servi à l'apprentissage des analyseurs. De plus, il est prouvé que la dispersion est en partie un problème lexical, car plus la flexion d'une langue est importante, moins les phénomènes lexicaux sont représentés dans les corpus annotés. Notre première problématique repose donc sur l'atténuation de l'effet négatif de la dispersion lexicale des données sur les performances des analyseurs. Dans cette optique, nous nous sommes intéressé à une méthode appelée regroupement lexical, et qui consiste à regrouper les mots du corpus et des textes en classes. Ces classes réduisent le nombre de mots inconnus et donc le nombre de phénomènes syntaxiques rares ou inconnus, liés au lexique, des textes à analyser. Notre objectif est donc de proposer des regroupements lexicaux à partir d'informations tirées des lexiques syntaxiques du français, et d'observer leur impact sur les performances d'analyseurs syntaxiques. Par ailleurs, la plupart des évaluations concernant l'étiquetage morpho-syntaxique probabiliste et l'analyse syntaxique probabiliste ont été réalisées avec une segmentation parfaite du texte, car identique à celle du corpus évalué. Or, dans les cas réels d'application, la segmentation d'un texte est très rarement disponible et les segmenteurs automatiques actuels sont loin de proposer une segmentation de bonne qualité, et ce, à cause de la présence de nombreuses unités multi-mots (mots composés, entités nommées,...). Dans ce mémoire, nous nous focalisons sur les unités multi-mots dites continues qui forment des unités lexicales auxquelles on peut associer une étiquette morpho-syntaxique, et que nous appelons mots composés. Par exemple, cordon bleu est un nom composé, et tout à fait un adverbe composé. Nous pouvons assimiler la tâche de repérage des mots composés à celle de la segmentation du texte. Notre deuxième problématique portera donc sur la segmentation automatique des textes français et son impact sur les performances des processus automatiques. Pour ce faire, nous nous sommes penché sur une approche consistant à coupler, dans un même modèle probabiliste, la reconnaissance des mots composés et une autre tâche automatique. Dans notre cas, il peut s'agir de l'analyse syntaxique ou de l'étiquetage morpho-syntaxique. La reconnaissance des mots composés est donc réalisée au sein du processus probabiliste et non plus dans une phase préalable. Notre objectif est donc de proposer des stratégies innovantes permettant d'intégrer des ressources de mots composés dans deux processus probabilistes combinant l'étiquetage ou l'analyse à la segmentation du texte / This thesis focuses on the integration of lexical and syntactic resources of French in two fundamental tasks of Natural Language Processing [NLP], that are probabilistic part-of-speech tagging and probabilistic parsing. In the case of French, there are a lot of lexical and syntactic data created by automatic processes or by linguists. In addition, a number of experiments have shown interest to use such resources in processes such as tagging or parsing, since they can significantly improve system performances. In this paper, we use these resources to give an answer to two problems that we describe briefly below : data sparseness and automatic segmentation of texts. Through more and more sophisticated parsing algorithms, parsing accuracy is becoming higher for many languages including French. However, there are several problems inherent in mathematical formalisms that statistically model the task (grammar, discriminant models,...). Data sparseness is one of those problems, and is mainly caused by the small size of annotated corpora available for the language. Data sparseness is the difficulty of estimating the probability of syntactic phenomena, appearing in the texts to be analyzed, that are rare or absent from the corpus used for learning parsers. Moreover, it is proved that spars ness is partly a lexical problem, because the richer the morphology of a language is, the sparser the lexicons built from a Treebank will be for that language. Our first problem is therefore based on mitigating the negative impact of lexical data sparseness on parsing performance. To this end, we were interested in a method called word clustering that consists in grouping words of corpus and texts into clusters. These clusters reduce the number of unknown words, and therefore the number of rare or unknown syntactic phenomena, related to the lexicon, in texts to be analyzed. Our goal is to propose word clustering methods based on syntactic information from French lexicons, and observe their impact on parsers accuracy. Furthermore, most evaluations about probabilistic tagging and parsing were performed with a perfect segmentation of the text, as identical to the evaluated corpus. But in real cases of application, the segmentation of a text is rarely available and automatic segmentation tools fall short of proposing a high quality segmentation, because of the presence of many multi-word units (compound words, named entities,...). In this paper, we focus on continuous multi-word units, called compound words, that form lexical units which we can associate a part-of-speech tag. We may see the task of searching compound words as text segmentation. Our second issue will therefore focus on automatic segmentation of French texts and its impact on the performance of automatic processes. In order to do this, we focused on an approach of coupling, in a unique probabilistic model, the recognition of compound words and another task. In our case, it may be parsing or tagging. Recognition of compound words is performed within the probabilistic process rather than in a preliminary phase. Our goal is to propose innovative strategies for integrating resources of compound words in both processes combining probabilistic tagging, or parsing, and text segmentation

Text Augmentation: Inserting markup into natural language text with PPM Models

Yeates, Stuart Andrew January 2006 (has links)
This thesis describes a new optimisation and new heuristics for automatically marking up XML documents, and CEM, a Java implementation, using PPM models. CEM is significantly more general than previous systems, marking up large numbers of hierarchical tags, using n-gram models for large n and a variety of escape methods. Four corpora are discussed, including the bibliography corpus of 14682 bibliographies laid out in seven standard styles using the BibTeX system and marked up in XML with every field from the original BibTeX. Other corpora include the ROCLING Chinese text segmentation corpus, the Computists' Communique corpus and the Reuters' corpus. A detailed examination is presented of the methods of evaluating mark up algorithms, including computation complexity measures and correctness measures from the fields of information retrieval, string processing, machine learning and information theory. A new taxonomy of markup complexities is established and the properties of each taxon are examined in relation to the complexity of marked up documents. The performance of the new heuristics and optimisation are examined using the four corpora.

Tvorba závislostního korpusu pro jorubštinu s využitím paralelních dat / Tvorba závislostního korpusu pro jorubštinu s využitím paralelních dat

Oluokun, Adedayo January 2018 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to create a dependency treebank for Yorùbá, a language with very little pre-existing machine-readable resources. The treebank follows the Universal Dependencies (UD) annotation standard, certain language-specific guidelines for Yorùbá were specified. Known techniques for porting resources from resource-rich languages were tested, in particular projection of annotation across parallel bilingual data. Manual annotation is not the main focus of this thesis; nevertheless, a small portion of the data was verified manually in order to evaluate the annotation quality. Also, a model was trained on the manual annotation using UDPipe.

Hledání struktury vět přirozeného jazyka pomocí částečně řízených metod / Discovering the structure of natural language sentences by semi-supervised methods

Rosa, Rudolf January 2018 (has links)
Discovering the structure of natural language sentences by semi-supervised methods Rudolf Rosa In this thesis, we focus on the problem of automatically syntactically ana- lyzing a language for which there is no syntactically annotated training data. We explore several methods for cross-lingual transfer of syntactic as well as morphological annotation, ultimately based on utilization of bilingual or multi- lingual sentence-aligned corpora and machine translation approaches. We pay particular attention to automatic estimation of the appropriateness of a source language for the analysis of a given target language, devising a novel measure based on the similarity of part-of-speech sequences frequent in the languages. The effectiveness of the presented methods has been confirmed by experiments conducted both by us as well as independently by other respectable researchers. 1

Toward an on-line preprocessor for Swedish / Mot en on-line preprocessor för svenska

Wemmert, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
This bachelor thesis presents OPT (Open Parse Tool), a java program allowing for independent parsers/taggers to be run in sequence. For this thesis the existing java versions of Stagger and Maltparser has been adapted for use as modules in this program, and OPT's performance has then been compared to an existing, in use, alternative (Språkbanken's Korp Corpus Pipeline, henceforth KCP). Execution speed has been compared, and OPT's accuracy has been coarsly tested as either comparable or divergent to that of KCP. The same collection of documents containing natural text has been fed through OPT and KCP in sequence, and execution time was recorded. The tagged output of OPT and KCP was then run through SCREAM (Sjöholm, 2012) and if SCREAM produced comparable results between the two, the accuracy of OPT was considered as comparable to KCP. The results show that OPT completes its tagging and parsing of the documents in around 35 minutes, while KCP took over four hours to complete. SCREAM performed almost exactly the same using the outputs of either program, except for one case in which OPT's output gave better results than KCP's. The accuracy of OPT was thus considered comparable to KCP. The one divergent example can not fully be understood or explained in this thesis, given that the thesis considers SCREAM's internals as mostly that of a black box.

Practical Cost-Conscious Active Learning for Data Annotation in Annotator-Initiated Environments

Haertel, Robbie A. 12 August 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Many projects exist whose purpose is to augment raw data with annotations that increase the usefulness of the data. The number of these projects is rapidly growing and in the age of “big data” the amount of data to be annotated is likewise growing within each project. One common use of such data is in supervised machine learning, which requires labeled data to train a predictive model. Annotation is often a very expensive proposition, particularly for structured data. The purpose of this dissertation is to explore methods of reducing the cost of creating such data sets, including annotated text corpora.We focus on active learning to address the annotation problem. Active learning employs models trained using machine learning to identify instances in the data that are most informative and least costly. We introduce novel techniques for adapting vanilla active learning to situations wherein data instances are of varying benefit and cost, annotators request work “on-demand,” and there are multiple, fallible annotators of differing levels of accuracy and cost. In order to account for data instances of varying cost, we build a model of cost from real annotation data based on a user study. We also introduce a novel cost-conscious active learning algorithm which we call return-on-investment, that selects instances for annotation that contain the most benefit per unit cost. To address the issue of annotators that request instances “on-demand,” we develop a parallel, “no-wait” framework that performs computation while the annotator is annotating. As a result, annotators need not wait for the computer to determine the best instance for them to annotate—a common problem with existing approaches. Finally, we introduce a Bayesian model designed to simultaneously infer ground truth annotations from noisy annotations, infer each individual annotators accuracy, and predict its own accuracy on unseen data, without the use of a held-out set. We extend ROI-based active learning and our annotation framework to handle multiple annotators using this model. As a whole, our work shows that the techniques introduced in this dissertation reduce the cost of annotation in scenarios that are more true-to-life than previous research.

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