Spelling suggestions: "subject:"martial discharge"" "subject:"martial ischarge""
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Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter GleichspannungsbelastungHering, Maria 28 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Gasisolierte Systeme im Gleichspannungsbetrieb vereinen für Anwendungen moderner Energieübertragung die Forderungen nach kleinräumigen Anlagen und verlustarmem Energietransport über große Entfernungen. Für einen zuverlässigen und sicheren Betrieb muss das Verhalten der eingesetzten Gas-Feststoff-Isolierung im technologischen System bis an die Grenzen des Isolationsvermögens bekannt sein. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist deshalb das Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter Gleichspannungsbelastung. Dabei stehen zwei wesentliche Einflussfaktoren im Vordergrund: die Temperatur, motiviert durch reale Stromwärmeverluste, und eine feste Störstelle auf der Gas-Feststoff-Grenzfläche, motiviert durch in der Praxis nicht völlig auszuschließende, metallische Partikel. Die Effekte dieser beiden Parameter auf die Feldverteilung, die Oberflächen- und Raumladungsbildung sowie das Isolationsvermögen bei Gleichspannung werden zunächst in zwei Versuchsanordnungen separat experimentell untersucht. Anschließend wird deren Zusammenwirken und gegenseitige Beeinflussung im Gesamtsystem analysiert.
Die betriebsbedingte Erwärmung der Leiter gasisolierter Systeme führt zu einer inhomogenen Temperaturverteilung, die sich auf die Eigenschaften der Isolierstoffe Gas und Epoxidharz auswirkt. Die von der Temperatur abhängige Leitfähigkeit der Feststoffisolatoren führt zu einer temperaturabhängigen Feldverteilung, bei der sich der Ort der Höchstfeldstärke verschiebt. Dabei kann sich der Absolutwert der Höchstfeldstärke erhöhen und somit das Isolationsvermögen verringern. Gleichzeitig weist das Isoliergas nahe des erwärmten Leiters lokal eine geringere Dichte und damit eine geringere dielektrische Festigkeit auf. Die thermisch bedingte Minderung des Isolationsvermögens bei Gleichspannung beträgt in der untersuchten Anordnung (25 ... 35) %.
In den schwach inhomogenen Feldern gasisolierter Anlagen erweisen sich metallische Partikel auf Isolatoren ab drei Millimetern Länge als besonders kritisch. Bei einem Gasdruck unterhalb von 0,3 MPa setzen an den Partikelspitzen zum Teil bereits ab 50 % der Durchschlagsspannung ohne Partikel Teilentladungen ein, sodass die Koronastabilisierung zu einer vergleichsweise hohen Überschlagsspannung führt. Durch diese stabilen Glimmentladungen kann die Störstelle bei Gleichspannung durch die üblichen Detektionsverfahren jedoch nicht zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen werden. Oberhalb von 0,3 MPa treten vor dem Überschlag keine Teilentladungen auf. Aufgrund der fehlenden Koronastabilisierung kann die Isolationsfestigkeit durch einen erhöhten Gasdruck nicht oder nur stark unterproportional gesteigert werden. Die mit der Modellanordnung gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind nachweislich auf Isolatoren kommerzieller Anlagen übertragbar.
Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchte Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter Gleichspannungsbelastung wird maßgeblich durch die Temperaturverteilung und durch feste Störstellen auf der Grenzfläche beeinflusst. Oberflächen- und Raumladungen verändern das üblicherweise ohmsch-kapazitiv beschriebene Verhalten des Isolierstoffsystems bei Gleich- und Mischspannungsbelastung. Der Einfluss zusätzlicher Ladungsträger auf die stark temperaturabhängige Feldumbildung demonstriert, dass das Isoliergas in diesem Fall mit teilchendichte- und feldstärkeabhängigen Drift- und Diffusionsprozessen zur Modellierung des transienten Verhaltens von Gleichspannungssystemen berücksichtigt werden muss. Die Untersuchung des Systemverhaltens an den Grenzen des Isolationsvermögens ist wichtiger Bestandteil bei der Entwicklung innovativer Technologien der modernen Energieübertragung bei steigender Übertragungsleistung. / DC operated gas-insulated systems combine the demand for space saving installations and lowloss energy transport over long distances for applications of recent energy transmission. In order to ensure a reliable and safe operation, the behaviour of the gas-solid insulation, which is used in the technological system, has to be known up to the limits of the insulation properties. Hence, this thesis deals with the flashover behaviour of gas-solid insulation systems under DC voltage stress. Thereby, it focuses on two main influence factors: the temperature, due to real current heat losses, and an adhesive defect on the gas-solid interface, due to metallic particles that cannot be fully excluded in practice. Firstly, it is investigated experimentally in two test arrangements, how each parameter separately affects the electrical field distribution, the surface and volume charge accumulation and the insulation performance under DC voltage stress. Following that, their interaction and mutual influence is analysed in the whole system.
Due to operating currents, the heating of the conductors in gas-insulated systems causes an inhomogeneous temperature distribution, that affects the properties of the insulating materials gas and epoxy resin. The temperature-dependent conductivity of the solid insulators leads to a temperature-dependent field distribution. Thereby, the location of the highest field strength is shifted. Since the absolute value of the highest field strength can increase, the insulation performance can decrease. Simultaneously, the insulating gas close to the heated conductor locally has a lower gas density and therefore a lower dielectric strength. The thermal related reduction of the insulation performance under DC voltage stress amounts to (25 ... 35) % in the investigated arrangement.
Metallic particles, with a length of more than three millimetres and adhering on spacers, turn out to be particularly critical in the weakly inhomogeneous field of gas-insulated systems. At pressures below 0,3 MPa, partial discharges at the particle tips partly ignite already at 50 %of the breakdown voltage without a particle. The corona stabilisation leads to a relatively high flashover voltage. However, due to these stable glow discharges under DC voltage stress, the defect can not be unequivocally proven by usual detection methods. Above 0,3 MPa, no partial discharges occur before the flashover. Due to the missing corona stabilisation, with a higher gas pressure, the insulation strength is not or only disproportionately low increasing. The findings gained with the model arrangement are evidently applicable to spacers of commercial installations.
The flashover behaviour of gas-solid insulation systems under DC voltage stress, examined in this thesis, is influenced significantly by the temperature distribution and adhesive particles on the interface. Surface and volume charges change the generally resistive-capacitive described behaviour of the insulation system under DC and superimposed voltage stress. The influence of additional charge carriers on the strongly temperature-dependent field transition demonstrates, that in this case, the insulating gas with its drift and diffusion processes, depending on the particle density and the field strength, has to be considered, when modelling the transient behaviour of DC operated systems. Investigating the system behaviour to the limits of the insulation properties is a crucial element of developing innovative technologies of the modern energy transmission at increasing transmissions powers.
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Tillståndsbedömning av kablar i mellanspänningsnät : En sammanställning av olika metoder för kabeldiagnostiska mätningar och tester / Condition assessment of power cables in medium voltage networks : A compilation of different methods for cable testing and diagnostic measurementsIsaksson, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
Detta examensarbete utfördes vid Bodens Energi Nät AB under våren 2017 och behandlar mätmetoder och olika tester som kan utföras på markförlagd kabel för kontroll av tillståndet på exempelvis isolation, mantel och skarvar. Bakgrunden till arbetet är att man inom Bodens Energi Nät har ett flertal kilometer kabel på mellanspänningsnivå 20 kV. En stor del av kablarna är isolerade med tvärbunden polyeten, PEX och härstammar från 1970 och 1980-talet. Dessa kablar har i efterhand visat sig ha problem med vattenträd, vilket kan beskrivas som trädliknande strukturer som uppstår i en kabels isolation på grund av fukt och orenheter när dessa blir utsatta för kraftigare elektriska fält. Problem med vattenträd i kablar leder efter en tid, ofrånkomligen till genomslag i isolationen med påföljande jordfel. Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka och kartlägga olika tillståndsbedömningsmetoder för kraftkabel avsedd för 12/24 kV-nät. Rapporten avser att vara en metodbeskrivning för de vanligaste diagnostiska mätmetoder samt redogör för dess för- och nackdelar. Följande frågeställningar ämnas besvaras: Vilka metoder finns tillgängliga för tillståndsbedömning av mellanspänningskabel och vilka egenskaper är mätbara? Vad har respektive mätmetod för svagheter och styrkor samt vilka begränsningar finns det? Finns det möjlighet att utföra mätningar på en kabel i drift eller måste den tilltänkta kabelsträckan frånskiljas den övriga anläggningen?Om mätningar kan utföras på en kabel i drift, vilka metoder gäller detta? Rapporten bygger till största del på en litteraturstudie där mycket av informationen är hämtad ifrån standarder, handböcker och guider. Rapporten behandlar dels allmän information om kraftkablar samt PEX-kabelns konstruktion vilket bör kännas till för att kunna tillgodogöra sig informationen på bästa sätt. Vidare avhandlas åldringsmekanismer för PEX-isolerad kabel. Metoderna som presenteras i rapporten omfattar bland annat; mantelprovning, hållprov med olika typer av spänning, mätning av den dielektriska förlustfaktorn tan delta samt mätning av partiella urladdningar, PD. I kapitel 5 presenteras mätresultat från ett antal olika tan delta-mätningar samt en mätning av partiella urladdningar, vidare ges en kortare förklaring till mätresultaten. Vid mätning av de dielektriska förlusterna fås information om isolationens totala skick. Mätning av partiella urladdningar (även kallat glimning) ger information om var eventuella ojämnheter och håligheter finns. Det är dock viktigt att komma ihåg att de metoder som finns måste anpassas till den kabel som avses mätas eftersom det inte går att identifiera alla typer av defekter och fel med hjälp av endast en metod. Metoderna bör användas som diagnostiska hjälpmedel som i sin tur ger fingervisningar om kabelanläggningens totala tillstånd. De är därmed inte att betrakta som en definitiv bekräftelse avseende funktionsdugligheten för kabeln. / The work in this bachelor’s thesis was conducted at Bodens Energi Nät AB during the spring of 2017. The report describes common methods available for testing and diagnostic measurements of electric power cables. Bodens Energi Nät manages a medium voltage power grid which consists of around 700 kilometers of power lines and about 200 kilometers of cables. A large part of these cables have an insulating layer consisting of cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) and originates from the 1970s and the 1980s. These particular XLPE cables have a higher than normal tendency to develop problems with water trees. Water trees can be described as tree-shaped structures forming inside the insulating layer of the cable in the presence of an electrical field and water. Issues with water trees leads to local degradation of the dielectric material in the cable and usually ends with a phase-to-ground fault. The purpose of this thesis is to examine and describe different methods for diagnostic measurements of medium voltage cables. Through the use of a literature study the following questions will be answered: Which methods are available for diagnostic measurements and what properties can be measured? What are the strengths and weaknesses for each of these methods? Can measurements be performed on cables on-line or is it required to disconnect the cables from the grid before any measurements can be performed?In the case of on-line testing, which methods does this apply to? The overall disposition of this thesis starts with a general description of power cables including XLPE cables, as well as aging mechanisms in extruded cables. Subsequent chapters describes testing methods such as cable sheath testing, hipot testing using different types of voltages, measurements of the dielectric dissipation factor tan , as well as partial discharge testing. Chapter 5 discloses the results from some different tan measurements including a partial discharge measurement. A short description and explanation is included with every figure. Measuring the dielectric dissipation factor yields information about the total condition of the insulation. Partial discharge offers information regarding the location of irregularities, cavities and impurities within the insulation. It is important to have in mind that each of these methods on its own will not be able to identify all types of defects. Therefore it may be required to carry out several measurements using different types of methods in order to get a general idea of the condition of the cable. Methods for cable diagnostic measurements should be seen as a tool to get an estimate about the total condition of a power cable and is not considered a fail safe way to determine the operational ability.
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Caractérisation des décharges partielles et identification des défauts dans les PSEM sous haute tension continue / Characterization of Partial Discharges and Defect Identification in High-Voltage Direct Current GISOuss, Etienne 24 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le contexte de la surveillance des postes sous enveloppe métallique (PSEM) en courant continu (DC). La disponibilité de ces équipements étant primordiale pour leurs utilisateurs, il est nécessaire de disposer d’un outil de surveillance (monitoring) permettant de prévenir toute défaillance. Cet outil doit être capable de détecter et d’identifier les défauts présents, afin d’apporter une réponse adaptée. Depuis de nombreuses années, le monitoring des PSEM en AC est réalisé grâce à la mesure des décharges partielles (DP). Malheureusement, les connaissances des DP dans les PSEM en DC sont encore lacunaires, et les techniques d’identification des défauts sont intrinsèquement liées à l’environnement AC. De nouvelles techniques sont donc nécessaires en DC.Ce travail de thèse avait pour but de caractériser les décharges partielles dans les postes sous enveloppe métallique en tension continue, et de mettre en place une solution de reconnaissance automatique des défauts. Pour cela, un banc de mesure des décharges partielles a d’abord été mis en place. Afin de garantir la pertinence des résultats pour des systèmes industriels, les travaux ont été réalisés dans une section de PSEM sous tension continue. Le comportement des DP a été étudié pour deux types de défauts : des pointes sur le conducteur haute-tension et des particules libres métalliques. La caractérisation a porté sur l’influence de plusieurs paramètres : la nature et la pression du gaz, le niveau et la polarité de la tension. La mesure des DP a d’abord été réalisée en conformité avec la norme IEC 60270, permettant ainsi d’évaluer la pertinence de cette méthode pour les applications DC. La caractérisation a été complétée grâce à d’autres chaînes de mesure : une mesure de courant stationnaire, une mesure de courant haute-fréquence, une mesure de lumière, et une mesure des ondes ultra-haute fréquence (UHF). Le travail sur l’identification des défauts a d’abord consisté à construire une signature pertinente à partir des mesures de DP, puis à constituer une base de données, et enfin à implémenter un algorithme de reconnaissance automatique.Ces travaux ont montré que la méthode conventionnelle de mesure des DP présente certaines limites pour la détection des décharges partielles en DC, notamment pour les décharges couronne. Elle a tout de même permis de faire une bonne partie du travail de caractérisation. Les résultats obtenus avec les autres chaînes de mesure utilisées ont permis d’expliquer les lacunes de la méthode conventionnelle. Ils ont également permis un véritable apport pour la caractérisation des DP engendrées par des défauts de type pointe et particule. Enfin, une classification automatique efficace des défauts a été mise en place. Elle s’appuie sur le diagramme q(Δt) issu des données de la mesure conventionnelle des décharges partielles et sur un algorithme de réseau de neurones. / The framework of this thesis is the monitoring of High-Voltage, Direct Current (HVDC) Gas-Insulated Substations (GIS). The availability of these equipment is crucial for electrical networks operators. That is why they need a preventive diagnosis tool. The solution must be able to detect and identify the insulation defects, so that an appropriate maintenance can be planned. The last 40 years have seen Partial Discharges (PD) measurement become a classic monitoring tool for AC GIS. Unfortunately, there is a lack of scientific information about PD in HVDC GIS, and the known defect identification techniques are very specific to the AC environment. New techniques are thus needed in DC.This thesis aimed to characterize partial discharges in DC gas-insulated substations, and to develop an automatic defect identification tool. The first step of this work was the development of a partial discharge measuring bench. The complete study has been performed in a GIS section, so that the results can be directly applied to industrial equipment. Two kinds of defect have been investigated: protrusions on the high-voltage conductor, and free metallic particles. The influence of parameters such as gas nature and pressure, voltage level and polarity has been evaluated. First, PD have been measured in conformity with the IEC 60270 standard, and the relevance of this method in a DC environment has been evaluated. Then, other measuring chains have been used to improve the characterization of partial discharges: a steady-state current measurement, a high-frequency current measurement, a light measurement and a measurement of Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) waves. Finally, a relevant signature for defect identification has been designed and extracted from DP recordings. A database has been constituted, and an automated recognition algorithm has been implemented.The results show that the conventional PD measurement technique is not fully adapted to partial discharges detection in DC, corona discharges being the most problematic situation. Nevertheless, this method has brought enough information to start the characterization of PD. The limitations of the conventional method have been explained thanks to the results of the other measurements. These other experimental results have led to an actual improvement of the characterization of protrusion and particle-generated partial discharges. An effective automated defect classification solution has been implemented. The signature is derived from the q(Δt) diagram that has been extracted from the data obtained with the partial discharge conventional measurement. The identification algorithm has a neural network structure.
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Acoustic noise emitted from overhead line conductorsLi, Qi January 2013 (has links)
The developments of new types of conductors and increase of voltage level have driven the need to carry out research on evaluating overhead line acoustic noise. The surface potential gradient of a conductor is a critical design parameter for planning overhead lines, as it determines the level of corona loss (CL), radio interference (RI), and audible noise (AN). The majority of existing models for surface gradient calculation are based on analytical methods which restrict their application in simulating complex surface geometries. This thesis proposes a novel method which utilizes both analytical and numerical procedures to predict the surface gradient. Stranding shape, proximity of tower, protrusions and bundle arrangements are considered within this model. One of UK National Grid's transmission line configurations has been selected as an example to compare the results for different methods. The different stranding shapes are a key variable in determining dry surface fields. The dynamic behaviour of water droplets subject to AC electric fields is investigated by experiment and finite element modelling. The motion of a water droplet is considered on the surface of a metallic sphere. To understand the consequences of vibration, the FEA model is introduced to study the dynamics of a single droplet in terms of phase shift between vibration and exciting voltage. Moreover, the evolution of electric field within the whole cycle of vibration is investigated. The profile of the electric field and the characteristics of mechanical vibration are evaluated. Surprisingly the phase shift between these characteristics results in the maximum field occurring when the droplet is in a flattened profile rather than when it is ‘pointed’.Research work on audible noise emitted from overhead line conductors is reviewed, and a unique experimental set up employing a semi-anechoic chamber and corona cage is described. Acoustically, this facility isolates undesirable background noise and provides a free-field test space inside the anechoic chamber. Electrically, the corona cage simulates a 3 m section of 400 kV overhead line conductors by achieving the equivalent surface gradient. UV imaging, acoustic measurements and a partial discharge detection system are employed as instrumentation. The acoustic and electrical performance is demonstrated through a series of experiments. Results are discussed, and the mechanisms for acoustic noise are considered. A strategy for evaluating the noise emission level for overhead line conductors is developed. Comments are made on predicting acoustic noise from overhead lines. The technical achievements of this thesis are summarized in three aspects. First of all, an FEA model is developed to calculate the surface electric field for overhead line conductors and this has been demonstrated as an efficient tool for power utilities in computing surface electric field especially for dry condition. The second achievement is the droplet vibration study which describes the droplets' behaviour under rain conditions, such as the phase shift between the voltage and the vibration magnitude, the ejection phenomena and the electric field enhancement due to the shape change of droplets. The third contribution is the development of a standardized procedure in assessing noise emission level and the characteristics of noise emissions for various types of existing conductors in National Grid.
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Diagnostika vysokonapěťových kondenzátorů pro kaskádní napěťový násobič / Diagnosis of high voltage capacitors for cascade voltage multiplierBaev, Dmitriy January 2017 (has links)
The main subject of the final thesis is to find a suitable method for measuring the partial discharge (PD) in the dielectric of high-voltage capacitor. In the theoretical part of my thesis contains from the mechanisms of origin and the harmful effects of partial discharge at high voltage insulation of capacitor. It describes the global galvanic method of partial discharge measurement, the principle of cascade voltage multiplier, its main components are high-voltage capacitor and diode, facilities quality measurement of capacitors for voltage multipliers, advantages and disadvantages and principles of HIPOTRONICS DDX-8003 with the pulse discrimination system. In the experimental part of the diploma thesis is familiar with the diagnostics of high – voltage capacitors by means of laboratory measurements on the electronic bridge and with the help of partial discharge measurement system. Design of suitable electrode arrangement is described which eliminates the influence of corona which makes it impossible to measure partial discharges and the dissipation factor (tg ). Analysis data from measurement and determination of quality level, eventual degradation of measured capacitors. The result of this project should be designed the methodology for finding of poor – quality capacitors in order to increase the reliability of the voltage multiplier.
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Diagnostika vysokonapěťových kondenzátorů pro kaskádní napěťový násobič / Diagnosis of high voltage capacitors for cascade voltage multiplierBaev, Dmitriy January 2017 (has links)
The main subject of the final thesis is to find a suitable method for measuring the partial discharge (PD) in the dielectric of high-voltage capacitor. In the theoretical part of thesis contains from the mechanisms of origin and the harmful effects of partial discharge at high voltage insulation of capacitor. It describes the global galvanic method of partial discharge measurement, the principle of cascade voltage multiplier, its main components (high-voltage capacitor and diode). Nowadays are presented the possibilities of measuring the quality of capacitors for voltage multipliers. In the experimental part of the diploma thesis is familiar with the diagnostics of high – voltage capacitors by means of laboratory measurements on the electronic bridge and with the help of partial discharge measurement system. It describes the design of a suitable electrode arrangement that eliminates the influence of the corona, which makes it impossible to measure partial discharges and the dissipation factor tg . The thesis analyzes the obtained data from measurements and determines the quality level or the degradation of the measured capacitors. The result of the project should be designed the methodology for finding poor quality capacitors in order to increase the reliability of the voltage multiplier.
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Měření částečných výbojů u vysokonapěťových kabelů / Partial discharge measurement of middle and high voltage cablesPelikán, Luděk January 2018 (has links)
The main topic of this work is the analysis of the measurement of partial discharge measurements on high voltage cables. The thesis also deals with other measurements, including the measurement of the loss factor and the voltage retention and breakdown test. Part of the text describes the issue of partial discharge, its measurement by galvanic method and methods of elimination of disturbing influences that affect this method in terms of sensitivity and accuracy of the measured values. Thesis also describes the construction of the cables, their marking and the tests carried out on them. There is also a description of the cable terminals used for measuring, especially water terminals, which are designed for high voltages and which are carried out in the practical part of the thesis. The next part deals with problems prior to the commissioning of water terminals and their preparation for certain tests, including description and evaluation of the results of the measurements.
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Částečné výboje v elektronických zařízeních pracujících na vyšších kmitočtech / Partial Discharge in High Frequency Electronic EquipmentHavlíček, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The presented thesis is focused on knowledge extension in the area of partial discharge measurements and evaluation at frequencies higher than 1 kHz. The thesis includes the design and set up of the measuring workplace equipped for measuring partial discharges, including the methodology of the measuring and calibration procedures necessary for the achievement of reproducible results. Another part of the thesis deals with the technology of acoustical and electromagnetic sensors convenient for the diagnostics and localization of partial discharges in devices, that work at voltages above 500 V. Electrical circuits that enable data evaluation by using the signal from a sensor working on amplitude analysis principle were developed. For PD detection a PC controlled measuring device working on amplitude analysis principle had to be designed and realized. The possibilities of the workplace have been demonstrated in the process of development of the insulating systems for pulse transformers. Thesis results can significantly contribute to a higher quality of newly designed electronic devices and systems working at voltages above 500 V.
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Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter GleichspannungsbelastungHering, Maria 11 March 2016 (has links)
Gasisolierte Systeme im Gleichspannungsbetrieb vereinen für Anwendungen moderner Energieübertragung die Forderungen nach kleinräumigen Anlagen und verlustarmem Energietransport über große Entfernungen. Für einen zuverlässigen und sicheren Betrieb muss das Verhalten der eingesetzten Gas-Feststoff-Isolierung im technologischen System bis an die Grenzen des Isolationsvermögens bekannt sein. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist deshalb das Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter Gleichspannungsbelastung. Dabei stehen zwei wesentliche Einflussfaktoren im Vordergrund: die Temperatur, motiviert durch reale Stromwärmeverluste, und eine feste Störstelle auf der Gas-Feststoff-Grenzfläche, motiviert durch in der Praxis nicht völlig auszuschließende, metallische Partikel. Die Effekte dieser beiden Parameter auf die Feldverteilung, die Oberflächen- und Raumladungsbildung sowie das Isolationsvermögen bei Gleichspannung werden zunächst in zwei Versuchsanordnungen separat experimentell untersucht. Anschließend wird deren Zusammenwirken und gegenseitige Beeinflussung im Gesamtsystem analysiert.
Die betriebsbedingte Erwärmung der Leiter gasisolierter Systeme führt zu einer inhomogenen Temperaturverteilung, die sich auf die Eigenschaften der Isolierstoffe Gas und Epoxidharz auswirkt. Die von der Temperatur abhängige Leitfähigkeit der Feststoffisolatoren führt zu einer temperaturabhängigen Feldverteilung, bei der sich der Ort der Höchstfeldstärke verschiebt. Dabei kann sich der Absolutwert der Höchstfeldstärke erhöhen und somit das Isolationsvermögen verringern. Gleichzeitig weist das Isoliergas nahe des erwärmten Leiters lokal eine geringere Dichte und damit eine geringere dielektrische Festigkeit auf. Die thermisch bedingte Minderung des Isolationsvermögens bei Gleichspannung beträgt in der untersuchten Anordnung (25 ... 35) %.
In den schwach inhomogenen Feldern gasisolierter Anlagen erweisen sich metallische Partikel auf Isolatoren ab drei Millimetern Länge als besonders kritisch. Bei einem Gasdruck unterhalb von 0,3 MPa setzen an den Partikelspitzen zum Teil bereits ab 50 % der Durchschlagsspannung ohne Partikel Teilentladungen ein, sodass die Koronastabilisierung zu einer vergleichsweise hohen Überschlagsspannung führt. Durch diese stabilen Glimmentladungen kann die Störstelle bei Gleichspannung durch die üblichen Detektionsverfahren jedoch nicht zweifelsfrei nachgewiesen werden. Oberhalb von 0,3 MPa treten vor dem Überschlag keine Teilentladungen auf. Aufgrund der fehlenden Koronastabilisierung kann die Isolationsfestigkeit durch einen erhöhten Gasdruck nicht oder nur stark unterproportional gesteigert werden. Die mit der Modellanordnung gewonnenen Erkenntnisse sind nachweislich auf Isolatoren kommerzieller Anlagen übertragbar.
Das in der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchte Überschlagsverhalten von Gas-Feststoff-Isoliersystemen unter Gleichspannungsbelastung wird maßgeblich durch die Temperaturverteilung und durch feste Störstellen auf der Grenzfläche beeinflusst. Oberflächen- und Raumladungen verändern das üblicherweise ohmsch-kapazitiv beschriebene Verhalten des Isolierstoffsystems bei Gleich- und Mischspannungsbelastung. Der Einfluss zusätzlicher Ladungsträger auf die stark temperaturabhängige Feldumbildung demonstriert, dass das Isoliergas in diesem Fall mit teilchendichte- und feldstärkeabhängigen Drift- und Diffusionsprozessen zur Modellierung des transienten Verhaltens von Gleichspannungssystemen berücksichtigt werden muss. Die Untersuchung des Systemverhaltens an den Grenzen des Isolationsvermögens ist wichtiger Bestandteil bei der Entwicklung innovativer Technologien der modernen Energieübertragung bei steigender Übertragungsleistung. / DC operated gas-insulated systems combine the demand for space saving installations and lowloss energy transport over long distances for applications of recent energy transmission. In order to ensure a reliable and safe operation, the behaviour of the gas-solid insulation, which is used in the technological system, has to be known up to the limits of the insulation properties. Hence, this thesis deals with the flashover behaviour of gas-solid insulation systems under DC voltage stress. Thereby, it focuses on two main influence factors: the temperature, due to real current heat losses, and an adhesive defect on the gas-solid interface, due to metallic particles that cannot be fully excluded in practice. Firstly, it is investigated experimentally in two test arrangements, how each parameter separately affects the electrical field distribution, the surface and volume charge accumulation and the insulation performance under DC voltage stress. Following that, their interaction and mutual influence is analysed in the whole system.
Due to operating currents, the heating of the conductors in gas-insulated systems causes an inhomogeneous temperature distribution, that affects the properties of the insulating materials gas and epoxy resin. The temperature-dependent conductivity of the solid insulators leads to a temperature-dependent field distribution. Thereby, the location of the highest field strength is shifted. Since the absolute value of the highest field strength can increase, the insulation performance can decrease. Simultaneously, the insulating gas close to the heated conductor locally has a lower gas density and therefore a lower dielectric strength. The thermal related reduction of the insulation performance under DC voltage stress amounts to (25 ... 35) % in the investigated arrangement.
Metallic particles, with a length of more than three millimetres and adhering on spacers, turn out to be particularly critical in the weakly inhomogeneous field of gas-insulated systems. At pressures below 0,3 MPa, partial discharges at the particle tips partly ignite already at 50 %of the breakdown voltage without a particle. The corona stabilisation leads to a relatively high flashover voltage. However, due to these stable glow discharges under DC voltage stress, the defect can not be unequivocally proven by usual detection methods. Above 0,3 MPa, no partial discharges occur before the flashover. Due to the missing corona stabilisation, with a higher gas pressure, the insulation strength is not or only disproportionately low increasing. The findings gained with the model arrangement are evidently applicable to spacers of commercial installations.
The flashover behaviour of gas-solid insulation systems under DC voltage stress, examined in this thesis, is influenced significantly by the temperature distribution and adhesive particles on the interface. Surface and volume charges change the generally resistive-capacitive described behaviour of the insulation system under DC and superimposed voltage stress. The influence of additional charge carriers on the strongly temperature-dependent field transition demonstrates, that in this case, the insulating gas with its drift and diffusion processes, depending on the particle density and the field strength, has to be considered, when modelling the transient behaviour of DC operated systems. Investigating the system behaviour to the limits of the insulation properties is a crucial element of developing innovative technologies of the modern energy transmission at increasing transmissions powers.
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Voltage Transients in the Field Winding of Salient Pole Wound Synchronous Machines : Implications from fast switching power electronicsFelicetti, Roberto January 2021 (has links)
Wound Field Synchronous Generators provide more than 95% of the electricity need worldwide. Their primacy in electricity production is due to ease of voltage regulation, performed by simply adjusting the direct current intensity in their rotor winding. Nevertheless, the rapid progress of power electronics devices enables new possibilities for alternating current add-ins in a more than a century long DC dominated technology. Damping the rotor oscillations with less energy loss than before, reducing the wear of the bearings by actively compensating for the mechanic unbalance of the rotating parts, speeding up the generator with no need for additional means, these are just few of the new applications which imply partial or total alternated current supplying of the rotor winding. This thesis explores what happens in a winding traditionally designed for the direct current supply when an alternated current is injected into it by an inverter. The research focuses on wound field salient pole synchronous machines and investigates the changes in the field winding parameters under AC conditions. Particular attention is dedicated to the potentially harmful voltage surges and voltage gradients triggered by voltage-edges with large slew rate. For this study a wide frequency band simplified electromagnetic model of the field winding has been carried out, experimentally determined and validated. Within the specific application of the fast field current control, the research provides some references for the design of the rotor magnetic circuit and of the field winding. Finally the coordination between the power electronics and the field winding properties is addressed, when the current control is done by means of a long cable or busbars, in order to prevent or reduce the ringing.
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