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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapas: entre narrativas pela dominação e dissertativas pela contestação / Maps: Between narratives for domination and essay towards contestation

Wellington de Oliveira Fernandes 18 November 2016 (has links)
A emergência de práticas engajadas a utilizar os mapas como instrumento de contestação, como é o caso da metodologia de mapeamento participativo, aliada a efervescência teórica em torno de fazer a crítica aos mapas, sobretudo a partir de Brian Harley, constitui a cartografia crítica. Os mapas participativos surgem como proposta para fortalecer a defesa de comunidades tradicionais em contexto de conflito territorial. Assim, uma infinidade de experiências e técnicas é desenvolvida com a proposta de contrapor representações cartográficas hegemônicas. Enquanto isso, no plano teórico, os mapas tem o caráter de documento científico neutro questionado e são situados em meio a relações de poder. Historicamente, os mapas foram e ainda são utilizados em estratégias de dominação e existem diversas situações que justificam tal afirmação. Além disso, os mapas também são instrumentos de contestação e aparecem como contraponto às distintas estratégias hegemônicas de poder. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo discutir o caráter político desta relação e fortalecer a produção de mapas que possam ser um contraponto ao status quo. Foi realizada revisão bibliográfica para fundamentar a crítica em torno dos mapas e referendar a organização e análise do momento empírico da pesquisa que consistiu em uma experiência formativa em cartografia crítica e mapeamento participativo, realizada junto a jovens estudantes de escola pública da periferia de São Paulo. Como resultado, 09 oficinas foram desenvolvidas, sistematizadas e avaliadas, sendo passíveis de replicação em outros espaços. Fomentar novos atores para a cena cartográfica é fazer oposição a discursos cartográficos dominantes e a escola é um espaço estratégico para tal promoção. / The emergence of practices engaged to use maps as instruments of contestation, such as the participatory mapping methodology, combined with theoretical effervescence on criticizing maps, especially from Brian Harley, is critical cartography. Participatory maps come up as a proposal to strengthen the defense of traditional communities, in the context of territorial conflict. Thus, a multitude of experiences and techniques is developed with the purpose of counter hegemonic cartographic representations. Meanwhile, in the theoretical scenario, maps have its character of neutral scientific document questioned and situated in the midst of power relations. Historically, maps were and still are used in strategies of domination and there are several situations that justify such a claim. In addition, the maps are also contesting instruments and appear as a counterpoint to the different hegemonic strategies of power. This research aimed to discuss the political nature of this relationship, and to strengthen the production of maps that can be a counterpoint to the status quo. The scientific literature was reviewed to support the criticism around maps and to endorse the empirical research organization and analysis which consisted of a formative experience in critical and participatory mapping, carried out with young public school students from the outskirts of São Paulo. As a result, nine workshops were developed, systematized and evaluated, being capable of replication in other areas. To promote new players into the mapping scene is to confront and make opposition to the dominant cartographic discourse and the school is a strategic space for such actions.

Estudio de la percepción social del territorio y de los servicios ecosistémicos en Alto Mayo, Región San Martín, Perú / Estudio de la percepción social del territorio y de los servicios ecosistémicos en Alto Mayo, Región San Martín, Perú

Codato, Daniele 10 April 2018 (has links)
Ecosystem services (ES) are defined as the benefits people obtain from ecosystems. The inclusion of the ES is being acknowledged as very important, as well as the local actors knowledge and getting an estimation of the perceived social, economic or biophysics values in order to evaluate the complete range of ecosystem values. Social values are may be described as the socio are estimated through social evaluations and other non utilitarian techniques. Alto Mayo in San Martin Region is part of an Andean variety of ES and unusual characteristics; it is also a territory that is under major transformations with different negative impacts both on human and natural capital, which could lead to a decline in the quality of life of its population. In the last ten years the Regional Government of San Martin, along with the collaboration of various NGOs and other agencies, has carried out several initiatives to revert environmental degradation of the area. In this presentation, a research project will be presented to study the knowledge and perception of local actors about the Alto Mayo territory and the ES that may contribute to the conservation of ecosystems in the area. We will focus on the work methodology used, that is, the study conducted through questionnaires, interviews and participatory mapping with various actors in the area and the use of the G.I.S. tool SolVES (the Social Values ​​for Ecosystem Services). / Los Servicios Ecosistémicos (SE) son definidos como  los servicios que el capital natural provee a los seres humanos. Se está reconociendo siempre más importancia a la inclusión de los SE, al conocimiento de los actores locales y al brindar una estimación de los valores sociales percibidos, además de los económicos o biofísicos, para evaluar el rango completo de valores ecosistémicos. Los valores sociales se pueden definir como la percepción socio cultural del bienestar humano brindado por los ecosistemas.El Alto Mayo en la Región de San Martín es parte de una cuenca andino características peculiares y gran proveedora de diferentes SE, pero también es un territorio bajo grandes trasformaciones con diferentes impactos negativos sobre su capital natural y humano que podrían llevar a una disminución de la calidad de vida de su población. En los últimos diez años el Gobierno Regional de San Martin con la colaboración de diferentes ONGs y agencias de cooperación ha empezado diferentes iniciativas para revertir los procesos de degradación ambiental en el área.Se presentará un proyecto de investigación que mira a estudiar el conocimiento y la percepción de los actores locales sobre el territorio del Alto Mayo y sus SE que pueda contribuir a la conservación de los ecosistemas del área. Se dará amplio espacio a la metodología de trabajo utilizada, es decir el estudio a través de cuestionarios, entrevistas y mapeo participativo a diferentes actores del área y el utilizo de la herramienta SIG SolVES (the Social Values for Ecosystem Services).

Etnosilvicultura Kaiabi no Parque Indígena do Xingu: subsídios ao manejo de recursos florestais / Kayabi\'s ethnosilviculture in the Xingu indigenous park, Mato Grosso State: subsidy to the forest recourses management

Marcus Vinícius Chamon Schmidt 29 March 2001 (has links)
Os índios Kaiabí representam, dentre as etnias que habitam o interior do Parque Indígena do Xingu-MT (PIX), a mais populosa. Sua estratégia de utilização do ambiente constitui-se no uso múltiplo de recursos florestais e na complementariedade ecológica, obtendo uma diversificação da produtividade à um baixo impacto ambiental. Na busca de novas propostas de desenvolvimento, as alternativas deverão contemplar as necessidades econômicas, a permanência da estrutura social politica e cultural e as potencialidades ecológicas de sua área tradicional, considerando as suas próprias prioridades. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo realizar m mapeamento participativo de recursos florestais utilizados tradicionalmente pela população. Foram utilizados métodos de levantamento qualitativo e quantitativo, para a caracterização do ambiente natural por esta comunidade, em ecozonas, tipos florestais, usos das espécies vegetais (categorias êmicas), bem como as formas de manipulação e manejo do ambiente. Estes dados etnobotânicos serão relacionados com os métodos de classificação do ambiente utilizados nas pesquisas convencionais (categorias éticas), como imagens de satélite, mapas de vegetação, a identificação e quantificação de espécies potenciais para o manejo de recursos florestais. Os resultados deverão indicar capacidade produtiva deste ecossistema indicando as espécies com potencial para um manejo florestal apropriado em termos sócio-ambiental. / Among the living ethnic groups in the Xingu Indigenous Park (PIX), the Kayabi Indians are the most populous in this forest reserve. Their environmental use strategies are the forest resource multiple use and the ecological complementary. These strategies allow the productivity diversification and low environmental impact. However, new development proposals will have to consider alternatives that are able to enhance the economical necessities, the permanency of the social, political and cultural structures and the ecological potentialities of their traditional area, according to their priorities. The objective of this research was to carry out a participative mapping survey in relation to the forestry resources traditionally used by the population. The characterization of the natural environment by this community will be accomplished by qualitative and quantitative survey methods, in ecozones, forestry types, vegetal species uses (emic categories), as well as the manipulation ways and environmental management. These ethnobotanical data will be related to the environmental classification methods used by conventional researches (ethic categories), as satellite images, vegetation map, the identification and quantification of the potential species for the forestry resources management. The productive capacity of this ecosystem and the species with potential for suitable forestry management in relation to the social and environmental aspects will be indicated by the results.

Agrofloresta e cartografia indígena: a gestão territorial e ambiental nas mãos dos agentes agroflorestais indígenas do Acre / Agroforestry and Indigenous cartography: territorial and environmental management in the hands of Indigenous Agroforestry Agents of Acre

Gavazzi, Renato Antonio 29 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda uma experiência local na Amazônia ocidental brasileira no estado do Acre, desde 1996, onde trata de uma ação educacional na formação de Agente Agroflorestal Indígena (AAFI) para a gestão territorial e ambiental das terras indígenas e de seu entorno. A pesquisa debate dois aspectos fundamentais na formação do AAFI: a agrofloresta e a cartografia indígena. A agrofloresta nessa pesquisa é vista pelo olhar atento dos AAFIs, através de seus registros realizados em seus diários de trabalho. Trata-se dos registros etnográficos, realizados pelos próprios índios a partir da sua realidade, por meio do uso da língua escrita e do desenho figurativo. Os diários de trabalho mostram como os AAFIs, junto às suas comunidades, têm trabalhado no uso, no manejo e na conservação dos recursos naturais e agroflorestais. Os AAFIs através das práticas agroflorestais vêm contribuindo na construção de novos modelos e novos espaços produtivos adaptados às condições ecológicas da floresta tropical, com o aporte do conhecimento tradicional, do conhecimento científico-acadêmico e do conhecimento local e de uma efetiva participação das comunidades indígenas na gestão de seus territórios. A cartografia indígena é tratada como uma disciplina direcionada para orientar o planejamento e a gestão das terras indígenas. O trabalho destaca a importância dos conhecimentos indígenas na construção individual e coletiva dos mapas mentais e georreferenciados e dos planos de gestão, como instrumentos importantes direcionados à conservação da biodiversidade, à proteção e à gestão territorial e ambiental das terras indígenas do Acre. / This work is about a local experience in western Amazon, in the Brazilian state of Acre. This experience, that started in the 1996, is an initiative action the education and training of Indigenous Agroforestry Agents (IAFAs) for and environmental management lands and their surroundings. The research discusses two key aspects in the the IAFAs: a agroforestry and indigenous mapping. In this research, related to agroforestry is seen by the watchful eye of IAFAs through there witch are diary notes. It is an ethnographic record, held by the indigenous from their reality through the use of written language, and figurative drawing and mapping. Their diaries show how the IAFAs work with their communities in the use, management and conservation of natural resources. The IAFAs through agroforestry practices, have contributed in building new models and new productive spaces adapted to the ecological conditions of the rainforest, with the contribution of traditional, scientific, academic and local knowledge with effective participation of communities in managing their lands. Indigenous cartography is treated as a discipline directed to guide planning and georeferenced management of indigenous lands. The work highlights the importance of indigenous traditional knowledge in the construction of individual and collective maps and management plans, as important tools targeted for biodiversity conservation, protection and territorial environmental management of indigenous lands in Acre.

Análise sócio-ecológica da pesca do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), no Município de Cananéia, Litoral Sul do Estado de São Paulo : percepções, práticas e contribuições para o manejo /

Novaes, Maria Carolina Las-Casas e January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Luciana Cavalcanti Maia Santos / Resumo: A pesca do caranguejo-uçá, Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763), é uma das atividades extrativas mais antigas no Brasil, sendo caracterizada como uma das mais importantes pescarias dentro do setor artesanal em áreas de manguezal. Contudo, os altos níveis de exploração dessa espécie, associados à degradação dos manguezais, técnicas de captura não-sustentáveis e doenças, fizeram com que U. cordatus fosse incluído em 2004 na lista brasileira de espécies sobreexplotadas ou ameaçadas de sobreexplotação. Entretanto, desde 2015 o Governo do Estado de São Paulo controla a quantidade de profissionais que atuam na atividade de coleta do caranguejo-uçá, permitindo a Autorização Especial para um determinado número de pescadores residentes em toda abrangência da APA de Cananéia-Iguape-Peruíbe. A cidade de Cananéia (litoral sudeste do Brasil), tem um alto volume registrado de capturas do caranguejo-uçá a nível estadual, mas há poucos estudos sócio-ecológicos e aplicação de medidas participativas para o manejo sustentável desse recurso nesta região. Neste contexto, o presente projeto tem como objetivo analisar a pesca do caranguejo-uçá no Município de Cananéia, com foco na avaliação sócio-ecológica do conhecimento local, percepções e práticas dos pescadores, assim como na aplicação desse conhecimento ao manejo e uso sustentável deste recurso. Para tanto, foram aplicadas entrevistas junto aos pescadores locais, bem como utilizada o método de mapeamento participativo. Foi evidenciada a íntima dep... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Abstract: The crab Ucides cordatus (Linnaeus, 1763) is the older estuarine extractive activities in Brazil, and characterized as one of the most important fisheries within the artisanal sector of the mangrove areas. However, higher exploration levels of this species, associated with mangrove degradation, unsustainable techniques of capture and diseases, have included this species as overexploited or overexploitation threatened in Brazilian Redlist at 2004. However, since 2015 the government of São Paulo state controlled the number of artisanal fishermen in catching activity of U. cordatus, allowing a special authorization for a reduced number of local fishermen in that Área de Proteção Ambiental Cananeia-Iguape-Peruíbe (APA-CIP). The Cananéia city (southeast coast of Brazil) has the largest catch of crabs in the São Paulo state, but there are few social-ecological studies and participatory methods to sustainable manage of this resource in that region. In this context, the present project aims to analyze the fishing of the Ucides cordatus crab in Cananéia city, with a social-ecological (SES) analysis based on the local fishing knowledge, perceptions and practices for the fishermen, as well as in this knowledge application to management and sustainable use. Were conduzed interviews with local fishermen, and used the participatory mapping method. An intimate dependence was verified among fishermen and mangrove, where U. cordatus is a very important source of income for many fami... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

West Nile virus in Maricopa County, Arizona: Investigating human, vector, and environmental interactions

January 2013 (has links)
abstract: Despite the arid climate of Maricopa County, Arizona, vector-borne diseases have presented significant health challenges to the residents and public health professionals of Maricopa County in the past, and will continue to do so in the foreseeable future. Currently, West Nile virus is the only mosquitoes-transmitted disease actively, and natively, transmitted throughout the state of Arizona. In an effort to gain a more complete understanding of the transmission dynamics of West Nile virus this thesis examines human, vector, and environment interactions as they exist within Maricopa County. Through ethnographic and geographic information systems research methods this thesis identifies 1) the individual factors that influence residents' knowledge and behaviors regarding mosquitoes, 2) the individual and regional factors that influence residents' knowledge of mosquito ecology and the spatial distribution of local mosquito populations, and 3) the environmental, demographic, and socioeconomic factors that influence mosquito abundance within Maricopa County. By identifying the factors that influence human-vector and vector-environment interactions, the results of this thesis may influence current and future educational and mosquito control efforts throughout Maricopa County. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Sustainability 2013

Agrofloresta e cartografia indígena: a gestão territorial e ambiental nas mãos dos agentes agroflorestais indígenas do Acre / Agroforestry and Indigenous cartography: territorial and environmental management in the hands of Indigenous Agroforestry Agents of Acre

Renato Antonio Gavazzi 29 August 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho aborda uma experiência local na Amazônia ocidental brasileira no estado do Acre, desde 1996, onde trata de uma ação educacional na formação de Agente Agroflorestal Indígena (AAFI) para a gestão territorial e ambiental das terras indígenas e de seu entorno. A pesquisa debate dois aspectos fundamentais na formação do AAFI: a agrofloresta e a cartografia indígena. A agrofloresta nessa pesquisa é vista pelo olhar atento dos AAFIs, através de seus registros realizados em seus diários de trabalho. Trata-se dos registros etnográficos, realizados pelos próprios índios a partir da sua realidade, por meio do uso da língua escrita e do desenho figurativo. Os diários de trabalho mostram como os AAFIs, junto às suas comunidades, têm trabalhado no uso, no manejo e na conservação dos recursos naturais e agroflorestais. Os AAFIs através das práticas agroflorestais vêm contribuindo na construção de novos modelos e novos espaços produtivos adaptados às condições ecológicas da floresta tropical, com o aporte do conhecimento tradicional, do conhecimento científico-acadêmico e do conhecimento local e de uma efetiva participação das comunidades indígenas na gestão de seus territórios. A cartografia indígena é tratada como uma disciplina direcionada para orientar o planejamento e a gestão das terras indígenas. O trabalho destaca a importância dos conhecimentos indígenas na construção individual e coletiva dos mapas mentais e georreferenciados e dos planos de gestão, como instrumentos importantes direcionados à conservação da biodiversidade, à proteção e à gestão territorial e ambiental das terras indígenas do Acre. / This work is about a local experience in western Amazon, in the Brazilian state of Acre. This experience, that started in the 1996, is an initiative action the education and training of Indigenous Agroforestry Agents (IAFAs) for and environmental management lands and their surroundings. The research discusses two key aspects in the the IAFAs: a agroforestry and indigenous mapping. In this research, related to agroforestry is seen by the watchful eye of IAFAs through there witch are diary notes. It is an ethnographic record, held by the indigenous from their reality through the use of written language, and figurative drawing and mapping. Their diaries show how the IAFAs work with their communities in the use, management and conservation of natural resources. The IAFAs through agroforestry practices, have contributed in building new models and new productive spaces adapted to the ecological conditions of the rainforest, with the contribution of traditional, scientific, academic and local knowledge with effective participation of communities in managing their lands. Indigenous cartography is treated as a discipline directed to guide planning and georeferenced management of indigenous lands. The work highlights the importance of indigenous traditional knowledge in the construction of individual and collective maps and management plans, as important tools targeted for biodiversity conservation, protection and territorial environmental management of indigenous lands in Acre.

整合參與式製圖建置原住民族傳統領域WebGIS平台 / Integrating Participatory Mapping to Build a WebGIS Platform for Traditional Territories of Indigenous Peoples

陳祈安, Chen, Chi An Unknown Date (has links)
長久以來,台灣原住民族的土地及領域權利始終受到忽視和剝削,原住民族的傳統領域與其知識逐漸式微。為了重新爭取原住民族的土地權利及保存珍貴的傳統生態智慧,恢復傳統領域和傳統領域知識即為首要任務。 近一、二十年來,隨著國際上主張生物多樣性和多元文化的思維潮流,我國也開始提倡對原住民文化及其自然關係的尊重,從早期的部落地圖運動到傳統領域土地調查計畫,透過調查與部落地圖的繪製可將隱藏在生活中的歌唱、舞蹈、傳說故事…等傳統領域知識記錄、保存下來;而這些田野調查工作有許多不同的方式,如參與觀察、個案研究、深度訪談、工作坊…等,並常搭配不同的參與式製圖為其工具,如:心智圖、參與式立體模型(Participatory 3D Modelling, P3DM)、地理資訊系統(Geographic Information System, GIS)…等。 本研究參與觀察並分析比較各項參與式製圖法,將觀察到的成果結合文獻整理之設計準則,納入至原住民族傳統領域WebGIS地圖平台與其他網頁之設計規劃。建置一以原住民族傳統領域為主題,蒐集劃設傳統領域知識和範圍並傳遞資訊的參與式平台,達到參與式製圖之目的。並至平台啟用後使用網頁分析工具和使用者深度訪談,追蹤分析其後續之公眾參與成效,藉此改善平台功效並提出方案以促進公眾參與及使用率。

A History under Siege : Intensive Agriculture in the Mbulu Highlands, Tanzania, 19th Century to the Present

Börjeson, Lowe January 2004 (has links)
This doctoral thesis examines the history of the Iraqw’ar Da/aw area in the Mbulu Highlands of northern Tanzania. Since the late nineteenth century this area has been known for its intensive cultivation, and referred to as an “island” within a matrix of less intensive land use. The conventional explanation for its characteristics has been high population densities resulting from the prevention of expansion by hostility from surrounding pastoral groups, leading to a siegelike situation. Drawing on an intensive programme of interviews, detailed field mapping and studies of aerial photographs, early travellers’ accounts and landscape photographs, this study challenges that explanation. The study concludes that the process of agricultural intensification has largely been its own driving force, based on self-reinforcing processes of change, and not a consequence of land scarcity.

Distribution des parents sauvages du quinoa cultivé en lien avec les pratiques et usages des communautés andines dans la région de Puno au Pérou / Distribution of quinoa crop wild relatives linked to practices and uses in Andean communities of the Puno region of Peru

Fagandini ruiz, Francesca 09 January 2019 (has links)
Dans les hauts plateaux des Andes entre le Pérou et la Bolivie, à 3 800 mètres d’altitude s’étend le lac Titicaca, berceau des civilisations précolombiennes et l’un des principaux centres mondiaux de domestication des espèces végétales cultivées pour l’agriculture. Cette région est reconnue comme le centre d’origine du quinoa, C. quinoa Willd. Elle concentre la plus grande diversité génétique du quinoa, tant pour les variétés paysannes cultivées que pour les espèces sauvages apparentées. Notre recherche a été conduite dans la région de Puno, Pérou, qui reste l’une des principales régions productrices de quinoa au monde. Le quinoa y présente une distribution spatiale selon un gradient climatique nord-sud et une différenciation en zones agroécologiques liée à l’altitude. Actuellement, sept principales espèces de parents sauvages du quinoa y sont présentes : C.ambrosioides L., C.incisum Poiret, C.pallidicaule Aellen, C.petiolare Kunth, C.hircinum Schrad., C.quinoa ssp. melanospermum Hunz. et C.carnosolum Moq. Cette diversité de ressources génétiques a une grande valeur pour l’évolution adaptative du quinoa notamment face aux effets du changement climatique. Notre thèse s’inscrit dans l’importance économique et culturelle du quinoa, étant à la fois une ressource alimentaire des régions andines et l’objet des marchés internationaux du fait de ses qualités nutritives. Cette opportunité économique peut avoir des impacts en termes de sécurité alimentaire, d’agrobiodiversité, et de gestion de l’agroécosystème. Cette thèse a analysé comment les communautés agricoles andines intègrent la présence des espèces de parents sauvages dans leurs pratiques de gestion et leurs pratiques agricoles autour du quinoa. Des cartographies participatives et des enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont été réalisées avec les membres de six villages choisis selon des critères biogéographiques. La modélisation chorématique a été appliquée à deux périodes, avant et après 1970, année charnière au Pérou pour l’agriculture, dans le but de montrer comment les dynamiques socio-spatiales du milieu andin se modifient, notamment en lien avec l’évolution de la culture du quinoa. La distribution des espèces de parents sauvages du quinoa apparaît fortement liée à l’organisation socio-spatiale de l’agroécosystème. Ces espèces sont maintenues par les villageois pour leurs multiples usages alimentaires, médicinaux et culturels, dans des espaces naturels, des zones pâturées, aux abords et également à l’intérieur des champs cultivés. Ceci est à la fois le résultat de la gestion dynamique organisée par les communautés rurales et des savoirs liés à ces espèces qui se transmettent de génération en génération. Cependant cette gestion est en train de changer sous la pression d’enjeux globaux liés au marché international du quinoa, dont les exigences impliquent de réduire la présence de parents sauvages dans les champs cultivés. En conclusion, la thèse aborde la durabilité des pratiques de gestion et des pratiques agricoles dans un objectif de conservation dynamique in situ de la biodiversité sauvage et cultivée. Une mise en perspective historique des résultats nous a permis de questionner l’évolution des pratiques de gestion de ces différentes espèces par les communautés locales. En termes d’implication, deux types de projets pourraient être réfléchis. Le développement de projets prenant en compte le maintien de la présence des parents sauvages du quinoa dans le champ cultivé est favorable à l’introduction de gènes d’intérêt pour aider le quinoa à s’adapter à des conditions écologiques changeantes sous les effets du changement climatique. Egalement, des projets spécifiques de conservation in situ de l’agrobiodiversité, qui considèrent l’espace naturel et l’espace cultivé comme un ensemble cohérent, représentent une voie de gestion de pools de gènes importante pour l’agriculture et l’alimentation mondiale / Lake Titicaca, the cradle of pre-Columbian civilizations and one of the world’s main centres of domestication for farmed plant species, lies 3,800 m above sea level in the central Andean Highlands between Peru and Bolivia. The region is acknowledged as the centre of origin of quinoa, Chenopodium quinoa Willd. The greatest genetic diversity of quinoa and its wild relatives is concentrated there. Our research was conducted in the Puno region (Peru), which remains one of the main quinoa producing regions in the world. Quinoa displays spatial distribution along a North-South climate gradient in the region, with differentiation into mostly elevation-related, agro-ecological zones that explain its genetic diversity. Seven main quinoa crop wild relatives currently exist there: C. ambrosioides L., C. incisum Poiret, C. pallidicaule Aellen, C. petiolare Kunth, C. hircinum Schrad., C. quinoa ssp. melanospermum Hunz. and C. carnosolum Moq. This diversity of plant genetic resources is of great value for the adaptive evolution of quinoa, especially under the effect of climate change. This PhD thesis deals with the economic and cultural importance of quinoa, which is both a food resource in the Andean regions and an international commodity due to its exceptional nutritional qualities (protein-rich). This economic opportunity may have impacts on local food security, agrobiodiversity and agro-ecosystem management. One way of investigating this issue is to examine how the distribution of crop wild relatives is linked to the way quinoa cultivation is spatially organized. The thesis analysed how Andean farming communities incorporate the presence of wild relatives in their quinoa-related management and farming practices. Participatory mapping and ethnobotanical surveys were carried out with members of six villages chosen according to biogeographical criteria along a North South gradient, combined with data related to elevation and the proximity to Lake Titicaca. In order to show how the socio-spatial dynamics of the Andean environment are changing, notably linked to changes in quinoa growing, chorematic modelling was applied to two periods, before and after 1970, which was a pivotal year for Peruvian farming (agrarian reform, territorial rights of indigenous communities). The distribution of quinoa crop wild relatives seems to be closely linked to how the agro-ecosystem is spatially organized. Local communities keep these species for their multiple food, medicinal and cultural uses in natural areas, grazing areas, around and in farmed fields. This results from the dynamic management organized by rural communities, and from knowledge of those species passed down through the generations, by both women and men. However, management is changing under the pressure of global challenges arising from the international quinoa market, which calls for fewer wild parents in farmed fields. To conclude, the thesis looks at the sustainability of management and farming practices with a view to dynamic in situ conservation of wild and cultivated biodiversity. Choremes are used to place the results in historical perspective, to see how the management of these different species by local communities is evolving. In terms of implications, two types of project could be considered. Developing projects that keep quinoa crop wild relatives in farmed fields promotes the introduction of genes of interest, helping quinoa to adapt to ecological conditions being modified by climate change. Likewise, specific projects for in situ conservation of agrobiodiversity, which consider natural and cultivated areas as a coherent whole, are a way of managing gene pools that is important for agriculture and for feeding the world.

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