Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parturition"" "subject:"parturitions""
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Cola adesiva cirúrgica no reparo de lacerações perineais de primeiro grau no parto normal: estudo piloto aleatorizado controlado / Tissue adhesive for first-degree perineal tears repairing during normal delivery: a pilot randomized controlled trialThaís Trevisan Teixeira 22 March 2018 (has links)
Introdução: O trauma perineal provocado pelo parto vaginal e seu reparo são importantes preocupações relacionadas ao períneo. A técnica ideal de reparo deve ser rápida, indolor, de fácil execução e que reduza a dor no puerpério. As evidências científicas apontam que a técnica e o material mais adequados para o reparo do trauma perineal são a sutura contínua e o fio poliglactina 910 de rápida absorção. Entretanto, em lacerações de primeiro e segundo graus, apesar de promover boa cicatrização, a sutura está relacionada à dor no períneo. A cola adesiva cirúrgica é um material utilizado em diversas cirurgias e especialidades médicas, com alto grau de resistência e facilidade no procedimento cirúrgico, o que parece se apresentar como uma alternativa eficaz no reparo perineal. Objetivo: Determinar a viabilidade de um ensaio clínico controlado e aleatorizado (ECA) sobre o uso da cola adesiva cirúrgica no reparo de lacerações perineais de primeiro grau durante o parto normal. Método: Estudo piloto paralelo, controlado e aleatorizado comparando a cola adesiva cirúrgica Epiglu® (etil-2-cianoacrilato) com o fio Vicryl Rapide® (poliglactina 910) no reparo perineal, realizado no Pronto Socorro e Maternidade Municipal Zoraide Eva das Dores, Itapecerica da Serra-SP. A amostra foi constituída por 20 mulheres com lacerações perineais de primeiro grau com necessidade de reparo durante o parto normal, distribuídas no grupo experimental (GE; n=10; submetidas ao reparo com Epiglu®) e grupo controle (GC; n=10; submetidas ao reparo com sutura com Vicryl Rapide®). O desfecho primário foi a ocorrência e intensidade da dor perineal após o parto e os desfechos secundários foram o processo de cicatrização, a satisfação da mulher com reparo perineal e o tempo dispendido pelo profissional para o reparo. Os desfechos foram avaliados pela Escala Visual Numérica de 11 pontos para intensidade da dor perineal; Escala REEDA, para cicatrização perineal; Escala Visual Analógica para satisfação da mulher; cronômetro digital para contagem do tempo de reparo dispendido em ambas as técnicas. Os dados foram coletados em quatro etapas: até 2 horas pós-parto, 12-24 horas, 36-48 horas e 10-20 dias pós-parto. Resultados: A média da intensidade da dor perineal foi significativamente menor entre as mulheres no GE, em todas as etapas do estudo (variação de 2,0-0,2 e 2,5-0,6 nos GE e GC, respectivamente). A cicatrização perineal apresentou escores significativamente melhores na escala REEDA entre as mulheres no GE, em todas as etapas (variação de 0,6-0,0 e 1,8-0,7, nos GE e GC, respectivamente). A satisfação das mulheres com reparo perineal foi significativamente superior no GE (100% estavam satisfeitas ou muito satisfeitas), em comparação com o GC (10% a 20% estavam insatisfeitas ou muito insatisfeitas). A média de tempo gasto para o reparo perineal foi 5 minutos no GE e 21 minutos no GC (p<0,001). Conclusão: O estudo mostrou que é viável adotar a técnica de reparo com Epiglu® utilizada no estudo piloto, bem como os mesmos desfechos e períodos de seguimento pós-parto. Além disso, os resultados foram importantes para comparar os métodos de reparo perineal e calcular o tamanho da amostra para o ECA. Protocolo: O estudo foi registrado no Portal de Registro Brasileiro de Ensaios Clínicos http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/rg/RBR-2h84gt/ / Introduction: One of the important concerns regarding the perineum is the trauma caused by the vaginal delivery and perinealrepair. The ideal perineal repair technique should be quick, painless, easy to perform in order to decrease pain in the puerperium. The scientific evidence indicates that the most suitable technique and material for the repair of perineal trauma are continuous suture and the polyglactin 910 rapid absorption thread. However, in the first and second degrees lacerations, despite promoting good healing, the suture is associated with perineum pain. The surgical adhesive is a tool used in several surgeries and medical specialties, had high resistance and is ease to manage during the surgical procedure, which seems to be an effective alternative for perineal repair. Objective: To determine the feasibility of a clinical randomized controlled trial (RCT) on the use of surgical adhesive in the repair of first-degree perineal trauma during vaginal delivery. Methods: Parallel, controlled and randomized pilot study comparing the outcomes of the use of surgical adhesive glue Epiglu (ethyl-2-cyanoacrylate) and Vicryl Rapide (polyglactin 910) thread in perineal repair. The research was performed at Pronto Socorro e Maternidade Zoraide Eva das Dores, Itapecerica da Serra-SP, Brazil. The sample comprised 20 women with first-degree perineal trauma that need repair during normal delivery, distributed in experimental group (EG, n=10, undergoing repair with Epiglu) and control group (CG;n=10, undergoing repair with Vicryl Rapide). The primary outcome was the occurrence and intensity of perineal pain after delivery and secondary outcomes were healing process, the womans satisfaction on perineal repair and the time spent by the professional to repair the trauma. The outcomes were evaluated by the 11-point Visual Numeric Scale for perineal pain intensity; REEDA Scale for perineal healing; Visual Analogue Scale for womens satisfaction; digital stopwatch for counting the repair time in both suture techniques. Data were collected in four stages: up to 2 hours after delivery, 12-24 hours, 36-48 hours and 10-20 days postpartum. Results: In all study stages, the average of the intensity of perineal pain among women in EG was significantly lower than CG (variation of 2.0-0.2 in EG and 2.5-0.6 in CG). In all stages, perineal healing showed significantly better REEDA scale scores among women in EG, (variation of 0.6-0.0 in EG and 1.8-0.7 in CG). The womens satisfaction with perineal repair was significantly higher in EG (100% were satisfied or very satisfied), compared with CG (10% to 20% were unsatisfied or very unsatisfied). The average time for perineal repair was 5 minutes in EG and 21 minutes in CG (p<0.001). Conclusion: The results of the study were important to compare perineal repair methods and calculate the sample size for the future RCT. In addition, we showed that is possible to adopt the perineal repair technique with Epiglu developed in the pilot study, as well as the same outcomes and postpartum follow-up periods. Protocol: The study was registered in the Brazilian Clinical Trials Registry http://www.ensaiosclinicos.gov.br/rg/RBR-2h84gt/
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Parturition of Mule Deer in Southern Utah: Management Implications and Habitat SelectionFreeman, Eric D 01 March 2014 (has links)
Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are an ecologically, economically, and socially important species across much of the western United States. As such, populations and habitat are intensely managed by state game agencies. However, populations have been declining in recent decades and several factors have been implicated (e.g., climate, predation, competition, and habitat availability). Population dynamics of mule deer are driven by a combination of survival of adults and juveniles and reproductive rates. While adult female mule deer typically have consistently high annual survival rates (85% annually), juveniles are more easily affected by stressors (biotic and abiotic conditions) and therefore their annual survival rates are generally low and highly variable. In an effort to better understand the effects of management on—and the habitat needs for—reproduction and recruitment, we examined the potential effects of male-biased harvest on recruitment in populations of mule deer and the selection of sites for parturition by mule deer females. Changes in buck:doe ratio due to male-biased harvest may alter rates of pregnancy, timing of parturition, and synchrony of parturition if inadequate numbers of males are present to fertilize females during their first estrous cycle. If rates of pregnancy or timing of parturition are influenced by decreased buck:doe ratios, recruitment may be reduced. This results from fewer births, later parturition (resulting in lower survival of fawns), and a less synchronous parturition period (increasing the proportion of neonates exposed to predation). Our objectives were to compare rates of pregnancy, timing of parturition, and synchrony of parturition between exploited populations of mule deer with relatively high (Piceance Basin) and relatively low (Monroe Mountain) buck:doe ratios. We determined rates of pregnancy via ultrasonography and timing of parturition via expulsion of vaginal implant transmitters. We found no differences in rates of pregnancy, timing of parturition, or synchrony of parturition between Monroe Mountain and Piceance Basin. This suggests that the relatively low buck:doe ratios typical of heavily harvested populations do not have unintended or indirect impacts on population dynamics because recruitment remains unaffected. Because neonate ungulates are most vulnerable to predation during parturition and shortly thereafter, selecting sites for parturition can have direct fitness consequences. We investigated the selection of sites for parturition by mule deer. We utilized vaginal implant transmitters to identify sites of parturition. We then obtained and compared macro- and micro-habitat features between sites of parturition and associated random sites. Parturitient females selected sites based on topography, habitat-type, and obscurity. Enhanced understanding of habitat variables that are selected for parturition provides insight into the life history or behavior of a species and allows managers to ensure that suitable habitat is available for this stage of life-cycles.
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Predicting Parturition in a Long-Gestating Species: Behavioral and Hormonal Indicators in the Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus)Velonis, Heather Kelly 08 June 2017 (has links)
Captive populations of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) in North America are not self-sustaining, and increasing reproductive success within captive populations is a high priority. The ability to accurately predict parturition can have a direct impact on elephant welfare. Elephants in captivity often require significant preparation and management throughout the birthing process, and complications during labor and delivery can necessitate immediate intervention, including stillbirth, protracted labor, maternal aggression towards a newborn calf, and dystocia. Being able to predict when parturition will commence can ensure appropriate staff is available and adequate monitoring is performed. Routine endocrine sampling can be used to predict parturition in Asian elephants, with a drop in progesterone (P4) to baseline levels signaling parturition in 2-5 days. However, we determined this method is not without limitations, and it is not used in all institutions that house elephants. As changes in hormones regulate and alter behaviors, we investigated behavioral indicators as an additional management tool for predicting parturition, a time of drastic hormone changes. We conducted a study of five pregnancies in Asian elephants at the Oregon Zoo, U.S.A, and Taronga Zoo, Australia, between 2008 and 2012.
In Chapter 2, I evaluated progesterone (P4) and cortisol levels across three time periods: Baseline; Pre, (the week preceding the drop in P4); and Post, (the period after the P4 drop). Levels of P4 were significantly lower, and levels of cortisol were significantly higher in the days just prior to parturition. I found considerable intra- and inter-individual variation in both endocrine profiles, which can make endocrine assessments difficult to interpret in real time.
In Chapter 3, I investigated whether behaviors in the preparturition period could be predictive of impending parturition in the Asian elephant. ANOVA results indicated a significant difference in the amount of time that elephants spent walking backwards across three time periods (F(2) = 3.723, p = 0.033), with the behavior increasing as parturition approached. These results were supported by a non-parametric Kruskal- Wallis. Using a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM), I found that as P4 levels decrease, walking backwards behavior significantly increases.
In Chapter 4, I evaluated investigative trunk behaviors, or "trunk checks", directed towards the temporal gland near the ear, mammary glands, vulva and anus of the pregnant dam. Investigative behaviors included both self-directed behaviors and those sent from herd mates towards the pregnant dam. Self-directed behaviors are most likely associated with physical changes in the pregnant dam, such as using the trunk to pull on swollen teats. Other-directed behaviors may stem from chemo-sensory signaling or other types of communication between herd mates, such as detecting changes in progesterone or cortisol. I ran GLMM and found that four trunk-check behaviors varied significantly with P4 and/or cortisol profiles. These were: self-checks of mammary glands increased with decreasing P4 levels; herd-mate-checks of mammary glands increased with decreasing P4 levels; self-checks of vulva increased with decreasing P4 levels and increasing cortisol levels; herd-mate-checks of anus increased with increasing cortisol levels.
In Chapter 5, I evaluated activity budget behaviors in the pregnant elephants. Generalized comparisons were made to published activity budgets of typical captive Asian elephants. I report that activity budgets are within the range of normal activity, though I note a high level of inter-individual variation. In addition, I compared two sampling techniques, including one-zero and instantaneous sampling, that were used for activity budget data collection. I discuss the different results obtained by each sampling technique.
These results are a very promising indication that behaviors, including walking backwards and multiple trunk-check behaviors, are changing over time or with parturition-related hormone profiles. We recommend that keepers, veterinary staff, and other observers that are familiar with the regular behavioral repertoire of a pregnant female should pay close attention to these highlighted behaviors. Keeping track of these behaviors, especially in conjunction with P4 and cortisol tracking, can help staff refine existing windows of expected parturition.
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Hormones and fluid balance during pregnancy, labor and post partumRisberg, Anitha January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to determine any association between plasma oxytocin and vasopressin concentrations and renal water and sodium excretion during normal pregnancy. In addition to investigate changes in concentrations of estradiol, progesterone, oxytocin, cortisol, and glucose in the blood before and in the nearest hours after delivery and if treatment with oxytocin affected these concentrations and the fluid balance during the different stages of labour. Oxytocin, vasopressin, estradiol, progesterone, and cortisol were analysed in blood plasma or serum by radioimmunoassay or ELISA: serum glucose, and osmolality, and sodium in plasma and urine were analysed by standard laboratory techniques. Fifty-seven women were studied during pregnancy and fifty-one during parturition and post partum. The low plasma vasopressin and increasing plasma oxytocin concentrations with unchanged water and sodium excretion indicate that oxytocin assists vasopressin in concentrating urine during pregnancy. Plasma vasopressin concentration continued to be low during parturition and post partum. Urine flow and concentration was unrelated to changes in plasma sodium concentration, indicating regulation of fluid balance during parturition was different to the non-gravid state. Women with weak myometrial contractions during parturition (slow progress of labour) reacted differently than women with normal parturition and a group of women with fast progress of labour. The group with slow labour had lower serum estradiol concentration in the latency phase and became hyponatremic. Pulsatile and continuous oxytocin infusions were both effective in the treatment of slow progress of labour. A lower amount of oxytocin was needed to affect delivery when given as pulsatile infusion. Serum cortisol and glucose concentrations were high during labour and cortisol level remained elevated after delivery and glucose concentration reached the highest levels (12 mmol/L) at the same time. Insulin resistance together with the long time of elevated cortisol concentration partly explained the high glucose concentration. In conclusion, fluid balance is not regulated according to the usual sensitive osmotic and volumetric influence on vasopressin release from the neurohypophysis during pregnancy and parturition. Parturition involves a change from one demanding condition, pregnancy, to another, lactation. Parturition and the hours directly after delivery are a turbulent period involving considerable stress.
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Cortisol, pregnene and pregnane profiles in normal and dysmature newborn pony and lighthorse foalsVoller, Bernadette E. 15 April 1993 (has links)
Graduation date: 1993
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Dystocia in the bitch : epidemiology, aetiology and treatment /Bergström, Annika, January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, 2009. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Stoffwechseluntersuchungen bei trächtigen, fohlenden sowie laktierenden ShetlandponysKirsten, Jana 11 August 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Problem: Die Hyperlipidämie der Ponys ist eine schwerwiegende Erkrankung, die nicht selten letal endet. Eckpunkt der Pathogenese ist die Insulinresistenz in Verbindung mit proinflammatorischen Zytokinen sowie Antioxidantien. Wenn einerseits die grundlegenden pathophysiologischen Abläufe bekannt sind, gelingt nicht immer eine erfolgreiche Therapie. Es ist auch nicht bekannt, inwieweit der Übergang von der Trächtigkeit zur Laktation ätiologische Risiken birgt.
Zielstellung: Ziel dieser Studie war es zu prüfen, inwieweit bei Shetlandponystuten der Übergang von der Hochträchtigkeit über das Abfohlen zur Säugeperiode Risiken für die Hyperlipidämie birgt. Neben den Parametern des Energie-Fett-Leberstoffwechsels wurde auch analysiert, ob bei Endotoxinen und Antioxidantien (TEAC) belastende Veränderungen in diesem Zeitraum auftreten, die eine gesteigerte Fettmobilisation begünstigen.
Versuchsanordnung: Es wurden 15 gesunde, gut genährte Shetlandpony-Stuten ohne Fohlen bei Fuß ca. vier bis acht Wochen nach der erfolgreichen Bedeckung, maximal 24 Stunden (h) ante partum (a. p.), maximal vier Stunden, 12-16 Stunden und drei Wochen post partum (p. p.) klinisch untersucht und Blutproben (Vena jugularis externa) entnommen. Im Blutserum wurden die Parameter Triacylglycerole (TG), Freie Fettsäuren (FFS), Cholesterol, β-Hydroxy-Butyrat (BHB), Glucose, Gesamtbilirubin, Aspartat-Amino-Transferase (ASAT), Glutamat-Dehydrogenase (GLDH), γ-Glutaminsäure-Transaminase (GGT), Alkalische Phosphatase (AP), Totalprotein (TP), Albumin, Harnstoff, Creatinin, Creatinkinase (CK), Endotoxin sowie der antioxidative Summenparameter TEAC untersucht.
Ergebnisse: Trächtigkeit, Abfohlen sowie Säugeperiode verliefen bei den Stuten physiologisch. Unter den Blutbefunden waren die Hauptveränderungen bei den TG und FFS sowie bei den Endotoxinen und bei der CK 24 h a. p. zu beobachten.
Die TG waren mit \"x\" ̅ = 0,18 mmol/l (0,15-0,38 mmol/l I. bis III. Quartil) 4–8 Wochen (Wo) post conceptionem (p. c.) bereits erhöht und stiegen bis 24 h a. p. auf \"x\" ̅ = 0,27 mmol/l (0,16–0,44 mmol/l)
(p ≤ 0,05); ab 4 h p. p. bis 3 Wo p. p. bewegten sie sich zwischen \"x\" ̅ = 0,14 und \"x\" ̅ = 0,19 mmol/l auf gleichem Niveau. Die TG korrelierten am engsten und häufigsten mit Cholesterol (0,66), Albumin (0,58), Creatinin (0,81) und Harnstoff (-0,61), was vor allem aus deren Zusammensetzung resultiert. Die TG-Konzentrationssteigerung direkt vor dem Abfohlen ist durch den Cortisolanstieg zum Partus erklärbar.
Die Mediane der FFS-Konzentrationen lagen 4-8 Wo p. c. sowie 4 h p. p. bei \"x\" ̅ = 128 µmol/l
(95-197 µmol/l), sanken 24 h a. p. auf \"x\" ̅ = 75 µmol/l (64–198 µmol/l) und pegelten sich von 12–16 h bis
3 Wo p. p. bei \"x\" ̅ = 80 µmol/l (70–100 µmol/l) ein. Die FFS-Korrelationen mit Bilirubin (0,35) und Creatinin (0,35) basieren auf den pathophysiologischen Beziehungen, ohne dass damit ätiologische Bezüge ausgewiesen werden.
Die Glucose-Konzentrationen waren immer im Referenzbereich. Die höchsten Konzentrationen bestanden partusbedingt 4 h (5,24 ± 1,39 mmol/l) bis 12-16 h p. p. (4,92 ± 1,67 mmol/l). Die Beziehungen der Glucose zum Energiestoffwechsel werden durch gesicherte Korrelationen zu BHB (-0,41) und der AP (-0,29) sichtbar. Beziehungen zu den FFS oder Endotoxinen sind statisitisch nicht gesichert.
Die CK-Aktivitäten schwankten im Kontrollzeitraum zwischen \"x\" ̅ = 330 bis 420 U/l (300-500 U/l); 24 h a. p. lagen sie mit \"x\" ̅ = 277 U/l (197–334 U/l) als potentielle Folge der partusbedingten Cortisolsteigerung signifikant niedriger. Das Abfohlen an sich führt zu moderater CK-Aktivitätssteigerung.
Die Harnstoff-Konzentrationen zeigten einen signifikanten Anstieg von 4-8 Wo p. c. mit \"x\" ̅ = 5,75 ± 1,01 mmol/l bis auf \"x\" ̅ = 6,42 ± 1,10 mmol/l 3 Wo p. p. Gesicherte Korrelationen des Harnstoffs zum BHB machen die Stoffwechselsteigerung p. p. für den Konzentrationsanstieg wahrscheinlich. Die Bilirubin-Konzentration nimmt von 12 auf 8 µmol/l im Kontrollverlauf ab, ebenso die AP-Aktivitäten von 780 auf 580 U/l und ASAT-Aktivitäten von 395 auf ca. 300 U/l. Die GGT- sowie GLDH-Aktivitäten sind zu Beginn der Untersuchungen mit 17 bzw. 6 U/l niedrig und steigen bei der letzten Kontrolle 3 Wo p. p. um ca. 50% signifikant, aber immer noch im physiologischen Bereich, an. Eine stärkere Leberbelastung lässt sich aus diesen Parametern nicht ableiten.
Die Endotoxin-Konzentrationen sind p. p. am niedrigsten und an der Nachweisgrenze. Die signifikante Konzentrationssteigerung 24 h a. p. lässt an Beziehungen zu den gesteigerten TG und den erniedrigten FFS sowie der CK als Folge der ansteigenden Cortisol-Konzentration vor dem Partus denken. Gesicherte Korrelationen bestehen vor allem zu den Antioxidantien (TEAC), d. h., dass die Endotoxine den antioxidativen Status belasten.
Die Cholesterol-, TP-, Albumin-, Creatinin- sowie TEAC-Konzentrationen blieben im gesamten Untersuchungszeitraum praktisch physiologisch konstant.
Schlussfolgerungen: Gesunde, gut genährte Shetlandponystuten zeigen während der Trächtigkeit, dem Abfohlen und in der Säugeperiode einen stabilen Stoffwechsel. Eine stärkere Belastung wird 24 h vor dem Partus anhand der TG und Endotoxine erkennbar, die offensichtlich Folge der steigenden partusinduzierenden Cortisol-Konzentration sind.
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Effects of a difficult calving on the subsequent health and welfare of the dairy cows and calvesBarrier, Alice Ce´cile Madeleine January 2012 (has links)
Yearly calvings are essential to the sustainability of modern dairy farming. Currently, calving difficulty (or dystocia) affects one in six calvings among UK dairy herds but vary from 2 to 50% internationally. In dairy cows, despite reports of impaired performance, the extent and threshold of the effect of dystocia on health and performance remains unclear. Over the past years, there has also been increasing concerns about the levels of pain experienced by the dystocial cows. Better understanding of their parturition progress and behaviours is needed so that informed decisions on pain mitigation can be taken. Additionally, the impact of dystocia (besides stillbirth) should also be addressed in dairy calves. The objective of this study was to address the effects of a difficult calving on the health and welfare of both dairy cows and calves. Retrospective analyses of an experimental farm’s detailed records were used to relate calving difficulty with health and performance of the dairy cow. The results showed that after any difficulty at calving, dairy producers incur long-lasting shortfalls in milk sales. Dystocial cows also have impaired fertility, are more likely to leave the herd early and have a higher risk of dystocia at the following calving, thus there is a long-term detrimental impact on dystocial cows. Video monitoring of calvings allowed detailed investigation of the parturition progress and behaviours of dystocial Holstein cows giving birth to singleton liveborn calves. The study of calving behaviours and parturition progress indicated longer later stages of parturition, increased restlessness and tail raising in the six hours preceding expulsion of the calf, for dystocial cows receiving farm assistance compared with cows calving unaided. This may relate to the expression of higher levels of pain when dystocia occurs. The onset of maternal behaviour was not delayed following calving difficulty, and firm conclusions could not be drawn from investigation of some behavioural indicators of pain in the first three hours postpartum. Experimental work allowed the monitoring of a cohort of 496 calves born with various degrees of birth difficulty over two years. All but one vet assisted calves were born dead, and farmer assisted calves were more likely to be stillborn than calves born without assistance. Stillborn dystocial calves displayed larger internal damage, than stillborn eutocial calves, but they did not have a different body shape at birth than dystocial calves that survived. Dystocial dairy calves that survived the birth process had lower vigour at birth, had higher salivary cortisol, acquired lower passive immunity and received more health treatments in the neonatal period. Dystocial heifers also had higher mortality rates by weaning but had similar growth to first service. Historical records from the farm also showed that dystocial heifer calves were three times more likely to have died by weaning and by first service than calves born without assistance. For those who survived, there was, however, no indication of altered growth to weaning or subsequent impaired fertility. This may be explained by the early mortality of the most badly affected calves or by farm management. However, their high mortality rates still raise welfare concerns. Altogether, results suggest that dairy calves born with any difficulty have poorer welfare in the neonatal period and possibly beyond. The experience of any calving difficulty in dairy cattle therefore not only impairs the welfare of the cow, but also the welfare from their resulting calf. Any strategy implemented to lower the occurrence and mitigate the effects of dystocia will therefore improve the welfare of the cows, their calves and enhance the farm’s economic sustainability.
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Pasirinktų mikroelementų kaita veršingų karvių kraujo serume ir mineraliniai priedai mineralų kiekiui stabilizuoti / Alternation of selected microelements in the blood serum of in-calf cows and mineral additives, used to stabilize the level of mineralsJokubauskienė, Vaida 19 December 2014 (has links)
Mikroelementai – tai tokie elementai, kurie organizmui yra reikalingi miligraminiais ir mikrograminiais kiekiais. Šių medžiagų disbalansas organizme sutrikdo normalias organizmo funkcijas. Galvijai ypač jautrūs mikroelementų trūkumui. Šių mineralinių medžiagų stoka organizme pasireiškia kailio pakitimais, odos žaizdomis, nagų opomis, mastitais, metritais, nevaisingumu ir kitais organizmo funkcijų sutrikimais. Visą tai sumažina bandos naudingumą, dėl to gyvulių augintojai patiria didelių ekonominių nuostolių. Norint užtikrinti galvijų sveikatingumą ir pagerinti eksploatacines savybes, reikia įvertinti visus veiksnius, sąlygojančius mikroelementų kiekio kaitą galvijo organizme. Tam reikia įvertinti mineralinių medžiagų kiekį dirvožemyje, pašaruose, vandenyje ir atsižvelgti į organizmo sveikatos būklę, produktyvumą, amžių, veislę, klimato sąlygas. Mikroelementų trūkumas paplitęs visame pasaulyje. Intensyvi žemdirbystė, įvairių trąšų, pesticidų ir herbicidų naudojimas pakeičia dirvožemio ir jame augančių augalų biochemines savybes, o tuo pačiu tai įtakoja mikroelementų kiekio dinamiką organizme. Su pašarais naudojamų mineralinių priedų poveikis organizmui skiriasi, priklausomai nuo jų cheminės formos, mikroelementų balanso ir sudėties. Literatūroje daugiausia duomenų randama apie makroelementus ir jų biologinę reikšmę galvijų organizmui. Duomenų apie mikroelementų kiekio kaitą galvijo organizme, Lietuvoje, trūksta. Nėra žinoma, kaip kinta mikroelementų kiekis karvių kraujo serume... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Microelements are such elements, which are necessary for the body in quantities of milligrams and micrograms. Any imbalance of these substances in the body disturbs normal body function. Cattle are especially vulnerable to deficiency of microelements. The lack of minerals in the body is evidenced by changes of coat, skin wounds, nail ulcers, mastitis, metritis, infertility and other disorders of the body function. All these factors reduce the utility of herd, and cattle breeders are experiencing severe economic losses. To ensure the health of cattle and to improve features of exploitation, it is necessary to evaluate all factors, that determine the change of microelements’ level in the animal body. This requires evaluation of microelements in soil, fodder and water. A well in order to determine microelements’ level in the body, it is necessary to consider the condition of health of the cattle, their productivity, age, breed and climate conditions. Deficiency of microelements is spread worldwide. Intensive farming, use of various fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides exhausts the soil and modifies biochemical features of the soil and plants growing in it, and at the same time it modifies microelements’ level in the body. Effect of mineral additives that are used along with the fodder on the body varies depending on their chemical form, balance and composition of microelements. Most of the data, found in the literature, is about the macro elements and their biological... [to full text]
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Utdragen förlossning : kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheterNystedt, Astrid, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2005. / Härtill 4 uppsatser. S. 57-69: Bibliography.
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