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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A journey to healing: conversations of women survivors of sexual abuse

Gunter, Rianda 01 January 2002 (has links)
A journey to healing is a story of women survivors of sexual abuse. Through narrative pastoral conversations a group or community of concern was formed that witnessed how these women managed to move by re-telling from problem-saturated dominant lifestories to rich alternative stories of survival. Post-modern practical theology formed the epistemological backdrop of this study with the focus on taking a prophetically, ethical and political stance. The group deconstructed patriarchal knowledge that has been dominant in constructing understanding of women. Deconstruction lead to the centralising of previously subjugated knowledge about themselves and made multiple identities and preferred realities possible. Feminist theology's liberating spirit contributed to this participator action research where women moved from being right to doing right. The monthly celebration teas hosted by the group were instrumental in the healing of other women who have experienced sexual violation. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Ervaring van mag in konfessionele bybelse berading

Troskie, Mariza 30 November 2003 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / I wanted to investigate the way people experienced confessional pastoral therapy by conducting a qualitative research study. The role of the pastor were examined as well as the effect of discourses of power and ethics in pastoral counseling. I interviewed clients who were counseled by pastors of the AFM Church (Apostolic Faith Mission). The research supposes that knowledge and power discourses have a major influence in pastoral counseling which is often not accounted for. I wanted to see how clients experienced the effects of these discourses of power and ethics. I furthermore wanted to see how these power discourses could result in clients feeling subordinate to the pastor and his knowledge and the effect that these feelings might have on them. The purpose of this study was not to generalize the experiences of the participants, but rather to set a contextual background of the experiences of power in confessional pastoral counseling. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Pastorale Terapie)

Carrying the torch of hope: survivors' narratives of trauma and spirituality

Martin, James Henry Iain 30 November 2003 (has links)
This research journey examines the process of co-creating, along with my co-travellers (research participants), a more holistic approach to trauma debriefing. Whilst incorporating elements of Mitchell's (1983) Critical Incidence Stress Debriefing model (C.I.S.D.), our point of difference has been to adopt a narrative pastoral approach. This was achieved by introducing spirituality and narrative therapy practices. Our research pathway has been further shaped by adopting a qualitative research approach within a postmodern, social construction discourse. My research curiosity was invited by both the mind, body and soul divide expressed in psychology; and the healing possibilities of spirituality I have witnessed in both my own and in the lives of others. While my co-travellers predominantly preferred to express their spirituality in terms of Christianity, our narrative pastoral approach to trauma debriefing is offered to people of all religious persuasions. / Practical Theology / M.Th. (with specialisation in Pastoral therapy)

Focusing on emotions in pastoral marital counselling: an evangelical assessment

Mutter, Kelvin Frederick 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates the degree of "fit" in employing Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy [EFCT] within the context of congregational ministry and/or a Christian counselling center to counsel evangelical couples who have experienced an "attachment injury." The present study introduces and examines the possibility that, given an appropriate level of theological reflection, EFCT is an appropriate counselling methodology for use by evangelical clergy and counselors. Beginning with an examination of the values, assumptions and practices of EFCT this study explores three dimensions of the interface between EFCT and ecclesiastical practice: a) a theological reflection on the values and assumptions that inform the practice of EFCT; b) a comparison of EFCT with the marital counselling theories of Howard Clinebell, Jr., Larry Crabb, Jr., H. Norman Wright, and Everett L. Worthington, Jr., noting how each of these theories conceptualizes and treats both the marital dyad and emotional experience; and, c) an examination of Christians' perceptions of, and receptivity to, this model. The research demonstrates that the pastoral adaptation of EFCT highlighted in this study was rated favorably but not superior to the other four models. Specifically, it is noted that those who had previously experienced marital counselling, pastoral or otherwise, appeared to be attracted to the EFCT model as it was presented, even though the exemplar did not explicitly incorporate either the use of scripture, prayer, religious homework, or spiritual themes such as forgiveness and mutuality in marriage. The fact that even in the absence of an explicitly spiritual emphasis EFCT received high ratings suggests there is something within the model that speaks to the committed evangelical believer. The study concludes that even though EFCT may not be known within the evangelical community the perspective it offers "fits" with the values of this part of the Christian community and seems to appeal to those who have previously experienced marital difficulties. As a result, it may be stated that EFCT offers a mode of intervention that is suitable for use with evangelical Christians. / Practical Theology / D. Div. (Pracical theology)

Verlies in die lewe van die 7-11 jarige kind in die enkelouergesin : `n pastorale perspektief.

Deppe, Ilse Liesl 28 February 2005 (has links)
The research deals with the losses the 7-11 year old child in die single parent family may experience. The research has been conducted from a practical theological (pastoral) perspective. The goal of the study was to investigate and elaborate upon the various losses the child may experience on a physical, cognitive, social, spiritual and an emotional level. In order to complement and verify the literature study, empirical methods of research were utilised. Focus groups were conducted within the framework of Gestalt Play Therapy. Parent interviews were used as an additional method of research. It became apparent, as a result of the literature and empirical studies, that the loss of a parent (whether by divorce/ abandonment/unmarried status/ death) affects the child on all levels of his/her development. Guidelines for the support of such a child are suggested. / Die navorsing handel oor die verlies(e) wat die 7-11 jarige kind in die enkelouergesin mag beleef. Die navorsing geskied vanuit 'n prakties-teologiese (pastorale) perspektief. Die doel van die studie was om die verliese wat die kind op fisiese, kognitiewe, emosionele, sosiale en geestelike vlak mag ervaar, te ondersoek en omskryf. Om die literatuurstudie aan te vul en te verifieer, al dan nie, is daar van empiriese navorsing gebruik gemaak. Fokusgroepe het plaasgevind binne 'n gestalt spelterapeutiese raamwerk. Oueronderhoude was as nog 'n wyse van ondersoek gebruik. Vanuit die literatuurstudie en empiriese navorsing het dit duidelik geword dat die verlies aan 'n ouer (vanwee egskeiding/ verlating/ongetroude status/ sterfte) die kind op al die vlakke van sy/haar ontwikkeling beinvloed. Riglyne tot ondersteuning aan hierdie kind is voorgestel. / Social work / M.Diac. (Youth Work)

Demenz und Bibel : seelsorge im altenheim / Dementia and Bible : counselling residents in retirement homes

Zeller, Ulrich 06 1900 (has links)
Text in German / The society in developed countries is ever aging. Consequently, the proportion of the population living in retirement homes increases steadily. A central focus of pastoral counselling in retirement homes is the proclamation of the Gospel. However, many of their residents are affected by dementia. As the course of their disease progresses, their mental capacity decreases. This creates special tension for the counselling of residents of retirement homes. It moves in the tension field between counselling as proclamation of the word (Thurneysen) and focusing on dialogue as propagated by the pastoral care movement. Thus, the question arises of how the biblical message can be proclaimed to the affected people. This present research paper points out various approaches of dealing with people affected by dementia. Among these are activating approaches, such as occupational therapy, drawing or music therapy, reality orientation training, “warme zorg” (warm care) and security therapy. All of these approaches are related to the surroundings. Furthermore, approaches will be examined which influence the interaction with affected people: such as validation, person-centered care according to Tom Kitwood (2008), psychotherapy and maieutic listening. Finally, therapies will be considered which relate to the person and biography of people with dementia – such as reminiscence therapy, memory training and biography work. Moreover, the paper specifically investigates which particular features apply to small bible study groups in retirement homes. Eventually, it displays how affected people can be reached by hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting and sensing. In order to be able to stimulate the sense of hearing, one can include, for example, poems or sounds. The sense of vision is stimulated by pictures or symbols. Various flavors or foods appeal to the sense of smell. Skins and other objects activate the sense of touch. The findings gained from literature will be compared to praxis. For this purpose, various episodes will be documented using the empirical method of participating observation. All observations have been carried out in the Emil-Sräga Haus in Singen (Germany) where the author of this paper works as male nurse and counselor. / Practical theology / M.Th. (Practical theology)

Pastorale Seelsorge in ungarischen Bapistengemeinden / Pastoral counselling in Hungarian Baptist churches

Reimer, Marta 12 1900 (has links)
Text in German / In dieser Untersuchung werden Fragen zu der pastoralen Seelsorge der ungarischen Baptis-ten beantwortet. Die Pastoren werden in ihrer Ausbildung in Poimenik und Psychologie unterrichtet und tragen offiziell die Verantwortung für den Seelsorgedienst in ihrer Ge-meinde. Ausgangspunkte für die Untersuchung sind eine allgemeine Einführung, die theologische Grundlegung der Begriffe und ein historischer Überblick über die verschiedenen europäi-schen Seelsorgeverständnisse. Dabei werden die Einflüsse der modernen Wissenschaften, Psychologie, Psychotherapie und Pastoralpsychologie auf die Seelsorge ab dem 19. Jahr-hundert aufgezeigt und ihre Wirkungen auf das heutige Seelsorgeverständnis vorgestellt. Zunächst werden die Bestände jener Bibliotheken und Archive in Ungarn auf Publikatio-nen zu Seelsorge hin untersucht, zu denen baptistische Pastoren bzw. deren Lehrer typi-scherweise Zugang haben. Um Informationen zu den verschiedenen Seelsorgerichtungen zu bekommen, werden ferner Facharbeiten, Gemeindezeitschriften und Handreichungen herangezogen. Insbesondere wird die aus verschiedenen Sprachen ins Ungarische übersetz-te Seelsorgeliteratur vorgestellt. In der empirischen Untersuchung werden anhand der gewonnenen Informationen aus der Literaturstudie Pastoren interviewt und diese Ergebnisse mit ihren praktischen Konsequen-zen aufgezeichnet. / This study will answer questions about the pastoral care in Hungarian Baptist churches. In their education, pastors are taught in poimenics and psychology, and are thus officially responsible for the pastoral care in their churches. The starting point for this study will be a general introduction, then the theological explanation of the terms used, and finally a historic overview over the different European understandings of pastoral care. The influ-ences of the modern sciences psychology, psychotherapy and pastoral psychology since the 19th century on pastoral care will be shown as well as their impact on presentday under-standing of pastoral care. First, the holdings of those Hungarian libraries and archives will be screened for publica-tions about pastoral care to which Baptist pastors or their teachers primarily have access. To gain information about the different understandings of pastoral care, research papers, church magazines and handouts will be consulted. In particular, pastoral care literature will be presented which is translated into Hungarian from other languages. In the empirical study, pastors will be interviewed on the basis of information gained from the literature analysis. The practical consequences of these results will then be outlined. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology (Pastoral Therapy))

Focusing on emotions in pastoral marital counselling: an evangelical assessment

Mutter, Kelvin Frederick 11 1900 (has links)
This dissertation evaluates the degree of "fit" in employing Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy [EFCT] within the context of congregational ministry and/or a Christian counselling center to counsel evangelical couples who have experienced an "attachment injury." The present study introduces and examines the possibility that, given an appropriate level of theological reflection, EFCT is an appropriate counselling methodology for use by evangelical clergy and counselors. Beginning with an examination of the values, assumptions and practices of EFCT this study explores three dimensions of the interface between EFCT and ecclesiastical practice: a) a theological reflection on the values and assumptions that inform the practice of EFCT; b) a comparison of EFCT with the marital counselling theories of Howard Clinebell, Jr., Larry Crabb, Jr., H. Norman Wright, and Everett L. Worthington, Jr., noting how each of these theories conceptualizes and treats both the marital dyad and emotional experience; and, c) an examination of Christians' perceptions of, and receptivity to, this model. The research demonstrates that the pastoral adaptation of EFCT highlighted in this study was rated favorably but not superior to the other four models. Specifically, it is noted that those who had previously experienced marital counselling, pastoral or otherwise, appeared to be attracted to the EFCT model as it was presented, even though the exemplar did not explicitly incorporate either the use of scripture, prayer, religious homework, or spiritual themes such as forgiveness and mutuality in marriage. The fact that even in the absence of an explicitly spiritual emphasis EFCT received high ratings suggests there is something within the model that speaks to the committed evangelical believer. The study concludes that even though EFCT may not be known within the evangelical community the perspective it offers "fits" with the values of this part of the Christian community and seems to appeal to those who have previously experienced marital difficulties. As a result, it may be stated that EFCT offers a mode of intervention that is suitable for use with evangelical Christians. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Div. (Pracical theology)

An exploration of a narrative pastoral approach to improve the lives of female teachers in the South African context

Stapelberg, Liezel January 2017 (has links)
This Qualitative research investigated and explored using a Narrative approach with teachers to find ways to improve the quality of teachers’ lives through the use of stories in Pastoral Counselling. A small group of teachers from a local primary school were invited to share their stories as a means to explore care and support actions for other teachers in the South African context. Statistics seem to point to a crisis in the South African education system, especially regarding the well-being of teachers. Various factors contribute to this including issues of diversity in the teaching context and challenges posed by inclusive education. It is my belief that a Narrative approach can assist Practical Theology to make a significant contribution towards helping struggling teachers nurture resilience and create more meaningful lives. Narrative Inquiry, a relatively new Qualitative methodology, was used to study the teachers’ experiences. This required a “collaboration between researcher and participants” which happened over time, in a particular context (Beaumont Primary School in Somerset West) and in social interactions with the research participants: a small group of teachers from Beaumont Primary School. African and South African views were investigated. Data collection methods included: interviewing; attentive listening; and observation, through which stories (data) was collected from the focus group. After analysing and interpreting the research data, an integrated Narrative Pastoral model was constructed which could assist Practical Theology and Pastoral Counselling to better equip teachers to deal with the challenges they are facing. It is hoped that this model will ultimately help the teachers involved in this research project to grow into integrated, whole (quality) beings who can make a difference where they work and live. The vision is that this model can also be implemented in the rest of South Africa’s teacher population. / Practical Theology / D. Th. (Practical Theology)

A journey to healing: conversations of women survivors of sexual abuse

Gunter, Rianda 01 January 2002 (has links)
A journey to healing is a story of women survivors of sexual abuse. Through narrative pastoral conversations a group or community of concern was formed that witnessed how these women managed to move by re-telling from problem-saturated dominant lifestories to rich alternative stories of survival. Post-modern practical theology formed the epistemological backdrop of this study with the focus on taking a prophetically, ethical and political stance. The group deconstructed patriarchal knowledge that has been dominant in constructing understanding of women. Deconstruction lead to the centralising of previously subjugated knowledge about themselves and made multiple identities and preferred realities possible. Feminist theology's liberating spirit contributed to this participator action research where women moved from being right to doing right. The monthly celebration teas hosted by the group were instrumental in the healing of other women who have experienced sexual violation. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / M.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

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