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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O agente penitenciário aos olhos do judiciário paulista / The penitentiary correctional officers in the eyes of the judiciary of the state of São Paulo

Vivian Calderoni 12 April 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente trabalho consistiu na identificação de elementos valorativos e perceptivos que o Poder Judiciário tem em relação ao agente de segurança penitenciária (ASP), discriminando temas, ênfases e tendências. Para a sua consecução, foram realizadas oito entrevistas semidirigidas com juízes atuantes em Varas de Execução Criminal do Estado de São Paulo. A apresentação do estado da arte demonstrou a pluralidade de ângulos sob os quais a temática relativa aos agentes penitenciários vem sendo estudada. O levantamento bibliográfico revelou ser escassa a literatura sobre a percepção do Poder Judiciário acerca dos ASPs. Foram criadas, a partir das entrevistas realizadas, dez categorias de análise: preparo, papel e formas de atuação do ASP; relacionamento entre os ASPs e o Poder Judiciário; relacionamento entre ASP e preso; relacionamento entre ASP e a direção da unidade prisional em que trabalham; probidade dos ASPs; vulnerabilidade e segurança do ASP no exercício da sua profissão; valorização, por parte do Poder Judiciário, do depoimento do ASP; condições de trabalho do ASP; fatores emocionais relacionados ao trabalho do ASP; impacto do crime organizado na atuação do ASP. Da apresentação e análise dos dados resultaram 18 súmulas analítico-descritivas. No capítulo destinado às conclusões, foram apresentadas as principais contribuições desta pesquisa, as quais consistiram na identificação dos principais temas que premeiam a visão do Judiciário sobre os ASPs e dentro deles as tendências e as ênfases prevalecentes. Estes temas foram agrupados em cinco linhas perceptivas: função do ASP: ressocializadora vs. disciplinar ênfase sobre a valorização da ressocialização; poder do ASP tendência dos juízes em respaldar o ASP para aumentar seu poder e ênfase no rearranjo no equilíbrio de poder em face da atuação das facções criminosas; influência da facção criminosa no trabalho do ASP ênfase sobre o atentado à probidade do agente e ao aumento de vulnerabilidade dos ASPs; impactos psicossociais do trabalho do ASP ênfase no adoecimento decorrente da prática profissional e no processo de prisionalização; e contexto de atuação do ASP ênfase na insalubridade e nos aspectos relativos à carreira do ASP. A seguir, é apresentado um conjunto de reflexões críticas com base nos resultados da pesquisa, na análise da literatura estudada e em diálogo com as vivências profissionais da pesquisadora. Em seguida, foram sugeridos temas para novas pesquisas e, por fim, propostas de interação envolvendo os principais especialistas e atores no processo de execução penal. / The objective of this work is to identify the perceptions and value attributed to Penitentiary Correctional Officers (PCOs) by the Judiciary, pointing out themes, emphases, and trends. This work was accomplished through eight semi-directed interviews conducted with judges active in the Criminal Court on the Enforcement of Sentences of the State of Sao Paulo. The execution of this work has demonstrated the wide array of ways in which correctional officers are studied. The bibliographical search has revealed a scarcity of literature referring to the Judiciary\'s perception of the PCOs. Ten categories of analysis emerged from the interviews conducted: the preparation, role and work of the PCOs; the relationship between the PCOs and the Judiciary; the relationship between the PCO and the incarcerated; the relationship between the PCOs and the management of the prison unit in which they work; probity of the PCOs; vulnerability and security of the PCOs in the workplace; credit of the PCOs testament, as perceived by the Judiciary; work conditions of the PCOs; emotional factors related to the work of the PCOs; and the impact of organized crime in the work of the PCOs. The presentation and analysis of the data resulted in 18 descriptive-analytic summaries. The concluding chapter presents the main contributions of this research, consisting in the identification of the main themes that inform the vision of the Judiciary regarding PCOs and its prevailing emphases and trends. These themes were grouped into five lines of thought: the function of the PCO: resocializing vs. disciplinary - emphasis on the value of resocialization: the power of the PCO - the tendency of the judges in supporting PCOs to increase their power and the emphasis in the rearrangement of the balance of power vis-a-vis criminal factions; the influence of the criminal faction in the work of the PCO -- emphasis on the attempts to discredit PCOs and increasing vulnerability of the PCOs; psycho-social impact of the work of the PCO - emphasis on illness associated with the work and imprisonment; and context of the work of the PCO - emphasis on the unhealthfulness relative to the career of the PCO. Next follow critical reflections based on research results, the analysis of the literature review, and in dialogue with the professional experiences of the researcher. Following that is a presentation of themes for future research and, finally, a proposal for the evolving interaction of the primary specialists and actors in the process of penal execution.

Die Bedeutung partieller 21-Hydroxylase- und 3beta-Hydroxysteroiddehydrogenasedefizienzen für die Ätiopathogenese von Fertilitätsstörungen

Ghanaati, Zahra 12 March 2001 (has links)
Ziel der Untersuchungen war, zur Klärung der Ursachen einer während der letzten Jahrzehnte erhöhten Frequenz sowohl von PCOS als auch von IO beizutragen. Es war zu ermitteln, ob hormonelle Verschiebungen bei den Patienten nachweisbar und diese durch genetische und epigenetische Faktoren erklärbar sind. Ausgehend von dem Postulat, daß verminderte 21-OH- und 3beta-HSD-Aktivitäten als prädisponierende Faktoren von PCOS und IO angesehen werden, waren hormonanalytische Untersuchungen zur Ermittlung partieller 21-OH- bzw. 3beta-HSD-Defizienzen durchgeführt worden. Den eigenen Erfahrungen und Darstellungen der internationalen Literatur entsprechend befaßt sich ein Teil der Methodik mit der Entwicklung einer neuen, der üblichen 17alfa-OHP-Messung überlegenen Methode zur Ermittlung von 21-OH-Defizienzen durch 21-DOF-Bestimmung nach ACTH-Test im Blutplasma. Wir erhielten bei vier von 21 PCOS-Patientinnen und drei von acht Patienten mit IO erhöhte 21-DOF-, 21-DOF/F- bzw. 17alfa-OHP-Werte nach ACTH-Test, die auf partielle 21-OH-Defizienzen hinweisen. Zusätzlich wurden bei 12 PCOS-Patientinnen erhöhte basale DHEAS- oder DHEAS/F-Werte gefunden, die als Hinweise auf partielle 3beta-HSD-Defizienzen oder 17,20-Lyase-Hyperaktivität gedeutet wurden. In der Stichprobe der IO waren DHEAS oder DHEAS/F-Werte bei vier Patienten erhöht. Da bei vier der 12 Patientinnen mit PCOS und zwei von vier Patienten mit IO genetisch und endokrinologisch gleichzeitig eine partielle 21-OH-Defizienz nachgewiesen wurde, kann bei diesen Patienten eine partielle 3beta-HSD-Defizienz weitgehend ausgeschlossen werden. Es wurden molekulargenetische Untersuchungen für die 14 häufigsten Mutationen in CYP21 bei Cohorten mit AGS, PCOS und IO durchgeführt. Die Untersuchung der AGS-Patienten sollte dazu dienen, ein effizientes und schnelles System der Mutationssuche für diagnostische Zwecke zu etablieren. Es wurden die häufigsten, phänotypisch wirksamen Mutationen in CYP21 bei der Mehrzahl dieser Patientengruppe im homozygoten bzw. compound heterozygoten Zustand gefunden und eine deutliche Genotyp-Phänotyp-Korrelation festgestellt. Auch bei Patientinnen mit PCOS sowie bei IO, bei denen partielle 21-OH-Defizienzen nachweisbar waren, wurden Mutationen in CYP21 gefunden. Die hierbei heterozygot vorliegenden Mutationen waren dieselben, die homozygot oder compound heterozygot bei schweren Formen des AGS gefunden wurden. Es ergab sich eine Korrelation molekulargenetischer und hormonanalytischer Befunde bei AGS, PCOS sowie IO. Allerdings konnten bei der Mehrzahl der Fälle mit PCOS und mit IO weder Mutationen noch hormonelle Auffälligkeiten hinsichtlich partieller 21-OH-Defizienzen gefunden werden. Die jedoch bei vielen Patientinnen gefundenen erhöhten DHEAS- und DHEAS/F-Werte stimmen mit Untersuchungen überein, die parallel starke Zunahmen der Häufigkeit der Hemmung des Enzyms 3ß-HSD bzw. der Aktivierung der 17,20-Lyase bei PCOS-Patientinnen und der Prävalenz des PCOS selbst bei nach 1955 geborenen Frauen und von Spermatogenesestörungen bei nach 1960 geborenen Männern fanden. Die Ursache hierfür wird in der Beeinflussung der adrenalen und gonadalen Steroidhormonsynthese vor allem durch das Umweltteratogen DDT und seine Metaboliten gesehen. Weiterhin wurde der Umweltfaktor Streß diskutiert. Für die Ätiopathogenese der untersuchten Fertilitätsstörungen werden materno-fetale Mechanismen postuliert, worauf unsere sowohl molekulargenetischen als auch hormonanalytischen Befunde hinweisen. Insgesamt bestätigen die Ergebnisse unserer Arbeit die These, daß Leben auf der Interaktion von Genen und Umweltfaktoren beruht und daß Hormone dabei als Mediatoren wirken. In gen- oder umweltbedingten unphysiologischen Konzentrationen können sie während kritischer Entwicklungsphasen des neuroendokrinen Systems als Teratogene wirken und zu lebenslangen Reproduktionsstörungen führen. / This paper describes a mutational and hormonal screening in a cohort of 21 patients ultrasonically diagnosed with PCO. Our data show single heterozygous base pair CYP21 mutations in 4 patients. The four women with PCOS and CYP21 mutations also displayed clear signs of partial 21-hydroxylase deficiency through a significant rise in 21DOF or 17alfa-OHP plasma levels after ACTH stimulation. Azziz et al. have reported several heterozygous mutations in hyperandrogenic women with LO-CAH. Other studies report several heterozygous point mutations in hyperandrogenic woman who, however, were not examined for polycystic ovaries.The correlation between the hormone profiles and genetic screening results found with our patients underscores the latter s usefulness with PCOS patients. In contrast to the hormone profile, genetic screening is not influenced by external factors. The frequency of heterozygous CYP21 mutations is higher (19%) than in the normal population (5-8%), suggesting a link with PCOS in some cases. The ratio of LH/FSH was significantly raised in 43% of the cases. Most importantly, basal plasma DHEA-S levels and DHEA-S/F ratios were clearly increased, higher than the means +2SD in controls. This suggests a partial 3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase deficiency or 17,20 lyase hyperactivity. Other authors, however, were not able to find mutations in the corresponding genes. This could be explained by the fact that the DDT metabolite o,p DDD is a strong inhibitor of 3beta-HSD, and that DDT and its metabolites may be able to activate the 17,20 lyase, a cytochrome P450 enzyme. Furthermore, DDT has some oestrogen activity, and its perinatal administration can produce a PCOS-like syndrome in rats. Very significantly, there has not only been an approximately fourfold increased prevalence of PCO in women borne since 1955 in eastern Germany, following a massive prenatal exposure to DDT, but also a notable shift in the hormone profiles of those affected. A predominance of 3beta-HSD deficiencies and 17,20 lyase hyperactivity (70%) vs. 21-hydroxylase deficiency (23%) has emerged, in contrast with 21-hydroxylase deficiencies in 70% vs. 3beta-HSD deficiencies or 17,20 lyase hyperactivity in 14% for those born earlier than 1955. Similar results were obtained in this study for women with PCOS born since 1955, suggesting that the prenatal exposure of high amounts of DDT and its metabolites indeed appear to be responsible - at least in part - for the major increase in PCO and PCOS.

Η επίδραση της αντισυλληπτικής αγωγής στους γενετικούς, αγγειακούς, βιοχημικούς και ορμονικούς πρώιμους δείκτες αυξημένου κινδύνου σε νέες γυναίκες με σύνδρομο πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών (PCOS)

Μαρκαντές, Γεώργιος 26 July 2013 (has links)
Σκοπός: η μελέτη της επίδρασης εξάμηνης θεραπείας με από του στόματος αντισυλληπτικό δισκίο περιέχον 35μg αιθινυλ-οιστραδιόλης και 2mg οξικής κυπροτερόνης στη γλοιότητα πλάσματος νέων γυναικών με σύνδρομο πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών. Σχεδίαση: Η γλοιότητα πλάσματος μετρήθηκε σε ασθενείς με σύνδρομο πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών πριν και 6 μήνες μετά από τη χορήγηση αντισυλληπτικού δισκίου περιέχοντος 35μg αιθινυλ-οιστραδιόλης και 2mg οξικής κυπροτερόνης. Η μέτρηση της γλοιότητας έγινε σε ιξωδόμετρο τύπου 53610/I SCHOTT-Instruments, Mainz στους 37ο C. Ασθενείς: Οι ασθενείς στρατολογήθηκαν από το τμήμα Αναπαραγωγικής Ενδοκρινολογίας της Μαιευτικής - Γυναικολογικής Κλινικής του Πανεπιστημιακού Νοσοκομείου Πατρών Ελλάδας. Στη μελέτη περιλήφθηκαν 66 νέες γυναίκες με σύνδρομο πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών. Βασικοί προσδιορισμοί: Γλοιότητα πλάσματος Αποτελέσματα: Στις ασθενείς ως σύνολο, η γλοιότητα πλάσματος ήταν 1.249±0.049 mm2/s (n=66). Μετά από 6 μήνες θεραπείας με από του στόματος αντισυλληπτικό δισκίο περιέχον 35μg αιθινυλ-οιστραδιόλης και 2mg οξικής κυπροτερόνης, η γλοιότητα πλάσματος αυξήθηκε σε 1.268±0.065 mm2/s (p=0.038). Η διαφορά στη γλοιότητα πλάσματος πριν και 6 μήνες μετά τη θεραπεία (Δ Γλοιότητας) ήταν 0,01864±,071452 mm2/s. Η Δ Γλοιότητας σχετιζόταν με τη Δ Ινωδογόνου (r=0.270, p=0.046), τη Δ Αιματοκρίτη (r=0.514, p=0.09) και τη Δ Τριγλυκεριδίων (r=0.292, p=0.021). Συμπέρασμα: Νέες γυναίκες με σύνδρομο πολυκυστικών ωοθηκών εμφάνισαν αυξημένη γλοιότητα πλάσματος μετά από θεραπεία με από του στόματος αντισυλληπτικό, το οποίο θα πρέπει για το λόγο αυτό να χρησιμοποιείται με προσοχή στον εν λόγω πληθυσμό. / Objectives: To investigate the influence of 6 months of treatment with an oral contraceptive (OC) containing 35μg ethinyl estradiol and 2mg cyproterone acetate on plasma viscosity in young women with PCOS. Design: PCOS patients were assessed for plasma viscosity before and after 6 months of treatment with an OC containing 35μg ethinyl estradiol and 2mg cyproterone acetate. Plasma viscosity was determined by a viscometer Type 53610/I SCHOTT-Instruments, Mainz at 37o C. Settings: Subjects were recruited from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Division of Reproductive Endocrinology at the University Hospital of Patras, Greece. Patients: The study included 66 young PCOS women. Main Outcome measures: Plasma viscosity. Results: In PCOS women as a whole, plasma viscosity at baseline was 1.249±0.049 mm2/s (n=66). After 6 months of treatment with an oral contraceptive containing 35μg ethinyl estradiol and 2mg cyproterone acetate, plasma viscosity increased to 1.268±0.065 mm2/s (p=0.038). The difference between plasma viscosity before and after 6 months of treatment with an oral contraceptive containing 35μg ethinyl estradiol and 2mg cyproterone acetate (Δviscosity) was 0,01864±,071452 mm2/s. Δviscosity was related to Δfibrinogen (r=0.270, p=0.046), to Δhaematocrit (r=0.514, p=0.09) and to Δtriglycerides (r=0.292, p=0.021). Conclusion: Young PCOS women presented an increased plasma viscosity under OC treatment, which therefore should be used with caution.

Performance Specific I/O Scheduling Framework for Cloud Storage

Jain, Nitisha January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Virtualization is one of the important enabling technologies for Cloud Computing which facilitates sharing of resources among the virtual machines. However, it incurs performance overheads due to contention of physical devices such as disk and network bandwidth. Various I/O applications having different latency requirements may be executing concurrently on different virtual machines provisioned on a single server in Cloud data-centers. It is pertinent that the performance SLAs of such applications are satisfied through intelligent scheduling and allocation of disk resources. The underlying disk scheduler at the server is unable to distinguish between the application requests being oblivious to the characteristics of these applications. Therefore, all the applica- tions are provided best effort services by default. This may lead to performance degradation for the latency sensitive applications. In this work, we propose a novel disk scheduling framework PriDyn (Dynamic Priority) which provides differentiated services to various I/O applications co-located on a single host based on their latency attributes and desired performance. The framework employs a scheduling algorithm which dynamically computes latency estimates for all concurrent I/O applications for a given system state. Based on these, an appropriate pri- ority assignment for the applications is determined which is taken into consideration by the underlying disk scheduler at the host while scheduling the I/O applications on the physical disk. The proposed scheduling framework is able to successfully satisfy QoS requirements for the concurrent I/O applications within system constraints. This has been verified through ex- tensive experimental analysis. In order to realize the benefits of differentiated services provided by the PriDyn scheduler, proper combination of I/O applications must be ensured for the servers through intelligent meta-scheduling techniques at the Cloud data-center level. For achieving this, in the second part of this work, we extended the PriDyn framework to design a proactive admission control and scheduling framework PCOS (P rescient C loud I/O S cheduler). It aims to maximize to Utilization of disk resources without adversely affecting the performance of the applications scheduled on the systems. By anticipating the performance of the systems running multiple I/O applications, PCOS prevents the scheduling of undesirable workloads on them in order to maintain the necessary balance between resource consolidation and application performance guarantees. The PCOS framework includes the PriDyn scheduler as an important component and utilizes the dynamic disk resource allocation capabilities of PriDyn for meeting its goals. Experimental validations performed on real world I/O traces demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves appreciable enhancements in I/O performance through selection of optimal I/O workload combinations, indicating that this approach is a promising step towards enabling QoS guarantees for Cloud data-centers.

Autonomie des femmes atteintes du syndrome des ovaires polykystiques : entre gestion de la maladie et approche restaurative de la santé

Doudenkova, Victoria 12 1900 (has links)
Le syndrome des ovaires polykystiques (SOPK) est le désordre endocrinien le plus répandu chez la femme en âge de procréer. Ayant un impact significatif sur la qualité de vie, il est l’une des causes majeures d’infertilité et est associé à des conditions chroniques sérieuses comme le diabète de type 2, des cancers hormono-dépendants, et les maladies cardiovasculaires. Bien qu’il soit prévalent et ait des conséquences importantes, l’expérience des soins vécue par les femmes traduit des dimensions problématiques : manque de sensibilisation et d’information, délais de diagnostic, insensibilité, inattention et banalisation. Selon certaines recherches, les femmes ne sont pas satisfaites des traitements habituellement prescrits, comme la pilule contraceptive. Elles considèrent manquer d’options de traitement et seraient intéressées par d’autres modalités de soin. D’autres travaux mettent également l’accent sur l’importance du mode de vie (ex. nutrition et gestion du stress) qui peut améliorer le profil métabolique et endocrinien, ainsi que se répercuter de manière favorable sur la fonction reproductive. Le manque général d'attention à cette condition représente dès lors une étude de cas intéressante, reflétant des injustices systémiques en médecine. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’examiner les enjeux en lien avec l’autonomie des femmes affectées par le SOPK dans le cadre des soins de santé et de fertilité, et de proposer des pistes de solution visant à favoriser son expression. Ces enjeux sont analysés dans le contexte de la maladie chronique, où l’accent est surtout mis sur le traitement visant à soulager l'infertilité, mais qui néglige les approches restauratives en regard de la santé, notamment par des changements de mode de vie. L’analyse des enjeux est faite selon une approche relationnelle de l’autonomie en considérant deux modes d’expression : épisodique et programmatique. La mise en évidence de ces enjeux rend possible une réflexion sur ce que pourrait apporter une vision globale dans le soin du SOPK, s’articulant tout autant autour de la gestion de la maladie que d’une approche restaurative de la santé. Afin d’analyser les enjeux éthiques particuliers que pose le soin du SOPK, cette thèse utilise une perspective à la fois conceptuelle-normative et empirique. Ces deux perspectives permettent 6 de mieux comprendre les lacunes de l'approche médicale actuelle et de formuler des recommandations éclairées sur les meilleures façons d’y faire face. Par la reconnaissance de la nécessité d’une approche du soin intégrant tant les aspects relatifs à la prévention et à la gestion du SOPK qu’une visée restaurative à l’égard de la santé, cette thèse amène des retombées importantes pour les professionnels de la santé et les femmes affectées par le SOPK. Ce faisant elle présente des pistes permettant de soutenir tant l’autonomie épisodique que programmatique, ainsi que l’empowerment de ces femmes. / Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine disorder in women of childbearing age. It has a significant impact on quality of life and is one of the major causes of infertility. It is also associated with serious chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hormonedependent cancers, and cardiovascular disease. While it is prevalent and has serious consequences, women's experience of care reflects problematic dimensions: lack of awareness and information, delays in diagnosis, insensitivity, inattention, and trivialization. Research shows that women are dissatisfied with commonly prescribed treatments such as the contraceptive pill. They report lacking treatment options and would be interested in other modalities of care. Research on PCOS also emphasizes the importance of lifestyle (e.g. nutrition and stress management) that can improve the metabolic and endocrine profile and have a positive impact on reproductive function. The general lack of attention to this condition is thus an interesting case study, reflecting systemic injustices in medicine. The objective of this thesis is to examine issues related to the autonomy of women affected by PCOS in the context of health care and fertility, and to propose ways to promote the expression of autonomy. The thesis analyzes these issues in the context of chronic disease, whereby treatment focuses on alleviating infertility and neglects restorative approaches to health, particularly through effective lifestyle changes. The analysis is based on the conceptual framework of relational autonomy, and considers two possible modes of autonomy expression: episodic and programmatic. Awareness of these issues makes it possible to reflect on what a holistic approach could bring to PCOS care, considering both disease management and a restorative approach to health. To consider the ethical challenges related to the care of PCOS, this thesis employs both a conceptual-normative and an empirical perspective. Both allow a better understanding of the shortcomings of the current medical approach and an informed recommendation for better ways of responding to these challenges. By recognizing the need for prevention and management of PCOS, as well as a restorative approach to health, this thesis has substantial implications for healthcare professionals and women, suggesting ways of supporting both episodic and programmatic autonomy and empowerment of affected women.

The Relationship of Food Insecurity to Health Parameters in Adult Women with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Hamilton, Angela M. January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Úloha mutace genu LIF a relativní zastoupení NK buněk, NKT a T lymfocytů ve folikulární tekutině a krvi žen s různou anamnézou neplodnosti / The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertility

Křížan, Jiří January 2011 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Natural Sciences Summary of Ph.D. thesis The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertility Jiří Křížan Prague 2010 1 | P a g e Doctoral degree programs in biomedicine Charles University in Prague and the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Programme: Biomedicine Chairman of the Subject Board: Doc. RNDr. Vladimír Holáň, Dr.Sc. Place of study: Institute of Microbiology, v.v.i., Academy of the Czech Sciences Vídeňská 1083, 142 20 Prague 4 phone: +420 296 442 318 Autor: Mgr. Jiří Křížan Supervisor: RNDr. Petr Šíma, CSc. The dissertation can be found at Dean's Office Faculty of Charles University in Prague 2 | P a g e CONTENTS Contents 2 Summary 3 1. Introduction 5 2. Hypotheses and aims 6 3. Material and methods 7 Material: 7 Methods: 8 4. Results 10 5. Discussion 12 6. Conclusion 15 7. References 16 Bibliography of Autor: 18 1. papers in extenso (thesis background) 18 2. papers in extenso (without regard to thesis) 19 3 | P a g e SUMMARY The aim of the dissertation thesis "The role of LIF gene mutations and the relative distribution of NK cells, NKT, and T lymphocytes in follicular fluid and blood of women with different history of infertility"...

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