Spelling suggestions: "subject:"peasant."" "subject:"easant.""
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Agroecologia e movimentos sociais : entre o debate teórico e sua construção pelos agricultores camponeses / Agroecology and social movements : the theory and practice by peasantsMazalla Neto, Wilon, 1981- 25 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Sonia Maria Pessoa Pereira Bergamasco / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-25T20:27:30Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
MazallaNeto_Wilon_D.pdf: 3798209 bytes, checksum: e2f5c49cd58e2f471dbcc9b2d647828f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: O campo brasileiro tem enfrentado, nos últimos 50 anos, sinais de crise ambiental e social cada vez mais significativos, que vêm se consolidando desde a segunda metade do século XX no bojo da revolução verde, modelo que segue se fortalecendo no que hoje se denomina agronegócio. Neste contexto, a Agroecologia aliada à trajetória de luta e resistência camponesa por meio dos movimentos sociais, passou a chamar atenção como formas organizativas, tecnológicas e culturais com potencial de superar o agravamento dos problemas sociais e ecológicos. A abordagem dessa pesquisa foi investigar as experiências teóricas e práticas em Agroecologia, vividas e construídas pelos agricultores camponeses dentro dos assentamentos e acampamentos de reforma agrária do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) como novas formas de relação com o trabalho e com a natureza. Identificou-se iniciativas de transformação cultural, nas quais as experiências concretas no mundo da vida e da cultura se constituem como embriões de renovadas relações sociais que superam as anteriores de opressão, exploração e destruição da natureza. Desta forma, foi possível identificar uma série de aspectos emancipadores do trabalho e da cultura nas experiências agroecológicas dos agricultores camponeses, com destaque para o controle do processo e do tempo de trabalho, as múltiplas significações da natureza e ação ideológica na relação campo cidade / Abstract: Over the last 50 years the Brazilian countryside has been exhibiting significant signs of environmental and social crises which have been growing since the second half of the twentieth century with the development of the green revolution. This model continues to intensify and is knowadays known as agribusiness. In this context, associated with struggle and with peasant resistance through social movements, Agroecology, with its organizational, technological and cultural forms, has begun to draw attention as a way to overcome these social and ecological problems. The objective of this research was to investigate the theoretical and practical experiences of the peasant farmers within MST (Landless Workers' Movement in Portuguese) settlements and camping grounds as new ways of relating to nature and work, in Agroecology. We identified initiatives of cultural transformation whereby practical experiences in life and culture cultivate new social interrelationships which can overcome previous oppression and the exploitation and destruction of nature. Through our research this study identifies a series of emancipatory aspects of work and culture in the agroecological experiences of peasant farmers with particular emphasis on processes and time management at work, the various understandings of nature and ideological action regarding the city-countryside relation / Doutorado / Planejamento e Desenvolvimento Rural Sustentável / Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola
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"Princesa do Madeira": Os festejos entre as populações ribeirinhas de Humaitá/AM. / "Princess of the Madeira" - the festivities of the peasant populations wich live on the shores of the Madeira River in Humaitá, State of Amazonas.Maria Terezinha Corrêa 25 November 2002 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende analisar os dois principais festejos celebrados pelas populações ribeirinhas de Humaitá, situada no sul do estado do Amazonas. Trata-se dos festejos de Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição e de Santo Antônio que ocorrem no local a respeito do qual há duas versões: uma oficial e outra de origem indígena. A primeira versão marca o lugar da fundação do município, conhecido como Princesa do Madeira. A rua onde acontecem os eventos leva o nome do fundador, Monteiro. A Segunda, refere-se a um tempo preexistente à fundação e ao lugar conhecido pelos Parintintin como Porto da Anta. A partir dessas duas versões, a investigação dos festejos como fatos sociais totais permitiu tratar de elementos liminares submersos e que remetem a regimes de troca diferenciados dessas populações. Procura-se interpretar teias de significados que se configuram nos festejos, discutindo, ao mesmo tempo, tensões sociais que ali se revelam. Os festejos de Santo Antônio e da Imaculada Conceição são homenagens aos padroeiros do município. Todos os anos, esses santos recebem formas de agradecimento pelos benefícios atendidos e pela renovação dos laços de parentesco e de compadrio. Esses dois festejos coincidem com a entrada das estações amazônicas, relacionando-se, portanto, ao modo de vida do campesinato amazônida. / This work intends to analize the two principal festivities of the peasant populations which live on the shores of the Madeira River in Humaitá, State of Amazonas. It concerns the festivities of Nossa Senhora da Imaculada Conceição and of Santo Antônio. Two versions deal with the origins of the location on which the festivities occur: one official, another indigenous. The first version is an account of the foundation of the municipality, the "Princess of the Madeira". The second refers to a time prior to the foundation, when the location was known as the "Porto da Anta" by the indigenous Parintintin. Assuming these two versions as starting points, this research investigates the festivities as total social facts. Liminal elements, which are detected in the festivities, permit us to discuss different regimes of exchange which are significant to the populations which take part in the festivities. The attempt is made to interpret webs of meaning which emerge during the festivities, as well as the social tensions which are there revealed. By means of these festivities, homage every year these saints become the recipients of expressions of gratitude for the benefits bestowed on the population and for the renewal of blood and spiritual kinship relations. These two festivities coincide with the beginnings of seasonal cycles of the Amazon, and are deeply related to the daily lives of peasants populations of the region.
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This text is the result of an ethnographic study about peasant women in the city
of Faxinal Soturno, which belongs to the region called Quarta Colônia ( Fourth
Colony of Italian Immigration), in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul. Those
peasant women are descendants of Italian immigrants who now live in two rural
communities. Through ethnographic research, it was observed an understanding of
know-how, formal education (and schooling), the changes in generations and in the
patriarchal family, and how the influence of technology has been transforming these
workers lives. Among these changes, it may be mentioned that the role of the woman
inside these still markedly patrilineal families has undergone some changes over the
years, such as: working besides home, having access to money (and consumerism) and a
greater freedom in the communities, and leisure possibilities. As to the insertion of
technology in their lives, it is viewed in a positive way since it helps them in everyday
chores. In short, with this study, it can be stated that through observation and the
peasants reports there was a considerable change in their lives in recent decades. This
can either be observed in family relationships, as in the access to money and retirement,
as well as in the growing appreciation and encouragement for their children s studies. / Esta dissertação é resultado de pesquisa etnográfica realizada entre mulheres
camponesas do município de Faxinal do Soturno, pertencente à Quarta Colônia (de
Imigração Italiana), no estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Trata-se de mulheres camponesas
descendentes de imigrantes italianos residentes em duas comunidades da zona rural. Por
meio de pesquisa etnográfica, observou-se a educação formal (e a escolarização), as
mudanças geracionais e na família patriarcal; e a influência das tecnologias tem
transformado a vida destas trabalhadoras. Entre tais transformações, pode-se citar, que a
mulher no interior dessa família ainda marcadamente patrilinear tem sofrido algumas
alterações com o decorrer dos anos tais como: trabalhar além casa, ter acesso ao
dinheiro (e ao consumo), uma maior liberdade dentro das comunidades. Quanto à
inserção das tecnologias em suas vidas, é vista de maneira positiva, pois auxiliam nos
afazeres cotidianos. Em suma, por meio deste estudo, constatou-se que através da
observação e relatos das camponesas houve uma considerável mudança em suas vidas
nas últimas décadas. Isso pode ser constatado tanto nas relações familiares, como no
acesso ao dinheiro e à aposentadoria, bem como na crescente valorização e incentivo de
estudo aos filhos.
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The Peasant Imagined : Social Imaginary and Social Order in Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Century SwedenHåkansson, Jakob January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to illuminate how the Swedish peasantry was perceived by the Swedish Burgher, Clerical, and Noble Estates during the eighteenth and early nineteenth century. By studying the Diet protocols of each Estate from three Diets, and by applying the concept of social imaginary, it considers what a peasant was perceived to be, who was perceived to be a peasant, and how these perceptions changed. The period under investigation is a time when the orders of society began to change and the peasantry underwent a process of radicalization. It is also a time when the way people perceived themselves changed, from a perception of “the self” heavily influenced by the collective, to a more individualistic one. These circumstances made the Estates question the traditional ideal of what a peasant was, re-writing the social script of the peasantry to include new attributes, duties, and virtues than it did a century earlier. Three main categories are used and aims at exploring the peasantry’s perceived social dignity, political role, and economic function, each representing its respective order in estate society. The study has shown how the Estates perceived peasants to be simple, uneducated, and foolish in the early stages of the Age of Liberty (1718–1772), and that the social dignity of a peasant was fundamental in conceptualizing what and who a peasant was. This changed towards the end of the century and became much more diverse and complex during the early nineteenth century. By the early 1820’s, the Noble and Clerical Estates perceived them as competent, responsible, and as being capable of betterment and upward mobility in a spiritual and worldly sense. The Burgher Estate perceived them as self-righteous, rustic, and intrusive as they had begun to invade their cities, steeling their livelihood, and thus threatening their entire existence as an estate. The economic transformations of the period also proved how the economic function of the peasantry was now to a larger degree emphasized as the determinative factor of what social dignity and political role they should have. / <p>The author has changed name to Jakob Starlander.</p>
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The peasant revolt of 1525 and Martin Luther.Pettengill, Elinor January 1934 (has links)
Typewritten sheets in cover.
Thesis (M.A.)--Boston University
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ALTERNATIVE AGRI-FOOD NETWORKS AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT : THE CASE OF CHINA IN THE CONTEXT OF SANNONG / オルタナティブ・アグリフード・ネットワークと農村発展-中国・三農問題を背景としてKe, Jinghan 24 September 2019 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(経済学) / 甲第22025号 / 経博第602号 / 新制||経||290(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院経済学研究科経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 久野 秀二, 教授 矢野 剛, 教授 諸富 徹 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Economics / Kyoto University / DGAM
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Changing Landscape of Food Production in Western Bhutan-Adaptation of Peasant Farmers in an Era of Organic Agriculture / ブータン西部の変わりゆく食料生産景観:有機農業時代における農民たちの対応Kobayashi, Mai 23 March 2016 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(地球環境学) / 甲第19877号 / 地環博第151号 / 新制||地環||30(附属図書館) / 32913 / 京都大学大学院地球環境学舎地球環境学専攻 / (主査)准教授 深町 加津枝, 教授 柴田 昌三, 教授 星野 敏 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Global Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DFAM
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[pt] Este trabalho busca o entendimento e a identificação das relações entre a sociedade e a natureza através da perspectiva agroecológica camponesa, buscando identificar também neste processo outros discursos agroecológicos e as relações e tensões principais existentes entre a agroecologia e a agricultura convencional de base químico-tecnológica conectada à estrutura do agronegócio. Neste sentido, como problemática principal do presente trabalho, tem-se o embate entre a agroecologia (exemplificada neste trabalho pelo projeto Cesta Camponesa - RJ, relacionado ao Movimento dos Pequenos Agricultores (MPA), pela Agricultura Sintrópica, esta formatada pelo cientista e pesquisador Ernst Gotsch, e pelos sujeitos sociais que às praticam) e o modelo hegemônico pautado na produção agrícola de base química e mecânica (e as relações de poder que se estabelecem nesta zona de conflito). Tal modelo hegemônico produtivo está diretamente associado ao modo de produção capitalista e, consequentemente, se apresenta como uma das manifestações dos modelos de desenvolvimento conectados à lógica do capital. Em conjunto com tais modelos, serão apresentadas e discutidas as concepções de modernidade e ocidente para traçar como estes modelos de desenvolvimento capitalistas se construíram com base no paradigma da simplificação e nas dimensões econômica e tecnológica das sociedades. Assim, em contrapartida, buscamos evidenciar o paradigma da complexidade para tecer os laços entre a perspectiva agroecológica camponesa, os princípios da agricultura sintrópica, e a perspectiva geográfica do espaço. Ao final, sem concluirmos, mas formatando as considerações finais, fomos capazes de estruturar, inicialmente, a noção de transição espacial agroecológica, colocando a agroecologia como uma das diversas dimensões contidas dentro da perspectiva espacial. / [en] This work seeks to understand and identify the relationships between society and nature through the peasant agroecological perspective, also seeking to identify in this process other agroecological discourses and the main relationships and tensions between agroecology and conventional chemically-technological agriculture connected to the structure of agribusiness. In this sense, as the main problem of the present work, there is the clash between agroecology (exemplified in this work by the Cesta Camponesa project - RJ, related to the Small Farmers Movement (MPA), by Sintropic Agriculture, this one formatted by scientist and researcher Ernst Gotsch, and the social subjects who practice them) and the hegemonic model based on chemical and mechanical agricultural production (and the power relations that are established in this conflict zone). Such hegemonic productive model is directly associated with the capitalist mode of production and, consequently, presents itself as one of the manifestations of development models connected to the logic of capital. Together with such models, the conceptions of modernity and the West will be presented and discussed to outline how these capitalist development models were built based on the simplification paradigm and on the economic and technological dimensions of societies. Thus, on the other hand, we seek to highlight the complexity paradigm to weave the links between the peasant agroecological perspective, the principles of syntropic agriculture, and the geographical perspective of space. In the end, without concluding, but formatting the final considerations, we were able to structure, initially, the notion of agroecological spatial transition, placing agroecology as one of the several dimensions contained within the spatial perspective.
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A communications analysis of the Chiapas uprising : Marcos' publicity campaign on the internetAczel, Audrey M. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.
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As jovens do Movimento de Mulheres Camponesas (MMC): trabalho, família e projetos de vida. / Young women from the Peasant Women's Movement (MMC): work, family and life projects.GASPARETO, Sirlei Antoninha Kroth. 04 October 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-10-04T16:53:03Z
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SIRLEI ANTONINHA KROTH GASPARETO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCS 2009..pdf: 15113506 bytes, checksum: 2b87731af70acaf5cd2eea559da3b4c4 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-04T16:53:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
SIRLEI ANTONINHA KROTH GASPARETO - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGCS 2009..pdf: 15113506 bytes, checksum: 2b87731af70acaf5cd2eea559da3b4c4 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2009-11-09 / O MMC/SC é um movimento de mulheres camponesas que a partir de 2004 adquire caráter nacional e marca presença nos diferentes Estados do Brasil. Está alinhado à Via Campesina tendo como principais bandeiras, a luta pelos direitos, pela igualdade e por um Projeto de Agricultura Camponesa. O foco deste estudo está diretamente ligado a esse processo de construção, perpassando os eixos de gênero e classe, cuja experiência possibilita a emergência de um novo sujeito social que são as jovens camponesas. Para tanto utilizo heuristicamente as referências teóricas de Eduard Thompson dando centralidade à categoria "experiência". A metodologia básica utilizada encontra na história oral e na etnografia sua principal referência. Em se tratando das considerações finais observa-se que as jovens da primeira década do segundo milênio querem viver diferentes de seus pais e suas mães, muitas delas, não aceitam passivamente viver num mundo de privacidade, estando no foco de suas preocupações o acesso à terra, à renda e o estudo na perspectiva de construção de "uma vida melhor". / The MMC/SC Peasant Women's Movement in the state of Santa Catarina is a women's
movement that, since 2004, has become national in character and has increased its presence in various Brazilian states. Allied to Via Campesina, the movement's principle struggles are for rights, equality and the Strengthening of family agricuhureThe focus of this thesis is directly linked to this construction process, especially related to the axes of gender and class, whose experience has made possible the emergence of a new social political subject: young rural women. To this end, I apply Eduard Thompson's theoretical references - bringing to the forefront the category "experience" - while using, as my baseline methodology, oral history and ethnography. In conclusion, this thesis has found that the young women of the second millennium's first decade want to live differently to their fathers and mothers; many of them don't passively accept their living conditions. Rather they struggle for access to land, to income and to education with the aim of constructing "a better life".
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