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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Structuration de matrices à base de pectine : formulation, caractérisation, fonctionnalités et libération contrôlée lors de l'encapsulation / Structure of matrices based on pectin : formulation, characterization, functionality and controlled release during the encapsulation

Huynh, Thi Diem Uyen 12 October 2016 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous avons étudié les interactions entre un polyoside anionique (pectine) et des cations monovalent (Na+) et divalents (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Mg2+) en régime dilué (c < c*) et concentré (c ≈ c*). Ainsi, une pectine faiblement méthylée (LMP) a été étudiée en comparaison avec l’acide polygalacturonique (PGA). L’affinité de ces polyosides pour fixer les ions calcium diminue quand la concentration en NaCl augmente. Elle est plus élevée dans le cas du Ca-polyGal en comparaison avec Ca-LMP ; ceci peut être expliqué par la faible rigidité des chaînes observée pour le polyGal. Les interactions entre les quatre cations divalents (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Mg2+) et les deux biopolymères (PolyGal et LMP) en régime dilué ont été étudiées afin d’obtenir des informations sur la structure du réseau, le mode d’association et l’énergie d’association. Nous avons donc proposé un mécanisme d’association qui est composé de deux étapes : i) formation de monocomplexes et de réticulations ponctuelles et ii) formation de dimères. Le passage de l’étape (i) à l’étape (ii) est caractérisé par un ratio molaire critique (R*=[M2+]/[Gal]) qui dépend du nombre et de la stabilité des réticulations ponctuelles entre le polymère et le cation. Pour le Mg-polyGal, l’association est due à une condensation des ions magnésium autour des chaînes du polyGal. Les résultats de simulations ont montré que l’association de 4 cations Zn2+ avec 2 chaînes composées de 8 unités Gal est similaire à une structure de type « boîte à œuf ». Ce modèle n’est pas applicable à la structure obtenue par l’association des cations Ca2+ et Ba2+. Les associations entre les polyGals et les cations divalents à une concentration en polymère proche de la concentration de recouvrement (c*) permettent d’obtenir des gels uniquement pour les trois cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+). Les propriétés viscoélastiques de ces gels ainsi que la cinétique de gélification ont été étudiés. Dans le cas des gels, la première étape du mécanisme d’association proposé (formation de monocomplexes et de réticulations ponctuelles) s’accompagne d’une augmentation de l’épaisseur du gel ; alors que la deuxième étape (formation de dimères) conduit à une densification du gel. Nous avons remarqué que le coefficient de diffusion du front de gel suit l’ordre suivant : Ba2+ > Ca2+ > Zn2+ > Mg2+ ; ceci peut être relié à l’affinité entre les molécules d’eau de la sphère de coordination et le cation. En effet, l’affinité du cation pour l’eau augmente selon l’ordre inverse : Ba2+ < Ca2+ < Zn2+ < Mg2+. Enfin, nous avons utilisé ces trois polyosides (PGA, LMP et ALMP - pectine faiblement méthylée amidée) en association à des ions calcium pour fabriquer des microparticules contenant la rutine afin de cibler sa libération au niveau intestinal. Nous avons ainsi relié la cinétique de libération de la rutine à la structure du réseau mis en place lors de l’étape de gélification. Les microparticules à base de pectine ALMP présentent une capacité à fixer l’eau et un taux de libération de la rutine plus élevés que les microparticules à base de LMP et PGA. Le gel Ca-ALMP est plus flexible et présente des modules viscoélastiques plus faibles que les gels Ca-PGA et Ca-LMP. Nous avons attribué ceci à la distribution aléatoire des groupements ester et/ou amide dans ALMP qui gênerait la formation des dimères : les liaisons hydrogènes entre les fonctions amines et les fonctions carboxylates seraient donc responsables de la flexibilité du réseau formé. / In this thesis, we studied the interactions between an anionic polysaccharide (pectin) and monovalent cation (Na+) and divalent cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Mg2+) in dilute regime (c < c*) and concentrate regime (c ≈ c *). Thus, a low methoxy pectin (LMP) was studied in comparison with a polygalacturonic acid (PGA). The affinity to bind calcium ions for these polysaccharides decreases as the NaCl concentration increases. This binding affinity was higher for Ca-polyGal than for Ca-LMP due to the low rigidity of chains observed in the polyGal. The interactions between four divalent cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+, Mg2+) and the two biopolymers (polyGal and LMP) in the dilute regime were studied in order to obtain information about the network structure, the mode of association and the binding energy. Therefore, we propose a mechanism of the binding which consists of two steps: i) formation of monocomplexations and point-like cross-links ii) formation of dimers. The threshold molar ratio (R* = [M2+]/[Gal]), between these two steps depends on the number and the stability of the point-like cross-links between polyGal chains and the cation. Mg2+ interacts so strongly with water that is remains weakly bound to polyGal (polycondensation) by sharing water molecules from its first coordination shell with the carboxylate groups of polyGal. Molecular dynamic simulations of galacturonate chains in explicit water showed that the « egg-box » model is more adapted for zinc cations than for calcium and barium. When the concentration of the polyGal is close to the overlap concentration (c*), the addition of divalent cations allows to obtain gels for only three cations (Ca2+, Zn2+, Ba2+). The viscoelastic properties of these gels and the gelation kinetics were studied. In the case of gel formation, the first step (formation of monocomplexations and point-like cross-links) is accompanied by an increase in the gel thickness; while the second step (formation of dimers) leads to a densification of the gel. We found that the diffusion coefficient of the gel front increased according the following order: Ba2+ > Ca2+ > Zn2+ > Mg2+; this may be related to the affinity between the water molecules from the coordination sphere and the cation. Indeed, the affinity of the cation for water molecules increases in the reverse order: Ba2+ < Ca2+ < Zn2+ < Mg2+. Finally, we have used the three polysaccharides (PGA, LMP and ALMP - amidated low methoxyl pectin) in association with calcium ions to produce microparticles containing rutin to target drug release in the intestine. We have linked the rutin release kinetics to the network structure established in the gelation step. ALMP microparticles had higher ability to uptake water and thus higher drug release rate than two others microparticles (Ca-LMP and Ca-PGA). The Ca-ALMP gel was more flexible and had the lower viscoelastic modulus than Ca-PGA and Ca-LMP gels. We attributed this to the random distribution of ester and/or amide groups in ALMP, which hinders the formation of dimers: the hydrogen bonds between the amine groups and carboxylate groups are responsible for the flexibility of the network formed.


Venkatesh, Balakrishnan 19 June 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Microfiltration tangentielle appliquée à l'oenologie : compréhension et maîtrise des phénomènes de colmatage / Cross-flow microfiltration applied to oenology : understanding and control of fouling phenomena

El Rayess, Youssef 27 October 2011 (has links)
La clarification des vins par procédés membranaires en particulier la microfiltration tangentielle a toujours été limitée par le colmatage, générant des flux de perméation faibles incompatibles avec la rentabilité économique. La compréhension, la maîtrise, ainsi que l'anticipation des phénomènes de colmatage font l'objet de ce travail. Dans un premier temps, la contribution individuelle puis en mélange des composés du vin (tannins, pectines, mannoprotéines et levures) au colmatage d'une membrane céramique multicanaux a été évaluée. Une approche fondamentale a permis de proposer des mécanismes de colmatage : la présence des pectines induit les flux de perméation les plus faibles en formant un gel à la surface de la membrane tandis que les levures semblent au contraire avoir un effet protecteur dans le cas d'un vin brut. Parce qu'il représente le flux au-delà duquel un colmatage irréversible apparaît à la surface de la membrane, le flux critique pour l'irréversibilité est un paramètre clef pour contrôler le colmatage. Dans le cas de la filtration de vin, aucun flux critique n'a pu être déterminé ce qui a conduit à définir un critère identifiant une zone de travail où le degré de colmatage reste acceptable. La dernière partie de cette thèse est consacrée à l'étude de la filtration dynamique (RVF) pour une éventuelle application dans le secteur vinicole. Cette technique est testée en présence de deux membranes organiques différentes: PES (hydrophile) et PTFE (hydrophobe). Les observations ont permis de mettre en évidence l'efficacité du système contre le colmatage des membranes PES induite par l'action de l'agitateur. Le colmatage des membranes PTFE est énormément affecté par les interactions molécules/membrane rendant la filtration dynamique inefficace pour lutter contre le colmatage de ces membranes. / Wine clarification by membrane processes mainly cross-flow microfiltration has been limited by membrane fouling generating low permeate fluxes with economic efficiency. Understanding, controlling and anticipation of fouling are the main goals of this work. In a first time, the individual contribution of wine compounds (tannins, pectins, mannoproteins and yeasts) to a multichannel ceramic membrane fouling was evaluated. The fouling mechanisms were analyzed using a fundamental approach. The presence of pectins induce the lowest fluxes by a gel-type formation at the membrane surface while yeasts presence tends to reduce fouling in the case of crude wine (case of mixed components). Because it represents the flux beyond which irreversible fouling appears on the membrane surface, the critical flux for irreversibility is a key parameter to control fouling. No critical flux for irreversibility could be measured, hence a criterion that identifies a range of operating conditions where the degree of fouling remains acceptable was proposed. The last part of this work was devoted to the study of dynamic filtration (RVF) for further application in wine sector. This technique was tested with two different membranes: hydrophilic PES and hydrophobic PTFE. Results have allowed to demonstrate the efficiency of the system to reduce fouling in the case of PES membrane. Fouling of PTFE membrane is greatly influenced by molecules / membrane interaction making dynamic filtration ineffective in reducing of membrane fouling.

Étude de faisabilité de la valorisation en bioraffinerie de biomasses issues de phytotechnologies : cas d’une plante hyperaccumulatrice (noccaea caerulescens) et d’un ligneux (salix viminalis) / Study of the feasibility of converting biomass from phytotechnology into biorefinery : Case of a hyperaccumulator plant (Noccaea caerulescens) and a woody plant (Salix viminalis)

Menana, Zahra 21 December 2018 (has links)
La phytoremédiation est un concept pour la dépollution et de réhabilitation des sols et/ou de friches industrielles contaminés par des éléments traces métalliques (ETMs), utilisant les végétaux pour absorber ou immobiliser les contaminants en présence des organismes microbiens de la rhizosphère. Cette technique a pour conséquence une production de biomasse plus ou moins contaminée qu’il est nécessaire de traiter et également de valoriser. Cependant, la présence d’ETMs peut être problématique dans une approche de conversion en bioraffinerie. Pour répondre à cette question, deux espèces ont été étudiées : une plante herbacée hyperaccumulatrice (Noccaea caerulescens) et un ligneux (Salix viminalis). Deux prétraitements ont été sélectionnés pour cette étude : les prétraitements par explosion vapeur et organosolv, en appliquant différentes conditions opératoires, afin (1) de suivre la distribution des ETMs au cours du traitement, (2) de purifier la matière lignocellulosique et (3) d’évaluer l’effet des ETMs sur les étapes ultérieures d’hydrolyse enzymatique et de fermentation. Pour le prétraitement organosolv la majeure partie des ETMs est récupérée dans le résidu solide cellulosique alors que par explosion à la vapeur, les ETMs sont extraits en grande partie dans les effluents aqueux du traitement. La présence d’ETMs dans les pâtes cellulosiques et les hydrolysats ne montre pas d’effet significatif sur la cinétique d’hydrolyse enzymatique et de fermentation. Concernant spécifiquement Noccaea caerulescens des teneurs relativement importantes en pectines ont été observées, ce qui ouvre des perspectives intéressantes pour la valorisation de cette plante par la production d’un biopolymère d’intérêt industriel. Finalement, les résultats obtenus montrent qu’il serait possible de combiner réhabilitation des sols et valorisation en bioraffinerie de biomasses issues de phytotechnologies soit pour la production du bioéthanol ou la production de molécules plateforme / Phytoremediation is a concept for the depollution and rehabilitation of soils and/or industrial wastelands contaminated by metal trace elements (MTEs), using plants to absorb or immobilize contaminants in the presence of microbial organisms in the rhizosphere. This technique results in a more or less contaminated biomass production that must be treated and also recovered. However, the presence of MTEs can be an issue in a biorefinery conversion approach. To address this question, two species were studied: an hyperaccumulator herbaceous plant (Noccaea caerulescens) and a woody plant (Salix viminalis). Two pre-treatments were selected for this study: steam explosion and organosolv pre-treatments, applying different operating conditions, in order to (1) monitor the distribution of MTEs during the process, (2) purify lignocellulosic material and (3) evaluate the effect of MTEs on subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation steps. For organosolv pretreatment, most of the MTEs are recovered in the solid cellulosic residue while by steam explosion, MTEs are mostly extracted in the aqueous effluents of the treatment. The presence of MTEs in cellulosic pastes and hydrolysates does not show a significant effect on the kinetics of enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation. Concerning specifically Noccaea caerulescens, the plant contains relatively high levels of pectins, which opens up interesting prospects for the valorization of this plant through the production of a biopolymer of industrial interest. Finally, the results obtained show that it would be possible to combine soil rehabilitation and biorefinery valorization of biomasses from phytotechnologies for either bioethanol production or the production of platform molecules

Estudos anatômicos e fisiológicos de frutos de caquizeiro (Diospyros kaki L.) quanto ao acúmulo de taninos e aos processos de destanização / Anatomical and physiological studies of persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki L.) on the tannin accumulation and deastringency processes

Tessmer, Magda Andréia 25 April 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho visou analisar comparativamente as alterações fisiológicas e estruturais de caquis adstringentes (PVA) e não adstringentes (PCNA) desde o início do desenvolvimento até a maturação avançada. Além disso, na pós-colheita, foram realizados tratamentos de destanização e testadas diferentes condições de armazenamento para \"Giombo\". Este trabalho está sendo apresentado em seis capítulos, sendo que os últimos cinco capítulos referem-se aos experimentos realizados entre 2010 a 2013. No capítulo 2 é apresentado o desenvolvimento de caquis \"Giombo\" (PVA) e \"Fuyu\"(PCNA). Foi possível observar que a diferenciação das células taníferas e o processo de acúmulo de taninos no vacúolo não variou entre as cultivares, porém houve diferença significativa em relação à densidade de células taníferas e aos teores de taninos solúveis. O capítulo 3 apresenta o estudo comparativo de sete estádios de maturação de caquis \"Giombo\" e \"Rojo Brillante\"(PVA) e \"Fuyu\" e \"Hana Fuyu\" (PCNA). A redução da firmeza do mesocarpo de caquis de ambos os grupos está relacionada ao avanço da maturação e não à perda natural da adstringência. A capacidade antioxidante e o teor de sólidos solúveis em caquis dos dois grupos indicam que pode haver relação com a perda natural da adstringência, pois houve decréscimo somente nas cultivares PVA durante a maturação. Os taninos delimitados às células taníferas no teste com vanilina clorídrica, e o conteúdo do vacúolo com aspecto alveolar observado ao Cryo-SEM podem estar relacionados à polimerização dos taninos durante o amadurecimento dos frutos. No experimento descrito no capítulo 4, caquis \"Giombo\" de fim e início de safra foram submetidos a diferentes tempos de exposição ao etanol (1,70 mL Kg-1). No fim da safra os frutos obtiveram índice de adstringência e teores de taninos solúveis adequados para consumo em 24 horas e, no início da safra, em 36 horas. O capítulo 5 discute a influência das pectinas na remoção da adstringência de caquis \"Giombo\" sob o armazenamento refrigerado a 5?C. Os resultados indicaram que não houve interação das pectinas com os taninos solúveis na remoção da adstringência, pois mesmo com a redução da firmeza de polpa e aumento da solubilização das pectinas, o índice de adstringência e o teor de taninos solúveis permaneceram elevados nos frutos não destanizados. No capítulo 6 é apresentada a influência das temperaturas (1, 5 e 10?C) de armazenamento na qualidade de caquis \"Giombo\" destanizados tratados ou não com 1-MCP. A qualidade foi melhor preservada quando os frutos foram destanizados e tratados com 1-MCP e armazenados a 1ºC por até 35 dias. Os frutos que foram apenas destanizados tiveram a estrutura celular do mesocarpo e a firmeza mais alteradas em todas as temperaturas analisadas. Provavelmente, a temperatura de 5ºC torna os frutos mais susceptíveis a danos por frio com redução drástica da firmeza e alterações estruturais. / This study purpose was the comparison between the physiological and structural changes of astringent persimmons (PVA) and non-astringent (PCNA) from the start of development to advanced maturation. Furthermore, postharvest treatments of deastringency were made and tested for different storage conditions at \"Giombo\". This work is presented in six Chapters, and the last five chapters refer to experiments conducted between 2010 and 2013. Chapter 2 describes the development of persimmons \"Giombo\" (PVA) and \"Fuyu\" (PCNA). It was observed that the differentiation of tannin cells and the accumulation process of tannin in vacuole did not vary among cultivars, but there was a significant difference in the density of tannin cells and soluble tannins. Chapter 3 presents the comparative study of seven stages of ripening persimmons \"Giombo\" and \"Rojo Brillante\" (PVA), and \"Fuyu\" and \"Hana Fuyu\" (PCNA). Reduction of mesocarp firmness of both groups of persimmons is related to maturation advance and not due to natural loss of astringency. Antioxidant capacity and total soluble solids of persimmons from both groups indicate a possible relation with the natural loss of astringency, once only PVA cultivars showed astringency decrease during ripening. The tannins delimited in tannin cells for the test with vanillin hydrochloric, and the contents of the vacuole with alveolus aspect observed by Cryo-SEM may be related to tannin polymerization during fruit ripening. In the experiment described in Chapter 4, persimmons \"Giombo\" from late and early harvest were submitted to different periods of exposure to ethanol (1.70 mL kg-1). Fruits obtained at late harvest presented index astringency and soluble tannin content suitable for consumption within 24 hours, while early harvest in 36 hours. Chapter 5 regards to the influence of pectins in astringency removal of persimmons \"Giombo\" under cold storage at 5?C. Results indicated no interaction of pectins with soluble tannins astringency removal, because even with the reduction of flesh firmness and increased solubilization of pectins, the index of astringency and soluble tannins remained high in fruits not deastringenced. The influence of temperature (1, 5 and 10?C) storage on the quality of persimmons \"Giombo\" treated or not with 1-MCP is presented in Chapter 6. Better quality was observed when the fruits were deastringenced, treated with 1-MCP and stored at 1°C for up to 35 days. Fruits that had been only deastringenced had bigger changes on their mesocarp cellular structure and firmness at all temperatures experimented. The temperature of 5°C may be responsible for making fruitsmore susceptible to chilling injury with structural changes and a drastic reduction of the firmness.

Polpa cítrica na ração de cordeiros confinados: desempenho, digestibilidade das rações, características da carcaça e qualidade da carne / Dried citrus pulp in diets for feedlot lambs: performance, diets digestibility, carcass characteristics and meat quality

Rodrigues, Gustavo Henrique 02 February 2006 (has links)
A polpa cítrica desidratada (PC) é um subproduto altamente energético e com potencial para substituir o milho em rações de cordeiros desmamados precocemente. Três experimentos foram realizados para avaliar os efeitos da substituição do milho por PC no desempenho, na digestibilidade das rações, nas carcacterísticas da carcaça e na qualidade da carne. Os cordeiros foram alimentados com uma ração contendo 90% de concentrado (milho moído e/ou PC, farelo de soja e minerais) e 10% de feno de "coastcross" (Cynodon spp). A PC foi adicionada em 23,7; 46,1 e 68,4% da MS substituindo o milho em 33, 67 e 100%, respectivamente. Os delineamentos usados foram blocos completos casualizados de acordo com peso vivo e idade. No Experimento 1, 64 cordeiros Santa Inês, com peso vivo inicial de 18 (±0,6) kg e 73 (±1) dias de idade foram utilizados para avaliar o ganho de peso médio diário (GMD), o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) e a conversão alimentar (CA). No experimento 2, 12 cordeiros foram mantidos em gaiolas para metabolismo para determinar a digestibilidade aparente das rações no trato digestório e o metabolismo de nitrogênio. No Experimento 3, 32 cordeiros do Experimento 1 com peso de abate de 33 (±0,42) kg foram utilizados para avaliar as características da carcaça (rendimento de carcaça quente e fria, quebra por resfriamento, espessura de gordura, área de olho de lombo, os rendimentos de cortes e a proporção de músculo, gordura e osso) e a qualidade da carne (capacidade de retenção de água, cor, perda de peso por cozimento, e pH). No Experimento 1, houve efeito quadrático para o GMD, CMS e CA (P<0,03). No Experimento 2, houve efeito linear (P<0,05) decrescente na digestibilidade da MS (P<0,03) e PB (P<0,10). Por outro lado, a digestibilidade da FDN aumentou linearmente com a adição da PC. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos na digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica e no balanço de nitrogênio. No Experimento 3, não foi observada diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos, exceto para a proporção de músculo e gordura que apresentaram efeito quadrático com a inclusão de PC na ração. A inclusão de PC até 23,7% da MS na ração não altera o desempenho e a qualidade da carne de cordeiros desmamados precocemente e confinados. / Dried citrus pulp (DCP) is a high energy by-product and may be used to replace corn in early weaned lamb diets. Three trials were performed to evaluate the effects of replacing corn by dried citrus pulp on lamb performance, diet digestibility, carcass characteristics and meat quality. In all trials, lambs were fed a 90% concentrate (ground corn and/or DCP, soybean meal and minerals) and 10% coastcross hay (Cynodon spp) diet. DCP was added at 23.7, 46.1 and 68% (diet DM) replacing corn by 33, 67 and 100%, respectively. The experimental designs used were complete randomized block according to body weight and age at beginning of the trial. In Trial 1, 64 Santa Ines ram lambs (initial BW 18 ± 0.6 kg and 73 ± 1 d old) were used to evaluate average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI) and feed conversion (FC). In Trial 2, 12 ram lambs were placed in metabolism crates to evaluate N metabolism and apparent digestibility of diets. In Trial 3, 32 ram lambs of Trial 1 (slaughter BW 33 ± 0.42 kg) were used to evaluate carcass characteristics (hot and chilled carcass yield, chilling losses, fat thickness, longissimus muscle area, lamb cuts and proportion of lean, fat and bone) and meat quality (cooking loss, colour, pH and water hold capacity). In Trial 1, ADG, DMI and FC showed a quadratic effect (P<0.03). In Trial 2, apparent digestibility of DM (P<0.03) and CP (P<0.10) showed a linear decrease. However, NDF digestibility increased linearly (P<0.04) with the addition of DCP. OM digestibility and N metabolism were similar among treatments. There were no treatment effects (P>0.05) in Experiment 3, except for proportion of lean and fat that showed a quadratic response. DCP can be included in high concentrate diets for feedlot lambs up to 23.7% of the diet dry matter, without affecting performance and meat quality.

Efeito da radiação gama sobre a viscosidade de soluções de gelatina e pectina utilizadas na indústria de alimentos / Effect of gamma irradiation in the viscosity of gelatin and pectin solutions used in food industry

Patrícia Yoko Inamura 22 February 2008 (has links)
A pectina é uma substância polissacarídica originada de plantas, que pode ser utilizada como agente gelificante, estabilizante de compotas, em bebidas láticas e iogurtes. A gelatina, proteína, nesse caso de origem bovina, é principalmente utilizada como agente gelificante, pois, forma hidrogéis por resfriamento. O processo de irradiação por radiação gama pode causar uma variedade de modificações nas macromoléculas algumas de aplicação industrial, como é o caso de reticulação. A resposta dinâmica de materiais viscoelásticos pode ser usada para dar informação sobre o aspecto estrutural de um sistema a nível molecular. No presente trabalho, pectina com diferentes graus de metoxilação, gelatina e a mistura de ambas foram empregados para estudar a sensibilidade à radiação por meio de medidas de viscosidade. Amostras de soluções de pectina de alto teor de metoxilação (ATM) 1%, pectina de baixo teor (BTM) 1%, gelatina 0,5%,1% e 2%, e a mistura de ambas a 1% e 2% foram irradiadas com raios gama em doses de até 15kGy e taxa de dose em torno de 2kGy/h. Após irradiação, a viscosidade foi medida dentro de um período de 48 h. A viscosidade da pectina ATM e BTM diminuiu drasticamente com o aumento da dose de radiação. A gelatina, entretanto, apresentou grande resistência à radiação. Na mistura de ambas, houve predomínio do comportamento esperado para a pectina. / Pectin is a polysaccharide substance of plant origin that may be used as gelling agent, stabilizer in jams, in yogurt drinks and lactic acid beverages. Gelatin, a protein from bovine origin, in this case, is mainly used as gelling agent due to hydrogel formation during cooling. The 60 Co-irradiation process may cause various modifications in macromolecules, some with industrial application, as reticulation. The dynamic response of viscoelastic materials can be used in order to give information about the structural aspect of a system at molecular level. In the present work samples of pectin with different degree of methoxylation, gelatin and the mixture of both were employed to study the radiation sensitivity by means of viscosity measurements. Solutions prepared with citric pectin with high methoxylation content (ATM) 1 por cent, pectin with low content (BTM) 1 por cent, gelatin 0.5 por cent, 1 por cent and 2 por cent, and the mixture 1 por cent and 2 por cent were irradiated with gamma rays at different doses, up to 15 kGy with dose rate about 2 kGy/h. After irradiation the viscosity was measured within a period of 48 h. The viscosity of ATM and BTM pectin solutions decreased sharply with the radiation dose. However, the gelatin sample presented a great radiation resistance. When pectin and gelatin solutions were mixed a predominance of pectin behavior was found.

Efeito da radiação gama sobre a viscosidade de soluções de gelatina e pectina utilizadas na indústria de alimentos / Effect of gamma irradiation in the viscosity of gelatin and pectin solutions used in food industry

Inamura, Patrícia Yoko 22 February 2008 (has links)
A pectina é uma substância polissacarídica originada de plantas, que pode ser utilizada como agente gelificante, estabilizante de compotas, em bebidas láticas e iogurtes. A gelatina, proteína, nesse caso de origem bovina, é principalmente utilizada como agente gelificante, pois, forma hidrogéis por resfriamento. O processo de irradiação por radiação gama pode causar uma variedade de modificações nas macromoléculas algumas de aplicação industrial, como é o caso de reticulação. A resposta dinâmica de materiais viscoelásticos pode ser usada para dar informação sobre o aspecto estrutural de um sistema a nível molecular. No presente trabalho, pectina com diferentes graus de metoxilação, gelatina e a mistura de ambas foram empregados para estudar a sensibilidade à radiação por meio de medidas de viscosidade. Amostras de soluções de pectina de alto teor de metoxilação (ATM) 1%, pectina de baixo teor (BTM) 1%, gelatina 0,5%,1% e 2%, e a mistura de ambas a 1% e 2% foram irradiadas com raios gama em doses de até 15kGy e taxa de dose em torno de 2kGy/h. Após irradiação, a viscosidade foi medida dentro de um período de 48 h. A viscosidade da pectina ATM e BTM diminuiu drasticamente com o aumento da dose de radiação. A gelatina, entretanto, apresentou grande resistência à radiação. Na mistura de ambas, houve predomínio do comportamento esperado para a pectina. / Pectin is a polysaccharide substance of plant origin that may be used as gelling agent, stabilizer in jams, in yogurt drinks and lactic acid beverages. Gelatin, a protein from bovine origin, in this case, is mainly used as gelling agent due to hydrogel formation during cooling. The 60 Co-irradiation process may cause various modifications in macromolecules, some with industrial application, as reticulation. The dynamic response of viscoelastic materials can be used in order to give information about the structural aspect of a system at molecular level. In the present work samples of pectin with different degree of methoxylation, gelatin and the mixture of both were employed to study the radiation sensitivity by means of viscosity measurements. Solutions prepared with citric pectin with high methoxylation content (ATM) 1 por cent, pectin with low content (BTM) 1 por cent, gelatin 0.5 por cent, 1 por cent and 2 por cent, and the mixture 1 por cent and 2 por cent were irradiated with gamma rays at different doses, up to 15 kGy with dose rate about 2 kGy/h. After irradiation the viscosity was measured within a period of 48 h. The viscosity of ATM and BTM pectin solutions decreased sharply with the radiation dose. However, the gelatin sample presented a great radiation resistance. When pectin and gelatin solutions were mixed a predominance of pectin behavior was found.

Polpa cítrica na ração de cordeiros confinados: desempenho, digestibilidade das rações, características da carcaça e qualidade da carne / Dried citrus pulp in diets for feedlot lambs: performance, diets digestibility, carcass characteristics and meat quality

Gustavo Henrique Rodrigues 02 February 2006 (has links)
A polpa cítrica desidratada (PC) é um subproduto altamente energético e com potencial para substituir o milho em rações de cordeiros desmamados precocemente. Três experimentos foram realizados para avaliar os efeitos da substituição do milho por PC no desempenho, na digestibilidade das rações, nas carcacterísticas da carcaça e na qualidade da carne. Os cordeiros foram alimentados com uma ração contendo 90% de concentrado (milho moído e/ou PC, farelo de soja e minerais) e 10% de feno de “coastcross” (Cynodon spp). A PC foi adicionada em 23,7; 46,1 e 68,4% da MS substituindo o milho em 33, 67 e 100%, respectivamente. Os delineamentos usados foram blocos completos casualizados de acordo com peso vivo e idade. No Experimento 1, 64 cordeiros Santa Inês, com peso vivo inicial de 18 (±0,6) kg e 73 (±1) dias de idade foram utilizados para avaliar o ganho de peso médio diário (GMD), o consumo de matéria seca (CMS) e a conversão alimentar (CA). No experimento 2, 12 cordeiros foram mantidos em gaiolas para metabolismo para determinar a digestibilidade aparente das rações no trato digestório e o metabolismo de nitrogênio. No Experimento 3, 32 cordeiros do Experimento 1 com peso de abate de 33 (±0,42) kg foram utilizados para avaliar as características da carcaça (rendimento de carcaça quente e fria, quebra por resfriamento, espessura de gordura, área de olho de lombo, os rendimentos de cortes e a proporção de músculo, gordura e osso) e a qualidade da carne (capacidade de retenção de água, cor, perda de peso por cozimento, e pH). No Experimento 1, houve efeito quadrático para o GMD, CMS e CA (P<0,03). No Experimento 2, houve efeito linear (P<0,05) decrescente na digestibilidade da MS (P<0,03) e PB (P<0,10). Por outro lado, a digestibilidade da FDN aumentou linearmente com a adição da PC. Não houve diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos na digestibilidade aparente da matéria orgânica e no balanço de nitrogênio. No Experimento 3, não foi observada diferença (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos, exceto para a proporção de músculo e gordura que apresentaram efeito quadrático com a inclusão de PC na ração. A inclusão de PC até 23,7% da MS na ração não altera o desempenho e a qualidade da carne de cordeiros desmamados precocemente e confinados. / Dried citrus pulp (DCP) is a high energy by-product and may be used to replace corn in early weaned lamb diets. Three trials were performed to evaluate the effects of replacing corn by dried citrus pulp on lamb performance, diet digestibility, carcass characteristics and meat quality. In all trials, lambs were fed a 90% concentrate (ground corn and/or DCP, soybean meal and minerals) and 10% coastcross hay (Cynodon spp) diet. DCP was added at 23.7, 46.1 and 68% (diet DM) replacing corn by 33, 67 and 100%, respectively. The experimental designs used were complete randomized block according to body weight and age at beginning of the trial. In Trial 1, 64 Santa Ines ram lambs (initial BW 18 ± 0.6 kg and 73 ± 1 d old) were used to evaluate average daily gain (ADG), dry matter intake (DMI) and feed conversion (FC). In Trial 2, 12 ram lambs were placed in metabolism crates to evaluate N metabolism and apparent digestibility of diets. In Trial 3, 32 ram lambs of Trial 1 (slaughter BW 33 ± 0.42 kg) were used to evaluate carcass characteristics (hot and chilled carcass yield, chilling losses, fat thickness, longissimus muscle area, lamb cuts and proportion of lean, fat and bone) and meat quality (cooking loss, colour, pH and water hold capacity). In Trial 1, ADG, DMI and FC showed a quadratic effect (P<0.03). In Trial 2, apparent digestibility of DM (P<0.03) and CP (P<0.10) showed a linear decrease. However, NDF digestibility increased linearly (P<0.04) with the addition of DCP. OM digestibility and N metabolism were similar among treatments. There were no treatment effects (P>0.05) in Experiment 3, except for proportion of lean and fat that showed a quadratic response. DCP can be included in high concentrate diets for feedlot lambs up to 23.7% of the diet dry matter, without affecting performance and meat quality.

Estudos anatômicos e fisiológicos de frutos de caquizeiro (Diospyros kaki L.) quanto ao acúmulo de taninos e aos processos de destanização / Anatomical and physiological studies of persimmon fruits (Diospyros kaki L.) on the tannin accumulation and deastringency processes

Magda Andréia Tessmer 25 April 2014 (has links)
O presente trabalho visou analisar comparativamente as alterações fisiológicas e estruturais de caquis adstringentes (PVA) e não adstringentes (PCNA) desde o início do desenvolvimento até a maturação avançada. Além disso, na pós-colheita, foram realizados tratamentos de destanização e testadas diferentes condições de armazenamento para \"Giombo\". Este trabalho está sendo apresentado em seis capítulos, sendo que os últimos cinco capítulos referem-se aos experimentos realizados entre 2010 a 2013. No capítulo 2 é apresentado o desenvolvimento de caquis \"Giombo\" (PVA) e \"Fuyu\"(PCNA). Foi possível observar que a diferenciação das células taníferas e o processo de acúmulo de taninos no vacúolo não variou entre as cultivares, porém houve diferença significativa em relação à densidade de células taníferas e aos teores de taninos solúveis. O capítulo 3 apresenta o estudo comparativo de sete estádios de maturação de caquis \"Giombo\" e \"Rojo Brillante\"(PVA) e \"Fuyu\" e \"Hana Fuyu\" (PCNA). A redução da firmeza do mesocarpo de caquis de ambos os grupos está relacionada ao avanço da maturação e não à perda natural da adstringência. A capacidade antioxidante e o teor de sólidos solúveis em caquis dos dois grupos indicam que pode haver relação com a perda natural da adstringência, pois houve decréscimo somente nas cultivares PVA durante a maturação. Os taninos delimitados às células taníferas no teste com vanilina clorídrica, e o conteúdo do vacúolo com aspecto alveolar observado ao Cryo-SEM podem estar relacionados à polimerização dos taninos durante o amadurecimento dos frutos. No experimento descrito no capítulo 4, caquis \"Giombo\" de fim e início de safra foram submetidos a diferentes tempos de exposição ao etanol (1,70 mL Kg-1). No fim da safra os frutos obtiveram índice de adstringência e teores de taninos solúveis adequados para consumo em 24 horas e, no início da safra, em 36 horas. O capítulo 5 discute a influência das pectinas na remoção da adstringência de caquis \"Giombo\" sob o armazenamento refrigerado a 5?C. Os resultados indicaram que não houve interação das pectinas com os taninos solúveis na remoção da adstringência, pois mesmo com a redução da firmeza de polpa e aumento da solubilização das pectinas, o índice de adstringência e o teor de taninos solúveis permaneceram elevados nos frutos não destanizados. No capítulo 6 é apresentada a influência das temperaturas (1, 5 e 10?C) de armazenamento na qualidade de caquis \"Giombo\" destanizados tratados ou não com 1-MCP. A qualidade foi melhor preservada quando os frutos foram destanizados e tratados com 1-MCP e armazenados a 1ºC por até 35 dias. Os frutos que foram apenas destanizados tiveram a estrutura celular do mesocarpo e a firmeza mais alteradas em todas as temperaturas analisadas. Provavelmente, a temperatura de 5ºC torna os frutos mais susceptíveis a danos por frio com redução drástica da firmeza e alterações estruturais. / This study purpose was the comparison between the physiological and structural changes of astringent persimmons (PVA) and non-astringent (PCNA) from the start of development to advanced maturation. Furthermore, postharvest treatments of deastringency were made and tested for different storage conditions at \"Giombo\". This work is presented in six Chapters, and the last five chapters refer to experiments conducted between 2010 and 2013. Chapter 2 describes the development of persimmons \"Giombo\" (PVA) and \"Fuyu\" (PCNA). It was observed that the differentiation of tannin cells and the accumulation process of tannin in vacuole did not vary among cultivars, but there was a significant difference in the density of tannin cells and soluble tannins. Chapter 3 presents the comparative study of seven stages of ripening persimmons \"Giombo\" and \"Rojo Brillante\" (PVA), and \"Fuyu\" and \"Hana Fuyu\" (PCNA). Reduction of mesocarp firmness of both groups of persimmons is related to maturation advance and not due to natural loss of astringency. Antioxidant capacity and total soluble solids of persimmons from both groups indicate a possible relation with the natural loss of astringency, once only PVA cultivars showed astringency decrease during ripening. The tannins delimited in tannin cells for the test with vanillin hydrochloric, and the contents of the vacuole with alveolus aspect observed by Cryo-SEM may be related to tannin polymerization during fruit ripening. In the experiment described in Chapter 4, persimmons \"Giombo\" from late and early harvest were submitted to different periods of exposure to ethanol (1.70 mL kg-1). Fruits obtained at late harvest presented index astringency and soluble tannin content suitable for consumption within 24 hours, while early harvest in 36 hours. Chapter 5 regards to the influence of pectins in astringency removal of persimmons \"Giombo\" under cold storage at 5?C. Results indicated no interaction of pectins with soluble tannins astringency removal, because even with the reduction of flesh firmness and increased solubilization of pectins, the index of astringency and soluble tannins remained high in fruits not deastringenced. The influence of temperature (1, 5 and 10?C) storage on the quality of persimmons \"Giombo\" treated or not with 1-MCP is presented in Chapter 6. Better quality was observed when the fruits were deastringenced, treated with 1-MCP and stored at 1°C for up to 35 days. Fruits that had been only deastringenced had bigger changes on their mesocarp cellular structure and firmness at all temperatures experimented. The temperature of 5°C may be responsible for making fruitsmore susceptible to chilling injury with structural changes and a drastic reduction of the firmness.

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