Spelling suggestions: "subject:"pecuniary"" "subject:"percuniary""
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Draudimo išmoka dėl neturtinės žalos: teorinės ir praktinės problemos / Legal regulations of non-pecuniary damage: theory and practiceKontrimas, Albertas 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėsime teorines ir praktines problemas, kurios atsiranda, kai neturtinė žala padaroma draudiminio įvykio metu ir turėtų būti pilnai ar iš dalies atlyginama draudimo įmonės. Ši tema aktuali tuo, kad plečiantis draudimo įmonių veiklai, atsirandant vis daugiau privalomojo draudimo rūšių, dėl to, iš kitos pusės visuomenei intensyviai vykdant ekonominę veiklą, atsitinka vis daugiau draudiminių įvykių, kuriuose nuostuolius padengti turi draudimo įmonės, savaime suprantama, kad tai kelia nemažai problemų, nes visos draudimo sritys yra pakankamai naujos ir yra nedaug praktikos susijusios su tokių išmokų priteisimu, be to, pats neturtinės žalos įvertinimas ir jos priteisimas Lietuvos teismų sistemoje nėra nusistovėjęs ir sistemiškai aiškiai suformuluotas. Atsiranda daug neturtinės žalos įvertinimo sunkumų, nes tokia žala sunkiai pamatuojama, nes neturtinė žala, tai tokie praradimai, kurie negali būti įvertinti pinigais, galime kalbėti tik apie galimą kompensaciją. Be to, dauguma draudimo įmonių linkę vertinti savo draudimo paslaugas kaip turto draudimą ir neturtinę žalą atlygina labai nenoriai, neatlygina visai arba atlygina nepakankamai, skiriasi civilinio draudimo sąlygos įvairiose veiklos srityse. Taigi, iš vienos pusės plečiant Lietuvoje neturtinės žalos atlyginimo atvejų sąrašą ir didinant priteistinos neturtinės žalos dydžius, savaime suprantama, kad visuomenėje iškyla poreikis apsidrausti nuo galimų nuostuolių, taip pat ir nuo nuostolių atlyginimo padarius žalą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Long ago people recognized non-pecuniary damage, as wel as pecuniary losses, which are stemming from physical injuries, death or emotional trauma. All these kinds of damages are hard to estimate and determine though. Despite the fact that some lawyers argue for abolition of compansation for non-pecuniary damage, this sort of damage still seem to be significant dealing with defence of a plaintiff under this rubric in defferent European countries. By the means of legal practice of non-pecuniary nature the person could claim damages for physical and emotional suffering, nervousness, grief, anxiety and ambarrasment. However, non-pecuniary damage should not be identified with pecuniary losses. At this point, the apprehension of non-pecuniary damage is supposed to be linked to the compensation instead of fine. In order to clarify this statement, the most important is that the compensation of non-pecuniary damage, first of all, serves as damage rewarding or as a kind of civil remedy and protection. Although, some voises said that pain and suffering awardas are hard to estimate due to the fact that the damage valuation of these kinds of losses sometimes we just can not figure out properly. Nowadays, under legal regulation, courts determine and estimate the value on non-pecuniary damage bearing in mind all significant circumstanses. Consequently, courts could change the value on non-pecuniary damage in two ways: lower or higher the compensation for these losses. Moreover, courts... [to full text]
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Essays in spatial economicsMion, Giordano 20 December 2004 (has links)
The New Economic Geography literature has experienced an impressive success in economic theory. At the same time, the empirical evidence about the forces and mechanisms emphasized by this literature is growing. Nevertheless, there is still much to be gained from empirical analysis. The main objective of this work is thus to help mind this gap by providing further evidence on the relevance of agglomeration forces for the distribution of economic activities. We address this task from an eclectic perspective using both descriptive and structural approaches. We also pay particular attention to plants' heterogeneity and its interaction with spatial externalities. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that pecuniary externalities stemming from final consumption and input-output linkages play an important role in location choice. Furthermore, while big plants are more sensitive to very localized externalities, small units display a stronger spatial correlation pattern and can be found more easily close to big consumers' markets.
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Essays in spatial economicsMion, Giordano 20 December 2004 (has links)
The New Economic Geography literature has experienced an impressive success in economic theory. At the same time, the empirical evidence about the forces and mechanisms emphasized by this literature is growing. Nevertheless, there is still much to be gained from empirical analysis. The main objective of this work is thus to help mind this gap by providing further evidence on the relevance of agglomeration forces for the distribution of economic activities. We address this task from an eclectic perspective using both descriptive and structural approaches. We also pay particular attention to plants' heterogeneity and its interaction with spatial externalities. Our results are consistent with the hypothesis that pecuniary externalities stemming from final consumption and input-output linkages play an important role in location choice. Furthermore, while big plants are more sensitive to very localized externalities, small units display a stronger spatial correlation pattern and can be found more easily close to big consumers' markets.
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Neturtinė žala kaip viena civilinės teisės pažeidimu padarytų žalos rūšių / Non - Pecuniary Damage as a Type of Damage Made by a TortPareigytė, Lina 05 May 2006 (has links)
The subject matter of this work is a non-pecuniary damage which is a specific type of damage. The author scrutinises the features of the non-pecuniary damage, which also have impact on the peculiarities of the compensation for this type of damage. The specific nature of a non-pecuniary damage may also be revealed through the aims of this damage, which, in the author’s point of view, are compensation and prevention. The author both analyses the concept of non-pecuniary damage and fundamental principles and aspects of its compensation. The author doubts about the constitutional background of a so-called exclusive regulation of non-pecuniary damage’s compensation, and states that the compensatory amount of a non-pecuniary damage shall not be restricted by either minimum or maximum limits.
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Lietuvos ir Latvijos teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių darbuotojų materialinę atsakomybę, lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of lithuania's and latvia's law instruments which regulate employee's pecuniary liabilityŽilinskas, Rolandas 23 June 2014 (has links)
LIETUVOS IR LATVIJOS TEISĖS AKTŲ, REGLAMENTUOJANČIŲ DARBUOTOJŲ MATERIALINĘ ATSAKOMYBĘ, LYGINAMOJI ANALIZĖ Šiame magistro darbe išsamiai atliekama Lietuvos ir Latvijos teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių darbuotojų materialinę atsakomybę, lyginamoji analizė. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad Lietuva ir Latvija yra artimos savo teisine sistema, aiškinantis kuo skiriasi ir kuo panašios minėtų valstybių įstatymų leidėjų pozicijos darbuotojų ir darbdavių žalos atlyginimo klausimais, šių dviejų valstybių teisės aktų analizė gali padėti atrasti geresnį tam tikro klausimo reglamentavimą. Darbuotojų materialinės atsakomybės instituto paskirtis yra kompensuoti darbdaviui atsiradusią žalą dėl darbuotojo neteisėtų veiksmų ar pareigų neatlikimo, suderinant skirtingus šios atsakomybės subjektų – darbuotojo ir darbdavio – interesus. Lyginamuoju metodu tiriamas minėto instituto reglamentavimas Lietuvos ir Latvijos Respublikose, jo atsiradimo prielaidos, ypatumai, taikymo sąlygos, analizuojamos darbuotojų materialinės atsakomybės rūšys bei subjektų požymiai. Šiame darbe siekiama nustatyti darbuotojų materialinės atsakomybės reglamentavimo ir taikymo netikslumus ir problemas, nurodyti įstatymų leidėjo galimas klaidas bei pasiūlyti būdus, kaip pašalinti spragas ir patobulinti teisės aktus. / COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF LITHUANIA’S AND LATVIA’S LAW INSTRUMENTS WHICH REGULATE EMPLOYEE’S PECUNIARY LIABILITY The topic of this article is to make circumstantial and comparative analysis of Lithuania’s and Latvia’s law instruments which regulate employee’s pecuniary liability. It’s important that Lithuania’s and Latvia’s juridical system is close to each other. Taking this fact into account, it is easier to find similarities and differences in the legislation, which regulate pecuniary liability between employee and employer. The analysis of law instruments may help to find a better regulation in confusing situations. The purpose of employees’ pecuniary liability institute is to compensate damage to an employer, which was caused due to unlawful actions or breach of duty by an employee. According to this it is important to coordinate interests of employee and employer. The regulation of this institute was researched using a comparative method. It is also researched the origin of this institute, it’s singularity, the circumstances of it’s usage; the types of employee’s pecuniary liability and subject’s features are examined. It was aspired to identify problems in legislation and practical application of employee’s pecuniary liability issues, as well as to present proposals regarding corrections of legal deficiencies and improvement of legislation to the legislator in the present graduation work.
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Aktuální otázky ukládání a výkonu peněžitého trestu / Current issues on imposing a pecuniary punishment and its performanceHlavatá, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of a pecuniary punishment with a focus on the latest amendment in this area made by the Act No. 333/2020 Coll. The aim of this diploma thesis is to provide an analysis of the current legislation of pecuniary punishment, including an analysis of the causes of the low number of pecuniary punishments imposed. For the evaluation of the legislation the author used academic literature, case law and statistical data, while these sources showed that there is still room for improvement of the effective legal regulation. To understand the broader context, the reader will find in the first part general introduction to the issue of a pecuniary punishment. In this part the diploma thesis also deals with the advantages and disadvantages of a pecuniary punishment and analyses practice. The following second part focuses on regulation of pecuniary punishment in the substantial law. It describes the legal requirements for the imposition of a pecuniary punishment, deals with the drawbacks of the daily-fine system and also defines the range of crimes punishable by a pecuniary punishment. The third part deals with the procedural regulation of a pecuniary punishment. In particular, it focuses on the role of the public prosecutor in imposing a pecuniary punishment, draws attention...
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Nemajetková újma a její náhrada v soudní praxi / Non-pecuniary harm and its compensation in judicial practiceKepková, Pavlína January 2020 (has links)
Non-pecuniary harm and its compensation in judicial practice Abstract This thesis deals with the traditional private law issue of non-pecuniary harm and its compensation in the area of private law. The author of the thesis focuses mainly on current issues related to non-pecuniary harm with emphasis on the development of court decisions not only in the Czech legal system. Attention is also paid to the historical genesis of both, the legislation and judicial decisions. First of all, the basic concepts are analyzed, inclusive of terminological inconsistencies clearly expressed in the comparison table. Subsequently, attention in great detail is paid to the individual legal provisions dealing with the issue of non- pecuniary harm and its compensation in the current Civil Code. This thesis is divided into nine chapters. The first chapter explains the key term of non- pecuniary harm and other terms like compensation and judicial practice. The second chapter briefly introduces the protection of personality rights and means of reasonable satisfaction. The third chapter deals with the compensation for bodily harm in the Civil Code including a legally non-binding document called Methodology of the Supreme Court to compensate non-pecuniary harm to health. This non-binding document was created with the aim to help...
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Přiměřenost trestání s ohledem na majetkové poměry pachatele / The proportionality of punishment with regard to the wealth of the offenderDrápal, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
The proportionality of punishment with regard to the wealth of an offender Master's Thesis Jakub Drápal Summary This thesis's main question is whether or not pecuniary punishments should be proportionate to the wealth of an offender. In the beginning the philosophical aspects and opinions of Law and Economics are examined. Jurisprudence of Czech Constitutional Court is discussed as administrative and penal law with their respective jurisdictions, Supreme Court, Supreme Administrative Court and Constitutional Court. Private and supranational law is also considered. The practical part of the thesis is composed of an analysis of the way how are pecuniary punishments in the form of day fines set at two Czech courts. The outcome is that the concept of day fines is not applied in the Czech Republic and is not accepted by the judges. Even though richer offenders get higher sentences than the poorer ones, in proportion to the punishment the richer receive much lesser sentence. To sum-up the findings, it is not possible today to give a unequivocal answer to the key question, whether pecuniary punishment should be proportionate to the wealth of an offender. It is possible in several areas of law, as it is possible to often choose, whether or not it is effective. General and abstract question however has to be left...
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Ar įmanoma prisiteisti neturtinę žalą Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamajame procese? / Whether it is possible to win a suit for non-pecuniary damages in Lithuanian criminal process?Kuktienė, Asta 07 August 2008 (has links)
Pagrindiniu nuostolių atlyginimo tikslu pripažįstamas siekis grąžinti asmenį į tą padėtį, kurioje jis būtų buvęs, jei žala nebūtų buvusi padaryta. Valstybė yra konstituciškai įpareigota teisinėmis, materialinėmis, organizacinėmis priemonėmis užtikrinti žmogaus teisių ir laisvių gynimą nuo neteisėto kėsinimosi ar ribojimo, nustatyti pakankamas žmogaus teisių ir laisvių apsaugos ir gynimo priemones. Teismas, nustatydamas neturtinės žalos dydį, privalo atsižvelgti į jos pasekmes, šią žalą padariusio asmens kaltę, jo turtinę padėtį, padarytos turtinės žalos dydį bei kitas turinčias reikšmės bylai aplinkybes, taip pat į sąžiningumo, teisingumo ir protingumo kriterijus. Be to, teismai, nustatin��dami neturtinės žalos dydį, privalo vadovautis ne tik išvardytais kriterijais, bet atsižvelgti ir į specifinius dėl nusikalstamos veikos atsiradusius turtinius ir neturtinius padarinius, galimus pasikeitimus įvairiose nukentėjusiojo asmens gyvenimo srityse ir kitas aplinkybes, turinčias tiesioginę įtaką fizinių ir dvasinių išgyvenimų mastui ir stiprumui. / Non-pecuniary damages are compensated in all ways when the harm is done by criminal offense for person’s health or for killing somebody. The legislator does not give the finite list of ways when non-pecuniary damages could be awarded. The right of decision is given to the court and it has to evaluate the circumstances in each particular case. Moreover, the court, while assessing the size of non-pecuniary damages, has to consider the after-effect of the harm done, the fault of the person who did this harm and his interest and other circumstances that are important to the case. On the other hand, if non-pecuniary damages are not rewarded for the person voluntarily, he (she) has a right to give a civil claim in criminal case. Honesty, justice and reasonableness are the most important criterions in evaluation for non-pecuniary damages.
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Kritické srovnání režimů náhrady nemajetkové újmy a vzniklé dvojkolejnosti / Critical comparison ofcompensation schemes for non-pecuniary harmand incurred duplicationTázler, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
1 Critical comparison of compensation schemes for non-pecuniary harm and incurred duplication Abstract The Diploma thesis deals with critical comparison of compensation schemes for non-pecuniary harm and incurred duplication. The aim is to describe how non-pecuniary harm is compensated in case of health-related harm, with particular regard to comparison of schemes according to Civil Code and Labour Code. This description and critical comparison of both schemes leads to reflection, that this incurred duplication is not in accordance with the constitutional values, and that, in the future, changes will be needed, so that this accordance would be achieved. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The first chapter defines basic terms, with whom it tis worked in the text - harm. What is that, when is it compensated, how is it laid down in Civil Code and Labour Code. The second chapter deals with the history and development of compensation for non-pecuniary harm in case of health-related harm. Next chapter describes key document for calculation of the amount of compensation - Supreme Court's methodology and the Government Regulation used for accidents at work. In this chapter there are mentioned two other legislations, Civil service employment Act and Professional soldiers' Act. Chapter "incurred duplication and...
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