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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inverkan av utformingen av kamratrespons på måluppfyllelse och motivation att läsa biologi i högstadiet / Impact of instructional formate of peer review process on motivation to learn and educational goal achievement in middle school Biology

Areskoug, Veronika, Ahlroth, Mikael January 2021 (has links)
Vi har undersökt hur instruktionernas utformning inför deltagande i en kamratrespons påverkar högstadieelevers motivation att lära sig samt måluppfyllelse av kunskapskravet att utforma egen undersökning i ämnet biologi. Efter en kort genomgång av hur en egen undersökning ska utformas fick eleverna från tre åk 7 klasser och två åk 8 klasser i uppgift att utforma en egen undersökning i ämnet biologi. Uppgiften var utformad efter nationella provet del 3 från 2017. Vid nästa lektion blev elever indelade i par efter likvärdig måluppfyllelse. Slumpmässigt fick elevparen antingen förenklade, ospecificerade instruktioner som inbjöd till öppen, elevledd dialog eller detaljerade, punktformade instruktioner som uppmuntrade till en specifik innehåll och samtalsstruktur. Vi genomförde en enkät före och efter deltagandet i kamratresponsen som uppmätte elevens motivation att lära sig de olika kunskapskraven för biologi i högstadiet samt elevens upplevelse av deltagandet och sitt eget lärande. Uppgiften bedömdes efter Skolverkets bedömningsmall för rättning av nationella prov. Vi fann inga belägg för att elevers motivation att lära sig kunskapsmålen i ämnet biologi påverkades av varken kamratrespons som helhet eller instruktionernas utformning. Däremot fann vi en högre förbättringsgrad av måluppfyllelse bland de elever som fick de detaljerade, strukturerade instruktionerna jämfört med de förenklade, öppna instruktionerna. Vi drar slutsatserna att kamratrespons är ett användbart pedagogisk verktyg för att ge individuell formativ bedömning som leder till förbättrad måluppfyllelse under arbetes gång i kunskapskravet att forma egen undersökning och att utformningen av instruktionerna bör vara tydliga och detaljerade för att nå maximal resultat.

Infrequent and inadequate reporting under the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: the African Peer Review Mechanism as a solution

Kwenda, Inonge January 2006 (has links)
"The promotion and protection of human rights is important both at the national and international level. However, at the national level, several factors including government excesses tend to negatively affect the status of implementation of human rights. This has led to national human rights situations being measured against international standards. In this regard, different strategies have been developed to ensure compliance with international norms, the most basic of which is that of state reporting. ... This procedure is found in international and regional human rights instruments. Examples are treaties in the United Nations (UN), European, Inter-American and African human rights systems. In the African system, the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights is the core human rights instrument. The African Charter is seen as a 'unique' document that represents the 'African' concept of rights. ... Under article 1 of the Charter, state parties undertake to adopt legislative and other measures to give effect to the rights in the Charter. Article 62 obliges each state party to submit every two years, from the date the Charter comes into force, a report on the legislative or other measures taken with a view to giving effect to the rights and freedoms recognised and guaranteed by the Charter. The organ responsible for evaluation of reports is the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (African Commission). ... It should be noted from the outset that the African Commission's competence to ensure effective implementation of the African Charter by member states has been affected due to various problems affecting the state reporting system. The most endemic of these include infrequent and inadequate reporting. ... Chapter one introduces the study, the framework of the problem that the study seeks to address and the methodology to be employed. Chapter two discusses the concept of state reporting, how the system works under the African Charter and the challenges therein. A comparative analysis of other international and regional reporting systems is also made with the chief objective of identifying how they deal with state reporting problems. Chapter three presents an overview of the APRM which includes an analysis of the human rights aspects of the mechanism. Chapter four critically analyses how the APRM can be utilised to help the African Commission address the problems of infrequent and inadequate reporting under the African Charter, and chapter five contains the conclusion and recommendations of the study." -- Introduction. / Thesis (LLM (Human Rights and Democratisation in Africa)) -- University of Pretoria, 2006. / Prepared under the supervision of Dr. Alejandro Lorite at the Department of Law, American University in Cairo, Cairo, Egypt / http://www.chr.up.ac.za/academic_pro/llm1/dissertations.html / Centre for Human Rights / LLM

Learning from Giving Feedback : Insights from EFL Writing Classrooms in a Swedish Lower Secondary School

Berggren, Jessica January 2013 (has links)
The present thesis aims to describe teenagers as peer reviewers and explore possible benefits of giving feedback. My study was carried out in two EFL classrooms in year eight in a Swedish lower secondary school, where the pupils were engaged with the written task to write an informative reply letter in English. The teaching unit included negotiations of a joint criteria list, feedback training, peer review, and the production of first and final drafts of the reply letter. Data were collected from multiples sources: texts produced in class, audio- and video-recordings, questionnaires and interviews. My main findings suggest that pupils can learn about writing from giving feedback. By adopting a reader perspective, the pupils raised their genre and audience awareness. Moreover, the peer-reviewed reply letters served as inspiration both in terms of transfer of structure, such as rhetorical organisation, and of ideas and content. Self-reports indicated that the pupils in my study enhanced their ability to self-assess and edit their own writing, which suggests that transferable skills were developed as a result of peer review. As regards micro-level aspects of writing, reading and commenting on peers’ reply letters seemed to influence a smaller number of pupils to transfer patterns and spelling. In their role as peer reviewers, the pupils successfully identified strengths and weaknesses in their peers’ writing, but the feedback comments did not include much specific formative information. My findings contribute to research on L2 writing and peer feedback by showing that younger learners can benefit from giving feedback. This is significant since previous research has mainly been carried out at university and college level. In addition, by combining text analyses, classroom observation and pupils’ self-reports, my study offers a comprehensive understanding of peer review. / Syftet med min licentiatuppsats är att beskriva tonåringar som kamratbedömare och undersöka möjliga fördelar med att ge feedback. Min studie genomfördes i två engelskklassrum i årskurs åtta i en svensk högstadieskola där eleverna  arbetade med att skriva svarsbrev på engelska. Arbetsområdet inkluderade diskussioner om en gemensam kriterielista, träning i att ge feedback, kamratbedömning och skriftlig produktion av utkast och slutlig version av svarsbrevet. Material samlades in från flera olika källor: de texter som skrevs i klassrummet, ljud- och videoinspelningar, enkäter och intervjuer. Mina resultat visar att elevers eget skrivande kan gynnas genom att ge feedback. Genom att de fick ett läsarperspektiv på sitt skrivande ökade elevernas medvetenhet om genre och mottagare. Dessutom fungerade de brev som eleverna läste och gav feedback på som inspiration, vilket visades genom att de överförde disposition och strukturer, samt idéer och innehåll till sitt eget skrivande. Eleverna uttryckte själva att de förbättrade sin förmåga att självbedöma och rätta sina texter, vilket indikerar att det är möjligt att utveckla överförbara färdigheter genom att bedöma andras texter. Ett mindre antal elever överförde ord och grammatiska strukturer från sina kamraters texter, men överlag påverkades skrivandets mikronivå i mindre utsträckning än makronivån (organisation och innehåll). I sin roll som kamratbedömare kunde eleverna  identifiera styrkor och svagheter i sina klasskamraters texter, men deras feedbackkommentarer innehöll relativt lite formativ information. Tidigare forskning inom området har främst utförts på högskole- och universitetsnivå  och mina resultat bidrar till forskning om skrivande i främmande språk och kamratfeedback genom att visa att också högstadieelevers skrivande kan gynnas av att ge feedback.

Peer Review in EFL Writing: Its Effect on Critical Thinking Skills and the Role of Digital Tools in Facilitating the Process / Kamratrespons i skrivning för engelska som andra språk: effekterna på kritiskt tänkande förmågor och rollen av digitala verktyg i främjandet av processen.

Al-kefagy, Murtadha, Nagy, Cristina January 2021 (has links)
This paper focuses on peer reviewing as part of the writing process and as a pedagogical strategy that can help students develop their writing and critical thinking skills. To do so, it examines the extent to which peer reviewing can develop English as a foreign language (EFL) students’ ability to evaluate and reflect on their writing in upper secondary school. Moreover, this study investigates whether digital tools can help to facilitate the peer review process. By reviewing and synthesizing ten empirical studies from the period 2013-2020, the study found that students who engage in peer reviewing in writing develop critical thinking skills, self-regulation and evaluation. It further shows that there is a consensus between researchers regarding the usefulness of peer review in developing critical thinking skills. However, the findings indicate the importance of including guided peer review training before peer review activities. Furthermore, there is a strong indication that digital tools can help facilitate the peer review process if used appropriately. Digital tools help engage students in the peer review process since they are able to interact with each other’s texts online. Lastly, the findings of the study are in line with the Swedish national curriculum and the English syllabus for upper secondary school. Therefore, teachers in Sweden should consider the use of familiar digital tools to engage students in peer review to develop their writing and critical thinking skills.

Снижение риска при выполнении проектно-конструкторских работ (на примере САПР роботизированного станочного модуля) : магистерская диссертация / Reduction of risk in the performance of design engineering (as in the case of CAD robotic machine module)

Дербенева, А. Е., Derbeneva, A. E. January 2018 (has links)
The first chapter describes the situation of the use of industrial robots in the market of machine-building production. The sales volumes of modern robots are considered depending on the industries where they are applied. Comparative statistics on the implementation of robots for performing various operations are also given. The level of robotization in Russia and in the world is analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages associated with the introduction of robots into enterprises are revealed. In the second chapter, the topic of flexible production systems is discussed. The existing systems for designing flexible machining modules are evaluated. It also provides a definition of risk, its evaluation. The types of risks were identified during the implementation of the robotic machine module at the enterprise of the machine-building complex. Methods for determining the magnitude of risks are presented. The third chapter presents the most commonly used tools for risk analysis. The main features of the expert assessment method are considered in details. The sequence of actions of the expert survey is presented. On the basis of the chosen method, an order of actions for assessing the risks of the robotic modules presented in the second chapter of the CAD algorithms was developed. Visual images based on summary tables of each CAD algorithm are constructed. Measures to eliminate intolerable risks are suggested. The master's thesis consists of an explanatory note of 80 pages, 18 figures, 11 tables and includes an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of sources used, consisting of 35 titles, and three appendixes. / В 1-й главе описывается ситуация применения промышленных роботов на рынке машиностроительного производства. Рассмотрены объемы продаж современных роботов в зависимости от отраслей, где они применяются. Также была приведена сравнительная статистика по реализации роботов для выполнения различных операций. Проанализирован уровень роботизации в России и в мире. Выявлены преимущества и недостатки, связанные с внедрением роботов на предприятия. Во 2-й главе затрагивается тема гибких производственных систем. Осуществляется оценка существующих систем проектирования гибких модулей механообработки. Также дается определение риска, его оценки. Были выявлены виды рисков при внедрении роботизированного станочного модуля на предприятии машиностроительного комплекса. Приводятся методы для определения величины рисков. В 3-й главе представлены наиболее часто используемые инструменты для анализа рисков. Рассмотрены более подробно основные особенности метода экспертных оценок. Представлена последовательность действий экспертного опроса. На основе выбранного метода был разработан порядок действий оценки рисков приведенных во второй главе алгоритмов САПР роботизированных модулей. Построены наглядные изображения на основе сводных таблиц каждого алгоритма САПР. Предложены мероприятия по устранению непереносимых рисков. Магистерская диссертация состоит из пояснительной записки объемом 80 страниц, 18 рисунков, 11 таблиц и включает в себя введение, три главы, заключение, список использованных источников, состоящий из 35 наименований, а также три приложения.

Using Blockchain to Ensure Reputation Credibility in Decentralized Review Management

Zaccagni, Zachary James 12 1900 (has links)
In recent years, there have been incidents which decreased people's trust in some organizations and authorities responsible for ratings and accreditation. For a few prominent examples, there was a security breach at Equifax (2017), misconduct was found in the Standard & Poor's Ratings Services (2015), and the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools (2022) validated some of the low-performing schools as delivering higher standards than they actually were. A natural solution to these types of issues is to decentralize the relevant trust management processes using blockchain technologies. The research problems which are tackled in this thesis consider the issue of trust in reputation for assessment and review credibility at different angles, in the context of blockchain applications. We first explored the following questions. How can we trust courses in one college to provide students with the type and level of knowledge which is needed in a specific workplace? Micro-accreditation on a blockchain was our solution, including using a peer-review system to determine the rigor of a course (through a consensus). Rigor is the level of difficulty in regard to a student's expected level of knowledge. Currently, we make assumptions about the quality and rigor of what is learned, but this is prone to human bias and misunderstandings. We present a decentralized approach that tracks student records throughout the academic progress at a school and helps to match employers' requirements to students' knowledge. We do this by applying micro-accredited topics and Knowledge Units (KU) defined by NSA's Center of Academic Excellence to courses and assignments. We demonstrate that the system was successful in increasing accuracy of hires through simulated datasets, and that it is efficient, as well as scalable. Another problem is how can we trust that the peer reviews are honest and reflect an accurate rigor score? Assigning reputation to peers is a natural method to ensure correctness of these assessments. The reputation of the peers providing rigor scores needs to be taken into account for an overall rigor of a course, its topics, and its tasks. Specifically, those with a higher reputation should have more influence on the total score. Hence, we focused on how a peer's reputation is managed. We explored decentralized reputation management for the peers, choosing a decentralized marketplace as a sample application. We presented an approach to ensuring review credibility, which is a particular aspect of trust in reviews and reputation of the parties who provide them. We use a Proof-of-Stake based Algorand system as a base of our implementation, since this system is open-source, and it has a rich community support. Specifically, we directly map reputation to stake, which allows us to deploy Algorand at the blockchain layer. Reviews are analyzed by the proposed evaluation component using Natural Language Processing (NLP). In our system, NLP gauges the positivity of the written review, compares that value to a scaled numerical rating given, and determines adjustments to a peer's reputation from that result. We demonstrate that this architecture ensures credible and trustworthy assessments. It also efficiently manages the reputation of the peers, while keeping reasonable consensus times. We then turned our focus on ensuring that a peer's reputation is credible. This led us to introducing a new type of consensus called "Proof-of-Review". Our proposed implementation is again based on Algorand, since its modular architecture allows for easy modifications, such as adding extra components, but this time, we modified the engine. The proposed model then provides a trust in evaluations (review and assessment credibility) and in those who provide them (reputation credibility) using a blockchain. We introduce a blacklisting component, which prevents malicious nodes from participating in the protocol, and a minimum-reputation component, which limits the influence of under-performing users. Our results showed that the proposed blockchain system maintains liveliness and completeness. Specifically, blacklisting and the minimum-reputation requirement (when properly tuned) do not affect these properties. We note that the Proof-of-Review concept can be deployed in other types of applications with similar needs of trust in assessments and the players providing them, such as sensor arrays, autonomous car groups (caravans), marketplaces, and more.

Exploring peer review in a process approach to student academic writing

Motha, Kholofelo Charlotte 11 1900 (has links)
This research explores peer review in the academic writing of ESL university students. It investigates the problem from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Overall findings showed no significant differences between the holistic coherence ratings given to the original and final drafts of the group of students exposed to a process approach to writing with peer review. Similarly, there were no significant differences between the holistic coherence ratings of this experimental group and control group on their final drafts. However, the findings of finer-grained comparative analyses of each experimental group student's original and final drafts revealed both positive and negative results with respect to changes made. The study also explores the changes in terms of the peer review process, so attempting to analyse in more qualitative detail how coherence is constituted in student academic writing. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)

Truth-telling in aged care: a qualitative study

Tuckett, Anthony Gerrard January 2003 (has links)
This thesis argues that truth-telling in high level (nursing home) aged care is a undamentally important aspect of care that ought to reside equally alongside instrumental care. The health of the resident in a nursing home, as with individuals in other care contexts, is directly linked to care provision that allows the resident to be self determining about their care and thus allows them to make reasonable choices and decisions. This qualitative study explores the meaning of truth-telling in the care providerresident dyad in high level (nursing home) aged care. Grounded within the epistemology of social constructionism and the theoretical stance of symbolic interactionism, this study relied on oral and written text from care providers (personal care assistants and registered nurses) and residents. Thematic analysis of data relied on practices within grounded theory to determine their understanding and the conditions and consequences of their understanding about truth-telling in the nursing home. Through an understanding of the relationship-role-residency trinity, truth-telling in high level (nursing home) care comes to be understood. It has been determined that the link between truth-telling and the nature of the care provider-resident (and residents' families) relationship is that both personal carers and nurses in this study premise their understanding of truth disclosure on knowing a resident's (and resident's family's) capacity for coping with the truth and therefore catering for the resident's or family's best interests. The breadth and depth of this knowing and how the relationship is perceived and described determine what care providers will or will not tell. That is, the perceptions both personal carers and nurses have about the relationship - how they describe themselves as 'family like', 'friend' and 'stranger', has implications for the way disclosure operates and is described. Additionally, how care providers perceive and understand their role determines what care providers will or will not tell. That is, the perceptions both carers and nurses have about their own and each other's role - how they describe themselves for example as 'hands-on' carer and 'happy good nurse' has implications for the way disclosure operates and is described. Furthermore, care providers' meaning and understanding of truth-telling in aged care is not possible in the absence of an appreciation of how the care providers give meaning to and come to understand the care circumstance - residency, the aged care facility, the nursing home. That is, the perceptions both personal carers and nurses have about the aged care facility - how they describe residency as 'Home away from Home' (and what this means), as a place of little time and a plethora of situations have implications for the operation of truth-telling as a whole. Recommendations from the study include the implementation of a telling audit to better serve the truth-telling preferences of residents and the reorientation of care practices to emphasise affective care (talk rather than tasks). Furthermore, it is recommended that changes occur to the care provider roles, that care providers define themselves as facilitators rather than protectors, and education be ongoing to improve communication with and care of residents with dementia and those dying. Finally, the language of residency as 'home' needs to capture an alternate philosophy and attendant practices for improved open communication.

Exploring peer review in a process approach to student academic writing

Motha, Kholofelo Charlotte 11 1900 (has links)
This research explores peer review in the academic writing of ESL university students. It investigates the problem from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Overall findings showed no significant differences between the holistic coherence ratings given to the original and final drafts of the group of students exposed to a process approach to writing with peer review. Similarly, there were no significant differences between the holistic coherence ratings of this experimental group and control group on their final drafts. However, the findings of finer-grained comparative analyses of each experimental group student's original and final drafts revealed both positive and negative results with respect to changes made. The study also explores the changes in terms of the peer review process, so attempting to analyse in more qualitative detail how coherence is constituted in student academic writing. / Linguistics and Modern Languages / M.A. (Linguistics)

Better representation learning for TPMS

Raza, Amir 10 1900 (has links)
Avec l’augmentation de la popularité de l’IA et de l’apprentissage automatique, le nombre de participants a explosé dans les conférences AI/ML. Le grand nombre d’articles soumis et la nature évolutive des sujets constituent des défis supplémentaires pour les systèmes d’évaluation par les pairs qui sont cruciaux pour nos communautés scientifiques. Certaines conférences ont évolué vers l’automatisation de l’attribution des examinateurs pour les soumissions, le TPMS [1] étant l’un de ces systèmes existants. Actuellement, TPMS prépare des profils de chercheurs et de soumissions basés sur le contenu, afin de modéliser l’adéquation des paires examinateur-soumission. Dans ce travail, nous explorons différentes approches pour le réglage fin auto-supervisé des transformateurs BERT pour les données des documents de conférence. Nous démontrons quelques nouvelles approches des vues d’augmentation pour l’auto-supervision dans le traitement du langage naturel, qui jusqu’à présent était davantage axée sur les problèmes de vision par ordinateur. Nous utilisons ensuite ces représentations d’articles individuels pour construire un modèle d’expertise qui apprend à combiner la représentation des différents travaux publiés d’un examinateur et à prédire leur pertinence pour l’examen d’un article soumis. Au final, nous montrons que de meilleures représentations individuelles des papiers et une meilleure modélisation de l’expertise conduisent à de meilleures performances dans la tâche de prédiction de l’adéquation de l’examinateur. / With the increase in popularity of AI and Machine learning, participation numbers have exploded in AI/ML conferences. The large number of submission papers and the evolving nature of topics constitute additional challenges for peer-review systems that are crucial for our scientific communities. Some conferences have moved towards automating the reviewer assignment for submissions, TPMS [1] being one such existing system. Currently, TPMS prepares content-based profiles of researchers and submission papers, to model the suitability of reviewer-submission pairs. In this work, we explore different approaches to self-supervised fine-tuning of BERT transformers for conference papers data. We demonstrate some new approaches to augmentation views for self-supervision in natural language processing, which till now has been more focused on problems in computer vision. We then use these individual paper representations for building an expertise model which learns to combine the representation of different published works of a reviewer and predict their relevance for reviewing a submission paper. In the end, we show that better individual paper representations and expertise modeling lead to better performance on the reviewer suitability prediction task.

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