Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3dimension chemes"" "subject:"3dimension achemes""
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Scheinbare und tatsächliche Kostenbelastung von Rürup-Renten-Verträgen / Assumed Versus Real Cost of Rürup Pension ContractsThießen, Friedrich, Brenger, Jan Justus 13 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Rürup-Renten-Verträge als Form der privaten Altersvorsorge sollen Verbrauchern als eine zukünftige Einnahmequelle im Rentenalter dienen. Es sind komplizierte langlaufende Verträge. Eine Produktbeschreibung erhält der Verbraucher durch das seit dem 01.01.2017 gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Produktionsformationsblatt. In diesem wird auch zu den Kosten Stellung genommen. Die aufzuführenden Kostenbestandteile sind gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Die von den Anbietern gewählte Darstellungsart der Kosten ist aber so verklausuliert, dass eine verständnisvolle Kostenübersicht erheblich erschwert wird. Die Gesamtkosten eines Vertrages werden verschleiert. Ein Vergleich mit alternativen Anlageformen wird erschwert. Ein Kostenwettbewerb kann nicht zustande kommen. In unserem Beispiel zehren die Kosten ein Drittel der Sparbeiträge auf. Angesichts der volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Altersvorsorge sollte der Gesetzgeber korrigieren und ein verständlicheres Informationsblatt vorschreiben. / Rürup pension contracts allow future payments after retirement. For consumers their structure is hard to understand. Since January 1st, 2017, a key information document (“product information sheet”) is required by law. It gives an overview of the product and its characteristics. It contains information about the cost of the contract. Unfortunately, this information is difficult to understand. The sheet only conveys an unclear view of the costs incurred. E.g. no information about the total costs are given. Instead the costs are split into different components which are explained in differing ways. Due to such intransparent information a comparison between alternative plans is hardly possible. In our example one third of all savings are allocated to costs. According to the high economic importance of private pension schemes government should prescribe a key information document with clearer and more honest information.
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Závislosť finančnej gramotnosti a dopytu po produktoch zabezpečujúcich tretí vek / Relationship between financial literacy and demand of products providing wellbeing in retirementZimermannová, Petra January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis aims to explore the relationship between financial literacy and probability of saving in private pension schemes in the Czech Republic among citizens older than 50 years. While the first part of this master thesis provides overview of pension systems among the OECD countries with emphasis on the Czech Republic, the second part brings the theoretical background for the financial literacy and for the measurements of financial literacy according to international studies. The last part of this master thesis serves as a practical part of this master thesis. In order to examine the relationship between financial literacy and saving for retirement, we performed a logistic regression. We set the probability of saving in a private pension scheme as a dependent variable and independent variables according to the studied literature. The last part of this master thesis also provides the summary of our conclusions about the importance of financial literacy within the decisions about saving for retirement and also the opinion that the lack of financial literacy was one of the main causes for unsuccessful pension reform in the Czech Republic where the second pillar was cancelled recently.
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Occupational Pension Schemes and their Relevance for the Employment Relationship in Germany. A Case Study Approach in the German Financial Services SectorLütke Kleimann, Mechthild January 2018 (has links)
Due to employees’ reduced entitlements to the German statutory state pension on
the one hand, and the challenge to employers of a skilled worker shortage on the
other, employers’ contributions towards occupational pension schemes (OPS)
might be an effective human-resources management tool. Thus, the overarching
research question is: What is the relevance of OPS for the employment
relationship in Germany? Five sub-research questions address the role of OPS in
recruitment and retention management, organisational commitment, the potential
differences between women and men and between young and old employees and
the employees’ psychological contract. The empirical study is a single case study
in the financial-services sector.
Key findings: OPS are of more relevance for retaining employees than for
recruiting them. Their role differs significantly between employees with different
generations of the OPS and, therefore, different pension entitlements. Only minor
differences can be found between women and men and between younger and
older employees. Satisfaction with the occupational pension scheme has no
significant impact on organisational commitment. The majority of employees
perceived psychological contract fulfilment with respect to the OPS.
The contribution to theory is the closure of five research gaps. As far as is
known, this is the first study in Germany that analyses the role of OPS in a
specified context and from multifaceted viewpoints (recruitment/retention,
quantitative/qualitative, men/women, age groups).
The contribution to practice comprises the provision of a transferable analysis
blueprint of the role of OPS in the employment relationship and the provision of
recommendations that relate, among others, to communication and information
aspects, cost-benefit calculations and the usage of additional employer
contributions as a possible selective reward element.
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Den andres bröd : Levnadsrisk utifrån Lee-CartermodellenMellkvist, Lars January 2008 (has links)
<p>Under det gångna århundradet ökade den förväntade livslängden avsevärt såväl i Sverige som i övriga världen. 1900-talets förbättrade livslängd drevs inledningsvis av en minskad barnadödlighet medan de senare årtiondena kännetecknades av minskad dödlighet i höga åldrar.</p><p>En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade krav på sjukvård, äldreomsorg och inte minst pensionssystem. Pålitliga prognoser för vår framtida livslängd behövs för att beräkna de resurser som nämnda verksamheter kommer att ta i anspråk och utgör förutsättningen för en rättvis prissättning av försäkringsprodukter med levnadsrisk.</p><p>Lee-Carter-modellen är en av vår tids tongivande modeller för mortalitetsprognostisering. Modellen används här för att göra livslängdsprognoser utifrån svenska mortalitetsdata; prognoserna jämförs sedan med observerade utfall.</p><p>Mot bakgrund av resultatet diskuteras levnadsrisk med fokus på pensioner.</p><p>Inte oväntat presterar prognoserna ingen felfri bild av verkligheten och prognosfelet varierar i storlek mellan skattningarna; att använda dem som underlag för pensionsberäkningar hade i förlängningen varit ohållbart. Exemplet illustrerar på samma gång vår osäkerhet inför framtidens livslängdsutveckling och svårigheten i att prognostisera den.</p> / <p>During the past century, Sweden along with many other countries experienced a sharp decline in mortality rates. The increased life expectancy was initially propelled by mortality reductions among infants and subsequently by a survival improvement in advanced ages.</p><p>An ageing population has large implications for those providing services to the elderly, such as medical care and pensions, whilst also addressing the need for accurate and reliable mortality forecasts and projection methods.</p><p>The Lee-Carter model is the current gold standard for mortality forecasting and has been widely adopted in several studies. Here, the model is applied on Swedish mortality data; the projections are then compared to the observed lifespan development. Against this backdrop, a discussion on longevity risk in pensions schemes follows.</p><p>The forecasts performed in this study do not perfectly reflect the observed mortality change in the examined period; furthermore, the variation of the estimation errors limits the actuarial value of the projections. The findings illuminate the uncertainty that surrounds our future life expectancy as well as the difficulties associated with forecasting it.</p>
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Financial study of actuarial solvency, economic and own pension schemes municipal social Cearà / Estudo da solvÃncia atuarial, econÃmica e financeira dos regimes prÃprios de previdÃncia social municipais cearensesFrancisco Wilson Ferreira da Silva 26 February 2014 (has links)
nÃo hà / O ordenamento jurÃdico brasileiro, à partir de 1998, permitiu que os entes federativos
estados e municÃpios pudessem migrar do Regime Geral de PrevidÃncia (RGPS),
capitaneado pelo INSS, para um Regime PrÃprio de PrevidÃncia Social (RPPS)
tomando o cuidado para os aportes financeiros necessÃrios para a harmonia do
equilÃbrio atuarial de modo a garantir, no futuro, o pagamento dos benefÃcios a quem
de direito (massa laboral incluÃda nos regimes previdenciÃrios), de sorte que dos
5.509 municÃpios brasileiros, 1.957 instituÃram os seus RPPS e, 55 municÃpios no
Estado do CearÃ, dos 184 existentes. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa foi apurar
o resultado atuarial dos RPPS instituÃdos nos municÃpios cearenses por meio de um
software construÃdo pelo autor e confrontÃ-lo com o resultado atuarial contido nos
Demonstrativos de Resultado das AvaliaÃÃes Atuariais â DRRAÂs. De acordo com os
cÃlculos realizados os RPPS municipais cearenses apresentam dÃficit atuarial no
montante de R$ 3.361.632.976,77, enquanto o valor do resultado atuarial
demonstrados nos DRAAÂs apresentam dÃficit atuarial no valor de R$
10.344.705.187,76. Em ambas as apuraÃÃes o resultado deficitÃrio tem
concentraÃÃo nos municÃpios de Fortaleza, CanindÃ, MaracanaÃ, Juazeiro do Norte
e Itapipoca. Na 1. e 2. apuraÃÃo os municÃpios de Amontada e Caucaia se
mostraram superavitÃrios, acrescentando-se, tambÃm, que os municÃpios de Cruz e
Fortim se revelaram superavitÃrios no cÃlculo realizado pelo autor. O dÃficit atuarial
do MunicÃpio de Itapipoca apresentou-se preciso, tanto no cÃlculo formulado pelo
autor, quanto no demonstrado no DRRA do ente. Conclui-se que os entes
previdenciÃrios deficitÃrios nÃo oferecem sistema de estrutura para o acÃmulo de
recursos para o pagamento de compromissos definidos nos planos de benefÃcios. / The Brazilian legal system , starting from 1998 revealed that the federative states
and municipalities could migrate from the General Provident Fund Scheme ( RGPS )
, headed by the INSS , for its Own Social Security System ( RPPS ) taking care to
financial contributions necessary for the harmony of actuarial balance to ensure in
the future payment of benefits to those eligible ( work force included in pension
schemes ) , so that the 5,509 Brazilian municipalities, 1,957 have instituted their
RPPS and 55 towns in State of Cearà , the existing 184 . The main objective of this
research was to determine the actuarial results of RPPS established in municipalities
of Cearà through a software built by the author and confront him with the actuarial
results contained in the statements of income of the Actuarial Reviews - DRRA 's.
According to the calculations the Cearà municipal RPPS present actuarial deficit in
the amount of R $ 3,361,632,976.77 , while the value of actuarial results
demonstrated in the present DRAA 's actuarial deficit of R $ 10,344,705,187.76 . In
both calculations the deficit result has concentration in the cities of Fortaleza,
CanindÃ, MaracanaÃ, Juazeiro and Itapipoca. In 1. & 2. calculating the
municipalities of Amontada and Caucaia proved surplus, also adding to the towns of
Cruz and Fortim, the surplus calculation performed by the author. The actuarial deficit
of the municipality of Itapipoca presented itself takes both the calculation made by
the author, as in shown in the DRRA one. It is concluded that the pension deficit
loved not offer structural system for the accumulation of resources for the payment of
obligations defined benefit plans. There is evidence that there is no consistency in
the figures to the MPAS during transport of the DRAA 's MPAS is recommending the
external control bodies investigate that the reason pointed out the differences.
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Den andres bröd : Levnadsrisk utifrån Lee-CartermodellenMellkvist, Lars January 2008 (has links)
Under det gångna århundradet ökade den förväntade livslängden avsevärt såväl i Sverige som i övriga världen. 1900-talets förbättrade livslängd drevs inledningsvis av en minskad barnadödlighet medan de senare årtiondena kännetecknades av minskad dödlighet i höga åldrar. En åldrande befolkning innebär ökade krav på sjukvård, äldreomsorg och inte minst pensionssystem. Pålitliga prognoser för vår framtida livslängd behövs för att beräkna de resurser som nämnda verksamheter kommer att ta i anspråk och utgör förutsättningen för en rättvis prissättning av försäkringsprodukter med levnadsrisk. Lee-Carter-modellen är en av vår tids tongivande modeller för mortalitetsprognostisering. Modellen används här för att göra livslängdsprognoser utifrån svenska mortalitetsdata; prognoserna jämförs sedan med observerade utfall. Mot bakgrund av resultatet diskuteras levnadsrisk med fokus på pensioner. Inte oväntat presterar prognoserna ingen felfri bild av verkligheten och prognosfelet varierar i storlek mellan skattningarna; att använda dem som underlag för pensionsberäkningar hade i förlängningen varit ohållbart. Exemplet illustrerar på samma gång vår osäkerhet inför framtidens livslängdsutveckling och svårigheten i att prognostisera den. / During the past century, Sweden along with many other countries experienced a sharp decline in mortality rates. The increased life expectancy was initially propelled by mortality reductions among infants and subsequently by a survival improvement in advanced ages. An ageing population has large implications for those providing services to the elderly, such as medical care and pensions, whilst also addressing the need for accurate and reliable mortality forecasts and projection methods. The Lee-Carter model is the current gold standard for mortality forecasting and has been widely adopted in several studies. Here, the model is applied on Swedish mortality data; the projections are then compared to the observed lifespan development. Against this backdrop, a discussion on longevity risk in pensions schemes follows. The forecasts performed in this study do not perfectly reflect the observed mortality change in the examined period; furthermore, the variation of the estimation errors limits the actuarial value of the projections. The findings illuminate the uncertainty that surrounds our future life expectancy as well as the difficulties associated with forecasting it.
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Political determinants of economic reforms: case study of of pension schemes / Political determinants of economic reforms: case study of of pension schemesLukeš, Tomáš January 2009 (has links)
The work aims to explain the character and success/failure of pension reforms with help of political explanatory variables. The constitution of given political system is considered, as well as the actual political alignment and the role of electorate, in explaining the processes underlying the pension scheme reforms - a major topic of today's aging societies. The case study approach is used, utilising the recent experience of Great Britain and Sweden in reforming the pensions. The findings are compared with the results and conclusions suggested by a dynamic economic model of pension scheme switch, demonstrating eventually what factors and conditions are favorable for pension reforms, both from the political and the economic point of view.
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Analýza výnosnosti penzijního připojištění s důrazem na zdaňování / Analysis of the profitability of the supplementary pension scheme, with an emphasis on taxationVanišová, Šárka January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to assess the status of the supplementary pension scheme in the Czech Republic. The work deals with issues of return pension schemes. Examines aspects that affect profitability, in particular the taxation of pension schemes and the investment of pension funds. On the basis of the knowledge generated through analysis of the comparison is made of benefits to be paid at the end of the period -- annuities and lump sum compensation. The analysis performed provides information about which of these benefits is for the client to the pension fund more profitable option. The first part of the work deals with the characteristics of the supplementary pension scheme in the Czech Republic, describes its emergence, evolution, status in the pensions system. In the second chapter are discussed the main aspects that affect its profitability, taxation, and return on pension funds. The third chapter contains the comparsion annuities and lump sum compensation.
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Scheinbare und tatsächliche Kostenbelastung von Rürup-Renten-VerträgenThießen, Friedrich, Brenger, Jan Justus 13 October 2017 (has links)
Rürup-Renten-Verträge als Form der privaten Altersvorsorge sollen Verbrauchern als eine zukünftige Einnahmequelle im Rentenalter dienen. Es sind komplizierte langlaufende Verträge. Eine Produktbeschreibung erhält der Verbraucher durch das seit dem 01.01.2017 gesetzlich vorgeschriebene Produktionsformationsblatt. In diesem wird auch zu den Kosten Stellung genommen. Die aufzuführenden Kostenbestandteile sind gesetzlich vorgeschrieben. Die von den Anbietern gewählte Darstellungsart der Kosten ist aber so verklausuliert, dass eine verständnisvolle Kostenübersicht erheblich erschwert wird. Die Gesamtkosten eines Vertrages werden verschleiert. Ein Vergleich mit alternativen Anlageformen wird erschwert. Ein Kostenwettbewerb kann nicht zustande kommen. In unserem Beispiel zehren die Kosten ein Drittel der Sparbeiträge auf. Angesichts der volkswirtschaftlichen Bedeutung der Altersvorsorge sollte der Gesetzgeber korrigieren und ein verständlicheres Informationsblatt vorschreiben. / Rürup pension contracts allow future payments after retirement. For consumers their structure is hard to understand. Since January 1st, 2017, a key information document (“product information sheet”) is required by law. It gives an overview of the product and its characteristics. It contains information about the cost of the contract. Unfortunately, this information is difficult to understand. The sheet only conveys an unclear view of the costs incurred. E.g. no information about the total costs are given. Instead the costs are split into different components which are explained in differing ways. Due to such intransparent information a comparison between alternative plans is hardly possible. In our example one third of all savings are allocated to costs. According to the high economic importance of private pension schemes government should prescribe a key information document with clearer and more honest information.
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The Italian Asset Management market from an Asset Servicer’s perspectiveNitti, Alessandro January 2016 (has links)
The asset management industry constitutes a vital part of the economy thanks to its financing role. The sector has profoundly changed since its establishment and, nowadays, changes in organization, investors’ behaviour and regulatory framework are deeply reshaping the industry. In this context, also the Italian market, which has traditionally been characterised by some distinguishing features, is being influenced by a series of modifications at both European and national level. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the Italian Asset Management industry’s structure and organisation, understand how it is evolving and grasp the factors that can affect its market to then draw implications influencing the business and operations of an asset servicer. This work divides the Italian Asset Management market into two parts, the Asset Managers segment, including collective management and discretionary mandates, and the Pension Schemes segment. These two composing parts are analysed from an Asset Servicer’s perspective, presenting data over the financial instruments they contain. The paper follows the Case Study approach employing mainly secondary quantitative data. In Italy, the distribution of Asset Management products as well as trading activities remain based on banking networks. In recent years, among collective management products, foreign-law mutual funds are the ones that grew the most. This, along with the fact that the asset servicers’ market is dominate by few specialized players operating on a global scale, puts the spotlight on asset servicers’ cross-border level of integration. Even tough discretionary mandates are struggling to recover and have grown at a slower pace, due to “MiFID II” upcoming rules, financial intermediaries will be encouraged to place these products on the market. Lastly, the Italian pension system is underdeveloped if compared to other European countries and few players own the majority of the complementary pension schemes market. The paper highlights how technology innovations, policies of the ruling governments, interest rates levels and national and communitarian regulation are the factors driving the asset management industry.
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