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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Simulační model vývoje penzijního připojištění / The Simulation Model of the Development of Pension Insurance

Zárubová, Radka January 2011 (has links)
First, this thesis introduces the system of pension insurance with state contribution including its proposed amendment made in 2009. Its aim is to forecast and to analyse expected development in pension insurance with state contribution. The main part of the thesis is focused on the simulation model of this insurance product. Within this model, annual interest on contributions is randomly generated and the amount of money a client of a hypothetical pension fund would receive is calculated. To facilitate this simulation, I programmed and attached (as a part of the thesis) an application in VBA language which enables to run this simulation in the preset number of replications. The thesis gives four examples of simulation experiments -- a simulation of pension insurance, and a simulation of pension saving, both versions both with and without contributions made by client's employer. The comparison of the expected efficiency of the both systems from the point of view of the government and a client is drawn at the end of the thesis.

Komparácia variant kapitalizovaného penzijného piliera / The comparison of alternatives of funded pension schemes

Šufliarska, Radka January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the comparison of funded pension schemes in United Kingdom and in Slovakia. The aim of the thesis is the classification of pension systems and consequently the characteristic of pension system's structure in United Kingdom and in Slovakia. The thesis also has for the other goal to carry out the comparison of funded pension schemes of both countries in terms of the most significant factors which influence finances invested in pension funds. The Thesis consists of four sections. The first chapter is devoted to the characteristics of construction of basic pension system types, the way of their funding, types of pension plans and structure of three tier pension system. The second and the third chapter is focused on pension systems of United Kingdom and Slovakia, demographic changes in both countries, previous and present forms of the system, changes and intended reforms. The fourth chapter comprises of the comparison of the investment portfolio structure, rate of return, costs and charges of pension funds.

Zavedení NDC systému v České republice / NDC systen in Czech Republic

Rusovová, Ivana January 2010 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is application of Notional Defined Contribution system in Czech Republic. In this pension system everybody has his own individual pension account on which he or she saves money. Interest is accredited to this account. When this person retires, the pension is calculated based on pension account balance. Contributions do not really stay in pension system, but they are paid to current pensioners (resemblance to PAYG system). In first chapter I deal with pension systems in general, in second chapter I deal with theoretical NDC system. In third chapter I analyze practical application of NDC system in Sweden. Fourth part of this thesis analyses the possibility of introducing NDC pension system in Czech republic.

As entidades fechadas de previdência complementar enquanto instrumentos de atuação do Estado na economia / Closed pension entities as instruments of state action in the economy

Souza, Silas Cardoso de 10 April 2015 (has links)
Com as transformações ocorridas nas últimas décadas do século XX, notadamente a expansão financeira pela qual passou o capitalismo, o enfraquecimento fiscal dos Estados nacionais e o questionamento aos sistemas de previdência pública por repartição, ganham importância em todo o mundo os fundos de pensão. Estes fundos, ao lado de outros investidores institucionais, como seguradoras e fundos de investimentos, passam a cumprir papel central no mercado acionário e também no mercado de títulos públicos e privados. Com o objetivo de realizar lucros para pagar benefícios de aposentadoria para os seus participantes, os fundos de pensão arrecadam e concentram poupança privada pulverizada, transformando-a em um ativo poderoso. No Brasil, as Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar nomenclatura jurídica dos fundos de pensão possuem um total de 702 bilhões de reais em ativos, que se concentram nas três maiores entidades do país: Previ, Petros e Funcef. Em comum, estes três fundos têm o fato de serem patrocinados por empresas estatais, o que, pela legislação vigente, dá ao Poder Executivo a competência de indicar metade de seus dirigentes, incluindo o seu presidente que possui voto de desempate. O presente trabalho pesquisou o papel que estas três EFPCs cumprem enquanto instrumento de atuação do Estado no domínio econômico, especialmente para o provimento de fundos para o desenvolvimento. Para isso, primeiramente, o estudo explora o movimento de expansão financeira do capitalismo e a crise no padrão de desenvolvimento brasileiro. Depois, investiga de maneira sistemática o arcabouço jurídico que regula os fundos de pensão; e, por fim, analisa a alocação dos seus investimentos e o perfil dos seus dirigentes. / With the changes occurred in the last decades of the twentieth century, notably the financial expansion that has occurred in capitalism, the fiscal weakening of national states and the questioning of the public pension Pay as You Go systems, the pension funds increases their importance worldwide. These funds, along with other institutional investors, such as insurance companies and investment funds, started to fulfill a central role in the stock market and also in the public and private securities market. In order to make profits to pay retirement benefits to its participants, pension funds collect and concentrate spread private saving, transforming it into a powerful asset. In Brazil, the Closed Pension Funds Entities - Legal classification of pension funds - have a total of 702 billion reais in assets, which are concentrated in the three largest countrys entities: Previ, Petros and Funcef. In common, these three funds are sponsored by state-owned enterprises, which, by Law, gives the Executive Branch the power to appoint half of its leaders, including the President, who has the casting vote. This study investigated the role that these three EFPCs meet as state action instrument in the economic field, especially for the provision of funds for development. To achieve this, we studied the movement of financial expansion of capitalism, the crisis in the Brazilian development pattern and the whole legal framework that regulates the pension funds, to, then, move to an analysis of the allocation of its investments and the profile of its leaders.

Optimalizační modely a důchodová reforma / Reform of pension system and optimization models

Pracný, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
Pension reform is nowadays one of the most discuss economic topics among professional public. Almost every OECD country is pressured to make pension reform, because of rapid changes in demographic structure. This article is trying described basic options for pension reform. The main effort is to compare the parameters setting of these options. The first part is describing what optimization model is and how to solve it. The second part describes pension models and shows necessity for pension reform in the Czech Republic. The third part is optimization model for PAYGO system in the Czech Republic. The fourth part describes pension systems in OECD and Latin American countries. It also shows undertaken pension reforms in some of these countries. The fifth part defines theoretical approach to pension reforms by citing and summarizing articles form experts on pension systems. The sixth part is describing proposal for Czech pension reform. It is also comparing the setting of this proposal with previously described systems. It also shows influence of parameters on sustainability of system, revenues of participants and expenses of government. In conclusion, article also discusses the influence of pension reform on family relations. This part of article is mainly based on work of world famous economist Gary S. Becker.

As entidades fechadas de previdência complementar enquanto instrumentos de atuação do Estado na economia / Closed pension entities as instruments of state action in the economy

Silas Cardoso de Souza 10 April 2015 (has links)
Com as transformações ocorridas nas últimas décadas do século XX, notadamente a expansão financeira pela qual passou o capitalismo, o enfraquecimento fiscal dos Estados nacionais e o questionamento aos sistemas de previdência pública por repartição, ganham importância em todo o mundo os fundos de pensão. Estes fundos, ao lado de outros investidores institucionais, como seguradoras e fundos de investimentos, passam a cumprir papel central no mercado acionário e também no mercado de títulos públicos e privados. Com o objetivo de realizar lucros para pagar benefícios de aposentadoria para os seus participantes, os fundos de pensão arrecadam e concentram poupança privada pulverizada, transformando-a em um ativo poderoso. No Brasil, as Entidades Fechadas de Previdência Complementar nomenclatura jurídica dos fundos de pensão possuem um total de 702 bilhões de reais em ativos, que se concentram nas três maiores entidades do país: Previ, Petros e Funcef. Em comum, estes três fundos têm o fato de serem patrocinados por empresas estatais, o que, pela legislação vigente, dá ao Poder Executivo a competência de indicar metade de seus dirigentes, incluindo o seu presidente que possui voto de desempate. O presente trabalho pesquisou o papel que estas três EFPCs cumprem enquanto instrumento de atuação do Estado no domínio econômico, especialmente para o provimento de fundos para o desenvolvimento. Para isso, primeiramente, o estudo explora o movimento de expansão financeira do capitalismo e a crise no padrão de desenvolvimento brasileiro. Depois, investiga de maneira sistemática o arcabouço jurídico que regula os fundos de pensão; e, por fim, analisa a alocação dos seus investimentos e o perfil dos seus dirigentes. / With the changes occurred in the last decades of the twentieth century, notably the financial expansion that has occurred in capitalism, the fiscal weakening of national states and the questioning of the public pension Pay as You Go systems, the pension funds increases their importance worldwide. These funds, along with other institutional investors, such as insurance companies and investment funds, started to fulfill a central role in the stock market and also in the public and private securities market. In order to make profits to pay retirement benefits to its participants, pension funds collect and concentrate spread private saving, transforming it into a powerful asset. In Brazil, the Closed Pension Funds Entities - Legal classification of pension funds - have a total of 702 billion reais in assets, which are concentrated in the three largest countrys entities: Previ, Petros and Funcef. In common, these three funds are sponsored by state-owned enterprises, which, by Law, gives the Executive Branch the power to appoint half of its leaders, including the President, who has the casting vote. This study investigated the role that these three EFPCs meet as state action instrument in the economic field, especially for the provision of funds for development. To achieve this, we studied the movement of financial expansion of capitalism, the crisis in the Brazilian development pattern and the whole legal framework that regulates the pension funds, to, then, move to an analysis of the allocation of its investments and the profile of its leaders.

Pensijų fondų veiklos teisinis reguliavimas / Legal regulation of the performance of pension funds

Kačėnaitė, Jurgita 27 December 2006 (has links)
Lietuvos Respublikoje nuo 2004 metų veikia nauja socialinio draudimo pensijų sistema. Ji suteikia Lietuvos Respublikos gyventojams teisę kaupti papildomai pensijos daliai pensijų fonduose. II ir III pakopos pensijų fondų veiklos priežiūrą atlieka Lietuvos Respublikos Vertybinių popierių komisija. Pensijos yra tam tikra taupymo forma, kuri leidžia sulyginti pajamas per visą gyvenimo laikotarpį. Kiekvienas dirbantis žmogus gali taupyti tam tikrą einamųjų pajamų dalį, taip užtikrindamas sau išmokas iš÷jus į pensiją. Todėl išsivysčiusiose šalyse pensijos ir pensijų fondai vystėsi jau nuo senų laikų – jų užuomazgų galima rasti jau XVII amžiuje. Pirmosios valstybinės pensijos įvestos, generolo Oto fon Bismarko dėka, Vokietijoje 1889 metais. Daugumoje Europos Sąjungos valstybių praktikoje išryškėjo tendencija II pensijų sistemos pakopą daryti kaip privalomąją. Lietuvos Respublikos privalomąjį pobūdį išlaikė tik pirmoji pakopa, tuo tarpu antroji ir trečioji yra savanoriškos. Nuo 2004 m. sausio m÷n. 1 d. Lietuvos Respublikos gyventojai dalį įmokų “Sodrai” turi teisę pervesti į pensijų fondus, o taip pat gali savanoriškai kaupti papildomai pensijos daliai pensijų fonduose ar gyvybės draudimo įmonėse, mokėdami tam tikro dydžio įmokas. Teisę tapti pensijų fondo dalyviu turi asmenys, privalomai draudžiami valstybiniu socialiniu pensijų draudimu pagrindinei ir papildomai pensijos daliai gauti, išskyrus asmenis, kurie jau yra sukakę senatvės pensijos amžių. Pensijų įmokos dydis 2006 metais... [to full text] / Lithuanians, since 01/01/04, a part of their payments to “Sodra” can remit in pension funds. All pension accumulation enterprises are strictly controlled and supervised by the Stock Commission. Pension is a particular way on saving, which allows dispensing lifetime income. Every working person can put aside a certain part of his income, thus guaranteeing allowance when the person retires. In wealthy countries pensions and pension funds have existed for a long time, their origins dating as far back as the 17th. First retirement was instituted by Otto von Bismarck in Germany 1889. There is a tendency that in most of European Union states II level’s of the pension system are compulsory. In Lithuania only I level is compulsory, while II and III are voluntary. Lithuanians, since 01/01/04, a part of their payments to “Sodra” can remit in pension funds, also they can accumulate voluntary for subsidiary part of the pension in pension funds or insurance enterprises, by making certain payments. To become a participant of the pension fund may a person, who is compulsory insured with the social retirement insurance, to get main or subsidiary part of pension. Person, who is already turned the retirement age, have no right to participate in the second level. In 2006 the pension payment is 4.5 percent, since 2007 – 5.5 percent of participant’s income, from which the national social security payments are countable. Payments are remitted from VSDF (National Social Insurance Fund) budget to... [to full text]

Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų įvertinimas / Evaluation of Private Pension Funds in Lithuania

Stankūnaitė, Gitana 14 January 2009 (has links)
Magistrantūros studijų baigiamasis darbas, 69 puslapiai, 12 paveikslai, 8 lentelių, 88 literatūros šaltiniai, 11 priedų, lietuvių kalba. RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: pensijos, socialinė apsauga, pensijų sistemos reforma, privatūs pensijų fondai. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos privatūs pensijų fondai. Darbo tikslas – įvertinti Lietuvos privačius pensijų fondus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1) nustatyti privačių pensijų fondų vietą pensijų sistemoje; 2) nustatyti privačių pensijų fondų svarbą kuriant gerovės valstybę; 3) atlikti privačių pensijų fondų veiklos ir vertinimo problemų analizę; 4) nustatyti pensijų fondų vertintojus ir jų vertinimo kriterijus; 5) parengti pensijų fondų įvertinimo metodiką; 6) pagal parengtą metodiką įvertinti Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų veiklą. Tyrimo metodai - mokslinės literatūros bei loginė analizė ir sintezė, lyginamoji analizė, struktūrinė santykinė analizė, statistinių duomenų analizė ir sintezė, grafinio vaizdavimo metodas, reitingavimo metodas. / The final work of magistracy studies, 69 pages, 12 pictures, 8 tables, 88 literature sources, 11 annexes, in Lithuanian. KEY WORDS: pensions, social security, pension system reform, private pension funds. Research Target: private pension funds in Lithuania. Research aim: To evaluate private pension funds in Lithuania. Research Objectives: 1. To ascertain the location of private pension funds in pension system; 2. To ascertain the importance of private pension funds creating the welfare state; 3. To carry out the analyses of the problems determining the activity of private pension funds; 4. To establish the evaluators and their criteria for evaluating private pension funds; 5. To prepare methodics for evaluating pension funds; 6. to evaluate the activity of private pension funds in Lithuania according to the prepared methods. Research methods: logical analysis and synthesis of scientific literature, comparative analyses, structural relative analysis, analysis and synthesis of statistical data, graphical representation method, rate-making method.

Privatūs II pakopos pensijų fondai ir jų raidos Lietuvoje ekonominis vertinimas / Private II pillar pension funds and economic evaluation of their development in Lithuania

Mikulevič, Rima 17 July 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbe išnagrinėta pensinio socialinio draudimo samprata bei aptarta socialinio draudimo istorinė raida Lietuvoje. Išanalizuotas privačių pensijų fondų objektyvus reikalingumas Lietuvoje. Šiame magistro darbe taip pat ištirta Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų rinkos struktūra bei atlikta išsami Lietuvos privačių pensijų fondų rinkos ekonominė analizė. Pagal šios analizės rezultatus pateiktos privačių pensijų fondų tobulinimo galimybės. Patvirtinta autoriaus suformuluota hipotezė, kad Lietuvoje pensinio amžiaus žmonių aprūpinimas nėra pakankamas, todėl šią problemą galima dalinai išspręsti remiantis privačiais pensijų fondais. / This master‘s thesis examinated the concept of social security retirement and discussed social security historical development in Lithuania. Analyzed the private pension fund objective necessity in Lithuania. Also this master‘s thesis has been investigated Lithuanian private pension fund market structure and accomplished detail Lithuanian private pension fund market economic analize. According to the results of the analyze has been present the private pension fund improvement facilities. Author‘s formulated hypothesis – that Lithuania retirement age persons provision is not sufficient, so this problem can be partially resolved by private pension funds,was approved by the reasersh.

Penzijní připojištění - preference pojistníků / Supplementary pension insurance - preferences of policyholders

STRNADOVÁ, Helena January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the supplementary pension insurance. The theoretical part of the work introduces basic principles of supplementary pension insurance such as the significant role in the pension system. The aim of the application part is to present the current state of pension. The largest share of the practical part will be devoted to the analysis of survey conducted by the author of the thesis. The target of questionnaire is to determine the preferences of policyholders and to find connections between different answers. Statistical methods will be used to process data.

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