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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Processus de réaction-diffusion : une approche par le groupe de renormalisation non perturbatif

Canet, Léonie 17 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse propose une approche, par les méthodes du groupe de renormalisation non perturbatif, des phénomènes critiques dans les systèmes hors de l'équilibre. Ce travail se scinde en deux parties. La première présente une analyse méthodologique des propriétés de convergence et de précision des approximations les plus couramment utilisées dans ce formalisme : le développement en dérivées et le développement en champ. La seconde partie est consacrée à l'exploration des processus de réaction-diffusion. D'une part, est apportée la première détermination analytique en toute dimension des exposants critiques (universels) caractérisant la classe d'universalité de la percolation dirigée. D'autre part, le diagramme de phase complet des marches aléatoires avec branchement et annihilation impaires est établi et confirmé par des simulations numériques. Cette analyse révèle des effets non perturbatifs qui modifient qualitativement les propriétés (non universelles) communément admises de ce diagramme --- issues des théories de perturbation.

Effect of Illuviated Deposits on Infiltration Rates and Denitrification During Sewage Effluent Recharge

Montgomery, Errol L., Korkosz, Emily, Dalton, Russell O., Jr., DeWitt, Ronald H. 16 April 1977 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1977 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 15-16, 1977, Las Vegas, Nevada / This study, conducted to determine the interrelationships among nitrogen transformations, infiltration rates, and development of the black layer found in the Santa Cruz River downstream of the Tucson (Arizona) sewage treatment plant, tested these interrelationships by percolating sewage effluent through clear acrylic columns uniformly packed with river sand for the first run, with gravel for the second run. Sewage effluent was continuously applied to three of the columns for 28 and 64 days during the first and second runs respectively. The remaining column was continuously flooded with tap water to serve as a control. Infiltration rates decreased rapidly upon application of the sewage, and within a few days a black layer developed, its thickness inversely related to the infiltration rate but not a cause of reduced flow, which is attributed, rather, to clogging of the surface by suspended solids. There was an average reduction in total nitrogen of 62.9% for the first run, and 15.9% for the second. The mechanisms of removal for run 1 were predominately absorption and denitrification, whereas the predominate removal mechanism in run 2 was filtering of organic nitrogen with adsorption and denitrification also playing an important role.

Modélisation de solides à nanocristaux de silicium

Lepage, Hadrien 22 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Les propriétés physico-chimiques d'un nanocristal semi-conducteur sphérique, intermédiaires entre la molécule et le solide, dépendent de sa taille. Empilés ou dispersés, ces nanocristaux sont les briques architecturales de nouveaux matériaux fonctionnels aux propriétés ajustables, en particulier pour l'optoélectronique. Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le développement de ces nouveaux matériaux et présente avant tout une méthodologie pour la simulation du transport électronique dans un solide à nanocristaux en régime de faible couplage électronique appliquée à des nanocristaux de silicium dans une matrice de SiO2 pour les applications photovoltaïques. La cinétique du déplacement des porteurs est liée au taux de transfert tunnel (hopping) entre nanocristaux. Ces taux sont calculés dans le cadre de la théorie de Marcus et prennent en compte l'interaction électron-phonon dont l'effet du champ de polarisation dans la matrice ainsi que les interactions électrostatiques à courte et longue portée. Le calcul des états électroniques (électrons et trous) en théorie k.p associé à l'utilisation de la formule de Bardeen donne au code la capacité, par rapport à la littérature, de fournir des résultats (mobilité ou courant) en valeur absolue. Les résultats de mobilité ainsi obtenus pour des empilements cubiques idéaux viennent contredire les résultats de la littérature et incitent à considérer d'autres matériaux notamment en ce qui concerne la matrice pour obtenir de meilleurs performances. En outre, les résultats de simulation de dispositifs montrent l'impact considérable des électrodes sur les caractéristiques courant-tension. Aussi, un nouvel algorithme Monte-Carlo Cinétique accéléré a été adapté afin de pouvoir reproduire le désordre inhérent à la méthode de fabrication tout en maintenant un temps de simulation raisonnable. Ainsi l'impact du désordre en taille se révèle faible à température ambiante tandis que les chemins de percolation occultent la contribution des autres chemins de conduction. Des résultats de caractérisation comparés aux simulations tendent par ailleurs à indiquer que ces chemins peuvent concentrer les porteurs et exhiber un phénomène de blocage de coulomb. Enfin, la section efficace d'absorption est calculée théoriquement et permet d'obtenir le taux de génération sous illumination qui se révèle proche du silicium massif. Et une méthode en microscopie à sonde de Kelvin est décrite pour caractériser la durée de vie des porteurs c'est-à-dire le taux de recombinaison, les résultats ainsi obtenus étant cohérents avec d'autres techniques expérimentales.

Superconductive Effects in Thin Cluster Films

Grigg, John Antony Hugh January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, the superconductive and superresistive properties of thin percolating films of lead nanoclusters are presented. The samples were created by depositing clusters from an inert gas aggregation cluster source onto substrates held at either room temperature or 10K. Observations of the characteristic behaviours of the samples were made through R(T ) and V (I) measurements. Several interesting features were observed - smooth and discrete steps in the R(I) curves, hysteresis between increasing and decreasing bias currents, and non-zero resistances at superconducting temperatures. Explanations are proposed in terms of theoretical models of several phenomena - phase slips, phase slip centres and hotspots - which have seen little prior application to percolating systems in literature.

Modélisation de la transformation de biomatériaux par un modèle de percolation

Mély, Hubert 22 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les biomatériaux interviennent dans de nombreuses applications médicales. La connaissance de leur évolution une fois implantés dans l'organisme est primordiale pour les améliorer et en créer de nouveaux. Dans cette optique, nous avons réalisé une modélisation à deux dimensions de la transformation d'un biomatériau en os. Pour cette modélisation, nous utilisons la théorie de la percolation. Celle-ci traite de la transmission d'information à travers un milieu où sont distribués un très grand nombre de sites pouvant localement relayer cette information. Nous présentons un modèle de double percolation sites-liens, pour prendre en compte d'une part la vascularisation (et/ou résorption) du biomatériau de l'implant dans un os, et d'autre part sa continuité mécanique. Nous identifions les paramètres pertinents pour d'écrire l'implant et son évolution, qu'ils soient d'origine biologique, chimique ou physique. Les différents phénomènes sont classés suivant deux régimes, percolant ou non-percolant, qui rendent compte des phases avant et après vascularisation de l'implant. Nous avons testé notre simulation en reproduisant les données expérimentales obtenues pour des implants de corail. Nous avons réalisé une étude des différents paramètres de notre modèle, pour déterminer l'influence de ceux-ci sur chaque phase du processus. Cette simulation est aussi adaptable à différents systèmes d'implants. Nous montrons la faisabilité d'une modélisation à trois dimensions en transposant la partie statique de notre simulation.

Réseaux de transport complexes : résilience, modélisation et optimisation

Holovatch, Taras 19 October 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette étude, nous produisons une analyse des réseaux de transport publics (acronyme PTN en anglais) en combinant des outils de la théorie des réseaux complexes, des simulations numériques et des approches analytiques. Nous avons commencé par une analyse empirique des PTN de 14 villes importantes dans le monde et en avons déterminé les principales caractéristiques en termes de réseaux complexes. Cette apporche empirique montre que les PTN apparaissent comme des réseaux ("small world") fortement corrélés avec des "coefficients d'agrégation" élevés et des "distances les plus courtes moyennes" comparativement faibles. Nous avons ensuite introduit divers modèles de PTN à 1 et 2 dimensions. Le modèle de marches aléatoires auto-évitantes (SAW) en interactions mutuelles capture certaines des propriété statistiques des PTN dans les divers modes de représentation. Nous avons poursuivi cette étude en examinant la résistance des PTN à divers scénarios d'attaques, ce qui permet de définir des critères de robustesse des réseaux considérés.

Ecoulements de particules dans un milieu poreux

Lominé, Franck 19 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse a pour objet l'étude expérimentale et numérique de l'écoulement de particules dans un empilement de sphères plus grosses. <br />Un dispositif expérimental a été mis au point pour étudier la dispersion latérale et le temps moyen de séjour d'un paquet de particules dans un milieu poreux. Nous avons en particulier déterminé la dépendance du temps moyen de transit en fonction du nombre de particules en écoulement, de la taille des particules et de la hauteur du milieu poreux. Nous avons également caractérisé la dépendance du coefficient de dispersion latéral vis-à-vis du nombre de particules transitant dans la structure poreuse.<br />Dans un deuxième temps, nous avons développé des modèles de simulations numériques basés sur les méthodes "Event-Driven" et "dynamique moléculaire de sphères molles". Ceux-ci nous ont permis de compléter l'étude expérimentale en analysant l'influence de divers paramètres supplémentaires. L'accès à l'intérieur du milieu poreux a permis une analyse plus fine de la dispersion des particules. <br />Enfin, nous avons abordé la possibilité d'utiliser le phénomène de percolation spontanée pour réaliser un mélangeur. Grâce à l'outil numérique, nous avons réalisé et caractérisé des mélanges de particules de tailles différentes. Nous avons alors montré que ce procédé s'avère être un moyen simple et efficace pour obtenir des mélanges homogènes de particules.

Computational and experimental studies of strain sensitive carbon nanotube films

Bu, Lei 08 December 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The excellent electrical and mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) provide interesting opportunities to realize new types of strain gauges. However, there are still challenges for the further development of CNT film strain gauges, for instance the lack of design rules, the homogeneity, stability and reproducibility of CNT films. This thesis aims to address these issues from two sides: simulation and experiment. Monte Carlo simulations show that both the sheet resistance and gauge factor of CNT films are determined essentially by the two-dimensional exclude area of CNTs. It was shown, for the first time, that the variation of the CNT film gauge factor follows the percolation scaling law. The sheet resistance and gauge factor both have a power-law divergence when approaching the percolation threshold. The standard deviation of film resistances, however, also increases correspondingly. These findings of simulations provide a general guide to the tailoring of material property of CNT films in strain sensing applications: a compromise should be made between the reproducibility, conductivity and sensitivity of CNT films depending on application purposes. From the experimental side, the processing parameters for the preparation of CNT dispersions were first investigated and optimized. The reproducibility of the film resistance is significantly improved by selecting a suitable sonication time. In strain measurements it was found that for most CNT films the film resistance responses nonlinearly to the applied strain. The dependence of the film resistance on the strain can be roughly divided into two regions with nearly linear behavior respectively. The gauge factor varies with the quality of CNTs and the depositing method. A gauge factor up to 8 was achieved in the high strain region. The nonlinear response behavior was found in simulations when the CNT waviness is properly taken into account. To achieve a high gauge factor and simultaneously retain the high conductivity and reproducibility, good-quality MWCNTs were integrated in polyethylene oxide (PEO). A high gauge factor up to 10 was achieved for the composite film with CNT weight fraction of 2.5%. The resistance and gauge factor can be tuned by changing the MWCNT weight fraction with respect to PEO. A careful comparison of simulation and experiment results show that a good qualitative agreement can be achieved between them in many respects.

Dinâmica da água no solo em função da vazão do gotejador em irrigação intermitente. / Soil water dynamics as a function of the emitter flow in intermittent irrigation.

NASCIMENTO, Tarcízio. 13 June 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-06-13T12:44:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TARCÍZIO NASCIMENTO - TESE PPGEA 2009..pdf: 10510162 bytes, checksum: 327d8ac96a0edae285a8bd59ae917da5 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-06-13T12:44:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TARCÍZIO NASCIMENTO - TESE PPGEA 2009..pdf: 10510162 bytes, checksum: 327d8ac96a0edae285a8bd59ae917da5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-08 / CNPq / Este trabalho foi conduzido no campo experimental de Bebedouro, pertencente à Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa Semiárido) com o objetivo de determinar a intermitência de irrigação e a vazão do emissor que reduzindo a velocidade da frente de umidade no perfil do solo; e sua influência nas perdas de água por percolação. O trabalho foi realizado em um lisímetro de drenagem com dimensões de 100 cm de aresta, utilizando-se um solo tipo Neossolo Quartzarênico, com 94% de areia, 1% de silte e 5% de argila, coletado em uma área no projeto de irrigação Senador Nilo Coelho, em Petrolina-PE. Com base na evaporação média anual da estação experimental Bebedouro, que é de aproximadamente 8,0 mm, os testes foram realizados, utilizando um volume de reposição, fixo de 8,0 L de água. As irrigações foram realizadas, utilizando-se um esquema fatorial de quatro vazões (2,0; 4,0; 8,0 e 12,0 L h"1) por quatro intermitências (uma, duas, três e sem intermitências). Cada teste foi repetido por três dias consecutivos com irrigação, e quatro dias consecutivos sem irrigações. A velocidade da frente de umidade no solo irrigado com o emissor de 12,0 L h"1 foi, respectivamente, de 110,0; 89,9; 77,5; e 73,6 cm h"1 para irrigação sem, com uma, duas e com três intermitências. Com o emissor de 8,0 L Iv a velocidade foi de 68,1; 62,3; 60,4 e 62,6 cm h'1. Com o emissor com 4,0 L h"1 a velocidade foi de 47,6; 39,2; 36,6; e 39,7 cm h"1. Com o emissor com 2,0 L h"1 a velocidade foi de 34,7; 25,1; 23,0 e 28,3 cm h'1. Nas irrigações realizadas com emissores de vazão de 12,0 L h"1, observa-se, em relação à intermitência, que a velocidade da frente de umidade sofreu um decréscimo de 18,73; 29,86 e 33,39 %, entre as irrigações sem intermitência e as irrigações com uma, duas e três intermitências, respectivamente. Nas irrigações realizadas com emissores de vazão de 8,0 L h~1, houve um decréscimo de 8,58; 11,31 e 8,08%, nas irrigações realizadas com emissores de vazão de 4,0 L h"\ houve um decréscimo de 17,65; 23,11 e 16,60% e nas irrigações realizadas com emissores de vazão de 2,0 L h'1, houve um decréscimo de 27,67; 33,72 e 18,44%. Em relação à vazão, observase que a velocidade da frente de umidade nas irrigações realizadas sem intermitência, sofreu um decréscimo de 38,37; 56,92 e 68,60%, entre as irrigações com emissores de 12,0 L h"1 e as irrigações com emissores de 8,0; 4,0 e 2,0 L h"1 respectivamente. Nas irrigações realizadas com uma intermitência, houve um decréscimo de 30,62; 56,35 e 72,05%, nas irrigações realizadas com duas intermitências, houve um decréscimo de 22,06; 55,77 e 70,32% e nas irrigações realizadas com três intermitências, houve um decréscimo de 14,95; 46,06 e 61,55%. Com base nos resultados, observa-se que as menores velocidades da frente de umidade ocorreram nas irrigações com duas intermitências e com emissores de 2,0 e 4,0 L h"1. A redução na velocidade da frente de umidade aumenta o tempo de permanência da água no perfil do solo, proporcionando um maior tempo de oportunidade para extração da água pela cultura, aumentando a eficiência de uso da água, e reduzindo as perdas por percolação profunda. / This study was conducted in the Bebedouro experimental field, belonging to the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa Semi-Arid) in order to determine the irrigation intermittency and the emitter flow that would reduce the front velocity of moisture in the soil profile, and its influence on deep percolation water loss. The study was conducted in a drainage lysimeter with dimensions of 100 cm of edge, using a soil type Entisols, with 94% of sand, 1% of silt and 5% of clay, collected in a commercial area of a Grape production farm in the irrigation project Senador Nilo Coelho Petrolina-PE. Based on the average annual evaporation of the Bebedouro experimental station, which is approximately 8.0 mm, the tests were conducted using a fixed replacement volume of 8.0 L of water. The irrigations were performed using a factorial scheme of four flow rates (2.0, 4.0, 8.0 and 12.0 L h"1) by four irrigation intermittencies (one, two, three and without intermittency). Each test was repeated three consecutive days with irrigation and four consecutive days without irrigation. The front velocity of moisture in the soil irrigated with the emitter of 12.0 L h"1 was, respectively, 110.0, 89.9, 77.5, and 73.6 cm h"1 without irrigation, with one, two and three intermittencies. With the emitter of 8.0 L h"1 the front velocity was 68.1, 62.3, 60.4 and 62.6 cm h"1. With the emitter with 4.0 L h"1 the front velocity was 47.6, 39.2, 36.6, and 39.7 cm h"1. With the emitter with 2.0 L h"1 the front velocity was 34.7, 25.1, 23.0 and 28.3 cm h"1. In the irrigation performed with the emitters of flow rate of 12.0 L h", it is observed, in relation to intermittency, that the front velocity of the moisture decreased by 18.73, 29.86 and 33.39% between the irrigations without intermittency and irrigation with one, two and three intermittencies, respectively. In irrigations performed with emitters of flow rate of 8.0 L h", there was a decrease of 8.58, 11.31 and 8.08%, in irrigations performed with emitters of flow rate of 4.0 L h"1, there was a decrease of 17.65, 23.11 and 16.60% and in the irrigations performed with emitters of flow rate of 2.0 L h", there was a decrease of 27.67, 33.72 and 18.44%. Regarding flow, it is observed that the front velocity of moisture in irrigations performed without intermittency, decreased by 38.37, 56.92 and 68.60% between the irrigations with emitters of 12.0 L h"1 and the irrigations with emitters of 8.0, 4.0 and 2.0 L h"1 respectively. In irrigations performed with one intermittency, there was a decrease of 30.62, 56.35 and 72.05%, in irrigations performed with two intermittencies, there was a decrease of 22.06, 55.77 and 70.32%, and in the irrigations performed with three intermittencies there was a decrease of 14.95, 46.06 and 61.55%. Based on the results, it is observed that the lower velocity of moisture occurred in the front with two intermittencies and irrigation with emitters of 2.0 and 4.0 L h"1. The reduction in the front velocity of the soil moisture increases the residence time of water in the soil profile, providing a greater opportunity time for water extraction by the crop, increasing the efficiency of water use, and reducing deep percolation losses.

Analyses of the impacts of bacteriological seepage emanating from pig farming on the natural environment

Mofokeng, Dikonketso Shirley-may 03 1900 (has links)
Modern pig farming production may over burden the environment with organic substances, exposure of bacterial pathogens and introduction of resistance gene. This may be caused by the pig’s droppings, lack of seepage management or accidental spillage of seepage which may impact on the environment and its physicochemical parameters. The objective of this study is to determine and assess the level of bacteriological pollution emanating from the pig farm and their impact on the physicochemical parameters of soil and water as well as to identify the presence of antibiotic resistance gene of these prevailing bacteria. Soil and water samples were collected monthly for a period of six months (March- August 2013). Samples were collected at pig enclosures, soil 20 m and 100 m away from pig enclosures, constructed wetland used for treating pig farm wastewater, soil 20m and 100 m away from constructed wetland. Procedure followed for analysing soil and water samples includes physicochemical analyses, viable cell counts of 10-1 to 10-8 dilutions, identification of bacteria using API 20E test kit, antibiotic susceptibility analyses, and identification of resistance gene using molecular procedures. The media that were used for viable cell counts were, Nutrient agar, MacConkey Agar, Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate agar (XLD agar), and Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB). Physicochemical parameters of water showed unacceptable high levels of analysed parameters for BOD (163 mg/L to 3350 mg/L), TDS (0.77 g/L to 6.48 mg/L), COD (210 mg/L to 9400 mg/L), NO3 (55 mg/L to 1680 mg/L), NO2 (37.5 mg/L to 2730 mg/L), and PO43− (50 mg/L to 1427 mg/L) were higher than the maximum permissible limits set by Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). For soil samples TDS (0.01g/L to 0.88 g/L), COD (40 mg/L to 304 mg/L), NO3 (32.5 mg/L to 475 mg/L), and NO2 (7.35 mg/L to 255 mg/L) and PO43- (32.5 mg/L to 475 mg/L ) were observed to be higher than recommended limits set by Federal Ministry for the Environmental (FME). The viable cells in soil samples 30cm depth ranged from 0 cfu/mL to 2.44 x 1010cfu/mL, in soil 5cm depth ranged from 1.00 x 101 cfu/mL to 1.91 x 1010 cfu/mL, and in water samples viable cells ranged from 5.00 x 101 to 5.05 x 109. Pseudomonas luteola (Ps. luteola), Escherichia vulneris (E. vulneris), Salmonella choleraesuis spp arizonae, Escherichia coli 1(E. coli 1), Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomonas flourescens/putida (Ps. flourescens/putida), Enterobacter aerogenes, Serratia ordoriferal, Pasteurella pneumotropica, Ochrobactrum antropi, Proteus vulgaris group, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella spp, Aeromonas Hydrophila/caviae/sobria1, Proteus Mirabillis, Vibrio fluvials, Rahnella aquatillis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Ps. aeruginosa), Burkholderia Cepacia, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (St. maltophilia), Shwenella putrefaciens, Klebsiela pneumonia, Cedecea davisa, Serratia liquefaciens, Serratia plymuthica, Enterobacter sakaziki, Citrobacter braakii, Enterobacter amnigenus 2, Yersinia pestis, Serratia ficaria, Enterobacter gergoriae, Enterobacter amnigenus 1, Serratia marcescens, Raoutella terrigena, Hafnia alvei 1, Providencia rettgeri, and Pantoa were isolated from soil and water samples from the pig farm. Isolates were highly resistant to Penicillin G, Sulphamethaxazole, Vancomycin, Tilmocozin, Oxytetracycline, Spectinomycin, Lincomycin, and Trimethoprim. The most resistance genes detected in most isolates were aa (6’)-le-aph (2”)-la, aph (2”)-lb, aph (3”)-llla, Van A, Van B, Otr A and Otr B. Pig farm seepage is causing bacterial pollution which is impacting negatively on the natural environment in the vicinity of pig farm by introducing bacterial pathogens that have an antibiotic resistance gene and is increasing the physicochemical parameters for soil and water in the natural environment at the pig farm. It is therefore recommended that pig farms should consider the need to implement appropriate regulatory agencies that may include the regular monitoring of the qualities of final effluents from waste water treatment facilities. In addition there is a need to limit soil pollution in order to safe guard the natural environment in the vicinity of pig farm from bacteriological pollution and introduction of antibiotic resistance gene. It is also recommended that more advanced technologies should be introduced that will assist pig farms to manages the seepage properly. / Environmental Sciences / M. Sc. (Environmental Sciences)

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