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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Harry Crowl = marinas para piano - aspectos da construção da performance nas peças 'Guaratuba e Antonina',' Cabo da Roca' e 'Piran e Portoroz' / Harry Crowl : marinas for piano - performance aspects in the pieces 'Guaratuba e Antonina',' Cabo da Roca' e 'Piran e Portoroz'

Pozzi, Luiz Guilherme 08 March 2011 (has links)
Orientador: Mauricy Matos Marin / O manuscrito das peças e a edição revisada do ciclo para piano "Marinas" não serão disponibilizados por motivos de direitos autorais. / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-19T12:42:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Pozzi_LuizGuilherme_M.pdf: 4667691 bytes, checksum: c4e978d496c1d7e95a74f6449d118339 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O presente trabalho trata sobre a vida e obra do compositor Harry Crowl, criando um catálogo de sua produção musical e traçando um levantamento panorâmico de execuções de suas obras, evidenciando assim o valor de sua produção musical. Propõe-se aqui um estudo que leve diretamente à performance através da descrição das escolhas interpretativas e demais agentes que constroem a interpretação e execução musical em três peças de "Marinas", para piano, sendo elas 'Guaratuba e Antonina', 'Cabo da Roca' e 'Piran e Portoro¿'. Dentre os aspectos descritos nesse estudo encontram-se a reflexão sobre alguns toques pianísticos, os critérios para a escolha de dedilhado, a discussão sobre problemas de ordem técnica e de execução pianística sugerindo algumas de suas possíveis soluções e também se faz uma reflexão sobre o uso consciente dos pedais, salientando sua atuação valiosa para a interpretação pianística / Abstract: This dissertation deals with the life and work of the composer Harry Crowl, presenting a catalog of his musical production and an overview of performances of his works, thus demonstrating the value of his music production. Here we propose a study which leads directly to the performance of three pieces from "Marinas" for piano, by describing the interpretative choices and other factors present in the construction of a musical performance and interpretation. These pieces are 'Guaratuba and Antonina', 'Cabo da Roca' and 'Piran and Portoro¿'. Among the aspects described in this study are: a reflection about tone production (touch) on the piano, the criteria for the choice of fingering and the discussion of technical problems, suggesting some of its possible solutions, along with the reflections on the use of the pedals, emphasizing their valuable role in musical interpretation / Mestrado / Praticas Interpretativas / Mestre em Música

"Pra tudo se acabar na quarta feira" = aproximações, diálogos e estranhamento entre carnaval e teatro nas performances da Comissão de Frente / "Everything ending on wednesday" : approaches, dialogues and estrangements between carnival and theater in the Forn Commission

Manzini, Yaskara Donizeti 02 March 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Cassiano Sydow Quilici / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T00:34:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Manzini_YaskaraDonizeti_D.pdf: 9142129 bytes, checksum: 8262a2279644ee0b7884d8f49a3770ed (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O presente trabalho investiga as aproximações, diálogos e estranhamentos que se estabelecem entre os processos de criação nas artes da cena e os processos de criação dos desfiles das escolas de samba. Na escola de samba os espaços entre componente, família, comunidade, cultura, arte, festa e cena são muito tênues. Desta maneira, optou-se por abarcar este trabalho por meio dos Estudos da Performance, território conceitual multidisciplinar, onde, neste caso, os relevos da antropologia e artes cênicas se destacam. As encenações criadas, pela autora, para a Comissão de Frente da Associação Cultural e Social Escola de Samba Mocidade Camisa Verde e Branco, durante onze carnavais, configuram-se como o mote para a discussão destes processos. Assim, as próprias encenações podem ser consideradas como uma espécie de resultado: a cena. Todavia, o trabalho aponta para as possibilidades de pensar questões como tratamento do tempo/espaço e qualidade de " presença " e, consequentemente, " co-presença " a partir das relações que este tipo de criação, cênico carnavalesca, estabelece / Abstract: This study investigates the approaches, dialogues and estrangements that are established between the processes of creation in the scene arts and the processes of creation in the samba school parades. In samba schools the spaces between members, family, community, culture, art, party and scene are very thin. Thus, we chose to cover this work through the Performance Studies, a multidisciplinary conceptual territory, and, in this case, the relief of the anthropology and the performing arts stand out. The created staging, by the author, to the Front Commission of Cultural and Social Association Samba School "Mocidade Camisa Verde e Branco", for eleven carnivals, appears as the theme for the discussion of these processes. Thus, the stagings themselves can be considered as a kind of result: the scene. However, the work points to possibilities of thinking about issues such as the treatment of time/space and quality of "presence" and therefore "co-presence" from the relations that these types de creation, scenic and carnival, provide / Doutorado / Artes Cenicas / Doutor em Artes

Assalamu Aleikum favela : a performance Islâmica no movimento HIP HOP das periferias do ABCD e de São Paulo / Assalamu Aleikum slum : performance Islamic movement in Hip Hop the peripheries of the ABCD and São Paulo

Tomassi, Bianca Caterina Tereza 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Francirosy Campos Barbosa Ferreira / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T15:33:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tomassi_BiancaCaterinaTereza_M.pdf: 1059213 bytes, checksum: 114cca6b441ef1b5b574f4f5931ef31f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: Este trabalho apresenta e analisa a constituição da performance islâmica entre agentes do movimento Hip Hop nas periferias de São Paulo e do ABCD. Para isto o trabalho realiza uma digressão histórica partindo da percepção dos interlocutores e revela como e porque ocorre a intersecção entre o movimento Hip Hop e a religiosidade islâmica. A experiência etnográfica é a base para a coleta de dados que fundamentam a análise deste trabalho. A antropologia da performance perpassa a Dissertação ao servir de norteador e referencial teórico a fim de iluminar a formação e a constituição de uma nova performance, surgida do hibridismo entre Islã e Hip Hop. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho apresentam o surgimento de uma performance singular que se mostra em ascensão nas periferias estudadas. É observado também que o estudo acerca do Islã na periferia é amplo e não se limita ao movimento Hip Hop, pois este trabalho constata que o Islã agrega cada vez mais adeptos nas áreas pesquisadas, não incluindo apenas membros do movimento Hip Hop, levando-nos a concluir que o estudo da performance islâmica no movimento Hip Hop trata-se apenas de uma parte para a compreensão e a pesquisa sobre o Islã nas periferias / Abstract: This paper presents and analyzes the performance of the Islamic constitution between agents of the Hip Hop movement in the outskirts of Sao Paulo and ABCD. For this work performs a historical digression from the perception the audience and reveals how and why is the intersection between the Hip Hop movement and the Islamic religion. The ethnographic experience is the basis for collecting data underlying the analysis of this work. The anthropology of performance runs through the dissertation and serving as a guiding theoretical framework in order to illuminate the formation of a new constitution and performance, arising from the hybridization between Islam and Hip Hop. The results of this study show the emergence of a singular performance that shows rising in the suburbs studied. It is also observed that the study on the periphery of Islam is broad and not limited to the Hip Hop movement, as this paper notes that Islam brings more fans in the areas surveyed, including not only members of the Hip Hop movement, which makes conclude that the performance study of Islamic movements in Hip Hop this is only one part to the understanding and research on Islam in the suburbs / Mestrado / Artes Cenicas / Mestre em Artes

Missa em mi bemol (1811) do Pe. José Maurício Nunes Garcia : estudo analítico e interpretativo / The mass in Eb (1811) by father José Maurício Nunes Garcia : an analytical and interpretative study

Dias, Clayton Júnior, 1980- 07 December 2012 (has links)
Orientador: Adriana Giarola Kayama / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T19:45:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dias_ClaytonJunior_M.pdf: 76587345 bytes, checksum: bd7706906798a0f2b9b6d5e91dcb11db (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: Nessa pesquisa nosso principal objetivo foi resgatar uma obra importante do Pe. José Maurício Nunes Garcia que ainda não havia sido editada no Brasil e pesquisada em função da sua interpretação, a Missa em Mi bemol, composta no ano de 1811, catalogada como CPM 107. Com esse trabalho, esperamos contribuir para que essa peça seja conhecida, divulgada e que a análise aqui realizada auxilie os interpretes: regente, solistas, coro e organista na sua performance. Após uma pequena abordagem histórica sobre Pe. José Maurício Nunes Garcia e sua obra, apresentamos uma pesquisa sobre a origem e evolução das partes do Ordinário da Missa (até a forma utilizada na composição dessa peça) e na sequência, realizamos a analise da Missa em Mi bemol (1811) tendo como base o te6rico Felix Salzer, procurando salientar aspectos analíticos que poderiam ser utilizados na interpretação dessa obra. Por fim, no Anexo, apresentamos a partitura editada da Missa em Mi bemol (1811) / Abstract: Our main objective in this research was to recover the Missa em Mi bemol (1811, catalogue number CPM 107) composed by Father José Maurício Nunes Garcia, a work which still had not been edited and studied in sight of its interpretation in Brazil. With this research we hope to contribute in making this Mass known, and that our analysis assist conductors, soloists, choir and organist in perform it. After a brief look at Father José Maurício's life and musical production, we presented a study of the origin and evolution of the parts of the Ordinary of the Mass (up to the form used in Father Jose Mauricio's Mass). We then proceeded with the analysis of the Missa em Mi bemol (1811) based on the theory of Felix Salzer, in an attempt to point out analytical aspects that could be used in the interpretation of the work. Finally, in the Apendix, we presented the edited score of the Missa em Mi bemol (1811) / Mestrado / Praticas Interpretativas / Mestre em Música

O elemento material na obra de Joseph Beuys / The material element in Joseph Beuy's work

Rosenthal, Dalia 25 October 2002 (has links)
Orientador: Ernesto Giovanni Boccara / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-04T14:01:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rosenthal_Dalia_M.pdf: 6232476 bytes, checksum: 182064c92ac1ced38ba24095f8b78ad5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2002 / Resumo: JosephBeuys(1921-1986), artista plástico do pósguerra alemão,conhecido em todo o mundo,é consagradocomoumdosartistasmaisinfluentese divulgadosdesteséculo.Um nome que está intimamente ligadoaousoincomume bizarroquedeuaosmateriaisqueutilizavaemsuas ações,esculturase trabalhosgráficos.Na entradado novo milênio,Beuyscontinuaa ser intensamente interpretado, discutidoe analisado. Os materiais básicos queBeuysutilizouemsuasobrascomo gordura, cobreoufeltro, os uais constituem a tela de fundo de todooseutrabalho, sãoabordadoscomomateriaisquecontêm energiasacumuladasde formapotenciale comgrandespossibilidades detransformação. Beuys compreendia estes materiais como símbolos e energias presentes no contextodasociedade do trabalho artístico(Tashem, 1992). Este modo inovador com que tratou os materiaisartísticos,explorandotodasas suas possibilidades deassociações, determinou a ua posterior importância à toda uma forma de pensar efazer na arte contemporânea.Oobjetivopropostonestadissertaçãoé o deinvestigara vida,o pensamento e a obrade JosephBeuys,enfocandonautilizaçãoparticular que este artista deu aos materiais artísticos / Abstract: Not informed. / Mestrado / Artes / Mestre em Artes

The dionysian in performance reclaiming the female transgressive performing body

Solomon, Zanne January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis I investigate the theoretical or philosophical notion/archetype of the Dionysian in relation to the transgressive female body in performance. I do so through 1) an investigation into the theories behind the Dionysian and the transgressive; 2) an examination of the performative practice of the transgressive female body; and 3) a personal exploration of the theatrical practice. 1) In the first chapter I introduce and thoroughly explore the archetypal concept of the Dionysian, and identify its significance because of its intrinsic association with the transgressive. I associate it with its oppositional force, the Apollonian, which is similarly significant because it is through the Dionysian disruption of the Apollonian from which the very notion of the transgressive springs. Through a review of Camille Paglia's seminal text on the subject of the Dionysian¹, this chapter provides a historical, mythological and theoretical context for the schism between the two archetypal aesthetics, starting from the description of the mythology of the ancient Greek gods, Dionysus and Apollo, and unpacks the transgressive nature of the Dionysian. Drawing on concurring theories of Friedrich Nietzsche and Julia Kristeva, as well as Hans Thies-Lehmann's writings on post-dramatic theatre², Chapter One attempts to firmly establish the inherent link between the Dionysian and theatre and performance, as well as the Dionysian and the transgressive, and provide a thorough theoretical framework for the rest of the thesis. 2) The second chapter investigates the work of two female performance artists³ who (re)present⁴ their bodies as transgressive in performance, namely Marina Abramovic and Karen Finley. It critically examines specific performance works of theirs, and through this examination it explores how they (re)present their bodies as transgressive in performance, and why they do so. This chapter furthermore establishes the connection between the transgressive female performing body, as (re)presented by Abramovic and Finley, and the Dionysian. In so doing it explores how they negotiate this ancient aesthetic or practice in a contemporary performance context. I believe that these performance artists are in fact striving to celebrate and reclaim the Dionysian within their work, and I attempt to establish this within this chapter. 3) The third chapter of this thesis analyses my own practical exploration of the transgressive female body in performance in a piece entitled Bleeding Mermaid (2008). It examines this exploration in the context of the theory of the Dionysian, as well as investigating how and why I (re)presented my body as transgressive in the performance. The analysis furthermore questions how I understand my work on the (re)presentation of the transgressive female body in relation to, and within the context of, Finley and Abramovic's work on the same subject. Through this investigation, I aim to establish a link between the Dionysian and the transgressive female performing body; and investigate the motivation(s) behind the (re)presentation of the transgressive female body in performance. I hope to open up a pathway to the reclamation of the Dionysian, both in performance practice and research. ¹Paglia, Camille. Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. England: Penguin Books, 1990. ²Lehmann, Hans-Thies. Postdramatic Theatre. Trans. and Intro. Karen Jürs-Munby. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. ³Performance Art began around the 1960s in Europe and America. It is performance with a sense of immediacy – in that it is hard to replicate as it interacts with each unique audience – it is thus effectively a fresh/new experience each time. It breaks the boundaries of traditional theatre (form, structure, venue, time etc) and is often shocking or provocative in nature. It mixed the aesthetics of theatre and art, often taking place in installation settings. Performance Art has developed and morphed throughout the years, and is also referred to as Live Art in Britain. A performance artist is someone who produces performance art. It is possible that Performance Art no longer exists/is possible because it no longer shocks or affects the audience. ⁴My use of the brackets in (re)presented/(re)present throughout this thesis is because I would like to make simultaneous reference to the words/connotations of "presentation" and "representation", without being bound to the connotations of illusion/falseness/non-reality as is associated with the word "representation" (in opposition to the concept of the "real"), and thus be left only with the one-dimensional approach/meaning of "presentation".

Challenging desire : performing whiteness in post-apartheid South Africa

Smit, Sonja January 2014 (has links)
The central argument of this thesis asserts that in the process of challenging dominant subject positions, such as whiteness, performance creates the possibilities for new or alternative arrangements of desire. It examines how the creative process of desire is forestalled (reified) by habitual representations of whiteness as a privileged position, and proposes that performance can be a valid form of resistance to static conceptions of race and subjectivity. The discussion takes into account how the privilege of whiteness finds representation through forms of neo-liberalism and neo-colonialism in the post apartheid context. The analysis focuses on the work of white South African artists whose work offers a critique from within the privileged “centre” of whiteness. The research is situated within the inter-disciplinary field of performance studies entailing a reading and application of critical texts to the analysis. Alongside this qualitative methodology surfaces a subjective dialogue with the information presented on whiteness. Part Two includes an analysis of Steven Cohen’s The Cradle of Humankind (2011), Brett Bailey’s Exhibit A (2011) and Michael MacGarry’s LHR-JNB (2010). Each section examines the way in which the respective works engage in a questioning of whiteness through performance. Part Three investigates South African rap-rave duo, Die Antwoord and how their appropriation of Zef interrogates desires for an essential authenticity. Part Four focuses on my own performance practice and the proposed value of engaging with a form of practice-led research. This is particularly relevant in relation to critical race studies that require a level of self-reflexivity from the researcher. It presents an analysis of the work entitled Villain (2012) as a disturbance of theatrical desire through a process of ‘becoming’. This notion of meaning and identity as ‘becoming’ is argued as a strategy to challenge prevailing modes of perception which can possibly restore the production of desire to the viewer. The thesis concludes with the notion that performance can offer a mode of immanent ethics which is significant in creating both vulnerable and critical forms of whiteness.

Constructing voices : a narrative case study of the processes and production of a community art performance

Miller, Lorrie Anne 05 1900 (has links)
Constructing Voices is a narrative case study exploring the experiences of young women as they participated in a major public art performance project. I followed the process and production of Turning Point and Under Construction over the course of one year. Under the direction of American performance artist and educator Suzanne Lacy, this Vancouver, Canada based art project and performance sought to empower participating young women; to help them fin their voice and to provide them with a forum so that they might challenge and alter public perception and stereotypes of young women in the mass media. Seven young women from Turning Point and three local organizers, including the project and performance producer, have offered their narratives to inform this study. Together, they take us behind the scenes of a huge and complex community art project and performance. Their stories help us find meaning amidst the contradictions inherent in art productions of this magnitude. I approach this inquiry from a constructivist paradigm, informed by postmodern feminism. Through this research I call for a collaborative art practice which is reflexive, critical and egalitarian - one in which power is shared and where representation is determined by those whose lives are displayed. To inform our future artistic and educational practices, we need to turn to those pedagogical frameworks that best correspond to the intended goals of the projects. In the case of Turning Point and Under Construction, we need to look to feminist, emancipatory and performance art pedagogies. Only by informing our practices in this way, can these projects provide the opportunity for individuals to achieve a heightened engagement with their world - to learn through currere. In this narrative case study, we hear from young women at turning points in their lives. They believe what they say has value and should be heard by others. Performance art has the potential to be a rich site for learning so long as the process is congruent with the goals of the art project. As art educators we can respond to these narratives in our practices by providing environments for learning where participants/learners can find their own ideas and voices while expressing themselves in personally meaningful ways. / Education, Faculty of / Curriculum and Pedagogy (EDCP), Department of / Graduate

O Passado Negro : a incorporação da memória negra da cidade de Campinas através das performances de legados musicais / The Black Memory : the embodiment of black memory of Campinas through performances of musical legacies

Giesbrecht, Érica, 1976- 18 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Lenita Waldige Mendes Nogueira, Rita de Cássia Lahoz Morelli / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Artes / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-18T17:20:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Giesbrecht_Erica_D.pdf: 34707985 bytes, checksum: c13c6788883b77cb55a630c3a7c3f679 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: A crescente proliferação de grupos performáticos, que, através de manifestações culturais, divulgam "passados", convencionalmente chamados de "tradições culturais", tem rendido estudos e debates no campo da etnomusicologia em todo o mundo. Partindo da etnografia de grupos de cultura popular afro-brasileira sediados na cidade de Campinas - São Paulo, proponho uma reflexão sobre as dinâmicas que particularizam tal processo ali. No auge da economia cafeeira do Brasil no século XIX, a cidade foi um pólo produtivo, concentrando um grande contingente de escravizados a quem se atribui atualmente a criação de diversos estilos musicais. Entretanto os atores da conjuntura atual não descendem necessariamente daqueles escravizados, não pertencem a uma comunidade isolada ou a grupos familiares demarcados. Performando um legado musical atribuído àqueles escravos, esses grupos - dentre os quais acompanhei o Urucungos, Puítas e Quijêngues, a Casa de Cultura Nação Tainã, o Jongo Dito Ribeiro, e o grupo Maracatucá - nos colocam uma questão: por que grupos "não tradicionais" se interessam pelos chamados repertórios tradicionais, escolhendo, pesquisando e recriando suas performances? Sem eliminar outras possíveis respostas, defendo que as performances desses grupos engendram a intencional incorporação desse "passado negro" através de sua música, devolvendo aos corpos de seus participantes o controle sobre si mesmos. Usamos esta expressão, "passado negro", quando não queremos reconhecer acontecimentos de nosso passado que nos causam desconforto no tempo presente. Ambiguamente essa expressão também sintetiza tudo o que se relaciona à memória dos escravos da Campinas do século XIX. Renegado por uma cidade que ostenta um cenário urbano modernizado e essencialmente branco, esse passado aflora nos cabelos, nos tecidos, na cultura, na dança e na memória reconstruída de transeuntes negros que, por meio da performance, (re)enegrecem. Apropriar-se deste legado cultural através da performance significa remexer nas cinzas do esquecimento; é opor-se aos processos de exclusão do presente juntando-se a uma história e uma memória maior e desenterrando um passado trágico para que jamais seja esquecido / Abstract: The increasing propagation of cultural groups dedicated to the performance of the so called "cultural traditions", has yielded studies and debates in the field of ethnomusicology worldwide. From the ethnography of popular cultural groups based in Campinas - São Paulo, I propose a reflection on the dynamics that distinguish their processes. At the height of the Brazilian coffee economy in the nineteenth century, the city was a production center, gathering a large number of slaves to whom the creation of many musical styles is credited. Meanwhile the agents of the present groups do not necessarily descended from those slaves nor belong to any culturally isolated traditional community. Performing a musical legacy credited to those slaves, these groups - Urucungos, Puítas e Quijêngues, Casa de Cultura Tainã, Jongo Dito Ribeiro and Maracatucá - bring up a question: why would "nontraditional" groups be interested in the so-called traditional repertoires, selecting, researching and recreating their performances? Considering other possible answers, I argue that the performances of these groups engender the intentional incorporation of a "black memory" through their music, thus leading their participants to regain control over their bodies. We use this expression, "black memory", when we don't want to recognize past events that could embarrass us if disclosed. Ambiguously this term also encompasses everything that relates to the memory of the slaves from Campinas in the nineteenth century. Denied by an essentially white city that holds a modernized urban scenery, this memory flourishes from the hairs, clothes, culture, dance and memory of black citizens who redress the black skin through their performances. Empowered by this cultural legacy they revolve the ashes of oblivion, and oppose to the exclusion processes by joining a larger history and memory, thus disclosing a tragic past that shall never be forgotten / Doutorado / Fundamentos Teoricos / Doutor em Música

A performance in musical theatre: Singular sensations in Shakespeare and song

Lyons, Lisa Lynn 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

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