Spelling suggestions: "subject:"erformances"" "subject:"dperformances""
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Analyses de performance et de stabilité des réseaux de télécommunicationJunier, Aurore 16 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Dans cette thèse nous avons tout d'abord abordé le problème de la stabilité des réseaux. Dans ce but, nous avons premièrement développé une méthode temps-réelle définissant des indicateurs de stabilités pour un flux quelconque de messages observé. Puis, nous nous sommes intéressé au cas particulier des flux d'alarmes, qui constituent actuellement un enjeu pour les réseaux du futur. Une méthode créant un graphe statistique de corrélation des alarmes fut développée. Nous avons montré que l'utilisation de la méthode précédente est très utile. Dans un second temps nous avons abordé les problèmes de paramétrisation des réseaux. Nous avons exploré une piste visant à représenter le comportement du protocole OSPF par un réseau de Petri temporisé. Alors, une heuristique à été crée afin de définir, le mieux possible certains paramètres du protocole modulant les arrivées de messages dans le réseau. Nous avons utilisé la simulation de réseau de Petri afin d'observer l'effet de l'heuristique sur le comportement du protocole OSPF. Finalement, nous avons étudié, à l'aide de la théorie du Network Calculus, les politiques de services à priorités fixes. Nous avons défini un programme linéaire, qui étant donné une paramétrisation des arrivées de message et des services, calcule une borne maximale du délai d'un flux observé dans un réseau de topologie quelconque.
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Kubricks „2001: Odyssee im Weltraum“ und Nietzsche : eine Annäherung / Bringing together Kubrick's "2001 : a Space Odyssey" and NietzscheMichaelis, Olaf January 2013 (has links)
Die Arbeit unternimmt den Versuch, Kubricks „2001: Odyssee im Weltraum“ als Metapher für das Ringen mit den Fragen des Lebens unter wesentlicher Betonung der Eigenverantwortung zu lesen. In dieser Hinsicht bestehen erstaunliche Parallelen zum Werk Friedrich Nietzsches. Der Film greift wesentliche Gedanken des deutschen Philosophen auf, indem er seine Kritik zunächst gegen die abendländisch christliche Religion richtet, um sie anschließend konsequent auf die Überhöhung der Wissenschaft, der Vernunft, des Logos auszudehnen. Letztere äußert Kubrick nicht zuletzt durch die Darstellung des scheinbar omnipräsenten und omnipotenten Bordcomputers und die blinde Technologiegläubigkeit, die ihm entgegen gebracht wird. Nachdem die Maschine überwunden ist, tritt der Kern der zunächst vordergründig kulturell-zivilisatorisch wirkenden Entwicklungsgeschichte zu Tage: das Individuum. Der Mensch durchläuft Nietzsches Verwandlungen in Kamel, Löwe und Kind, wodurch er letztlich zu sich selbst findet. Kubricks berühmter Monolith, der gemeinhin als größtes Rätsel des Films gilt, reiht sich dabei ebenso nahtlos in das Gesamtbild ein, wie die nicht weniger Fragen aufwerfende Reise des Protagonisten durch den Lichttunnel oder das schwer verständliche Ende, bei dem sich Bowman mitsamt der Raumkapsel an einem unwirklichen Ort wiederfindet. Nietzsche und Kubrick sind sich in ihrer offenen Vielschichtigkeit so ähnlich, dass die Arbeit weder für den Einen noch für den Anderen in Anspruch nimmt, eine abschließende Deutung vorzulegen. Die Betrachtung versteht sich daher lediglich als Angebot einer kohärenten Lesart des Science-Fiction-Klassikers, deren Gedankengang auch über den für Nietzsche äußerst bedeutsamen Schopenhauer schließlich zu dem deutschen Philosophen führt, der die Schlagworte vom „Übermenschen“ und dem „Willen zur Macht“ prägte.
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Touros de morte em Barrancos-uma tradição da fronteira luso-espanholaTuleski, Valéria Eneida Ruviaro January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Restauro e consideração sobre a possibilidade da constituição de uma crítica para as artes do corpoRibeiro, António Pinto January 1994 (has links)
No description available.
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Sculpting in ice : writing for the postmodern stageColclough, Jeremy David January 2006 (has links)
In the following thesis I argue that from within a postmodern framework the ‘realist narrative mode’ finds its position as the narratological form of choice for communicating historical and biographical ‘truth’ under question. Furthermore, as the formal distinctions between ‘fictional’ and ‘factual’ writing become less clear, I propose that the writer’s approach to his/her craft must also be redefined. Under such conditions I argue that each individual text defines and legitimises its own particular terms of reference and narrative form. The act of writing within a postmodern framework therefore, is not only a craft, but also a philosophical activity and as such requires the writer to enter the world of theoretical fiction. Sculpting in Ice is the product of one such text entering into this process. This thesis demonstrates in action the process by which the play text for Sculpting in Ice develops its own theory of fiction through the writing of that fiction. The primary focus of the thesis is, therefore, to explore the relationship between writing and theory and to render explicit the particular ‘theory of fiction’ created during the writing of Sculpting in Ice.
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Les perceptions de justice en situation de changement dans l'armée de l'air française : comprendre les enjeux de la notation annuelle pour agir de façon juste / Justice perceptions in changing situations in the French air force : Understanding the annual assessment stakes in order to behave fairlyDelaporte, Cyprien 25 March 2016 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont pour but de mettre en lumière certains enjeux de justice organisationnelle qui émergent dans le cadre des évaluations annuelles du personnel de l’Armée de l’air. A travers plusieurs approches méthodologiques qualitatives et quantitatives, nous montrons dans un premier temps comment la justice distributive prédomine lorsqu’il s’agit pour les militaires de rendre compte de leur sentiment de justice globale lors des notations. Nous élargissons ensuite ces considérations à une série de variables en lien avec le travail, l’organisation et le leadership. Nos résultats montrent que c’est essentiellement autour du chef et de son commandement que se jouent les principales problématiques de justice. Enfin, nous avons reconduit les mêmes investigations après que le système de notation dans l’Armée de l’air ait changé. Nous montrons que l’incertitude autour du nouvel outil d’évaluation a tendance à revaloriser l’importance du sentiment de justice procédurale, tandis que la focalisation sur le chef comme objet du sentiment de justice des militaires a tendance à s’atténuer. / The studies conducted in this thesis aim to highlight certain issues of organizational justice which emerge in the annual evaluations conducted on French Air Force personnel. Based on several quantitative and qualitative methodological perspectives, we first demonstrated how distributive justice prevails when it comes to military personnel reporting their perception of overall justice during evaluation periods. We then expanded these considerations to a series of variables related to the work, the organization and the leadership of this personnel. Results show that the major justice issues revolve essentially around the authority figure and leadership.Finally we conducted the same investigations after the air force’s personnel evaluation system changed. We demonstrated that the uncertainty surrounding the new evaluation tool tends to strengthen the role of perceptions of procedural justice, while mitigating focus on the authority as an object of justice.
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Analyzing the memory behavior of parallel scientific applications / Analyse du comportement mémoire d'applications parallèles de calcul scientifiqueBeniamine, David 05 December 2016 (has links)
Depuis plusieurs décennies, afin de réduire la consommation énergétique des processeurs, les constructeurs fabriquent des ordinateurs de plus en plus parallèles.Dans le même temps, l'écart de fréquence entre les processeurs et la mémoire a significativement augmenté.Pour compenser cet écart, les processeurs modernes embarquent une hiérarchie de caches complexe.Développer un programme efficace sur de telles machines est une tâche complexe.Par conséquent, l'analyse de performance est devenue une étape majeure lors du développement d'applications requérant des performances.La plupart des outils d'analyse de performances se concentrent sur le point de vue du processeur.Ces outils voient la mémoire comme une entité monolithique et sont donc incapable de comprendre comment elle est accédée.Cependant, la mémoire est une ressource critique et les schémas d'accès à cette dernière peuvent impacter les performances de manière significative.Quelques outils permettant l'analyse de performances mémoire existent, cependant ils sont basé sur un échantillon age à large grain.Par conséquent, ces outils se concentrent sur une petite partie de l’Exécution et manquent le comportement global de l'application.De plus, l'échantillonnage à large granularité ne permet pas de collecter des schémas d'accès.Dans cette thèse, nous proposons deux outils différences pour analyser le comportement mémoire d'une application.Le premier outil est conçu spécifiquement pour pour les machines NUMA (Not Uniform Memory Accesses) et fournit plusieurs visualisations du schéma global de partage de chaque structure de données entre les flux d’ExécutionLe deuxième outil collecte des traces mémoires a grain fin avec information temporelles.Nous proposons de visualiser ces traces soit à l'aide d'un outil générique de gestion de traces soit en utilisant une approche programmatique basé sur R.De plus nous évaluons ces deux outils en les comparant a des outils existant de trace mémoire en terme de performances, précision et de complétude. / Since a few decades, to reduce energy consumption, processor vendors builds more and more parallel computers.At the same time, the gap between processors and memory frequency increased significantly.To mitigate this gap, processors embed a complex hierarchical caches architectureWriting efficient code for such computers is a complex task.Therefore, performance analysis has became an important step of the development of applications seeking for performances.Most existing performance analysis tools focuses on the point of view of the processor.Theses tools see the main memory as a monolithic entity and thus are not able to understand how it is accessed.However, memory is a common bottleneck in High Performances Computing, and the pattern of memory accesses can impact significantly the performances.There are a few tools to analyze memory performances, however theses tools are based on a coarse grain sampling.Consequently, they focus on a small part of the execution missing the global memory behavior.Furthermore, these coarse grain sampling are not able to collect memory accesses patterns.In this thesis we propose two different tools to analyze the memory behavior of an application.The first tool is designed specifically for Not Uniform Memory Accesses machines and provides some visualizations of the global sharing pattern inside each data structure between the threads.The second one collects fine grain memory traces with temporal information.We can visualize theses traces either with a generic trace management framework or with a programmatic exploration using R.Furthermore we evaluate both of these tools, comparing them with state of the art memory analysis tools in terms of performances, precision and completeness.
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In My Dreams: Creating a Song Cycle Based on the Poetry of Child Sex Trafficking Survivors, with music by Gerard YunJanuary 2010 (has links)
abstract: In My Dreams is a song cycle for mezzo-soprano, narrator, and piano, based on the poetry of survivors of childhood sex trafficking. It was created to raise awareness of trafficking through music and poetry through the expression of individual dreams and voices. In My Dreams recounts the devastating loss of childhood and celebrates empowering words of survival. The poetry was collected in poetry workshops held in Calcutta and Delhi India in January 2009. After the poems were selected, translated, and edited, composer Dr. Gerard Yun set them to music. This document outlines the process of creating and performing this unique humanitarian cycle. It also includes the full score, poetry, and composer's notes. Topics discussed include: experiences in finding and collecting poetry; collaboration with the composer, Dr. Gerard Yun; form and structure of the cycle; how each piece was molded to give voice to its inspired poem. Every song is analyzed from both a musical and performance perspective to give an account of the challenges and triumphs of the work and the process of undertaking it, as well as a better understanding of the background leading to its composition. / Dissertation/Thesis / Prologue / My Special Place / In My Dreams / Sometimes in the Night / I Thought I Wore the Watch Last Night / It's 2pm / I Can Hear Them / Create Another Earth for Me / In My Dreams II / Postlude / D.M.A. Music 2010
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Alyssa Morris Forecast: A Commissioned Work for Oboe and PercussionJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The purpose of this project was to commission, perform, and discuss a new work for an instrument pairing not often utilized, oboe and percussion. The composer, Alyssa Morris, was selected in June 2009. Her work, titled Forecast, was completed in October of 2009 and premiered in February of 2010, as part of a program showcasing music for oboe and percussion. Included in this document is a detailed biography of the composer, a description of the four movements of Forecast, performance notes for each movement, a diagram for stage set-up, the full score, the program from the premiere performance with biographies of all the performers involved, and both a live recording and MIDI sound file. The performance notes discuss issues that arose during preparation for the premiere and should help avoid potential pitfalls. TrevCo Music, publisher of the work, graciously allowed inclusion of the full score. This score is solely for use in this document; please visit the publisher's website for purchasing information. The commission and documentation of this composition are intended to add to the repertoire for oboe in an unusual instrument pairing and to encourage further exploration of such combinations. / Dissertation/Thesis / Forecast - Mvt 1: Clouds Descending (LIVE) / Forecast - Mvt 2: Rain Dance (LIVE) / Forecast - Mvt 3: Whirlwind (LIVE) / Forecast - Mvt 4: Tempest and Resolution (LIVE) / Forecast - Mvt 1: Clouds Descending (MIDI) / Forecast - Mvt 2: Rain Dance (MIDI) / Forecast - Mvt 3: Whirlwind (MIDI) / Forecast - Mvt 4: Tempest and Resolution (MIDI) / D.M.A. Music 2011
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The Incorporation of Greek Folk Melodies in the Piano Works of Yannis Constantinidis with Special Consideration of the 22 Songs and Dances from the DodecaneseJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: Yannis Constantinidis was the last of the handful of composers referred to collectively as the Greek National School. The members of this group strove to create a distinctive national style for Greece, founded upon a synthesis of Western compositional idioms with melodic, rhyhmic, and modal features of their local folk traditions. Constantinidis particularly looked to the folk melodies of his native Asia Minor and the nearby Dodecanese Islands. His musical output includes operettas, musical comedies, orchestral works, chamber and vocal music, and much piano music, all of which draws upon folk repertories for thematic material. The present essay examines how he incorporates this thematic material in his piano compositions, written between 1943 and 1971, with a special focus on the 22 Songs and Dances from the Dodecanese. In general, Constantinidis's pianistic style is expressed through miniature pieces in which the folk tunes are presented mostly intact, but embedded in accompaniment based in early twentieth-century modal harmony. Following the dictates of the founding members of the Greek National School, Manolis Kalomiris and Georgios Lambelet, the modal basis of his harmonic vocabulary is firmly rooted in the characteristics of the most common modes of Greek folk music. A close study of his 22 Songs and Dances from the Dodecanese not only offers a valuable insight into his harmonic imagination, but also demonstrates how he subtly adapts his source melodies. This work also reveals his care in creating a musical expression of the words of the original folk songs, even in purely instrumental compositon. / Dissertation/Thesis / D.M.A. Music 2011
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