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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconsidering tusk and bone : an analysis of the forms, functions and perceptions of Anglo-Saxon ivories, c.500-1066

Smith, Lyndsey January 2015 (has links)
It is the purpose of this thesis to reconsider the ivories of early medieval England with an in-depth analysis drawing on various disciplinary approaches. The last extensive published scholarly work on these ivories was that produced over forty years ago by John Beckwith (Ivory Carvings in Early Medieval England, 1972). Since then there has been little in the way of scholarly investigation of these objects beyond occasional studies of individual ivories in the form of articles or as entries in catalogues of museum collections – or even more rarely, as a passing mention within monographs on Anglo-Saxon art in general. While Beckwith’s publication was, by comparison, comprehensive in its coverage, there were, nevertheless, some ivories that were not included – in some cases because they have come to light since 1972. Generally speaking, however, the scholarly trend has been to consider the ivories of Anglo-Saxon England only in relation to continental workshops (namely, Carolingian, Merovingian or Italian centres of production), and most discussions of them has been from a formalist art historical point of view, concentrating on style rather than materiality or iconography. Such approaches fail to acknowledge the full potential of the ivories. To remedy this situation, this thesis will situate the publication and collection of Anglo-Saxon ivories between 1850-2015 as a means of explaining the nature of the scholarship as it exists today. This will be followed by chapters that first, examine the materiality, archaeology, economic footprint and social/cultural perception of ivory in early medieval England; second, re-assess the (potentially Anglo-Saxon) style of the ivory carvings; and third, that considers the iconographic significances of the carvings in order to situate them within the ecclesiastical milieux from which they emerged. In closing, these approaches will be brought together to examine the perceptions of value invested in the ivories – through their embellishments (precious metals and stones) and the iconography of the material of ivory in Anglo-Saxon England and the wider medieval world.

Fashioning death : the choice and representation of female clothing on English medieval funeral monuments 1250-1450

Walker, Pamela Anne January 2013 (has links)
This interdisciplinary thesis reassesses the use of funeral monuments for the study of medieval clothing. By using an object-centred quantitative approach, a chronological database of changes depicted on English funeral monuments of the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth centuries has been developed. The analysis of the clothing represented on the monuments has then been used to inform qualitative analysis which looks at the monument in context. For example, the disjunction between depictions of ‘immoral’ clothing on effigies and brasses and the criticism of this type of clothing has been analysed by using literary sources to show both sides of the contemporary debate on fashionable clothing and its relation to identity .A further study was done on the depiction of jewellery on monuments which found that perceived notions of jewellery being popular with medieval women did not concur with the evidence from the funeral monuments. Analysis of literary, documentary and archaeological sources showed that visual sources must not be taken at face value to illustrate discussions because they need to be seen in context as a funeral monument with its own function, which is the key argument of the thesis.

Research on the abrading, grinding or polishing of diamonds

Tolkowsky, M. January 1920 (has links)
No description available.

The polishing of diamond

Hird, Jonathan R. January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Some economic implications of the indexing of financial assets with special reference to mortgages.

January 1974 (has links)
At head of title: Mortgage study reports; report [no.] 1. To appear in the Proceedings of the Conference on the New Inflation, a conference held in Milano, Italy, June 1974.

Sculpting in ice : writing for the postmodern stage

Colclough, Jeremy David January 2006 (has links)
In the following thesis I argue that from within a postmodern framework the ‘realist narrative mode’ finds its position as the narratological form of choice for communicating historical and biographical ‘truth’ under question. Furthermore, as the formal distinctions between ‘fictional’ and ‘factual’ writing become less clear, I propose that the writer’s approach to his/her craft must also be redefined. Under such conditions I argue that each individual text defines and legitimises its own particular terms of reference and narrative form. The act of writing within a postmodern framework therefore, is not only a craft, but also a philosophical activity and as such requires the writer to enter the world of theoretical fiction. Sculpting in Ice is the product of one such text entering into this process. This thesis demonstrates in action the process by which the play text for Sculpting in Ice develops its own theory of fiction through the writing of that fiction. The primary focus of the thesis is, therefore, to explore the relationship between writing and theory and to render explicit the particular ‘theory of fiction’ created during the writing of Sculpting in Ice.

Le rayonnement des marbriers wallons (1800-1920). / The growing reputation of Walloon marble-workers (1800-1920).

Petit, Joëlle 19 March 2014 (has links)
Le XIXe siècle voit la marbrerie se mécaniser et le transfert des techniques se réaliser dans ces métiers grâce aux expositions nationales des produits de l’industrie et aux expositions universelles. L’objectif de cette thèse est de montrer par l’étude de deux registres d’archives originaux et inédits que les réseaux commerciaux mis en place au XVIIIe siècle par une famille de marbriers de Rance, en Hainaut belge, perdurent au XIXe siècle à travers une production marbrière spécialisée dans la cheminée monumentale, qui s’est développée grâce à l’évolution des techniques et des transports. Nous proposons également une ébauche de dictionnaire prosopographique des marbriers relevés dans les rapports des expositions nationales et universelles, ainsi que des hommes clé ayant fait évoluer les techniques dans la marbrerie du XIXe siècle.Mots-clés : marbrerie, techniques, expositions, archives, cheminée, dictionnaire, hommes clé / During the XIXth century, marble-working became increasingly mechanised and technical transfers took place in the various crafts, thanks to national industrial exhibitions and to international expositions. This thesis aims to demonstrate, by the examination of two registers of original records, hitherto unpublished, that the trade networks established in the XVIIIth century by a family of marble-workers from Rance, in the Belgian province of Hainault, continued into the XIXth century with specialisation in producing monumental marble chimney-pieces, thanks to the development of techniques and methods of transport. We also propose an outline of a prosopographic dictionary of marble-workers, derived from reports of national and universal expositions, and of the key figures who influenced the development of marble-working techniques in the XIXth century.Key-words : marble-working, techniques, expositions, records, chimney-piece, dictionary, key figures.

Perles d'Afrique, des données archéologiques aux objets actuels : utilisations et symbolisme à travers l'exemple des perles du Cameroun / Beads of Africa, from archaeological data to contemporary items : uses and symbolism trough the example of Cameroonian beads

Buratti, Mathilde 22 June 2016 (has links)
Les perles, petites masses percées de part en part destinées à être enfilées pour servir en particulier d’ornement, sont une des catégories d’objets les plus fréquemment observées dans les fouilles archéologiques en Afrique. Elles sont aussi présentes dans nombre d’objets perlés actuels ou récents, tels que les colliers, les coiffes, les vêtements, les instruments de danse ou même le mobilier. Employées dans les arts de cour comme dans les formes plus populaires, montées par enfilage simple ou incluses dans des broderies et des tissages, les perles sont omniprésentes dans l’existence d’un Africain, au point d’être considérées comme un des marqueurs d’africanité. Durant la période du commerce triangulaire, elles étaient une des marchandises européennes les plus prisées et ont été une des contreparties les plus courantes dans l’achat d’esclaves. L’objectif de cette thèse est de comprendre les raisons qui ont abouti à un tel engouement pour ces éléments, à travers l’étude des usages et des symboliques des perles du Cameroun, pays surnommé « l’Afrique en miniature ». Au cours de cette recherche, seront évoquées les « pierres d’aigris » ou « accory », perles bleues produites localement et constituées d’une matière mystérieuse, particulièrement recherchées dans le Golfe de Guinée durant les temps modernes (XVe- XVIIIe siècles). / Beads, beautiful small and perforated items made to be strung, are very common in African archaeological excavations. They are also familiar in actual and modern articles, like collars, headdresses, clothes, dance stuff and furniture. Used in art of courts as well as popular forms, put together in simple assembly or included into embroidery or weaving, beads are everywhere in the life of an African, that’s why they are today a designer label of africanism. All along the triangular trade, Europeans often gave beads in exchange of slaves. This thesis aims to understand why the beads are so valuable in Africa for many centuries. To reach it, uses and symbolism of Cameroonian beads are studied because Cameroon is called “Africa in miniature”. During this research, we investigate the mystery of agree beads, also called acory, which were highly valued in early modern period.

Modernizace brzdového stanoviště pro spalovací motory / Modernizing of Testing Cell for Combustion Engines

Vévoda, Antonín January 2011 (has links)
The content of this thesis is the proposal of modernization of brake site in engine testing cell of Institute of Automotive Engineering. The main part focuses on the design of individual components for attaching the motorcycle engine Husaberg FE 570. Finally, work is the preparation of the measuring head to determine and optimize the performance parameters of the test engine.

Cosmopolitan Greetings: Mixed-Form inter-American Judicial Review and the Latin American Path to Global Constitutionalism

Carvalho Bossolani, Iderpaulo 11 November 2020 (has links)
In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich in Lateinamerika ein neuer Kontext für die Durchsetzung von Menschenrechten herausgebildet. Die organisatorische Entwicklung des Interamerikanischen Menschenrechtsschutzsystems (IAS), die Verabschiedung neuer Verfassungen durch die nationalen Gesetzgeber und die Anwendung innovativer Verfassungsauslegungen durch die maßgeblichen Gerichte in der Region haben zur Entstehung eines kosmopolitischen lateinamerikanischen Konstitutionalismus geführt. In diesem neuen Kontext hat der Interamerikanische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (IACtHR) damit begonnen, die gerichtliche Überprüfung innerstaatlicher Gesetze zu praktizieren, d.h. er hat bei mehreren Gelegenheiten nationale Behörden angewiesen, innerstaatliche Gesetze wegen ihrer Unvereinbarkeit mit der Amerikanischen Menschenrechtskonvention (ACHR) für ungültig zu erklären. Angesichts der zunehmenden Konflikte zwischen nationalen und internationalen Menschenrechtsautoritäten zielt diese Studie darauf ab, den legitimsten und effektivsten Ansatz für die Praxis der interamerikanischen Konventionskontrolle zu finden. Ausgehend von der Debatte über die innerstaatliche richterliche Normenkontrolle werden zunächst die Gründe für die Praxis einer starken internationalen Normenkontrolle untersucht. Anschließend adressiert diese Studie Theorien, die versucht haben, die interamerikanische Konventionskontrolle zu schwächen. Diese Theorien haben sich häufig für die Übernahme des nationalen Ermessensspielraums auf der Grundlage der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofes für Menschenrechte ausgesprochen. Schließlich plädiert die vorliegende Studie für eine kontextbasierte Theorie der interamerikanischen gerichtlichen Überprüfung und versucht, den nationalen Ermessensspielraum mit dem kosmopolitischen Konstitutionalismus Lateinamerikas in Einklang zu bringen. / In recent decades, a new human rights enforcement context has emerged in Latin America. The organizational evolution of the Inter-American System for Human Rights Protection (IAS), the adoption of new constitutions by national legislatures, and the adoption of innovative constitutional interpretations by the most authoritative courts in the region have led to the emergence of Latin American cosmopolitan constitutionalism. Within this new context, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACtHR) has started practicing the judicial review of domestic laws, i.e., on several occasions, it has ordered national authorities to invalidate domestic laws due to their incompatibility with the American Convention on Human Rights (ACHR). By reviewing domestic laws, the IACtHR has placed itself in the middle of a dialogue between legislatures and courts that was long seen as an exclusively domestic conversation within Latin American constitutionalism. This strong form of international jurisprudence has made the normative questions relating to judicial review much more complex to address. Given the increasing conflicts between domestic and inter-American human rights authorities, this study aims to find the most legitimate and effective approach to the practice of inter-American judicial review. In line with this, and drawing on the debate about domestic judicial review, it first assesses the reasons behind the practice of strong international judicial review. In order to offer a better form of inter-institutional interaction within the IAS, this study later addresses theories that have sought to weaken the practice of inter-American judicial review based on the principle of subsidiarity. These theories have often advocated for the adoption of the national margin of appreciation based on the European experience with this concept of deference to national authorities. Finally, this study advocates for a context-based theory of inter-American judicial review and tries to reconcile the national margin of appreciation with Latin American cosmopolitan constitutionalism.

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