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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Romské časopisectví na území České republiky v kontextu etnoemancipačního hnutí Romů (počátky a vývoj vybraných periodik let 1969-1996) / Roma periodicals in the Czech Republic in the context of Roma ethnoemancipation movement (beginnings and evolution of selected periodicals during the years 1969-1996)

Steklá, Radka January 2012 (has links)
Romani magazine publishing which has its origins in 1969 in the Czech Republic (a part of Czechoslovakia until 1992) is a hitherto little described phenomenon. This essay therefore pursues the birth and development of Romani magazine publishing in the context of the Romani ethno-emancipation process - focusing on the impact of its origins, especially on the periodicals established in the period between 1969-1991, and follows their progress until 1996. This study is based on the available specialized literature, selected Romani periodicals and interviews with Roma and non-Roma participants and witnesses of the events at that time. It provides a chronological history of the Romani population in our country from 1945 to 1991 - and monitors it with an emphasis on the conditions under which the Romani emancipation movement was being formed. This study also examines the circumstances which necessitated the formation of Romani magazine publishing. It then attempts to reconstruct the origin and development of selected Romani periodicals, giving their detailed description and summarizing their characteristics. In conclusion, the work deals with evaluation of the role and importance of Romani periodicals in the subsequent process of emancipation of Roma ethnicity, and finally it outlines the next possible...

Adolfo Hitlerio vaizdinys Nepriklausomos Lietuvos periodikoje 1933 - 1939 metais / The image of adolf hitler in the press of independent lithuania in 1933-1939

Sagaitis, Vytenis 09 July 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbas. Vytenis Sagaitis. Hitlerio atvaizdas nepriklausomos Lietuvos 1933 – 1939 metų periodinėje spaudoje. Darbo objektas – Hitlerio atvaizdas ikikarinėje spaudoje. Hitlerio atvaizdo tyrimas atliekamas remiantis 1933 – 1939 metų nepriklausomos Lietuvos periodine spauda, daugiausiai inteligentijai skirtais žurnalais „Kultūra“, „Židinys“, „Akademikas“, „Naujoji Romuva“ ir bulvariniu savaitraščiu „Diena“. Atsižvelgiama į laikotarpio aktualijas (prieškarinė situacija, Klaipėdos krašto prijungimas, Vokietijos santykiai su užsienio valstybėmis – užsienio politika). Pagrindinis tikslas – peržvelgti populiariausius laikotarpio leidinius ir palyginti juose dėstomas mintis ir idėjas su Adolfo Hitlerio knygos „Mano kova“ ištraukomis bei užsienio autorių Hitlerio asmenybės aprašymais. Hitleris buvo daug sudėtingesnė asmenybė, nei galima įsivaizduoti. Lietuvos periodinėje 1933 – 1939 metų spaudoje jis ir nacionalsocializmas vertinamas itin prieštaringai. Dauguma leidinių vengė tiesiogiai kaltinti Hitlerį. Politinės veiklos pradžioje fiureris buvo garbinamas ne tik Vokietijoje. Apie artėjančią grėsmę neįtarė ir dauguma nagrinėtų straipsnių autorių. Iš publikacijų paaiškėjo ir tai, kad didžioji visuomenės dalis buvo abejinga įvykiams Europoje ir labiau rūpinosi tautiškumo stiprinimu, neįtardami, kad tam kliudys Vokietija ir jos užmojai gauti Klaipėdos kraštą. Tik prieš pat ir po prijungimo prie Trečiojo Reicho, Lietuvos spauda atsigavo ir pradėjo kiek kritiškiau žiūrėti į vokiečių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The portrayal of Hitler in a periodical press of independent Lithuania in 1933 – 1939. The object of research – the portrayal of Hitler in a pre – war press. The analysis based on a 1933 – 1939 periodical press (mostly in a journals for intellectuals “Kultūra”, “Židinys”, “Akademikas”, “Naujoji Romuva” and rag “Diena”. Responding to that period problems (pre – war situation, annexation of Klaipėda land, German relationship with other foreign states – foreign policy). The principal purpose – review the most popular publications of the period of 1933 -1939 and compare ideas with the ideas which are put into words in A. Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” fragments and foreign authors Hitler’s personality description. Hitler was more difficult personality, than could be imagined. In lithuanian periodical press of 1933 – 1939, the estimation of Hitler and nacionalsocializm was very discrepant. Most of the publications avoided directly prosecute Hitler. In the beginning of the political activity, fuehrer was idolized not only in Germany. Most of authors of analyzed texts did not suspect the approach of menace. It is known from the publications, that the most part of lithuanian public was indifferent to the events in Europe. People were seeking for strengthening their nationality, even, not expecting of German interference and intentions to Klaipėda land. Lithuanian press recovered only before and after annexation to the Third Reich, and only then Germany chief was valued more critically. The... [to full text]

Marketingová strategie bezplatného periodika

Řiháček, René January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Obraz odsunu Němců na Vrchlabsku v regionálních periodikách z let 1945-1948 / The image of displacement of Germans in the region of Vrchlabí in regional periodicals from the years 1945-1948

Feistauerová, Jana January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the picture of removing German citizens from the region of Vrchlabí in regional newspapers. Its main goal is to characterise the district of Vrchlabí, which ceased to exist in 1961, and the conditions of German citizens and the Czech minority and to depict the reflection of events succeeding World War II, as the regional periodicals presented it. The author also focuses on conditions for regional periodicals to come into existence and on the actual periodicals focusing on the region of Vrchlabí and on the events succeeding the war in Vrchlabí and its surrounding area, as well as on the authors writing for these periodicals. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Mediální ohlas tvorby Itala Calvina v českých a italských periodicích / Media responses of Italo Calvino's writing in the in Czech and Italian periodicals

Beníšková, Alena January 2017 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is the analysis of the media reception of chosen works of Italo Calvino in Czech and Italian periodicals. The first chapter discusses the literary criticism. The following chapter introduces the writer's life and moments determining his literary production. The mainstay of this work is divided into four chapters and is dedicated to the period literary crticism of the works chosen which were released in newspapers or literary periodicals both in Italy and the Czech Republic. The most significant reception showed the books The Path of the Spider's Nest, Invisible Cities, If on a Winter's Night a Traveler and Six Memos for the Next Millenium.

Lietuvių periodika vaikams 1990-2012: literatūrinis ir socialinis kultūrinis matmenys / Lithuanian periodicals for children 1990 –2012: literary and sociocultural dimensions / Litauische Periodik für Kinder 1990-2012: literarische und soziokulturelle Dimension

Jakštytė, Jurgita 27 June 2012 (has links)
Magistro darbe tyrinėjama 1990–2012 metų periodinė vaikų spauda literatūrologiniu ir socialiniu kultūriniu požiūriu. Aptariami 1990–2012 metais ėję vaikų periodikos leidiniai „Genys“, „Kregždutė“, „Naminukas“, „Penki“, „Tipu Tapu“, „Valančiukų aidas“, „Bitutė“, „FTW Flintas“ ir kiti. Detalesnis darbo šaltinių aprašymas su išsamesniais komentarais pateikiamas šio darbo prieduose. Darbo uždaviniai: atskleisti būtinus šio darbo logikai sociokritikos aspektus, aptarti nepriklausomybės periodo vaikų spaudos tyrinėjimus, ištirti grožinę kūrybą vaikų periodikoje, išanalizuoti religinę, specializuotą vaikų spaudą, aptarti vaikų periodikos leidinius, galimai turinčius destruktyvų poveikį. Darbe remiamasi apžvalginiu, lyginamuoju, analitiniu, interpretaciniu ir sociokritiniu metodais. Norint apsibrėžti adresato amžiaus ribą, remiamasi Furst M. knyga „Psichologija“, kurioje vaikas apibrėžiamas kaip asmuo iki 13 metų. Lietuvių periodiką yra tyrinėjęs profesorius Leonas Gudaitis, mokslininkė Genovaitė Raguotienė, humanitarinių mokslų daktaras Vytautas Urbonas, todėl remiantis šių tyrinėtojų darbais, aptariamos lietuvių vaikų periodinės spaudos ištakos, pirmieji leidiniai, raida ir problematika įvairiais laikotarpiais. Magistro darbe vaikų periodinė spauda diferencijuojama atsižvelgiant į kelis kriterijus: lyties (leidiniai, skirti berniukams ir mergaitėms), amžiaus (tiriami tik vaikams skirti leidiniai), interesų sferas (specializuoti leidiniai). Norint atlikti išsamesnius tyrinėjimus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Lithuanian children's periodical press of 1990-2012 is analyzed in literary and socio-cultural perspective in master thesis. The periodicals for children „Genys“, „Kregždutė“, „Naminukas“, „Penki“, „Tipu Tapu“, „Valančiukų aidas“, „Bitutė“, „FTW Flintas“ and others issued in 1990-2012 are discussed there. More detailed description of the work sources with the more detailed commentaries are presented in the annexes. The goals of the work are: to disclose sociocritical aspects necessary for this work logics, to discuss the children's media during the period of independence and to explore children's fiction in periodicals, to analyze the religious and specialized press for children, to discuss children periodical publications with potentially destructive impact. / In der Magisterarbeit wird die periodische Kinderpresse von Jahren 1990–2012 aus der literaturwissenschaftlichen und sozialkulturellen Perspektive untersucht, und zwar die Publikationen wie „Genys“, „Kregždutė“, „Naminukas“, „Penki“, „Tipu Tapu“, „Valančiukų aidas“, „Bitutė“, „FTW Flintas“ u. a. Die detaillierte Beschreibung der Literaturquellen befindet sich im Anhang dieser Arbeit. Die Aufgaben der Arbeit sind wie folgt: die für die Logik dieser Arbeit notwendigen Aspekte der Soziokritik zu betrachten, die Untersuchungen der Kinderpresse während der Unabhängigkeitszeit zu beschreiben, die schöngeistige Literatur in der Kinderperiodik zu untersuchen, die religiöse, spezialisierte Kinderpresse zu analysieren, die Publikationen der Kinderperiodik zu behandeln, die vermutlich die destruktive Wirkung haben. In dieser Arbeit werden folgende Methoden verwendet: überblickende, vergleichende, analytische, soziokritische Metohde, Interpretationsmethode u. a. Um die Altersgrenze des Adressaten zu bestimmen, stützt man sich auf das Werk „Psychologie“ von Furst M, in dem ein Kind als Person bis 13 Jahren zu verstehen ist. Die Ursprünge der litauischen periodischen Kinderpresse, die ersten Publikationen, ihre Entwicklung und Problematik werden im Bezug auf Werken von Professor Leonas Gudaitis, Wissenschaftlerin Genovaitė Raguotienė sowie Geisteswissenschaftler Dr. Vytautas Urbonas in verschiedenen Zeitabschnitten betrachtet, weil diese Wissenschaftler die litauische Perodiok... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]

Pasaulio knygotyros periodika po Antro pasaulinio karo / Book science periodicals published in the world after the second world war

Novickaja, Valerija 25 January 2012 (has links)
Magistro baigiamojo darbo objektas – knygotyros periodika, leidžiama pasaulyje nuo Antrojo pasaulinio karo. Darbo tikslas – nalizuoti ir įvertinti po Antrojo pasaulinio karo įvairiose pasaulio šalyse leidžiamus knygotyros periodinius leidinius. Darbo uždaviniai: aptarti knygotyros mokslo ryšį su artimais jai mokslais; apibrėžti knygotyros periodikos sąvoką; nustatyti knygotyros periodinių leidinių vaidmenį knygotyros mokslui; išanalizuoti knygotyros periodikos susiformavimą; sudaryti pasaulio knygotyros periodikos, leidžiamos po Antrojo pasaulinio karo, sąrašą; aprašyti įvairių pasaulio šalių mokslinius ir nemokslinius knygotyros periodinius leidinius. Naudojami šaltinių ir vidinės dokumentų analizės, lyginimo ir apibendrinimo metodai, o taip pat empiriniai tyrimo metodai, tokie kaip dokumentų analizė ir paskirstymo rangais metodas. Analizuojant pačius leidinius, įvairią literatūrą ir internetinius šaltinius bandoma sukurti bendrą pasaulio knygotyros periodikos, leidžiamos Antrojo pasaulinio karo vaizdą. Nustatyta knygotyros periodikos svarba knygotyros mokslui ir knygyninkystės sričių atstovams. Sudarytas 441 knygotyros periodinį leidinį apimantis sąrašas, vadovaujantis juo nustatytos daugiausiai leidinių leidžiančios šalys bei produktyviausias knygotyros laikotarpis po Antrojo pasaulinio karo. Pastebėtos leidinių kiekio mažėjimo ir skaitmeninio tendencijos. Atkreipiamas dėmesys į sunkią Lietuvos padėti knygotyrinių periodinių leidinių srityje. Magistro darbas gali būti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master's thesis subject is book science periodicals, published in the World since the Second World War. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate books science periodicals published in different parts of the World after the Second World. Objectives are: to discuss the science of book it’s close relations with other sciences, to define the concept of book periodicals, define the role of book science periodicals for books science, to analyze the emergence of book periodicals, to make a list of book science periodicals which are published in the different parts of the World after the Second World War, to describe scientific and unscientific book science periodicals. Sources and internal data analysis, comparison and aggregation methods, as well as empirical methods, such as document analysis, distribution of grades and method of data analysis are used. Analyzing periodicals, different kinds of literature and online sources trying to create a common image of book science periodicals published after World War II. In this paper is defined the importance of book science books periodicals for science and publishing fields. The list consisting of 441 book science periodicals is created. Master's thesis may be a useful to book researchers, traditional and electronic publishing, library and other information and communication scientists and practicians, publishing, communication sciences disciplines, teachers, publishers, journalists and students.

Recepce Milana Kundery v českém a francouzském kulturním prostředí / The Reception of Milan Kundera in Czech and French Cultural World

Suchomelová, Lenka January 2018 (has links)
The PhD thesis The Reception of Milan Kundera in Czech and French Cultural Worlds aims to describe the main tendences and changes in the evolution regarding the reception of Milan Kundera and his work in both of the countries concerned, from its beginning to the year 2015 and their consecutive comparison. The analysis of the perception of the writer's work is based especially on articles from the press and the monographies about the author's work published until now in both of the cultural worlds. An essential part of our work has also become the chapter dealing with the author's occasional texts and translations published in various periodical or in the form of prefaces or postfaces to other monographies.

Českobudějovická periodika 1918-1939 (se zaměřením na vybranou problematiku) / Periodicals in České Budějovice from 1918 to 1939 (Focus on selected problems)

KŘÍŽOVÁ, Petra January 2008 (has links)
The graduation theses deals with periodic newspapers of the region in Czech Budweis during the interwar period. Its aim is to evaluate the function of the regional media and give a survey of journalism of Czech Budweis of 1918-1939. Above all, it is focused on regional options of political parties papers, which are highlighted further on. In conclusion, it tries to outline topics suitable to be placed in medial education at the basic school.

Protináboženská propaganda na stránkách časopisu Bezbožnik / Anti-religous propaganda in the pages of the Bezbozhnik magazine

Kishkina, Aleksandra January 2021 (has links)
The diploma thesis is devoted to the analysis of anti-religious propaganda conducted by the Bolshevik government in the 1920s and 1930s on the example of materials published in the Bezbozhnik magazine. The work outlines the historical context of the Soviet anti-religious policy of the interwar period, and describes the activities of the main anti-religious organization, the League of Militant Atheists and its leader Yemelyan Yaroslavsky. Furthermore, the publishing activities of the League of Militant Atheists and the network of periodicals published by it are described. In its core the work focuses on the analysis of the main anti-religious periodical, which was the newspaper and later the magazine Bezbožnik. The basic methods of propaganda used by this periodical are described in connection with the propagandistic character of contemporary Soviet art. Special attention is paid to the illustrative material in the magazine, especially the anti-religious cartoon and its sources. The work is a contribution to understanding the functioning of communist totalitarian ideology and its influence in the media space.

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