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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecriture du corps et mythe personnel de l'écrivain : Approche psychocritique de Place des fêtes, Hermina et la fête des masques de Sami Tchak / The body writing and myth of the writer : Psychological critic analysis of Place des fêtes, Hermina and La fête des masques of Sami Tchak

Ndombi Loumbangoye, Ornella Pacelly 07 January 2016 (has links)
Au cœur des métamorphoses esthétiques de la littérature africaine d’expression française, il apparaît une forme particulière d’écriture qui rompt avec le récit terne et linéaire des écrivains de la période post-coloniale. Aussi, cette nouvelle manière d’écrire donne naissance à une nouvelle génération d’écrivains francophones qui proposent aux lecteurs une littérature plus crue, plus sensuelle voire plus sexuelle. Celle-ci se donne désormais pour objectif de critiquer les mœurs sociales à travers la description de divers personnages de romans en proie à la complexité de leur monde intime. Cette nouvelle conception romanesque nous inscrit dans une tendance littéraire actuelle visant à lire l’universel dans l’intimité. De fait, la particularité de notre thèse réside dans sa capacité à amener le lecteur à voir le lien qui pourrait exister entre l’écriture du corps et la quête de l’identité dans la littérature contemporaine d’Afrique francophone. Ceci serait en effet possible à travers l'analyse psychocritique de certaines œuvres des auteurs qui la compose, comme celles de l'écrivain franco-togolais Sami TCHAK. Ces investigations conduisent ainsi le lecteur à se demander de quelle manière l'écriture du corps, à travers celle de la sexualité, peut véhiculer un discours capable de permettre au sujet écrivant de se révéler à lui-même. Ce choix esthétique de la transgression, aussi bien sur le fond que sur la forme, semble être en réalité un prétexte à la reconfiguration stylistique de la littérature africaine contemporaine par cette nouvelle génération d'écrivains. / In the heart of the aesthetic transformations of African literature of French expression, a special form of writing that breaks with the dull and linear narrative of the writers of the post-colonial period appears. Also, this new way of writing gives way to a new generation of francophone writers who offers readers a more raw, more sensual, more sexual literature. It is now intended to criticize social mores through the description of various characters from novels which are prey to the complexity of their intimate world. This new form of writing has enrolled us in a current literary trend that allows to introduce the universal character in the intimacy. In fact, the peculiarity of our thesis lies in its ability to lead the reader to perceive the link that may exist between the writing of the body and the quest for identity in contemporary literature of francophone Africa. This would be possible through the analysis of psychological critics of some literary works such as those of the Franco-Togolese writer Sami TCHAK. This research leads the reader to wonder how the writing of the body, through that of sexuality, can convey a literary discourse capable of allowing the writer to have a better understanding of himself. This aesthetic choice of transgression seems to actually be a pretext for the stylistic reconfiguration of contemporary African literature thanks to this new generation of writers.

Mythe personnel et processus de biographisation dans la reconversion professionnelle : du héros au 'quidam', le cas particulier des militaires / Personal myth and biographical process in the professional reconversion : from hero to quidam, the particular case of the military

Solti, Richard 01 April 2019 (has links)
La reconversion professionnelle pose d’une manière originale la question du processus de biographisation et de définition de soi. Dans ce cadre, notre recherche vise à comprendre la manière dont les individus s’adaptent pour faire face au bouleversement potentiel de repères antérieurement construits. La théorie du mythe personnel, issue des travaux nord-américains de psychologie du développement et, peu connue en France, offre un cadre heuristique pour étudier les ressources psychosociales dont disposent les individus pour y faire face. Cette thèse, inscrite dans une perspective anthropologique et herméneutique de la recherche biographique en éducation, s’intéresse donc aux modalités de subjectivation du parcours de reconversion professionnelle en interrogeant les liens entre narration et biographisation de l'histoire de vie. Elle est soutenue par un corpus théorique multiréférentiel et interdisciplinaire qui cherche à faire dialoguer la recherche en éducation avec certains apports de la psychologie du développement, de la psychanalyse et des Sciences sociales, afin d'accéder au processus de construction de l’expérience du sujet. / Professional reconversion poses the question of the process of biographisation and definition of self in an original way. In this context, our research seeks to understand how individuals cope with this landmark change that was hence constructed. The theory of personal myth, prominent in North American studies in developmental psychology though hardly known in France, offers a heuristic framework to study the psychosocial resources that individuals dispose of to face these changes. This thesis, inscribed in an anthropological and hermeneutical perspective of the biographical research in education, is thus interested in the modalities of subjectivation of the course of professional reconversion by questioning the links between narration and biography of the life story. It is supported by a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary theoretical corpus that seeks to create a dialogue with educational research with some contributions from developmental psychology, psychoanalysis and social sciences, to access the process of constructing the subject's experience.

Narativní identita v biografických vyprávěních představitelů extremistické scény ve střední Evropě / Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe

Zelenda Kupcová, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe Mgr. Adéla Zelenda Kupcová Abstract: Dissertation Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe deals with analysis of biographical narratives of the extremist scene's prominent leaders in select Central European countries (the former German Democratic Republic, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary). It is based on the theory of social constructivism, and its aim is to analyze how and under what experience the leading representatives of the extremist scene construct their narrative identities, what life events have influenced their attitudes and worldviews, how they present themselves and how they understand themselves and their roles in life. It is focused mainly on the narrators' personal myths and life themes that they indicate as essential. Key words: political extremism, narrative, identity, personal myth, value, cultural pessimism

Narativní identita v biografických vyprávěních představitelů extremistické scény ve střední Evropě / Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe

Zelenda Kupcová, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe Mgr. Adéla Zelenda Kupcová Abstract: Dissertation Narrative identity in biographical narratives of extremist scene leaders in Central Europe deals with analysis of biographical narratives of the extremist scene's prominent leaders in select Central European countries (the former German Democratic Republic, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary). It is based on the theory of social constructivism, and its aim is to analyze how and under what experience the leading representatives of the extremist scene construct their narrative identities, what life events have influenced their attitudes and worldviews, how they present themselves and how they understand themselves and their roles in life. It is focused mainly on the narrators' personal myths and life themes that they indicate as essential. Key words: political extremism, narrative, identity, personal myth, value, cultural pessimism

L'Orient d'Arthur de Gobineau / The Arthur de Gobineau’s East

Bel Hadj Yahia, Emna 14 June 2016 (has links)
Arthur de Gobineau est un auteur qui a suscité de nombreuses controverses engendrées par ses théories raciales. Ces théories ont cependant contribué à brouiller l’image de cet auteur, souvent présenté comme le père des dérives racistes. Ce n’est pas à l’essayiste que nous avons souhaité consacrer cette thèse, mais bien à l’écrivain, fin connaisseur de l’Orient, humaniste, parce que curieux de l’autre, et surtout méconnu.Par delà ces théories sur les races, Gobineau est l’auteur d’une oeuvre littéraire qui, sous les apparences d’un classicisme parfois hiératique nous donne la vision d’un homme d’une extrême complexité. Il est l’un des derniers représentants de la littérature de l’analyse que l’on considère comme une spécificité française. Mais il s’est également positionné en marge de la vision orientaliste de son époque.Son cheminement vers l’Orient s’est opéré d’abord par une approche toute subjective faite de sensation et d’émotion avant que la passion ne finisse par l’emporter sur les préjugés. Les Nouvelles Asiatiques opèrent une transfiguration du mythe personnel en mythe littéraire : la quête personnelle des origines se traduit par le retour au berceau de l’humanité. La fiction littéraire fait sa matrice là où tout a commencé.L’auteur met à l’épreuve de l’Orient des motifs et des figures qui lui viennent du corpus occidental en transposant dans cet ailleurs des réminiscences de sa culture d’origine. Une pensée qui évolue au gré de la fiction, ou bien un ensemble d’obsessions qui reviennent dans les replis du récit comme en contrebande ? C’est à cette question que nous avons tenté de répondre pour sonder le mystère oriental d’un auteur méconnu. / Arthur Gobineau is an author who sparked controversy over his racial theories. These theories, however, have contributed to blur the image of the author, often described as the father of racist tendencies. This thesis is not concerned with the essayist, but with the writer, as a knowledgeable of the East, humanist, curious of the other, and especially unknown.Beyond these racial theories, Gobineau is the author of a literary work which, under the appearance of a hieratic classicism, sometimes gives us a vision of a highly complex man. It is one of the last representatives of the analysis literature, which is peculiar to French. But he is also positioned on the margins of the orientalist vision of his time.His journey to the East was operated first on an approach that was based upon subjective sensation and emotion before that the passion would eventually outweigh prejudices. The New Asians operates a transfiguration of the personal myth into a literary myth: the personal quest for origins is reflected in the return to the cradle of humanity. Literary fiction made its matrices wherein it all began.Transposing to the East reminiscences of his native culture, the author puts to the test of this elsewhere western patterns and figures. Is it the thought that grows with the fiction or the same obsessions that come back into the folds of the story as contraband? It is this question that we tried to answer by probing the eastern mystery of an unknown author.

The generic originality of Iurii Tynianov's representation of Pushkin in the novels 'Pushkin' and 'The Gannibals

Rush, Anna January 2011 (has links)
This thesis is the first extensive study devoted to the generic originality of Iurii Tynianov’s representation of Pushkin in his two historical novels, Pushkin (1935-1943) and the abandoned The Gannibals (1932). Chapter 1 contextualises Tynianov’s contribution to the current debates on the novel’s demise, ‘large’ form and the worthy protagonist. The conditions giving rise to contemporary interest in the genres of biography and the historical novel are delineated and the critical issues surrounding these are examined; Tynianov’s concern to secularise the rigid monolith of an all but sanctified ‘state-sponsored Pushkin’ and the difficulties of the task are also reviewed. Chapter 2 shifts the examination of Pushkin as a historical novel to its study within the generic framework of the Bildungs, Erziehungs and Künstlerromane with their particular problematics which allowed Tynianov to grapple with a cluster of moral, philosophical and educational issues, and to explore the formative influences on the protagonist’s identity as a poet. Chapter 3 explores the concept of history underlying Tynianov’s interpretation of the characters and events and the historiographical practices he employed in his analyses of the factors that shaped Pushkin’s own historical thinking. Chapter 4 investigates Tynianov’s scepticism about Abram Gannibal’s and A. Pushkin’s mythopoeia which reveals itself in Tynianov’s subversively ironical and playful use of myth in both novels. The Conclusion assesses Tynianov’s contribution to the 20th century fictional Pushkiniana and reflects on his innovative transgeneric historical novel which broke the normative restrictions of the genre, elevated it to the level of ‘serious’ literature and made it conducive to stylistic experimentation.

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