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O processo de hibridização da publicidade: entreter e persuadir para interagir e compartilhar / The process of hybridization of advertising: entertain and persuade to interact and shareCovaleski, Rogério Luiz 21 July 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-07-21 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This research investigated how the process is occurring hybridization of
advertising from the dialogue and the increasingly intense intersections between
three actors in the contemporary media environment: the advertising market, the
industry entertainment and interactive technologies. We had to describe and
analyze paradigmatic ruptures of the current advertising model, the transition
process creative and productive and trends for the advertising, in their new
settings. In this thesis, we found the following hypotheses: 1) convergence media
and media environment interactions generate new configurations advertising; 2)
the inclusion in advertising language, elements such as entertainment and
interactivity, leading to hybridization between those elements and functions of
the original advertising - to inform and persuade; 3) the strategies of
hybridization of language lead-in advertising to persuade, entertain and interact
concurrently, making it a new media product: the interactive entertainment
advertising. In research these hypotheses we have considered in various
theoretical concepts and authors such as: cultural hybridity of Néstor García
Canclini, which does not differ over what is cultured , massive or popular ; the
route that generates the sense of complex narratives advertising, split between
the manipulation , competence , performance and sanction , statement by José
Luiz Fiorin; conceptual studies and genres of entertainment undertaken by
researchers as Jeder Janotti Jr. and Itania Gomes; the types of interactivity
surveyed by Pierre Lévy in relations with the messages communication devices;
encouraging the sharing and dissemination of content from interactive media,
researched by Karla Patriota. The object of research is related to advertising
campaigns that involve branded content and/or branded entertainment
together with the interactivity and opportunities for distribution via sharing. Five
cases advertising make up the corpus of reading and analysis of this thesis: the
commercial online "Carousel" for Philips winner of the Grand Prix at the
International Festival Advertising Festival in 2009; the short film "Signs" a member
of the Schweppes Short Film Festival; the advertising film "The Piano", for
Nespresso, which comprises the hotsite What else? ; the micro "Gourmand em
Casa," for Brastemp, consisting of episodes for TV and actions of interactivity on
social networking website; the online shopping "The Hero", the Radiotjänst
action customizable and encouraging dissemination. Parts of these campaigns
fit into what we understand to be a new media product: the interactive
entertainment advertising, as are hybrids, in the same effort communication,
entertain, persuade, interact and are shared / Nesta pesquisa investigamos como está ocorrendo o processo de hibridização da
publicidade a partir do diálogo e das intersecções cada vez mais intensas entre
três atores do ambiente mediático contemporâneo: o mercado publicitário, a
indústria do entretenimento e as tecnologias interativas. Tivemos como objetivos
descrever e analisar as rupturas paradigmáticas do modelo publicitário vigente, as
transições de processos criativos e produtivos e as tendências para a
comunicação publicitária, em suas novas configurações. Nesta tese, verificamos
as seguintes hipóteses: 1) a convergência midiática e as interações do ambiente
mediático geram novas configurações publicitárias; 2) a incorporação, na
linguagem publicitária, de elementos como entretenimento e interatividade,
levam à hibridização entre aqueles elementos e as funções originais da
publicidade informar e persuadir; 3) as estratégias de hibridização da
linguagem publicitária levam-na a persuadir, entreter e interagir,
concomitantemente, tornando-a um novo produto midiático: o entretenimento
publicitário interativo. Na investigação destas hipóteses nos fundamentamos em
diversos conceitos teóricos e autores como: o hibridismo cultural, de Néstor
García Canclini, no qual não se distingue mais o que é culto, massivo ou
popular; o percurso gerativo de sentido das narrativas complexas da publicidade,
divididas entre a manipulação, a competência, a performance e a sanção,
enunciado por José Luiz Fiorin; os estudos conceituais e de gêneros de
entretenimento empreendidos por pesquisadores como Jeder Janotti Jr. e Itania
Gomes; os tipos de interatividade pesquisados por Pierre Lévy nas relações das
mensagens com os dispositivos de comunicação; o incentivo ao
compartilhamento e à disseminação de conteúdos a partir de meios interativos,
pesquisados por Karla Patriota. O objeto de pesquisa é relacionado às
campanhas publicitárias que envolvem comunicação por conteúdo (branded
content) e/ou entretenimento de marca (branded entertainment), aliadas à
interatividade e às possibilidades de distribuição via compartilhamento. Cinco
cases publicitários compõem o corpus de leitura e análise desta tese: o comercial
online Carousel , para a Philips vencedor do Grand Prix no Festival
Internacional de Publicidade de Cannes, em 2009; o curta-metragem Signs ,
integrante do Schweppes Short Film Festival; o filme publicitário Piano , da
Nespresso, que compõe o hotsite What else?; a microssérie Gourmand em Casa ,
da Brastemp, composta por episódios para tevê e ações de interatividade em
redes sociais na web; o comercial online The Hero , da Radiotjänst ação
personalizável e com incentivo à disseminação. As peças destas campanhas se
enquadram no que compreendemos ser um novo produto midiático: o
entretenimento publicitário interativo, pois são híbridos que, em um mesmo
esforço comunicacional, entretém, persuadem, interagem e são compartilháveis
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Vill du vara en bra eller dålig människa? : En kritisk visuell retorikanalys av UNHCR:s övertygelsestrategier i reklamfilmer om flyktingkrisen i UkrainaSjöstedt, Maya, Öström, Elin January 2022 (has links)
It’s significant for charities to incorporate persuasion strategies into their communication to create engagement and encourage donations. This is especially important in circumstances of war due to the millions of people who are forced to flee and need emergency assistance. UNHCR is currently located in the war-torn area of Ukraine and needs support to continue their humanitarian aid. Thus, this study aims to examine how the UNHCR uses persuasion strategies in their advertisements concerning the refugee crisis in Ukraine to prompt donations. The object of the study causes the following research questions: What persuasion strategies does UNHCR use to generate contributions through commercials related to the refugee crisis in Ukraine? In which way are the three pisteis of rhetoric: logos, ethos, and pathos, used? What meaning can the commercials be seen communicating on a manifest and latent level? As the study focuses on different ways of convincing, rhetorics as a theoretical framework becomes natural to use. The classical and visual rhetoric thus serve as a support in the critical visual rhetoric analysis carried out in the study. A generic targeted selection has been used to select and analyze four commercials from the UNHCR's YouTube channel. The results show that UNHCR frequently uses rhetorical means to persuade donations, including the three pisteis of rhetoric and other persuasion strategies that appear mainly at a latent level. / Att tillföra övertygelsestrategier i sin kommunikation är för välgörenhetsorganisationer betydelsefullt för att skapa engagemang och uppmuntra till donationer. Det är särskilt viktigt under sådana omständigheter då det råder krig, med anledning av de många gånger miljontals människor som drivs på flykt och behöver nödhjälp i situationen. UNHCR befinner sig för nuvarande i det krigsladdade området i Ukraina och behöver stöd för att kunna fortsätta bedriva hjälpinsatser. Därmed syftar denna studie till att undersöka hur UNHCR arbetar för att övertyga till donationer i reklamfilmer om flyktingkrisen i Ukraina. Studiens syfte leder till följande forskningsfrågor: Vilka strategier för att övertyga till bidrag använder UNHCR i reklamfilmer som rör flyktingkrisen i Ukraina? Hur har man använt sig av retorikens tre pisteis: logos, ethos och pathos? Vilken mening kan reklamfilmerna ses kommunicera på en manifest respektive latent nivå? Då studien fokuserar på olika sätt att övertyga blir retoriken naturlig att använda som teoretiskt ramverk. Den klassiska samt den visuella retoriken fungerar således som stöd i den kritiskt visuella retorikanalysen som genomförs i studien. Med hjälp av generiskt målstyrt urval har fyra reklamfilmer från UNHCR:s YouTube-kanal valts ut och analyserats. Resultatet visar att UNHCR frekvent använder sig av flertalet retoriska grepp med syfte att övertyga, däribland retorikens tre pisteis men också andra former av övertygelsestrategier som ter sig främst på en latent nivå.
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Rhetorik in der Corona Pandemie –Appell oder Diktatur der Vernunft? : Wie drei demokratische Staatsoberhäupter, Merkel in Deutschland, Ardern in Neuseeland und Löfven in Schweden, in ihren Reden die Maßnahmen als Reaktion auf die Covid-19 Pandemie im März 2020 verbalisierenAuf der Strasse, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit will den Fokus auf die angewandte Rhetorik (Aristoteles & Krapinger 2019) in einer Krise lenken, da von ihrer Effektivität die Rettung von Menschenleben abhängig ist (Ernst. 2004. S.247). Der Impuls für diese Arbeit kam deshalb von zwei Richtungen: zum einen ist es die aktuelle, durch die Corona Pandemie und Klimakrise geprägte gesellschaftliche Realität, in der die Autorin sich selbst bewegt und die es besser zu verstehen gilt. Zum anderen bezweifelt die Autorin die von Szymon Wròbel (2015) gemachte Behauptung, dass die heutigen, politischen Reden sich fast ausschließlich des Pathos bedienen und vor allem an die Emotionen der Zuhörer appellieren. Für die rhetorische Analyse wurde deshalb zunächst die sprachwissenschaftliche Theorie der Textpragmatik (Ernst 2004. S. 265) mit den Grundbegriffen von Logos, Ethos und Pathos (Aristoteles 2019. S.78) verknüpft und anschließend auf die drei ausgewählten Reden strukturell angewandt. Es konnte dadurch bewiesen werden, dass sich Ethos und Pathos ausgewogen in den ausgewählten Reden vorfinden lassen. Es bleibt die Frage, ob politische Reden ohne emotionelle Wirkung überhaupt Sinn machen würden. Von dem Ergebnis der Analyse ließen sich ebenfalls Rückschlüsse zu den jeweiligen Vertrauensverhältnissen zwischen Sprecher (Regierung) und Hörer (Bürger) ableiten und eine Verbindung zur sprachlichen Machtausübung herstellen. Demnach schlägt die Autorin am Ende vor, die Reden Merkels und Arderns als Diktaturen der Vernunft zu definieren und die Rede von Löfven als Appell der Vernunft. Es wurde deutlich, welch wichtigen Einfluß Vertrauen und die umfassende Interpretation und Auswahl von wissenschaftlichem Wissen als Vorbereitung auf die Ausarbeitung von politischen Reden haben und das unterschiedliche Kulturen in diesem Sinne ihr Krisenmanagement und sprachlichen Appelle auf unterschiedliche Voraussetzungen, mit unterschiedlichen Wirkungsfunktionen aufbauen. So stimmt die Autorin am Ende Wróbels Interpretation von Nietzsches Idee bezüglich der Rationalität und Rhetorik zu: Power does not limit itself, however, to simply defining a given interpretation or view of reality, rather, power defines and creates concrete social reality. (Wróbel 2015, 410)
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