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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electronic Properties and Chemistry of Metal / Organic Semiconductor/ S-GaAs(100) Heterostructures

Gavrila, Gianina Nicoleta 13 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden drei Perylen-Derivate als Zwischenschichten in Metall/organische Schicht/S-GaAs(100)-Heterostrukturen eingesetzt. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, den Einfluss von unterschiedlichen chemischen Endgruppen auf die elektronischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Grenzflächen, sowie auf die molekulare Orientierung in den organischen Schichten nachzuweisen. Die Moleküle 3,4,9,10-Perylentetracarbonsäure Dianhydrid (PTCDA), 3,4,9,10-PerylenTetraCarbonsäure DiImid (PTCDI) und Dimethyl-3,4,9,10-PerylenTetraCarbonsäure DiImid (DiMe-PTCDI) wurden durch organische Molekularstrahldeposition (OMBD) im Ultrahochvakuum auf Schwefel-passivierte GaAs(100):2x1-Substrate aufgedampft. Oberflächensensitive Charakterisierungsverfahren wie Photoemissionsspekroskopie (PES), Inverse Photoemissionsspektroskopie (IPES) und Nahkantenröntgenfeinstrukturmessungen (NEXAFS) wurden zur Charakterisierung eingesetzt. Theoretische Berechnungen mit Hilfe von Dichte-Funktional-Methoden wurden durchgeführt, um eine Zuordnung von verschiedenen Komponenten in Rumpfniveauspektren zu ermöglichen. Die NEXAFS-Messungen ermöglichen eine genaue Bestimmung der Molekülorientierung in Bezug zum Substrat. So lässt sich nachweisen, dass eine kleine Änderung von chemischen Endgruppen z.B. bei DiMe-PTCDI verglichen mit PTCDI, eine dramatische Änderung der Molekülorientierung hervorruft. Die Valenzbandspektren von DiMe-PTCDI zeigen eine energetische Dispersion von 0.2 eV, die auf eine -Orbital-Überlappung zurückzuführen ist und die Ausbildung von Valenzbändern belegt. Die Energieniveauanpassung an der organische Schicht/S-GaAs-Grenzfläche, sowie die Transport-Bandlücke von PTCDI, DiMe-PTCDI und PTCDA wurden mit Hilfe von PES und IPES bestimmt. Die elektronischen, chemischen und strukturellen Eigenschaften von Metall/Organische Schicht- Grenzflächen wurden mit Hilfe von Rumpfniveauspektroskopie und NEXAFS untersucht. Mg reagiert stark mit den Endgruppen von PTCDA und PTCDI, währenddessen die In-Atome an einem Ladungstransferprozess mit den Perylen-Kernen aller dreien Molekülen beteiligt sind, wobei der Betrag der transferierten Ladung maximal für den Fall von PTCDI wird. Während Mg sehr wenig in die organischen Schichten diffundiert, zeigt In sehr starke Eindiffusion in PTCDA-Schichten und schwache in PTCDI-Schichten.

Le nettoyage : une étape-clef pour une production durable par procédé à membrane : réflexion sur le lien entre conditions de production et nettoyabilité d'une membrane PES de l'industrie laitière

Diagne, Ndeye Wemsy 12 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Le nettoyage en place des membranes en industrie agro-alimentaire est une opération cruciale qui, outre les exigences de sécurité sanitaire des installations et des produits traités doit permettre de restaurer les performances de la filtration (sélectivité, flux) en éliminant le colmatage formé pendant l'étape de production. Malheureusement cette étape repose encore sur des bases empiriques et non optimisées. A cause d'un manque de notions fondamentales, elle est encore pressentie comme un frein à l'utilisation massive des procédés membranaires. Une démarche originale a été menée dans le cadre de cette thèse incluant la réflexion sur l'incidence des paramètres hydrodynamiques des conditions de production sur la cohésion du dépôt colmatant et plus particulièrement de sa fraction irréversible, dont la nettoyabilité est étudiée. Pour fonder cette démarche, une étude comparée du colmatage et du nettoyage au flux limite et au flux critique a été réalisée en intégrant le rôle de la physico-chimie et de l'hydrodynamique pendant la phase de production. cette étude s'inscrit dans un cadre d'éco-conception de procédé, avec une analyse de cycle de vie réalisée afin d'estimer l'impact environnemental de l'étape de nettoyage via divers scénarii simplifiés.

Theoretical Investigation Of Unimolecular Reactions Of Cyclic C5h6 Compounds By Ab Initio Quantum Chemical Methods

Kinal, Armagan 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thermodynamic stabilities of eighteen cyclic C5H6 isomers were explored computationally both on singlet and triplet state potential energy surfaces (PES). All isomers have singlet ground states except for bicyclo[2.1.0]pent-5-ylidene (B5) having no stable geometry on the singlet C5H6 PES. Cyclopenta-1,3-diene (M1) is the most stable cyclic C5H6 isomer while cyclopent-1,4-diylidene is the least stable one among all. Cyclopenta-1,2-diene (M2) and cyclopentyne (M3) have biradical characters of 46.9 and 21.5%, respectively. Seven unimolecular isomerization reactions occurring among several of these molecules were investigated by DFT and ab initio methods. The conversion of bicyclo[2.1.0]pent-2-ene (B1) and tricyclo[,5]-pentane (T1) into 1,3-cyclopentadiene (M1) are shown to be concerted processes whose reaction paths pass through TSs with a high degree of biradical character. The reaction enthalpies (DH0) are predicted to be -47.7 kcal/mol for B1 and -63.8 kcal/mol for T1 at UB3LYP/6-31G(d) level. The activation enthalpy (DH0&sup1 / ) for the ring opening of B1 was calculated by the CR-CCSD(T) method to be 25.2 kcal/mol, in good agreement with experiment. Furthermore, the DH0&sup1 / for the ring opening of T1 was obtained by the CR-CCSD(T) method to be 48.2 kcal/mol. The self-conversion of M1 via 1,5-hydrogen shift is a facile and concerted reaction with aromatic TS. The DH0&sup1 / estimations of B3LYP and CC methods are 25.24 and 28.78 kcal/mol, respectively. For 1,2-hydrogen shift reactions of cyclopent-3-enylidene (M4) and cyclopenten-2-ylidene (M5), the single point CC calculations predicted the DH0&sup1 / values of 3.13 and 10.12 kcal/mol, as well as, the DH0 values of -71.28 and -64.05 kcal/mol, respectively. The reason of M5 being more stable than M4 is due to the conjugation of the carbene carbon and the double bond in M5. The reaction path of cyclobutylidene methylene to cyclopentyne rearrangement is found to be rather shallow. The DH0&sup1 / and DH0 values predicted by the RCCSD(T) method to be 3.65 and -5.72 kcal/mol, respectively. Finally, triplet state isomerization of bicyclo[2.1.0]pent-5-ylidene to cyclopenta-1,2-diene, as well as, its parent reaction, cyclopropylidene to 1,2-propadiene were investigated at several levels of theory including DFT, CASSCF and CC methods. The UCCSD(T) method estimated a moderate barrier whose value is 8.12 kcal/mol for the isomerization of 3B5 with the reaction enthalpy of -44.63 kcal/mol.

La Educación Física Adaptada para el alumnado que presenta discapacidad motriz en los centros ordinarios de primaria de Cataluña.

Cumellas Riera, Montserrat 04 March 2010 (has links)
El objetivo de nuestra investigación ha sido conocer si el profesorado de Educación Física (EF), del ciclo superior (CS), de los centros ordinarios de primaria de Cataluña, en el curso escolar 2001-2002, tenía la formación en Educación Física Adaptada (EFA), los conocimientos sobre el currículum (1992) y los recursos para la inclusión del alumnado que presenta discapacidad motriz, para la práctica escolar del Atletismo Adaptado.Los objetivos generales del estudio han sido:1. Conocer la situación de los factores de formación, recursos y conocimientos curriculares, para el inicio y la práctica del Atletismo Adaptado, con el alumnado que presenta discapacidad motriz, en el CS de primaria, de los centros educativos ordinarios de Cataluña, durante el curso escolar 2001-2002.2. Analizar la evolución histórica de la legislación y los contenidos curriculares, relacionados con la atención al alumnado que presenta necesidades educativas especiales (NEE).3. Aportar una propuesta metodológica de Atletismo Adaptado, en la especialidad de lanzamiento de Peso Adaptado, para desarrollar en el CS de primaria, con el alumnado que presenta discapacidad motriz.La Tesis está dividida en tres partes:- La primera corresponde a la introducción del estudio, donde se presenta la idea de la investigación, la hipótesis y los objetivos.- La segunda desarrolla el marco teórico conceptual, en relación al profesorado de EF y la EFA.En el primer capítulo aborda el concepto de discapacidad, el término alumnado que presentaNEE, las diferentes discapacidades que se estudian en nuestra investigación (personas con lesión medular, espina bífida, amputados y parálisis cerebral) y su atención y tratamiento escolar.El capítulo segundo trata el tema de la escuela inclusiva, a través de un análisis histórico de la misma, sus características y los modelos que han influido en ella, finalizando con un análisis de la situación dentro del área de EF.El capítulo tercero describe los antecedentes del currículum de EF de Cataluña (1992), en relación al alumnado que presenta NEE.En el capítulo cuatro se estudia el inicio y desarrollo de la formación inicial y permanente de los docentes, en relación a la EFA y las consecuencias de este aprendizaje reciente.El capítulo quinto plantea los recursos humanos, materiales, económicos e institucionales necesarios para un desarrollo óptimo de la EFA, poniendo énfasis en la importancia de tener una normativa que obligue a disponer en todos los centros de una persona auxiliar de apoyo, con unos mínimos conocimientos en EFA, durante toda la sesión de EF, y un especialista enEFA en los equipos multiprofesionales de la zona.En el capítulo sexto se proponen unas líneas de acción para mejorar la EFA, ofreciéndose una propuesta para el inicio y práctica del Lanzamiento de Peso Adaptado en las sesiones ordinarias de EF, en el CS de primaria.- La tercera parte esta destinada al estudio empírico.En el capítulo séptimo se especifica que mediante una investigación empírico-analítica y descriptiva, se ha estudiado al profesorado de EF del CS de los centros ordinarios de Cataluña, mediante la técnica de la encuesta, utilizando una estadística descriptiva e inferencial y el programa estadístico SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences), versión 15.0.En el capítulo octavo se muestra el análisis y discusión de los resultados, especificando al final las conclusiones de éste (factor formación, factor recursos y factor currículum).- La última parte del estudio se destina a las conclusiones de la hipótesis y objetivos de la investigación, para finalizar con unas recomendaciones relacionadas con los objetivos de la Tesis y de carácter general. / "Adapted Physical Education for students presenting motor disabilities in mainstream elementary schools of Catalonia."AUTHOR: Montserrat Cumellas‐Riera (2009)TEXT:The aim of our research was to determine whether the Physical Education faculty in mainstream upper elementary schools (students ages 10 to 12) of Catalonia, in the 2001 2002 school year, had sufficient training in Adapted Physical Education (APE), and knowledge of the curriculum (1992) and resources for the inclusion of students presenting motor disabilities, to use Adapted Athletics.The Thesis is divided into three parts.- Part one relates to the introduction of the study, which presents the idea of the investigation, hypothesis, and objectives.- Part two develops a conceptual theoretical framework, in relation to PE teachers in mainstream upper elementary schools and APE.The first chapter discusses the concept of disability, the term given to applicants that present special needs, the different disabilities that are studied in our research and their school care and treatment.The second chapter deals with the issue of an inclusive school within the area of PE.The third chapter describes the background of the PE curriculum (1992) in Catalonia. The chapter four describes the development of initial and continuing training of teachers in relation to APE.The fifth chapter outlines the human, material, economic, and institutional arrangements necessary for the optimal development of APE.The sixth chapter proposes lines of action designed to promote APE, for the initiation and practice of the Adapted Shot Put in regular PE in upper elementary school.- Part three is dedicated to the empirical evidence.Chapter seven describes the analytical and descriptive empirical investigation of the PE faculty of mainstream upper elementary schools in Catalonia.Chapter eight presents the analysis and discussion of the statistical results.- Part four focuses on the conclusions of the hypothesis and the investigation objectives, closing with specific.


WILLIAM MATHIAS MOREIRA 18 August 2015 (has links)
[pt] A presente dissertação tem como proposta compreender como são construídas as representações do testemunho traumático, no caso a experiência dos sobreviventes da bomba atômica que atingiu Hiroshima e Nagasaki, a partir da narrativa gráfica da obra de Keiji Nakazawa, Gen - Pés Descalços. Visando assinalar a importância da interdisciplinaridade nos estudos históricos e assim compreender com maior profundidade o contexto histórico e o episódio, foi necessária a realização de discussões que envolvem a relação entre ficção e realidade, a questão da memória, o conceito de narrativa, o discurso histórico, a questão da representação e da imagem, a noção de autobiografia, a concepção de trauma e a ideia da mimesis. / [en] This work has the purpose to understand how representations are constructed of traumatic testimony, if the experience of the survivors of the atomic bomb that hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, from the graphic narrative of the work of Keiji Nakazawa, Barefoot Gen. Aiming to emphasize the importance of interdisciplinarity in historical studies and so understand more deeply the historical context and the episode was needed for discussions involving the relation between fiction and reality, the question of memory, the concept of narrative, the historical discourse the question of representation and image, the notion of autobiography, the conception of trauma and the idea of mimesis.

Analýza výskytu vybrané dědičné choroby očí u psů

KUBIČKOVÁ, Miroslava January 2017 (has links)
Progressive rod-cone degeneration (PRCD) is the late form of progressive retinal atrophy (PRA). It is an autosomal recessive hereditary retinal defect. This disease in dogs is consistent with one form of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) in humans. Phenotypic manifestations are identical and it is known to be an identical causal mutation. A study of this defect in dogs could also explain a lot in human medicine. The gene for PRCD was mapped in the region of centromer of the canine chromosome 9 (CFA9). In this thesis, genotyping of 120 dogs of different breeds and age was performed. Most represented a breed of English Cocker Spaniel which is predisposed to the disease. Analysis PRA-PRCD was performed by molecular genetic methods PCR-RFLP and the horizontal agarose electrophoresis. Genotypes were determined on the basis of different fragment lengths. The normal allele was 396 bp in length and the mutated allele had a length of 116 bp. Presence of mutated allele was only detected in 25 heterozygotes carriers which were usually breeds with this predisposition. Frequency of the mutated allele was 10.4 %. In the selected population 20.8 % of heterozygotes were represented. The results of the study show approximately one fifth of the tested dogs are heterozygous carriers. Findings of other studies confirm there are generally more heterozygotes than homozygotes in which the disease is manifested during life. However, if this fact is not clearly taken in consideration, the number of sick dogs can rapidly increase during short period of time. In the future, it would be appropriate to adopt measures which would definitely eliminate the occurrence of the mutated allele. These measures could include genetic tests that reliably reveal hidden carriers (heterozygotes) in predisposing breeds. Heterozygotes may increase the representation of this allele in the population. This leads to an increase in the number of diseased animals.

Hodnocení přežitelnosti spermií ovčáckých plemen psů

Sobotková, Lenka January 2016 (has links)
Topic of this work was evaluation of spermatozoa of shepherd dog breeds, where we took a closer look on evaluation of dog ejaculate quality from FCI I. group. In this work the basic methods of ejaculate evaluation were mentioned as well as special evaluation methods, with focus on durability tests for needs of fresh semen insemination with use of special solutions. For our purposes were chosen 7 dogs, 5 of them were Czechoslo-vakian shepherd of one owner and 2 dogs were German shepherd breed of the second owner. For the best elimination of environmental influences on results these dogs were masturbated in home environment. As solutions we used UHT milk, dry milk, Androhep, Androstar, stallion solution and distilled water. We used standard mathematical-statistic methods for data evaluation.

Porovnání výkonnosti potomstva německého ovčáka po domácích a zahraničních plemenících

FEIKOVÁ, Klára January 2017 (has links)
This graduation thesis deals with comparison of performance of progeny of German shepherd the national and foreign stud dogs. The literary overview follows the history and current form of the International Examination Rules, breeding of German shepherds in the Czech Republic and on global level. It describes complete characteristics of a German shepherd, like the physique, body measurements, living demands and then it is engaged in influences affecting the sport performance of dogs, breeding conditions and it follows the most frequent health problems in German shepherds breeding. The core of the thesis includes analyses of performance of gets of national and foreign stud dogs in the position of a father or father's father in selective competitions, Czech Republic Championships IPO and Championships of the Czech Club of German Shepherds (M ČKNO). There were monitored the data on numbers of individuals in specified competitions in monitored periods of the years 2009 2016. More, dogs placed on 1st up to 10th positions at MČR IPO and M ČKNO were assessed from the point of view of fathers and grandfathers. On the basis of detailed monitoring and analysis it was detected that that dogs from foreign stud dogs origin whether in father's or grandfather's positions are more frequently used in sport cynology. There were 58% of participating dogs from foreign stud dogs and only 42% of dogs with fathers of Czech origin participating in selective competitions. It was established that 61% of participating dogs from foreign stud dogs and 39% of dogs with fathers of Czech origin participated in MČR IPO. The stud dogs of dogs participating in ČKNO Championship were of 68 % of foreign origin and 32 % of nationals. In the course of more detailed analysis (assessment of dogs taking up to 10th position in MČR IPO and M ČKNO) it was established that 67,9% respectively 61,25% of the most successful sport dogs have fathers from foreign kennels, while only 32,1% respectively 38,75 % are from stud dogs from Czech kennels. The best stud dogs from abroad were Ellute von der Mohenwiese and Tom van't Leefdaalhof. Jaguar Aritar Bastet and Hoky Va Pe belonged to the best national stud dogs.

Analýza současného stavu speciální kynologie v České republice - se zaměřením na vyhledávání výbušnin. / Analysis of the current state of special cynology in the Czech Republic - with a focus on the search of explosives.

HOMOLKA, Martin January 2014 (has links)
Civil protection is getting one of the most important activities governments of all civilized states in the world deal with. Substantial funds are spent on setting up of armed forces, security organizations, groups of specialists and employees and on reinforcing of army forces that can participate in civil protection during state of emergency or in critical civil situations. For realization of these attacks a lot of money is needed. To get the money other crimes are committed, namely production and trade with narcotics and psychotropic substances or illegal weapon trade. The bodies participating in civil protection of each single state have to be able and ready to search for implements that directly or indirectly endanger not only the safety of inhabitants, but also the safety of important buildings and the premises of critical infrastructure. It concerns searching for explosives, firearms, narcotics and psychotropic substances, burning accelerants or e.g. banknotes. For these activities most police forces and bodies of civil protection use dogs because of their character and abilities. This companion closest to a man is able to find and mark all named commodities after having finished its proper training. The aim of this thesis is to specify the importance of special kynology for civil protection, focused on locating of explosives using specially trained dogs. Qualitative survey is the base of this dissertation. Respondents are experts with long-time experience in special kynology and explosives. Methods used within the research are following: secondary data analysis, half structured interview and photo documentation. SWOT analysis has been made that describes the condition of special kynology in the Czech Republic. The Police of the Czech Republic, as one of three basic bodies of Integrated Rescue System, have to fulfil many tasks defined by law. One of the most important tasks is life and health protection of all persons that are in the certain moment in our state territory. For attacks against these values explosives are used nowadays. If they are misused and installed in explosive systems, the members of the Police of the Czech Republic are the ones who enter the area of explosive placement or the possible placement of such object. Besides, they carry out safety and preventive explosives search. Some of these members are canine officers. Their task is to train the dogs in a special way so that these are able to locate explosives. They take part in every search for explosives which is led by the police. Thanks to their placement they are able to begin with investigation within a few minutes or tens of minutes almost anywhere in the area of the Czech Republic. Nowadays there is no other body of armed force that would be able to provide this kind of service. That is why it is necessary to solve such problems that endanger this activity, such as lack of finance or little cooperation among individual units. Despite these problems we have to highlight the professionalism of canine officers, their experience and work enthusiasm as well as a very high level of training centres. If trained and used in the right way, the dogs are irreplaceable in the search for explosives not only nowadays but also in the future. Without their help the search cannot be effective. The dissertation presents a complete overview and description of the use of special kynology concerning search for explosives in relation to civil protection. In practice it will improve the public awareness and it will be used as complete information material for experts.

Problematika péče o dítě s pes equinovarus congenitus / Issues of nursing care for Clubfoot Diagnosed Child

KOŠNÁŘOVÁ, Kateřina January 2018 (has links)
The area of the care of a Clubfoot (pes equinovarus congenitus PEC Clubfoot) Diagnosed Child is the topic of this Paper. Currently, the PEC is the second most frequent congenital deformity within orthopaedics. The theoretical part of this Paper deals with a description of the PEC, its diagnostics, cure and a possible risk of relapse. A sub-chapter of the Paper introduces the Achilleus association, which is the only body in the Czech Republic bringing together parents of PEC diagnosed children. The Paper also focuses on nurses and their role(s) in the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children. The empirical part of this Paper covers a research with the following directions: - parental knowledge of PEC diagnosed children care at home; - specifications of the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children; - nurses and their educational role (if fulfilled) in the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children. The research presented in the empirical part of the Paper was based on a semi-structuralized interview and open coding technique. The interviews were conducted with parents of PEC diagnosed children and care providing nurses who also play an important educational role in this matter. The benefit of the Paper, based on collected research data, is to provide a complete overview on the problems relating to the care of PEC diagnosed children. The outcome is supposed to be also presented to appropriate expert public for further consideration. The research outcome presents that the level of parental knowledge of the PEC diagnosed children care at home is very high and that parents provide their children with a quality care. The Paper describes that specifications of the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children are mainly evident in appropriate and consistent education of parents as the homecare is usually a long-term process. Finally, the Paper also shows that nurses in their educational role in the nursing care of PEC diagnosed children do not fulfil their tasks to such an extent that is expected.

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