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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Construção de uma bibilioteca de anticorpos ScFv dirigidos contra o fator de crescimento vascular (VEGF) / ScFv antibodies library construction directed against the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

Carlos Henrique Rodrigues Gomes 07 May 2013 (has links)
Angiogênese é a formação de novos vasos sanguíneos a partir de vasos já existentes e é importante em processos fisiológicos, que em adultos é restrita ao reparo tecidual e ao ciclo reprodutivo feminino. Entretanto, doenças, como câncer ou retinopatias, induzem a formação da angiogênese patológica, necessária para a progressão destas patologias. Anticorpos monoclonais constituem uma das classes de biofármacos que mais cresce e com impacto importante nas doenças dependentes de angiogênese. Entre as diversas metodologias para a identificação de anticorpos monoclonais contra alvos terapêuticos, está o phage display. Por causa do fator de crescimento endotelial vascular (VEGF) ser o principal fator responsável pela formação de novos vasos, o principal biofármaco anti-angiogênico disponível na clínica atualmente é um anticorpo monoclonal (bevacizumab) direcionadas contra o VEGF. Embora terapias anti-VEGF sejam eficazes, ainda não são ideais devido a efeitos colaterais indesejados e a resistência medicamentosa. Novas alternativas são necessárias a fim de aperfeiçoar as terapias angiogênicas. O objetivo do nosso estudo é identificar novos alvos moleculares e desenvolver novos agentes terapêuticos para doenças dependentes de angiogênese. Para atingirmos nossa meta escolhemos o sistema de phage display para selecionarmos anticorpos com propriedades angiogênicas. Uma biblioteca de de anticorpos foi desenvolvida em nosso laboratório, dirigida contra a molécula VEGF, em particular uma de suas isoformas. Os animais imunizados desenvolveram anticorpos específicos, detectados por ELISA e Western-blot. A amplificação do pool de genes das cadeias leve e pesada de imunoglobulinas foi realizada para produzir os fragmentos single-chain (ScFv) que foram então clonados no vetor para a construção da biblioteca. A biblioteca de display de anticorpos ScFv será, portanto, analisada em plataformas angiogênicas para isolar anticorpos específicos contra isoformas de VEGF e novos marcadores moleculares de superfície celular expressos por células endoteliais ativadas. / Angiogenesis is the formation of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones and is an important physiological process, which in adults is mostly restricted to wound healing or the female reproductive cycle. However, different illnesses, such as cancer or retinopathies, induce the formation of pathological angiogenesis, necessary for disease progression. Monoclonal antibodies are one of the fastest growing class of biopharmaceuticals with important implications in angiogenesis dependent diseases. Among various methods for the identification of monoclonal antibodies against therapeutic targets is phage display technology. Because the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is the main molecular factor responsible for the formation of new blood vessels, the major anti-angiogenic drug available in the clinic today is a monoclonal antibody (bevacizumab) directed against VEGF. However, although anti-VEGF therapies are effective, they are not yet ideal due to undesirable side effects and drug resistance. Novel alternatives are necessary to improve on angiogenic therapies. The aim of our study is to identify novel molecular targets and to develop new therapeutic agents for angiogenic dependent diseases. To achieve our goal we have chosen the phage display system in order to select for antibodies with angiogenic properties. An antibody phage library has been developed in our laboratory, directed against VEGF molecule, particularly one of it isoforms. The animals were immunized and developed specific antibodies, detected by ELISA and Western-blot. Amplification of the pool of light and heavy chain Ig genes was performed to produce the single chain (ScFv) fragments for library construction. The ScFv antibody display libraries will be then screened in angiogenic settings to isolate antibodies against specific VEGF isoforms and novel cell surface molecular markers expressed by activated human endothelial cells

Identificação e avaliação de novas adesinas em Leptospira interrogans por shotgun phage display / Identification and evaluation of new adhesins of Leptospira interrogans by shotgun phage display

Fabiana Lauretti Ferreira 06 November 2015 (has links)
Leptospirose é uma doença infecciosa emergente cujos agentes etiológicos são espécies patogênicas do gênero Leptospira. Leptospiras patogênicas possuem inúmeros genes específicos codificando proteínas com funções desconhecidas, sugerindo que as leptospiras apresentam fatores de virulência únicos. Adesinas bacterianas são importantes fatores de virulência e, assim, a identificação de adesinas conservadas em espécies patogênicas de Leptospira pela construção de bibliotecas genômicas expostas na superfície de bacteriófagos (shotgun phage display), seguida por seleção em células e/ou componentes da matriz extracelular (biopanning), pode revelar novos antígenos e alvos para o tratamento e prevenção da leptospirose. Bibliotecas foram construídas com o DNA genômico de L. interrogans fragmentado e o fagomídeo pG8SAET, sendo testadas algumas abordagens para clonagem como a ligação entre extremidades cegas (blunt-end) e técnicas baseadas em ligação entre extremidades coesivas, incluindo a obtenção de ORESTES e a utilização de adaptadores em grampo. Apesar de serem encontradas algumas limitações, a clonagem por ligação blunt-end se mostrou a mais eficiente para a construção de bibliotecas, sendo adotada para a construção de três bibliotecas em maior escala. A seleção de novas possíveis adesinas a partir das bibliotecas construídas foi realizada em células eucarióticas através da metodologia BRASIL. A primeira biblioteca (BBT1) exibiu 106 clones totais, a partir da qual foram selecionados quatro proteínas em fase apenas com a proteína VIII do fago (pVIII). No entanto, nenhuma delas seria exposta por programas de predição na bactéria. Outras duas bibliotecas foram construídas (BBT2 e BBT3), as quais obtiveram um número ideal de clones para uma ampla cobertura do genoma (>2x107 clones). Por apresentar maior proporção de clones válidos, a BBT2 foi utilizada para a seleção de adesinas, resultando em onze clones em fase com pVIII e/ou sequência sinal do fago. Análises por programas de predição revelaram três proteínas hipotéticas, denominadas LepA962, LepA069 e LepA388, as quais poderiam estar expostas ou ser secretadas pela bactéria, sugerindo uma possível função de adesina. O estudo da proteína LepA388 levou ao reconhecimento de outras doze proteínas semelhantes e pertencentes a uma família paráloga contendo um domínio denominado DUF_61, motivo de função desconhecida presente em proteínas compartilhadas somente entre as espécies patogênicas mais virulentas de Leptospira. Por esta razão, a proteína LepA388 foi a mais estudada. A clonagem de três porções da proteína (LepA388P, LepA388NR e LepA388F) para expressão heteróloga resultou em proteínas recombinantes insolúveis e, considerando a riqueza em resíduos de cisteína presente em sua estrutura, não foi possível renaturá-las adequadamente. Diante dos obstáculos encontrados, apenas a porção contendo a sequência apresentada pelo fago (LepA388P) foi utilizada para obtenção de antissoros em camundongos, os quais apresentaram altos títulos, demonstrando a alta imunogenicidade da proteína LepA388P. O reconhecimento de proteínas nativas da família paráloga DUF_61 em extratos de diferentes sorovares de Leptospira não foi observado, assim como sua expressão in vitro a partir de bactérias em diferentes condições de cultivo. Estudos adicionais sobre a expressão in vivo e funções dos membros desta família são necessários para uma compreensão mais ampla de seu papel na biologia de leptospiras e, possivelmente, na patogênese da leptospirose. / Leptospirosis is an emerging infectious disease whose etiologic agents are pathogenic species of the genus Leptospira. Pathogenic leptospires have countless specific genes encoding proteins with unknown functions, suggesting that leptospires have unique virulence factors. Bacterial adhesins are important virulence factors and so the identification of conserved adhesins in pathogenic Leptospira species from shotgun phage display libraries, followed by selection (biopanning) in cells and/or extracellular matrix components, can reveal new antigens and strategies for leptospirosis treatment and prevention. Libraries were constructed using fragmented genomic DNA from L. interrogans and pG8SAET phagemid vector. Cloning approaches included blunt-end ligation and techniques based in cohesive-end ligation, such as ORESTES strategy and hairpin linkers. Despite some limitations, cloning by blunt-end ligation was the most efficient for library construction, being adopted for the construction of three libraries on a larger scale. Selection of new possible adhesins was performed by biopanning of the libraries in eukaryotic cells through BRASIL methodology. The first library called BBT1 exhibited approximately 106 total clones, and its biopanning resulted in four proteins fused to phage protein VIII, but none of them were expected to be exposed by the bacteria. Other libraries were built (BBT2 and BBT3) which reached the expected number of clones to obtain a larger genome representation (> 2x107 clones). Since it showed the highest proportion of positive clones, BBT2 was selected to perform a second biopanning, resulting in eleven proteins fused to phage protein VIII and/or signal peptide. In silico analysis revealed three hypothetical proteins, named LepA962, LepA069 and LepA388, that would be exposed or secreted by the bacteria, suggesting a possible adhesin function. The study of LepA388 protein led to the recognition of twelve other similar proteins belonging to a paralogous family that contains a domain called DUF_61, domain of unknown function that is present in proteins shared only among the most virulent pathogenic species of Leptospira. For this reason, the LepA388 protein was the most studied. The cloning of three portions of the protein (LepA388P, LepA388NR and LepA388F) for heterologous expression resulted in insoluble recombinant proteins, and given the presence of many cysteine residues in its structure, it was not possible to renature them appropriately. In face of the imposed obstacles, only the portion containing the sequence presented by the bacteriophage (LepA388P) was used to obtain antisera in mice, which showed high titers, demonstrating the high immunogenicity of the protein LepA388P. Recognition of native DUF_61 paralogous family proteins in extracts from distinct Leptospira serovars was not observed, as well as its in vitro expression from bacteria cultured in different conditions. Additional studies on the in vivo expression and functions of members of this family are needed for a broader understanding of their role in leptospiral biology and possibly in the pathogenesis of leptospirosis.

Mécanisme d'intégration du phage TLC dans le génome de Vibrio cholerae / Mechanism of TLC phage integration into the genome of Vibrio cholerae

Midonet, Caroline 11 October 2016 (has links)
La plupart des bactéries ont un unique chromosome circulaire. Lors de la réplication de l’ADN, la circularité lie topologiquement les deux chromatides sœurs résultant de la réplication (caténanes et dimères). Ces liens topologiques doivent être résolus afin de permettre une bonne ségrégation de l’information génétique entre les deux cellules filles au cours de la division cellulaire. Les bactéries possèdent une machinerie très conservée: les recombinases à tyrosines XerC et XerD, capables de résoudre les dimères et une partie des caténanes, en catalysant un crossover au site spécifique dif situé dans la région Ter du chromosome. Lors de ce processus elles réalisent successivement deux échanges de brins. La réaction Xer est spatio-temporellement contrôlée par une protéine du divisome: FtsK. FtsK est une translocase qui pompe l’ADN à travers le septum de division. Lorsqu’elle rencontre une synapse constituée de deux sites dif chargés de XerC et XerD, elle active la catalyse de XerD pour initier le premier échange de brins. Dans un second temps XerC catalyse un second échange de brins indépendamment de FtsK. A ce jour le mécanisme d’activation de XerD n’est pas bien compris. Certains éléments mobiles résolvent leur états multimériques (tels que les plasmides) ou intègrent leur génome dans celui de leur hôte en détournant les recombinases XerCD. On parle d’IMEXs (integrative Mobile Element using Xer). Les éléments mobiles étudiés avant ma thèse utilisaient tous des voies de recombinaison initiées par la catalyse de XerC et ne nécessitant pas l’activation de XerD. Au cours de ma thèse j’ai étudié dans un premier temps le mécanisme d’intégration / excision d’une nouvelle classe d’IMEXs en utilisant comme modèle le phage TLCphi de Vibrio cholerae, la bactérie responsable du choléra. Par des approches de génétique j’ai démontré que TLCphi utilise une voie de recombinaison initiée par la catalyse de XerD et indépendante de FtsK. Mes travaux ont également montré que l’excision du phage participe à l’évolution des souches pandémiques de V.cholerae. Dans une seconde partie, j’ai identifié un facteur phagique qui permet à TLCphi de contourner le contrôle de FtsK sur l’activation de XerD. Ce facteur était une protéine de fonction inconnue présentant un domaine HTH et un domaine DUF3653. Ce dernier est retrouvé dans de nombreux IMEXs. Par des approches de biologie moléculaire j’ai étudié le mécanisme d’action de cette protéine. J’ai reproduit la réaction de recombinaison in vitro et démontré qu’elle active XerD en interagissant directement avec elle. Enfin dans un troisième temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux disparités observées entre la recombinaison Xer chez E.coli et V.cholerae. En particulier, la recombinaison Xer semble agir seulement sur les dimères chez E.coli alors qu’elle est active également sur les monomères chez V.cholerae. Nous avons démontré que ces divergences de comportement ne viennent pas des Xer elles-mêmes, ni de leurs propriétés d'activations par FtsK. Elles résultent des différentes chorégraphies de ségrégation des chromosomes entre ces deux bactéries et dépendent également des vitesses de croissance. / Most of bacteria have a single circular chromosome. During replication of DNA, this circularity can lead to two sister chromatids topologically linked (catenanes and dimers). These topological links have to be solved in order to allow good segregation of genetic information between the two daughter cells during cell division. Bacteria possess a highly conserved machinery: the tyrosine recombinases XerC XerD that are capable to resolve dimers and some catenanes, by catalyzing a crossover at the specific site dif located in the Ter region of the chromosome. During this process they realize two sequentialstrand exchanges.The Xer reaction is spatiotemporally controlled by a protein of the divisome: FtsK. FtsK is a pump that translocates DNA through the septum of division. When FtsK meets a synapse that consists of two dif loaded by XerC and XerD, it activates XerD catalysis that initiates first strand exchange. Secondly XerC catalyzes a second strand exchange independently of FtsK. To date the activation mechanism of XerD is not well understood. Some mobile elements solve their multimeric states (like plasmids) or integrate their genome into the chromosome of their host by using XerCD recombinases. Such integrative elements are named IMEXs (Integrative Mobile Element using Xer). The mobile elements studied before my thesis all used recombination pathways initiated by catalysis of XerC and not requiring activation of XerD .During my PhD I studied at first the integration mechanism / excision of a new class IMEXs using as a model the TLC phage Vibrio cholerae, the bacterium responsible for cholera. By genetic approaches I demonstrated that TLCphi uses a recombination pathway initiated by XerD catalysis and independently of FtsK. My work has also shown that the phage excision participates in the evolution of pandemic strains of V. cholerae. In the second part, I identified a phage factor that allows TLC to bypass the activation of XerD by FtsK. This factor was a protein of unknown function with a HTH domain and a DUF3653 domain. DUF3653 are found in many IMEXs. Using molecular biology approaches, I studied the mechanism of action of this protein. I reproduced the recombination reaction in vitro and demonstrated that this factor activates XerD by directly interacting with it. Finally, we were interested to study disparities between Xer recombination in E.coli and V.cholerae. In particular, the Xer recombination seems to act only on dimers in E.coli while it is also active on monomers in V.cholerae. We have demonstrated that these differences in behaviors do not come from Xer themselves or their activation by FtsK. They result from different choreographies of chromosome segregation between these two bacteria and are also dependent on growth rates.

The Shiga Toxin B-Subunit : a Promising Scaffold for the Targeting of Tumor Specific Glycosphingolipids / Exploitation de l’échafaudage moléculaire de la sous-unité B de la Toxine de Shiga pour le ciblage des glycosphingolipides tumoraux

Murarasu, Thomas 13 December 2017 (has links)
Le cancer représente la second cause de décès au monde. Le développement de traitements innovants contre le cancer repose aujourd’hui sur l’identification de biomarqueurs des tumeurs et le développement de produits thérapeutiques capables de reconnaitre ces marqueurs de façon spécifique. Ces produits thérapeutiques de nouvelles générations ont le potentiel d’éliminer spécifiquement les cellules tumorales et donc de réduire les effets secondaires des traitements ainsi que les risques de rechute. Malheureusement, un certain nombre de patients ne peuvent bénéficier de ces traitements, du fait de l’absence de biomarqueurs connus à la surface de leur tumeur. Ce projet a ainsi pour ambition de développer de nouvelles thérapies ciblées en exploitant une nouvelle classe de biomarqueurs et ainsi de venir enrichir l’arsenal thérapeutique disponible pour le traitement des cancers. / Cancer is the second cause of death worldwide. Recent advance in cancer treatments involved the identification of cancer biomarkers and the development of efficient therapeutic products able to specifically recognize them. This new class of products has the ability to specifically target tumor cells, with the major advantages to decrease or abolish treatments side effects and relapses of the disease. Unfortunately, a certain number of patients do not respond to those treatments lacking the expression of those biomarkers on their tumor. This project aims at developing new targeted therapies by exploiting a new class of cancer biomarkers, which would potentially extend the therapeutics options against cancer.

Isolation, Characterization, and Genomic Comparison of Bacteriophages of Enterobacteriales Order

Sharma, Ruchira 01 July 2019 (has links)
According to CDC, every year at least 2 million people are affected and 23,000 dies as a result of antibiotic resistance in U.S. It is considered one of the biggest threats to global health. More and more bacterial infections are becoming harder to treat. One such infection is fire blight, one of the most destructive disease of apple and pear trees. It is caused by bacteria Erwinia amylovora and its outbreaks have been known to destroy entire orchards in a single season. The conventional method of treatments includes use of antibiotics like streptomycin and oxytetracycline but the incidences like presence of multi-drug resistant bacteria in the mammals grazing in the fields have raised concerns. Phage therapy is considered one of the few ways available to combat bacterial resistance and prevent fire blight. In this method, a cocktail of highly lytic bacteriophages is prepared and sprayed on the trees at different time intervals. Bacteriophages are an “intelligent” drug. They multiply at the site of the infection until there are no more bacteria and then they are excreted back into the nature. These phenomena make them more efficient than an antibiotic, which kills all kind of bacteria including good bacteria and can be maintained in the environment for long periods of time. These qualities of bacteriophage have resulted in many commercially available phage therapies. The initial part of this research focuses on isolation, characterization and genomic comparison of bacteriophages that infect a plant pathogen E.amylovora of Erwiniaceae family of Enterobacteriales order. In this study, 28 novel bacteriophages were isolated, fully sequenced, characterized and grouped into seven families based on phage homology. To take this further, we characterized a novel jumbo family of bacteriophages that has a small burst size of 4.6-4.9 and are most similar to bacteriophages that infect Pseudomonas and Ralstonia rather than Enterobacteriales bacteria by protein similarity. These bacteriophages are shown to infect Erwinia and Pantoea bacterial strains, but no infection of 9 other bacterial strains tested, was seen, under laboratory conditions. The results of this work provide an insight on special characteristics that makes bacteriophage so unique and adaptable. The final part of this research explores the enormous diversity of bacteriophages. In 2014 Grose and Casjens grouped 337 fully sequenced tailed phages into 56 diverse clusters (32 lytic and 24 temperate). We further expanded our current understanding of these clusters by performing the comprehensive analysis of genomes and proteomes of 1037 tailed bacteriophages, posted on GenBank. The results of this work provide insights into diversity and relatedness of bacteriophages and the data is posted on GenBank.

Isolation, Genetic Characterization and Clinical Application of Bacteriophages of Pathogenic Bacterial Species

Thurgood, Trever Leon 01 July 2019 (has links)
Bacteriophages (phages) are the smallest biological entity on the planet. They provide vast amounts of valuable knowledge to biologists. Phage genomes are relatively simple compared to the organisms they infect (prokaryotes) and yet continually point to the complexity surrounding molecular- and microbiological mechanisms of life. By studying phages we can learn of the systems of gene expression, protein interaction and DNA organization. Phages are useful not only from an academic perspective, but may also have useful clinical applications. In the face of the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacterial “super pathogens”, scientists and researchers turn to phages as alternative treatments to these types of infections. Phages are capable of infecting and killing even the deadliest of bacterial pathogens, such as carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) or Bacillus anthracis, and may prove increasingly useful in the future for combatting harmful pathogens. This thesis looks at several aspects of phage biology—from the underlying genetics contributing to phage virulence, to the clinical application of phage therapy to treat infections. First, a look at CRE-Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates and phages capable of infecting some strains may reveal a potential therapeutic approach in the future. Additionally, genomic analysis reveals interesting features that may explain aspects of phage virulence and evolutionary history. Then, a collection of genetically diverse phages is used in infection assays on pathogenic strains of Bacillus anthracis to establish the first-reported phages capable of infecting these strains. Finally, the process of preparing phage samples for therapeutic application is explored in-depth to conclude with discussion of clinical application. During the course of these projects over 25 phages were isolated, as many phage genomes were assembled and annotated, resulting in the preparation of two genome announcements and near-completion of two publishable first-author papers (chapters II and III). In addition, participation in a variety of collaborative efforts may lead to a handful of co-author papers and on various topics, including phage biology and application.

Identification of scFv reagents which recognise the human neural cell adhesion molecule expressed upon neuroblastoma cells

Zebedee, Zoë Anna-Marie January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

The Generation of Affinity Reagents Using High-throughput Phage Display and Building the Foundations of a Novel High-throughput Intrabody Pipeline

Economopoulos, Nicolas 07 December 2011 (has links)
Phage display technology has emerged as the dominant approach in antibody engineering. Here I describe my work in developing a high-throughput method of reliably generating intracellular antibodies. In my first data chapter, I present the first known high-throughput pipeline for antibody-phage display libraries of synthetic diversity and I demonstrate how increasing the scale of both target production and library selection still results in the capture of antibodies to over 50% of targets. In my second data chapter, I present the construction and validation of a novel scFv-phage library that will serve as the first step in my proposed intrabody pipeline. Antibodies obtained from this library will be screened for functionality using a novel yeast-two-hybrid approach and have numerous downstream applications. This high-throughput pipeline is amenable to automation and can be scaled up to thousands of domains, resulting in the potential generation of many novel therapeutic reagents.

Generating Peptide Probes against Cancer-related Peptide Recognition Domains using Phage Display

Hooda, Yogesh 20 November 2012 (has links)
Peptide recognition domains (PRD) bind to short linear motifs on their biological partners and are found in several cellular pathways including those found to be critical in tumorigenesis. In this study, I aimed to generate peptide probes against PRDs present on proteins involved in ovarian cancer. Using bioinformatics, I identified 66 potential PRDs present on these proteins. I then used peptide phage display to successfully generate peptides against 27 of the 66 domains. To validate my results, I performed an extensive literature review and structural analysis. For several cases, the phage-display derived binding preferences are similar to previously reported studies. However, for a subset of domains, I identified non-canonical binding preferences that have not been reported previously in literature. The binding preferences obtained in this study can be used to design intracellular probes for studying the role of these PRDs in biological pathways important in ovarian cancer.

The Generation of Affinity Reagents Using High-throughput Phage Display and Building the Foundations of a Novel High-throughput Intrabody Pipeline

Economopoulos, Nicolas 07 December 2011 (has links)
Phage display technology has emerged as the dominant approach in antibody engineering. Here I describe my work in developing a high-throughput method of reliably generating intracellular antibodies. In my first data chapter, I present the first known high-throughput pipeline for antibody-phage display libraries of synthetic diversity and I demonstrate how increasing the scale of both target production and library selection still results in the capture of antibodies to over 50% of targets. In my second data chapter, I present the construction and validation of a novel scFv-phage library that will serve as the first step in my proposed intrabody pipeline. Antibodies obtained from this library will be screened for functionality using a novel yeast-two-hybrid approach and have numerous downstream applications. This high-throughput pipeline is amenable to automation and can be scaled up to thousands of domains, resulting in the potential generation of many novel therapeutic reagents.

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