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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Crescimento de cristais de LiY sub(1-x) TR sub(x) F sub(4):Nd (TR=Lu ou Gd) para aplicacoes opticas

RANIERI, IZILDA M. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:45:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:07:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 07149.pdf: 7899411 bytes, checksum: 6ba368602f98f29e9401ef54276cdb45 (MD5) / Tese (Doutoramento) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Estudo da influência de impurezas e da qualidade das superfícies em cristais de brometo de tálio para aplicação como um detector de radiação / Methodology optimization of the thallium bromide crystal preparation for application as a radiation detector

SANTOS, ROBINSON A. dos 11 November 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-11-11T13:09:25Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-11-11T13:09:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho, cristais de TlBr foram crescidos e purificados pelo método de Bridgman Repetido, a partir de sais comerciais de TlBr, e caracterizados para serem usados como detectores de radiação à temperatura ambiente. Para avaliar a eficiência de purificação, estudos da diminuição da concentração de impurezas foram feitos após cada crescimento, analisando as impurezas traço por Espectrometria de Massas com Plasma (ICP-MS). Um decréscimo significativo da concentração de impurezas em função do número de purificações foi observado. Os cristais crescidos apresentaram boa qualidade cristalina de acordo com os resultados de análise por Difração de Raios X (DRX), boa qualidade morfológica e estequiometria adequada de acordo com os resultados de análise por MEV(SE) e MEV(EDS). Um modelo matemático definido por equações diferenciais foi desenvolvido para avaliar as concentrações de impurezas no cristal de TlBr e suas segregações em função do número de crescimentos pelo método de Bridgman. Este modelo pode ser usado para calcular o coeficiente de migração das impurezas e mostrou ser útil para prever o número necessário de repetições de crescimento Bridgman para atingir nível de pureza adequado para assegurar a qualidade do cristal como detector de radiação. Os coeficientes se segregação obtidos são parâmetros importantes para análise microestrutural e análise de transporte de cargas nos cristais detectores. Para avaliar os cristais a serem usados como detectores de radiação, medidas de suas resistividades e resposta à incidência de radiação gama das fontes de 241Am (59,5keV) e 133Ba (81 keV) foram realizadas. Essa resposta foi dependente da pureza do cristal. Os detectores apresentaram um avanço significativo na eficiência de coleta de cargas em função da pureza. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

Caracterização de camisas de cilindro em ligas Al-Si hipereutéticas e investigação do comportamento de corrosão em meio de condensado sintético automotivo / Characterization of cylinder liners produced with hypereutectic Al-Si alloys and investigation of corrosion behaviour in synthetic automotive condensed solution

Hamilta de Oliveira Santos 21 March 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho quatro ligas Al-Si hipereutéticas, três das quais foram produzidas por conformação por \"spray\" e a outra por fundição, foram caracterizadas quanto a textura, dureza, microestrutura e resistência à corrosão em meio de condensado sintético automotivo (CSA). Duas das ligas conformadas por \"spray\" foram retiradas de camisas de cilindro e a outra de um pré-formado obtido em laboratório. A conformação por \"spray\" envolve a atomização de uma liga e a deposição de gotículas em um substrato, antes mesmo que todas se encontrem no estado sólido. Este processo permite a obtenção de materiais que se caracterizam por uma microestrutura livre de macrossegregações e bastante refinada, implicando melhor trabalhabilidade a quente. A caracterização da microestrutura das quatro ligas hipereutéticas revelou a presença de porosidades na liga obtida em laboratório, e microestrutura com distribuição homogênea de precipitados primários nas três ligas conformadas por \"spray\". A microestrutura de uma das ligas apresentou-se muito diferenciada, com a presença de eutético, sugerindo que esta foi fabricada por fundição. Nas camisas de cilindro foram feitas medidas de rugosidade, e em todas as ligas foram realizados ensaios de microdureza. A liga conformada por \"spray\" e obtida em laboratório foi laminada a quente e a frio. Foram realizados também estudos de textura, para tentar estabelecer uma correlação entre todas as ligas quanto ao processo de fabricação. A avaliação da textura indicou que a presença de fases de silício primário, finamente distribuídas impedem o aparecimento de texturas típicas de deformação de ligas de alumínio, mesmo após severas deformações, como as necessárias para a transformação de pré-formados em tubos que originam as camisas de cilindro. As medidas de rugosidade indicaram características próprias do acabamento superficial usado para a produção das camisas, por brunimento ou por ataque químico. Os ensaios de microdureza apresentaram variações de acordo com as rotas de fabricação sendo que a liga eutética apresentou os maiores valores de microdureza em comparação às ligas conformadas por \"spray\". Todas as ligas foram avaliadas quanto a resistência à corrosão por ensaios de espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica em dois meios, CSA com pH 3,3 e CSA com pH 11. As quatro ligas hipereutéticas estudadas apresentaram mecanismo de corrosão similar em condensado sintético automotivo (CSA) pH 3,3. Em todas ocorreu o ataque intenso da matriz de alumínio e as partículas de silício primário atuaram como regiões catódicas. A liga 2 apresentou maior resistência à corrosão entre todas as ligas ensaiadas, tanto em CSA pH 3,3 como em pH 11. Neste último meio, uma camada de produtos de corrosão formou-se sobre todas as ligas, e os resultados indicaram mecanismos diferentes para o ataque da matriz de Al e para o crescimento da camada depositada na superfície das ligas estudadas. O ataque da matriz da liga 2 neste meio foi aparentemente mais lento do que sobre as demais ligas, com a formação de uma camada mais compacta de produtos de corrosão, estabelecendo um controle por difusão dos processos interfaciais para maiores períodos de ensaio. A camada formada sobre as demais ligas neste meio apresentou-se mais defeituosa, e nestas ocorreu também menor controle da velocidade das reações interfaciais por processos difusionais. / In the present study four hypereutectic Al-Si alloys, three produced by spray forming and one by casting, were characterized for microhardness, roughness, microstructure, texture and corrosion resistance in a synthetic automotive condensed solution (SACS). Two of the spray formed alloys tested were obtained from cylinder liners and the other was laboratory made. Spray forming involves alloy atomization and droplets deposition on a substrate, previous to the solidification of all of the droplets. This process favours the production of materials with a fine microstructure free of macrosegregation that is related to improved hot workability. The microstructure characterization of the four alloys revealed the presence of porosities in the laboratory made alloy. All the three alloys produced by spray forming showed a homogeneous distribution of primary precipitates. The microstructure of one of the alloys showed eutectic microstructure, indicating that this alloy was fabricated by casting. In the cylinder liners, the surface roughness was measured and the microhardness of all the alloys was also evaluated. Furthermore, the laboratory made alloy was hot and cold rolled. Texture determinations were carried out to investigate the correlation between the alloy type and their fabrication process. The texture investigation indicated that the fine distribution of primary silicon phase in the alloy hindered the development of texture typical of aluminium alloys deformation, even after severe mechanical work, such as those used in the conversion of pre-formed in cylinder liners. The surface roughness results indicated typical characteristics of the surface finishing used, honing or chemical etching. The microhardness results were dependent on the fabrication process used, with higher microhardness associated to the eutectic alloy comparatively to the spray formed ones. All hypereutectic alloys were tested for corrosion resistance using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in two electrolytes, SACS with pH 3.3 and SACS with pH 11. The four tested alloys showed similar corrosion mechanisms in the acid electrolyte (SACS pH 3.3). The intense attack of the aluminium matrix occurred in ali tested alloys and the primary silicon phase was unattacked and appeared as emerging from the surface after corrosion immersion test. The primary silicon particles acted as cathodic sites. The alloy 2 showed the highest corrosion resistance among the tested alloys in both electrolytes, SACS pH 3.3 and SACS pH 11. In this last medium, a layer of corrosion products formed on all the alloys, and the results indicated different mechanisms for the aluminium matrix corrosive attack and growth of the deposited layer on the alloys surface. The kinetics of aluminium matrix attack was apparently slower in the alloy 2 than for the other alloys, resulting in the formation of a more compact layer of corrosion products, leading to diffusion controlled interfacial processes for longer test periods. The layer of corrosion products on the other three alloys (1, 3, and 4) had more defects and for these alloys diffusional controlled interfacial processes were not as significant as for alloy 2.

Contribution à l'étude des relations structure-propriétés de molécules amphiphiles à tête sucre / Contribution to the study of structure-property relationships of sugar-based amphiphilic molecules

Lu, Huiling 02 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte du développement durable, l’'utilisation des ressources renouvelables, biodégradable et peu toxique, est particulièrement recherchée. En particulier, la littérature montre que les molécules amphiphiles biosourcées avec une tête sucre, type glycolipides, sont d'excellents candidats pour substituer les tensioactifs pétrochimiques actuellement utilisés massivement en formulation. Pour limiter le criblage expérimental et orienter le choix des synthèses de telles molécules, une démarche prédictive à partir de l'analyse de la structure moléculaire permettrait d'anticiper les propriétés des molécules amphiphiles et d'identifier celles répondant à des propriétés spécifiques recherchées. L'objectif des travaux de thèse est de développer une méthodologie via la synthèse à façon avec modification graduelle de la structure, la caractérisation et l'analyse systématique de glycolipides, dans le but d'identifier des liens pertinents entre leurs propriétés amphiphiles et leurs caractéristiques structurales. Les données expérimentales générées doivent permettent d'établir une base de données comparables et fiables, nécessaire pour le développement de modèles 1 prédictifs. Les résultats ont mis en évidence l'influence significative de certains paramètres de structure sur j les propriétés physico-chimiques, avec des tendances claires, autrement difficiles à observer à partir des données globales non-comparables de la littérature. Ce travail a également démontré l'importance de prendre en considération le comportement des molécules amphiphiles dans l'eau, via la connaissance de leur diagramme de phase, afin de définir sans ambiguïté certaines propriétés telles que la CMC. / In the context of sustainable development, the use of biodegradable and low toxic renewable resources is particularly important. ln particular, the literature shows that the bio-based amphiphilic molecules with a sugar head, or the glycolipids, are excellent substitutes of the petrochemical surfactants used massively in current formulations. To limit the experimental screening and to orient the choice of the syntheses of such molecules, a predictive approach based on the analysis of the molecular structure would make it possible to anticipate the properties of the amphiphilic molecules and to identify those with specific properties. The objective of this work is to develop a methodology through systematic syntheses, characterizations and analyses of glycolipids with gradual structural modifications, with the aim of identifying relevant links between heir amphiphilic properties and their structural characteristics. The obtained experimental data should make it possible to establish a comparable and reliable database, necessary for the development of predictive models. The results showed the significant influence of some structural parameters on the physico-chemical properties with clear trends, which are otherwise difficult to observe by using the non-comparable data collected from the literature. This work also demonstrated the importance of considering the behavior of amphiphilic molecules in water, through knowledge of their phase diagram, which allows for the unambiguous definition of certain properties like the CMC.

On the electronic phase diagram of Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 and EuFe2(As1-xPx)2 superconductors: A local probe study using Mössbauer spectroscopy and Muon Spin Relaxation

Goltz, Til 28 October 2015 (has links)
In this thesis, I study the electronic and structural phase diagrams of the superconducting 122 iron pnictides systems Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 and EuFe2(As1-xPx)2 by means of the local probe techniques 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy (MS) and muon spin relaxation (muSR). For both isovalent substitution strategies - Co/K for Fe/Ba and P for As, respectively - the antiferromagnetic Fe ordering and orthorhombic distortion of the parent compounds BaFe2As2 and EuFe2As2 are subsequently suppressed with increasing chemical substitution and superconductivity arises, once long-range and coherent Fe magnetic order is sufficiently but not entirely suppressed. For Ba1-xKx(Fe1-yCoy)2As2 in the charge compensated state (x/2=y), a remarkably similar suppression of both, the orthorhombic distortion and Fe magnetic ordering, as a function of increasing substitution is observed and a linear relationship between the structural and the magnetic order parameter is found. Superconductivity is evidenced at intermediate substitution with a maximum Tsc of 15 K coexisting with static magnetic order on a microscopic length scale. The appearance of superconductivity within the antiferromagnetic state can by explained by the introduction of disorder due to nonmagnetic impurities to a system with a constant charge carrier density. Within this model, the experimental findings are compatible with the predicted s± pairing symmetry. For EuFe2(As1-xPx)2, the results from 57Fe MS and ZF-muSR reveal an intriguing interplay of the local Eu 2+ magnetic moments and the itinerant magnetic Fe moments due to the competing structures of the iron and europium magnetic subsystems. For the investigated single crystals with x=0.19 and 0.28, 57Fe MS evidences the interplay of Fe and Eu magnetism by the observation of a transferred hyperfine field below Tafm at which the Eu subsystem orders into a canted A-type AFM magnetic structure. Furthermore, an additional temperature dependent out-of-plane tilting of the static Fe hyperfine field is observed below the onset of static Eu ordering. ZF-muSR shows a strong increase of the local field at the muon site below Tafm=20 K and a crossover from isotropic to anisotropic Eu spin-dynamics between 30 and 10 K. The temperature dependence of the spin dynamics, as derived from the muSR dynamic relaxation rates, are related to a critical slowing down of Eu-spin fluctuations which extends to even much higher temperatures (~100 K). They also effect the experimental linewidth observed in the 57Fe MS experiments. The strong influence of the Eu magnetic order onto the primary observables in both methods prevents conclusive interpretation of the experimental data with respect to a putative interplay of Fe magnetism and superconductivity.

Untersuchungen zur Natur der Laves-Phasen in Systemen der Übergangsmetalle

Grüner, Daniel 08 January 2007 (has links)
Laves-Phasen sind intermetallische Verbindungen der Zusammensetzung AB2, die in den Strukturtypen C14 (MgZn2), C15 (MgCu2), C36 (MgNi2) oder deren Abkömmlingen kristallisieren. Diese sind Polytypen mit einem gemeinsamen grundlegenden Strukturmuster. Insgesamt sind über 1400 binäre und ternäre Laves-Phasen bekannt. Sie stellen damit die größte Gruppe der bislang bekannten intermetallischen Verbindungen dar. Laves-Phasen wurden intensiv untersucht um grundlegende Aspekte der Phasenstabilität zu verstehen. Geometrische und elektronische Faktoren haben sich in ihrer Vorhersagekraft bezüglich des Auftretens und der Stabilität einer Laves-Phase aber nur in wenigen Fällen als hilfreich erwiesen. Das Auftreten von Homogenitätsbereichen und damit einhergehender struktureller Defekte ist in den meisten Fällen immer noch unklar und spiegelt grundsätzliche Probleme in der Chemie intermetallischer Verbindungen wider: Das unvollständige Bild der chemischen Bindung, die Tendenz zur Bildung ausgedehnter Homogenitätsbereiche sowie der Einfluss von Minoritätskomponenten auf Struktur und Phasenstabilität ist bei intermetallischen Verbindungen größer als bei vielen anderen Verbindungsklassen. Daher sind die Informationen über Struktur, Stabiblität und physikalische Eigenschaften intermetallischer Verbindungen im Allgemeinen unvollständig und mitunter unzuverlässig oder widersprüchlich. Um diese Probleme anzugehen wurden in dieser Arbeit Laves-Phasen in den Systemen Nb--TM (TM = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co) und Nb--Cr--TM (TM = Co, Ni) als Modellsysteme ausgewählt. Das Ziel der Untersuchung ist, das Wechselspiel zwischen chemischer Bindung, Struktur und Phasenstabilität für die Laves-Phasen auf der Grundlage genauer experimenteller Daten sowie quantenmechanischer Rechnungen zu beleuchten. Die Untersuchungen des binären Systems Nb--Co nehmen hier eine Schlüsselposition ein. Eine Neubestimmung des Phasendiagramms des Systems Nb--Co im Bereich der Laves-Phasen bestätigt die Existenz von Phasen mit C14-, C15- und C36-Struktur. Dabei wurden schmale Zweiphasenfelder C15 + C36 und C15 + C14 sowie ein schmaler, aber signifikanter Homogenitätsbereich der C36-Phase experimentell nachgewiesen. Die Kristallstrukturen von C36-Nb(1-x)Co(2+x) (x = 0,265), C15-Nb(1-x)Co(2+x) (x = 0,12), C15-NbCo2 und C14-Nb(1+x)Co(2-x) (x = 0,07) wurden mittels Einkristall-Röntgenstrukturanalyse verfeinert. Im Falle von C36-Nb(1-x)Co(2+x) (x = 0,265) und C15-Nb(1-x)Co(2+x) (x = 0,12) wird bestätigt, dass der Homogenitätsbereich durch Substitution von Nb durch Co erzeugt wird. Im Fall von C14-Nb(1+x)Co(2-x) werden Abweichungen von der Zusammensetzung NbCo2 durch Substitution von Co durch überschüssiges Nb erzeugt, wobei nur eine der beiden Co-Lagen gemischt besetzt wird. Quantenmechanische Rechnungen zeigen, dass dieses Besetzungsmuster energetisch bevorzugt ist. Weder mittels Röntgenbeugung noch mittels hochauflösender Elektronenmikroskopie und Elektronenbeugeng wurden Ordnungsvarianten oder Stapelvarianten der Laves-Phasen beobachtet. In der Kristallstruktur von C36-Nb(1-x)Co(2+x) (x = 0,265) ist mehr als ein Viertel des Nb durch überschüssiges Co ersetzt. Von zwei kristallographischen Nb-Lagen wird eine bevorzugt von Co besetzt, so dass sich der Co-Anteil der beiden Lagen etwa wie 2:1 verhält. Co-Antistrukturatome sind relativ zu der Nb-Position verschoben. Triebkraft dieser Verschiebungen ist die Bildung von Nb--Co-Kontakten innerhalb der A-Teilstruktur. Gemischte Besetzung der Nb-Lagen, die Verteilung der Co-Antistrukturatome und mit der Substitution einhergehende Verzerrungen führen zu einer komplizierten Realstruktur. Zur Beschreibung der elektronischen Struktur von C36-Nb(1-x)Co(2+x) (x = 0,265) werden daher verschiedene Modelle verwendet, die Tendenzen sowohl zur beobachteten Mischbesetzung als auch zur Verzerrung der Kristallstruktur aufzeigen. Die elektronische Struktur und chemische Bindung von C14-, C15- und C36-NbCo2 wurde vergleichend untersucht. Berechnungen der Gesamtenergie zeigen sehr geringe Energiedifferenzen zwischen den drei Strukturen, die mit einer sehr ähnlichen Bindungssituation der Polytypen im Einklang ist. In den Systemen Nb--Cr und Nb--Fe wurde der Verlauf der Gitterparameter innerhalb des gesamten Homogenitätsbereichs der Laves-Phase bei ausgewählten Temperaturen untersucht. Die Kristallstrukturen von C15-NbCr2 und C14-NbFe2 wurden erstmals verfeinert. Vorläufige Untersuchungen bestätigen die Existenz von zwei Hochtemperaturmodifikationen (C14 und C36) von NbCr2. Im System Nb--Mn wurde die Mn-reiche Seite des Homogenitätsbereichs bei 800 °C und 1100 °C an aus zweiphasigen (Mn(Nb) + C14) Präparaten isolierten Einkristallen untersucht. Bei 800 °C wird ein Kristall der Zusammensetzung NbMn2 erhalten, während bei 1100 °C ausgeprägte Löslichkeit von Mn in der C14-Phase beobachtet wird. Die Summenformel kann als Nb(1-x)Mn(2+x) (x = 0,13) geschrieben werden. Die Substitution von Nb durch Mn führt zu Verschiebungen der Antistrukturatome bezüglich der Nb-Lagen und damit zur Bildung kurzer Nb--Mn-Abstände. In den ternären Systemen Nb--Cr--Co und Nb--Cr--Ni wurden die Kristallstrukturen der C14-Phasen C14-Nb(Cr(1-x)Co(x))2 und C14-Nb(Cr(1-x)Ni(x))2 am Einkristall untersucht. Neben den auch für die binären C14-Phasen beobachteten Verzerrungen zeigen die Kristallstrukturen eine teilweise geordnete Verteilung von Cr und Co bzw. Cr und Ni auf die beiden kristallographischen Lagen der B-Teilstruktur. Die bevorzugte Besetzung wurde auf der Grundlage von Extended-Hückel-Rechnungen untersucht. Zwar können diese Rechnungen kein quantitatives Bild liefern, jedoch werden Tendenzen im System Nb--Cr--Co richtig wiedergegeben. Im System Nb--Cr--Ni liefern die Rechnungen jedoch dem Experiment widersprechende Ergebnisse. Die Vorhersagekraft der Methode ist also begrenzt. Vergleichende Untersuchungen der Reihe NbTM2, TM = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co mittels Röntgenabsorptionsspektroskopie und Bandstrukturrechnungen zeigen, dass die chemische Bindung der untersuchten Verbindungen im wesentlichen ähnlich ist, aber dass durchaus Entwicklungen innerhalb der Reihe festgestellt werden können. Diese Entwicklung wird besonders in der Verzerrung der C14-Phasen und hier speziell der B-Teilstruktur deutlich, die in den experimentell zugänglichen C14-Phasen in NbMn2 deutlicher ausgeprägt ist als in NbFe2. Analysen der chemischen Bindung mit Hilfe der COHP-Methoden zeigen eine ähnliche Tendenz zur Verzerrung, die vereinfacht auch als Funktion der Valenzelektronenkonzentration aufgefasst werden kann. Berechnungen der Gesamtenergie unterstützen diese Interpretation. Im Gesamtbild der elektronischen Struktur ist eine leichte Zunahme des ionischen Bindungsanteils von TM = Cr zu TM = Co zu erkennen. Die Natur der Laves-Phasen in Systemen der Übergangsmetalle ist ein sehr vielschichtiges Problem, das weiterhin intensive und interdisziplinäre Forschung erfordert. Insbesondere mit der Charakterisierung nichtstöchiometrischer Laves-Phasen wurden aber bereits wichtige Beiträge zum Verständnis der Bildung der Homogenitätsbereiche erarbeitet.

A Case Study of Complex Metallic Alloy Phases: Structure and Disorder Phenomena of Mg-Pd Compounds

Makongo Mangan, Julien Pierre Amelie 26 January 2009 (has links)
The phase diagram of the Mg-Pd system was redetermined in the range from 50 at. % Mg to 100 at. % Mg. It contains several intermediate phases with some of them being complex metallic alloy phases (CMAs), i.e., characterized by (i) giant unit cells with more than hundred atoms, (ii) inherent disorder, (iii) the presence of a cluster substructure. Phase fields and heterogeneous equilibria of the intermediate phases β- Mg6Pd, γ-Mg57Pd13, δ-Mg56.4Pd13.6, ε-Mg306Pd77, ζ-Mg64Pd17, η-Mg3Pd, θ-Mg5Pd2, ι- Mg2Pd and κ-MgPd were determined. The first five phases are CMAs with Mackay clusters as fundamental structural units. The crystal structure of the most magnesium-rich compound β-Mg6Pd was redetermined. It was found to be more complicated than previously thought due to correlated disorder of only two atom sites in the cubic unit cell. The γ-, ε- and ζ-phases form in a small window of temperature (50 oC) and composition (3 at. %) close to 80 at. % Mg. A new structure type was assigned to Mg3Pd (Cu3P, P63cm). The single phase field of the θ-phase is caused by constitutional vacancies. The new ι-phase crystallizes with NiTi2 structure-type. / Das Phasendiagramm des Systems Mg–Pd wurde im Bereich von 50 bis 100 At.-% Mg neu bestimmt. In diesem Phasendiagramm finden sich mehrere intermediäre Phasen, darunter auch komplexe intermetallische Verbindungen (engl.: complex intermetallic alloys, CMAs). CMAs sind charakterisiert durch (i) große Elementarzellen mit mehr als einhundert Atomen, (ii) intrinsischer Fehlordnung und (iii) dem Vorhandensein einer Cluster- Substruktur. Die Phasenfelder und heterogenen Gleichgewichte der intermediären Phasen β-Mg6Pd, γ- Mg57Pd13, δ-Mg56.4Pd13.6, ε-Mg306Pd77, ζ-Mg64Pd17, η-Mg3Pd, θ-Mg5Pd2, ι-Mg2Pd und κ- MgPd wurden bestimmt. Die ersten fünf der eben genannten Phasen sind CMAs mit Mackay Clustern als fundamentales strukturelles Einheit. Alle übrigen Phasen besitzen einen einfacheren kristallografischen Aufbau. Die Kristallstruktur der Mg-reichsten Verbindung β-Mg6Pd wurde neu bestimmt und ist weitaus sich als komplizierter als bisher angenommen. Die Ausdehnung des Einphasenfeldes von β-Mg6Pd lässt sich jedoch sehr einfach mit korrelierter Fehlordnung von lediglich zwei Atomen in der kubischen Elementarzelle verstehen. Die γ-, ε-, und ζ-Phasen bilden sich in einem schmalen Temperatur- (50 °C) und Zusammensetzungsbereich (3 at. %) nahe 80 at. % Mg. Der Verbindung Mg3Pd (Cu3P, P63cm) wurde ein neuer Strukturtyp zugewiesen. Die Ausdehnung des Einphasenfeldes der θ-Phase lässt sich mit dem Einbau konstitutioneller Leerstellen erklären. Die neue ι-Phase kristallisiert im NiTi2 Strukturtyp.

Synthesis and Characterization of Disulfonated Poly(Arylene Ether Sulfone) Random Copolymers as Multipurpose Membranes for Reverse Osmosis and Fuel Cell Applications

Arnett, Natalie Yolanda 08 May 2009 (has links)
The results described in this dissertation focus on the synthesis and utilization of several disulfonated poly(arylene ether) random copolymer membranes in fuel cell and reverse osmosis applications. Poly(arylene ether)s were prepared by direct step copolymerization using a third monomer 3,3–-disulfonated 4,4–-dichlorodiphenylsulfone. The membrane properties of a 4,4–-biphenol-based disulfonated poly (arylene ether sulfone) random copolymer (BPS-35), optionally blended with various fluorine containing polymers or unsulfonated biphenol-based poly (arylene ether sulfone)s (Radel R) were investigated for fuel cell applications. Fluorine containing copolymers used included with 2,2–-hexafluoroisopropylidene 4,4–-biphenol based unsulfonated (6F-00) or disulfonated (6FS-35 and 6FS-60) PAES, hexafluoroisopropylidene biphenol based 4,4–-difluoro phenyl phosphine oxide) (6FPPO), and poly(vinylidene fluoride) (Kynar®). Tapping mode atomic force microscopy (TM-AFM) images of the membranes with 10 wt% of fluorinated copolymers showed macroscopic phase separation. Good miscibility between the copolymers at low concentrations was also confirmed by the observation of only one glass transition temperature. Compared to the benchmark Nafion 1135, the 10wt% blends of the fluorinated copolymers afforded a considerable reduction in the methanol permeabilities, which is important for direct methanol fuel cells (DMFC). The best DMFC performance with 0.5 M methanol fuel was illustrated with blends containing 10 wt% 6FS-00. At higher methanol concentrations (up to 2.0 M) BPS-35/6FS-00 (90/10) membranes outperformed both Nafion membranes. Blends of BPS-35 blends with 6FS-35 or Radel R were also used as RO membranes. The highest salt rejections of 97.2 and 98.0% were obtained from BPS35/Radel R (90:10) and BPS-35/6FS-35 (95:5) blends, respectively in the salt form. A systematic study of the preparation of BPS-20 random copolymer skin-core asymmetric membranes by diffusion induced phase separation (DIPS) from various polar aprotic solvent or cosolvent systems is reported. The best aprotic solvents to generate an asymmetric structure were NMP and DMAc whereas tetrahydrofuran (THF)/ formamide (FAm) (80/20 v/v) mixtures proved to be the best co-solvent systems. Acetone was the best non-solvent to prepare asymmetric membranes from both aprotic solvents and co-solvent mixtures. Overall, asymmetric membranes prepared from THF/FAm co-solvent mixtures illustrated the most stable phase separated morphology that was free of macrovoids. However, thicker skins (~5 μM) were formed due to the high volatility of THF. Therefore, ultra-thin skin thin film composites (TFC) based on BPS-20 in diethylene glycol (Di(EG) were prepared. Thermal treatment of these TFC was conducted at 90 °C and the addition of 20 wt% glycerin to the casting formulation helped to prevent pore collapse in the porous Udel polysulfone. A minimum of three coats was required to obtain a dense, smooth, and pinhole free skin layer. The generation of three dimensional (ternary) solubility parameter phase diagrams based on experimental data was formulated and a region of solubility based on the solubility parameters of the aprotic solvents and the different co-solvent systems was established for BPS-20. / Ph. D.

Design of High Mn Fe-Mn-Al-C Low Density Steels for Additive Manufacturing

Sánchez Poncela, Manuel 13 June 2024 (has links)
[ES] La fabricación aditiva, de sus siglas en inglés AM (Additive Manufacturing) es un proceso que construye objetos sólidos tridimensionales mediante la superposicióon de materiales basados en un modelo de diseño asistido por ordenador. La AM está llamada a convertirse en la próxima revolución industrial, transformando el panorama del desarrollo y la producción. La AM ofrece numerosas ventajas, como posibilidades de diseño complejas y flexibles, la eliminación de procesos intermedios como el mecanizado, la independencia de los costes de producción del tamaño de los lotes, la reducción de los residuos de material, las estructuras ligeras, las reparaciones personalizadas de las máquinas y la capacidad de desarrollar nuevos materiales, entre otras ventajas. En las tecnologías de fabricación aditiva que emplean un rayo láser como fuente de energía, la materia prima inicial (en forma de polvo o cable) es fundida por la fuente de calor láser de forma controlada, capa a capa, hasta crear un componente con dimensiones finales o casi finales. Estas tecnologías implican someter el material impreso a un proceso térmico único, en el que el material se funde en un área muy específica y luego se enfría rápidamente a velocidades extremadamente altas de hasta 10^6 K/s. Por lo tanto, las microestructuras que surgen de los procesos de fabricación en AM difieren significativamente de las que se consiguen en los procesos tradicionales. Además, los materiales que se emplean principalmente en la AM no se han diseñado explícitamente para estas tecnologías. Las características específicas de los procesos de AM pueden utilizarse para lograr microestructuras y propiedades distintas en aceros que han sido adaptados para aprovechar las rápidas velocidades de enfriamiento y la historia térmica del proceso, entre otros factores. Por el momento, el número de calidades de acero comerciales disponibles en el mercado de la AM es limitado. Diversas industrias demandan nuevos grados de acero con menor densidad para disminuir el peso sin comprometer las propiedades mecánicas. Los aceros con alto contenido en manganeso se consideran materiales muy prometedores para aplicaciones estructurales debido a su excepcional combinación de resistencia y ductilidad, con una baja densidad. Sin embargo, a pesar de sus excepcionales propiedades, los aceros con alto contenido en manganeso se enfrentan a diversas limitaciones o retos durante las técnicas de procesado convencionales. Afortunadamente, la solidificación rápida puede resolver estos problemas. En este sentido, las tecnologías de AM basadas en láser proporcionan velocidades de enfriamiento rápidas, así como flexibilidad en términos de diseño geométrico. Los nuevos retos de estas tecnologías implicarán la microsegregación y el agrietamiento en caliente o hot cracking en inglés, que se producen durante la solidificación. Esta tesis está dedicada a explotar el método CALPHAD para realizar cálculos termodinámicos con el fin de diseñar varios aceros con alto contenido en manganeso que puedan prevenir eficazmente los problemas de solidificación rápida en AM. Las composiciones de acero diseñadas se produjeron en forma de polvo para AM mediante atomización con gas. Se analizaron los polvos para determinar su microestructura en relación con la química y la velocidad de enfriamiento. Ajustando adecuadamente los parámetros de impresión, estos polvos de acero con alto contenido en manganeso se imprimieron con éxito en AM, dando lugar a densidades relativas superiores al 99.9%. Se analizó la microestructura de estas muestras totalmente densas y se comparó con sus respectivos polvos, con el fin de identificar cualquier diferencia resultante de las variaciones en la velocidad de enfriamiento y los ciclos térmicos. Por último, tras definir el mejor conjunto de condiciones de impresión para cada composición de polvo, se produjeron varias muestras para evaluar las propiedades mecánicas. / [CA] La fabricació additiva, de les seues sigles en anglés AM (Additive Manufacturing) és un procés que construïx objectes sòlids tridimensionals mitjançant la superposició de materials basats en un model de disseny assistit per ordinador. L'AM està cridada a convertir-se en la pròxima revolució industrial, transformant el panorama del desenvolupament i la producció. L'AM oferix nombrosos avantatges, com a possibilitats de disseny complexes i flexibles, l'eliminació de processos intermedis com el mecanitzat, la independència dels costos de producció de la grandària dels lots, la reducció dels residus de material, les estructures lleugeres, les reparacions personalitzades de les màquines i la capacitat de desenvolupar nous materials, entre altres avantatges. En les tecnologies de fabricació additiva que empren un raig làser com a font d'energia, la matèria primera inicial (en forma de pols o filferro) és fosa per la font de calor làser de manera controlada, capa a capa, fins a crear un component amb dimensions finals o quasi finals. Estes tecnologies impliquen sotmetre el material imprés a un procés tèrmic únic, en el qual el material es funde en una àrea molt específica i després es refreda ràpidament a velocitats extremadament altes de fins a 10^6 K/s. Per tant, les microestructures que sorgixen dels processos de fabricació en AM diferixen significativament de les que s'aconseguixen en els processos tradicionals. A més, els materials que s'empren principalment en l'AM no s'han dissenyat explícitament per a estes tecnologies. Les característiques específiques dels processos d'AM poden utilitzar-se per a aconseguir microestructures i propietats diferents en acers que han sigut adaptats per a aprofitar les ràpides velocitats de refredament i la història tèrmica del procés, entre altres factors. De moment, el nombre de qualitats d'acer comercials disponibles en el mercat de l'AM és limitat. Diverses indústries demanden nous graus d'acer amb menor densitat per a disminuir el pes sense comprometre les propietats mecàniques. Els acers amb alt contingut en manganés es consideren materials molt prometedors per a aplicacions estructurals a causa de la seua excepcional combinació de resistència i ductilitat, amb una baixa densitat. No obstant això, malgrat les seues excepcionals propietats, els acers amb alt contingut en manganés s'enfronten a diverses limitacions o reptes durant les tècniques de processament convencionals. Afortunadament, la solidificació ràpida pot resoldre estos problemes. En este sentit, les tecnologies d'AM basades en làser proporcionen velocitats de refredament ràpides, així com flexibilitat en termes de disseny geomètric. Els nous reptes d'estes tecnologies implicaran la microsegregació i l'esquerdament en calent, o hot cracking en anglés, que es produïxen durant la solidificació. Esta tesi està dedicada a explotar el mètode CALPHAD per a realitzar càlculs termodinàmics amb la finalitat de dissenyar diversos acers amb alt contingut en manganés que puguen previndre eficaçment els problemes de solidificació ràpida en AM. Les composicions d'acer dissenyades es van produir en forma de pols per a AM mitjançant atomització amb gas. Es van analitzar les pólvores per a determinar la seua microestructura en relació amb la química i la velocitat de refredament. Ajustant adequadament els paràmetres d'impressió, estes pólvores d'acer amb alt contingut en manganés es van imprimir amb èxit en AM, donant lloc a densitats relatives superiors al 99.9%. Es va analitzar la microestructura d'estes mostres totalment denses i es va comparar amb les seues respectives pólvores, amb la finalitat d'identificar qualsevol diferència resultant de les variacions en la velocitat de refredament i els cicles tèrmics. Finalment, desprès de definir el millor conjunt de condicions d'impressió per a cada composició de pols, es van produir diverses mostres per a avaluar les propietats mecàniques. / [EN] Additive manufacturing (AM) is a process that builds three-dimensional solid objects by layering materials based on a computer-aided design model. AM is set to become the next industrial revolution, transforming the landscape of development and production. AM provides numerous benefits, including complex and flexible design possibilities, the elimination of intermediate processes like machining, production cost independence from batch size, reduced material waste, lightweight structures, customized machine repairs, and the ability to develop new materials, among other advantages. In additive manufacturing technologies that employ a laser beam as an energy source, the initial raw material (in the form of powder or wire) is melted by the laser heat source in a controlled manner, layer by layer, until a component with final or nearly final dimensions is created. These technologies involve subjecting the printed material to a unique thermal process, where the material is melted in a very specific area and then rapidly cooled at extremely high rates of up to 10^6 K/s. Hence, the microstructures that arise from the manufacturing processes in AM differ significantly from those achieved in traditional processes. Moreover, the materials predominantly employed in AM have not been explicitly designed for these technologies. The specific characteristics of AM processes can be utilized to achieve distinct microstructures and properties in steels that have been tailored to take advantage of the rapid cooling rates and thermal history of the process, among other factors. For the moment, the number of commercial steel grades available in the AM market is limited. Various industries are demanding new steel grades with lower density to decrease weight without compromising mechanical properties. High manganese steels are regarded as highly promising materials for structural applications due to their exceptional combination of strength and ductility, with low density. Nevertheless, despite the exceptional properties of high manganese steels, they encounter various limitations or challenges during conventional processing techniques. Fortunately, rapid solidification may solve these issues. In this sense, laser-based AM technologies provide rapid cooling rates, as well as flexibility in terms of geometric design. The new challenges of these technologies will involve micro-segregation and hot cracking occurring during solidification. This thesis is dedicated to exploiting the CALPHAD method to perform thermodynamic calculations in order to design various high manganese steels that can effectively prevent fast solidification issues in AM. The steel compositions designed were produced in the form of powder for AM using gas atomization. Powders were analyzed to determine their microstructure in relation to the chemistry and cooling rate. By adjusting properly, the printing parameters, these high manganese steel powders were successfully printed in AM, resulting in relative densities exceeding 99.9%. The microstructure of these fully dense samples was analyzed and compared to their respective powders, in order to identify any difference resulting from variations in cooling rate and thermal cycling. Lastly, after defining the best set of printing conditions for each powder composition, various samples were produced to evaluate the mechanical properties, to determine the correlation between the composition, microstructure and properties of these steels. In addition, lattice structures that are close to final part geometries were constructed to quantify the energy absorbed during compression by one of these high manganese steels. The results were then compared to those of 316L, revealing that the high manganese steel absorbs roughly twice as much the specific energy in compression. This finding demonstrates the potential of these novel AM steels for use in industrial applications. / Sánchez Poncela, M. (2024). Design of High Mn Fe-Mn-Al-C Low Density Steels for Additive Manufacturing [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/205174

Phase Stability of Iron Nitride Fe4N at High Pressure—Pressure-Dependent Evolution of Phase Equilibria in the Fe–N System

Wetzel, Marius Holger, Rabending, Tina Trixy, Friák, Martin, Všianská, Monika, Šob, Mojmír, Leineweber, Andreas 10 July 2024 (has links)
Although the general instability of the iron nitride γ′-Fe4N with respect to other phases at high pressure is well established, the actual type of phase transitions and equilibrium conditions of their occurrence are, as of yet, poorly investigated. In the present study, samples of γ′-Fe4N and mixtures of α Fe and γ′-Fe4N powders have been heat-treated at temperatures between 250 and 1000 °C and pressures between 2 and 8 GPa in a multi-anvil press, in order to investigate phase equilibria involving the γ′ phase. Samples heat-treated at high-pressure conditions, were quenched, subsequently decompressed, and then analysed ex situ. Microstructure analysis is used to derive implications on the phase transformations during the heat treatments. Further, it is confirmed that the Fe–N phases in the target composition range are quenchable. Thus, phase proportions and chemical composition of the phases, determined from ex situ X-ray diffraction data, allowed conclusions about the phase equilibria at high-pressure conditions. Further, evidence for the low-temperature eutectoid decomposition γ′→α+ε′ is presented for the first time. From the observed equilibria, a P–T projection of the univariant equilibria in the Fe-rich portion of the Fe–N system is derived, which features a quadruple point at 5 GPa and 375 °C, above which γ′-Fe4N is thermodynamically unstable. The experimental work is supplemented by ab initio calculations in order to discuss the relative phase stability and energy landscape in the Fe–N system, from the ground state to conditions accessible in the multi-anvil experiments. It is concluded that γ′-Fe4N, which is unstable with respect to other phases at 0 K (at any pressure), has to be entropically stabilised in order to occur as stable phase in the system. In view of the frequently reported metastable retention of the γ′ phase during room temperature compression experiments, energetic and kinetic aspects of the polymorphic transition γ′⇌ε′ are discussed.

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