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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Microstructural characterization and modelling in primary crystallization

Bruna Escuer, Pere 15 November 2007 (has links)
L'objectiu de la tesi és estudiar la cinètica de les cristal·litzacions primàries en vidres metàl·lics mitjançant simulacions de tipus phase field. Una cristal·lització primària és una transició de fase sòlid-sòlid on la fase que cristal·litza (fase transformada o fase secundaria) té una composició química diferent de la fase precursora (fase no transformada o fase primària).Les dades experimentals obtingudes a partir de l'estudi calorimètric de cristal·litzacions primàries s'analitzen generalment en el marc del model KJMA (Kolmogorov, Johnson & Mehl, Avrami). Aquest model proporciona l'evolució temporal de la fracció transformada basant-se en tres hipòtesis: - Els nuclis de la fase secundaria estan distribuïts aleatòriament en tot l'espai.- El creixement d'aquests nuclis és isotròpic.- El creixement s'atura únicament per xoc directe (hard impingement).En la cristal·lizació de vidres metàl·lics s'ha observat experimentalment un alentiment de la cinètica respecte del comportament calculat emprant la citada cinètica KJMA. Aquest alentiment s'explica a la literatura en base a que en aquest tipus de transformacions, controlades per difusió, la interacció entre els cristalls no és directa sinó que es produeix a través dels perfils de concentració (soft impingement) i, a més, l'evolució d'aquests perfils de concentració causa canvis en la concentració de la matriu amorfa, estabilitzant la i per tant fent que la nucleació de nous cristalls esdevingui no aleatòria. Diversos autors han proposat modificacions del model KJMA per tal d'intentar superar aquestes limitacions, basats bé en consideracions geomètriques, bé en aproximacions de camp mitjà. A pesar de tot, cap d'aquests models és capaç d'explicar satisfactòriament la cinètica observada en cristal·litzacions primàries. L'objectiu d'aquest treball ha estat la simulació realista de la cinètica de les transformacions primàries per trobar una explicació consistent a les diferències observades entre les dades experimentals i els models teòrics disponibles.Per tal de poder descriure de forma realista el procés de cristal·lització primària s'ha d'estudiar el procés de nucleació i creixement de la fase secundaria alhora que es resol l'equació de difusió en la fase primària. En aquest treball s'ha emprat un model de simulació phase field que permet estudiar aquest sistema introduint una nova variable lligada al camp de concentració que pren dos valors diferents segons es tracti de fase transformada o no transformada. Amb aquest tipus de models també es poden introduir diferents protocols de nucleació i per tant estudiar independentment els efectes de la nucleació en la cinètica. D'aquesta manera s'han realitzat simulacions en 2 i 3 dimensions de cristal·litzacions primàries amb diferents graus de fracció transformada final). Els resultats de les simulacions s'ha comparat amb el model KJMA i, contra el que es preveia, s'ha obtingut un bon acord entre les fraccions transformades del model KJMA i de les simulacions. Donat que el model KJMA no reprodueix satisfactòriament el comportament experimental d'aquest resultat es dedueix que ni el soft impingement ni la nucleació no aleatòria son les responsables de l'alentiment de la cinètica obtingut en cristal·litzacions primàries. Per tal de trobar una explicació físicament convincent del comportament observat experimentalment s'ha aprofundit en l'estudi teòric de les cristali·litzaciones primàries, incloent-hi l'efecte dels canvis composicionals que tenen lloc en la matriu a mesura que la transformació es produeix. Aquest fet, tot i ser conegut a la bibliografia, ha estat sistemàticament ignorat en l'elaboració de models cinètics. En concret, s'ha fet palès que canvis en la composició química de la fase primària han d'afectar de forma radical a la viscositat, que varia fortament a prop de la transició vitrea, i han de produir canvis en les propietats de transport atòmic. Això s'ha modelat a través de l'assumpció d'un coeficient de difusió depenent de la concentració, en base a la relació modificada d'Stokes-Einstein entre la viscositat i el coeficient de difusió. Les simulacions phase-field amb un coeficient de difusió d'aquest tipus donen lloc a una cinètica més lenta i que mostra un acord excel·lent amb la cinètica experimentalment observada en cristal·litzacions primàries de vidres metàl·lics. Per tant, les simulacions phase field confirmen que la cinètica de les cristal·litzacions primàries està controlada fonamentalment pel canvi en les propietats de transport atòmic, mentre que els efectes de soft impingement i nucleació no aleatoria, tot i estar presents, son secundaris. / El objetivo de la tesi es estudiar la cinética de las cristalizaciones primarias en vidrios metálicos mediante simulaciones de tipo phase field. Una cristalización primaria es una transición de fase sólido-sólido donde la fase que cristaliza (fase transformada o fase secundaria) tiene una composición química diferente a la fase precursora (fase no transformada o fase primaria).Los datos experimentales obtenidos a partir del estudio calorimétrico de cristalizaciones primarias se analizan generalmente en el marco del modelo KJMA (Kolmogorov, Johnson & Mehl, Avrami). Este modelo proporciona la evolución temporal de la fracción transformada basándose en tres hipótesis: - Los núcleos de la fase secundaria están distribuidos aleatoriamente en todo el espacio- El crecimiento de estos núcleos es isotrópico- El crecimiento se detiene únicamente por choque directo (hard impingement).En la cristalización de vidrios metálicos se ha observado experimentalmente un retardo de la cinética respecto del comportamiento calculado usando la cinética KJMA. Este retardo se explica en la literatura en base a que en este tipo de transformaciones, controladas por difusión, la interacción entre los cristales no es directa sino que se produce a través de los perfiles de concentración (soft impingement) y, además, la evolución de estos perfiles de concentración causa cambios en la concentración de la matriz amorfa, estabilizándola y por tanto haciendo que la nucleación de nuevos cristales sea no aleatoria. Varios autores han propuesto modificaciones del modelo KJMA para intentar superar estas limitaciones, basados bien en consideraciones geométricas, bien en aproximaciones de campo medio. A pesar de todo, ninguno de estos modelos es capaz de explicar satisfactoriamente la cinética observada en cristalizaciones primarias. El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido la simulación realista de la cinética de las transformaciones primarias para hallar una explicación consistente a las diferencias entre los datos experimentales y los modelos teóricos disponibles.Para describir de manera realista el proceso de cristalización primaria se tiene que estudiar el proceso de nucleación y crecimiento de la fase secundaria a la vez que se resuelve la ecuación de difusión en la fase primaria. En este trabajo se ha usado un modelo de simulación phase-field que permite estudiar este sistema introduciendo una nueva variable ligada al campo de concentración que toma dos valores diferentes según se trate de fase transformada o no transformada. Con este tipo de modelos también se pueden introducir diferentes protocolos de nucleación y por tanto estudiar independientemente los efectos de la nucleación en la cinética. De esta manera se han realizado simulaciones en 2 y 3 dimensiones de cristalizaciones primarias con diferentes grados de fracción transformada final. Los resultados de la simulaciones se han comparado con el modelo KJMA y, en contra de lo que se preveía, se ha obtenido un buen acuerdo entre las fracciones transformadas del modelo KJMA y de las simulaciones. Dado que el modelo KJMA no reproduce satisfactoriamente el comportamiento experimental, de este resultado se deduce que ni el soft impingement ni la nucleación no aleatoria son las responsables del retardo en la cinética obtenido en cristalizaciones primarias.Para encontrar una explicación físicamente convincente del comportamiento observado experimentalmente se ha profundizado en el estudio teórico de las cristalizaciones primarias, incluyendo el efecto de los cambios composicionales que tienen lugar en la matriz a medida que la transformación se produce. Este hecho, aún y ser conocido en la bibliografía, ha sido sistemáticamente ignorado en la elaboración de modelos cinéticos. En concreto, se ha hecho patente que cambios en la composición química de la fase primaria tienen que afectar de forma radical a la viscosidad, que varía fuertemente cerca de la transición vítrea, y tienen que producirse cambios en las propiedades de transporte atómico. Esto se ha modelado a través de la asunción de un coeficiente de difusión dependiente de la concentración, en base a la relación de Stokes-Einstein modificada entre la viscosidad y el coeficiente de difusión. Las simulaciones phsae-field con un coeficiente de difusión de este tipo dan lugar a una cinética más lenta y que muestra un acuerdo excelente con la cinética experimentalmente observada en cristalizaciones primarias de vidrios metálicos. Por tanto, las simulaciones phase-field confirman que la cinética de las cristalizaciones primarias está controlada fundamentalmente por los cambios en las propiedades de transporte atómico, mientras que los efectos de soft-impingement y nucleación no aleatoria, aún y estar presentes, son secundarios. / The aim of this thesis is to study the kinetics of primary crystallization in metallic glasses by means of phase-field simulations. A primary crystallization is a solid-solid phase transformation where the crystallized phase (transformed phase or secondary phase) has a chemical composition different than the precursor phase (untransformed phase or primary phase).Experimental data from calorimetric studies of primary crystallization are usually studied in the framework of the KJMA model (Kolmogorov, Johnson & Mehl, Avrami). This model yields the temporal evolution of the transformed fraction on the basis of three main assumptions: - A random distribution of particle nuclei of the secondary phase- The growth of these nuclei is isotropic- The growth is only halted by direct collisions (hard impingement).In the crystallization of metallic glasses, a slowing down of the kinetics respect the behavior calculated with the KJMA kinetics has been observed. This delay is explained in the literature by the fact that in this kind of transformations, that are diffusion controlled, the interaction between the crystals is not direct but through the concentration profiles (soft impingement) and moreover, the evolution of these profiles causes changes in the concentration of the amorphous matrix, stabilizing it and thus, the nucleation of new nuclei become non random. Several authors had proposed modifications to the KJMA model to try to overcome these limitations, based either on geometrical considerations or in mean field approaches. However, none of these models is able to explain the observed kinetics in primary crystallizations. The aim of this work has been the realistic simulation of the kinetics of primary crystallization to find a explanation to the differences between the experimental data and the available theoretical models.In order to describe in a realistic way the process of a primary crystallization, the nucleation and growth process of the secondary phase has to be studied at the same time that the diffusion equation is solved in the primary phase. In this work, it has been used a phase field model for the simulations that allows to study this system introducing a new variable, coupled to the concentration field, that takes two different values in each of the existing phases. With these kinds of models, different nucleation protocols can also be introduced and thus, independently study the effects of the nucleation in the kinetics. Therefore, 2 and 3 dimensional simulations of primary crystallization have been performed with several degrees of final transformed fraction. The simulation results have been compared with the KJMA model and, unexpectedly, a good agreement between the simulations and the KJMA model has been obtained. As the KJMA model does not reproduce satisfactorily the experimental behavior, from this result can be deduced that neither the soft impingement nor the non random nucleation are the responsible of the slowing down observed in the kinetics of primary crystallization.In order to find a physical convincing explanation of the observed experimental behavior, the theoretical study of primary crystallization has been extended, including the effects of the compositional changes that take place in the matrix as the transformation proceed. This fact, notwithstanding being known in the literature, has been systematically ignored in the development of the kinetics models. In particular, it has become clear that changes in the chemical composition of the primary phase have to radically affect the viscosity, that strongly varies near the glass transition, and some changes in the atomic transport properties must occur. This has been modeled through the assumption of a compositional dependent diffusion coefficient, on the basis of a modified Stokes-Einstein relation between viscosity and diffusion coefficient. Phase field simulations with a diffusion coefficient of this type yield a slower kinetics and show an excellent agreement with the kinetics experimentally observed in primary crystallization of metallic glasses. Thus, phase field simulations confirm that the kinetics of primary crystallization is fundamentally controlled by the changes in the atomic transport properties, while the soft impingement and non random effects, although being present, are secondary.

The free surface deformation affected by two-dimensional thermocapillary flow irradiated by energy flux

Shi, Zong-You 30 August 2012 (has links)
This study focuses ontransient heat flow behavior in which centralizing energy on themetal makes metal surface come to aheat molten state with centralized heat source . This flow field is two-dimensional transient model, using Phase-field method and Two-phase flow to simulatemetal surface. In this study is under considerations of the mass conservation equation, momentum equation, energy equation and the level-set equation, regardless of the impact due to the concentration diffusion. At last it will show the flow of the molten zone caused by temperature, and the flows in molten zone forced by thermocapillary which is caused byvariation of temperature.

Pool and flow boiling of novel heat transfer fluids from nanostructured surfaces

Sathyanarayana, Aravind 13 January 2014 (has links)
Steadily increasing heat dissipation in electronic devices has generated renewed interest in direct immersion cooling. The ideal heat transfer fluid for direct immersion cooling applications should be chemically and thermally stable, and compatible with the electronic components. These constraints have led to the use of Novec fluids and fluroinerts as coolants. Although these fluids are chemically stable and have low dielectric constants, they are plagued by poor thermal properties. These factors necessitate the development of new heat transfer fluids with improved heat transfer properties and applicability. Computer Aided Molecular Design (CAMD) approach was used in this work to systematically design novel heat transfer fluids that exhibit significantly better properties than those of current high performance electronic coolants. The candidate fluids generated by CAMD were constrained by limiting their boiling points, latent heat of vaporization and thermal conductivity. The selected candidates were further screened using a figure of merit (FOM) analysis. Some of the fluids/additives that have been identified after the FOM analysis include C₄H₅F₃O, C₄H₄F₆O, C₆H₁₁F₃, C₄ H₁₂O₂Si, methanol, and ethoxybutane. The heat transfer performance of these new fluids/fluid mixtures was analyzed through pool boiling and flow boiling experiments. All the fluid mixtures tested showed an improvement in the critical heat flux (CHF) when compared to the base fluid (HFE 7200). A pool boiling model was developed using the phase field method available in COMSOL. Although these simulations are computationally expensive, they provide an alternate solution to evaluate several candidate fluids generated using the CAMD approach.

Sur l'analyse multiéchelle du changement de morphologie du PET sous l'effet de la température ou des sollicitations mécaniques / Multi-scale analysis of the morphological changes of the PET under the effect of temperature or mechanical stress

Gong, Yang Hao 06 June 2018 (has links)
Dans ce travail de thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés à la simulation de l’évolution de la microstructure d’un polymère. Plus précisément, nous avons étudié le changement de la morphologie du polyéthylène téréphthalate (PET) sous l’effet de différents mécanismes. Ces simulations sont réalisées par la méthode des champs de phase. Il s’agit d’une méthode basée sur l’équation de Cahn-Hilliard ou l’équation de Ginzburg-Landau. Elle utilise un paramètre d’ordre pour décrire l’état du matériau, des variables thermodynamiques et cinématiques. Ainsi on peut décrire l’évolution d’une microstructure sans suivre l’interface et ainsi reproduire l’évolution de la structure cristalline sphérolitique qui apparait lors d’une cristallisation induite par la température. Dans le cadre d’un changement de morphologie induit par la température, le calcul par champ de phase a été simulé par la méthode de différences finies et la méthode d’éléments finis. Le coefficient cinétique a été identifié à partir de données expérimentales de la littérature. En introduisant un modèle du champ de phases multiples (the MPF model) on a aussi simulé l’évolution de plusieurs sphérolites et gérer la jonction lorsque deux sphérolites se rencontrent. La croissance et la jonction des sphérolite a été modélisée par la méthode d’éléments finis : elle reproduit parfaitement l’évolution expérimentale de cristallisation isotherme d’un polymère. En comparant ces résultats avec le modèle macroscopique d’Avrami, une évaluation de la constante d'Avrami, K(T), a été discutée en fonction des fluctuations des conditions initiales (positions et taille des germes).Dans le cadre de la cristallisation induite par la déformation mécanique, nous avons couplé le champ de phase aux équations de la mécanique pour un comportement viscoélastique différent pour chaque phase. L’influence, sur la cristallisation et l’orientation, de la déformation, de la vitesse de sollicitation, du contraste entre les phases sont étudiées et comparées qualitativement aux observations expérimentales. Il s’agit d’une étude préliminaire qui devra être poursuivie et affinée afin de prédire une morphologie plus réaliste / In this thesis work, we are interested in simulating the evolution of the microstructure of a polymer. In particular, we have studied in the morphology change of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) under different mechanisms. These simulations carried out by the phase field simulation. This method based on the Cahn-Hilliard equation or the Ginzburg-Landau equation. It uses an order parameter to describe the state of material, thermodynamic and kinetic variables. Thus we can describe the microstructure evolution without tracking the interface (which would require complex remeshing) and reproduce the evolution of the crystalline structure within the polymers, for example the growth of spherulites which appear during crystallization induced by temperature. Within the scope the morphology changing by the temperature, the evolution of phase field simulation is performed by the finite difference method and the finite element method. The kinetic coefficient is adjusted in order to fit the experiment data in of the literature. We introduce the multiphase field model (the MPF model) in order to simulate the evolution of several spherulites and to describe the junction of spherulites. The growth and junction of spherulites have been modeled by the finite element method and nicely reproduced in comparing the experimental evolution of isothermal crystallization of a polymer. Comparing these results with the Avrami macroscopic model, an evaluation of the Avrami constant, K (T), was discussed according to the fluctuations of the initial conditions (positions and size of the germs).In the following part, we study the crystallization induced by mechanical deformation. We are interested in the viscoelastic model to simulate the induced crystallization of PET in plane stress. The phase field model coupled to mechanics will be presented. Different viscoelastic behaviors have been considered for each phase. The influence on crystallization and orientation of the deformation, the stress velocity and the contrast between the phases are studied and compared qualitatively with the experimental observations. This is a preliminary study that will have to be continued in order to predict a more realistic morphology

Estudo da solidificação equiaxial utilizando o modelo do campo de fases tridimensional. / Study of the equiaxed solidification using the three-dimensional phase-field model.

Alan Lamotte 15 December 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo da solidificação de metais puros utilizando o modelo de campo de fases. O modelo é utilizado para simular a solidificação com o intuito de obter a morfologia da interface sólido-líquido sob diversas condições de transferência de calor. Foram realizados testes de validação comparando as morfologias da interface sólido-líquido obtida com as morfologias apresentadas em trabalhos anteriores para os casos bi e tridimensionais. O modelo do campo de fases adotado consiste principalmente de duas equações diferenciais: uma para calcular a variável de campo de fases e outra para calcular o campo de temperaturas. As equações foram solucionadas numericamente para um oitavo do domínio devido a simetria do problema. Os cálculos do modelo indicam que um sólido esférico com um raio inicial menor que o raio crítico de nucleação refunde. Entretanto uma esfera de raio maior cresce. Quando o sólido inicial cresce em uma malha numérica relativamente grosseira, a forma do sólido desvia da forma esférica devido perturbações na interface sólido-líquido. Quando a malha é refinada, as perturbações não são detectadas; contudo, quando introduzidas artificialmente as perturbações crescem e distorcem o formato esférico. / This work presents a study of the solidification of pure metals using the phase field model. The model is used to simulate solidification in order to obtain the morphology of the solid-liquid interface under different heat transfer conditions. Validation tests were performed comparing the morphology of the solid-liquid interface with the morphologies obtained from previous works for two and three dimensional cases. The adopted phase-field model consisted mainly of two differential equations: one to calculate the field of phase variable and another for the temperature field. The equations were solved numerically in only one eighth of the domain owing to the symmetry of the problem. Model calculations show that a solid sphere with an initial radius smaller than the critical radius for nucleation shrinks, whereas a sphere with a larger radius grows. When it grows in a relatively coarse numerical mesh, the initial solid shape deviates from a sphere owing to perturbations at the solid-liquid interface. When the numerical mesh is refined, the growth of perturbations is not detected, but artificially introduced perturbations grow and distort the spherical shape.

Modélisation de l’oxydation des aciers inoxydables polycristallins par une approche en champs de phases couplée avec la mécanique / Modelling the oxidation of polycristalline austenitic stainless steels using a phase field approach coupled with mechanics

De Rancourt, Victor 12 June 2015 (has links)
Les aciers austénitiques et alliages à base de nickel sont des matériaux de choix pour leurs propriétés mécaniques à haute température. L'enrichissement en chrome améliore leur durabilité de part la formation d'une couche d'oxyde protectrice à l'exemple de la chromine (Cr2O3).Il est néanmoins établi, par des essais mécaniques sous vide, que l'oxydation réduit de manière notable leur durée de vie en fatigue.En effet, la croissance d'oxyde peut être accompagnée d'une introduction de défauts tels que l'injection de lacunes, d'éléments délétères comme l'hydrogène mais également de contraintes résiduelles, etc., dans le métal.Les micromécanismes de fissuration sont ainsi régis par des interactions complexes entre l'environnement et la surface du métal, faisant intervenir composition chimique et microstructure.Aujourd'hui, les enjeux de sécurité et de compétitivité font de la prévision de la durée de vie de ces alliages une nécessité pour l'industrie nucléaire.L'augmentation de la dimension des modèles permet de prendre en compte de manière explicite les interactions multiphysiques du couple oxyde/métal sous l'action d'un chargement mécanique.La thèse s'inscrit dans cette démarche et propose une formulation d'un modèle de champ de phases couplé avec la mécanique et fondé sur les principes de la thermodynamique des milieux continus.Le comportement effectif de l'interface est présentement obtenu via des méthodes d'homogénéisation permettant de combiner des comportements mécaniques dissemblables, à l'image d'un substrat ductile et de son oxyde fragile.Les contraintes induites par la formation d'oxyde et également par le chargement mécanique peuvent être relaxées viscoplastiquement, de manière isotrope et anisotrope, respectivement dans l'oxyde et dans le substrat.Des simulations par éléments finis de l'oxydation généralisée ainsi que de l'oxydation intergranulaire sous chargement mécanique sont effectuées.Ces dernières mettent en évidence la possibilité d'un phénomène d'oxydation catastrophique par la génération de contraintes de tensions dans l'oxyde fragile, lesquelles peuvent être localisées le long des intrusions d'oxyde dans les joints de grains. / Austenitic stainless steels and nickel based alloys are widely used for their mechanical properties at high temperatures.Their durability can be increased by the addition of chromium resulting in the formation of a protective oxide layer such as chromia (Cr2O3).Nevertheless, it is established from vacuum mechanical tests that oxidation significantly decreases their fatigue life.In fact, oxide growth can be followed with the injection of defects such as vacancies, deleterious chemical elements and residual stresses, etc., into the metal.The resulting cracking micromechanisms are therefore governed by complex interactions between the environment and the metal surface, implying the chemical composition and the microstructure of the metal.To date, materials life prediction is a necessity for the nuclear industry due to safety and economic issues.The enhancement of the model dimensionality allow to explicitly account for multi-physics interactions between oxide and metallic phases under mechanical loads.The thesis is in line with it and relies on the development of a phase field model coupled with mechanics that heavily relies on the principles of continuum thermodynamics.The effective behaviour of the interface is obtained by homogenisation methods allowing the mixture of separate behaviours, as it is the case on a ductile metallic substrate and its fragile oxide.Oxide growth residual stresses and mechanical load induced stresses can be relaxed by viscoplasticity, which is isotropic and anisotropic respectively for the oxide and the substrate.Full field finite element simulations are performed to study both generalised and intergranular oxidation under mechanical loads.The simulations highlight the possibility of triggering breakaway oxidation by the generation of tensile stresses in the fragile oxide, which can be localised along oxide intrusions at grain boundaries.

Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Gas Migration in Saturated Bentonite

Guo, Guanlong 10 December 2020 (has links)
Bentonite is regarded as an ideal geomaterial for the engineering barrier system of a deep geological repository (DGR) where nuclear wastes are disposed, as it has several desirable properties for sealing the nuclear wastes, including low permeability, low diffusion coefficient, high adsorption capacity and proper swelling ability. Nevertheless, gas migration in saturated bentonite may undermine the sealing ability of the geomaterial. Previous experimental studies showed that the gas migration process is accompanied by complex hydromechanical (HM) behaviors, such as gas breakthrough phenomenon, development of preferential pathways, build-up of water pressure and total stress, nearly saturated state after gas injection test, localized consolidation, water exchange between clay matrix and developed fractures and self-sealing process. These experimentally observed behaviors should be properly modelled for conducting a reliable performance assessment for the geomaterial over the lifespan of DGR. In this thesis, two different coupled HM frameworks, i.e., one based on double porosity (DP) concept, referred to as coupled HM-DP framework, and the other on phase field (PF) method, referred to as coupled HM-PF framework, are proposed to simulate the gas migration process in saturated bentonite. For the coupled HM-DP framework, the saturated bentonite is assumed as a superposition of a MAcro-Continuum (MAC) and a MIcro-Continuum (MIC). Two-phase flow is only allowed in the MAC, whereas the MIC is impermeable to both water and gas. Nevertheless, the water can transfer between the MIC and the MAC under the water pressure gap. The first coupled HM model in this framework is based on a double effective stress concept. Mechanical behaviors of the MAC and the MIC are respectively governed by Bishop-type effective stress and Terzaghi’s effective stress. The model can well simulate the evolutions of both gas pressure and gas outflow rate, the water exchange between clay matrix and developed pathways, the high degree of saturation and the consolidation of clay matrix. To account for the development of preferential pathways, the damaging effect has been introduced in the framework. In this improved model, Bishop-type effective stress for the MAC is replaced by the independent stress state variables, i.e., net normal stress and suction, since using the net normal stress is beneficial to simulating tensile failure under high gas pressure. Numerical results showed that the damage-enhanced model can well describe the effect of the development of preferential pathways on the build-up of water pressure and total stress. In addition, the proposed hysteretic models for intrinsic and relative permeabilities make the coupled HM framework more flexible to reproduce the experimental results. To explicitly simulate the development of preferential pathways, a coupled HM-PF framework is developed by using Coussy’s thermodynamic theory and the microforce balance law. The coupled HM-PF framework is implemented in the standard Finite Element Method (FEM). To avoid the pore pressure oscillation and enhance the computational efficiency, a stabilized mixed finite element, in which linear shape functions are selected for interpolating all primary variables, is adopted to discretize the whole domain. In the developed framework, swelling pressure (initial stress) is accounted for by introducing a modified strain tensor that is the sum of the strain tensor due to deformation and the strain tensor calculated from the initial stress. The numerical results showed that the developed coupled HM-PF framework can capture some important behaviors, such as the discrete pathways, localized gas flow, built-up of water pressure and total stress under constant volume condition and nearly saturated state in clay matrix. A spatially autocorrelated random field is introduced into the framework to describe the heterogeneous distribution of HM properties in bentonite. The heterogeneity is beneficial to simulating the fracture branching and the complex fracture trajectory. Numerical results showed that some factors, such as Gaussian random field, coefficient of variation, boundary condition and injection rate, have significant influences on the fracture trajectory. At the end of the thesis, the obtained numerical results are synthesized and analyzed. Based on the analysis, the pros and cons of the developed numerical models are discussed. Corresponding to the limitations, some recommendations are proposed for future studies.

Phase Field modeling of sigma phase transformation in duplex stainless steels : Using FiPy-Finite Volume PDE solver

Bhogireddy, Venkata Sai Pavan Kumar January 2013 (has links)
Duplex Stainless Steels (DSS) are used extensively in various industrial applications where the properties of both austenite and ferrite steels are required. Higher mechanical strength and superior corrosion resistance are the advantages of DSS. One of the main drawbacks for Duplex steels is precipitation of sigma phase and other intermetallic phases adversely affecting the mechanical strength and the corrosion behavior of the steels. The precipitation of these secondary phases and the associated brittleness can be due to improper heat treatment. The instability in the microstructure of Duplex stainless steels can be studied by understanding the phase transformations especially the ones involving sigma phase. To reduce the time and effort to be put in for experimental work, computational simulations are used to get an initial understanding on the phase transformations. The present thesis work is on the phase transformations involving sigma phase for Fe-Cr system and Fe-Cr-Ni system using theoretical approach in 1D and 2D geometries. A phase field model is implemented for the microstructural evolution in DSS in combination with thermodynamic data collected from the Thermo-Calc software. The Wheeler Boettinger McFadden (WBM) model is used for Gibbs energy interpolation of the system. FiPy- Finite volume PDE solver written in python is used to simulate the phase transformation conditions first in Fe-Cr system for ferrite-austenite and ferrite-sigma phase transformations. It is then repeated for Fe-Cr-Ni ternary system. In the present study a model was developed for deriving Gibbs energy expression for sigma phase based on the common tangent condition. This model can be used to describe composition constrained phases and stoichiometric phases using the WBM model in phase field modeling. Cogswell’s theory of using phase order variable instead of an interpolating polynomial in the expression for Gibbs energy of whole system is also tried.

Adaptive Isogeometric Analysis of Phase-Field Models

Hennig, Paul 11 February 2021 (has links)
In this thesis, a robust, reliable and efficient isogeometric analysis framework is presented that allows for an adaptive spatial discretization of non-linear and time-dependent multi-field problems. In detail, B\'ezier extraction of truncated hierarchical B-splines is proposed that allows for a strict element viewpoint, and in this way, for the application of standard finite element procedures. Furthermore, local mesh refinement and coarsening strategies are introduced to generate graded meshes that meet given minimum quality requirements. The different strategies are classified in two groups and compared in the adaptive isogeometric analysis of two- and three-dimensional, singular and non-singular problems of elasticity and the Poisson equation. Since a large class of boundary value problems is non-linear or time-dependent in nature and requires incremental solution schemes, projection and transfer operators are needed to transfer all state variables to the new locally refined or coarsened mesh. For field variables, two novel projection methods are proposed and compared to existing global and semi-local versions. For internal variables, two different transfer operators are discussed and compared in numerical examples. The developed analysis framework is than combined with the phase-field method. Numerous phase-field models are discussed including the simulation of structural evolution processes to verify the stability and efficiency of the whole adaptive framework and to compare the projection and transfer operators for the state variables. Furthermore, the phase-field method is used to develop an unified modelling approach for weak and strong discontinuities in solid mechanics as they arise in the numerical analysis of heterogeneous materials due to rapidly changing mechanical properties at material interfaces or due to propagation of cracks if a specific failure load is exceeded. To avoid the time consuming mesh generation, a diffuse representation of the material interface is proposed by introducing a static phase-field. The material in the resulting transition region is recomputed by a homogenization of the adjacent material parameters. The extension of this approach by a phase-field model for crack propagation that also accounts for interface failure allows for the computation of brittle fracture in heterogeneous materials using non-conforming meshes.

Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Additively Manufactured Nickle based Alloy with External Nano Reinforcement: A Feasibility Study

Wang, Yachao 30 October 2018 (has links)
No description available.

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