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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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胡塞爾內時間意識現象學的進路及疑難. / Path towards Husserl's phenomenology of consciousness of internal time and its problems / Husai'er nei shi jian yi shi xian xiang xue de jin lu ji yi nan.

January 2012 (has links)
本研究有兩個面向。首先,梳理胡塞爾1893-1917 時期的時間觀,把握其對兩個疑難的思考,分別是時間客體如何被感知和內時間意識流如何被建構。其次,藉胡塞爾的內時間意識現象學示範兩種現象學還原的動機──實事的豐富性和認識的嚴謹性──之張力,從而揭示出「諸原則的原則」與第一身觀點的有效界域,此有效界域逼使胡塞爾在1917 後提出「靜態現象學」和「生成現象學」兩種研究方向。這兩種研究方向意味著胡塞爾在1983-1917 的時間意識分析只是他思考時間問題的中途站。然而,這卻是西方哲學史上對時間思考的承先啟後的里程碑。胡塞爾的內時間意識現象學有三個貢獻:(1). 現象學還原方法的準備。(2). 從認識論上追問時間的本原。(3). 對內時間意識流的仔細分析消解了一些哲學疑難。然而,胡塞爾這一研究遺留了兩個疑難:(1). 胡塞爾的內在時間分析難以說明「壓抑」(repression)這一心靈現象。(2). 在追問意識流如何被建構時,所得出的「匿名」主體性之答案,應該如何被理解?不過,這正正顯示著,胡塞爾忠於還原方法及事實的描述,不止息地回應疑難的態度促使現象學成為一門「無窮」的運動。 / This research has a double objective. Firstly, it relocates Husserl’s internal time analysis from 1893 to 1917 in order to understand his two fundamental inquiries, namely how temporal object appears towards consciousness and how consciousness of internal time is constituted. Secondly, it pinpoints the challenge of striking a balance between two motivations of transcendental reduction, that is, attending to the richness of things and securing the evidence of understanding. The study of different ways to transcendental reduction shows the limitation of “Principle of all Principles and the first person perspective. Through the analysis of consciousness of internal time, Husserl came to the awareness that the perspective of static phenomenology he was hitherto pursuing needs to be complemented by the perspective of “genetic phenomenology after 1917. These two perspectives prove that Husserl’s restless analysis of internal time consciousness is a stepping stone which is not only the middle stage throughout his entire philosophical career in his thought, but also a landmark in the history of western philosophy. Husserl’s phenomenology of internal time consciousness has important contribution in the following three issues: (1). The introduction of phenomenological reduction. (2). The question of time origin from a strictly epistemological perspective. (3). Solve some philosophical difficulties in his detailed analysis of the stream of consciousness of internal time. However, Husserl’s analyses leave behind two major puzzles: (1).His doctrine of the spontaneous continuing of internal time consciousness renders difficult comprehension of the psychic phenomenon of repression. (2). The difficulties of understanding the status of the “anonymous subjectivity as the ultimate constitutive origin or the stream of internal time consciousness. Yet, Husserl’s faithfulness to the method of reduction and the description of the things underlines his relentless effort to face every difficulty from the phenomenological attitude, rendering it an “infinite phenomenological movement. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 鄧文韜. / "2012年9月". / "2012 nian 9 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 134-139). / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Deng Wentao. / 導論 / 第一章 / Chapter 1. --- 時間客體如何被感知或向意識呈現? --- p.2 / Chapter 1.1 --- 對客觀時間的懸擱--回到時間經驗本身 --- p.3 / Chapter 1.2 --- 邁農的「絶對現在論」時間觀及胡塞爾對其批判 --- p.5 / Chapter 1.3 --- 布倫塔諾的「過去想像論」時間觀及胡塞爾對其批判 --- p.9 / Chapter 2. --- 時間客體與其呈現模態 --- p.14 / Chapter 2.1 --- 「立義內容-立義」的圖式詮釋 --- p.15 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- 「呈現」的兩個面向──呈現活動和被呈現物 --- p.15 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- 三種「時段」 --- p.17 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- 三種「時段」和「立義模式」 --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2 --- 「現在」作為所有時間位置的「來源點」(source-point) --- p.21 / Chapter 2.3 --- 流動或連續的直觀──新鮮/原初與派生的回憶和顯在與再現的感知 --- p.22 / 小結 --- p.25 / 第二章 / Chapter 1. --- 內時間意識的時間流/意識流(stream of consciousness)結構如何被建構 --- p.27 / Chapter 1.1 --- 連續的意識流與時間的同一性 --- p.28 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- 「立義模式」和意識的流動性 --- p.28 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- 「立義模式」說明意識流的基礎──意識的三種模態 --- p.30 / Chapter 1.1.3 --- 意識的三層層次立義模式」 --- p.35 / Chapter 2.2 --- 立義模式所導致的無限後退理論困難 --- p.36 / Chapter 2.3 --- 無限後退的補救-絶對意識(the absolute consciousness)的引入 --- p.38 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- 絶對意識所衍生的弔詭(1)-「個體」與「流」 --- p.40 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- 絶對意識所衍生的弔詭(2)-「匿名性」 --- p.44 / 小結 --- p.45 / 第三章 / Chapter 1. --- 時間意識與意向性 --- p.48 / Chapter 1.1 --- 新的時間意識建構(1)──三個「意識」的概念 --- p.48 / Chapter 1.2 --- 新的時間意識建構(2)──意向性與「內在的」、「超越的」的三重意義 --- p.55 / Chapter 1.3 --- 新的時間意識建構(3)──內時間意識的「內」 --- p.60 / Chapter 1.4 --- 新的時間意識建構(4)──縱向和橫向意向性 --- p.61 / Chapter 2. --- 時間意識與意向性「對象化的內在反思」的把握與「非對象化的內時間意識」的把握 --- p.64 / 小結 --- p.70 / 第四章 / Chapter 1. --- 現象學還原在1893-1917 時期的擴充和作用 --- p.73 / Chapter 1.1 --- 前《邏輯研究》時期 --- p.75 / Chapter 1.2 --- 《邏輯研究》A 版時期 --- p.76 / Chapter 1.3 --- 《現象學的觀念》時期 --- p.76 / Chapter 1.4 --- 《現象學的基本問題》時期 --- p.79 / Chapter 1.5 --- 《觀念I》時期和《邏輯研究》B版 --- p.81 / Chapter 1.6 --- 《文章與講演》 --- p.85 / Chapter 2. --- 《內時間意識現象學》所顯現的現象學還原 --- p.85 / Chapter 2.1 --- 從《第一哲學》看成熟時期的現象學還原 --- p.86 / Chapter 2.2 --- 從成熟時期的現象學還原看現象學還原在1893-1917 時期的擴充 --- p.89 / Chapter 3. --- 還原的動機問題與道路 --- p.90 / 小結 --- p.97 / 第五章 / Chapter 1. --- 對海德格和德里達批判的回應 --- p.100 / Chapter 1.1 --- 對海德格的回應--庸俗的時間概念 --- p.100 / Chapter 1.1.1 --- 黑格爾的時間概念,及其與精神的關係 --- p.101 / Chapter 1.1.2 --- 本原的原初現象和本己時態性 --- p.103 / Chapter 1.1.3 --- 黑格爾對時間的理解是庸俗的時間概念 --- p.104 / Chapter 1.1.4 --- 《存在與時間》中對黑格爾的批判--對胡塞爾的批判 --- p.105 / Chapter 1.2 --- 胡塞爾的時間理解是否庸俗的時間概念? --- p.107 / Chapter 2.1 --- 對德里達的回應-現在/顯在形上學 --- p.110 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- 「真正的形上學」和「習慣意義上的形上學」的區分 --- p.110 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- 德里達所理解的現象學作為「真正的形上學」──「諸原則的原則」要求 --- p.111 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- 現象學作為「真正的形上學」的困難(1)──溝通與獨白 --- p.115 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- 現象學作為「真正的形上學」的困難(2)──顯在不是本原 --- p.116 / Chapter 2.1.5 --- 「延異」作為本原的補充 --- p.118 / Chapter 2.2 --- 胡塞爾是否「現在/顯在形上學」? --- p.121 / Chapter 3. --- 胡塞爾現象學的界限──諸原則的原則與第一身觀點的有效界域 --- p.124 / 小結 --- p.126 / 總結 --- p.128 / 參考書目 --- p.134 / 詞彙表 --- p.140

'The perfect hostess, he called her' : reading phenomenology in modernist literature

Shaw, Justine Avril January 2017 (has links)
The question of sexual difference is missing from Maurice Merleau-Ponty's existential phenomenology and from Jacques Derrida's theory of hospitality. I address these gaps by using a feminist phenomenological perspective to read modernist representations of the “hostess”. I argue for a broadened understanding of “hosting” that encompasses how women use their lived bodies to tend to the social and physical needs of other lived bodies. In chapter one, I use Virginia Woolf's work to discover the “perfect” party‐giving hostess. I suggest that the heroic hosting of party‐giving is predicated on a more habitual, daily form of hosting. In the subsequent chapters, I explore the developmental stages in the life of the hostess. In chapter two, I read Woolf and Merleau--‐Ponty in tandem to witness the initiation of the hosting mentality in the childhood home. In chapter three, I close read descriptions of adolescent girls dancing in Virginia Woolf, Elizabeth Bowen, and Katherine Mansfield alongside the work of Iris Marion Young, to reveal the objectification of young female bodies as “future hostesses”. My fourth chapter focuses on maternal hospitality. Inspired by Luce Irigaray, I argue that D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce, and Merleau‐Ponty problematically appropriate maternal hospitality. Mina Loy contributes a female modernist perspective of the lived bodily experience of childbirth. In my final chapter, I discuss hospitality and death. With James Joyce, D. H. Lawrence, and Virginia Woolf, I explore the “funeral‐giving hostess”. Finally, I conclude with a discussion of “hosting‐after‐death” as a way to describe the bodily and social care that women perform, or fail to perform, for what I term “lived dead bodies” in Lawrence's work. Throughout, I contend that failing to adequately recognise women's habitual and heroic hospitality devalues the important work that women perform for other bodies throughout their lives. In doing this, I carve a space for the hostess within traditional discourses of hospitality, and I develop the discussion of female‐bodies‐in‐situation that Merleau‐Pontian phenomenology lacks.

A teoria da intencionalidade nas obras de Husserl e de Gurwitsch : entre fenomenologia transcendental e psicologia da Gestalt /

Santos, Hernani Pereira. January 2015 (has links)
Orientador: Danilo Saretta Verissimo / Banca: Elizabeth Piemonte Constantino / Banca: Sávio Passafaro Peres / Resumo: Nosso objetivo é analisar a teoria da intencionalidade de Edmund Husserl, tal como se encontra em seu texto de 1913, "Ideias para uma fenomenologia pura e para uma filosofia fenomenológica", e, paralelamente, a teoria da intencionalidade de Aron Gurwitsch, formulada em sua tese de doutoramento, de 1929, intitulada "Fenomenologia da temática e do eu puro". Destacamos, por um lado, o método utilizado pelos dois autores para estabelecerem as suas teorias e, por outro lado, os conteúdos específicos de cada uma delas. A pesquisa busca contribuir para a elucidação do papel de Husserl e de Gurwitsch na história da psicologia e da filosofia, para a clarificação das relações possíveis entre fenomenologia transcendental e psicologia empírica e para uma compreensão mais adequada da psicologia fenomenológica que pode ser desenvolvida a partir da teoria da intencionalidade e da fenomenologia constitutiva. O trabalho tem início com uma contextualização histórica e lógica da problemática relacionada aos conceitos de intencionalidade e de descrição psicológica, tendo como ponto de partida a obra de Franz Brentano. Na sequência, o primeiro capítulo apresenta a teoria da redução fenomenológica de Husserl e a sua motivação cartesiana. O segundo capítulo consiste em uma série de análises e descrições sobre a consciência pura e transcendental. O terceiro capítulo consiste em uma apresentação da hipótese de constância, de sua derrogação pela Psicologia da Gestalt e da analogia, feita por Gurwitsch, entre esta e a redução fenomenológica. O quarto capítulo consiste em uma apresentação dos aspectos estruturais da teoria da intencionalidade de Gurwitsch. O quinto capítulo lida com a teoria de Gurwitsch sobre a atenção. O sexto capítulo, por fim, apresenta os principais problemas que Gurwitsch enxerga na "concepção egológica da consciência" e as principais... / Abstract: Our goal is to analyze Edmund Husserl's theory of intentionality, as found in his 1913 text, "Ideas Pertaining to a Pure Phenomenology and to a Phenomenological Philosophy", and, in parallel, Aron Gurwitsch's theory of intentionality, as formulated in his doctoral thesis, from 1929, entitled "Phenomenology of Thematics and of the Pure Ego". We emphasize, on the one hand, the method used by the authors in order to establish their theories, and, on the other hand, the specific contents of each theory. The research aims to contribute to the elucidation of the role of Husserl and Gurwitsch in the history of psychology and philosophy, to the clarification of the possible relations between transcendental phenomenology and empirical psychology, and to provide a better understanding of phenomenological psychology, which can be developed from the theory of intentionality and from constitutive phenomenology. The dissertation begins with providing a historical and logical background for the problems related to the concepts of intentionality and psychological description, taking as depart the work of Franz Brentano. The first chapter introduces Husserl's theory of phenomenological reduction and his Cartesian motivation. The second chapter consists of a series of analyzes and descriptions of pure and transcendental consciousness. The third chapter consists of a presentation of the constancy hypothesis, of its rejection by Gestalt psychology and, then, of the analogy made by Gurwitsch between this rejection and phenomenological reduction. The fourth chapter consists of a presentation of the structural aspects of Gurwitsch's theory of intentionality. The fifth chapter deals with Gurwitsch's theory of attention. Finally, the sixth chapter presents the main problems which Gurwitsch sees in the "egological conception of consciousness" and the main contributions of his... / Mestre

Estratégias de resistência à medicalização: a experiência francesa / Not informed by the author

Andreia Mutarelli 23 March 2017 (has links)
O fenômeno da medicalização organiza, hoje, o modo como as pessoas vivem e se compreendem. Desde os anos 1960, esse tema ganhou destaque em diversos artigos. Entendese que tal processo é complexo e, além de produzir a patologização da vida, também pode ser analisado como uma resposta a diversas necessidades humanas. Na presente pesquisa, o processo de medicalização foi pensado a partir do referencial teórico-metodológico da fenomenologia, compreendendo o homem como ser-no-mundo, cuja humanidade reside na sua essência de ser desvelador de mundo. Nessa perspectiva, a medicalização expressa um modo de compreensão técnico do mundo, um processo que busca controlar, assegurar, padronizar e prever os fenômenos multideterminados do ser humano, submetendo a complexidade deste à disciplina da medicina, que sempre poderá lhe oferecer intervenções e explicações. A resistência a esse processo torna-se um tema importante de pesquisa, dada sua abrangência e profundidade no modo de vida atual. A psiquiatria francesa apresenta resistências singulares ao hiperdiagnóstico do TDAH, uma expressão da medicalização. O trabalho de campo foi realizado na França e buscou formular articulações com o enfrentamento brasileiro. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é investigar o sentido da resistência à medicalização, de modo a ampliar a compreensão desse fenômeno. Para tanto, dois aportes de dados foram utilizados: a análise documental dos coletivos Pas de Zéro de Conduite pour les enfants de trois ans, Lappel des appels e Stop-DSM e a análise de entrevistas com profissionais da saúde franceses. Para a análise das entrevistas, baseamo-nos na Hermenêutica da Facticidade. As entrevistas foram realizadas em formato de rede: a cada conversa a pesquisadora apresentava elementos que surgiram nas entrevistas anteriores, de modo que a própria pesquisa se tornasse um instrumento de resistência, coletivizando a discussão do tema. Assim, após a etapa de campo na França, entrevistamos Manuel Vallée, da Universidade de Auckland, cujo artigo foi citado em todas as conversas com os profissionais franceses. Como resultado, partindo das estratégias apreendidas em campo, chegamos a quatro fundamentos da resistência à medicalização na França: 1) a concepção de homem como possibilidade de ser, entendendo que ele está sempre aberto para as possibilidades que se apresentam no futuro indeterminado, resistindo à cristalização de um diagnóstico; 2) a pluralidade de práticas e métodos de pesquisa coexistindo de forma a contrapor o monismo metodológico; 3) a construção de redes como estratégia de enfrentamento à individualização/biologização das problemáticas humanas; 4) as intervenções multifocais, com cuidado multidisciplinar, considerando o contexto social, cultural e político dos usuários como enfrentamento à hiperprescrição de medicamentos pautada por interesses financeiros na área da saúde. No processo de medicalização da sociedade, o lugar de convivência entre os homens, a política, perde seu espaço para a ciência, que passa a regulamentar o modo como os homens devem viver, assegurando os resultados dos seus modos de vida. As estratégias de resistência à medicalização apreendidas nesta pesquisa apontam para o fortalecimento do campo político, âmbito em que a verdade plural vigora, como principal direcionamento desse enfrentamento / The phenomenon of medicalization organizes today how people lives and understands themselves. Since the 1960s, this subject has gained prominence in several articles. It is understood that such a process is complex and, in addition to producing the pathologization of life, it can also be analyzed as a response to various human needs. The process of medicalization was thought from the theoretical-methodological referential of the phenomenology, comprising man as a being-in-the-world, whose humanity resides in his essence of being someone who uncovers the world. In this perspective, medicalization expresses a way of technically understanding the world, a process that seeks to control, ensure, standardize, and predict the multi-determinate phenomena of the human being, subjecting its complexity to the discipline of medicine, which can always offer it interventions and explanations. The resistance to this process becomes an important research topic given its scope and depth in the current way of life. French psychiatry has unique resistances to the hyperdiagnosis of ADHD, which is an expression of medicalization. The fieldwork was carried out in France and it seeks to articulate with the Brazilian confrontation. The overall objective of this research is to investigate the meaning of resistance to medicalization, in order to broaden the understanding of this phenomenon. To that end, two data sources were used: the documentary analysis of the collectives Pas de Zéro de Conduite pour les enfants de trois ans, L\'appel des appels and Stop-DSM and the interviews with French healthcare professionals. For the analysis of the interviews, we were based on the Hermeneutics of the Facticity. The interviews were carried out in a network format: at each conversation, the investigator presented elements that were brought up in the previous interviews, so that the research itself became an instrument of opposition, collectivizing the discussion of the subject. Thus, after the field stage in France, we interviewed Manuel Vallée of the University of Auckland, whose article was quoted in all conversations with the French. As a result, we came to four elements of the resistance to medicalization in France: 1) the conception of man as a possibility of being, understanding that he is always open to the possibilities that present themselves in the indeterminate future, resisting to the crystallization of a diagnosis; 2) the plurality of practices and research methods coexisting so as to counter methodological monism; 3) the construction of networks as a strategy to confront the individualization / biologization of human problems; 4) multifocal interventions, with multidisciplinary care considering the social, cultural, and political context of the users as a confrontation with the hyperprescription of medicines guided by financial interests in the healthcare area. In the process of medicalization of society, the place of coexistence between men, the politics, loses its space for science, which governs how men should live, ensuring the results of their ways of life. The elements of the resistance to medicalization observed, point to the strengthening of the political field, in which plural truth prevails, as the main direction of this confrontation

胡塞爾論生活世界與歷史性. / Husai'er lun sheng huo shi jie yu li shi xing.

January 2007 (has links)
戴遠雄. / "2007年9月". / 論文(哲學碩士)--香港中文大學, 2007. / 參考文獻(leaves 134-142). / "2007 nian 9 yue". / Abstract also in English. / Dai Yuanxiong. / Lun wen (zhe xue shuo shi)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 2007. / Can kao wen xian (leaves 134-142). / 目錄 --- p.1 / Abstract --- p.4 / 摘要 --- p.5 / 胡塞爾著作簡表 --- p.6 / 緒論 --- p.9 / Chapter 1. --- 現象學的基本問題 --- p.9 / Chapter 2. --- 現象學進路的特色 --- p.12 / Chapter 3. --- 歷史經驗之意義 --- p.14 / Chapter 3.1 --- 方法論 / Chapter 3.2 --- 硏究課題 / Chapter 3.3 --- 哲學的文化使命 / Chapter 4. --- 全文綱要 --- p.16 / Chapter 4.1 --- 現象學方法 / Chapter 4.2 --- 危機與歷史性 / Chapter 4.3 --- 生活世界與其歷史性格 / Chapter 4.4 --- 歷史性與文化傳統 / Chapter 4.5 --- 結論 / Chapter 第一章 --- 現象學方法 --- p.18 / Chapter 1.1 --- 回到直觀 --- p.19 / Chapter 1.2 --- 現象學懸擱 --- p.22 / Chapter 1.3 --- 現象學還原 --- p.26 / Chapter 1.4 --- 意識現象學 --- p.28 / Chapter 1.4.1 --- 意向性分析 / Chapter 1.4.2 --- 知覺活動的本質結構 / Chapter 1.4.3 --- 意向活動的層次 / Chapter 1.4.4 --- 經驗的可錯性 / Chapter 1.4.5 --- 意識和感性事物的存在 / Chapter 1.4.6 --- 現象 / Chapter 1.5 --- 現象學對自然主義和歷史主義的批判 --- p.36 / Chapter 1.5.1 --- 對自然主義的批判 / Chapter 1.5.2 --- 對歷史主義的批判 / Chapter 1.5.3 --- 自然主義和歷史主義導致懷疑主義 / Chapter 1.6 --- 總結 --- p.42 / Chapter 第二章 --- 危機與歷史性 --- p.44 / Chapter 2.1 --- 西方科學傳統的危機 --- p.44 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- 歐洲人文作爲現象 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- 歐洲人文的歷史性和目的論 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- 哲學理念的誕生 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- 歐洲人文的理性 / Chapter 2.2 --- 現象學方法的修訂 --- p.60 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- 目的論式歷史反省 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- 超越論現象學 / Chapter 第三章 --- 生活世界與其歷史性格 --- p.67 / Chapter 3.1 --- 對自然的數學化 --- p.68 / Chapter 3.1.1 --- 幾何學方法 / Chapter 3.1.2 --- 間接數學化 / Chapter 3.1.3 --- 物理學的世界 / Chapter 3.1.3 --- 意義掏空 / Chapter 3.2 --- 現代哲學的二元論 --- p.78 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- 笛卡兒的二元論 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- 康德哲學的隱蔽基礎 / Chapter 3.3 --- 生活世界 --- p.83 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- 懸擱和還原的重新陳構 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- 世界界域 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- 生活世界作爲普遍結構 / Chapter 3.3.4 --- 意義的土壤 / Chapter 3.3.5 --- 交互主體性 / Chapter 3.3.6 --- 時態化和歷史性 / Chapter 3.4 --- 總結 --- p.98 / Chapter 第四章 --- 歷史性與創生現象學 --- p.99 / Chapter 4..1 --- 普遍的歷史先驗 --- p.99 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- 起源的意義 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- 歷史界域 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- 語言 / Chapter 4.1.4 --- 書寫和傳統 / Chapter 4.1.5 --- 總結 / Chapter 4.2 --- 創生現象學 --- p.113 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- 被動和主動創生 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- 現象學的發展階段 / Chapter 4.3 --- 總結 --- p.117 / Chapter 第五章 --- 結論 --- p.118 / Chapter 5.1 --- 上述四章的探討結果 --- p.118 / Chapter 5.2 --- 胡塞爾現象學的整體刻劃 --- p.119 / Chapter 5.3 --- 海德格論歷史性的初步檢視 --- p.121 / Chapter 5.4 --- 本文的局限 --- p.124 / 現象學詞彙翻譯對照表(德英中) --- p.126 / 參考書目 --- p.134

Self care is covering yourself in leaves and then running off to join the goblins and the tree people

Gabriel, Alexandra Grace 01 May 2019 (has links)
No description available.

A Phenomenological Exploration of Familial Entrepreneurship as an Employment Option for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Unknown Date (has links)
Individuals with developmental disabilities, especially those with high support needs, are less likely to obtain competitive employment through traditional means than their neurotypical peers. This qualitative phenomenological study explored the lived experience of seven familial entrepreneurs who responded to the lack of opportunities for their loved ones by creating a business to provide them a job. Findings from this study revealed that familial entrepreneurship is a hybrid-type of employment that has similar characteristics to traditional pathways of employment, but is distinct. It offers a post-secondary option in an environment where individuals with developmental disabilities can develop work skills, have social relationships, interact with members of the community, and in some situations, earn income. The businesses also provide training programs, settings for evaluations and assessments, and become vendors of government-supported employment programs, expanding their impact from the person they are designed to support, to the broader community. Employees and participants at the businesses experience an improvement in quality of life, access to a supportive community, and belonging. For the familial entrepreneurs, the study found that they encounter an immense learning curve in the areas of industry knowledge; business practice; supervising, employing and training individuals with developmental disabilities; and how to gather resources and support. This study also revealed that more clarity is needed to determine if this pathway can provide long-term sustainable employment outcomes. / Includes bibliography. / Dissertation (Ph.D.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2019. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection

Challenge of Leadership Succession in Family-owned Business in Lagos, Nigeria

Awosanya, Michael Oluwatola 01 January 2019 (has links)
Leaders of family-owned businesses pay more attention to the attainment of personal and organizational objectives than to leadership succession plans for continuity when they leave the business. Despite the significant contributions of family-owned businesses to the social and economic development of nations, founders and leaders still contend with the challenge of leadership transfer to the next generation. The purpose of this transcendental phenomenology study was to examine the lived experiences of past and current leaders of family-owned businesses in Lagos regarding the challenge of preparing the next generation for leadership succession. The theory of knowledge transfer formed the conceptual framework for the study. Purposeful sampling method was used to select 15 business owners and leaders from 5 family-owned businesses in Lagos. Data collection methods included in-depth and open-ended telephone interviews. The Steve-Colaizzi-Keen design was used to analyze, and code data to identify prevailing themes. Eight themes emerged in the study of which six corroborate some current studies on leadership succession, while the remaining two new themes could be described as potential gaps in the literature. The study findings may help resolve complexities of determining, choosing, and mentoring potential leaders for eventual takeover when there is a vacuum. The results of the study highlighted the need for education or a foundation to support family-owned businesses in southwest Nigeria in the transfer of leadership to successive generations. This could prevent family-owned businesses from going into extinction at the exit of the founders.

Direct-to-Consumer Messaging: A Phenomenological Examination of DTC Best Practices

Fancera, Nicholas Dominick 26 March 2015 (has links)
This study is designed as the building of a foundation in standardizing best practices when designing Direct-to-Consumer messaging. With this being a new and expanding field of marketing and advertising for the high visibility pharmaceutical industry, an establishment of conceptual templature, around which Direct-to-Consumer messaging campaign can be built, offers an opportunity to build a new and vibrant branch on the well-established messaging field. This is particularly important when recognizing the unique needs and requirements of both the pharmaceutical industry and its audience in learning of and about new products. This study attempted to identify current perception of Direct-to-Consumer practices by industry laypersons with in-depth interviews conducted through a phenomenological framework. Participants were interviewed on a range of relevant areas, including directly regarding their perception as well as a broader collection of their thoughts and impressions. The results of this study show clear areas of interest, identifying various tactics and strategies employed within Direct-to-Consumer messaging and pointing to areas of potential perception cultivation by those crafting the message. The study also uncovered the presence of the Third-Person Effect playing a key role in determining the response of participants on perception, and potentially opening the door for integrated methods that have been developed with Third-Person Effect in mind when building messages. This study offers a significant first-step of study into the phenomenon of Direct-to-Consumer advertising, as well as a foundation upon which future, larger scale, and more generalizable research can be done.

Discussing the nature of painting through the poetics of transaction and experience

Duncan, Sandra January 2008 (has links)
This research project will explore American philosopher John Dewey’s theory of transaction, and Shannon Sullivan’s interpretation of Dewey’s theory, the ‘Transactional Body’, and their inherent potential for the making and reception of painting. Dewey stated (Dewey, cited in Sullivan: 1-2) that organisms live as much in processes across and 'through' skins as in processes 'within skins'. Sullivan’s ‘transactional body’ is always in a state of flux, a morphic body in perpetual motion. Within an artistic context this raises the possibility of exploring the theory of transaction as it applies to painting, using the concept of automatic intuitive art practice. Central to this investigation will be direct connection between senses, instincts, intuition, and the painting. Sullivan suggests that truth and wisdom can be pursued through somatic experience. Therefore the process will be explored by an extension of the corporeal body through the physicality of gesture, movement, rhythm, colour, and mark making. A recurring subtext throughout this investigation will be that of ‘duality’; specifically that defined as the struggle between the use of the conscious, critical mind, allowing for the transaction between artist, paint and canvas to occur naturally and intuitively. The conscious mind / intuition duality manifests at various stages during the manufacture and reception of a painting. Whilst the project relies upon automatic and intuitive praxis, conscious decisions are made regarding the size and shape of the canvas, the medium used, and through reflective analysis of the completed work.

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