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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bernard Stiegler’s critique of and supplement to Martin Heidegger’s account of the independence of entities

Buchinski, Alexander Unknown Date
No description available.

The lived experience of family caregivers who provided end-of-life care to a relative with advanced dementia

Peacock, Shelley Unknown Date
No description available.

Recent contributions to the phenomenology of musical time : a critical survey

Beaudreau, Pierre January 1989 (has links)
The application of phenomenological methods to the analysis of musical time is a recent development in the field of music theory. Phenomenological analyses of music take as their point of departure music as a "heard" phenomenon. This thesis provides a critical survey of the differing ways music theorists have applied phenomenology to the investigation of musical time. After presenting a general overview of the philosophical discipline of phenomenology itself, the thesis considers the work of three theorists, Judy Lochhead, Thomas Clifton, and David Lewin, who adopt a phenomenological approach to issues of time in music. The final chapter considers some approaches to issues of musical time by two theorists, Christopher F. Hasty and Jonathan D. Kramer, who are not explicitly phenomenologists, but whose works are implicitly phenomenological in orientation. / Un dévelopment récent dans le domaine de la théorie musicale est l’application des méthodologies phénomenologiques de l’analyse du temps musical. Une analyse phénomenologique de la musique prend, comme point de départ, la musique comme phénomene “auditif.” Cette thèse fournit une étude critique des diverses façons par lesquelles les théoriciens de lp musique ont appliqué la phénomenologie à l’analyse du temps musicale. Je commence mon étude par une présentation générale de la discipline philosophique de la phénomenologie.et ensuite je considère le travail de trois théoriciens, Judy Lochhead, Thomas Clifton, et David Lewin, qui ont adopté une démarche phénomenologique aux questions du temps dans la musique. Dans le dernier chapitre, je considère certaines études du temps musicale faites par deux autres théoriciens, Christopher F. Hasty et Jonathan D. Kramer. Malgré le fait que ces derniers ne sont pas d’abords des phénomenologistes, certains aspects de leur travail peuvent néanmoins être considérés comme implicitement phénomenologique en caractère.

Embodied design: a field guide for the bodiless designer

Strachan, Kathryn 08 January 2013 (has links)
Embodied design is a response to what I know of landscape architecture. At the heart of this practicum lies the question of how to better connect the body, mind and environment. It is through the simple act of walking that I begin to uncover the body (both emotionally and physically) as well as the landscape(and all its many attributes). Through an investigation of the phenomenological body I attempt to dissolve dualistic thinking and get back to the lived experience, in turn creating a stronger connection to the sensuous world, as well as the people, plants and animals who we ultimately design for.

"De har den alltid med sig" : Lärares uppfattningar om ett iPad-projekt

Almén, Lars January 2013 (has links)
Nio lärare har intervjuats om sina förväntningar inför och upplevelser och erfarenheter av att lärare och elever skall få tillgång till iPads i undervisningen. Ansatsen är livsvärldsfenomenologisk. Studiens syfte är att undersöka vilken betydelse de nio lärarna som undervisar eleverna förväntar sig att införandet av iPad kommer att ha för det dagliga arbetet i skolan. Dessutom undersöks om och i så fall hur lärarna upplever att deras arbete i klassrummet förändrats efter att eleverna haft tillgång till iPads i undervisningen under några månader. Studiens frågeställningar är; ”Vilka förväntningar har lärarna på införandet av iPad i det vardagliga arbetet i skolan?” och ”Vilken betydelse upplever lärarna att iPad har haft för lärarna och eleverna i undervisningen?” Lärarna upplevde att med iPadens hjälp skulle de kunna arbeta på ett sätt som liknar det eleverna är vana att möta utanför skolan. Elever i behov av stöd förväntades gynnas. Lärarna upplevde en oro för att eleverna skulle tappa fokus från lektionerna, de skulle behöva mer fortbildning och det fanns farhågor om att problem med teknologin skulle uppstå. Efter att projektet pågått några månader upplevde lärarna att undervisningen huvudsakligen påverkats positivt. Eleverna hade alltid iPaden med sig och arbetade mer på raster och hemma, de tog initiativ till att hjälpa varandra och lärarna när tekniska problem uppstod. Möjligheten att använda e-böcker upplevs ha påverkat läsandet positivt och det blev lugnare i klassrummet.  Elever i behov av stöd påverkades positivt då allt studiematerial finns samlat i iPaden. Det har dock varit problem med att använda skolans lärplattform på iPaden. / Nine teachers have been interviewed about their expectations before and experiences during a project where teachers and pupils will have access to iPads in class. The thesis approach is phenomenological. The purpose of the study is to investigate which impact the nine teachers who teach the pupils expect that the introduction of iPads will have on the daily work in the classroom. Further is the study investigating if, and if that is the case, how the teachers experience that their classroom work have changed since the pupils have got access to iPads in class for a couple of months. The research questions of the study are; “Which expectations do the teachers have on the introduction of iPads in the daily work in school?”, and “Which impact do the teachers experience that the iPad have to the teachers and pupils in the classroom?” The teachers experienced that with the iPad they could work in a way similar to the way the pupils are used to outside school. Pupils with learning problems were expected to be benefited. The teachers were worried that the pupils would lose focus from class. The teachers experienced need for further education and they were worried about technological problems. After a couple of months with iPads the teachers experienced that class activities had changed for the better. The pupils always brought their iPad in class and they worked more during breaks and at home. They took initiative to help each other and the teachers when technological problems occurred. The teachers experienced that the pupils easy access to e-books benefitted reading and the classroom became calmer. Pupils with learning problems benefitted when all study material where gathered in the iPad. There have been problems with integrating the schools learning portal with the iPad.

Kūnas ir Kitas / Body and The Other

Jankauskienė, Veronika 27 June 2011 (has links)
A. Lingis vienas iš šiuolaikinių filosofų, kuris išgarsėjo pasaulyje kaip išvertęs E. Levino ir M. Merleau – Ponty darbų. Šiame darbe nagrinėjama Kūnas ir Kitas, kaip A. Lingis kūno fenomenalumą, intencionalumą, Aš santykį su Kitu perteikia remdamasis M. Merleau – Ponty ir E. Levino mąstymo paradigmomis. A, Lingis įdomus tuo, kad fenomenologijos metodą taiko ne moksliškai aprašinėdamas fenomenus, bet per savo asmeninę patirtį, įgytą kelionėse. A. Lingio pasvarstymai apie kūną įsiterpia tarp M. Merleau – Ponty ir E. Levino. Filosofas kaip ir M. Merleau – Ponty teigia, kad kūnas yra ne tik pažinus sau pačiam, bet ir suvokiamas kito. Aš ne tik mato Kitą kaip objektą, bet ir suvokia savo subjektyvumą, kaip Kitas mato Mane. Taip atsiranda dvigubo jutimo fenomenas, kurį M. Merleau – Ponty akcentuoja kaip pagrindinę sąlygą bendraujant su kitu. Intencionalumas atsiranda, kada susiduria du gyvenamieji pasauliai, šiuo atveju, kada manasis Aš susitinka akistatoje su Kitu. Tačiau A. Lingis intencionalume įžvelgia pastovią jėgų kovą, kada „kitas“ reiškiasi kaip tas, kuris nuolatos varžosi su manuoju Aš. Taip pereinama nuo M. Merleau – Ponty kūno fenomenalumo aprašymo prie E. Levino etiškumo. E. Levinas kalbėdamas apie kūną, jį suvokia kaip veidą. Jis teigia, kad manasis Aš susiduria su Kito veidu. Būtent veidas yra metafiziškas. Tuo tarpu M. Merleau – Ponty, o vėliau ir A. Lingiui, veidas yra kūno dalis, kuri daugiau ontiška. Levinas prieštarauja dvigubo jutimų galimumui, jam Kitas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / A. Lingis, one of the modern philosopher, who gained fame as the world's translation of E. Levin and M. Merleau - Ponty works. In this work the Body and Others, A. Lingis describes as phenomenological body. Intentionality, I relationship with the Other reflects the basis of M. Merlin - Ponty and E. Levin thinking paradigms. A. Lingis is interesting philosopher, because the phenomenological approach has no scientific by describing phenomena, but it is based on his personal experience on the road. An A. Lingo reflection on the Body intervenes between M. Merleau - Ponty and E. Levin. A. Lingis agree with M. Merleau - Ponty that the Body is not only knowable to him, but also understood by the other. I will not only see the Other as an object, but also their subjective perception of the Other sees Me. This creates a double sense of the phenomenon by M. Merleau - Ponty emphasizes communication as a basic condition to another. Intentionality arises when residential faces two worlds, in this case, when the Mine I meet confrontation with the Other. However, intentionality A. Lingis sees as a constant power struggle, when the Other emerges as one who constantly competes with his self. This represents a shift from M. Merleau - Ponty phenomenological physical description of the E. Levin's ethics. E. Levin is talking about Body, which is perceived as a Face. He argues that the Mine I facing the Other Face. It was the Face of the metaphysically. Meanwhile, M. Merleau - Ponty, and then A... [to full text]

Being virtual : embodiment and experience in interactive computer game play

Sommerseth, Hanna Mathilde January 2010 (has links)
This thesis argues that the notion of player experience in relation to computer games is intrinsically linked to the body. Taking the idea of aesthetic experience, or sensuous experience, in computer game play as its starting point, my thesis considers computer games from within an interdisciplinary cross section of phenomenology, cultural studies and visual culture. Computer games have in a reasonably short amount of time reached a stage where they are an integral part of contemporary society: historically, economically and culturally. The current field of computer games comprises a vast array of genres, styles, stories, experiments and media. Because computer games are interactive objects, I argue that an analysis should begin with a discussion of player experience, and that this experience is inherently embodied. The embodied and temporal nature of game play means it is problematic to simply transfer established frameworks of meaning making in other audiovisual media onto computer games. The thesis attempts to understand the notion of player experience through a phenomenological reading of the interactive experience, and as such I argue that the individual, temporal and iterative aspect of this experience means computer games should not necessarily be squeezed into already established categories of earlier forms of entertainment media. Through three main chapters I explore the role of the body and embodied experience from three different points of view, roughly divided into the three aspects that make up the feedback loop of game play; hardware, software and interface. Each chapter considers the unique role and importance of the body at each point in the game play process.

Beyond the looking glass : the narcissistic woman reflected and embodied in classic Hollywood film

Salzberg, Ana January 2010 (has links)
Linking the images of stars as contrasting as Bette Davis, Marilyn Monroe, and Gloria Swanson, and uniting genres like romantic comedy, film noir, and melodrama, the figure of the narcissistic woman stands as a versatile, ever-present extra- and intra-diegetic force in the dream factory of classical Hollywood. She is, in fact, the lead in what sociologist Edgar Morin conceptualizes in The Stars (1957) as a golden-age “myth of love”: Calling upon the psychic and sensory investment of her fans with her otherworldly aura and material impact, the female star emerges as both the active subject of romantic narratives and the admired on-screen partner in a love affair with the spectator. Like Ovid's original Narcissus before her, the narcissistic woman of Hollywood exists, as Morin describes it, to “focus…love's magic on [herself].” Contemporary film theory, however, has interpreted the star not as a subjective force in this dialogical “magic” between actress and spectator but rather as the product of a patriarchal system of filmmaking, one that objectifies women both on the screen and in the audience. In an effort to further analyze the questions of identity and representation evoked by the female star and her audience, this thesis will seek an alternative to the binaries that tend to characterize the traditional understanding of women in classic Hollywood (that is, spectator/star, narcissistic subject/idealized object; male/female, active/passive). Rather than read narcissism as a one-dimensional, monologic preoccupation with one's image, this research posits that classic cinematic representations of the woman's relationship to the self invite an examination of the existential complexity of a figure negotiating the registers of corporeal reality and ethereal ideality, star persona and diegetic character. In the hopes of highlighting the active engagements – between star and role; spectator, actress, and filmic form itself – inspired by these cinematic entities and their “myths of love,” this work will connect psychoanalytic concerns with Edgar Morin's cultural history of Hollywood, Laura U. Marks's theory of haptic visuality, and the phenomenological understanding of film outlined by Vivian Sobchack in an exploration of the embodied subjectivities borne by the on-screen Narcissus and her off-screen audience.

The Choreography of Cartography: Disembodied Mappings of an Embodied Landscape

Bunn, Desiree 25 September 2014 (has links)
Considered by many to be accurate and neutrally constructed representations of landscape, maps are assumed to be free from bias and prejudice. However, a critical cartographic exploration of maps and mapping practice reveals the map to be a fabricated eidetic re-presentation of landscape that embodies the subjective values of the mapmaker. Through technological advances in mapping practice such as GIS (Geographic Information System) and Google Earth, maps and mapmaking have become seamlessly integrated into the shaping of contemporary urban landscapes, further removing designers from the direct experience of the landscapes they design. This practicum seeks to reconcile the tendency to map landscape through these disembodied processes by placing particular emphasis on the agency of the landscape designer as cartographer. Building on existing literature, this research investigates a phenomenological approach to landscape that is focused on the lived experience of reading and writing maps. Focusing on a philosophical investigation this practicum explores the question; what are the implications for the practice of Landscape Architecture if designers begin to explore a phenomenological cartographic practice?

'n Fenomenologiese studie oor ouer dames se subjektiewe ervaring van eensaamheid / Lizanlé de Jager

De Jager, Lizanlé January 2009 (has links)
This article investigates the experience of loneliness among a group of elderly ladies. Elderly persons are making up an increasing portion of the population. Research is therefore important, because loneliness is a threat to quality of life and indicates a bad prognosis during aging. Aging is associated with a decline in the different abilities and body functions. It is marked by changes and multidimensional losses that often imply the redefinition of roles. Little research is available that explores the subjective experiences of elderly women. It was decided to do a qualitative, phenomenological study on the experiences of loneliness among white Afrikaans-speaking women. A phenomenological research approach enables the researcher to discover participants' perceptions, experiences and unique understanding of what loneliness involves. The research was undertaken in the context of a service centre where functioning elderly ladies voluntarily participated in the research. Fifteen elderly ladies were involved in the research by means of purposeful sampling, and their experiences of loneliness were shared through visual clay projections (known as the Mmogo method™), a focus group discussion, individual interviews and journal entries. The Mmogo method™ attaches value to the symbolic, contextual foundation of meanings and provides valuable information about socially constructed aspects that are often difficult to verbalise. Various guidelines were followed to ensure the reliability of the findings, such as the triangulation of data sources, checking the findings with the participants, an extended period in the research field and the inclusion of rich descriptions to corroborate the findings. Two central themes emerged from the thematic data analysis process, namely causes of loneliness and strategies to deal with loneliness. The causes of loneliness which were identified, point towards multiple losses at a personal level, interpersonal losses, changed family relations and a world of living that keeps getting smaller. The strategies to deal with loneliness were indicated by elderly women as the actualising of religion, reminiscing on the past, an active involvement in life and denial. The most important contribution made by this research is the discovery that elderly white ladies experience an intimate loss of the "self" because their own identity was strongly associated with the specific roles and functions that were defined by the socio-cultural context in which they were socialised. These functions and roles emphasised the ultimate authority of the man, as opposed to women's dependence and subjection. In this process, women did not develop an independent identity that could continue once the prescribed traditional roles no longer applied. Another interesting finding is that elderly women find it comforting to reminisce on the past and they also find that the knowledge they gain from the experience can be applied in their lives again. This study could possibly have been extended to elderly women in other cultures, in order to obtain a richer description of the research phenomenon. Various practical suggestions were made to the service centre to support elderly women to process the multiple losses, to question socially acceptable roles and functions of women and to create own interests. / Thesis (M.A. (Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

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