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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conditionnement des stratégies d'histoire de vie en condition naturelle et mécanismes adaptatifs à court terme : approche intégrée par capture-marquage-recapture et application au saumon atlantique (Salmo salar) / Conditional life-history strategies and short-term adaptive mechanisms : an integrated approach using mark-recapture data with application to wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

Buoro, Mathieu 05 December 2011 (has links)
Pour comprendre l'origine des variations d'histoire de vie des organismes, il fautétudier et mettre en évidence les stratégies d'histoire de vie et les processus évolutifsqui les gouvernent. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d'étudier les stratégiesd'histoire de vie et leur conditionnement par les caractéristiques individuellesen conditions naturelles. Les stratégies d'histoire de vie sont vues comme un agencementde normes de réactions et de compromis évolutifs. Cependant, l'étude desprocessus évolutifs en milieu naturel se heurte à des problèmes d'ordre méthodologique.En effet, le suivi exhaustif au cours du temps d'individus d'une populationest difficilement réalisable, voire impossible en conditions naturelles. Les méthodesde capture-marquage-recapture permettent une observation partielle des histoires devie et des traits d'histoire de vie. Ce travail se base sur l'idée que nos observationsne sont que la partie visible de processus sous-jacents qu'il est nécessaire de prendreen compte pour ne pas biaiser nos inférences statistiques. J'utilise la modélisation àstructure cachée pour 1) séparer le processus d'observation du processus dynamiqued'intérêt, 2) modéliser les histoires de vie complètes des individus, 3) intégrer dansun cadre unique et cohérent les décisions d'histoire de vie et les compromis évolutifset 4) représenter explicitement les mécanismes sous-jacents qui génèrent nos observations.Dans ce cadre, on peut alors intégrer les théories et concepts de la biologieévolutive dans l'analyse statistique des données d'observations. J'illustre ce travailpar l'étude du conditionnement des stratégies d'histoire de vie dans une populationnaturelle de saumon Atlantique sur le Scorff (Morbihan) à partir de données de CMR.Mes résultats mettent en évidence des décisions d'histoire de vie statut-dépendanteset des compromis évolutifs qui n'auraient pas pu être mis en évidence hors du cadrede modélisation proposé. / Understanding the origin of life history variations of organisms requires studying life historystrategies and evolutionary processes that drive them. This thesis aims at studying life historystrategies under natural conditions and how they are conditioned by individual characteristics.Life history strategies are seen as a combination of reaction norms and evolutionarytrade-offs. The study of evolutionary processes in the wild faces to methodological issues.Indeed, the exhaustive monitoring of individuals over time is often impossible in the wild.Capture-mark-recapture methods allow a partial observation of life histories and life historytraits. This work was based on the idea that our observations are only the visible part ofunderlying processes that need to be accounted for to limit the risk of flawed statistical inferences.I resort to hidden structure modeling to 1) separate the observation process fromthe dynamic process of interest, 2) model the full life histories of individuals, 3) integratewithin a single and coherent framework life history decisions and evolutionary trade-offs and4) explicitly represent the underlying mechanisms that generate our observations. Withinthis framework, one can confront theories and concepts in evolutionary biology with observationaldata through appropriate statistical tools. Finally, I illustrate this work by studying theconditioning of life-history strategies in a natural population of Atlantic salmon on the Scorffriver (Morbihan) using CMR data. My results highlight status-dependent life history decisionsand evolutionary trade-offs that could not be identified without our proposed modelingframework.

The Interactive Effects of Predators, Resources, and Disturbance on Freshwater Snail Populations from the Everglades

Ruehl, Clifton B 23 April 2010 (has links)
The origins of population dynamics depend on interplay between abiotic and biotic factors; the relative importance of each changing across space and time. Predation is a central feature of ecological communities that removes individuals (consumption) and alters prey traits (non-consumptive). Resource quality mitigates non-consumptive predator effects by stimulating growth and reproduction. Disturbance resets predator-prey interactions by removing both. I integrate experiments, time-series analysis, and performance trials to examine the relative importance of these on the population dynamics of a snail species by studying a variety of their traits. A review of ninety-three published articles revealed that snail abundance was much less in the Everglades and similar ecosystems compared to all other freshwater ecosystems considered. Separating consumptive from non-consumptive (cues) predator effects at different phosphorous levels with an experiment determined that phosphorous stimulated, but predator cues inhibited snail growth (34% vs. 23%), activity (38% vs. 53%), and reproductive effort (99% vs. 90%) compared to controls. Cues induced taller shells and smaller openings and moved to refugia where they reduced periphyton by 8%. Consumptive predator effects were minor in comparison. In a reciprocal transplant cage experiment along a predator cue and phosphorous gradient created by a canal, snails grew 10% faster and produced 37% more eggs far from the canal (fewer cues) when fed phosphorous-enriched periphyton from near the canal. Time-series analysis at four sites and predator performance trials reveal that phosphorous-enriched regions support larger snail populations, seasonal drying removes snails at all sites, crayfish negatively affect populations in enriched regions, and molluscivorous fish consume snails in the wet season. Combining these studies reveals interplay between resources, predators, and seasonality that limit snail populations in the Everglades and lead to their low abundance compared to other freshwater ecosystems. Resource quality is emerging as the critical factor because improving resources profoundly improved growth and reproduction; seasonal drying and predation become important at times and places. This work contributes to the general understanding in ecology of the relative importance of different factors that structure populations and provides evidence that bolsters monitoring efforts to assess the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan that show phosphorous enrichment is a major driver of ecosystem change.

Plasticidade fenotípica em Glycine max e Brachiaria brizantha sob diferentes regimes de temperatura / Phenotypic plasticity in Glycine Max and Brachiaria brizantha under different temperature regimes

Vítolo, Hilton Fabrício 28 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:56:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao.pdf: 397972 bytes, checksum: 421297a6aa9990008619c690588f8576 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-28 / The environmental in which plants are subjected, and the resources necessary for its survival offers a series of restrictions on development imposed by variations in biotic and abiotic factors, mainly temperature. However, responses to environmental changes in agricultural production are variable between different crop species, especially with regard to differences between plants of C3 and C4 metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the physiological responses of two tropical crop species with C3 and C4 photosynthetic metabolism grown in different temperature regimes, and verify their capacity for acclimatization. The species studied were: Glycine max (L.)Merr, cv. Codetec 202 (Fabaceae) of the cycle C3 and Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandú (Poaceae) of the C4 cycle. The plants were treated in a chamber type phytotron (Eletrolab, model EL 011) at temperature (day/night) of 20/15, 30/20 and 40/20°C. Measurements of the photosynthetic variables were extracted from curves A/Ci, curves A/PPFD, chlorophyll fluorescence, and growth variables. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA, p<0.05) and means compared by Tukey test (p<0.05) and calculating the index of phenotypic plasticity (IPP). The results showed that under low temperature biomass losses were higher than under high temperature in both species, the same occurred in relation to membrane damage. On the other hand, the photosynthectic capacity of C3 species was more stable at different temperatures, whereas C4 species showed a significant increase at 40°C and a significant reduction at 20°C. In conclusion, the set of results indicated that low temperature caused greater damage to both species, particularly in the C4 species. Moreover, both species showed a greater capacity for acclimation to high temperature. In general, the C4 species showed a phenotypic plasticity comparable to the C3 species. / O ambiente em que as plantas estão imersas, além dos recursos necessários para sua sobrevivência, oferece uma série de restrições ao seu desenvolvimento imposta por variações de fatores bióticos e abióticos, principalmente a temperatura. Todavia, as respostas às alterações do ambiente de produção agrícola são variáveis entre as diferentes espécies cultivadas, especialmente no que se refere às diferenças entre plantas de metabolismo C3 e C4. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar as respostas fisiológicas de duas espécies cultivadas tropicais de metabolismo fotossintético C3 e C4 crescidas em diferentes regimes de temperatura e, verificar suas respectivas capacidades de aclimatação. As espécies avaliadas foram: Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Codetec 202 (Fabaceae) do ciclo C3 e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú (Poaceae) do ciclo C4. As plantas foram submetidas em câmara climatizada tipo Fitotron (Eletrolab, modelo EL 011) sob temperatura (diurna/noturna) de 20/15, 30/20 e 40/20ºC. As medidas das variáveis da rede fotossintética foram extraídas de Curvas A/Ci, Curvas A/DFFF, Fluorescência da clorofila a, além de variáveis de crescimento. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA, p < 0,05) e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p < 0,05), além dos cálculos de índice de plasticidade fenotípica (IPF). Os resultados mostraram que sob temperatura baixa as perdas de biomassa foram maiores que sob temperatura alta em ambas as espécies, o mesmo ocorreu em relação aos danos nas membranas. Por outro lado, a capacidade fotossintética da espécie C3 foi mais estável nas diferentes temperaturas testadas, enquanto que a espécie C4 apresentou um aumento significativo a 40ºC e uma redução significativa a 20ºC. Concluindo, o conjunto de resultados indicou que a temperatura baixa causou maiores danos a ambas as espécies, particularmente na espécie C4. Por outro lado, ambas as espécies mostraram maior capacidade de aclimatação a temperatura elevada. De forma geral, a espécie C4 apresentou uma plasticidade fenotípica comparável a espécie C3.

Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit

Guidorizi, Kezia Aparecida 03 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-01-26T18:56:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kezia Aparecida Guidorizi.pdf: 1930989 bytes, checksum: 18ecb1b6355fc654b9a93762b1bcd9bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-03 / Abiotic and biotic stresses have a negative effect on the physiological and biochemical processes that are associated with the growth and development of plants. Plants have several strategies to cope with environmental stresses, including expression level and modification of certain genes by introducing epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation. DNA methylation patterns in plants are dynamic and some earlier findings support the hypothesis that changes in methylation status of genes are due to the mechanisms of adaptation to environmental stress. In plants the 5-azacytidine is usually used as agent inhibiting methylation of DNA. The use of 5-azacytidine may increase hypomethylation and transcriptional reactivation of the genome of gene silencing and leads to alteration of the growth and development of the plant. The objective of this study was to evaluate in a systematic way the effects of 5-azacytidine in physiological processes of Glycine max (L.) Merrill under water stress. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in a 2x4 factorial design, with two water regimes, 100% and 30% of daily replenishment of water compared to field capacity on the V4 stage, and four forms of 5-azacytidine application solution, seeds, plants in the V5 and R2 fase in seed plants in the V5 and R2 fase and control plants without application of the solution. The following parameters were evaluated: leaf water potential, chlorophyll content index, membrane leakage, photosynthetic potential in growth stages R2 and R5) and biomass yield at the end of the crop cycle. The data were submitted to ANOVA and mean values compared by Tukey test (p<0.05). In addition, a multivariate principal component analysis (PCA) was performed in an attempt to separate the different behavior. The level of disturbance from plants subjected to water stress was sufficient to reduce the values of the water status parameters, CRA, gas exchange and biomass. Plants under 100% daily replacement of the water with the treatment of 5-azacytidine in seed biomass statistically reduced parameters compared with other forms of 5-azac application under same water condition. However, in plants subjected to water stress, 5-azac application increased plant biomass over the plants without application of the product. Plants treated with 5-azacytidine also reduced phenotypic plasticity in relation to the plant without application of 5-azac. The physiological changes such as possible reduction in DNA methylation may have an impact on the average variability and plasticity of the characteristics of plants of Glycine max. These results can be useful for studying the molecular mechanism of DNA methylation induced by 5-azacytidine and establish a base for further studies of the relationship between methylation do DNA and phenotypic plasticity. / Estresses abióticos e bióticos têm efeitos negativos sobre os processos bioquímicos e fisiológicos, que estão associados com o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. Plantas possuem várias estratégias para lidar com estresses ambientais, que incluem nível de expressão e alteração de alguns genes através da introdução de modificações epigenéticas, como a metilação do DNA. Os padrões de metilação do DNA em plantas são dinâmicos, e algumas descobertas anteriores suportam a hipótese de que variações no estado de metilação em genes são devido aos mecanismos de adaptação ao estresse ambiental Em plantas, a 5-azacitidina é normalmente utilizada como agente de inibição da metilação do DNA. O uso da 5-azacitidina pode aumentar a hipometilação e a reativação transcricional de genes e levar a alteração do crescimento e desenvolvimento da planta. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar de forma sistêmica os efeitos da 5-azacitidina nos processos fisiológicos de Glycine max (L.) Merril sob deficiência hídrica. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em esquema fatorial 2x4, ou seja, regimes hídricos, 100% e 30% da reposição diária de água em relação à capacidade de campo a partir do estádio V4 e quatro formas de aplicação de solução de 5-azacitidina: em sementes, em folhas no estádio V5 e R2, em sementes + folhas no estádio V5 e R2 e plantas controle sem aplicação da solução citada. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: potencial de água foliar, índice de conteúdo de clorofila, extravasamento de membrana, potencial fotossintético nos estádios fenológicos R2 e R5 e rendimento de biomassa no final do ciclo da cultura. Os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância e os valores médios comparados através do teste Tukey (p=0,05). Além disso, foi realizada uma análise multivariada por componentes principais (PCA) na tentativa de separar os diferentes comportamentos analisados. O nível de perturbação das plantas submetidas à deficiência hídrica foi suficiente para reduzir os valores dos parâmetros do estado hídrico, CRA, trocas gasosas e biomassa. As plantas com 100% da reposição diária de água e dos com 5-azacitidina na semente reduziram estatisticamente os parâmetros de biomassa em relação às outras formas de aplicação de 5-azac na mesma condição hídrica. Entretanto, em plantas submetidas à deficiência hídrica, as formas de aplicação de 5-azac influenciaram positivamente o aumento da biomassa em relação aquelas sem aplicação do produto. Plantas tratadas com 5-azacitidina também reduziram a plasticidade fenotípica em relação com a planta sem aplicação da solução de 5-azac. As mudanças fisiológicas como a possível redução da metilação do DNA, podem ter um impacto sobre a média, variabilidade e plasticidade das características das plantas de Glycine max (L.) Merril. Estes resultados podem ser úteis para estudar o mecanismo molecular da metilação do DNA afetada por 5-azacitidina e estabelecer uma base para um estudo mais aprofundado da relação entre metilação do DNA e plasticidade fenotípica.

Plasticidade fenotípica em Glycine max e Brachiaria brizantha sob diferentes regimes de temperatura / Phenotypic plasticity in Glycine Max and Brachiaria brizantha under different temperature regimes

Vítolo, Hilton Fabrício 28 March 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:51:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao.pdf: 397972 bytes, checksum: 421297a6aa9990008619c690588f8576 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-28 / The environmental in which plants are subjected, and the resources necessary for its survival offers a series of restrictions on development imposed by variations in biotic and abiotic factors, mainly temperature. However, responses to environmental changes in agricultural production are variable between different crop species, especially with regard to differences between plants of C3 and C4 metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the physiological responses of two tropical crop species with C3 and C4 photosynthetic metabolism grown in different temperature regimes, and verify their capacity for acclimatization. The species studied were: Glycine max (L.)Merr, cv. Codetec 202 (Fabaceae) of the cycle C3 and Brachiaria brizantha, cv. Marandú (Poaceae) of the C4 cycle. The plants were treated in a chamber type phytotron (Eletrolab, model EL 011) at temperature (day/night) of 20/15, 30/20 and 40/20°C. Measurements of the photosynthetic variables were extracted from curves A/Ci, curves A/PPFD, chlorophyll fluorescence, and growth variables. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA, p<0.05) and means compared by Tukey test (p<0.05) and calculating the index of phenotypic plasticity (IPP). The results showed that under low temperature biomass losses were higher than under high temperature in both species, the same occurred in relation to membrane damage. On the other hand, the photosynthectic capacity of C3 species was more stable at different temperatures, whereas C4 species showed a significant increase at 40°C and a significant reduction at 20°C. In conclusion, the set of results indicated that low temperature caused greater damage to both species, particularly in the C4 species. Moreover, both species showed a greater capacity for acclimation to high temperature. In general, the C4 species showed a phenotypic plasticity comparable to the C3 species. / O ambiente em que as plantas estão imersas, além dos recursos necessários para sua sobrevivência, oferece uma série de restrições ao seu desenvolvimento imposta por variações de fatores bióticos e abióticos, principalmente a temperatura. Todavia, as respostas às alterações do ambiente de produção agrícola são variáveis entre as diferentes espécies cultivadas, especialmente no que se refere às diferenças entre plantas de metabolismo C3 e C4. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar as respostas fisiológicas de duas espécies cultivadas tropicais de metabolismo fotossintético C3 e C4 crescidas em diferentes regimes de temperatura e, verificar suas respectivas capacidades de aclimatação. As espécies avaliadas foram: Glycine max (L.) Merr. cv. Codetec 202 (Fabaceae) do ciclo C3 e Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandú (Poaceae) do ciclo C4. As plantas foram submetidas em câmara climatizada tipo Fitotron (Eletrolab, modelo EL 011) sob temperatura (diurna/noturna) de 20/15, 30/20 e 40/20ºC. As medidas das variáveis da rede fotossintética foram extraídas de Curvas A/Ci, Curvas A/DFFF, Fluorescência da clorofila a, além de variáveis de crescimento. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância (ANOVA, p < 0,05) e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey (p < 0,05), além dos cálculos de índice de plasticidade fenotípica (IPF). Os resultados mostraram que sob temperatura baixa as perdas de biomassa foram maiores que sob temperatura alta em ambas as espécies, o mesmo ocorreu em relação aos danos nas membranas. Por outro lado, a capacidade fotossintética da espécie C3 foi mais estável nas diferentes temperaturas testadas, enquanto que a espécie C4 apresentou um aumento significativo a 40ºC e uma redução significativa a 20ºC. Concluindo, o conjunto de resultados indicou que a temperatura baixa causou maiores danos a ambas as espécies, particularmente na espécie C4. Por outro lado, ambas as espécies mostraram maior capacidade de aclimatação a temperatura elevada. De forma geral, a espécie C4 apresentou uma plasticidade fenotípica comparável a espécie C3.

Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Efeitos da 5-azacitidina na fisiologia da soja cultivada sob deficiência hídrica / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit / Effects of 5-azacytidine on soybean physiology cultivated under water deficit

Guidorizi, Kezia Aparecida 03 June 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-07-18T17:51:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Kezia Aparecida Guidorizi.pdf: 1930989 bytes, checksum: 18ecb1b6355fc654b9a93762b1bcd9bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-06-03 / Abiotic and biotic stresses have a negative effect on the physiological and biochemical processes that are associated with the growth and development of plants. Plants have several strategies to cope with environmental stresses, including expression level and modification of certain genes by introducing epigenetic modifications, such as DNA methylation. DNA methylation patterns in plants are dynamic and some earlier findings support the hypothesis that changes in methylation status of genes are due to the mechanisms of adaptation to environmental stress. In plants the 5-azacytidine is usually used as agent inhibiting methylation of DNA. The use of 5-azacytidine may increase hypomethylation and transcriptional reactivation of the genome of gene silencing and leads to alteration of the growth and development of the plant. The objective of this study was to evaluate in a systematic way the effects of 5-azacytidine in physiological processes of Glycine max (L.) Merrill under water stress. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse, in a 2x4 factorial design, with two water regimes, 100% and 30% of daily replenishment of water compared to field capacity on the V4 stage, and four forms of 5-azacytidine application solution, seeds, plants in the V5 and R2 fase in seed plants in the V5 and R2 fase and control plants without application of the solution. The following parameters were evaluated: leaf water potential, chlorophyll content index, membrane leakage, photosynthetic potential in growth stages R2 and R5) and biomass yield at the end of the crop cycle. The data were submitted to ANOVA and mean values compared by Tukey test (p<0.05). In addition, a multivariate principal component analysis (PCA) was performed in an attempt to separate the different behavior. The level of disturbance from plants subjected to water stress was sufficient to reduce the values of the water status parameters, CRA, gas exchange and biomass. Plants under 100% daily replacement of the water with the treatment of 5-azacytidine in seed biomass statistically reduced parameters compared with other forms of 5-azac application under same water condition. However, in plants subjected to water stress, 5-azac application increased plant biomass over the plants without application of the product. Plants treated with 5-azacytidine also reduced phenotypic plasticity in relation to the plant without application of 5-azac. The physiological changes such as possible reduction in DNA methylation may have an impact on the average variability and plasticity of the characteristics of plants of Glycine max. These results can be useful for studying the molecular mechanism of DNA methylation induced by 5-azacytidine and establish a base for further studies of the relationship between methylation do DNA and phenotypic plasticity. / Estresses abióticos e bióticos têm efeitos negativos sobre os processos bioquímicos e fisiológicos, que estão associados com o crescimento e desenvolvimento das plantas. Plantas possuem várias estratégias para lidar com estresses ambientais, que incluem nível de expressão e alteração de alguns genes através da introdução de modificações epigenéticas, como a metilação do DNA. Os padrões de metilação do DNA em plantas são dinâmicos, e algumas descobertas anteriores suportam a hipótese de que variações no estado de metilação em genes são devido aos mecanismos de adaptação ao estresse ambiental Em plantas, a 5-azacitidina é normalmente utilizada como agente de inibição da metilação do DNA. O uso da 5-azacitidina pode aumentar a hipometilação e a reativação transcricional de genes e levar a alteração do crescimento e desenvolvimento da planta. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar de forma sistêmica os efeitos da 5-azacitidina nos processos fisiológicos de Glycine max (L.) Merril sob deficiência hídrica. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, em esquema fatorial 2x4, ou seja, regimes hídricos, 100% e 30% da reposição diária de água em relação à capacidade de campo a partir do estádio V4 e quatro formas de aplicação de solução de 5-azacitidina: em sementes, em folhas no estádio V5 e R2, em sementes + folhas no estádio V5 e R2 e plantas controle sem aplicação da solução citada. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: potencial de água foliar, índice de conteúdo de clorofila, extravasamento de membrana, potencial fotossintético nos estádios fenológicos R2 e R5 e rendimento de biomassa no final do ciclo da cultura. Os dados foram submetidos à Análise de Variância e os valores médios comparados através do teste Tukey (p=0,05). Além disso, foi realizada uma análise multivariada por componentes principais (PCA) na tentativa de separar os diferentes comportamentos analisados. O nível de perturbação das plantas submetidas à deficiência hídrica foi suficiente para reduzir os valores dos parâmetros do estado hídrico, CRA, trocas gasosas e biomassa. As plantas com 100% da reposição diária de água e dos com 5-azacitidina na semente reduziram estatisticamente os parâmetros de biomassa em relação às outras formas de aplicação de 5-azac na mesma condição hídrica. Entretanto, em plantas submetidas à deficiência hídrica, as formas de aplicação de 5-azac influenciaram positivamente o aumento da biomassa em relação aquelas sem aplicação do produto. Plantas tratadas com 5-azacitidina também reduziram a plasticidade fenotípica em relação com a planta sem aplicação da solução de 5-azac. As mudanças fisiológicas como a possível redução da metilação do DNA, podem ter um impacto sobre a média, variabilidade e plasticidade das características das plantas de Glycine max (L.) Merril. Estes resultados podem ser úteis para estudar o mecanismo molecular da metilação do DNA afetada por 5-azacitidina e estabelecer uma base para um estudo mais aprofundado da relação entre metilação do DNA e plasticidade fenotípica.

From gene expression to genetic adaptation : insights into the spatio-temporal dynamics of Alexandrium minutum cryptic species complex / De l’expression des gènes à l’adaptation génétique : aperçu des dynamiques spatio-temporelle chez le complexe d’espèces cryptiques d’Alexandrium minutum

Metegnier, Gabriel 29 October 2018 (has links)
Les populations naturelles sont confrontées à des changements environnementaux. Pour y faire face, différentes réponses ont été sélectionnées au cours de l'évolution. Parmi elles se trouvent la plasticité phénotypique et l'adaptation génétique. Etudier les liens existants entre elles est une manière de comprendre les dynamiques des populations et de prévoir leurs réponses à un environnement changeant. Dans la présente étude, je me suis attaché à étudier ces liens à plusieurs échelles (intra- et interspécifique), chez le complexe d'espèces cryptiques de la micro-algue Alexandrium minutum, et ce à la fois in vitro et in situ. En ce qui concerne la plasticité phénotypique, ces deux espèces proches montrent de profondes différences, soulignant les liens entre divergence génétique et écologique. Au niveau intraspécifique, il apparaît que face à des variations de facteurs abiotiques, les populations ajustent les niveaux d'expression de certains gènes (notamment impliqués dans des fonctions de motilité et d'interactions intercellulaires dans des environnements froids à faible salinité). D'autre part, les populations montrent de la différentiation génétique à la fois à faible échelle spatiale, au cours du temps, et lorsque la communauté change. Pour conclure, il existe une interaction directe entre divergence génétique et changements d'expression de gènes. En plus de poser de nombreuses questions quant aux capacités de réponse des populations, ces résultats soulignent comment plasticité phénotypique et changements génétique sont liés et interagissent. Ils offrent une perspective nouvelle sur les mécanismes qui sous-tendent les réponses des populations à leur environnement. / Natural populations face environmental changes. In this context, different responses were evolutionnary selected. Among them are phenotypic plasticity and genetic adaptation. Studying the links between these two types of response is a way to understand population dynamics and to predict how they may respond to a changing environment. In the present Ph.D thesis, I focused on studying these links at several scales (intra- and interspecific), in the cryptic species complex of the microalga Alexandrium minutum, both in vitro and in situ. With respect to phenotypic plasticity, these two closely related species show profound differences, highlighting the links between genetic and ecological divergence. At the intraspecific level, it appears that, when facing abiotic factors variations, populations adjust the expression levels of certain genes (notably involved in motility related functions and intercellular interactions under low-salinity and cold environments). On the other hand, populations show genetic differentiation at both small spatial scale, over time, and when the community changes. To conclude, there is a direct interaction between genetic divergence and changes in gene expression. In addition to asking many questions about the response capabilities of populations, these results highlight how phenotypic plasticity and genetic changes are linked and interact. They offer new perspectives on the mechanisms underlying population responses to their environment.

Étude de la diversité neutre et adaptative chez l'anémone de mer symbiotique Anemonia viridis : apport de techniques de type Next-Generation Sequencing dans les questions de délimitation d’espèces et d’adaptation locale / Study of neutral and adaptive diversity in the symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis : contribution of Next-Generation Sequencing techniques in the questions of species delimitation and local adaptation

Mallien, Cédric 04 December 2017 (has links)
L’anémone de mer symbiotique Anemonia viridis possède cinq morphes définis à l’aide de critères morphologiques. Premièrement, le statut taxonomique de trois des morphes d’A. viridis (var. rufescens, rustica et smaragdina) a été précisé à l’aide de marqueurs moléculaires basés sur des gènes de stress et des marqueurs RAD. Nous avons pu déterminer que ces trois morphes ne formaient qu’une seule espèce et mis en évidence quatre lignées génétiques indépendantes sur base de la géographie (trois en mer Méditerranée, une dans la Manche). Par l’utilisation des variations des séquences ITS2, nous n’avons pu détecter aucune implication du symbiote (Symbiodinium sp.) dans la différenciation des morphes, mais nous avons révélé une composition en symbiotes divergente entre les lignées génétiques indépendantes de l’hôte animal. Par ailleurs, A. viridis se développe dans des environnements particulièrement contrastés, faisant d’elle un modèle d’étude idéal pour l’étude de l’adaptation locale chez les Cnidaires. Par conséquent, l’adaptation locale chez A. viridis a été testée en comparant des populations venant de sites aux conditions environnementales contrastées (surface vs. profondeur et lagune vs. mer). Une recherche de loci outliers sur des marqueurs RAD et des marqueurs de gènes de stress n’a toutefois révélé aucun gène candidat dans l’adaptation locale par rapport aux conditions environnementales testées. Ce travail a donc permis de définir A. viridis comme un organisme extrêmement plastique capable de posséder un fort polymorphisme intrinsèque et de s’acclimater à des habitats contrastés. / The symbiotic sea anemone Anemonia viridis has five morphs described using morphological traits. First, the taxonomical status of three of the morphs of A. viridis (var. rufescens, rustica and smaragdina) was studied using stress gene markers and RAD markers. We revealed that the three morphs were not different species, but that A. viridis was split into four polymorphic independent genetic lineages based on geographical origin (three in the Mediterranean Sea, one in the English Channel). Using ITS2 sequence variation, we could not detect any implication of the symbiont (Symbiodinium sp) in the morph differentiation, but we revealed a divergence in symbiont composition among the geographic independent lineages of the animal host. If no effect of the symbiont was detected, a variable distribution of the ITS2 variants based on geography was revealed. Moreover, A. viridis lives in highly contrasted environments, making it an ideal species to study local adaptation. Thus, local adaptation was tested on A. viridis by comparing populations coming from contrasted environments (shallow vs. deep and lagoon vs. sea). Using RAD and stress genes markers in a search for outlier loci, we revealed no candidate adaptive genes under our environmental conditions. In conclusion, Anemonia viridis seems to be a very plastic organism, with a high intrinsic polymorphism and a high acclimation potential.

Vliv environmentalních proměnných na tvar UV-reflektantní kresby u druhu Gonepteryx rhamni / Influence of environmental variables on the shape of ultraviolet pattern in Gonepteryx rhamni

Pecháček, Pavel January 2012 (has links)
Many species are sensitive to a light in ultraviolet spectrum. Some species have surface patterns that reflect ultraviolet light. These markings have been observed in many animal taxa; butterflies (Lepidoptera) are no exception. UV-reflectance in butterflies has been primarily connected to sexual selection and in this respect it has been a subject of many studies. In my work I propose an alternative view to this phenomenon. The aim of my work is to reveal how a particular environmental factors influence the morphospace of UV- reflectant patterns and wing shape of the Gonepteryx rhamni (Pieridae). The effect of various environmental factors (latitude, longitude, altitude, mean annual temperature, mean annual precipitation, normalized difference vegetation index - NDVI or net primary productivity - NPP) on wing morphospace was tested using the methods of Geometric morphometrics. I have also studied shape variability among the males and females, specimens from different locations and differences in morphospace of several G. rhamni subspecies. The dataset used in this analysis includes 118 males and 67 females from the Palearctic ecozone. The effect of almost all environmental (except to NDVI and NPP) predictors on shape of the UV-pattern and wing margin was significant in the case of males. In the...

Variabilité intraspécifique de la sensibilité des macrophytes aquatiques à la contamination chimique : l'exemple du cuivre / Intraspecific variation in the sensitivity of aquatic macrophytes to chemical contamination : the case of copper

Roubeau Dumont, Eva 30 November 2018 (has links)
La variabilité intraspécifique fait partie intégrante de la réponse à court et à long terme des organismes vivants aux fluctuations environnementales. Cette variabilité, exprimée au travers de différents traits des individus, peut potentiellement influencer la sensibilité des espèces à une contamination chimique. La variabilité intraspécifique n'est pas, à l'heure actuelle, prise en compte en évaluation des risques écotoxicologiques, alors même qu'elle pourrait en biaiser les résultats. Pour examiner cette hypothèse, l'importance de la variabilité intraspécifique dans la réponse au cuivre (Cu) a été quantifiée en conditions contrôlées pour trois espèces de macrophytes aquatiques, Lemna minor, Myriophyllum spicatum et Ceratophyllum demersum. Les variations entre génotypes de chacune de ces 3 espèces ont été comparées à la variabilité interspécifique. Les résultats ont mis en évidence une variabilité génotypique significative, dont l'importance dépend de l'espèce considérée. En effet, L. minor a montré une faible variabilité, au contraire de M. spicatum dont la variabilité de l'inhibition de croissance par le Cu est supérieure aux différences interspécifiques. Afin de préciser l'étendue et les mécanismes de la variabilité génotypique chez M. spicatum, d'autres expériences impliquant des mesures de traits d'histoire de vie ont été réalisées sur 7 génotypes exposés au Cu. Les résultats ont montré que certains génotypes étaient jusqu'à 8 fois plus sensibles au Cu à des concentrations allant de 0.15 à 0.5 mg/L). Ces différences de sensibilité sont en partie expliquées par les traits mesurés, mais des mesures physiologiques et/ou des approches en transcriptomique devraient pouvoir expliquer de façon plus consistante la source de ces différences de sensibilité. Enfin, 3 expériences faisant varier respectivement la teneur en nutriments, l'intensité lumineuse et la préexposition au Cu, ont démontré que la plasticité phénotypique joue un rôle majeur dans la sensibilité au Cu chez L. minor. En effet, l'affaiblissement des individus, résultant des conditions environnementales défavorables, peut conduire au doublement de la sensibilité de L. minor au Cu. [...] / Intraspecific variability plays a pivotal role in short and long term responses of species to environmental fluctuations. This variability, expressed through different traits of individuals, can potentially influence species sensitivity to chemical contamination. This intraspecific variability is currently not taken into account in ecotoxicological risk assessment, whereas it can mislead its results. To examine this hypothesis, the importance of intraspecific variability in the response to copper (Cu) was quantified in controlled conditions for three aquatic macrophyte species, Lemna minor, Myriophyllum spicatum and Ceratophyllum demersum. Variations among genotypes of each of these 3 species were compared to interspecific variability. Results have highlighted a significant genotypic variability, whose importance depends on the species considered. Indeed, L. minor demonstrated a low variability, contrarily to M. spicatum whose variability in growth inhibition by Cu was higher than interspecific differences. In order to specify the extent and the mechanisms of genotypic variability in M. spicatum, other experiments involving measurements of life-history traits have been conducted on 7 genotypes exposed to Cu. Results showed that some genotypes were up to eightfold more sensitive to Cu than others (at concentrations ranging between 0.15 and 0.5 mg/L). These differences in sensitivity were partly explained by the traits measured, but physiological or transcriptomic endpoints may explain more precisely the source of these differences in sensitivity. Finally, 3 experiments with fluctuations in nutrient concentrations, light intensity and Cu pre-exposure have demonstrated that phenotypic plasticity plays an important role in L. minor sensitivity to Cu. Indeed, the weakening of individuals, as a result of unfavorable environmental conditions, can lead to a two-fold increase in sensitivity to Cu.[...]

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